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Profile Adaptable communicator with a special ability for coordinating and communicating using a variety of media to include audio, video and static visuals. Focused on using international and multi-cultural exposures to produce instructional or entertaining content. Education EMORY UNIVERSITY Atlanta, GA B.A., International Studies, expected May 201X Concentration in Jewish Studies Study Abroad Program: University of London, Spring 201X THOMAS JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL Beckley, WV High Honors Graduate, May 201X AP Scholar with Honors / Community Service Honors Employment Experience Specialized Childcare Provider 201X to 201X Cared for newborn on a full-time basis for a professional family in Swampscott, MA. Lived in the family’s home, coac hed new mother in childcare techniques, and coordinated household functions. (Summer 201X) Cared for premature twin infants on a part-time basis while attending school full-time, accompanied infants to

physical therapy sessions, coordinated in-home child development exercises, and responded to emergency situations. (School Year 201X) Special Event Planner Summer 201X Coordinated event logistics, volunteers and other assistants during the planning and on-site management of a $250,000+ Bat Mitzvah. Proofread/edited documents in both English and Hebrew, tutored student in Hebrew prayers to ensure full preparation, and worked extensively with Word and Excel. Work-Study Student - Emory University 201X to 201X Part-time paid position with responsibility for sales, customer service and administrative functions. Skilled Childcare Provider/Babysitter 201X to 201X Established an impeccable reputation for quality of childcare with families throughout Beckley, WV, and Atlanta, GA. Worked on a nearly full-time basis during holiidays, vacations and school breaks to provide care, assist with household management, prepare meals, transport children to activities and more.

Specialized assignment

ts included care of a preschooler with Down’s Syndrome a nd childcare for several Spanish-speaking families (including accompanying family on several trips to Costa Rica). Activities & Volunteer


护士类求职英文简历范文 本文是关于护士类求职英文简历范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 护士方面的英文简历欣赏,请看: SKILLS: Skill Name Skill Level Last Used/Experience psychiatric Nursing Intermediate 1 year ago/1 years Medication Administration Intermediate 1 year ago/ 2 years Quality & Continuity of Care Expert 1 year ago/ 2 years JCAHO Standards/Compliance Expert 1 year ago/ 2 years patient Assessment Expert 1 year ago/ 2 years Critical-Care Nursing Intermediate 1 year ago/ 2 years patient Advocacy

Expert 1 year ago/ 2 years parent/patient/Family Education Expert 1 year ago/ 2 years Case Management OBJECTIVE: Dedicated registered nurse (RN) with specialty experience in psychiatric/mental health nursing. Developed strong psychiatric-evaluation and treatment-planning skills through recent internship at pennsylvania Department of Corrections. Knowledge of psychotropic medication administration, management and training. EXpERIENCE: 11/2019 - 5/2019 pennsylvania Department of Corrections Doylestown, pA Registered Nurse Served as RN at hospital located within maximum-security correctional facility housing approximately 3,500 inmates. Assigned to the mental health crisis unit and played a key role on interdisciplinary team of psychiatrists, RNs, social workers and corrections officers. Actively participated in development and implementation of individual treatment plans for patients with broad range of mental health issues. Ensured that doctors' orders were effectively carried out, including testing, medical procedures, consultations and stat orders for five-point restraint. Key Accomplishments: * Selected as one of only seven student nurses to be admitted into internship program after rigorous selection process. * Helped refine unit policies and procedures in the areas of suicide-watch procedures, safety methods, discharge planning and


---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 人事职员英文简历范文 Name: XXX Sex: Female National: Han Political features: members Education: tertiary Profession: public relations secretary Graduate institution: Nankai University Department of Chinese The course: secretarial, clerical writing, public relations practices, school talks, interpersonal psychology, public relations, public relations language, application writing, political economy, philosophy, foreign culture, file management, such as China’s cultural history. Another: Xu Guozhang English self-study have been 1-4. Undergraduate education is the administration of academic qualifications and English II. And I have a driving license. I have in the international standard of the work of large-scale 1 / 13


建筑设计师助理免费英文简历模板 ng: border-box; word-wrap: break-word; font-size: 0px; font-family: Helvetica Neue , Microsoft YaHei , Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; white-space: pre-wrap; position: relative; padding: 0px; margin: 1mm 1.5mm; min-height: 22pt; line-height: 0;”> In accordance with requirements of the scheme design, assisted designer modeling scheme Collect large amounts of data, learning a lot of new European architecture practice 考官们经常采用的一个基本策略就是尽量让应试者多讲话,你在面试时一定要注意管紧自己的嘴巴,以免画蛇添足。 二、留足进退的余地,随机应变 面试当中,对那些需要从几个方面来加以阐述,或者圈套式的问题,要注意运用灵活的语言表达技巧,不要一开始就把话讲死。

