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1.That is why English is a language with so many_______________(令人困惑的) rules.

2. To our great r__________, all the passengers were landed safe and sound.

3. The baby stretched out a tiny hand and g_________ my finger until I showed him a toy.

4. The young fellow was o____________ to follow the little girl, and no one knew what he wanted to do.

5. Cold weather is f___________ to continue some days, so the elderly had better stay inside.

6. Please do not _____________(犹豫) to turn to me if you have any trouble.

7. some universities have been forced to pay little attention to their graduates’ employment and, more or less, i______________ the quality of education.

8. Though I hadn’t seen Peter for about ten years, I r_____________ him the moment I saw him.

9. They collected blood samples for a____________ at a national laboratory.

10. Why the director left the company without telling anyone is still a p______________ to all of us.

11. He emphasized that all the people taking part in the research were ____________(志愿者)

12. Dogs are sometimes used at airports to _____________(闻,嗅)out drugs in people’s luggage.

13. He wiped the _____________(汗水) off his face and looked around.

14. He always a____________ great importance to leaving behind unnecessary items to live simple.

15. Passengers p_________ when news came that their flight would be delayed for another four hours.

16. Can you come up with another a__________ to dealing with the matter?

17. Whoever fails to o_________ the law(法律)will be punished.

18. My friend LiMing has helped me a lot in my studies, for which I am g _________.

19. I was reading in my bedroom when I heard my grandfather’s _________ (脚步)on the stairs.

20. My grandma’s ________(听力)is poor, so I always have to speak to her in a loud voice.

21. Mr Dong is the cousin of Mrs Guo, a bus ___________( 售票员)with whom I worked.

22. Jenny drew a smiling face in the _______ (多雾的)bathroom mirror and cleaned it with a cloth.

23. The little girl leaned over and _________(低声说)something in her mother's ear.

24. ________(不像)humans, pigeons never get lost and can always find their way home.

25. Mrs. Zhang was able to change her teaching style to s_______ different levels of students.

26. The government took action to __________ (减少)the waste of energy that spring.

27. The mayor said they would e______________ more efficient transport systems to improve city performance.

28. The flowers smelling sweet in the garden a__________ the visitors to the beauty of nature.

29. C____________ to what they had guessed, Alice preferred to stay at home rather than go to the party.

30. You’ve got to appear c__________ in an interview even if you are nervous inside.

31. The machine isn’t working now--- there must be a _______________(松的) connection.

32. Generally speaking, young drivers are far more _______________(可能的)to have accidents than older ones.

33. Only then did I recognize her as a beautiful ______________(士兵) I knew during the war.

34. He bought a piece of ____________(珠宝) for his wife on their wedding anniversary.

35 .I put on one of my ___________( 长大衣)today, because it is cold outside.


1. I couldn’t help uou with the problems then, for I was o_____________ with my homework.

2. Learning is a p________ and you can’t get what you want in one day.

3. Tou rism has r________ heavy industry as the city’s main source of income.

4. Everyone has s_________, so you should learn to forgive him.

5. How many new Chinese c_________ have you learned in the passage?

6. We should learn to c________ our business with pleasure.

7. Humans d________ from other mammals in their ability to speak.

8. Nancy knows them so well that she can d_______ them by their voices.

9. If it is not c________ for you, don’t come to my house and fetch me.

10. You need to have a large v_______________ as well as a good knowledge of grammar in order to learn English well.

11. Years ago, the crossing of the Atlantic took weeks; n_________, we can do it in a few hours.

12. What c_________ do you draw from the evidence you’ve collected?

13. Don’t i_________ the speaker now; he will answer questions later.

14. Though Tom has lived in London for ten years, he still speaks English with an American


15. We all know that d_______ are better than words when people need help.

16. The invention of paper-making in China was a great ________________(贡献) to human civilization.

17. Try to _________(简化)your explanation for the children.

18. One reason for her preference for city life is that she can have easy a_________ to places like shops and restaurants.

