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Ⅰ. Difficult Sentences

1. (LL. 1~2) It was early December 2003, my first season as a Salvation Army bell ringer, when I was confronted with the question.

1. What does a Salvation Army bell ringer do?

(=To ring the bell and ask people to donate money to help the poor.)

2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.


2. (LL. 5~6) I can still see the confusion and curiosity in his eyes as he asked, “Are you poor?”

1. Why did the boy ask such a question?

(=Because he was confused and curious.)

2. How much did the boy know about the Salvation Army bell ringer?

(=Obviously he knew nothing about that.)

3. (LL. 7~8) “Well,” I stammered, trying to think, “I have more than some people, but not as much as other.”

1. How did the author think of the question?

(=He thought it was difficult to answer.)

2. What does the author’s answer mean?

(=This means he is neither poor nor rich.)

4. (LL. 8~9) His mother scolded him for the social no-no ...

1. What is “social no-no”?

(=Something that is socially inappropriate.)

2. Why did the mother scold her son?

(=Because the author looked poor, the question was socially inappropriate to ask.)

5. (LL. 13~14) Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have.

1. What do many other people have?

(=The material things.)

2. Please paraphrase this sentence.

(=However, I have only occasionally felt the urge to go after the material things so many other people have.)

6. (LL. 19~20) And I love the “can do” attitude that follows.

1. What is the “can do” attitude?

(=That is self confidence.)

2. How do you understand this sentence?

(=And I love the feeling of self confidence brought by brisk exercises.)

7. (L. 31) Shortly after her visit, our relationship went straight south.

1. What was their relationship after her visit?

(=Their relationship went sour. That is to say, they were no longer boyfriend and girlfriend.)

2. Why there was such a change in their relationship?

(=Because the girl actually paid much attention to material things although she claimed that she was interested in what was on the inside, and after she went to the author’s apartment, she found he was really poor.)

8. (LL. 35~38) There is a commercial on the radio that begins, “Every body wants a high-end TV …” The pressure to purchase is real. It may be true that everybody wants a high-end TV. After all, nobody wants to be a nobody.

1. What is “a high-end TV”?

(=A TV that is expensive and of high quality.)

2. What can be inferred from this part about what role commercials can play in society?

(=Commercials can put people under pressure to purchase more than is really necessary.)

9. (L. 49) December is the time of year I feel wealthiest.

Why does the author think so?

(=Because December is the time for him to work for the Salvation Army as a bell ringer, which gives him a genuine sense of belonging and brings him happiness in helping others.)

10. (LL. 50~51) Over the past four years, I’ve grown to understand more about myself b ecause of a single question from a curious child.

1. How has the boy’s question affected the author?

(=The boy’s question has helped him realize that, despite his lack of expensive possessions, he is rich in many other ways and should be thankful for that.)

2. Translate this sentence into Chinese.


Ⅱ. Words and Expressions

1. (L. 2) confront: vt.

1) (of a problem, difficulty, etc.) face (sb.) threateningly

* The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable.

* A major difficulty that confronts international students is how best to judge the quality of a program in a foreign university.

2) (of a person) face and deal with (a problem, difficulty, etc.)


(=A soldier has to confront danger and death.)

* Astronauts have to confront the unknown.

be confronted with: be brought face to face

(=The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.)

* conclusions that can be confronted with experience

2. (L. 3) donation: n. money or goods given for a good cause

* The hospital receives a good deal of money in donations.


(=They made a generous donation to charity.)


a blood donation 献血

make/give a donation 捐赠

promise a donation 允诺捐助

3. (L. 5) confusion: n. a state of uncertainty about what sth. means, etc.

* The enemy retreated in great confusion.


(=Their unexpected arrival threw our plan into confusion.)


covered with confusion 非常慌张

in confusion 乱七八糟,处于混乱状态

throw into confusion 使狼狈,使慌乱

N.B.: 该词的动词为confuse,confusing意思是“令人困惑、迷惑的”,confused意思是“糊涂的、混杂的”。

4. (L. 5) curiosity: n. a strong desire to know about sth.

* Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?

(=We burned with curiosity over what was in the box.)


from/out of curiosity 在好奇心驱使下

in open curiosity 公然出头过问与自己无关的事

Curiosity killed a cat. 好奇伤身。

5. (L. 7) stammer: v. speak with a tendency to repeat rapidly the same sound or syllable

* It’s cruel to make fun of people who stammer.


(=He stammered his thanks.)

6. (L. 10) deny: vt.

1) say that sth. is not true

* There is no denying the fact that Japan began to invade China as early as the early 1930’s.

2) refuse to admit or accept

(=He denied knowing anything about their plans.)

7. (L. 10) fill out: add information such as your name and address in (a form or document)

* It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire.


(=Please fill out the attached blank.)

8. (L. 11) fall into: belong to (a particular group of things that have similar qualities)


(=The council members disagreed, falling into liberal and conservative camps.)

* All whales fall into two groups, those with teeth and those without.

