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I. The accounting problem

Before IAS37 provisions were recognized on the basis of prudence,little guidance was given on when a provision should be recognized and how it should be measured. This gave rise to inconsistencies,and also allowed profits to be manipulated.

Some problems are noted below:

(a) Provisions could be recognized on the basis of management intentions,rather than on any obligation to be entity;

(b) Several items could be combined into one large provision. There were known as ‘big bath’ provisions;

(c) A provision could be created for one purpose and then used for another;

(d) Poor disclosure made it difficult to assess the effect of provisions on reported profits. In particular,provisions could be created when profits were high and released when profits were low in order to smooth profits.

(1) Definitions

IAS 37 views a provision as a liability.

A provision is a liability of uncertainty timing or amount;

A liability is an obligation of an enterprise to transfer economic benefits as a result of past transactions or events.

Provision must be based on obligations,not management intentions.

(2) Under IAS37, a provision should be recognized:

a. When an enterprise has a present obligation;

b. It is probable that a transfer of economic benefits will be required to settle it;

c. A reliable estimate can be made of its amount; if a reasonable estimate cannot be made,then the nature of the provision and the uncertainties relating to the amount and timing of the cash flows should be disclose


A provision is made for something which will probably happen. It should be recognized

when it is probable that a transfer of economic events will take place and when its amount can be estimated reliably.

(3) Contingent liabilities


The Standard defines a contingent liability as:

(a) A possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the enterprise; or

(b) A present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognized because:

(i) It is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or

(ii) The amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.

As a rule of thumb,probable means more than 50% likely. If an obligation is probable,it is not a contingent liability – instead,a provision is needed.

Treatment of contingent liabilities

Contingent liabilities should not be recognized in financial statements but they should be disclosed. The required disclosures are:

(a) A brief description of the nature of the contingent liability;

(b) An estimate of its financial effect;

(c) An indication of the uncertainties that exist;

(d) The possibility of any reimbursement;

(4) Contingent assets


A possible asset that arises from the past events whose existence will be confirmed by the occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the enterprise’s control.

A contingent asset must not be recognized. Only when the realization of the related

economic benefits is virtually certain should recognition take place. At that point,the asset is no longer a contingent asset.

Disclosure:contingent assets

Contingent assets must only be disclosed in the notes if they are probable. In that case a brief description of the contingent asset should be provided along with an estimate of its likely financial effect.

II. Specific application

1. Future operating losses

In the past,provisions were recognized for future operating losses on the grounds of prudence. However these should not be provided for the following reasons.

①They relate to future events;

②There is no obligation to a third party. The loss-making business could be closed and the losses avoided.

2. Onerous contracts

An onerous contract is a contract in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it.

A common example of an onerous contract is a lease on a surplus factory. The leaseholder is legally obliged to carry on paying the rent on the factory,but they will not get any benefit from using the factory.

The least net cost of an onerous contract should be recognized as a provision. The least net cost is the lower of the cost of fulfilling the contract or of terminating it and suffering any penalty payments.

Some assets may have been bought specifically for the onerous contract. These should be reviewed for impairment before any separate provision is made for the contract itself.


Droopers has recently bought all of the trade,assets and liabilities of Dolittle,an unincorporatd business. As part of the take-over all of the combined business’s activities have been relocated at Droopers main site. As a result Dolitt le’s premises are now empty and surplus to requirements.

However,just before the acquisition Dolittle had signed a three year lease for their premises at $6000 per calendar month. At 31 December 2003 this lease ad 32 months left to run and the landlord had refused to terminate the lease. A sub-tenant had taken over part of the premises for the rest of the lease at a rent of $2500 per calendar month.


(a) Should Droopers recognized a provision for an onerous contract in respect of this lease?

(b) Show how this information will be presented in the financial statements for 2003 and 2004. Ignore the time value of money.


Droopers has a legal obligation to pay a further $192000 to the landlord,as a result of a lease signed before the year end. Therefore an onerous contract exists and must be provided for.

There is also an amount recoverable form the sub-tenant of $80000(32×2500). This will be shown separately in the balance sheet as an asset.

The $192000 payable and the $80000 recoverable can be netted off in the income statement.

income statements20032004


provision for onerous lease contract

(net)112000 Dr.

net rental payable on lease (72-30)-42000 Dr

release of provision42000 Cr

112000 Dr.

balance sheets


amounts recoverable from sub-tenants80000 Dr.50000 Dr


amounts payable on onerous contracts192000 Cr120000 Cr

3. Restructuring

A restructuring is a programme that is planned and controlled by management and has a material effect on:

①The scope of a business undertaken by the reporting entity in terms of the products or services it provides; or

②The manner in which a business undertaken by the reporting entity is conducted;

Restructuring includes terminating a line of business,closure of business locations,changes in management structure,and refocusing a business’s operations.

Restructuring provisions have always been quite common,and have often been misused. IAS37 restricts the recognition of restructuring provisions to situations where an entity has a constructive obligation to restructure.

A constructive obligation will only arise if:

①There is a detailed formal plan for restructuring. This must identify the businesses,locations and employees affected; and

②Those affected have a valid expectation that the restructuring will be carried out. This can be by starting to implement the plan or by announcing it to those affected.

The constructive obligation must exist at the year-end.(Any obligation arising after the year end may require disclosure under IAS10)

A board decision alone will not create a constructive obligation unless:

①The plan is already being implemented. For example,assets are being sold,redundancy negotiations have begun; or

②The plan has been announced to those affected by it. The plan must have a strict timeframe without unreasonable delays; or

③The Board itself contains representatives of employees or other groups affected by the decision.(This is common in mainland Europe.)

An announcement to sell an operation will not create a constructive obligation. An obligation will only arise when a purchaser is found and there is a binding sale agreement.

A restructuring provision should only include the direct costs of restructuring. These must be both:

(a) Necessarily entailed by the restructuring; and

(b) Not associated with the ongoing activities of the entity;

The following costs must not be provided for because they relate to future events:

(a) Retaining or relocating staff;

(b) Marketing;

(c) Investment in new systems and distribution networks;

(d) Future operating losses (unless arising from an onerous contract)

(e) Profits on disposal of assets.

cca f7真题对于acca f7的考试的重要性我相信各位acca考生都心知肚明了,首先我们先看一下acca f7科目的考试内容

ACCA F7科目介绍:



acca f7考试题型:






三、ratio analysis:

一般都是15分大题,其中有5分的ratio的计算题,至少10分写analysis。在写分析的时候可以先把分析的三大部分—profitability、liquidity、gearing的框架列出来,在时间宽松的情况下可以一个一个按顺序写完,但如果时间紧,就先把每个部分的基本分析,如各个ratio是多少,是上升还是下降写出来,再有时间就可以深入分析,这样的话easy mark是可以完全拿到的!最后很重要的是在考前一个星期模拟考,找到适合自己的做题时间同时规定好每道题的做题时间,精确到每个小题是用时几分钟,最后至少留10~15分钟的机动时间。

ACCA F7考试重点:

I. The accounting problem

Before IAS37 provisions were recognized on the basis of prudence,little guidance was given on when a provision should be recognized and how it should be measured. This gave rise to inconsistencies,and also allowed profits to be manipulated.

Some problems are noted below:

(a) Provisions could be recognized on the basis of management intentions,rather than on any obligation to be entity;

(b) Several items could be combined into one large provision. There were known as ‘big bath’ provisions;

(c) A provision could be created for one purpose and then used for another;

(d) Poor disclosure made it difficult to assess the effect of provisions on reported profits. In particular,provisions could be created when profits were high and released when profits were low in order to smooth profits.

acca f7真题的重要性:



Part A: 15 MCQ * 2 mark

4 :20 - 5:00

Part B: 3 case* 5 MCQ * 2 mark

5:00 - 5:55

Part C:

single financial statements and consolidated financial statements * 20 marks 3:00 - 3:50

Cash flow and ratio analysis * 20 marks

3:50 - 4:20

一分对应1.8 分钟



1.IASB conceptual framework

2.two underlying assumption:accrual basis,going concern

3.Qualitative characteristics:relevance,faithful reprentaion(comple te,neutral and free from error)

Enhancing qualitative characteristics:comparability,verifiability,t imeliness,understandability. 4.资产的确认与计量:


②计量:measurement of financial statements:historical cost(历史成本),current cost(重置成本),net realizable value(可变现净

值),present value(现值).

