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男女平等英文作文 About gender equality

男女平等英文作文 About gender equality
男女平等英文作文 About gender equality

About gend er equality

Women seem to be the most important creatures in ancient times in China. It d oes not mean that women have high status but the truth is women are treated like trophies. Such as if one man has a lot of wives that means that the man is of a high status and a wealthy person, like the emperor in ancient times in China. As time went by, tremend ous changes h ave happened to women’s status and f rom social phenomena opinion and women nowadays have greater equality than in the past. However, as I see it, they are not absolutely equal, for instance, women's employment problem.

The biggest advancement for now is that laws against gend er discrimination have helped women. This is a very good sign, because women have now obtained more rights. For example, in almost all countries in the worl d, they have gained the right to vote and even to enter parliament. Women have also been permitted to receive education, which all ows them to have the chance to compete with men and change their d estinies. Everything l ooks like men and women are in the same l evel.

On the other hand, in this society, prejudice against women is d eeply rooted. Firstly, when a woman gets married, she will give up her career. In Japan, almost every family will ask women to become housewives after they get married. Secondly, whil e women have a chance to work and get a job, it is very rare to find

women in management positions in companies. Some women will suffer the workplace rul e but if she d oes not want it, she must be excell ent or l ose her position. Lastly, in some places, women are completely prohibited just like women are prohibited to join the Sumo competitions in Japan. Although in recent years, Japanese women in martial arts events continue to bring stunning performances.

In time and with the progress of society, I believe that women will soon achieve equal opportunities with men. But the most important thing is that women need more support to improve themselves and get their rights.

344 words

Danjing Lin(Ling)



The gender inequality The desire for freedom is the nature of people.However, people actually are in the pursuit of equality that we are fairly to participate in economic activities and social activities.But can equality come overnight? We might as well take the gender inequality for an example. Women seemed to be the least important creatures in the world in ancient times in China.At that time the criterion whether a woman was good or not was obedient.It meant that women were subordinate to men, not to mention the so-called liberty or equality.What they have was just the responsibility of taking care of the household. As time goes by, tremendous changes have happened to women’s status. Being permitted to receive education makes women have the chance to compete with men and change their destinies. Nowadays, such cases are ordinary that people work together regardless of gender and even Women are in a leadership role. Women’s status arrives at an unprecedented level 。 However, the situation is not so optimistic as the majority of women think. In effect, women are far from being equal to men as a result of the inveterate superiority of men. Although the

完整雅思写作高分范文 科技类5篇

科技类future for humans' robots are very important 1.Some people think that development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. The field of science and technology has advanced throughout the past decades and has changed our perspectives of life. Among those advancements, robots have become significant by trying to get close to human lives. While some people argue that though these robots have managed to solve most of our day-are robots I believe that create to-day problems, they can still problems, significant for humans' current and future development.It is normal for people to be worried about the rise of robotics in every aspects of our lives. In workplace, one of the real impacts humans face is the loss of jobs and the economic displacement of workers. As prices continue to