9. (L. 13) nothing more than: only, just

(=Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.)


(=It is nothing more than a made-up story.)

10. (L. 19) attain: vt. succeed in achieving, esp. after a lot of effort


(=I’m determined to attain my purpose at any cost.)

* She attained her ambition of becoming a pilot.


attain one’s goal 达到目的

attain the age of 有…岁了

attain the top of a moutain 到达山顶

11. (L. 16) minimal: adj. very small in size or amount; as small as possible


(=The storm did only minimal damage.)

* The Ford CEO offered to work for a minimal salary of one dollar a year.

N.B.: 该词的动词为minimize。反义词为maximal。

12. (L. 21) cherish: vt. love (sth./sb.) very much and protect them

(=Riding horses with my mother when I was a kid has become a cherished memory.) * She cherished the child as though he were her own.


cherish fond dreams of 做…的美梦

cherished desire 夙愿

cherish a deep love for 热爱…

13. (L. 21) fabricate: vt. make up (a story, a piece of information, etc.) in order to deceive people

* Have you ever lied a little, or fabricated a story about yourself, to impress someone you meet the first time?


(=The excuse for her absence was obviously fabricated.)

14. (L. 22) tickle: v.

1) amuse and interest

* The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.

* It tickled her to think that her boss would dress up as a clown at the New Year party.

2) move one’s fingers on a sensitive part of another’s body in a way that makes them laugh

* She tickled the boy's feet and made him laugh.


(=Babies like to be tickled and hugged.)

15. (L. 25) vital: adj. very important, necessary, or essential

(=This point is vital to my argument.)

* The leader’s vital and cheerful manner filled his men with courage.


be vital to …对…极为重要

16. (L. 25) well off: rich, or having enough money to live well

* The Communist Party of China will lead the Chinese people in building a well-off society.


(=If he had worked harder when young, he would be well off now.)

17. (L. 26) emotional: adj. co nnected with people’s feelings

(=His emotional language reduced many of the audience to tears.)

* Nature has programmed us all with both physical and emotional needs.

18. (L. 26) pursuit: n. the act of looking for or trying to find


(=We work hard in pursuit of happy life.)

* He exercises every day in pursuit of health.


daily pursuits 日常事务

educational pursuit 教育事业

pursuit of profit 追逐利润

in one’s pursuit of happiness 追求幸福

19. (L. 26) out of place: feeling uncomfortable or not suitable in a particular situation

* Your jokes are out of place on such a solemn occasion.


(=At the formal party I felt very awkward and out of place.)

20. (L. 34) in contrast to: when a contrast is made to

* In contrast to her sister, she is very tall.

(=In contrast to his brother, he is always considerate of others.)

21. (L. 35) consequence: n. a result of sth. that has happened

* Jimmy experienced severe headache as a consequence of heavy drinking the night before.


(=Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.)


as a consequence 因而,结果

in consequence 因此,结果

in consequence of …的结果,因为…的缘故,由于

of consequence 有势力的,重要的

take the consequences 自食其果,承担责任

22. (L. 36) commercial:

1. n. an advertisement on TV or radio

* TV commercials today are more imaginative than they were 20 years ago.

2. adj. relating to business

* He left the commercial world to become a government official.


(=commercial correspondence)

23. (L. 39) focus: v. concentrate (one’s attention, etc.) on (sth.); concentrate (on sth.)

(=You should focus your attention on your work.)

* The only way to attain your goals is to stay focused and work hard.

24. (L. 41) affluent: adj. rich enough to buy things for pleasure


(=land affluent in natural resources)

* In an affluent society people can afford to strike a balance between work and life.

25. (L. 43) genuine: adj. real, true


(=He has a genuine desire to help us.)

* It appears to be genuine, but I have my suspicions about it.

26. (L. 45) go through: experience (sth. difficult or unpleasant)

* He’s amazingly cheerful considering all that he’s gone through.

孩提时代, 他经历了一个又一个的艰难困苦。

(=When he was a child, he went through one hardship after another.)

(Directions:) Choose the appropriate translation for the expression “go through” in the following sentences.

A. 检查、审查、搜查

B. 完成、做完

C. 遭受、经历

D. 看完

D 1. How long will it take to go through the book?

C 2. I’m flattered that you went through all this trouble just for me.

A 3.They went through our luggage at the customs.

B 4. With great concentration she went through the movements.

27. (L. 47) linger: vi.

1) last or continue for a long time

* Before leaving Suzhou, we took a last lingering look at the beautiful view.

(=The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind.)

2) take a long time to leave or disappear

* He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home.

28. (L. 47) individual:

1. n. person considered separately from their society


(=rights of individuals)

* The welfare of the individual is bound up with the welfare of the community.

2. adj. of or for one person

* A good coach knows how to take best advantage of the strength of each individual player on the team.

* She has her own individual way of walking.

29. (L. 52) tangible: adj. that can be clearly seen to exist; that you can touch and feel

* Tangible assets refer to those assets that have a physical form, such as machinery, buildings and land.