存货可变现净值=存货估计售价—至完工估计将发生的成本—估计销售费用—相关税金现值(Present Value),也称折现值、贴现值、资本化价值(Capitalized Value),会计计量中的现值,是指对未来现金流量以恰当的折现率折现后的价值,是考虑货币时间价值因素等的一种计量属性

5.whistle blowing

6.acca fundamental principles on ethics:integrity(honest),object ivity(not allow bias), professional competence and due care,co nfidentiality,professional behavior.

7.CSR:environment report and sustainability.了解即可

Chapter 2 financial reporting framework

1.presentation of financial statement:

Going concern,accrual,consistency,materiality and aggregation(实质和聚集) ,offsetting(抵消), comparative.



会计政策变更: changes in accounting policies:

①法规要求;②使financial statement更加relevant 例:折旧——追溯法retrospective,追溯到能处理的最早年限,opening balance调整累计影响

会计估计变更:changes in accounting estimates:例:或有事项预计负



两者区别:measurement basis计量基础;method of presentation列表方式,recognition确认方式满足三个任意一个条件的变更可判断为会计政策变更3. 差错更正correction of prior period errors(包括错报、漏报、计算错误、会计政策使用错误、对事实情况的曲解、误解、欺诈)追溯法retrospective

Chapter 3 non-current asset

一、1.PPE(property,plant and equipment):

①定义(tangible,over one year,owner occupied);


(purchase price less trade discount or rebate,not cash discou nt)注意记得加上present value of future clean-up costs 不包括试运行阶段产生的成本,直接费用化

Dr fin. Cost 85×6%

Cr provision 85×6%


②凡是以PV计价的会计金额未来都要考虑unwinding cost

2.capital expenditure and revenue expenditure


4.the cost model and the revaluation model


Dr PPE 20 Dr Dep. Expense 12 Dr Revaluation reserve

Cr OCI 20 Cr PPE 12 Cr RE 2

②重估减值会计分录:(不计入OCI,计入损益表,出于谨慎性prudence的原则)Dr P&L impairment loss




Cr OCI Dr P&L impairment loss



Dr P&L impairment loss Dr PPE Cr PPE

Cr imp loss Cr OCI


二、5.investment properties投资性房地产:①确认:(自用部分小,提供服务不重大,集团内部房产处理[单体investment property,集团PPE);②计量:cost model or a fair value model(注意与PPE区别) ★

6.Fair value model



7.changing model:

①PPE→investment property:当做revaluation处理

②investment property→PPE:公允价值当做初始入账价值

三、8.Intangible assets无形资产(IAS38 包括所有无形资产,除掉商誉)①确认:control,future economic benefits,identifiable

R&D:Ⅰ.research costs:全部计入损益表

Ⅱ.development costs:满足条件资本化:技术可行、完成意图、足够物力以完成、能用/卖、未来收益、可靠计量支出

▲Brands,mastheads,publishing titles,customer lists,similar items 不可看做资产,在单体报表上也无法体现,但是当涉及到合并报表时会对商誉有影响。

②计量:cost model and revaluation model


with a useful life,with a indefinite useful life(不能确定使用年限)对使用年限不确定的无形资产和商誉无论有无减值迹象,需每年做减值测试impairment

PART:A conceptual and regulatory framework

(考理论,section A 的选择题1-2道 2-4 分)

考点: IFRS framework 的作用及内容

1.1 framework为制定准则给相关board提供指引,准则没规定的处理遵循IFRS 的框架理念即可,若framework与具体的准则(IFRS or IAS)冲突了,以IFRS 为准。

1.2 framework 定义了财务报告的用途以及如何辨认财务信息的定性特征,定义了财务报告的三要素的确认及衡量的一些concepts 或assumption。


Rule-based system: provide more detailed regulations

Principle-based system: give rise fewer accounting standards and requires the exercise of more judgment.


(一)IAS 16,12,17,33; IFRS15,19

IAS 16 property, plant&equipment

(section A or B 6-10 marks and section C 4-6 marks)

1.initial measurement


Cr: cash/payable @

●Purchase price

●Costs to bring asset to position/location for initial use

●Regular overhaul

●Removing&dismantling(和IAS 37 结合着考)

●Borrowing cost (IAS23)

2.subsequent measurement

IAS16 规定允许PPE 可以选择cost model 或者 revaluation model,一旦选择了,将不可追溯调整

在revaluation model下衡量PPE,其升值,减值的会计处理如下



先减值后升值,先用previous loss,再进OCI

先升值后减值,先用previous OCI,再进p/L

常考点:deferred tax effect of revalued asset:


Cr deferred tax



Straight line or reducing balance method.一旦更改折方法,不进行追溯调整

一旦重估后的资产,其折旧计算公式:revalued amount/remaining useful life。题目会要求对excess depreciation从revaluation surplus转移到retained

JE:Dr revaluation surplus

Cr RE--只是代表所有者权益的变动,不影响档期损益4.Disposal

由单一科目disposal account汇集资产的销售行为:

JE: Dr cash/bank


Cr disposal gain/loss

IAS12 Income tax

(section C的大题3.5分,也可能出现在A 或B 2-4 分)


If a subsidiary has been acquired in the year, the following impacts should be considered:

?The current year’s financial statements will contain an entity which was not included in the previous period, so income, expenses, assets and liabilities are all likely to rise following the consolidation.

?If the subsidiary has been acquired during the year, it is unlikely to have contributed a full year’s results in the statement of profit or loss. This could affect ratios such as return on capital employed or working capital ratios at the year end, as the full assets and liabilities are included in the statement of financial position, but only the post-acquisition income and expenses are included in the statement of profit or loss.

?The new subsidiary is likely to have different margins to the rest of the group which will impact on the interpretation.

?The new subsidiary is likely to have different customers, suppliers and inventory, so the working capital cycle is likely to be different.

?Acquisition-related costs may have been included in the current period which will not be repeated in future periods.

? A new subsidiary may result in shared assets and synergies occurring within the group, for example, departments and properties may be merged.

If a subsidiary has been disposed of during the year, the following impacts should be considered:

?Any prior year statement of profit or loss will involve a full year’s results from the subsidiary, while the current year will not.

?Any prior year statement on financial position will contain the assets and liabilities relating to the subsidiary, whereas the current year will not.

?The statement of profit or loss figures may contain the profit or loss on disposal of the subsidiary, and the subsidiary’s results up to the date of the disposal.

?The statement of profit or loss may also contain some one-off costs relating to the disposal of the subsidiary, such as professional costs or redundancies.

?The group may lose benefits from the subsidiary, such as supplies to the group, or skills held by the senior management of the subsidiary.


Step one in the five-step model requires the identification of the contract with the customer. Contracts may be in different forms (written, verbal or implied), but must be enforceable, have commercial substance and be approved by the parties to the contract. The model applies once the payment terms for the goods or services are identified and it is probable that the entity will collect the consideration. Each party’s rights in relation to the goods or services have to be capable of identification. If a contract with a customer

does not meet these criteria, the entity can continually reassess the contract to determine whether it subsequently meets the criteria.

Two or more contracts that are entered into around the same time with the same customer may be combined and accounted for as a single contract, if they meet the specified criteria. The standard provides detailed requirements for contract modifications. A modification may be accounted for as a separate contract or as a modification of the original contract, depending upon the circumstances of the case.

