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Unit3 Look at the moon


本单元的主要教学内容是“谈论常见星体”。在教学中,建议教师应尽可能地创设与实际生活相似的场景,引导学生进入本单元的话题讨论。教师在处理和安排本单元的教学时,可以将本单元B部分的单词与日常用语Look at the … Oh, it’s …结合起来。在学生熟练掌握句子的基础上,教师可以引导学生用其他物品的单词套用Look at the …的句子,以帮助学生复习已学过的语言。这样做,不仅可以丰富语言操练的内容,还可以培养学生的创新意识。另外,建议教师结合游戏、儿歌、表演等形式,让学生说一说、演一演、猜一猜、画一画,在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握教学内容。


Fun With English 2A Unit3 Look at the moon


Knowledge Aims:

1.Ss can listen and read the new words correctly.

2.Ss can listen and understand the sentences and structure: Look at the moon! Oh,

it’s bright.

Ability Aims:

1. Ss can master the words and sentences fluently.

2. Develop Ss’ listening and speaking skills, cooperative skills and communicative skill.

Emotion Aims:

Stimulate Ss’ interests in learning English.


1.Ss can read the words correctly.

2.Ss can use the structure skillfully.


The pronunciation of small/bright.


PPt, Picture and word cards, etc.



第一课时:Part B

第二课时:Part A

第三课时:Part C

第四课时:Do exercise



Vocabulary: sun, moon, star, big, small, bright.


Knowledge Aims:

1. Enable to pronounce these words: sun, moon, star, big, small, bright.

2. Ss learn how to try to pronounce these words and understand the way their pronunciation comes from.

Ability Aims:

Ss can listen, read and say the words correctly and fluently.

Emotion Aims:

Raise Ss interest of learning English.


1.The correct pronunciation of these words.

2.Distinguish between the similar words both in form and pronunciation. 教学准备:

Some pictures, word cards, PPT, etc.


Step1 Warm up

1. Sing the songs.

2. Free talk

Review the sentences/patterns.

Who’s he/she?

He’s/She’s (my) …

What’s your father/mother?

He’s/She’s a …

Look at my new …

It’s very nice.

Show me your ruler/book/…

It’s nice!(伸一只大拇指)/It’s very nice!(伸两只大拇指)


Step2 Presentation

1. (PPT) Show some pictures.

Ss: It’s …

To elicit the word ‘sun’.

T: It’s the sun. (出示单词卡片sun,反面是run)

Read and spell the words one by one.

T/Ss:Sun, sun, the sun

2. 用sun唱Good morning to you

3. Draw a sun

Two Ss come up and draw suns, the others should appraise, using ‘It’s nice’‘It’s very nice.’

4. Show the picture of afternoon

师生用Good afternoon唱歌

5. Teach: moon

Show a picture

T: Is this the sun?

To elicit the word ‘moon’.

Ss read and spell the word one by one.

S: Moon

T: Here you are!

S: It’s nice!/ Thank you.

6.师生用moon, Good evening唱歌

Draw a moon

7. Use the same way to teach: star


Step3 Read and say

1.Listen to the tape and repeat

2.Invite some Ss to read the words.

3.Read the words one by one or group by group.







Step4 Presentation

1.Show pictures. (PPT)

It’s big. It’s small

To elicit the words ‘big’‘small’

Ss read and spell the new words in different ways.

2.Show some other words.

Ss try to say: It’s small. It’s big.

Expand: It’s new/nice/good

3.Say a chant:

【设计意图:呈现鲜明有趣的图片,帮助学生理解big和small的意思,并通过一系列的活动练习,让学生能够结合句子在实际中真正地运用这两个单词。】Step5 Copy the words

T should write the words on the Bb.

Ss copy them.


Step6 Homework

Listen to the tape and read the new words three times.


Unit3 Look at the moon

sun moon star

big small

本堂课主要教授三个常见星体类的单词(sun,moon,star)和一对反义词(big和small)。课堂上,注重学生听的习惯,特别是在教授单词moon时,moon是个比较难读的单词,学生很容易读成/mu/,而忽略了/n/的音。因此,先让学生倾听录音三遍后,再个别朗读,让学生做小老师进行领读,学生的积极都很高。然后,通过游戏‘seeking the card’进行巩固训练,这样避免了学生面对难读单词时不肯读、不愿读的情况,又能让他们在老师的引导下,读准单词,记牢单词。同时,充分利用多媒体以及图片这个有效资源,学生接受快,特别是在教学‘big’和‘small’这两个单词时,精美的课件出示一系列图片,让学生比较,说出哪个大,哪个小,学生很乐意区分,真正做到用中学,学中用。在低年级英语单词教学中,经常会出现今天学会记牢的单词,学生明天又忘记了的尴尬局面。因此,单词的复现在低年级英语课堂中显得尤为重要,教师需要不断地复现巩固才能让学生在头脑中形成印象达到的认知效果。因此,接下来的教学中,还是要不断重复已学过的单词,通过一系列的多方认知巩固,帮助学生完成记忆过程。



1. Vocabulary: sun, moon, star, big, small, bright.

2. Sentence Pattern: Look at the … Oh, it’s bright/…


Knowledge Aims:

1.Enable Ss to pronounce these words: sun, moon, star, big, small, bright correctly.