三、稳定自己的情绪,沉着理智 有时面试时,考官会冷不防地提出一个令应试者意想不到的问题,这时,你需要的是稳定情绪,千万不可乱了方寸。 四、不置可否地应答,同样讨好 应试场上,考官时常会设置一些无论你作肯定的回答还是作否定的回答都不讨好的问题。而你模棱两可的回答,能让自己置于一个有利的位置。 五、圆好自己的说辞,滴水不漏 在面试中,有时考官提的问题并没有什么标准答案,这就要求应试者答题之前要尽可能考虑得周到一些,以免使自己陷于被动。面试在某种程度上就是一种斗智,你必须圆好自己的说辞,方能滴水不漏。 六、不拘一格的思维,歪打正着 面试中,如果考官提出近似于游戏或笑话式的过于简单化的问题,你就应该多转一转脑子,想一想考官是否另有所指,是否在考察你的智商、情商或是职商。如果是,那就得跳出常规思维的束缚,以求收到歪打正着的奇效。


护理专业学生英文简历模板 :09-22s("hzh0");s("hzh1");s("hzh2"); 请大家一起来欣赏以下这一份由所提供的护理专业学生的英文简历模板,欢迎大家浏览。basic cvname: nationality: chinacurrent location: guangzhou national: hanexit and entry: jiangxi tall: 158 cm kgmarital status: single age: 22 years oldtraining certification: integrity badge:job search intention and work experiencetalent type: fresh graduatesposition: hospital / medical / nursing care / beauty care categories: out-patient导医, the department nurseswork experience: 0 title: no titlejob type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any timemonthly requirements: 1000 - 1500 the hope that the working area: guangzhoupersonal experience: XX.6-XX.12 at the end of yichun city people's hospital (triethylene hospital) internship, he was appointed captain internshipXX.9 yichun city medical school studentsXX.9 newborn physical examination south fuzhou brancheducational backgroundgraduate institutions: fuzhou, nanchang university school of medicine branchhighest level of education: college graduates - XX-04-01studies by one: care (foreign-related


护士自荐信范文大全 自荐信作为一种专用书信,你知道护士自荐信该怎么写吗下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的护士自荐信。望大家采纳。 护士自荐信范文篇一尊敬的领导: 您好! 感谢您百忙之中垂阅我的自荐信,为一位满腔热情的大学生开启一扇希望之门,希望我的到来能给您带来惊喜,给我带来希望! 我叫窦应杰,是雅安职业技术学院药学专业的一位即将毕业的学生.我很平凡,但不甘于平庸,我乐观,自信上进心强,爱好广泛,为人和善,能够很好的处理人际关系,并且有很强的责任心和使命感.三年的学习深造使我树立了正确的人生观,价值观和不屈不挠的性格.在校期间,我也特别注重在认真学习好专业课的同时,努力培养素质和提高能力,充分利用课余时间,拓展知识视野,完善知识结构.在竞争日益激烈的今天,我坚信只有多层次,全方位发展,并熟练掌握专业知识的人才,才符合社会发展的需要和用人单位的需求. 我在成都市第二人民医院实习期间,跟随各个科室老师的带领,认真学习,将课本知识与理论实践相结合,现在我对中,西药房,制剂室,药检室等科室的工作都有了一定经验,并从中学到了不少知识.

现在,我即将毕业,普通的院校,普通的我却拥有一课不甘于平凡的心.面对新的人生选择和挑战,我充满信心.我要在新的起点,新的层次,以新的姿态,展现新的风貌,书写新的记录,创造新的成绩. 尽管在众多应聘者中,我不一定是最优秀的,但我拥有不懈奋斗的意念,愈战愈强的精神和踏实肯干的作风.如果把您信任和希望给我,让我施展潜能,我一定会尽心尽责,尽我所能,让贵单位满意! 最后,祝贵单位宏图事业蒸蒸日上! 护士自荐信范文篇二尊敬XX医院领导: 您好,感谢您阅读我的护士自荐信! 我叫XXX,是XX大学医护学院应届生.在校期间,本人学习勤奋刻苦,目标明确,学业成绩优秀,专业理论扎实,大学英语水平已具备基本的听、说、读、写的能力,并拿到英语四级证书,同时拥有检索、查阅英文资料的技能。经过在成都人民医院的临床实习阶段、专业学习阶段,现已具备扎实的基础医学、护理学基础的理论知识、护理操作等技能,已初步具备从事临床护理的工作能力。 专业学习之余,本人也善于把握每个实践锻炼的机会,注重计算机技能的发展,能够较好地应用Word、Excel等Office系列办公软件;在校期间,曾任成都大学医护学院英语俱乐部外联部部长、学院话剧团成员等,借此学习管理知