Step two requires the identification of the separate performance obligations in the contract. This is often referred to as ‘unbundling’, and is done at the beginning of a contract. The key factor in identifying a separate performance obligation is the distinctiveness of the good or service, or a bundle of goods or services. A good or service is distinct if the customer can benefit from the good or service on its own or together with other readily available resources and it is separately identifiable from other elements of the contract.

IFRS 15 requires that a series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same with the same pattern of transfer, to be regarded as a single performance obligation. A good or service which has been delivered may not be distinct if it cannot be used without another good or service that has not yet been delivered. Similarly, goods or services that are not distinct should be combined with other goods or services until the entity identifies a bundle of goods or services that is distinct. IFRS 15 provides indicators rather than criteria to determine when a good or service is distinct within the context of the contract. This allows management to apply judgment to determine the separate performance obligations that best reflect the economic substance of a transaction.

Step three requires the entity to determine the transaction price, which is the amount of consideration that an entity expects to be entitled to in exchange for the promised goods or services. This amount excludes amounts collected on behalf of a third party – for example, government taxes. An entity must determine the amount of consideration to which it expects to be entitled in order to recognise revenue.

Additionally, an entity should estimate the transaction price, taking into account non-cash consideration, consideration payable to the customer and the time value of money if a significant financing component is present. The latter is not required if the time period between the transfer of goods or services and payment is less than one year. In some cases, it will be clear that a significant financing component exists due to the terms of the arrangement.

In other cases, it could be difficult to determine whether a significant financing component exists. This is likely to be the case where there are

long-term arrangements with multiple performance obligations such that

goods or services are delivered and cash payments received throughout the

arrangement. For example, if an advance payment is required for business

purposes to obtain a longer-term contract, then the entity may conclude that

a significant financing obligation does not exist.

If an entity anticipates that it may ultimately accept an amount lower than

that initially promised in the contract due to, for example, past experience of

discounts given, then revenue would be estimated at the lower amount with

the collectability of that lower amount being assessed. Subsequently, if

revenue already recognised is not collectable, impairment losses should be

taken to profit or loss.

Step four requires the allocation of the transaction price to the separate performance

obligations. The allocation is based on the relative standalone selling prices of the goods or services promised and is made at the inception of the contract.

It is not adjusted to reflect subsequent changes in the standalone selling

prices of those goods or services.

The best evidence of standalone selling price is the observable price of a

good or service when the entity sells that good or service separately. If that

is not available, an estimate is made by using an approach that maximises

the use of observable inputs – for example, expected cost plus an

appropriate margin or the assessment of market prices for similar goods or

services adjusted for entity-specific costs and margins or in limited

circumstances a residual approach. The residual approach is different from

the residual method that is used currently by some entities, such as software


When a contract contains more than one distinct performance obligation, an

entity should allocate the transaction price to each distinct performance

obligation on the basis of the standalone selling price.

This will be a major practical issue as it may require a separate calculation

and allocation exercise to be performed for each contract. For example, a

mobile telephone contract typically bundles together the handset and

network connection and IFRS 15 will require their separation.

Step five requires revenue to be recognised as each performance obligation is satisfied. This differs from IAS 18 where, for example, revenue in respect of goods is recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the customer. An entity satisfies a performance obligation by transferring control of a promised good or service to the customer, which could occur over time or at a point in time. The definition of control includes the ability to prevent others from directing the use of and obtaining the benefits from the asset. A performance obligation is satisfied at a point in

time unless it meets one of the following criteria, in which case, it is deemed to be satisfied over time:

?The customer simultaneously receives and consumes the benefits provided by the entity’s performance as the entity performs.

?The entity’s performance creates or enhances an asset that the customer controls as the asset is created or enhanced.

?The entity’s performance does not create an asset with an alternative use to the entity and the entity has an enforceable right to payment for performance completed to date.

Revenue is recognised in line with the pattern of transfer. Whether an entity recognises revenue over the period during which it manufactures a product or on delivery to the customer will depend on the specific terms of the contract.

If an entity does not satisfy its performance obligation over time, it satisfies it at a point in time and revenue will be recognised when control is passed at that point in time. Factors that may indicate the passing of control include the present right to payment for the asset or the customer has legal title to the asset or the entity has transferred physical possession of the asset.

As a consequence of the above, the timing of revenue recognition may change for some point-in-time transactions when the new standard is adopted.

In addition to the five-step model, IFRS 15 sets out how to account for the incremental costs of obtaining a contract and the costs directly related to fulfilling a contract and provides guidance to assist entities in applying the model to licences, warranties, rights of return, principal-versus-agent considerations, options for additional goods or services and breakage. IFRS 15 is a significant change from IAS 18 and even though it provides more detailed application guidance, judgment will be required in applying it because the use of estimates is more prevalent.

For exam purposes, you should focus on understanding the principles of the five-step model so that you can apply them to practical questions.

This article is relevant to Papers F7 and P2

Complex lease terms mean that it is often difficult to determine how they should be classified. This article examines IAS 17 and sheds some light on the matter

Leases are classified currently under IAS 17, Leases, as finance or operating leases at inception, depending on whether substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership transfer to the lessee. Under a finance lease, the lessee has substantially all of the risks and reward of ownership. Situations

that would normally lead to a lease being classified as a finance lease include the following:

?the lease transfers ownership of the asset to the lessee by the end of the lease term

?the lease term is for the major part of the economic life of the asset, even if title is not transferred ?at the inception of the lease, the present value of the minimum lease payments amounts to at least substantially all of the fair value of the leased asset

?the leased assets are of a specialised nature such that only the lessee can use them without major modifications being made

?if the lessee is entitled to cancel the lease, the lessor's losses associated with the cancellation are borne by the lessee

?gains or losses from fluctuations in the fair value of the residual fall to the lessee

?the lessee has the ability to continue to lease for a secondary period at a rent that is substantially lower than market rent

All other leases are operating leases.

The lease classification is made at the inception of the lease but a lessee and lessor may agree to change the provisions of the lease. However, changes in estimates for example, changes in the residual value of a leased property, or changes in circumstances such as default by the lessee, do not give rise to a new classification of a lease. If the changes would have resulted in a different lease classification, had they been applied originally, then the revised lease agreement is treated as a new lease over the remaining lease term. The original accounting entries are not retrospectively amended.

Often lease indicators may not always point in the same direction causing lease classification to be difficult. Leases of specialised assets will usually be structured as finance leases. If an asset is specialised, then this implies that no other entity has a use for the asset. Consequently the lessor will only achieve its return on investment through the lease payments and it will structure the lease as a finance lease accordingly. If a lessor can sell or lease non-specialised assets to other parties at the end of the lease and is willing to accept the financial risk on this then this could be an indicator of an operating lease. Assets of a non-specialised may become specialised. For example, leased plant and equipment may be permanently installed in a building and its removal at the end of the lease may be impractical or too expensive for the lessor. Often specialised assets may have a significant remaining life at the end of the lease and sometimes this remaining life may be the major part of the economic life of the asset and therefore this indicator will point to it being an operating lease. However, it may be appropriate to disregard this indicator. Normally for there to be an operating lease with a significant part of the assets life remaining, there needs to be some realisation of funds through sale or further rentals. However, in the case of a

specialised asset this will not normally occur, because it is of value only to the lessee. In these cases, the asset will normally transfer to the lessee at the end of the lease for a nil or nominal payment and be treated as a finance lease.

Where an asset has been leased several times during its economic life, and the lease is the last lease to take the asset to the end of its life, then many of the indicators may point towards a finance lease. For example, the present value of the minimum lease payments may approximate to the fair value of the asset at the inception of the final lease and there is unlikely to be an option to purchase the asset at fair value or to extend the lease at a market rent because the asset has reached the end of its life. However the asset will obviously be non-specialised and the final lease will not be for the major part of the economic life of the asset. The lease will be for the entire remaining useful life of the asset but IAS 17, Leases, focuses on economic life as an indicator of a finance lease. The lessor is recovering the investment in the asset through a number of leases and the substance of each of those leases will normally be an operating lease. Thus if the final lease were to be classified as a finance lease simply because of its position in the chain, this would normally be unacceptable.