19. We have got an ________(官方的) statement that smoking is not permitted in public places.

20. This is a team __________(组成) of ten workers.

21. His silence ___________(暗示)that he wished to close the meeting.

22. The news that our school ________(击败) that school at basketball made us excited.

23. The teacher _________(提高) his voice a little, in order to let all the students hear him clearly.

24. It is difficult to make exact _________(区别)between all the meanings of a word.

25. He is so clever a boy that he has learned over 1,000 Chinese c_____________ at the age of seven.

26. Certain chemicals have been b________ because of their damaging effect on the environment.

27. In remote regions, the air is ____________(纯净的) and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.

28. The International Olympic Committee once expressed _________________(忧虑) over Rio’s ability to build all the necessary facilities for the 2016 Summer Olympics in time.

29. Her style of writing is rather ______________(独特的), which makes her outstanding.

30. I thought they would agree to make these changes, but I was m____________.

31. Blacks have been hurt by r___________ inequalities in housing and education.

32. Lisa made Tom’s secret known to all, which ______________(使尴尬) him in public.

33. The ____________(风俗) of lighting the Olympic flame dates back to centuries ago.

34. They feel that they ______________(代表) not only black students but all black people.

35. The two buildings are modeled after the same p_____________.


Test of Words and Expressions 英语必修三 一、根据中文或首字母提示,填写所缺单词的适当形式。 1.We’ll have a _______________(庆祝)meeting this afternoon. 2.No one is to leave this building without the p_______________ of police. 3.He likes to be_______________(独立). 4.________________(农业)in this country has developed after liberation. 5.On October 11th, 2012, Chinese writer Mo Yan was a__________the Nobel Prize in Literature. 6.I used to_____________(钦佩)him as a true scientist and a hard worker. 7.I must a____________ for not being able to meet you. 8.I’ve made up my mind, but it’s ________________(很显然)that you need more time to think it over. 9.The street cleaner is g_____________rubbish in the rain. 10.I could understand his being angry, but I’ll still never ____________(原谅)her the way she treated me afterwards. 11.He is in deep d_________ in order to cure his mother of the disease. 12.Hopefully these measures will b_____________ all people. 13.When I arrived in the USA, I found my English was very______________(有限 的). 14.If you wish for good advice, c_________ an old man. 15.Looking at somebody angrily for a long time means g__________ at somebody. 16.She is so afraid of putting on ______________(体重)that she eats like a bird. 17.Children are ______________(好奇)about everything, so teachers and parents


Boo k ⅢUnit 4 1. There is a _____________(基本的) difference in attitude between these two politicians. 2. Easter is an important _____________(宗教的) and social festival in Christian countries. 3.The new owners have tried to give the restaurant a more family-friendly __________ (气氛). 4. _____ (氧气)is a kind of gas that is necessary for most animals and plants to live. 5. Scientists want to know whether life ______ (存在) on other planets. 6. The sandstorm led to a chain ______(反应)which ended in a serious train crash. 7. Our problems have _________ (增加了) since last year. 8. Don't take this pill. It's ______________(有害的)to your health. 9. She listened with a _______ (迷惑的) expression on her face. 10. After the ___________(激烈的) quarrel, the young couple realized that their marriage had come to an end.