编辑英文简历模板word 求职者在英文简历中要注意突出那些人无我有,人有我优的素质、能力,让用人单位对你产生好感。以下是编辑英文简历模板word, 欢迎阅读! 编辑英文简历模板word@.com(+86) 13xxxxxxxxxJob Objective: Reporter/EditorEDUCATIONYALE UNIVERSITYNEW HAVEN,CTB.A., Literature, 2014 (expected)GPA 3.8/4.00NATIONAL OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP SCHOOL (NOLS)LANDER,WY (SUMMER 2013)Month-long backpacking course in the Olympic Mountains in Washington State, with an emphasis on rigorous off-trail travel through remote sections of the Olympic National Park, outdoor leadership skills, and the Leave No Trace wilderness ethic.Grade: A, with endorsements from both leaders to apply to be a NOLS leader in the future.ABC SCHOOL FOR THE SCIENCESANYWHERE,PA (SUMMER 2012)Intensive, college-level coursework in the sciences, mathematics, and computer sciences.ANYWHERE HIGH SCHOOLANYWHERE,PAGraduated 2010; Class rank: 1 in 471; GPA: 3.6/4.00Awards/Honors: President, National Honor Society; National Merit Finalist; Recipient of Taylor Publishing Company Scholarship; National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Writing AwardEXPERIENCETHE YALE HERALDFALL 2011-SPRING


航空专业英文简历模板 li zhang(张丽) room8888, international intelligence tower, zhongguancun east rd #20,100000 86-10-82600072 86-159******** january23, xxxx mr. james jones, hr director fly right avionics enterprises 1212spring street los angeles, california90211 dear mr. jones, this letter is to express my interest in brining my years of experience in airline operation and ground security to your firm. in these troubled times, i know i can add to public safety and security in the transportation industry. as my enclosed resume indicates, my background includes more than two decades of services at us airways with significant experience in: aircraft accident investigation as a member of the us airways disaster team. security checkpoints where i handled countless calls for assistance


英文简历模板_英文求职应聘简历 Respect leadership: hello! First of all, thank you in spite of being very busy ZhanKan my recommendation. My name is XXX, guangxi zhuang autonomous region people”s hospital affiliated health school nursing graduates. While at school, I work hard, learn clear goal, excellent academic achievements, professional theory in yulin city, through solid first people”s hospital clinical practice stage, major study phase, which is available to a solid foundation of medicine, nursing basic theoretical knowledge, nursing skills, such as the operation preliminary already have engaged in clinical nursing work ability. Professional besides study, I also seize every opportunity, and extracurricular practice exercises likes reading, Internet, especially love sports. Through practice further boost my management, organization, leadership and interpersonal skills, constantly improve themselves. I hope you can give me a chance to prove yourself, you will find my special! After school three years of study. Now of I, facing the study, my confidence, serenity, poise, Faced with work, I can do, is willing to do, to dare to do, In life, I am warm, generous, honest. Duration of campus, and a farewell application materials, the duty and expect to join your hospital, get a let me play angels to chance this Salute!尊敬的领导:您好!首先,感谢您在百忙之中展看我的自荐信。我叫XXX,广西壮


儿科护士英文简历模板 ransparent">@.com(+86) 13x-xxxx-xxxxOBJECTIVEA summer position at a pediatric hospital that will build on my previous experiences as a nurse extern, camp counselor, and child care https://www.wendangku.net/doc/df11644059.html,CATIONUniversity of PennsylvaniaSchool of NursingPhiladelphia, PAB.S.N. expected in May 2013General Clinical I: Fall 2010 Medical/Surgical:Fall 2010 Obstetrics:Spring 2011General Clinical II:Spring 2011Geriatrics:Fall 2011Pediatrics: Spring 2011WORK EXPERIENCESHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CHILDRENPhiladelphia, PA May 2010 - presentNurse Extern: ?Take vital signs, perform catheterizations and bowel programs, record intakes and outputs. ?Assist in transfers and in dressing and feeding patients. ?Maintain patient hygiene, apply rehabilitation devices, and effectively communicate with patients, parents, and colleagues. PALEY EARLY LEARNING CENTERPhiladelphia, PA June - August 2009Camp Counselor: ?Supervised 15-20 middle school children. ?Planned and implemented activities, maintained health/injury forms, provided meals and snacks to children, handled injuries and sicknesses. ?Supervised swimming activities, chaperoned children on trips, and