Where an asset is leased and rents are nominal rents, the agreement is still a lease under IAS 17. The total value of the rents will fall short of the fair value of the asset, thus indicating an operating lease. Often, the rents are low because a premium will have been paid up-front which may be equivalent to substantially all of the fair value of the asset. In this case, the lease is probably a finance lease. Where rents are very low and no premium has been paid, the lease does not have a commercial basis and it would appear that the lessor is indifferent to the risks and rewards of ownership. Lease classification, in this case, is better judged by looking at the substance of the arrangement and the intentions of the lessor in granting a lease on such terms.

The presence of an option to extend the lease at substantially less than a market rent implies that the lessor expects to achieve its return on investment solely through the lease payments and therefore is content to continue the lease for a secondary period at a nominal rental. This is an indicator of a finance lease. It is reasonable to assume that the lessee will extend the lease in these circumstances. However, an option to extend it at a market rental may indicate that the lessor has not achieved its return on investment through the lease rentals and therefore is relying on a subsequent lease or sale to do so. This is an indicator of an operating lease as there will be no compelling commercial reason why the lessee should extend the agreement. The absence of any option to extend the lease does not provide evidence either way as to an operating or a finance lease and other factors will need to be considered to determine the classification.


交变电流知识点总结 一、交变电流 1定义:大小和方向都随时间做周期性变化的电流,称为交变电流,简称交流,用符号“~”表示。 2特点:电流方向随时间做周期性变化,是交流电最主要的特征,也是交流电与直流电最主要的区别。 3、正弦式交变电流 交流电产生过程中的两个特殊位置 图像

4、描述交变电流的物理量 4.1周期和频率 (1)周期:交变电流完成一次周期性变化所需要的时间叫做交变电流的周期,用符号T表示,其单位是秒(s)。 (2)频率:交变电流在1s内完成周期性变化的次数叫做交变电流的频率,用符号f表示,其单位是赫兹(Hz)。 5、解题方法及技巧 5.1正弦交变电流图像的信息获取 ? ? → ? ? ?? → ? ? ? ?→ ? ? 直接读取:最大值、周期 最大值有效值 图像信息 间接获取周期频率、角速度、转速 瞬时值线圈的位置 5.2交变电流有效值的求解方法 (1)对于按正(余)弦规律变化的电流,可利用交变电流的有效值与峰值的关系求解,即E=、U、I= (2)对于非正(余)弦规律变化的电流,可从有效值的定义出发,由热效应的“三同原则”(同电阻、同时间、同热量)求解,一般选一个周期的时间计算。 5.3交变电流平均值和有效值的区別 求一段时间内通过导体横截面的电荷量时要用平均值,q It =。平均值的计算需用E t Φ ? = ? 和

E I R = 。切记122E E E +≠,平均值不等于有效值。 三、变压器和远距离输电 1、变压器的构造 如图甲所示为变压器的结构图,它是由闭合铁芯和绕在铁芯上的两个线圈组成的。跟电源相连的叫原线圈;另一^线圈跟负载连接,叫副线圈。铁芯由涂有绝缘漆的硅钢片叠合而成。图乙是电路符号。 2、工作原理 变压器的工作原理是电磁感应的互感现象。当在原线圈上加交变电流时,电流的大小和方向不断改变,它在铁芯中产生交变的磁场,穿过副线圈,变化的磁场在副线圈上产生感应电动势。这样原、副线圈在铁芯中的磁通量发生了变化,从而发生互感现象,产生了感应电动势。 3、能量转化过程 →→原线圈的电能 磁场能副线圈的电能 续表


青少版新概念入门 S t a r t e r A知识点总结(自己 整理) -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

新概念青少版Starter A 日常用语总结 1.Hello!/ Hi! 2.Good dog!/ Bad dog!/ Good girl! 3.No cat!/ No ball! 4.Look! 5.Yummy!/ Yuk! 6.Help!/ Stop! 7.Oops! 8.Look at my/ your+颜色+事物! 9.Thank you!/ Thanks! 10.Sorry! 11.Happy birthday! 12.Hurray! 13.Please! 14.This is my family/ dad/ mum/ sister/ brother/ friend. 15.Look out! 16.Here you are! 17.Let’s play! 18.Your turn! 19.Guess! 20.-What’s your name -My name’s ... What’s= what is my name’s= my name is 例:What’s your name My name’s Peg. 21.It’s a (an).../ It isn’t a (an)...(bike/ car/ doll/ robot/ train/ van) 单词以元音开头,用an;以辅音开头,用a。 比如: an apple/ insect/ egg/ umbrella a train/ van/ robot/ car It’s= it is isn’t= is not 例:It’s a book./ It isn’t an orange. 22.-Is it... -Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 例:-Is it an apple -Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 23.This is my....../ This isn’t my......(book/ pen/ pencil/ pencil case/ rubber/ ruler/ school bag) This is 无缩写This isn’t= This is not 例:This is my pen. This isn’t my schoolbag. 24.That’s my....../ That isn’t my...... That’s= that is That isn’t= that is not 例:That’s my mum. That isn’t my father. 25.-Is this.../ Is that... -Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 例:-Is this a train -Yes, it is. -Is that an umbrella -No, it isn’t. 26.-What’s this/ What’s that -It’s a(an)...(bone/ hamburger/ salad/ sausage/ tomato/ pizza) What’s= what is


2018年中考政治知识点梳理——宪法 宪法是治国安邦的总章程 1、为什么说宪法是国家的根本大法? 答:(1)宪法规定国家生活中的最根本问题;(2)宪法具有最高的法律效力;(3)宪法的制定和修改程序比普通法律更严格。 2、宪法规定的内容主要有:国家的性质、根本任务、国家制度、社会制度、基本国策、公民的基本权利和义务、国家机关、国家标志(国旗、国徽、国歌、首都)等。 3、为什么说宪法具有最高的法律效力? 答:(1)宪法是其他法律的立法基础,其他法律是宪法的具体化;(2)任何法律不得同宪法相抵触,否则无效。(3)它的制定和修改程序比其它法律更为严格。 4、为什么说宪法是最高的行为准则? 答:(1)宪法是一切国家机关及其工作人员的最高行为准则;(权大没有法大)(2)宪法是一切团体和组织的最高行为准则;(3)宪法是全体公民的最高行为准则。 5、宪法是一切国家机关及其工作人员的最高行为准则的表现? 答:(1)一切国家机关和国家工作人员不得做宪法禁止做的事;(2)国家机关和国家工作人员不得拒绝做宪法规定作的事;(3)国家机关和国家工作人员不得做宪法未授权的事。 6、有人认为中国共产党领导人民制定宪法和法律,它可以不受宪法的约束。这是错误的。(中国共产党为什么要以宪法作为最高行为准则?) 答:(1)我国宪法是中国共产党的基本方针、政策的法律化;(2)中国共产党是居于领导地位的执政党,它领导人民制定了宪法,就必须模范地遵守宪法,维护宪法的尊严;(3)体现人民意志的宪法得不到党的遵守,也会削弱人民对党的信任和拥护。因此任何团体和组织都必须模范遵守宪法,不得有超越宪法和法律的行为。 7、青少年应怎样增强宪法观念? 答:(1)认真学习宪法,了解宪法的性质和基本内容;(2)在日常生活中养成遵守和维护宪法的习惯;(3)以各种形式向群众宣传宪法,并同违反宪法的行为作斗争,时时处处用实际行动捍卫宪法的尊严。 依法治国 8、依法治国的含义及要求。 答:依法治国是党领导人民治理国家的基本方略。就是广大人民群众在党的领导下,依照宪法和法律的规定,通过各种途径和形式管理国家事务,管理经济文化事业,管理社会事务,保证国家各项工作都依法进行。它要求国家公职人员必须依法行政;公民要严格遵守法律。(依法治国的主体是广大人民群众) 9、依法治国的意义 答:(1)依法治国是进一步发展社会主义民主政治的基本要求;(2)是发展社会主义市场经济的客观需要;(3)是建设有中国特色社会主义文化的重要条件;(4)是实现国家长治久安的重要保障。 10、社会主义法制的基本要求:


第17章:交变电流 一、知识网络 二、重、难点知识归纳 1.交变电流产生 ( 交变电流 产生: 线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁场方向的轴匀速转动而产生的 描 述 瞬时值: I=I m sin ωt 峰值:I m = nsB ω/R 有效值:2/m I I = 周期和频率的关系:T=1/f 图像:正弦曲线 电感对交变电流的作用:通直流、阻交流,通低频、阻高频 应用 电容对交变电流的作用:通交流、阻直流,通高频、阻低频 变压器 变流比: 电能的输送 原理:电磁感应 变压比:U 1/U 2=n 1/n 2 只有一个副线圈:I 1/I 2=n 2/n 1 有多个副线圈:I 1n 1= I 2n 2= I 3n 3=…… 功率损失:线损R )U P (P 2= 电压损失:线损R U P U =

(二)、正弦交流的产生及变化规律。 (1)、产生:当线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁场方向的轴匀速转动时,线圈中产生的交流是随时间按正弦规律变化的。即正弦交流。 (2)、中性面:匀速旋转的线圈,位于跟磁感线垂直的平面叫做中性面。这一位置穿过线圈的磁通量最大,但切割边都未切割磁感线,或者说这时线圈的磁通量变化率为零,线圈中无感应电动势。 (3)、规律:从中性面开始计时,则e=NBS ωsin ωt 。用εm 表示峰值NBS ω则e=εm sin ωt 在纯电阻电路中,电流I=R R e m ε=sin ωt=I m sin ωt ,电压u=U m sin ωt 。 2、表征交变电流大小物理量 (1)瞬时值:对应某一时刻的交流的值 用小写字母x 表示,e i u (2)峰值:即最大的瞬时值。大写字母表示,U m Im εm εm = nsB ω Im =εm / R 注意:线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁感线方向的轴匀速转动时,所产生感应电动势的峰值为εm =NBS ω,即仅由匝数N ,线圈面积S ,磁感强度B 和角速度ω四个量决定。与轴的具体位置,线圈的形状及线圈是否闭合都是无关的。 (3)有效值: a 、意义:描述交流电做功或热效应的物理量 b 、定义:跟交流热效应相等的恒定电流的值叫做交流的有效值。 c 、正弦交流的有效值与峰值之间的关系是ε= 2m ε I=2m I U=2m U 。 注意:正弦交流的有效值和峰值之间具有ε= 2m ε,U=2 2m m I I U =的关系,非正弦(或余弦)交流无此关系,但可按有效值的定义进行推导,如对于正负半周最大值相等的方波电流,其热效应和与其最大值相等的恒定电流是相同的,因而其有效值即等于其最大值。即I=I m 。


Unit 6 This is my family. 词汇:family mum dad sister brother friend 句型:This is... 句子:1.This is my mum. Lesson 2 词汇:my your 缩写:What’s=What is my name’s=my name is 句子:①What’s your name? My name’s Pop. Unit 7 Happy birthday? 词汇:bike car doll robot train van 缩写:it’s it’s=it is it isn’t it isn’t=it is not 词汇:a an 句子:①It’s a van. ②It isn’t a car. 短语:a train/van/robot/car An apple/insect/egg/umbrella Lesson 2 句型:Is it...? 句子:㈠Is it an apple? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. Unit 8 That’s my book. 词汇:book, pen, pencil ,pencil case, rubber, ruler, school bag 缩写:this is this isn’t this isn’t= this is not that is that isn’t that isn’t= that is not 句子:①肯——This is my book. 否——This isn’t my book. ②肯——That’s my book. 否——That’s isn’t my book. Lesson 2 句型:Is this...? Is that...? 句子:①Is this a pencil? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. ②Is that a school bag? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. Unit 9 What’s this,Mum? 词汇:bone, hamburger, salad, sausage, tomato, pizza 缩写:What’s=What is 句型:What’s...?


第一章宪法的概念与本质 一、宪法的概念 1、宪法两种意义上定义 形式意义上,专指以宪法名称命名的规范性文件,与内容无关。 实质意义上是从内容上来界定的。 (1)分成固有意义上的指规定国家统治之基本的法或者是根本法,任何涉及国家统治权力的基础和构造的法我们都可以看作固有意义上的宪法。 (2)立宪意义上的专指通过限制专断权力,以广泛保障基本人权的国家基本法。 两个要点:产生的时间是近代意义上的;把个人看作是最重要的,国家必须为个人而存在,保护个人应有的尊严和自由。 二、宪法姓公还是姓私-宪法的属性 五种标准: 按规范性质 按照权力关系 按照利益性质 按照主体 按照法律关系:就是按照所调整的法律关系的性质来划分公法。处理公权力之间的关系或者公权力与私主体之间关系的法就是公法。调整私人之间关系的法律就是私法。 宪法调整的法律关系主要有两方面: 一方面主要是国家公权力和个人私权利之间的关系,即个人和国家之间的关系。 另一方面宪法还处理国家权力内部的关系,主要是处理国家公共权力。 所以依据法律关系来看,宪法是公法。 三、宪法是母法——宪法的地位 宪法地位的三特点: 1、宪法规定了一个国家最具有根本性的问题。 2、宪法有着更为严格的制定和修改程序。 3、是宪法具有最高的法的效力。 (1)宪法是普通法律制定的基础和依据。(2)与宪法相抵触的法律无效。 四、宪法究竟是什么——宪法的本质 1、宪法是赋予国家存在以基础的基本法。 2、宪法是人的尊严和基本权利的基础法。 3、宪法既是一种授权规范,也是一种限权规范的统一体。 五、宪法的特征 宪法除了具有普通法律的规范性、普适性、公共性等基本特征之外,宪法还有着与普通法律不同的特征。 1.宪法是授权性的 宪法首先是一部保障权利的法,这是宪法和普通法律之间最大的区别。 普通法律的特点是其义务性。 宪法就是为了防止法律对公民自由的过分控制, 宪法就是控制法律的法律。


高中物理交变电流知识点的总结 高中物理交变电流知识点的总结 物理学史集中地体现了人类探索和逐步认识世界的现象,结构,特性,规律和本质的历程.随着科学的发展,我们更要重视物理学。下面准备这篇2013高中物理交变电流知识点总结,欢迎阅读。 (1)中性面线圈平面与磁感线垂直的位置,或瞬时感应电动势为零的位置。 中性面的特点:a.线圈处于中性面位置时,穿过线圈的磁通量Φ最大,但 =0; 产生:矩形线圈在匀强磁场中绕与磁场垂直的轴匀速转动。 变化规律e=NBSωsinωt=Emsinωt;i=Imsinωt;(中性面位置开始计时),最大值Em=NBSω 四值:①瞬时值②最大值③有效值电流的热效应规定的;对于正弦式交流U= =0.707Um④平均值 不对称方波: 不对称的正弦波 求某段时间内通过导线横截面的电荷量Q=IΔt=εΔt/R=ΔΦ/R 我国用的交变电流,周期是0.02s,频率是50Hz,电流方向每秒改变100次。 表达式:e=e=220

sin100πt=311sin100πt=311sin314t 线圈作用是“通直流,阻交流;通低频,阻高频”. 电容的作用是“通交流、隔直流;通高频、阻低频”. 变压器两个基本公式:① ②P入=P出,输入功率由输出功率决定, 远距离输电:一定要画出远距离输电的示意图来, 包括发电机、两台变压器、输电线等效电阻和负载电阻。并按照规范在图中标出相应的物理量符号。一般设两个变压器的初、次级线圈的匝数分别为、n1、n1/n2、n2/,相应的电压、电流、功率也应该采用相应的符号来表示。 功率之间的关系是:P1=P1/,P2=P2/,P1/=Pr=P2。 电压之间的关系是: 电流之间的关系是: .求输电线上的电流往往是这类问题的突破口。 输电线上的功率损失和电压损失也是需要特别注意的。 分析和计算时都必须用 ,而不能用 特别重要的是要会分析输电线上的功率损失 以上就是2013高中物理交变电流知识点总结的全部内容,希望能够对大家有所帮助! 延伸阅读: 恒定电流公式:2016年高考物理知识点 1.电流强度:I=q/t{I:电流强度(A),q:在时间t内通过导体横载面的电量(C),t:时间(s)}