浅谈现阶段中国男女不平等的现状及对策 2

浅谈现阶段中国男女不平等的现状及对策[摘要]中国现阶段仍处于社会主义初级阶段。虽然男女两性在各个领域内的差距在 不断地缩小,但是男女不平等的现象依然存在。本文从中国社会主义初级阶段男女不平等的现状入手,分析了现阶段中国男女不平等的原因,并进一步探讨了男女趋于平等的对策,以促进社会的和谐、进步与发展。 [关键词]中国;男女不平等;现状;原因;对策 [Abstract] Nowadays, China is still at the primary stage of socialism. The gap of the sex in every field is reducing constantly, but the phenomenon of inequality between men and women still exists. This paper started with the current situation of inequality between men and women in the primary stage of socialism about China, analyzed the cause of this phenomenon and explored countermeasures which would be used to make the men and women tending to be equal in order to promote the harmony, progress and development. [Keywords] China; Inequality between men and women; Current situation; Cause; Countermeasure 平等,是人类追求的目标,也是世纪主题之一。其中,男女平等是人们所追求的各目录种平等中最为根本的一项平等。西方国家在这一方面走在了世界前列。当然,不可否认他们的男女平等也仅是相比于其他国家而言更为平等而已,这并不表示他们已实现了完全的男女平等。那么,作为东方国家代表之一的中国在这一方面又做地如何呢?随着社会的进步与发展,中国女性的地位不断地提高,男女在各个领域内的差距在不断缩小。然而,现阶段中国男女不平等的现象依然存在着。虽然中国在其《宪法》、《妇女权益保障法》等等法律法规中明文规定妇女享有与男子平等的权利,但是法律形式上的男女平等在现实生活中并没有真正实现。女性与男性一样,都是社会发展的主体,是社会历史的创造者和主人。因此,针对现阶段中国男女不平等的现状,有必要对其原因进行分析,探讨其对策,以促进和谐社会的构建。 一、现阶段中国男女不平等的现状 (一)男女平等的含义 回望历史,中国早在五四新文化运动中就已经出现了“女子解放”、“男女平等”的口号。尽管人们经常提到男女平等,作为一个概念,男女平等的意思却往往不是很清楚。因此,人们的理解也就有所不同。如,一种观点认为“男女平等应当指男女两性在人格、尊严、价值、权利和机会的平等”[1]。一种观点认为“男女平等的概念包括两方面的意思:一方面,男女平等是价值观的体现,指男女两性作为人在社会和家庭中应该受到同样的尊重和对待,而不应该存在基于性别的偏见和歧视;另一方面,男女平等是指男女两性作为人在社会和家庭生活的各个领域中应该享有平等的权利和机会”[2]等。1975年第一次世妇会《墨西哥宣言》对“男女平等”所下的定义是指男女的尊严和价值的平等以及男女权利、机会和责任的平等。1985年第二次世妇会通过的《内罗毕战略》则进一步强调人人都有平等机会享受自己的权利,发挥自己的潜力和才能,以便参与国


女性独立自强的演讲稿 【内容】:一提到女性,就会想到柔弱,不堪一击,不能成大业,等等代名词,因为在中国历史上封建社会制度的摧残,早已把女性定位成弱势群体,可如今,我们不再受非人制度的压制,怎样做才能自立自强,我个人觉得有如下几点: 首先,我们要树立足够的自信心,女人是很容易自卑的群体,因此,我们就要发现自己身上的美,先从外表上说,没有哪一个漂亮的女人没有缺陷,更没有哪一个漂亮的女人不会老,所以,你应该明白漂亮乃身外之物,你可能眼睛不漂亮但是鼻子挺拔,你可能对自己身材不满意可是你五官端正,多去关注自己优秀的地方,就会很容易找到自信.再说内在,有很多女人,长的一点都不漂亮,甚至一般都算不上,为什么,给别人的第一眼影象是,这个人好有气质,一个内在丰富学识的女人和一个绣花枕头是很容易去分辨的,不要因为自己长相一般而自卑,相反漂亮的女人也没什么好骄傲的,当别人称赞你时除了漂亮再也找不到第二个形容词的时候也很可悲!所以,应该先发现自己身上的闪光点,我们不漂亮但我们有技术,我们不漂亮但我们很温柔,好相处,我们这辈子不能住城市但我们把子女教育好,让我们的子女去改变等等,用我们对老人孝道和对子女的关爱来丰富自身的内在美,内外兼修的美才是健康的美。如果你看透这一切,自立、

自强、自尊、自爱,如果你不慕横财,不服邪恶,脑中有才智,手中有勤劳,你就可以是一个活的很滋润很潇洒,永远年轻漂亮的小女人! 其次,现代社会的女性,应该有一份稳定的收入,能够经济独立。以前,女人是在家相夫教子的,操持家务的,半个世纪前,东方女性就从法律上获得了与男人相等的权利,而且把男女平等,财产平等享有,婚姻自由写进了法律,因此,现代女性更应该在劳动中磨练自己的意志锻炼自己的品格,不管一年能挣多少钱,挣多少都是自己辛苦挣来的,总比伸手向男人要强百倍.当然我们有的女同胞把财产全部聚为己有,也是不可取的,生活中,男人也应有尊严,有自己的空间,一个家也是一份经营,管理不好,也会破产。我讲的经济独立,是支配权的独立,而不是不和谐的管理。但是我们自己的劳动收益自己完全可以支配,这是法律赋予我们的权利,我们可以用来完成对老人的赡养和投入子女的教育等等,但不要做违法的投入。去搞建设,搞种植,去加工、销售,通过这些环节,我们还可以发现自身的优缺点,不断地学习,与时俱进,就不会像我们现在的部分人,从来没有进过城,更别谈到过北京,现在国家对农村的政策越来越好,辛勤劳动,就不会与世隔绝.,生活也会有滋有味。 再次,女性要活的有尊严!被金钱和男人迷惑的女人总是最先掉下陷阱,女性自身的弱点容易造成依赖性,依赖生