2. Enable the Ss to say the structures: Look at the … Oh, it’s bright/…

Ability Aims:

1. Can read and identify the words correctly.

2. Can use ‘Look at the … Oh, it’s bright/…’in the daily life.

Emotion Aims:

Raise Ss interest of learning English.


1. The phrase: look at

2. The pronunciation of bright/distinguish between bright-brother.


Word cards, Picture cards, Ppt,etc.


Step 1 Warm-up

1. Enjoy the songs before class. < Sally, Go round the sun>

2. Revision

Show pictures (sun, moon, star)

T: Look at the picture. What’s this? /What’s that?

Ss: It’s the sun/moon/star.

T: Who can spell the word?

Ss spell the words.


Step 2 Presentation

1. Teach: bright

Magic game: T shows a lamp

‘Magic, Magic, Magic, pong”灯亮出。

T: Oh, it’s bright. (出示)

Read the new word in different ways. (seeking the card ‘bright’)

T: (开关灯) bright?

Ss: Yes/No.

(T-S, S-S)

2.Show pictures of moon出示昏暗与明亮的月亮

T: What’s that?

Ss: It’s a moon.

T: Bright?

Ss: Yes.

T: Bright?

Ss: No.

3.tongue twister

Right, bright, right, bright, b and right, it’s bright. (学生拍课桌读)

4.Show a picture星空中出现一个明亮的月亮,人们在赏月吃月饼.

T: Look at the moon.

Ss: It’s bright. / It’s big

Teach: Look at the …

Read the structure one by one.

Make sentence, using ‘look at the …’

5.Pair work.

6.Show pictures of sun and star

T: Look at the sun/star.

Ss: Oh, it’s big/ yellow/ nice… (T helps)

7. T: look at the sky. What can you see? (光盘,到对话前暂停)


T: (继续)listen carefully, then I’ll ask some of you to act it. .(解释)

8. Read the dialogue after the tape.

9. Act the dialogue.

【设计意图:这个环节是通过开关灯的形式,让学生理解bright意思。再创设教学情景,进行句型look at the的学习,让学生在较为真实的情境中学习。】

Step3 Practice

1. (PPT) Show some pictures.

Practice: Look at the ….

Oh, it’s bright/…


Step4 Copy the words.

Ss write the words according to T’s commands.

Step5 Homework

Listen to the tape and read Part A three times.


Unit3 Look at the moon

Look at the moon!

Oh, it’s bright.

本堂课主要教学A部分的对话: Look at the moon. Oh, it’s bright,要求学生能结合上节课所学知识进行巩固操练,并在一定的情景中,灵活运用所学内容。教学过程中:1. 注重教具的使用。为了让学生能更好得理解单词bright的意思,利用教具小台灯的出现,结合“magic, magic, pong.”的游戏,通过观看灯亮起来的情景,教师反复说bright这个单词,让学生明白bright的真正意思。从学生的反应来看,学生被这个小魔术深深吸引了,注意力一下子被集中了,在开关台灯的过程中,清楚地知道bright 是什么意思。2. 在学习句型look at the … 时,先从该句的单词入手,首先通过单词迁移,book, cook,学习look,再出示at,学习并朗读词组look at,这样避免学生的错读,同时让学生对于词组的概念有了一些认识。然后再出示the moon,朗读并学习句子look at the moon。这样一单词一词组的学习,学生都能很好的掌握该句型,同时能较好地认读读准句中的每一个单词。

但在教学过程也发现存在着不少的问题:1. 学生对旧知的遗忘速度很快。本课时在巩固环节,除了练习本堂课的重点句型外,还呈现了以前学过的一些内容。比如,It’s new/nice/round。从学生的反应上来看,学生忘得已经差不多,因此操练效果不是很理想。课后,反思着自己的课堂,如何解决这个问题呢?在自己的课堂中,可以在新授环节,和学生一起说一说,复现这个已学知识点,帮助他们记忆,为巩固练习作好准备。同时,在备课前,翻翻一年级的英语书,把能联系的内容结合在一起,丰富课堂语言,复习旧知,学习新知。2. 学生对于句子中单词的替换理解运用的不够好。在学习了A部分的小对话后,对句型Look at the … Oh, it’s …进行了一定的拓展练习,但从学生的表现来看,不是很好,有小部分学生不会说,不会用。因此,在下节课中,这一部分还是呈现出来强调,帮助学生理解运用,今后的课上,考虑学生的不同层次,选择难度适中,学生感兴趣的进行拓展教学。



1. Vocabulary: sun, moon, star, big, small, bright.

2. Sentence Pattern: Look at the … Oh, it’s bright/…

3. Say a rhyme:


Knowledge Aims:

1.Review the sentence pattern: Look at the moon. Oh, it’s bright.