高中英语必修二(人教版)单词拼写及完成句子练习 Unit 1 1The Great Wall is one of the w________ of the world. 2. When the police arrived, he had destroyed the e________ of his guilt. 3. Have you seen the latest d________ for the new library? 4. Her parents died in the accident, but she s________. 5. There’s some d________ whether John will come on time. 6. My mother gave me this pen as a birthday g________ last week. 7. The Art Museum was broken into and a lot of t________ were stolen. 8. The thief went into the reception room s_______, trying to steal the precious(珍 贵的) vase in it. 9. He went into his office and l_______ up a cigarette. 10. She r_______ at home to look after the children when her husband went out to work.. 11. The f__________ style attracted a large number of people. 12. He is in a poor s______ of health. 13. They are pretty r_____. Only about a hundred were made. 14. The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet remains a m__________ to many foreigners. 15. I gave him some apples ______ _______ ______(作为……的报答) his help. 23. The two countries were then ______ ______(交战). People lived a hard life. 24. A team of 350 experts(专家) were sent to the desert(沙漠), ______ ______ ______ the buried ancient city(寻找埋在地下的古城). 25.Your suggestion will be carefully _________(考虑). 26. In order to _________(证明) her point, she showed them the latest sales figures. 27. The headmaster __________ _________ ______(器重) me because of my good performance. 28. Recently I’ve found a rare Qing Dynasty vase. But I don’t know whether it sh ould________ _______(属于) me. 29. The old man saw some Germans ________ _______(拆开) the Amber Room and moving it away. 30. The police have received the letter and they are ________ ______(调查) it. Unit 2 1.The Chinese delegation has won 32 gold m_______ in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. 2.A_______ from all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years. 3..Mr. King has r_______ Mike as captain of the team. 4. Tom will have an i_______ with the boss of the company he wants to work in. 5. Mary was not at home, so her son acted as h_______. 6. Many c___________ will compete in a race to be held next month. 7. She was a________ into the party. 8. They often do some p________ exercise after school. 9. It’s f________ of you to make so many mi stakes. 10. You can find some a_________ ruins in the village.


1. More and more ___________ (农业)products are being shipped abroad. 2. He travelled around ___________ (收集) facts about folk songs. 3. We talked about different _____(社会)problems, such as education and unemployment. 4. How will you __________(庆祝)the coming New Year? 5. I’ll tell him the news on his _________(到达) 6. He doesn’t depend on his parents for money and lives a life of i___________. 7. My heart beats faster whenever I see our n_______ flag raised. 8. France and Germany are both E____________ countries. 9. The poor man died of s_____________ because of lack of food. 10. The o ___________ of this custom is unknown 1. He had so much _______(精力)that he did the work of three men. 2. The boy shows great _________( 好奇心)about animals. 3. You mustn’t eat too much fat if you want to keep _______(苗条的) 4. The shopping mall is full of c____________ every day. 5. They love r__________ meat in the open air. 6. In some countries, people eat too much fat and sugar. They should eat a b__ ___ diet to keep healthy. 7. She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d_________ to lose weight. 8. Looking at his son, he s________ and went out of the room. 9. They stood there, g________ at each other without a word. 10. Time is l________. We need to be hurry. 1. He had no money with him and had to earn his _______(船费)by doing jobs on the ship. 2. The sunrise is a beautiful ___________(景象) 3. Only one man __________(幸免)the accident. 4. I can make a b__________ that our team will win. 5. We are not p____________ to swim in the river. It’s too dangerous. 6. After three hours of waiting for the train, our p______ finally ran out. 7. His a________ made me surprised. 8. Jenny has just bought a new skirt with red s__________. 9. On the c_______, I don’t like the way you’re talking. 10. Do you like a_______ in your life? 1. Don’t put the bottle on the edge of the _________(表面) of the desk, or it will fall down. 2. The ________(气氛)changed as he walked in. 3. The professor has brought in a good ______(系统) of teaching languages from abroad. 4. She asked them not to discuss the matter in her ___________(在场) 5. He was very __________(粗暴的)when he got drunk. 6. With the d____ of modern agriculture and industry, our everyday life has improved a lot. 7. During the Second World War, two atom bombs e___________ in Japan,. 8. Man can’t live without water and o_________. 9. If I tell you the secret, don't s________ it around. 10. Now we still don’t know whether life e__________ on Mars.