雅思写作高分范文和解题思路 今天小编和大家分享雅思写作高分范文和解题思路,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思写作高分范文和解题思路:关于手机和互联网的利与弊 雅思写作题目:Mobile phones and the internet play an important part in the way which people relate to one another socially. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 雅思写作题目讲解: 第一段:介绍背景,电讯技术取代了面对面的交流方式 第二段:人们的联系增加;独立性增加 第三段:关系的质量下降;亲情交流被手机干扰太多 第四段:科技的好坏取决于我们如何用它 雅思写作范文: Since the invention of the internet and mobile phones, face-to-face communication no longer holds the dominant role in human interaction it once had. Undoubtedly these technical advances have facilitated more convenient and greater amount of communication between people. Unfortunately this has not come without cost. 自从互联网和移动电话的发明以来,面对面的交流不再像以前那样在人际交往中占据主导地位。毫无疑问,这些技术进步促进了人们之间更方便和更大量的交流。不幸的是,这并不是没有代价的。 Obviously the unprecedentedly increased communication connects people more easily. No one can easily manage our various relationships unless we register the Facebook or any other social networking site. Thanks to cell phones, people can contact one another in real time and this significantly boosts working efficiency. Telecommunication also empowers modern people with more independence. For example,


我心目中的男女平等 当写下这个题目时,心里暖暖的亦是淡然。作为一名新时代的一名知识女性,我感谢时代的发展,制度的开明,给了我们无限自由的空间。回首历史, “有作为才能有地位” 当中国女子足球运动员用她们的双脚赢得世界喝彩的时候,或许她们并没有意识到这是多么伟大的表现。因为就在数十年前她们的祖奶奶们还在用一条很长的布一层层地将脚裹紧,拥有一双“三寸金莲”的脚是当时妇女美丽的最基本标志。“在家从父、出门从夫、夫亡从子”是当时中国妇女社会地位最准确地诠释。 100年前进入中国的西方人,曾感叹裹脚的中国妇女境地悲惨;而今天的西方女权论者却认为,现代中国女性较之其他国家的妇女,似乎有着更多的自主权。 据全国妇联统计,仅到2001年,中国政府中已有正副女部长14名,中国女干部占干部总数的36.7%,比10年前上升了5.8个百分点,其中党政群机关县处级以上女干部达8万多人,比10年前增加1.7倍;党政领导班子成员以及各级党代表、人大代表、政协委员,女性数量不断增加,在中国共产党的十六大代表,女性比例比十五大提高了1.2个百分点。正在召开的全国“会上”,妇女代表有604名,占代表总数的20.24%。 “妇女只有参政议政,才能代表广大妇女的意愿和利益,才能发挥亿万妇女在中国改革和现代化建设中的积极作用。”著名妇女问题法律专家,中国政法大学教授巫昌祯表示。 中国妇女今天地位不仅表现在政治上,经济地位的提高已是不争的事实。一项统计资料显示,目前中国的女企业家约占中国企业家总数的20%左右,个体和私营经济中的女企业家占女企业家总数的41%。 由中国妇女杂志社主办的2002年度海内外有影响力的“《中国妇女》时代人物”评选活动中脱颖而出的10位女性中,伊士曼柯达公司全球公司副总裁叶莺、香港富华国际集团董事长、全国政协委员陈丽华都是榜上有名。 “我们这里即将回到母系社会了,”北京的一家银行的职员赵晓辉说:“除了几个领导,我们这里几乎是女人的天下。”如今,包括银行、保险、旅游等在中国最具经济增长潜力的第三产业中,女性正在越来越多地占距这个产业的主导。 尽管如同那句脍炙人口的“妇女能顶半边天”口号,“阴盛阳衰”在中国至今仍是一种夸张的结论,但在当今中国社会生活中时不时地听到“阴盛阳衰”的感叹却已是不争的事实。 从“女强人”回归女性的本质 中国妇女有今天变化的境遇,与中国共产党一贯倡导的妇女解放密不可分。中国实行的社会