2. Ss can say the rhyme.

Ability Aims:

1. Can say the rhyme.

2. Can use ‘Look at the moon. Oh, it’s bright.’ in the daily life. Emotion Aims:

Raise Ss interest of learning English.


1.the understanding of the sentence pattern.

2.Ss can read the rhyme skillfully.


Ppt, word cards, etc.


Step1 Warm up

1. Enjoy songs before class.

2. Free talk

Who’s he/she?

He’s/She’s …

What’s your father/mother?

He’s/She’s …

Step2 Revision

1. Show some pictures.

Ss read them as quickly as they can.

2. Show some word cards.

Ss try to spell and recite.

3. Show pictures of part A.

Ss act the dialogue.

4. T show some pictures and Ss make dialogues.

Eg. T: Look at the …

S: Oh, it’s ….

S1;Look at the…

S2: Oh, it’s…

Step3. Presentation

1. Show a picture and let Ss look at the moon, let them say what it looks like

2. Teach the word ‘balloon’

3.Teach the word ‘round’, show a ball and a picture of a moon. Say the ball is round

and the moon is round.

4.Teach ‘In the sky at night’. Teacher points to the sky and say ‘in the sky’, and

show the moon, teach ‘at night’.

5.Ss listen to the tape.

6. Read the rhyme sentence by sentence after the tape

7.Read together.

Step4. Copy words

T write the words on Bb.

Ss copy them.

Step5 Homework

Listen to the tape, read the dialogue, the words and the rhyme after the tape.


Unit 3 look at the moon

Look at the…




1. Review this unit.

2. Finish some exercises.


Knowledge Aims:

1.Review the words they have learnt.

2.Enable the students can use the new structure.

Ability Aims:

Finish the workbook.

Emotion Aims:

Raise Ss interest of learning English.


Ss can follow the teacher’s instructions to finish the exercise. 教学准备:

Work book, pictures and word cards.


Step1: Revision

1. Read the words according to the pictures.

2. Spell the words according to the word cards.

3. Retell the dialogue according to the picture of Part A. Step2 Say a rhyme

Ss read the rhyme together.

Read it group by group.

Step3 Do workbook.

A. Listen and respond

Ss describe the pictures.

Play the tape. Ss do it.

Check the answer.

B. Listen and circle.

Let Ss observe the pictures and say out the difference.

Ss do it.

Check the answer.

C. Look, read and tick.

Ss talk about the pictures first.

Ss do it.

Check the answer

Step4 Copy the words


Unit 3 Look at the moon


动词过去式 1 2 1. 不规则变化 3 am\ is—was are—were 4 do—did go—went 5 see—saw eat—ate 6 sweep—swept sleep—slept 7 have—had make—made 8 get—got swim—swam 9 fly—flew draw—drew 10 write—wrote study—studied 11 run—ran fight—fought 12 swing—swung drink—drank 13 take—took ride—rode 14 catch—caught teach—taught 15 will—would can—could 16 sing—sang take—took 17 buy—bought find—found 18 stop—stopped read—read

2. 过去式与原形一样 19 20 set—set hurt—hurt 21 put—put 22 3. 规则变化 23 look—looked visit—visited 24 cook—cooked water—watered clean—cleaned watch—25 watched 26 wash—washed play—played 27 climb—climbed skate—skated 28 like—liked walk—walked 29 plant—planted answer—answered 30 listen—listened jump—jumped 31 pick—picked count—counted collect—collected plant—planted 32 wait—waited turn—turned 33 dive—dived live—lived 34 work—worked row—rowed 35 learn—learned dance—danced 36


动词过去式词汇表 不规则变化动词表 1. is,am --- was 是(单数) 2. are --- were 是(复数) 3. do --- did 做 4. don’t,doesn’t --- didn’t 没有做(否定) 5. go --- went 去 6. see --- saw 看见 7. eat --- ate 吃8. buy --- bought 买 9. have,has --- had 有10. wear --- wore 穿,戴 11. fall --- fell 落下,倒下12. learn --- learnt, learned 学习 13. take --- took 拿走14. make --- made 制作 15. say --- said 说16. run --- ran 跑 17. come --- came 来18. win --- won 赢得 19. get --- got 得到20. put --- put 放 21. cut --- cut 切,割22. hurt --- hurt 受伤 规则变化动词表 1. play --- played 玩 2. stay --- stayed 停留 3. clean --- cleaned 打扫 4. finish --- finished 完成 5. wash --- washed 洗 6. help --- helped 帮助 7. cook --- cooked 煮,炒8. phone --- phone 打电话 9. watch --- watched 观看10. paint --- painted 画画 11. listen --- listened 听12. walk --- walked 走路 13. invent --- invented 发明14. print --- printed 印刷 15. climb --- climbed 爬16. want --- wanted 想要 17. cry --- cried 哭18. worry --- worried 担心 19. happen --- happened 发生20. bump --- bumped 碰,撞