(=Sculpture is a tangible art form.)

N.B.: 该词的反义词为intangible。

After Reading

Ⅰ. Useful Expressions

1. 面临,遭遇be confronted with

2. 仰头向上看look up at

3. 填写fill out

4. 属于fall into

5. 仅仅,不多于,不强于nothing more than

6. 转瞬即逝的念头 a passing whim

7. 磨损,损耗wear and tear

8. 虽然,尽管in spite of

9. 期望,盼望look forward to

10. 富裕的,有钱的well off

11. 不自在,格格不入out of place

12. 陈旧的家具dated furniture

13. …之后不久shortly after

14. 走下坡路,失败go south

15. 转折点 a turning point

16. 与…形成对比in contrast to

17. 对…予以注意,致力于focus on

18. 归属感 a sense of belonging

19. 遭遇困难go through a rough time

20. 久不消逝的微笑 a lingering smile

21. 为…感恩be thankful for

22. 收入最低的档次the lowest income bracket

23. 创作才能the gift of creativity

24. 对物质财富的追求the pursuit of possessions

Ⅲ. Sentence Translation

1. The pressure to purchase is real. It may be true that everybody wants a high-end TV. After all, nobody wants to be a nobody.


2. I was standing just outside the doorway of a Wal-Mart, offering a “thank you” and a smile to each person who dropped a donation into my red kettle.


3. My 1999 car shows the wear and tear of 105, 000 miles. But it is still dependable.


4. But there is one vital area of my life where I am not so well off. In a society that spends so much emotional energy on the pursuit of possessions, I feel out of place.


5. 然而,想要得到其他那么多人都有的物质的东西, 对我来说,只不过是转瞬即逝的念头而已。

(=Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have.)

6. 五十三年来我一直非常健康。我不但不生病,而且精力充沛,情绪饱满。

(=I’ve enjoyed exceptionally good health for 53 years. It's not just that I've been illness-free, it's that I feel vigorous and spirited.)

7. 当我写出美丽的诗句,或编造出能把人逗乐的笑话,我内心感到很富有。通过写作而获得的洞察力,不断地令我惊奇。

(=When I write a beautiful line of poetry, or fabricate a joke that tickles someone, I feel rich inside. I'm continually surprised at the insights that come through my writing process.)

8. 她对我说,对她而言,最重要的是“一个人的内心”。我以为我找到了非同一般的生活伴侣。

(=What was most important to her, she told me, was "what's on the inside." I thought I had found someone special to share my life with.)

unit2 教案

Unit 2How often do you exercise?

话题。学生都能做简单的对 话,但对频度副词不是太会 用。本单元学生正式学习频 度副词,课堂上要多呈现有 关“学生课外活动频率”的 内容,让他们理解并能熟练 的应用频度副词。 第一课时Section A (1a~1c) 类别课时要点 重点单词1. housework(n.) 家务 2. hardly(adv.)几乎不;几乎 没有 3. ever(adv.)在任何时候;从来;曾经 重点词组 4. hardly ever几乎从不 5. help with帮助 重点句式6.—What do you do on weekends?周末你干什么? —I usually watch TV. 我通常看电视。 7.—Do you go shopping? 你购物吗? —No, I never go shopping. 不,我从不购物。 §自主学习案 写出下列单词。 总是always有时候sometimes 通常usually从不never 经常often §课堂导学案 Step 1Preparation (揭示课题,明确目标) Good morning! Today we shall take up the second unit in this new term: Unit 2 How often do you exercise? Please open your books at page 9. T: Look at picture a.What is she doing? S1: She is going shopping. T: Do you usually go shopping? S2: No, I don't. T: What do you do on weekends? S3:I often play football. T:What do you do on weekends? S4:I sometimes go shopping. Step 2Presentation (自学文本,精讲解疑) Open your book at page 9. Let's look at 1a.Each thought bubble shows something

全新版大学英语2(第二版) UNIT2 语言点

Unit 2 Values Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort. ——Franklin D. Roosevelt 幸福不在于仅仅拥有金钱,而在于取得成就时的喜悦和创造性劳动带来的喜悦、激动。———富兰克林·D·罗斯福 Detailed Reading Ⅰ. Difficult Sentences 1. (LL. 1~2) It was early December 2003, my first season as a Salvation Army bell ringer, when I was confronted with the question. 1. What does a Salvation Army bell ringer do? (=To ring the bell and ask people to donate money to help the poor.) 2. Translate this sentence into Chinese. (=首次面对这个问题,是在2003年12月初我第一次为救世军摇铃募捐的时候。) 2. (LL. 5~6) I can still see the confusion and curiosity in his eyes as he asked, “Are you poor?” 1. Why did the boy ask such a question? (=Because he was confused and curious.) 2. How much did the boy know about the Salvation Army bell ringer? (=Obviously he knew nothing about that.) 3. (LL. 7~8) “Well,” I stammer e d, trying to think, “I have more than some people, but not as much as other.” 1. How did the author think of the question? (=He thought it was difficult to answer.) 2. What does the author’s answer mean? (=This means he is neither poor nor rich.) 4. (LL. 8~9) His mother scolded him for the social no-no ... 1. Wh at is “social no-no”? (=Something that is socially inappropriate.) 2. Why did the mother scold her son? (=Because the author looked poor, the question was socially inappropriate to ask.) 5. (LL. 13~14) Yet I feel nothing more than a passing whim to attain the material things so many other people have. 1. What do many other people have? (=The material things.) 2. Please paraphrase this sentence.