青少版新概念入门 StarterA 知识点总结(自己整理)

新概念青少版Starter A 日常用语总结 1.Hello!/ Hi! 2.Good dog!/ Bad dog!/ Good girl! 3.No cat!/ No ball! 4.Look! 5.Yummy!/ Yuk! 6.Help!/ Stop! 7.Oops! 8.Look at my/ your+颜色+事物! 9.Thank you!/ Thanks! 10.Sorry! 11.Happy birthday! 12.Hurray! 13.Please! 14.This is my family/ dad/ mum/ sister/ brother/ friend. 15.Look out! 16.Here you are! 17.Let’s play! 18.Your turn! 19.Guess! 20.-What’s your name? -My name’s ... What’s= what is my name’s= my name is 例:What’s your name? My name’s Peg. 21.It’s a (an).../ It isn’t a (an)...(bike/ car/ doll/ robot/ train/ van) 单词以元音开头,用an;以辅音开头,用a。 比如:an apple/ insect/ egg/ umbrella a train/ van/ robot/ car It’s= it is isn’t= is not 例:It’s a book./ It isn’t an orange. 22.-Is it...? -Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 例:-Is it an apple? -Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 23.This is my....../ This isn’t my......(book/ pen/ pencil/ pencil case/ rubber/ ruler/ school bag) This is 无缩写This isn’t= This is not 例:This is my pen. This isn’t my schoolbag. 24.That’s my....../ That isn’t my...... That’s= that is That isn’t= that is not 例:That’s my mum. That isn’t my father. 25.-Is this...?/ Is that...? -Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 例:-Is this a train? -Yes, it is. -Is that an umbrella? -No, it isn’t.


【高中物理】交变电流知识点总结,考前必过一遍! 一、交流电的产生和变化规律 1、交变电流: 大小和方向都随时间作周期性变化的电流叫做交变电流,简称交流。 如图所示(b)、(c)、(e)所示电流都属于交流,其中按正弦规律变化的交流叫正弦交流。如图(b)所示。而(a)、(d)为直流其中(a)为恒定电流。 2、正弦交流的产生及变化规律 1.产生:当线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁场方向的轴匀速转动时,线圈中产生的交流是随时间按正弦规律变化的。即正弦交流。 2.中性面:匀速旋转的线圈,位于跟磁感线垂直的平面叫做中性面。 这一位置穿过线圈的磁通量最大,但切割边都未切割磁感线,或者说这时线圈的磁通量变化率为零,线圈中无感应电动势。 3.规律: (1)函数表达式:从中性面开始计时,则e=NBSωsinωt 。 用εM表示峰值εM=NBSω,则e=εMsinωt在纯电阻电路中,电流I=sinωt=Isinωt,电压u=Usinωt 。 4.交流发电机 (1)发电机的基本组成:

①用来产生感应电动势的线圈(叫电枢) ②用来产生磁场的磁极 (2)发电机的基本种类 ①旋转电枢式发电机(电枢动磁极不动) ②旋转磁极式发电机(磁极动电枢不动) 无论哪种发电机,转动的部分叫转子,不动的部分叫定子 二、表征交变电流的物理量 1、表征交变电流大小物理量 (1)瞬时值:对应某一时刻的交流的值,用小写字母x 表示,e i u (2)峰值:即最大的瞬时值,用大写字母表示,U m Imεm εm= nsBω Im=εm/ R 注意:线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁感线方向的轴匀速转动时,所产生感应电动势的峰值为ε=NBSω,即仅由匝数N,线圈面积S,磁感强度B和角速度ω四个量决定。 与轴的具体位置,线圈的形状及线圈是否闭合都是无关的。 (3)有效值: ①意义:描述交流电做功或热效应的物理量


第一节交流电的产生和变化规律 一、交变电流: c)、(e)所示电流都属 2、中性面:匀速旋转的线圈,位于跟磁感线垂直的平面叫做中性面。这一位置穿过线圈的磁通量最大,但切割边都未切割磁感线,或者说这时线圈的磁通量变化率为零,线圈中无感应电动势。 3、规律: (1)、函数表达式:从中性面开始计时,则e=NBSωsinωt 。用εM表示峰值εM=NBSω 则e=εM sinωt在纯电阻电路中,电流I= R R e m ε =sinωt=I m sinωt,电压u=U m sinωt 。 4、交流发电机 (1)发电机的基本组成:①用来产生感应电动势的线圈(叫电枢)②用来产生磁场的磁极 (2)发电机的基本种类①旋转电枢式发电机(电枢动磁极不动)②旋转磁极式发电机(磁极动电枢不动)无论哪种发电机,转动的部分叫转子,不动的部分叫定子 第二节表征交变电流的物理量 1、表征交变电流大小物理量 ①瞬时值:对应某一时刻的交流的值用小写字母x 表示,e i u ②峰值:即最大的瞬时值用大写字母表示,U mImεm εm= nsBωIm=εm/ R 注意:线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁感线方向的轴匀速转动时,所产生感应电动势的峰值为 ε m =NBSω,即仅由匝数N,线圈面积S,磁感强度B和角速度ω四个量决定。与轴的具体位置,线圈的形状及线圈是否闭合都是无关的。 ③有效值: ⅰ、意义:描述交流电做功或热效应的物理量 ⅱ、定义:跟交流热效应相等的恒定电流的值叫做交流的有效值。 ⅲ、正弦交流的有效值与峰值之间的关系是ε= 2 m ε I= 2 m I U= 2 m U 。 i o t i o t i o t i o t i o t 图151 (a d )) (b () c() d () e


新概念英语青少版入门级A Listening 听力部分30’ 一、听录音,写单词,并写出单词的中文含义(20’)。 二、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10’) 1. ( ) A. skirt B. shirt C. sock D. sweater 2. ( ) A. rabbit B. tortoise C. rubber D. parrot 3. ( ) A. twelve B. twenty C. eleven D. seven 4. ( ) A. a duck B. two ducks C. three ducks D. four ducks 5. ( ) A. evening B. morning C. lunch D. breakfast 6. ( ) A. chair B. shelf C. bed D. wall 7. ( ) A. next to B. bedroom C. bathroom D. between 8. ( ) A. dancer B. nurse C. man D.woman 9. ( ) A. aunt B. uncle C. cousin D. sister 10. ( ) A. this B. that C. those D. the

Writing 笔试部分70’ 三.用“a”或“an”填空(10’) 1. apple 2. book 3. rabbit 4.umbrella 5. mouse 6. __ ice cream 7. ___ little monkey 8. __ big egg 9. __ red apple 10._banana 四、圈出不同(10’) 1. red blue pink banana 2. frog mouse butterfly big 3. shirt anorak short cap 4. seven eight sister eleven 5. father mother uncle driver 五、请写出缩写(10’) I am___ he is___ you are ___ is not___ are not___ it is___ they are____ she is____ that is ____ 六、选择正确的答案(10’) ( )1.--What’s this? A. That’s a book. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s a bus. ( )2.--What colour is it? A. It’s yellow. B. It’s a dog. C. Thank you. ( )3.-- is your name? --I’m Ann. A.What B. Who C. Where