动词过去式 1. 不规则变化: Am、is—was are—were do—did go—went see—saw eat—ate sweep—swept sleep—slept have—had make—made get—got swim—swam fly—flew draw—drew write—wrote study—studied run—ran fight—fought swing—swung drink—drank take—took ride—rode catch—caught teach—taught will—would can—could sing—sang take—took buy—bought find—found stop—stopped read—read 2. 过去式与原形一样的有: set—set hurt—hurt put—put 3. 规则变化: look—looked visit—visited cook—cooked water—watered clean—cleaned watch—watched wash—washed play—played climb—climbed skate—skated ike—liked walk—walked plant—planted answer—answered listen—listened jump—jumped pick—picked

count—counted collect—collected plant—planted wait—waited turn—turned dive—dived live—lived work—worked row—rowed learn—learned dance—danced


动词及其过去式 原形过去式中文释义原形过去式中文释义 am was 是meet met 遇见;相逢are were 是pick picked 接;拿起;摘become became 成为;变成point pointed 指出 bring brought 带来put put 放;摆;装buy bought 购买;买read read /e/ 读;阅读 can could 能,会fall fell 摔 catch caught 捕获,捉run ran 跑;奔跑teach taught 教;讲授say said 说;讲 go went 去see saw 看见 do/does did 做;shout shouted 大喊 draw drew 画show showed 出示;给……看 drive drove 开车;驾驶have/has had 患(病);有;吃;饮 ride rode 骑 write wrote 书写skate skated 滑雪find found 寻找;查找sleep slept 睡;睡觉fly flew 飞行slip slipped 滑 get got 变得study studied 学习give gave 给;授予sweep swept 打扫sing sang 唱;唱歌swim swam 游泳 sit sat 坐take took 搭乘;花费(时间);拿走;带到 invent invented 发明taste tasted 品尝 is was 是(表示存在、 状态等) eat ate 吃 keep kept 保持;使保持某 种状态 tell told 告诉;讲述 know knew 知道;了解throw threw 扔laugh laughed 笑,嘲笑walk walked 步行 like liked 喜欢watch watched 看 listen listened 听wear wore 穿 live lived 居住will would 将要look looked 看见 lose lost 失去;丧失come came 来;来到 make made 使;促使;迫使; 做;制作 dance danced 跳舞


Unit 1 I’m Liu Tao 一、复习Unit1核心词汇,能看图说出英语单词。 二、认读下面的单词和短语 hello你好 hi 你好 I 我 I’m = I am 我是 Liu Tao 刘涛 Yang Ling 杨玲 Su Hai 苏海 Wang Bing 王兵 Amy 艾米 Tommy 汤米Lily 莉莉 *story 故事 * time时间 *fun 娱乐 *song 歌曲 *game 游戏 *play a game 玩一个游戏 *sing a song 唱一首歌

Unit 2 Good morning! 一、复习Unit2核心词汇,能看图说出英语单词 二、认读下面的单词和短语 good 好的 morning早上 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 night夜晚Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening 晚上好Good night 晚安 woof (狗叫的)汪汪声 you 你 *say 说 *cat 猫 *dog 狗 *lion 狮子 *pig 猪 *rhyme 歌谣*say a rhyme 说一首儿歌 *play a game玩一个游戏*sing a song 唱一首歌*read a story 读一个故事

Unit 3 This is Miss Li 一、复习Unit3核心词汇,能看图说出英语单词 二、认读下面的单词和短语 this这 is是 Mr 先生 Miss 小姐 my 我的 dad 爸爸 mum妈妈Goodbye 再见 Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 teacher 老师 This is …这是 … *brother 哥哥,弟弟 *sister 姐姐,妹妹 *grandpa 爷爷 *grandma 奶奶 *daddy 爸爸(昵称) *mummy 妈妈 (昵称)


备课笔记 学科英语 班级一年级 教师_____ 2018-2019学年度第一学期

小学备课要求 1.认真学习新课标,明确年段教学目标,对照新课标通读教材,了解编写意图,熟悉编排体系,明确教学任务,把握重点和难点。 2.要有学期教学计划和进度安排,坚持以组或单元为单位整体备课,要有详细的单元分析。 3.正确使用有关资料,整合教学资源,进行集体备课。上课前教师还要认真熟悉教案、思考教案,结合本班学生的实际情况修改教案,进行有效的二次备课。 4.设计教案要做到五明确,即目的要求明确、重点难点明确、基本教法明确、学法指导明确、板书内容明确。每课时教案都必须有比较明确的教学目标和重点难点,教学内容适当地分配,切忌平均用力。 5.教案内容要完整,即教学内容、目的要求、重点难点、课前准备、主要过程、板书设计、课堂小结、作业设计、课后记一应俱全。教学程序设计中,教师活动和学生活动应明确。严禁漏备或无教案上课。 6.作业安排要具体、适量,体现因材施教的原则,提倡教师进行原创性作业设计。 7.及时、认真地撰写课后记,针对教案和教学中的得失进行反思。坚持每课都写课后记,每月完成一篇质量较高的教学反思。 8.超前一周写好教案,青年教师应备详细的教案,重在规范,有经验的中老年教师重在创新。 附:电子备课格式:(1)字体:标题黑体、正文宋体 (2)字号:课题小二号、正文小四号 (3)行距:1.25