选修7 unit2词汇导学案

Book 7 Unit 2 Robots 词汇导学案 Step I Prepare Words and Expressions before class【词汇预习】 一.单词翻译 1. n.渴望,欲望vt.想要,渴望 2. n.满意,满足 3. 警报 4. 服从,顺从 5. 离婚 6. 喜爱,偏袒 7. 堆积 8. 宣告,宣布 9. 忌妒 10. 全体员工 二.短语翻译: 1.考验_________________ 2 。不管,别惹,让…一个人待着_________ 3.同情某人_________________ 4.转向,回转_________________ 5.打电话给_______________ 6。将…放在一边,为…保留/节省_________ 7.让某人做某事________________ 8.更确切地说_________________ 9. 陪伴某人去某地_________________ 10. 在…方面有天赋_________________ Step II Detailed Study of Vocabulary(Necessary) 1. Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求吗 eg.①We all happiness and health. 我们都希望幸福健康。 ②Everyone success, but not everyone desires to get rich. 每个人都渴望成功, 但并非人人都渴望有钱。 ③He to see him at once. = He go to see him at once. 他要求你马上去见他。 n. ( 【反义词opp. 】dissatisfaction) eg: ①I heard the news . 我听了这个消息非常满意。 ② ,he passed exam.使我感到满意的是他通过了考试。 ③ The teacher the work the students did yesterday. 老师对学生们昨天干的工作感到十分满意。 3. test out 试验;(彻底)检验;考验=try out=put sth. to the test【对新试做的物品或新产生的理论进行“试用”或“检验考验”, 检验其试用的程度或有效性, 以便加以改进。】


Unit 2 教案 一、单元教材分析 本单元主要是以侦探故事作为主线来展开听,说,读,写训练,通过课文的故事使学生知道合理的逻辑推理水平和理解水平。对于这些课文内容,教学中能够引导学生对信息实行理解和接收,指导学生注重课文材料的语言特征,培养学生的语言微技能。 语法方面:本单元语法重点是结合之前已经出现的动词形式来进一步学习和理解巩固:动词不定式和动词-ing。 二、教学对象分析 1.学生对“侦探与犯罪”这个主题会比较感兴趣,而名侦探柯南更是他们所熟悉的人物,容易唤起他们学习的兴趣,对身边的犯罪行为他们也有话可说,有利于展开本单元的各项听说读写任务。 2.初二的学生通过一年的学习,已具备一定的阅读理解水平,掌握一定的阅读理解的策略与技能,借助本单元的课文阅读进一步巩固,使用已学的策略与技巧,提升学生的阅读理解水平。 3.学生对动词不定式和动名词并不陌生,仅仅还没对他们的用法实行归纳,教师能够系统地协助学生温故而知新,引导学生在一定的语境和例子中熟练使用动词不定式和动名词。 三、单元教学目标 1.认知目标

2.思想情感目标: 通过谈论“侦探故事”的相关话题,协助学生了解侦探的工作,并学习侦探如何通过蛛丝吗迹找到真相,培养自己的观察水平和思维水平。 3.水平发展目标: 1)能够在听、说、读、写等语言综合实践活动中使用本单元的重点词汇、句型与语法。 2)在学习中提升交流和传递信息的水平,在写作中准确使用动词不定式和动名词。 3)通过指导学生在模拟交际中使用所学的知识,培养学生探究学习、合作学习、自主学习的水平。 四、单元教学重点 1.学生熟练掌握重点词汇38个,短语23个


Unit 2 Movies and Entertainment Lesson 1 Movies genres: 电影类型 Action movie 动作片 Horror movie 恐怖片 Science-fiction movie 科幻片 Animated movie / animation 动画片 Comedy 喜剧片Tragedy 悲剧片Documentary 纪录片 Drama 剧情片 Musical 音乐片 Adventure movie 冒险片 Romance movie 浪漫爱情片 War movie 战争片Antiwar movie 反战片Western 西部片 Fantasy 幻想片 Thriller 惊悚片thrill n. 刺激 Reasons for lateness: I couldn’t find a parking space. I got stuck in traffic. I missed the bus.