编辑英文简历模板免费 求职者需要认识到英文简历的制作过程需要不断进行 学习,只有掌握制作简历的技巧,才能够获得较快的成功。 下面免费提供编辑英文简历模板,欢迎阅读! 编辑英文简历模板免费I Overview Name: Sex: Female Ethnic: Chinese political features: members Academic qualifications (degree): Master: Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature Phone: mobile :13xxxxxxxxx Contact Address: XX Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing on the 10th Zip: 100007 Email Address: pager: educational background Graduate institutions: Chinese Department of Beijing Normal University Master of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature in the Reading Taiyuan Teachers College Department of Chinese Literature Bachelor of Chinese Language and

Literature Other: Other training * English through national CET CET by Beijing postgraduate degree in English examination, the expression of fluency in English and Chinese translation. * Good use of Internet to carry out a variety of Internet information exchange, has a certain Web sitebuilding, planning experience * Proficiency in the use of operation of html, Frontpage98 tools such as the production of various types of web pages and special effects chart * Proficiency in all types of windows platform applications (such as Word97, Excel97, Powerpoint Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, etc.) Work experience * has "township enterprise" Edit * "China Film reported that" foreign film version of a press * SinoJapanese Youth Exchange Center, Chinese as a Foreign Language teachers Profile


XXX 性别: 民族 : 籍贯: 出生日期: 年 月 日 政治面貌: 专业: 电话: 电子邮箱: 教育背景 ·2006、9至今 XX 市XX 大学,XX 专业。 ·主修课程 高等数学、航空运输经济、市场营销、国际贸易、财务管理、战略 管理、市场营销、市场调查与预测、数据库原理、统计学原理与民 航统计、机场营运管理、会计学原理与民航运输会计、人力资源管 理、概率论与数理统计。 学生工作 ·2006-2008 担任学生会XX 部部长 负责XXXXXXXXXXXX ·2006-2008 担任XXX 办公室主任 主要负责会议计划和记录等。 所获荣誉 ·2006、12 校级优秀大学生 ·2007、12 校级优秀大学生 ·2007、4 校级优秀共青团员 ·2007、4 2007年全国第九届大学生篮球联赛东北赛区青年志愿者 个人信息 ·英语 CET-4,552,具有良好的读写能力。 ·计算机 熟练掌握Word, Excel, PowerPoint 等Office 办公软件,还精通Photoshop 系列软件。 ·个人爱好 乒乓球、旅游、读书、经济。 ·自我评价 责任心强,适应能力强,有良好的团队合作精神。 照 片

英文名 Room XXXBuilding North XX Civil Aviation University of China, Tianjin 300300 电话 (022) 电话Email: Gender: Female Birthplace: Date of Birth: June 1st, 1987 Political status: Y outh League EDUCATION ·Mar,2006 –present Civil Aviation University of China Tianjin Dept.of Business Administration. ·Academic Main Courses: Advanced mathematics、Principles of Statistics、Principles of Accounting、Management Information Systems、Information Retrieval、Economic law、Enterprise Strategy、International Trade、Marketing、Financ ial Management、Operations Research、Air cargo transportation、 Air transport economics、Strategic Management、Human Resource Management. WORK EXPERIENCE · 2006-2008 be the minister of the Editorial Department of theXXXUnion. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX · 2006-2008 be the Director of the Office Department of the Self-agency Primarily responsible for meeting organization and planning. AWARDS & HONORS · Dec 2006 Colonel-level excellent students, ·Dec 2007 Colonel-level excellent students, ·Apr 2007 Colonel-level excellent Y outh League, ·Apr 2007 as a Y oung volunteers of the 9th CUBA 2007 Northeast Region Matches. PERSONAL INFORMATION ·English ·A good command of both spoken and written English., ·CET-4,552. ·Computer ·Master user of Microsoft Office software, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint; ·Familiar with applied program,including Photoshop etc. ·Interests ·Table-tennis, Traveling, Reading, Economy . ·Self-Evaluation ·Strong sense of responsibility, ·Good spirit of teamwork, ·Can learn new things well in short time. THANK YOU FOR READING