学期教学计划 班级概况 一(1)班和一(2)班各有学生21人, 23人。有部分的学生在幼儿园或多或少学过一些英语,但是大部分孩子从未接触过。对于这些新入学的小学生来说要同时面对中文和英语两门新的语言的学习,在一定程度上有些困难,因此作为教师就要客观遵循这个年龄段孩子的身心发展特点,运用各种教学手段,创造良好的学习时机,努力培养他们对英语的学习兴趣和学习习惯,使他们喜爱英语这门学科,继而学有所得。 教学内容 《译林小学英语》一年级上册每个单元由Story time,Fun time,Song time/Rhyme time三个板块组成。本册书共出现10个话题,包括个人情况、学校生活、家庭成员、水果、动物、运动、节日和颜色等,涵盖了问候、介绍、确认物品、命令、祝愿、感谢、询问等近10个语言功能项目,共出现了陈述句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、祈使句等约10个句型以及68个单词和短语,此外还提供了4首英语歌曲和4首英语歌谣。 教学目的知识目标 能听、说、读出所学的40个单词,养成良好的听、读习惯。能根据实物、图片说出所学单词,要求读音准确。能比较熟练地运用所学的日常交际用语,能演唱已学过的英语歌曲,诵读已学过的歌谣。 技能目标 积极参与课外语言实践活动,逐渐掌握所学的单词、日常交际用语,获得基本的语言运用能力。养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯,能自觉地模仿语音、语调,逐步培养语感。 情感目标 提高学习英语的兴趣、初步的语感和用英语进行简单口头交流的能力。熟练掌握所学句型,并与生活实际紧密结合,提高运用语言的综合能力。初步感知多样的文化背景知识,开阔视野,树立学习英语的自信心,为终身学习打下坚实的基础。 教学重点1.学习词汇39个(其中包括:人物,时间,家庭成员,学习用品,水果,动物,人体器官,表示动作的动词,玩具,颜色等),能认读、辨义并能灵活运用。2.学习表示问候的句型:Good morning. / Hi. / Hello. / Good morning. / Good afternoon. / Good evening. 并且能快速应答。 3.学习用This is…..?介绍人物。 4.学习用What’s this?问别人…..并能回答It’s….。 5.学习新年的祝福语。 6.学习用What colour?来问颜色,并回答。


六年级英语动词过去式变化规律 规则动词的过去式由“动词原形+-ed”构成,具体变化有: 1. 直接在词尾加-ed。如: want—wanted, work—worked, need—needed, clean—cleaned 2. 以不发音的e结尾的在词尾加-d。如:like—liked, live—lived, use—used, move—moved 3. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop—stopped, trip—tripped 4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变成i,再加-ed。如:study—studied, carry—carried, hurry—hurried, marry—married 不规则动词的过去式见课本后的不规则动词表。大体上归纳有以下六条记忆法: 1. 以t结尾的词,过去式与原形相同。如:put—put, let—let, cut—cut, beat—beat 2. 以d结尾的词,把d变成t。如:build—built, lend—lent, send—sent, spend—spent 3. 以n结尾的词,在词后加t。如:mean—meant, burn—burnt, learn—learnt 4. 以ow / aw结尾的词,把ow / aw变成ew。如:blow—blew, draw—drew, know—knew, grow—grew 5. 含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t。如:keep—kept, sleep—slept, feel—felt, smell—smelt 6. 含有元音字母o / i的词,将o / i变成a。如:sing—sang, give—gave, sit—sat, drink—drank 规则动词词尾加-ed有三种读音: 1. 在清辅音后读作[t]。如:asked, helped, watched, stopped 2在浊辅音和元音后读作[d]。如:enjoyed, studied, moved, called 3. 在t / d后读作[id]。如:wanted, needed 现在分词的构成方法如下:一般情况下,直接在动词原形后面加-ing. going asking finding working being seeing printing raining standing studying speaking spelling 以不发音的-e 结尾的动词,去-e ,再加-ing。coming taking firing encircling writing becoming breathing leaving 闭音节的单音节词,或以重读闭音节结尾的多音节词,这些词的末尾只有一个辅音字母时,双写这个辅音字母,再加-ing. sitting running getting cutting stopping beginning planning permitting 英语动词的过去式解密[一级解密]规则动词的过去式由“动词原形+-ed”构成,