Boo k Ⅲunit 1 1.Try to (收获)_________the fruit before the storm. 2.It is time that you(道歉)_________ to Tom for what you said. 3.The police ordered no one could leave the room without ___________(允许). 4.She is pretty and she is quite a___________(美人). 5.It is hard to know the (起源)_________of the human race. 6.Kobe was (授予)_________the MVP. 7.My elder brother has moved away from home and is now __________(独立的). 8.David was a very brave young__________(猎人). 9.She threw a (骨头)_________at the dog. 10.The lawyer is (搜集)_________evidence. Boo k Ⅲunit 1 1.We always (赞赏)_________our teachers for their devotion to education. 2.He(哄骗)________the girl out of her money. 3.The boy is so (活力的) ___________that he can play basketball day and night. 4.Dolphins have sometimes been known to save(即将溺死的)________swimmers. 5.It is hard to know the (起源)_________of the human race,that is,how humans came into being. 6. It is very kind of you to give away food to (挨饿的)_________people. 7.Finally, the country(获得)_________ independence. 8.It’s (明显的)_________ that she has known the result. 9.Most of western people have(宗教的)_________beliefs. 10.In my village, it is the(风俗)_________ for a girl to take her mother’s name.


高一英语必修二UNIT1单词与词组练习 一?单词拼写 1. She is an able girl and she ______________ (设计)all her dresses. 2. I _____________ (想象)he' s pretty happy. 3. She _____________ (搬走)the painting to ano ther wall. 4. He bought me a ______________ ()diam ond ring as a birthday prese nt. 5. The great hall was ______________ (装饰)with flowers. 6. Catheri ne works at the l ____________ post o 「ffice. 7. He lets his daughter ___________ (挑选)her own birthday present in the shop. 8. On arriving at the hotel , I approached 走近the r ______________ desk to check in. 9. He proved himself innocent by providing a lot of e ____________ . 10. Three children were r from the school for their bad behavior. 11. The gloves were ___________ (设计)for extremely cold climates. 12. The island is deserted , and the chanee of _______________ of the five ___________ of the shipwreck is slim.(survive) 13. _______________________ All of us were ________ at his really tale nt (才华)for music.(amaze) 14. Don' t f _______ that you can succeed without hard work. 1. Tom bought her a watch _________________________ her help.(以答谢她的帮助) 2. 那些男孩去找吃的东西 The boy went _______________________________ somethi ng to eat. 3. 那时候我们对刘翔比赛时摔倒的消息感到惊讶。 At that time we ___________________________ the n ews that Liu Xia ng fell off in the games. 4. _________________________________________________ 他在英语方面的进步很大,这令我惊讶。 , he has made great progress. 5. It is __________ _____________ a mile to the beach . 离海滨不至U—英里 6. 那本封面是绿色的书很值得一读。 The book whose cover is gree n is __________________________________ .


高一英语必修3单词拼写(含答案) Book III Unit 1 1.Many children s_______ to death in Africa because of the lack of food. 2.In summer, there is usually p_______ of rain in our area. 3.They thought if they held some festivals, their a_________ would be s__________ with what they had done. 4.On his a_______, he was greatly welcomed by his fans. 5. The colour of our n________ flag is red with five yellows stars on it. 6. Under the lead of our party, we finally got i_ from the other countries. 7. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a_______ work to do. 8. The c____ of some E_______ countries are quite different from ours 9. The w________ is a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city. 10. He is such a h_______ boy that many girls a_______ him. 11. I hope you will always be e_________ when having classes. 12. Without the teacher's p__________, you cannot play with the computer in our class. 13. He managed to save the d__ girl, which was praised by many people. 14. It is o_______ that he has known the story. 15. He cheated her, which she would never f_______ Book III Unit 2 1.She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d_________ to lose weight. 2.Rice, noodles and bread all belong to e_______-giving foods. 3.When having dinner, I like to eat c_______ instead of m_______. 4.Wu must keep the b_______ of nature. 5. C_________ drove him to follow his friend into that restaurant. 6. Scientist are doing some r________ to find the cause of the disease. 7. There are usually a lot of c_________ in the KFC. 8. Both of the two restaurants have their s________ and