宪法记忆重点 全国人大会议的临时召集:由1、全国人大常委会认为必要;2、1/5以上全国人大代表提议 全国人大的预备会议: 召集人和主持人:由全国人大常委会主持(每一届的第一次预备会议由上届全国人大常委会主持)。 会议目的:1、选举本次会议的主席团和秘书长;2、通过本次会议的议程和其它事项的决定。 全国人大会议:召集人――全国人大常委会;主持人――主席团;第一次会议时间――本届选举完成后的 两个月内由上届全国人大常委会召集 全国人大选举产生的人员:国家主席、国家副主席、中央军委主席、最高院院长、最高检检察长 经提名由全国人大决定的人员:国务院总理、副总理、国务委员、各部部长、各委员会主任、审计长、秘书长、中央军事委员会其它组成人员(闭会期间全国人大常委会经提名决定部长、委员会主任、审计长、秘书长人选) 行政区域的建制和区域化分:1、省、自治区、直辖市的建置由全国人大批准,区域划分由国务院批准;2、乡、民族乡、镇的建置和区域划分由省、直辖市的人民政府决定; 3、县、市、市辖区的部分行政区域界限的变更,国务院授权省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审批;批准变更时,同时报送民政部备案。 宪法的修改:由1、全国人大常委会;2、1/5以上的全国人大代表提议并由全国人大以全体代表的2/3以上多数通过 法律和其它议案:由全国人大以全体代表的过半数通过全国人大常委会审议议案和法律案由常委会以全体组成人员过半数通过 紧急状态的决定:全国人大常委会决定全国或者个别省、自治区、直辖市的戒严,国务院决定省、自治区、直辖市范围内部分地区的戒严 国务院各部委的设立、撤消、合并由全国人大或者全国人大常委会决定


动物:cat 猫 dog 狗 fish 鱼insect昆虫 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 zebra 斑马 pig 猪frog 青蛙 mouse 老鼠 parrot 鹦鹉 rabbit 兔子 tortoise 乌龟 食物:apple 苹果 egg鸡蛋hamburger 汉堡包 salad 沙拉 sausage香肠tomato西红柿 pizza比萨jelly果冻 颜色: green绿色 red 红色 blue 蓝色yellow黄色 orange 橙色 身体部位: leg 腿 mouth 嘴 nose 鼻子 玩具:Ball 球 kite 风筝 violin 小提琴xylophone 木琴doll 木偶 robot 机器人 车:bike 自行车 car 小汽车train 火车 van 货车;面包车 家人亲戚:family 家人 mum 妈妈 dad 爸爸 sister 妹妹 brother 弟弟friend 朋友 文具:book 书 pen 钢笔 pencil铅笔 pencil case 笔袋 rubber 橡皮 ruler 尺子 school bag书包 职业:dancer 跳舞者,舞蹈专家 doctor医生 nurse 护士 policeman男警察policewoman 女警察 postman 邮递员 teacher 老师 数字:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 形容个人体态:tall 高的short 矮的big大的 little 小的fat 胖的thin瘦的 衣物: anorak 带帽子的夹克衫 cap 鸭舌帽 T-shirt T恤Shirt 衬衣sweater毛衣hat有檐帽 方位介词:behind 在…后面 in 在…里面 in front of 在…前面 on 在…上面under 在…下面 其他词汇: girl女孩 boy 男孩 sun 太阳 table 饭桌 umbrella 雨伞 king 国王 queen王后zoo 动物园 window 窗户 bone 骨头 句子: at my yellow leg! 看我黄色的腿! is my brother and sister. 这是我的哥哥和姐姐。(用于介绍某人) ’s a robot. 这是一个机器人。 it an apple? Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.它是一个苹果吗?是的,它是。/不,它不是。 isn’t my schoolbag. 这不是我的书包。 this a schoolbag? Yes,it is. /No,it isn't. 这是一个书包吗?是的,它是。/不,它不是。 ’s this?It’s a hamburger. 这是什么?这是一个汉堡。 What’s that?It’s a salad. 那是什么?那是一盘沙拉。 What is it?It’s an egg. 它是什么?它是一个鸡蛋。 8.How old are you?I’m eleven. 你多大了?我十一岁了。 9.Are you seven?Yes,I am. /No,I’m not.你七岁了吗?是的,我是。/不,我不是。 10.You aren’t five. 你不是五岁。 11.He’s tall.他很高。She isn’t fat. 她不胖。 12.Is she tall?Yes,she is./No,she isn’t.她高吗?是的,她高。/不,她


第五章交变电流 一、交变电流的产生 1、原理:电磁感应 2、中性面:线圈平面与磁感线垂直的平面。 3、两个特殊位置的比较 ①线圈平面与中性面重合时 (S ⊥B ),磁通量Φ最大, t ??Φ =0,e=0,i=0,感应电流的方向将发生改变。 ②线圈平面平行与磁感线时(S ∥B ),Φ=0, t ??Φ 最大,e 最大,i 最大,电流方向不变。 4、 穿过线圈的磁通量与产生的感应电动势、感应电流随时间变化的函数关系总是互余的: 注:对中性面的理解 交流电瞬时值表达式的具体形式是由开始计时的时刻和正方向的规定共同决定的。若从中性面开始计时,虽然该时刻穿过线圈的磁通量最大,但线圈两边的运动方向恰与磁场方向平行,不切割 磁感线,电动势为零,故其表达式为 ;但若从线圈平面和磁场平行时开始计时, 虽然该时刻穿过线圈的磁通量为零,但由于此时线圈两边的速度方向和磁场方向垂直,电动势最

大,故其表达式为。 二、对交变电流图像的理解 交变电流的图像包括φ-t、e-t、i-t、u-t等,具体图像见上页,现只研究e-t图像 从图像上可得到信息: 1、线圈平面与中性面平行时为计时平面 2、电流最大值 3、周期T和频率f 4、不同时刻交流电的瞬时值 5、线圈处于中性面和电流最大值对应的时 刻 6、任意时刻线圈的位置和磁场的夹角 , n E?Φ = __

确定。它表现为交流图象中波形与横轴( 周期的平均电动势大小为,而一个周期内的平均电动势却为零.而技术在正半个周期或周期内的平均值。同一交流电的平均值和有效值并不相同。 阻碍作用的大小,用容抗表示,

21 21n n U U =1 221n n I I =2211t t ??Φ=? ?Φ 三、变压器: 1、原理:原、副线圈中的互感现象,原、副线圈中的磁通量的变化率相等。 P 1=P 2 2、变压器只变换交流,不变换直流,更不变频。原、副线圈中交流电的频率一样:f 1=f 2高压线圈匝数多、电流小,导线较细;低压线圈匝数少、电流大,导线较粗。 3 、如右图:U 1:U 2:U 3=n 1:n 2:n 3 n 1 I 1=n 2 I 2+ n 3 I 3 P 1=P 2+P 3 四、电能输送的中途损失: (1)功率关系:P 1=P 2,P 3=P 4,P 2=P 损+P 3 (2)输电导线损失的电压:U 损=U 2-U 3=I 线R 线 (3)输电导线损耗的电功率:P 损=P 3-P 2=I 线U 损=I 线2R 线 =( )2R 线 由以上公式可知,当输送的电能一定时,输电电压增大到原来的n 倍, 输电导线上损 耗的功率就减少到原来的。 ΔU=Ir 线= r 线 =U 电源—U 用户 Δ U ∝ ΔP=I 2 r 线= r 线 =P 电源—P 用户 ΔP ∝ 注:理想变压器的动态分析问题,大致有两种情况: 一类是负载电阻不变,原副线圈的电压,电流,输入和输出功率随 匝数比变化而变化的情况。 另一类是匝数比不变,上述各量随负载电阻变化而变化的情况。 不论哪种情况都要注意: (1)根据题意弄清变量与不变量。 (2)要弄清“谁决定于谁”的制约关系,即理想变压器各物理量变化的决定因素。 动态分析问题的思路程序可表示为: P U 1U 2)(U P 2 1 U 2 2 U P U 1