上句:回答: 1. Hello, I’m Liu Tao. 你好,我是刘涛。 Hi, I’m Yang Ling.你好,我是杨玲 2. Hello, Wang Bing. 你好,王兵。 Hi, Su Hai.你好,苏海。 3. Good morning. 早上好 Good morning. Good afternoon. 下午好 Good afternoon. Good evening. 晚上好 Good evening. Good night. 晚安 Good night. 4.This is Miss Li. 这是李老师 Good .....Miss Li Hello/Hi Miss Li. 5.Is this a teddy? 这是一只泰迪熊么? Yes, it is No, it isn’t. It’s a puppy. 6. A cherry, please. 请给我一颗樱桃。 OK. 好的 Thank you.谢谢 7.Look at my balloon. 看我的气球 It’s red/nice/beautiful....它是红/漂亮等等 8.I can dance/sing/... 我会。。。 Great. 好棒 9.Put on your coat. 穿上你的外套 OK/Yes.好的 10.How many red marbles?多少个红色弹珠? Three red marbles. 三颗红色弹珠 11.Ouch! 嗷! I’m sorry. 对不起 That’s OK.没关系 12.Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔么? Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 13.I like carrots.我喜欢胡萝卜。 Me too.我也是 14.Onions? 要洋葱么? Yes, please. 好的,谢谢。 No, thank you.不要,谢谢 15.Look at the flowers.看那些花。 They’re colourful.它们多彩的 16.Look at the flower.看这朵花。 It’s colourful..它是多彩的 17.Look at the ladybird.看这只七星瓢虫。 It’s cute.它真可爱。 18.What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a cicada.它是一只蝉。 19.Are you ready? 你们准备好了吗? Yes. 20.One, two, three, run.1,2,3,跑! OK. 好的。 Well done.干的好。 21.What’s that? 那是什么? (Baa!) It’s a lamb.(咩)它是一只羊。 22.What’s in your bag? 你书包里有什么? A bottle, a hankie and three stickers. 一个瓶子,一块手帕和3张贴纸


绝密★启用前 综合能力测评 Part Ⅰ语音基础知识运用(60 分) Ⅰ. Choose the correct picture. (5×4'=20' ) (根据问题,选择正确的图片,每题 4 分) 1.Which is bowl? A. B. C. 2.Which is lemon? A. B. C. 3.Which is house? A. B. C. 4.Which is skirt? A. B. C. 考生 须知 1.考试前,请考生务必用黑色或蓝色签字笔或者钢笔在答题卡上将考生姓名,考号填写清楚, 并使用 2B 铅笔将考号区域内对应数字下的信息涂黑。 2.每小题选出答案后,请用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦 干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后只需上交答题卡。

5.Which are zebras? A. B. C. Ⅱ. Choose the correct word. (5×4'=20') (根据图片,选择正确的单词,每题 4 分) 6. A. hen B. cock C. chick 7. A. orange B. lemon C. pineapple 8. A. rain B. cloud C. sun 9. A. sheep B. ship C. sleep 10. A. clock B. watch C. lamp

13. A. Is this a monkey? B.Do you like monkey? C.What’s this? 14. A. What color is my hair? B.What is my hair color? C.What my hair color is? 15. A. What do you want, Miss? B.Would you like some coconuts? C.Do you want any coconuts?

苏教牛津译林版小学英语一年级上册Unit 52练习

苏教牛津译林版 小学英语 内容精选 学习单词,背诵课文,基础知识很重要! 苏教牛津译林版小学英语和你一起共同进步学业有成! Unit 5 A cherry, please第二课时习题 一、选出正确的汉语意思 ( ) 1. peach A. 苹果 B. 桃子

( ) 2. banana A. 香蕉 B.西瓜 ( ) 3. box A. 盒子 B. 书包 ( ) 4. cherry A. 葡萄 B. 樱桃 二、选择与图片相应的单词写一写。 1. ________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4.___________________ 三、按要求写一写。 1. This is a cherry.(疑问式)___________ 2. yes (反义词)________________ 3.a banana (英译汉)_______________ 4. Thank you(英译汉)______________ 四、情景交际 ( )1. 当你想要一颗葡萄时,你应说:________ A. A grape, please B. A cherry, please. ( )2.当你想问对方“这是一只”泰极熊”吗时,你应说:______ A. Is this a puppy? B. Is this a teddy? ( )3.当你想告诉对方“这是一个盒子”时,你应说:______ A. This is a box. B. This is a bag. ( )4.当别人给了你一个苹果时,你应说:_______ A. Thank you B. OK. 五、看图,选出正确的答语。 peach banana cherry grape


动词过去式 1、不规则变化 am\ is—was are—were do—did go—went see—saw eat—ate sweep—swept sleep—slept have—had make—made get—got swim—swam fly—flew draw—drew write—wrote study—studied run—ran fight—fought swing—swung drink—drank take—took ride—rode catch—caught teach—taught will—would can—could

sing—sang take—took buy—bought find—found stop—stopped read—read 2、过去式与原形一样 set—set hurt—hurt put—put 3、规则变化 look—looked visit—visited cook—cooked water—watered clean—cleaned watch—watched wash—washed play—played climb—climbed skate—skated like—liked walk—walked plant—planted answer—answered listen—listened jump—jumped

pick—picked count—counted collect—collected plant—planted wait—waited turn—turned dive—dived live—lived work—worked row—rowed learn—learned dance—danced