I couldn’t get a taxi. Subject matter 题材 Script 脚本 Have a international reputation(声望) Fluent 流利的 On the set of ……在……摄影场/拍摄场 On the verge of …在……边缘 Combination 组合体,混合体 Media violence 媒体暴力 Adjectives used to describe movies: Funny 有趣的,滑稽的hilarious Boring 无聊的 Silly / stupid 愚蠢的 Violent 暴力的 Unforgettable 令人难忘的 Strange / weird 奇怪的,怪异的 Interesting有趣的entertaining 娱乐的,有趣的Humorous 幽默的 Scary 吓人的 Exciting 激动人心的


Unit2 English around the world语言点 目标认知 重点词汇 base, command, request, develop, identity, expect, recognize, straight,actually 重点短语 because of, come up, make use of, play a part in, a number of, even if, in the way, more than,at present, such as 重点句型 ¥ believe it or not一族 插入语do you think 知识讲解 重点词汇 base 【原句回放】English was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 当时的英语更多地以德语为基础,而我们今天说的不是。 【点拨】base vt.根据,基于 " n.基础;基地;基数 常见搭配: base A on/upon B 把A 建立在B的基础上 be based on 以……为基础 be based in 驻扎,设立;以……为基地 He based his hope on the good news we had yesterday. 他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 The film is based on a true story. 这个电影是以一个真实的故事为基础的。 ( They decided to base the new company in York. 他们决定新公司设在纽约。 【拓展】basic adj.基础的,基本的 command 【原句回放】Can you find the following command and request from Reading你能从阅读部分找出下列命令和请求吗 【点拨】command n. & v.命令,指挥;把握,掌握;控制 常用搭配:


Unit2My schoolbag教学设计 第一课时 教学重点: 1.句型:How many…do you have?I have… 2.词汇:Chinese book,English book,math book,notebook,story-book, schoolbag 教学难点: 1.发音:have,math book,story-book,schoolbag 2.区别书写形式:notebook,story-book与Chinese book,English book,math book 教具准备: 1.小松鼠和小熊的手偶、面具或头饰。 2.教材相配套的教学课件[Unit2Let’s learn]。 3.教材相配套的教学录音带。 教学过程: (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

1.复习第一单元My classroom所学内容 做游戏:Simon says教师说simon says:Clean the board….学生根据游戏规则做出动作。 看图问答:教师出示一幅画有教室的图片,学生之间根据图片内容做问答练习。 2.复习与本课内容有关的单词 做游戏:教师先出示图片pencil,pen,pencil-case,ruler,ersaser, crayon,book,sharpener…,请学生说出单词。然后教师出示写有上述单词的卡片让学生读出来,让学生把单词和图片配成一对。 (二)呈现新课(Presentation) 1.让学生熟悉句型How many…do you have?I have… 教师手拿两支铅笔,说:I have two pencils. 教师提问:How many pencils do you have? 学生回答:I have… 教师手拿一个书包,提问:How many schoolbags do you have? 学生回答:I have… 教师出示单词卡,教读schoolbag并让学生指一指自己的schoolbag。(把单词卡贴到黑板上)


英语初三上牛津译林unit2:学案(1) 本卷须知 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2、选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3、请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4、保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 9AUNIT2COLOURS COMICSTRIP&WELCOMETOTHEUNIT学案 启东市继述中学陈燕红 教学目标: 知识目标TOMASTERTHENEWWORDSANDPHRASES TORECOGNIZETHENAMESOFDIFFERENTCOLOURS 能力目标TORECOGNIZETHECOLOURSOFTHERAINBOWANDTHEORDEROFTHECOLOURS 情感目标TOENCOURAGESTUDENTSTOSHOWLOVETOTHOSEINNEED 教学重难点TOMASTERTHENEWWORDSANDPHRASES TORECOGNIZETHECOLOURSOFTHERAINBOWANDTHEORDEROFTHECOLOURS 【一】预习导学 请同学们按以下步骤完成预习任务。 1、预习课本P24~25,能根据音标正确拼读有关颜色名称。 2、听录音3~5遍,并能正确地模仿对话中的语音、语调。 3、试着完成《当》上的前提测评。 4、找出对话中新出现的词组和重点句型结构并把它们写在笔记本上。 通过前面的预习,你一定会有不少收获,请试着完成下面练习,看看你掌握了多少。 【一】词组互译. 1.WOULDRATHERDOATHANDOB 2.想要穿 3.AWORLDFULLOFCOLOURS 4.没什么问题 5..LOOKGOODONSB 6.女孩子的颜色 7.COLOURSOFTHERAINBOW8.朝窗外看 9SEEARAINBOW10.在空中 【二】用所给的中文或首字母完成句子. 〔1〕I'DRATHER___〔穿〕BLUETHANGREEN. 〔2〕SIMONWANTSTOTELLHISFRIENDSABOUTTHECOLOURSOFTHE____〔彩虹〕. 〔3〕ITHINKBLACKL____GOODONYOU.PUTONTHISBLACKT-SHIRT. 〔4〕ATTENTION!THETRAFFICLIGHTSTURNEDY_____. 〔5〕WE'DR____SINGTHISSONGTHANTHATONE. 〔6〕HOWMANYC_____ARETHEREINTHERAINBOW? 【二】课堂导学