男女平等问题英语作文带翻译 导读:本文男女平等问题英语作文带翻译,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. It is more difficult for them to get some work than men. In order to get a job, they sometimes have to tell a lie. That's unfair. In fact, women can work no worse than men. There's nothing that women can't do. 在世界上的很多国家,女性都是处于弱势群体。这就导致了她们在某求一些工作方面要比男性困难。她们为了能够找到一份工作,有时候不得不撒谎。这样对于女性很不公平。事实上,女性在这方面工作能力并不比男人差。可以说,没有女性不能干的事。 Perhaps, they are better at their work than men. For example, in making telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men can't pick up the small pieces with their fingers. Like , they can also become excellent engineers, doctors and teachers. So I am sure the day will come soon when women can really get equal rights. 或许,他们比男性能做的更好。比如:在电话、电脑制造方面,很多厂家宁愿雇佣女性来工作,因为男性无法用他们那大手指拾起小小的配件,除此之外,女性工程师、医生和老师也特受好评。所以我相信,在不远的未来,女性将会在各个方面拥有更多平等的权利。


雅思大作文高分范文2篇 下面是整理的雅思高分作文范文,希望对大家有帮助。 雅思大作文题目: You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Children should never be educated at home by theirparents. Do you agree or disagree? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages foryoung people who decide to do this. You should write at least 250 words. 雅思大作文范文: Nobody can say with confidence that childrenshould be taught at home or at any children'sinstitutions. There are many different children andevery one demand of education suitable only forhim. But for most of children the best way of learning thelife is being in the children's institutions. Nobodywould argue that contacts between children of thesame age are very important for bringing your child up. Such a contact is very important forplaying, entertaining and learning living with other people. The harmonious living with otherpeople, to my


关于男女平等的作文|男女平等作文400字3 篇 篇一:男女平等吗 在封建社会里,女人不能读书,不能出门,还要把脚裹成三寸金莲的样子,想想她们真是苦啊!而且出嫁后的女人,只要男人一纸休书,就可以把她们赶回娘家去,那时女人的地位是多么卑微啊!而在我们新社会,法律规定男女平等,这下可好了,女人们终于可以扬眉吐气挺起腰杆做人了,而且还有妇联组织来维护妇女的权益。庆幸我也是生在新社会呀,但是男女真的平等吗? 在课堂上学语文的时候,我发现了一个有趣的现象。老师在给我们讲人称代词“他”和“他们”用法的时候,强调在不知是男是女的单数情况下,要用“他”;而在复数情况下,就选择用“他们”。当一个群体里面,有九个女人一个男人时,复数发代词用“他们”,只有明确的知道都是女人时才能用“她们”。为什么不能用“她们”呢?这是明显的性别歧视啊!事实告诉我们,男女平等吗? 我们再说说招工的事,你可能已经从某些报道中看到了,有的单位只招收男的,不招女的,虽然是男女都能做的工作。这不也是歧视女性吗?

还有许多人喜欢男孩,如果没有男孩就非想要个男孩,女孩 就不好吗?没有女孩,这世界还象样吗? 所以呀,现在还存在男女不平等的现象。真希望以后能实现 真正的平等,那样我们的生活也会更加美好。 篇二:男女平等 在农村许多家庭都是重男轻女的家庭,这些家长认为男孩才 是他们的未来,在农村随处可见,几乎每个家庭里都是对男孩 好,难道女孩真的就不是他们的未来吗?女孩将来就不能成大气吗? 我为你们举一个真实的例子,这个家庭就是重男轻女的一个家 庭,这家人的两个孩子曾经在我老妈教书的地方上过学。这个家 庭里有一男一女,男孩在家里是他爸爸妈妈的宝贝,女孩在家里 受到歧视。 女孩在学校学习成绩很不错,而男孩在学校的学习成绩远远 不如女孩的成绩,女孩好象在20xx年的时候就在上六年级了,女 孩六年级毕业后就不在上学了。有一天我和老妈从我家走出来就 遇到了那个女孩,女孩那时在东关东路上帮饭店做事。女孩的家 里的经济条件不是特别的好,家里没有钱在让两个孩子上学了, 所以家里决定让女孩出来打工,让男孩继续留在校园里去上学。 男孩的学习成绩并不好,而他的父母却让男孩继续留在学校上 学,这明显是家里的人有一些重男轻女,后来我老妈他们学校里 的一些老师捐了一些钱让这个女孩重新上学。


