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WETA Digital

WETA Digital
WETA Digital

Weta Digital, Ltd.

Doing It All: High Availability, Performance, and

The Customer:

Weta Digital Delivers Award-Winning Visual Effects for Film

Founded in 1993 and located in Wellington, New Zealand, Weta

the success of the recent The Lord of the Rings film of the trilogy, The Fellowship of the Ring million. The second film, The Two Towers US$1 billion. The third and final film of the trilogy, King , is scheduled for release at the end of 2003. The scope of these projects is unparalleled in film history.

resolution film data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Weta Digital and scalability is extremely high.

Scott Houston, the chief technology officer for Weta Digital, is

Houston says.

The Challenge:

Weta faces the daily challenge of storing and moving very large amounts of data. Each visual frame of film data is approximately artist workstation environments and a “render wall” environment,

1,200 dedicated processors (also running at 2.2 GHz). All this computing power is constantly accessing approximately 40TB of data simultaneously.

operations. As the CTO, I don’t want to have to worry about the the network,” Houston says.

Key Highlights



High-end animation, visual effects,and postproduction for major motion pictures


Wellington, New Zealand


High demands for performance,data availability, and reliability Huge volumes of data Exponential data growth


NetApp ?unified storage systems,including NearStore ?technology


Extremely high performance enables the highest production values under rigorous production schedule demands

High availability and reliability relieve concern about the infra-structure and enable focus on the work at hand

Massive scalability supports expo-nential data growth—without dis-ruption—and removes constraints on creativity

True partnership means shared commitment to success

[Weta Digital Logo]

likewise, the number of artists and the amount of processing power will also increase exponentially in the coming year to enable on-time completion of the third and final film of the trilogy. The storage systems needed to support these demands must be extremely fast, very reliable, and highly scalable.

The Solution:

NetApp Systems Deliver High Availability, Performance, and Scalability

Weta has deployed eight NetApp enterprise storage systems to handle production data transfers. In addition,

a NetApp NearStore system stores scanned images of all the original film plates and serves as a buffer zone for moving data from the online environment to an offline tape backup system.

To remain a leader in the postproduction industry, Weta Digital requires extremely high performance and reliable access

to massive amounts of data. NetApp storage systems have enabled Weta to achieve the highest production values in the industry and to meet very demanding timeline requirements. of very difficult shots during production,

one of which comprised over a terabyte

of data. During that time, approximately

50 artists and a total of more than 1,000

processors were hammering 1 NetApp

storage system—24 hours a day, 7 days

a week for about 3 weeks, non-stop.

According to Houston, “The fact that the

NetApp system kept working—without

interruption and at extremely high

speeds—was absolutely critical to the

success of the project and to getting the

movie out on time.”

This level of performance and reliability

enables the Weta team to focus on their

projects and on their business. “The key

benefit for me is that I don’t have to

worry about losing data, about data

being unrecoverable, or about pushing

data out as fast as possible to the

artists. The system just works—very

well—and I don’t have to think about it,”

says Houston.

No doubt, Weta Digital is destined for

even greater success—with the comple-

tion of The Lord of the Rings film trilogy

and beyond. Fulfilling that destiny will

continue to involve rapid and exponential

data and system growth, for which

NetApp unified storage solutions are

ideally suited. According to Houston,

“Between the first and second films of

the trilogy, we doubled the number of

artists, tripled the amount of online

available storage, and quadrupled the

amount of processing power in the

space of three months—just to deliver

the special effects required for the second

film. We anticipate the same level of expo-

nential growth for the third film, and for

that we’re relying on Network Appliance.”

In building the company infrastructure,

the Weta team sought partners that

understood their business—the

compressed time frames, the 24x7

schedule—and that shared a passion

for their projects. Houston notes,

“We’ve found a true partner in Network

Appliance, and it’s a pleasure working

with them—from the support, the cost-

effective products, and the training we

get from them.”

To sum it all up, Houston adds, “We

simply couldn’t have made The Lord of

the Rings without Network Appliance.”

Unleash the Power of Information

See how Network Appliance can bring

high-availability data management and

content delivery solutions to your enter-

prise network. Visit our Web site at

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d58987389.html, and let us show you

what the evolution of storage can mean

for your business.