HUMAN SERVICES WORKER(General) Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING. WORK EXPERIENCE 1987 to Present Human Service Relief Worker:Temporary Resources,Columbus,IN Work as a temporary substitute in a variety of human service programs including specializing clients in hospital,direct care of developmentally delayed clients,counseling and supervising adolescents in group homes and substitute teaching at institutions such as the Stafford School for the Deaf. 1984 to 1986 Residential Manager:Allied Group Homes,Columbus,IN Worked in several residential programs for all levels of development delayed clients.Taught skills in daily living,cooking,hygiene,and community awareness.Provided emotional support to clients.Interacted with clients families.Implemented behavioral programs. 1982 to 1983 Residential Counselor:Harrison House,Mooresville,IN Staffed community residence for five developmentally delayed clients.Implemented behavioral programs.Taught activities of daily living skills directed toward independent living and community integration. 1981 to 1982 Nurse's Aide:Center Street Nursing Home,Franklin,IN 1980 Mental Health Assistant:Bethany School,Bethany,IN 1979 Employment Counselor:Job Plus,Franklin,IN Interviewed and counseled clients for the purpose of placement in jobs or training programs.Made referrals for employment or training programs. 1978 Social Worker:State of Indiana-Division of Child Welfare 1972 to 1977 Social Worker:State of Indiana EDUCATION 1975 to Present Franklin College Graduate-level courses in psychology,education,and counseling


翻译岗位英文简历模板 好的翻译英文简历模板对求职者找工作也很关键,下面为大家提供翻译岗位英文简历模板,希望能帮到你! 翻译岗位英文简历模板(+86) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/df11644059.html,Job Objective: Interpreter/TranslatorEDUCATIONJobs University Bachelor of Arts in EnglishEnglish Certificate:Shanghai Advanced Interpretation Certificate ExcellentCambridge BEC Vantage ExcellentTest for English Majors Band 8 (TEM8) ExcellentCET6 (586)Second Language:Japanese N1 Qualification CertificateAwards:English Debating Contest “The Best Oralist ”The English Competition Second PrizeTRANSLATION?News classCNN Interview of Jet Li, Yang Lan Interview in Issue 25 (Translation Data/Word)?TechnologyThe 13th Motor Show, The 8th Electronic Exhibition (Interpreting Data/Recording)?Film subtitlesThe Subtitle Translation of The Big Bang TheoryINTERPRETER/TRANSLATOR RELATED EXPERIENCEShanghai Jobs Limited Company English TranslationPerformed as a consecutive interpreter in the combined MBA course, commercial negotiations, between Central City Univ, USA and Peking


护士英文版个人简历参考范文 英文简历是使用英文写的简历。英文简历(resume)并无固定不变的单一形式,应聘者完全可以根据个人的具体情况来确定采用何种形式,灵活设计。 Personal Resume Basic information Name:YJBYSLi LanlanGender:Girl Date of birth:1988/09/10 National:HanPlace of birth:Hunan the educational background:Tertiary Marital status:Unmarried Job intentions And Work experience Talent type:Ordinary job Job type:Full-time Candidates Jobs:Nurse Work experience:Conducted a short-term internship in hospital during the vacation. Done hospital volunteer obligations The ability to work And Other special skills Computer level:Skilled Language ability:Mandarin Fluent、English level good

Hobbies:Reading and some general outdoor sports Others: While studying at the school,I have acquired psychologist Certificate III and CET4 and CET6 certificates. Self-evaluation Quality: Have a strong sense of responsibility;Treat People sincerely、Modesty、Self-discipline、Confidence;Have rich creativity,Positive,Have a strong team spirit and dedication spirit Work: Practical、Prudent, responsible, cautious, and have strong organizational management and coordination capacity, adaptability, learning, and to accept new things quickly, have a strong desire to succeed Living: From an early age developed a thrifty, saving the life style, not afraid of bitter and tired,have the spirit of hard,have a good mental outlook, love life, love a wide range.


三一文库(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/df11644059.html,)/个人简历 医生个人英文简历模板 objective:toseekanexcellenceinprofession,growthincareerandbeass ociatedwithanorganizationofferingaresponsiblepositionwherebymy traditionalchinesemedicalspecialtycanbeutilized. keypetence:traditionalchineseandwesternmedicineexperienceforov er30years,especiallybeskilledintreatingmanydifficultdiseasesbytradi tionalchinesemedicalscience,suchascerebrovasculardiseases,rheum atism,gynecologicaldiseases,immunesystemdiseases,andsoon;bego odatorthopedics#puterskill(microsoftoffice),passionate,self-confide nce,honest,dedicated,hardworkingandcanbeworkunderpressure. positiondesired:doctor workexperinces: generalpractitioner datongzhongyiclinic(whichisrunbymyself)

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