环境 1. The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, such as gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree? It is argued that the International Community should put more efforts to encourage all countries in the world to decrease their fossil fuel’s utilization such as gas, oil, and coal. Personally, I strongly agree with this idea for many reasons. The most important thing we should mention is that fossil fuels’ consumpt ion in all over the world is considered to be the main culprit of global warming and other environmental problems. First of all, it can be undeniable that burning oil and coal in domestic and industrial activities is producing tons of carbon dioxide and other detrimental chemical substances per year. Moreover, with the fast-developing pace of life and overpopulation, a significant number of transportations are being used, which is generating exhausted fumes and green-house gases in most of nations in the wo rld. That’s the reasons why a huge number of environmental issues are alarmingly emerging recently such as global warming, ice melting in all poses, sea level rising and the other severe weather conditions. Besides, it is clearly seen that the amount of fossil fuels in all over the world are restricted and nonrenewable. Each kind of fossil fuels energies needs millions of years to form, thus, with an enormous human beings’ demand, it will result in energy depletion in the near future. Furthermore, technologies producing alternative power resources have not reached the point in which people in all countries of the world can use renewable energies replacing fossil fuels. Not


2009年2月21日 Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with. Others, however, think that each individual should take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 考题分析:本题是一道典型的雅思环境类写作考题。在历届雅思写作环境类话题中,出题思路主要有以下三个方面: 1.环境保护是谁的责任?考题给出的选项通常会有个人、公司、国家、国际合作等(例如04年5月15日,0-7年2月3日考题)。 2.如何保护环境?考题通常会给出某个方案问其正确与否(如06年6月17日,08年6月14日考题)。 3.为什么人们明知环境正在被破坏却无动于衷例?(如08年9月13日A类议论文) 如果考前对以上三方面的雅思写作真题都思考过,相信本题一定会变的很简单,实际上只要把一些理由进行组合就可以了。由于考题的提问形式是“Discuss both views and give your own opinion. ”所以,既要讨论到个人能够采取何种行动解决一些环境问题,也要讨论为什么有些环境问题个人无法解决(即只有政府或公司才能解决)。Sample Answer: It is true that our tiny individual actions often seem insignificant compared to the scale and complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieve our duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems. Individual actions, small as they may be, can prove more effective than we realize. We can avoid driving the car, and take public transit, walk, or bicycle instead. This will reduce the use of fossil fuels and cut pollution. Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment. Individual actions can also turn into united powers when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaign to oppose environmentally damaging policies. There are, however, obstacles that stand in the way of individual action towards environmental conservation. The first obstacle is the lack of professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which require a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstacle which makes individual action almost impossible is when an environmental emergency or accident happens, e.g. an oil spill near the bord der line, which would necessitate government intervention or even international coordination.


实行男女平等是国家的基本国策,男女平等的实现程度是衡量社会文明进步的重要标志。妇女占全国人口的半数,是经济社会发展的重要力量。在发展中维护妇女权益,在维权中促进妇女发展,是实现妇女解放的内在动力和重要途径。保障妇女权益、促进妇女发展、推动男女平等,对国家经济社会发展和中华民族文明进步具有重要意义。 我国在促进妇女发展和男女平等方面取得了重大进展。妇女享有社会保障的程度普遍提高,贫困妇女状况进一步改善;妇女参政水平不断提高,社会参与意识进一步增强;妇女受教育水平稳步提高,男女受教育差距进一步缩小;妇女健康水平明显提高,人均预期寿命进一步延长;妇女权益进一步得到保障;男女平等基本国策进一步深入人心,妇女发展的社会环境进一步改善。受社会主义初级阶段生产力发展水平和社会文明程度的制约与影响,妇女发展仍面临诸多问题与挑战。就业性别歧视仍未消除,妇女在资源占有和收入方面与男性存在一定差距;妇女参与决策和管理的水平仍然较低;妇女受教育程度与男性存在一定差距;妇女的健康需求有待进一步满足;妇女发展的社会环境有待进一步优化;妇女的社会保障水平有待进一步提高。各阶层妇女利益需求日益呈现多元化,城乡区域妇女发展不平衡仍未全面解决。