梁发 梁发(1789—1855年),基督教第一位中国籍传教士,也是第一位参加近代中文报刊编辑、出版工作的中国人。21岁开始在广州十三行附近的印刷所工作,因而结识英国传教士马礼逊和米怜。1815年与米怜同往马六甲。1816年11月3日梁发请求米怜为其施洗,时年37岁。1823年梁发成为英国伦敦会雇员,并由马礼逊按立为基督教中国第一位传道人。此后,在澳门、广州、马六甲、香港等地传教。1855年4月12日病故于广州。梁发最重要的著作是1832年所写的《劝世良言》。他用很浅显的话,把基督教的教义和部分由圣经精选出来的内容写成《劝世良言》。这本书后来对洪秀全的太平天国有很大影响。他的其他著述有《救世录撮要略解》、《熟学圣理略论》等。 谢洪赉 谢洪赉(1873—1916年),字鬯侯,别号寄尘,晚年自署庐隐。他是清末民初知名的中国基督徒翻译家、著述家,其父为基督教长老会牧师。谢洪赉19岁入基督教监理会主办的东吴大学前身的博习书院就读。1895年,从博习书院毕业,随新任上海中西书院院长潘慎文到中西书院工作,并创立了学生青年会,时称“幼徒会”。1901年10月,青年会全国协会第三次全国会议在南京举行,他被选为全国协会委员,1902年又被选为上海青年会董事。1903年,谢洪赉、宋耀如等人邀约一些信徒在上海汉口路慕尔堂发起成立中国基督徒会,其《成立缘起》被认为是上海地区最早的基督教自立教会宣言。1906年,谢洪赉辞去中西书院和商务印书馆的工作,加入青年会书报部,任《青年会报》副主编,开始专职从事青年会翻译撰写基督教书籍的工作。1916年,谢洪赉因病去世。他翻译各类学校教材约15种,基督教圣经解读、神学介绍、基督教伦理学著作约13种;编撰基督教著作如《天国伟人》、《世界名人与圣经》、《圣德管窥》等三十余种;编译基督教青年会介绍、励志心理类著作二十余种。 余日章 余日章(1882—1936年),湖北蒲圻人,二十世纪前期中国基督教领袖之一,社会活动家。1900年随父至上海。1905年毕业于上海圣约翰大学,回湖北后任文华书院附中教员,参加日知会活动。1908年赴美国哈佛大学攻读教育学。1910年毕业获博士学位,回国任武昌文华中学校长。1911年武昌起义时,发起组织红十字会,自任总干事,率员赴前线救护。1912年,余日章应教育部长蔡元培邀请,参加第一次全国教育会议。同年加入中华基督教青年会全国协会。1917年任基督教青年会全国协会总干事至1930年。余日章多次出席基督教青年会世界会议和基督教国际宣教大会。1919年他出席纽约北美基督教青年会干事会议。1922年当选中华全国基督教协进会会长,任职至1932年。余日章中文著述内容广泛,主要发表在青年会《青年进步》和中华全国基督教协进会出版的《中国基督教年鉴》。 赵紫宸 赵紫宸(1888—1979年),中国基督教神学家、学者、诗人、神哲学教育家。1907年,赵紫宸在世界基督教学生同盟总干事约翰?穆德以及东吴大学校长孙乐文的影响下受洗入教。他在1910年毕业于东吴大学,留校任教。1914年秋,他前往美国田纳西州梵德比尔特大学读神学,兼修社会学和哲学。1917年获社会学硕士和神学士学位,后回国担任东吴大


中国基督教两会公派留学(进修)人员办法 为促进中国教会健康、有序发展,加强人才队伍建设,规范公派留学(进修)人员管理,依据国家宗教事务局国宗函【1999】106号《关于对<中国基督教选派及培训神学毕业生出国留学办法>审核意见的函》,在原有的《中国基督教选派及培训神学毕业生出国留学试行办法》(1998年11月22日修订并通过)、《中国基督教两会选派出国留学及进修人员试行办法》(2004年12月27日修订并通过)以及2014年10月修订并通过的《中国基督教两会公派留学(进修)人员办法(试行)》的基础上制订本办法。 一、目的 中国基督教两会(以下简称“基督教全国两会”)公派留学(进修)旨在培养热爱社会主义祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,坚持中国教会的“三自”原则,积极参与深化神学思想建设,在神学上有较高造诣,品德优良,身心健康的高素质教会人才。 二、报考要求 1. 拥护中国共产党的领导,热爱社会主义祖国,坚持三自爱国原则,对神学思想建设有正确认识并积极参与该项事工,具有一定的神学理论基础。 2. 具有神学院四年制本科以上学历(含本科学历),在教会、教会团体或神学院校工作一年以上,有较好表现。 3. 信仰虔诚,品行端正,身心健康,无犯罪记录,无精神病史,无传染性疾病或其它影响正常学习的疾病。 4. 报考非英语国家和地区的学校,英语水平需达到四级或四级以上;报考英语国家和地区的学校,需达到入学学校所要求的托福、雅思或GRE成绩。 5. 需经所在省、自治区、直辖市基督教两会推荐。 6. 需参加基督教全国两会组织的出国留学考试和面试。 7. 基督教全国两会公派留学获得硕士学位后,需回到教会或神学院工作满一年之后,方可由其所在省、自治区、直辖市推荐,再次申请基督教全国两会公派留学,攻读博士学位。 三、报考程序