必修二unit1-unit4 单词测试 Unit1 Cultural relics Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. While all his classmates left, he still r ______ in the dark room. 2. Tom s ______ his friend by 10 years after the war. 3. You can see the edition is well d ______ and all the articles are well written. 4. I think he would come but it’s only a f ______ of mine. 5. We’d better r ____the box out of the room; it takes too much room. 6. I don’t like talking about people s ______.Why not point out their shortcomings in public? 7. There was no ______(证据) that they had stolen the car. 8. The ______(财宝) dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins. 9. There are three other children entering the cave ______ (除了) Lin Tao and his brother. 10. I have always been ____(考虑) building another house in the yard. 二.完成句子 1.The old couple ______ ______ ______ (从战争中幸存下来). 2.Do you think he did it accidenally or ______ ______ ? 3.The houses are specially ______ ______ the old people. 4.这本书值得读。 ①The book is worth ___________ =The book is ______ ______ ______ read. =It is ______ ______ the book. 5.你吃的那么多,难怪你睡不着。 ______ ______ ______ you can’t sleep when you eat so much. 6我很想知道他是谁,来自哪里,为什么来。 I ______ who he was, where he were from and why he came. 7.警察到处搜捕他。最终他被抓住了,现在警察正在对他进行搜身。 The police ______ ______ him everywhere. He was caught at last and now the police are ______ him. 三.用所给短语的适当形式填空 in return/take apart/think highly of/no doubt/in search of 1. After leaving the army, Mr Brown came to China ______ a job. 2. She mentioned the names of a few judges whom she did not ______. 3. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing______ . 4. There is ______ that the search for those lost cultural relics will continue. 5. ______the sentence______ and you’ll make its structure clear. Unit 2 Olympic games Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. Do you know how many athletes will c______ in the game? 2. Our book starts with a______ history of China. 3. Meanwhile, a number of university students have v______ to drive buses while the strike lasts. 4. My brother has graduated from our school and soon he will be a______ to college. 5. My father p______ to buy a new bicycle on my 18th birthday. 6. My English teacher has a m______ way to make his classes lively and interesting. 7. In the morning,he often does some exercise to build up his p______ strength. 8. We will buy some flowers to ______ (代替) the old furniture in the room. 9. They have decided to ______ (做广告) for their products. 10. What a waste of time to ______ (讲价) for everything! 二.完成句子 1.他认为没有人能和他竞争。 He believed that nobody could ______ ______ him. 2.1,000多名选手参加了争夺一等奖的比赛。 More than 1,000 competitors took part in the competition to ______ ______ the first prize. 3.他参加过两届奥运会了。He has now ______ ______ two Olympics. 4.他被接受成为篮球队的一名队员。 He ______ ______ ______ a member of the basketball team 5.那时每年只有200名儿童获准入学。 Only 200 children ______ ______ ______ the school every year. 6你承认是你打破了窗户吗? Will you ______ ______ ______ the window? 7他被控犯谋杀罪。He ______ ______ ______ murder. 8你认为博物馆应该收入馆费吗? Do you think museums should ______ ______ admissions? 9他父亲死后他一直负责这个农场。 He ______ ______ ______ the farm after his father’s death. 10如果你跟他们讲价,他们可能会降低价格。 If you ______ ______ them they might reduce the price 11你也来吗?Are you coming ______ ______ ? 12他每三天来看他的父母一次。He comes to see his parents ______ ______ ______ . 13我仍然不习惯早起。I’m s till not used ______ ______ ______ early. 三用所给短语的适当形式填空 in charge of/as well as/stand for/bargain with/compete for 1. Young children usually ______ their mother’s attention. 2. Who will be ______ the company when the manager resigns? 3. He,______ his classmates hopes to go camping on Sunday. 4. What do the letters PRC ______? 5. The woman was ______ the shopkeeper over the price of the coat. Unit3 Computers Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. I ______(实在) can’t do such stupid behaviour. 2. Now students are in need of good ______(科技的) books badly. 3. Use your ______ (聪明才智), and you’re sure to achieve something.