未来十年,经济全球化将深入发展,国际竞争会日趋激烈。国际社会在推动人类发展进程中,更加关注妇女发展和性别平等。从现在起到2020年,是我国全面建设小康社会的关键时期。经济社会快速发展,既为妇女发展提供了难得的机遇,也提出了新的挑战。促进妇女全面发展,实现男女平等任重道远。 2.平等发展原则。完善和落实促进男女平等的法规政策,更加注重社会公平,构建文明先进的性别文化,营造良好的社会环境,缩小男女社会地位差距,促进两性和谐发展。 4.妇女参与原则。依法保障妇女参与经济社会发展的权利,尊重妇女的主体地位,引导和支持妇女在推动社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设以及生态文明建设的实践中,实现自身的进步与发展。


关于重男轻女的作文:男女要平等一:我为男女平等而骄傲 我是一个活泼可爱的男孩子。我非常看不惯当今社会重男轻女的现象。我是一个男孩,我并不骄傲,反而为此而平淡。 我真高兴,上天赋予我男孩子康强有力的嗓音,更赋予我帅气英俊的脸庞。奶奶却因为我是一个男孩而骄傲。我的邻居更是重男轻女。他家有一个女儿和两个儿子,对两个儿子不惜重金培养成才,而女儿才十多岁就不让读书到外面打工赚钱。 我真搞不懂!不是说“男女平等”吗?为什么当今社会上还有“重男轻女”的现象?不是说“巾帼不让须眉”吗?为什么女孩就不能“顶半边天”?一代女皇武则天,慷慨从军花木兰,豪气冲天刘胡兰,挥笔万言谢婉莹(冰心),奥运冠军郭晶晶,不胜枚举。她们不都是女儿身吗?这些巾帼英雄们哪一点逊色于须眉呢? 男孩谁然能防老,但女孩最完美,是世间万物最美的造物;女孩最漂亮,娇美的容颜如鲜花惹人爱;女孩最善感,因为她有一颗淳朴善良的爱心。女孩,如绚烂的朝霞,交织出多姿多彩的生活;女孩,如美妙的乐曲,演奏出悦耳动听的音符。 二:男女平等的作文素材 在农村许多家庭都是重男轻女的家庭,这些家长认为男孩才是他们的未来,在农村随处可见,几乎每个家庭里都是对男孩好,难道女孩真的就不是他们的未来吗?女孩将来就不能成大气吗? 我为你们举一个真实的例子,这个家庭就是重男轻女的一个

家庭,这家人的两个孩子曾经在我老妈教书的地方上过学。 这个家庭里有一男一女,男孩在家里是他爸爸妈妈的宝贝,女孩在家里受到歧视。女孩在学校学习成绩很不错,而男孩在学校的学习成绩远远不如女孩的成绩,女孩好象在2004年的时候就在上六年级了,女孩六年级毕业后就不在上学了。有一天我和老妈从我家走出来就遇到了那个女孩,女孩那时在东关东路上帮饭店做事。女孩的家里的经济条件不是特别的好,家里没有钱在让两个孩子上学了,所以家里决定让女孩出来打工,让男孩继续留在校园里去上学。男孩的学习成绩并不好,而他的父母却让男孩继续留在学校上学,这明显是家里的人有一些重男轻女,后来我老妈他们学校里的一些老师捐了一些钱让这个女孩重新上学。 听了这件事我觉得,为什么这些人这么重视男孩呢?女孩一样可以成大气的,我想让那些歧视女孩的人们,不在歧视女孩,女孩也是祖国未来的栋梁之材,甚至女孩比男孩还要争气! 三:关于重男轻女的作文 一直以来,我们班男生比女生多,所以说我们班男女“不平等”。今天来了三位同学,两女一男,这下使我们班男女同学划上了等号。 早上我们还在早自习,任老师进来,后面还跟着三位同学,他们背着书包,用一种惊慌的眼神看着我们。任老师走上讲台,告诉我们班来了三位新同学,并给他们安排座位。这时我的同桌马柏超悄悄对我说:“咱们班再来同学就要挤爆了。”我说:“没错,以后咱们也得悠着点。”马柏超疑惑地问我:“什么意思?”我逗他说:“意思是---咱们都应该减肥,不用占太多空间,腾出来能