一年级上册英语教案 Good morning 牛津译林

教学目标: 知识能力与技能 Learn to greet people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? And their answers; Learn the pronunciation and the writing of letters Aa-Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names; Understand some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC. 过程与方法 With the studying strategies of Imitating and Drilling, get the students to do Pair work to learn how to say hello to and greet people in English by using the teaching courseware, pictures, flashcards; Catch the others’ information by practicing conversations; Know the greetings well by singing English song. 情感、态度与价值观 This content is easy to understand and the basic greetings in English, and it’s the easiest to imitate and use. It can not only make the students fall interest in English, but also make them learn how to communicate with others politely; At the same time, it can make the students learn how to call the westerners and know something about the western cultures. 重点难点: 1、Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh and consolidate the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A, E in English


六年级下册英语动词过去 式 Last updated at 10:00 am on 25th December 2020

动词过去式1. 不规则变化 am\ is—was are—were do—did go—went see—saw eat—ate sweep—swept sleep—slept have—had make—made get—got swim—swam fly—flew draw—drew write—wrote study—studied run—ran fight—fought swing—swung drink—drank take—took ride—rode catch—caught teach—taught will—would can—could sing—sang take—took

stop—stopped read—read 2. 过去式与原形一样 set—set hurt—hurt put—put 3. 规则变化 look—looked visit—visited cook—cooked water—watered clean—cleaned watch—watched wash—washed play—played climb—climbed skate—skated like—liked walk—walked plant—planted answer—answered listen—listened jump—jumped pick—picked count—counted collect—collected plant—planted wait—waited turn—turned dive—dived live—lived


牛津译林版一年级英语上册教学计划 一、学情分析 一年级小朋友刚接触英语,对英语学习兴趣很浓,模仿能力很强,学习习惯还未养成,因此要注重学生习惯养成。但由于年龄的特点,注意力容易分散,如果单调的一味的讲解知识,会影响他们的学习积极性,取得的效果也会不如意。所以,应当从他们的年龄特点出发,多在课堂上设计活动,增强趣味性。从而达到使他们从一开始就喜欢英语的目标。 二、教材分析: 本册教科书共八个单元(包括六个新授单元和两个复习单元),每个新授单元都按"话题--功能--结构--任务"相结合的体系,设计和编排了大量视、听、读、唱、画、游、演、做等语言实践活动。话题贴近生活、对话浅显易懂、活动丰富多样、语言地道典型、情景自然真实、歌曲优美动听、歌谣明快流畅、插图活泼生动,比较符合儿童的生理和心理特点以及儿童学习语言的规律。 三、教学目的: 1、培养良好学习习惯,激发学生学习英语的兴趣; 2、培养学生纯正的语音、语调; 3、能根据教师的简单指令做事情,自己也能发号简单指令; 4、能运用所学的知识进行简单的交流; 5、能唱简单的英文歌曲,能说简单的英文歌谣;

6、能看图说出单词,听到单词说出物品; 四、教材重点、难点: 1、能根据教师的简单指令做事情,自己也能发号简单的指令; 2、能运用所学的对话进行简单的交流; 3、能唱简单的英文歌曲,能说简单的英文歌谣; 4、能看图说出单词,听到单词说出物品。 五、教学措施 针对目前学生刚入学的现状和所学英语水平参差不齐的现状,以及这册书所提出的教学要求,我在提高教学质量,为学生能够顺利进入一年级小学生的学习生活中来,我准备采取以下几项措施: 1.加大游戏及歌曲在课堂中出现的频率,充分利用低年级学生好动的年龄特点,通过课堂活动调动学生学习的积极性。 2.加强学生听训练。主要包括:课上大量听课文录音;回家让家长督促孩子听已学过的知识,并要求学生做到及时预习新知识。 3.总结、积累和归纳语言素材,包括词汇、词组、短语、短句,并加大灵活运用力度,使学生扎扎实实的掌握每课书所出现的词汇。 4、给予学生明确的期望值,激励学生不断进取。学习是件愉快的事,也是件需要不断付出劳动的工程。要相信学生,肯定他们是一定能不断成功的。 5、要尽可能多地创造充足的语言"习得"机会,给孩子们创设"习

牛津译林版英语一年级下Unit4 Spring 教案和习题及答案


Unit 4 Spring 第一课时习题一、看图写单词。 1. ____________ 2.____________ 3,____________ 4.____________ 二、根据要求写词汇或句子。

1 .漂亮(翻译成英语)____________ 2. 高兴的(翻译成英语)______________ 3. 他们是。(翻译成英语)______________ 4. colourful.(翻译成汉语) ___________ 5. green.(翻译成汉语) ______________ 三、根据汉语提示写单词。 1. ___ ___ _______ (看这)the giraffe . 2. I like playing________(放风筝) . 3. They are ________ (漂亮). 四、选择题。 ( ) 1. I like _________. Do you like _________? A. kites ; it B. kites ; them C. kite; them D. kites ; they ( ) 2. Let’s __________ the pictures . A. look at B. to look at C. looking D. looks 五、按要求完成句子。 1. Do/ like/ you/flowers (?) (连词成句) ___________________________________________ 2. at/ look/the/trees (.)(连词成句) ___________________________________________ 3. They are flowers. (提问) _________________________________________ 4. The apples are red. (翻译成汉语) _________________________________________ Unit 4 Spring. 第一课时答案