高一人教版英语必修三单词拼写 Unit 1 1. More and more ___________ (农业)products are being shipped abroad. 2. He travelled around ___________ (收集) facts about folk songs. 3. We talked about different _______(社会)problems, such as education and unemployment. 4. How will you __________(庆祝)the coming New Year? 5. I’ll tell him the news on his _________(到达) 6. He doesn’t depend on his parents for money and lives a life of i___________. 7. My heart beats faster whenever I see our n_______ flag raised. 8. France and Germany are both E____________ countries. 9. The poor man died of s_____________ because of lack of food. 10.The o ___________ of this custom is unknown Unit 2 1. He had so much _______(精力)that he did the work of three men. 2. The boy shows great _________( 好奇心)about animals. 3. You mustn’t eat too much fat if you want to keep _______(苗条的) 4. The shopping mall is full of c____________ every day. 5. They love r__________ meat in the open air. 6. In some countries, people eat too much fat and sugar. They should eat a b_____ diet to keep healthy. 7. She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d_________ to lose weight. 8. Looking at his son, he s________ and went out of the room. 9. They stood there, g________ at each other without a word. 10. Time is l________. We need to hurry. Unit 3 1. He had no money with him and had to earn his _________(船费)by doing jobs on the ship. 2. The sunrise is a beautiful ___________(景象) 3. Only one man __________(幸免)the accident. 4. I can make a b__________ that our team will win. 5. We are not p____________ to swim in the river. It’s too dangerous. 6. After three hours of waiting for the train, our p______ finally ran out. 7. His a________ made me surprised. 8. Jenny has just bought a new skirt with red s__________. 9. On the c_______, I don’t like the way you’re talking. 10. Do you like a_______ in your life? Unit 4 1. Don’t put the bottle on the edge of the _________(表面) of the desk, or it will fall down. 2. The ________(气氛)changed as he walked in. 3. The professor has brought in a good ________(系统) of teaching languages from abroad. 4. She asked them not to discuss the matter in her ___________(在场) 5. He was very __________(粗暴的)when he got drunk. 6. With the d______ of modern agriculture and industry, our everyday life has improved a lot. 7. During the Second World War, two atom bombs e___________ in Japan,. 8. Man can’t live without water and o_________.


2020年人教版高中必修三英语 Unit1 Festival around the world单元练习 一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共50小题;共50分) 1. The lady asked me whether I have a r belief. I told her that I worship Jesus. 2. There is a general b that kids are the future. 3. Over 10,000 people g there to honour the President's visit. 4. As a famous athlete, Liu Xiang had won a lot of a in international competitions. 5. I am writing to a for my rude remarks at the party yesterday evening. 6. There are o differences between the cultures of East and West. 7. She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with a . 8. The teacher gave me p to go home early. 9. At that time people would s if food was difficult to find. 10. Cruel Shylock was always mean to others but never felt guilty. However, he asked the Duke to f him. 11. My cousin is e enough to play football without rest for two hours. 12. Mary is an i girl. She never depends on her parents. 13. Let me know the time of your a so that I can meet you at the airport. 14. Easter is an important r and social festival for Christians around the world. 15. It is my b that I will improve my English in the coming term. 16. His supporters g in the main square to listen to his speech. 17. They have authorized a of £900 to each of the victims. 18. You must a to your teacher for the rude things you said to her. 19. It is o that he knows nothing about what has happened; you may tell him now. 20. The visitors a the beauty of the natural park so much that they visited it a second time. 21. We asked for his p to use the car, but he disagreed. 22. Because there is no food, the people are s . 23. F me for not paying you proper respect when I came in just now.

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