旅游类 1. Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism could be developed in the future. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? Space tourism is predicted to be conducted in the near future. However, whether it is a positive trend or not is still in debate. On the one hand, travelling to extraterrestrial areas may benefit people in scientific aspects. Firstly, scientists can collect various valuable samples directly from other planets to serve their researches without waiting for explorations of astronomies. This facilitates their experiments, which helps people go further in studying long-term theories about the universe and have more chances of being contact with creatures from out of the Earth. Besides, people who are not experts in astronomy fields can also take the advantages of space tourism. Spaceship voyages could offer people interesting journeys to enjoy the beauty of natural scenes as well as allows them to broaden their knowledge to the field that is rather monotonous taught at school. This would draw more attraction from the public to exploring and studying science. Although the advantages of space tourism are remarkable, I am convinced that there are likely positives that be hidden from people’s awareness. The primary negative can be considered is that such voyages to out of space would cost a huge amount of budget of governments or private sections. In fact, there are plenty of social problems need measuring such as the poverty, the illiteracy… and it would be better if the budget were allocated to accommodate the underprivileged or improve people’s health rather than spent on luxurious journeys to the extraterrestrial spaces. The risks of being attacked by extraterrestrial residents could be also considered other negatives. The consciousness of the universe is still limited, which hinder travelers from the security. Creatures beyond the Earth may look on people as food or enemies, which apparently threaten their lives. In conclusion, although the advantages of space tourism are justifiable, I still

辩论 男女平等

辩论男女平等 正方一:你们的队伍只有男的没有女的,这就叫男女平等吗?请回答。反方四:长途跋涉舟车劳顿,我们舍不得让女孩子出来劳累呀。 2. 正方四:还有一个我们所没有谈到的问题。连我们用的语言它都反映男女不平等。中文有两个字表示 结婚的概念,一个是“娶”字。另外一个是“嫁”字,男人是娶媳妇,女人是嫁给男人,那这个“娶”字它表示一种主动性,“嫁”字表示一种被动性。 反方一:像这个例子,我们也发现了中国字的“好”字和“妙”字,都是一种称赞的美德,那么请问“妙”字和“好”字是不是用女字旁开头呢? 正方三:男人要承认女人的优势。女性的柔弱不一定是消极的,老子《道德经》已经暗示以柔克刚的 概念:“天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强者,莫之能胜。”我们如果把女性看作比男性更柔弱的话,这就不是轻 视女性,而是承认到她的优势。 反方二:对,我们今天不否认女性柔弱是一件好的事情,但是我们也想请教对方辩友,今天男人可不 可以把他的柔弱表现出来?能不能在社会中告诉人家说:“其实我内心是很温柔很体贴的”? 正方三:“君子能忍。”就是表达他们的真正的感情。一般君子能忍的也是男人,一般不会是女人吧? 为什么孩子要找母亲呢?

反方四:对方辩友就好像您告诉我们老子《道德经》里的说法一样,诚如古人所说的“柔弱生之余,老死皆刚强”,也就是今天柔弱的较容易获得生存的机会,而刚强的却容易因为过分刚强而遭受折断的命运。 既然你也承认男人是刚强的,那么刚强的人是不是应该受到更多的照顾、更多的关怀? 正方四:但是男人今天也不是刚强的,看你们吧,你们刚才自己说你们都是很温柔的。 什么不是女士优先,现在什么脏活累活不是难人做,而且女性有权益保护法,有妇女节,怎 么就没有男人保护法,怎么就没有男人节呢?然而我们的女性朋友也乐此不疲的欣然接受男 人的这种保护。这样怎么能平等?在一定意义上男女平等是不分男女大家都一视同仁,而不 是男人让着女人 男女平等,就把男放在前头。莎士比亚说过:“女人,你的名字是弱者。”中国几千年来根深蒂固的男尊女卑思想,让大家都觉得“女人”这个词应该和弱者之间划上必然的等号。即使在进入二十一世纪的今天,女 人在很多领域仍受到不同程度的性别歧视,始终无法同男人站在同一起跑线上。似乎在人们的印象中,女 人应是足不出户,一天到晚围着家庭转的角色。一时间,弱者成了女人的代名词。尽管大多数姐妹不愿意 接受这样一个事实,但它却是实实在在摆在我们的面前。 都说女人能顶半边天,为什么整个社会对女人却是这样的不公平?作为半边天的我们陷入了无限的迷茫之