整理牛津译林版小学一年级英语下册全册教案精写 一年级集体备课教案 ●课题 Unit1 Let’s count ●使用 1 课时●总第 1 课时 ●教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读句型How many marbles?并明白要用One, two, three,four,five marbles来回答。 2、能听懂、会说、认读单词One, two, three,four,five, marbles 3、能听懂他人使用的Let’s count. ●教学重点难点 教学重点:能听懂句型How many marbles?并明白要用One, two, three,four,five marbles来回答。 教学难点:数字的熟练运 ●教学具准备及辅助活动 图片,多媒体 ●主要板书计划 Unit 1 Let’s count How many marbles? One, two three, four, five. ●作业设计、安排

课内 练习How many marbles? one two three four five 课外 熟练课中所学内容 ●教学过程二次备 课 Step1 Greeting T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss ... T: Good morning, boys. Boys: Good morning, Miss ... T: Good morning, girls. Girls: Good morning, Miss ... T: Sit down, please. T: Nice to see you again. This is the first leSson this term.Let’s enjoy a song first.播放 Step 2 Presentation

苏教版牛津译林版小学英语一年级上册教案 Unit 1 第5课时

苏教牛津版一年级上册英语 Unit 1 Hello 第五课时 教学目标要求: 能根据所听到的名字,正确辨认出第一单元中出现的四个人物Su Hai, Wang Bing, Helen, Mike的形象,能看图说出这四个人物的名字,发音准确。 教学过程: Step1 Greeting 开起小火车,一个接一个和后面的小朋友打招呼。 Step2 Presentation: T:(拿出两个小木偶)Look, they are my good friends.(模仿小木偶的口气表演)Hello!I’m Dongdong. Hello, I’m Xixi. Ss: (在教师启发下)Hello,Dongdong and Xixi. T: Let’s speak English together with Dongdong and Xixi. OK? Ss: OK. 在交流的过程中,教师将话题自然引入本单元教学内容。 When we meet someone, we should say “Hello!” Now, let’s watch and listen. (播放图片,用事先怕摄的几个场景,不同的人在不同的场合互相招呼说Hell。以及作自我介绍I’m…) Step3 Learn to say 引导学生使用所学语言。 Let`s read the dialogue together. 引导学生用各种形式,变化各种声调朗读课文对话。 Can you act the dialogue? 引导学生表演对话。 Can you make dialogues like this? 先与一位学生做示范。可适当增加一些句子,使对话更丰富完整。 引导学生展开想象,让他们在类似的生活场景中运用所学语言。每对上台表演的学生可


1.begin —— began drink —— drank ring —— rang sing —— sang swim——swam sit —— sat run—— ran come —— came give —— gave 2. draw —— drew fly ——flew grow —— grew throw —— threw know——knew (注意:show ——showed, glow ——glowed) 3. ride —— rode write —— wrote drive —— drove tell —— told speak —— spoke get —— got 4. spend——spent mean —— meant meet —— met keep —— kept sleep —— slept sweep —— swept feel —— felt 5. cut —— cut put —— put let —— let read —— read 6. buy —— bought think —— thought c a tch —— c a ught te a ch —— t a ught 7. can —— could will —— would shall ——should 8. have—had eat——ate make —— made hear —— heard find —— found 9. see —— saw say —— said do —— did go —— went take——took 10. am, is —— was are —— were


六年级英语动词过去式词汇 表(总1页) 本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March

动词过去式词汇表 不规则变化动词表 1. is,am --- was 是(单数) 2. are --- were 是(复数) 3. do --- did 做 4. don’t,doesn’t --- didn’t 没有做(否定) 5. go --- went 去 6. see --- saw 看见 7. eat --- ate 吃 8. buy --- bought 买 9. have,has --- had 有 10. wear --- wore 穿,戴 11. fall --- fell 落下,倒下 12. learn --- learnt, learned 学习13. take --- took 拿走 14. make --- made 制作 15. say --- said 说 16. run --- ran 跑 17. come --- came 来 18. win --- won 赢得 19. get --- got 得到 20. put --- put 放 21. cut --- cut 切,割 22. hurt --- hurt 受伤 规则变化动词表 1. play --- played 玩 2. stay --- stayed 停留 3. clean --- cleaned 打扫 4. finish --- finished 完成 5. wash --- washed 洗 6. help --- helped 帮助 7. cook --- cooked 煮,炒 8. phone --- phone 打电话 9. watch --- watched 观看 10. paint --- painted 画画 11. listen --- listened 听 12. walk --- walked 走路 13. invent --- invented 发明 14. print --- printed 印刷 15. climb --- climbed 爬 16. want --- wanted 想要 17. cry --- cried 哭 18. worry --- worried 担心 19. happen --- happened 发生 20. bump --- bumped 碰,撞 2

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