unit2 教案

石家庄科技职业学院教案首页 章节课题: Unit 2 Emails 课时:6书写时间:授课时间:教师:左军 本章节在教学过程中的地位作用及前后关系: By studying this lesson, students can know how to write and send emails. They also get to know surfing online for information. Try to write emails. 知识、技能传授目标要求: 1. Learn email information on the Internet. 2. Know more ways to communicate with each other . 教学重点与难点及解决方法: 1. The key point: The comprehension of the passage. 2. The difficult point: The mastery of the language points 3. Solution: Have more and interesting practices and exercises 教学手段实施设计: Students-based Approach/ listening and Communicative approach 作业辅导计划: Put in Use The exercises about new words and expressions Read and Translate

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最新闽教版小学英语四年级下册Unit2 PartA公开课教学设计

Unit2 PartA参考教案 Cleaning Day 一、教学目标 ◆语言知识目标 1.学习单词:stand,blackboard。 2.学习句子:Yang Ming is standing on a chair. He is cleaning the blackboard. She is cleaning the desk. 3.学习字母h在单词中的读音。 4.学说韵律诗:Cleaning Day. 5.功能:根据大扫除的情景描述正在做的事情。 ◆语言技能目标 1.能认读和正确书写单词stand,clean,desk,chair,blackboard,window 和door。 2.通过学习,能用XXX is cleaning... .来描述大扫除的过程。 ◆情感态度 培养学生从小热爱班集体、热爱劳动的好习惯。 二、教具准备 1.单词卡片:stand,clean,blackboard和door等。 2.书中人物的头像。 3.录音机或教学光盘。 三、教学过程 Step 1Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.师生自由对话,如: How are you? What’s your English name? How is the weather? What do you often do at school? When do you clean your classroom?等。 3.听了学生的回答,教师说:“On... we clean our classroom.... is our Cleaning Day. Today we are going to talk about Cleaning Day.”教师揭示并板书课题:Unit 2 Cleaning Day Part A Step 2 Review 复习单词chair,desk,window,blackboard,classroom等,并教学单词door。 1. 教师用简笔画在黑板上画出chair,与学生做下列对话活动: T: What’s this? S: It’s a chair. T: How do you spell “chair”? 请一学生上台,在“椅子”的简笔画旁写出单词chair,并复习巩固。 2.教师采用同样方法复习desk,blackboard和window。 3.教师在适当的位置上画一个门,引出door的教学。 4.教师将所有的画合成为一间教室简图,如下图,教师说:“This is a... .”由此复习单词classroom。 5.游戏——看谁反应快。 游戏规则:教师出示单词卡片:classroom,desk,chair,blackboard,door 等,随机抽取卡片,学生快速说单词。 Step 3 Presentation (一)句型教学 1.教师呈现课本第9页的图1的多媒体画面,或请同学们看课本第9页的第一幅图。教师说:“It’s Friday. The pupils of Class One,Grade Four are in the classroom. What do they often do on Friday? Yes,they often clean their


Unit2 Topic2 What does she look like? SectionC 西街中学姚利红 学习任务: 1.练:通过练习,掌握所学词汇。 2.听: 听录音,回答问题 3.读:组内操练对话。 4.评:通过小组评比,练习对话。 学习过程: 任务一:练 1.小组活动,做小游戏“找找谁身上的颜色最多”。学生在小 组内找到衣着颜色最多的男生或女生。 2.各小组长检测各组预习结果,看看预习的单词是否掌握。 (组长要掌握本组的情况:单词是否都已经会读,组内还存在什么问题。) 任务二:听 听录音,判断正误. ( )1. The girl wants to buy a pair of pants. ( )2.That T-shirt is yellow. ( )3.That cap is orange. ( )4.Those shoes are green. (听对话,判断正误,两个一组互相检查、核对,并练习1a 对话) 任务三:读 学生结对活动用What color is ? It’s . What color are ? They’re .练习对话,完成 1b的练习。 (学生两个一组练习对话,不会的同学可以像他人求助, 同时鼓励读的好的同学,给予加分奖励) 任务四:评 小组展示练习结果,老师邀请小组表演,并给予积极评价。

(选出积极的小组进行表演,给予加分奖励,其他组认真听,可以提出看法和建议。) 教学反思:在本节课的教学过程中,学生的积极性较高,接受新知识的欲望较强,由于班级人数众多,我发出的部分指令不 是太清楚,导致部分学生不知道老师让干什么,在以后 的教学中,我一定会给学生发出清晰、准确的指令,争 取让每一个学生都清楚自己应该做的事情。同时在教学 环节的设计上,要把握好每一个环节。


Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! Language points and summary 1. stranger n. 陌生人(可数名词) strange adj. 陌生的,奇怪的 . Don’t talk to strangers. 不要和陌生人说话。 There is nothing strange in the room. 房间里没有奇怪的东西。2. relative n. 亲属,亲戚(可数名词) - . They have a lot of relatives. 他们有许多亲戚。 3. put on 增加(体重);发胖;穿上 . They’ve put on five pounds. 他们体重增加了5磅。 It’s cold outside. Please put on your coat. 外面冷,请穿上大衣。 4. pound n. 磅;英镑(可数名词) . The desk weighs 5 pounds. 这张课桌重5磅。 5. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. throw at 抛向;泼向;洒向 ~ 动词throw后接所投掷的物体,用介词at引入泼洒的对象。 . On our way here, someone threw a stone at our car, but fortunately we were not hit. 在我们来的路上,有人向我们的车投掷石块,所幸的是我们没被砸中。 It’s the first snow of the year, and the children are happily throwing snowballs at each other. 这是今年的第一场雪,孩子们高兴地拿雪球相互抛着。 1. Chinese people have been celebrating Middle-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. for centuries 几百年 2. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss.


Unit 2 English around the world 一、单词识记命令 1.________________ n.& vt. 2. ________________ adv. really 请求,要求 3._________________ n.& vt. 承认,辨认出 4._________________ vt. 闪电 5._________________ n. 地的/本国 6._______________ adj. 直的 7._______________ adj. 直接adv. 后者的,较后的 8._______________ adj. 毒气;气体;汽油 9._______________ n. 阻塞vt.街区 10.________________ n. 11. identity n. __________________ 12. eastern adj.__________________ 13. official adj.___________________ 14. voyage n. _____________________ 15. gradual adj. _____________________ 16. vocabulary n. _____________________ 17. elevator n. _____________________ 18. apartment n. _____________________ 19. expression n. _____________________ 20. accent n. _____________________ 二、词汇拓展基地;基部n.为根据……以1. base vt. ;基础的___________adj. 主要地;实际上;基本上___________adv.根本的基准;要

Unit 2 This is my sister公开课教案

Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标: uncle, aunt, cousin, son, daughter, photo, family tree, of, grandma,grandpa,mom,dad 2、能力目标: 培养良好的听、说、读、写能力。掌握家谱 Target language: This is my friend. These are my parents. That is my sisters. Those are my grandparents. 3、情感目标:了解自己的家庭,理解家人,热爱家人 二、教学重、难点: 1、掌握并熟练运用有关家庭成员的表达法。 2、巩固如何介绍家人。 三、Teaching steps Step 1Greetings and revision: Ask and answer like this : A:Good morning ! B: Good morning ! A:How are you ? B: I'm fine, thanks.And you ? A:I'm fine,too. Step 2 Lead in 1.Play a guessing game and learn new words. mother’s father (grandpa) father’s mother(grandma) father and mother(parents) mother’s brother(uncle) mother’s sister(aunt) uncle’s daughter (cousin) grandpa’s son (dad) grandpa’daughter(mum) 2.Ss read the words after the teacher Step3.Practice the words 1.First,teacher says Chinese,Ss say English



课题:Unit 2 This is my sister. Period 1(1a-1c) 学习目标 1.学会认知家庭成员,了解家庭关系。 2.学会介绍人,认识别人。 3.通过认知家庭成员及关系学会使用指示代词复数these , those的用法学会运用介绍人的句型: This / that is...以及these/those are 学习重难点 1.重点词汇:sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother,grandfather, friend, grandparents ,these ,those 2.掌握指示代词this / these , that/ those的用法。指示代词this,that作主语时,连系动词be用单数形式is,同时后面的名词用单数形式。若是these,those,连系动词be用复数形式are,同时后面的名词用复数形式。 3.注意:指示代词的变化this,these,that,those。this与these指离说话人较近的人或物。that与those指离说话人较远的人或物。 教学准备 录音机、磁带、课本,导学案 教学与学法 教师导学,学生小组合作学习 学习过程 一、(情境导入)明确目标 1.Introduce your family,and practice the conversation. 2.Show the aims.(见上) 二、自主学习

1.试读重点词汇sister, mother, father, parent, brother, grandmother,grandfather, friend, grandparents 2.观看课本插图完成1a。 3.听录音完成1b,并跟着录音读一读。 三、合作交流 1.小组合作完成1c对话练习。 介绍自己的家庭成员和认识新的朋友。 ---That’s my family.Those are my parents. ---Who’s she? ---She’s my sister.Oh,and these are my sisters. 2.四人一组合作练习介绍家庭成员们。 四、展示点评 1.小组分角色朗读。 2.总结家庭介绍以及these,thos e的用法。 五、巩固提高 1.英汉互译。 (1)his friends___________(2)these boys___________(3)her grandmother____________ (4)你的父母亲___________ (5)他的妹妹们____________ (6)那些女孩们____________ 2.据句意和汉语填空。 (1)My father and my mother are my _________. (2)This is my sister. ______name is Mary. (3)What are these? They are ________.(橘子) (4)Those are my_________(弟弟们). (5)Your mother's mother is your __________.