新概念入门级s t a r t e r A作业

Hello English 新概念(Starter A)寒假作业 Name_________ 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

Day.1 日期:_______ 天气:_______ 一:单词 球:________ 猫:________ 狗:________ 鱼:________ 苹果:________ 鸡蛋:________ 女孩:________ 帽子:________ 昆虫:_______ 果冻:________ 风筝:________绿色:________ 红色:________ 二:字母拼写 Aa到Kk, 两遍 三:将下列英语翻译成中文 1.Kim, stop! _____________________ 2.Look at my red kite.________________________ 3. Good dog.______________ 4. No cat!________________ 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除

5. Jelly! Yummy!_________________ Day.2 日期:_______ 天气:_______ 一:单词 蓝色:________ 腿:________ 嘴巴:________ 鼻子:________ 黄色:________ 桔子:________ 猪:________ 男孩:________ 太阳:_______ 桌子:________ 雨伞:________国王:________ 王后________ 二:字母拼写 Ll到Uu, 两遍 三:将下列英语翻译成中文 2.Look at my yellow leg! _____________________ 2.Look at your green mouth.________________________ 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


2019考研宪法学重点内容归纳 一、宪法学基本理论 宪法的基本理论问题即宪法学的基本原理,包括宪法的概念和特征、宪法的本质、宪法的历史发展和分类、宪法的基本原则、宪法规范、宪法和宪政、宪法解释、宪法修改、宪法的实施及其保障等内容。这一部分内容非常重要,是进一步学习宪法学的基础。 1.宪法作为特定国家法律体系中的重要组成部分,既有与一般法律相同的特征,也有自身的基本特征,即宪法是国家的根本法,是公民权利的保障书,是民主事实法律化的基本形式。决定宪法根本法地位的三个因素,即内容的根本性、法律效力的最高性、制定和修改程序的严格性。 2.宪法语词虽然在古代典籍中就已经出现,但是近代意义的宪法则是资产阶级革命的产物。其产生有着深刻的政治、经济和思想文化背景。考生应当掌握早期主要的资本主义国家,如英国、美国、法国等国家宪法产生的基本情况。对其中的世界宪法史上占有非常重要地位的宪法性文件及其产生的年代必须记住。 3.自1949年以来我国共通过了5部宪法性文件,即1949年9月制定的《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》、1954年宪法、1975年宪法、1978年宪法和现行宪法即1982年12月4日由第五届全国人大第五次会议通过的宪法。1988年、1993年、1999年、2004年对现行宪法所进行的四次修正的主要内容是考生背记和理解的重点。 4.宪法分类是指按照一定的标准对宪法所进行的归纳和划分类别的活动。考生应当重点掌握资产阶级学者对宪法所进行的形式上的分类。 5.宪法的基本原则是制定宪法与实施宪法的基本准则和精神。考生应当掌握这几个原则的来源、基本内容、在宪法中的具体表现形式以及宪法的基本原则在资本主义国家和社会主义国家中的不同的表现形态和本质上的差异。 6.宪法规范的含义主要特点必须掌握。宪法规范是宪法最基本的要素和构成单位,是宪法的载体。宪法规范所调整的社会关系,即宪法关系具有两大特点,一是所调整的对象非常广泛,涉及国家和社会生活各个方面最基本的社会关系,二是所调整的社会关系的一方为国家和国家机关。宪法规范具有根本性、最高权威性、原则性、纲领性和相对稳定性的特点。 7.宪政是宪法学理论中非常重要的一个概念,是宪法的生命所在,没有宪政,宪法就是一纸空文。考生必须掌握宪政的含义、特征以及宪法与宪政的关系。在我国,实行宪政是依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家的基本目标和首要标志。建设有中国特色的社会主义宪政应当具备的五个条件,考生应当了解和掌握。 8.宪法的实施及其保障是宪法得以真正落实的重要环节。考生应当掌握宪法实施的含义及基本构成。宪法解释和宪法修改是宪法得以有效实施的重要方面,考生必须掌握宪法解释和宪法修改的含义,知晓宪法解释和宪法修改并非是随意进行的,而是由有权机关依照严格的法定程序所进行的具有法律效力的活动。考生应当知道我国宪法中关于宪法解释和宪法修改的机关和程序。 二、我国国家制度 我国国家制度复习的重点考生应当重点掌握我国宪法和法律中有关国家性质和国家形式的基本制度。主要包括国体——人民民主专政制度,政体——人民代表大会制度,选举制度和地方制度——民族区域自治制度和特别行政区制度。


交变电流、电磁学 第一部分(理论知识点、重点) 一、知识网络 二、重、难点知识归纳 1.交变电流产生 (产生: 线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁场方向的轴匀速转动而产生的 描 述 瞬时值: I=I m sin ωt 峰值:I m = nsB ω/R 有效值:2/m I I = 周期和频率的关系:T=1/f 图像:正弦曲线 电感对交变电流的作用:通直流、阻交流,通低频、阻高频 应用 交变 电流 电容对交变电流的作用:通交流、阻直流,通高频、阻低频 变压器 变流比: 电能的输送 原理:电磁感应 变压比:U 1/U 2=n 1/n 2 只有一个副线圈:I 1/I 2=n 2/n 1 有多个副线圈:I 1n 1= I 2n 2= I 3n 3=…… 功率损失:线损 R )U P (P 2 = 电压损失:线损R U P U = 远距离输电方式:高压输电

交流。如图(b )所示。而(a )、(d)为直流其中(a )为恒定电流。 (二)、正弦交流的产生及变化规律。 (1)、产生:当线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁场方向的轴匀速转动时,线圈中产生的交流是随时间按正弦规律变化的。即正弦交流。 (2)、中性面:匀速旋转的线圈,位于跟磁感线垂直的平面叫做中性面。这一位置穿过线圈的磁通量最大,但切割边都未切割磁感线,或者说这时线圈的磁通量变化率为零,线圈中无感应电动势。 (3)、规律:从中性面开始计时,则e=NBS ωsin ωt 。用εm 表示峰值NBS ω则e=εm sin ωt 在纯电阻电路中,电流I= R R e m ε= sin ωt=I m sin ωt ,电压u=U m sin ωt 。 2、表征交变电流大小物理量 (1)瞬时值:对应某一时刻的交流的值 用小写字母x 表示,e i u (2)峰值:即最大的瞬时值。大写字母表示,U m Im εm εm = nsB ω Im =εm / R 注意:线圈在匀强磁场中绕垂直于磁感线方向的轴匀速转动时,所产生感应电动势的峰值为εm =NBS ω,即仅由匝数N ,线圈面积S ,磁感强度B 和角速度ω四个量决定。与轴的具体位置,线圈的形状及线圈是否闭合都是无关的。 (3)有效值: a 、意义:描述交流电做功或热效应的物理量 b 、定义:跟交流热效应相等的恒定电流的值叫做交流的有效值。 c 、正弦交流的有效值与峰值之间的关系是ε= 2m ε I=2 m I U=2m U 。 注意:正弦交流的有效值和峰值之间具有ε= 2 m ε,U=22m m I I U =的关系,非正弦(或 余弦)交流无此关系,但可按有效值的定义进行推导,如对于正负半周最大值相等的方波电流,其热效应和与其最大值相等的恒定电流是相同的,因而其有效值即等于其最大值。即I=I m 。

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