三年级英语Unit2教案 1、听懂、会说问候语Good morning、以及介绍别人用语This is 、、、 2 、在实际情景中能区分并运用以上各问候语、介绍别人用语和建议去上学的表述句子。 3 、进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣和敢于开口、勇于运用的习惯。教学重点:学生学习早上(上午)问候语 Good morning、及介绍人物用语This is …。教学难点:接绍人物用语This is …一句的发音较难,口型和发音不易到位,教师要适当提示,切不可盲目纠正发音,从而挫伤孩子的学习积极性。教具准备: 1、Cheng Jie ,Mike, Wu Yifan, Sarah, Zip, Zoom 的头饰。 2、为Let’s play 准备所需要的 Kitty, Mickey 等卡通人物的手偶或头饰。 3、教材相配套的教学课件 [Unit2 Let’s talk/A] 4、教材相配套的教学录音带教学过程: 1、热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)1)、教师播放第一单元的歌曲 Hello ,师生共唱。教师边唱边用体态语示范和学生问候,并鼓励学生边唱边和戴有歌曲中人物头饰的同学打招呼。

2)、用所学打招呼用语,师生互相问候。Hello/Hi, what’s your name?Hello/Hi, I’m…3)、让学生用自己的英语名字,自由下座位同别人打招呼并询问姓名。此时,学生可将制作的英文名卡戴在胸前。(还可戴上其它一些头饰,扮演不同人物,练习打招呼和自我介绍。) 2、呈现新课 (Presentation)1)、教师告诉学生英语的打招呼用语有很多,除Hello/Hi 以外,在早上或上午可用 Good morning、来进行。同时教师出示表示上午的图片,或在黑板上画一个升起的太阳,并在旁边标上时间7:30和 Good morning、一句。(在图案旁边板书Good morning、)然后教师用学生的英文名字,以不同的身份和学生打招呼。 用Hello/Hi, A、和Good morning, A、两种方法同时进行(A代表人名)。 (使学生了解到,这两种方法都是在打招呼,但不同点在于Good morning、可用于上午或早上,Hello/Hi 可用于所有时间段。) 3、师生共同观看本部分的教学课件。 [Unit2 Let’s talk/A] 4、再次观看本部分课件,教师指导学生进一步理解课件内容,并用中、英文提问,引导学生用学过的句子练习回答This is … 。


人教版高一英语必修一Unit2知识梳 理、重点词汇解析及单元自测课文回忆 2.说明文阅读技巧:找全文或每段的the main point(中心话题) Paragraph1: The spread of English language in the world Paragraph2:Native speaker can understand each other but they may not be able to understand everything Paragraph3:All languages change when cultures communicate with one another Paragraph4:English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia 3.短语归纳 1. 不只有一种英语more than one kind of English 2. 在一些重要方面in some important ways 3. 彼此不同be different from one another 4. 与现代英语不同be different from modern / present day English 5. 世界英语world Englishes 6. 起着的重要作用play an important role / part 7. 起着越来越重要的作用play a more and more /an increasingly important part / role 8. 因为它特殊的作用because of its special role 9. 国际语言an international language 10. 在16世纪末at the end of the 16th century 11. 在17世纪初at the beginning of the 17th century 12. 在20世纪前期in the early 20 th century 13. 比以往任何时候都than ever before 14. 即使even if / even though 15. 以德语为基础be based on German 16. 使用更大的词汇量make use of a wider vocabulary 17. 它自己的特色its own identity 18. 众多讲英语的人 a very large number of English speakers 19. 学英语的人数the number of people learning English 20. 迅速增长 increase rapidly 21. 标准英语 standard English 22. 信不信由你believe it or not 23. 讲最好的英语speak excellent English 24. 相邻的城镇neighboring towns 25. 从一个地方搬到另一个地方move from one place to another 26. 充分利用不同的方言make full use of different dialects 27. 目前的形势present situation 28. 国际组织an international organization 29. 词汇与惯用法vocabulary and usage 30. 辨认出他的口音recognize his accent 31. 中西部地区的方言midwestern dialect(s)

Unit 2 Great minds 教案-公开课-优质课(上教版九上精品)

Module 1 Geniuses Unit 2 Great minds 教案 Period 1 I. Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master new words, phrases and sentence patterns. 2. Enable the students to know something about Albert Einstein and his driver and some other great minds. 3. Develop the students’ reading and listening ability. II. Teaching Main Points: 1. Improve the students’ reading, listening ability. 2. Master some phrases and sentence patterns. III. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. To read and listen effectively. 2. Phrases and sentence patterns. IV. Teaching Methods: 1. Fast reading to find out the general information about the passage “Two Geniuses”. 2. Question-and-answer activities to help the students to go through the whole passage. 3. Individual, pair and group work to make every student work in class. V. Teaching Aids: The blackboard, computer, projector, audiotape, flashcards, pictures VI. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Revision and lead-in Ask some questions: 1. Who is your most respect? 2. Do you know any great men? 3. Do you know anything about these great men?
