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Reference Answers to Translation Exercises (book II)

Quiz 1


1. keeping up with the rest of the class.

2. none of us expected the chairman to turn up

3. as was to be expected

4. an art as it is a science

5. could have made a good salary.


1. Some parents spoil their children, so much so that they never ask them to do any housework.

2. On the one hand, we have good reason to feel pleased with our progress. On the other hand, we mustn’t get complacent.

3. Assuming that we all work at the same rate, we will finish the job by the end of March.

4. In primary and middle schools, greater priority should be given to the education for students’ all–round development in a bid to shift the basic education from examination-oriented education to quality-oriented one.

5. In retrospect, it is the wrong time to set up a new data processing center in this city 3 years ago.

Quiz 2


1. to have no access

2. to students’ being late for

3. ranges/varies from 50 cents to $4

4. to reserve a table for

5. to make trouble


1. This newly-appointed personnel manager is, by/from all accounts, very easy to approach. He tries to blend in with all employees and never throws his weight around.

2. The college has laid down a reward system to encourage students to fully develop their talents.

Only in this way, can they lead a useful life in the future.

3. Uncle majored in Chemistry in university, and, in his spare time, he laid emphasis on cultivating his interests in other fields, which turned out to be very beneficial to the development of his future career.

4. He impressed me as a humble man, but the way he spoke in the party the other day stunned me.

5. He was on the run since the moment he came aboard. By/from all accounts, her devotion and loyalty to the company deserved promotion.

Quiz 3


1. at intervals

2. injure himself

3. busy preparing for

4. had to be operated manually

5. needn’t have borrowed it from the bank.


1. John has become a wealthy man for he knows better than to invest all his money in one company’s stock.

2. Whatever happens on campus, he will call his mother first, which makes her happy.

3. Jeff loves to listen to Rock & Roll after school, but the noisy music severely disturbs his neighbors’ rest.

4. When a term is coming to an end, it is rather difficult for a student preparing for the final exams to have a desk to himself.

5. I felt ashamed of myself when I heard that she was out of hospital and keen to go back to work.

Quiz 4


1. shall have left for

2. is often a very time-consuming job

3. something was done/some measures were taken

4. overcame it/got over it

5. in the way


1. Even with the help of a dictionary, this sentence is difficult to understand.

2. For a person can not speak a word of foreign language life in abroad is hard to imagine .

3. This book is of great value to historians .

4. You place me in (something of) a dilemma, I really do n’t know whether to accept your invitation or not. .

5. The government is carrying on an anti-corruption campaign so as to restore people’s confidence in it .

Quiz 5


1. had interrupted me

2. It is because she is too inexperienced

3. caught him cheating me

4. did not work in the same office

5. was finally called off/cancelled because of the bad weather


1. The evidence that the US Central Intelligence Agency has obtained bears out their claims that Bin Laden is closely related to the September 11 terrorist attack in the U.S.A.

2. How can you expect her to work out such a complicated math problem? She is merely a child.

3. Many people expressed their anxieties about the economic chaos in the country.

4. On Jan. 1, 2002, banks have made adequate preparations for the introduction of Euro, the new common currency in 12 countries in European Union.

5. The core of the problem is their objection to educational reform.

Quiz 6


1. will be doing/conducting the experiment

2. has a strong influence on

3. would not have finished so early

4. wondering about his real purpose

5. attempts to escape being fined


1. Barbara applied for a job in many a multi- national corporation and got the post as a CEO finally fortunately .

2. An efficient secretary should get her act together at first.

3. Everyone wants to achieve a lot in their business. while it’s well known it is not a piece of cake to get the top of your business without sweat, hard – working and diligence .

4. On arriving home from school, I combed the pages of the fashion magazine I just bought when I remembered I should turn in my paper next day and had to give up my sweet.

5. His decision to move overseas has a lot to do with financial problem .

Quiz 7


1. resort to force

2. can’t have been cleaned

3. was wrongly accused/charged

4. for fear that he should be recognized

5. being sent abroad


1. His misconduct aroused the criticism of all our classmates.

2. By the year of 2020, we will have established a more enriched society where people can enjoy a fairly comfortable life.

3. We could not have been taking part in the celebrations, if we had not caught that flight.

4. The door burst open and in rushed the crowd.

5. Her innocence is present in the testimony that she was absent when the crime was committed.

Quiz 8


1. neither will they

2. not so much a writer

3. Believe it or not

4. may just as well stay at home

5. stain the new carpet


1. The excesses committed by the troops when they occupied the capital will never be forgotten.

2. After many failures, he finally succeeded in inventing a bicycle which was far better than previously predicted.

3. Now that these new products have greatly improved the image of our firm, the demands for our products have exceeded the supplies.

4. It was reported that 500 patients died when flu raged through that city.

5. Although people criticize television for the problems it brings about, it is true that television provides universal entertainment.


数学文化作业答案(全正确答案) 1数学的研究对象是()a,物质b,物质运动c,自然d,以上不是两个学科。只有成功地应用()我们才能成熟数学 3 学习的主题不是物质或物质运动的科学。数学素养对文科学生来说并不重要。正确答案是:× 5。一般来说,数学素养意味着理性思考、仔细思考、验证、简洁、清晰和准确的表达正确答案:√ 6 一个不识字的人可以活,但不会数数的人也可以活正确答案:×7数学文化中的文化指狭隘的文化正确答案:×8 我国第一次提出数学文化是哪一年?数学文化一词最早出现在:1990年0 10年数学文化这门课程被评为XXXX 国家精品课程正确答案:“数学文化”中的× 11文化是指广义的文化正确答案:ì 12以下不是数学文化课。学生获得的是:b,提高数学能力13 以下不是数学文化的侠义意义: A,数学思想b,数学精神c,数学方法d,数学教育 14 数学是一门与其他自然学科处于同一水平的科学正确答案:×15 不同的自然科学可以用于数学研究正确答案:√ 16数学文化中的文化定义更倾向于广义解释。()正确答案:× 17数学文化的研究对象是人正确答案:√ 18“大学生素质与文化教育”一词是什么时候提出来的d,是什么时候第一次建立32 个“大学生素质与文化教育国家基地”c2 0 世纪90 年代,1 XXXX 1999 年的数学素养不包括() A,从数学的角度看问题b,控制问题的因素c,以及理性思维d。

解 决问题的逻辑能力 2 数学素养不是与生俱来的,而是在学习和实践中培养出来的正确答案:√ 3数学训练可以提高一个人的 A,推理能力b,抽象能力c,分析和创造能力d,所有这些都是正确的4企业招聘员工的问题和数学推理往往与正确答案有关:√ 5以下哪一项不是通过学习数学文化获得的? A、理解思想b、激发兴趣c、学习方法d、解决问题方法6 一个人的数学素养水平决定了一个人工作的有效性。正确答案:√ 7数学不仅是一些知识,还是一种素质(素养)正确答案√ 8 该专业的“数学素养”是什么?()b,2: 9以下不是数学文化课的指导思想:c,数学能力10能用数学方法解决现实生活中的问题正确答案√ 11数学文化是一门以简单的数学知识为载体,讲述数学思想、精神、方法和观点的课程正确答案:ì 12目前,社会不重视数学素养正确答案:× 13数学素养是指排除数学知识后剩下的东西正确答案√ 14数学专业不含()C,热力学统计 15数学语言特征不含A,清晰B,严谨C,规范D,杂16数学重要性体现在几个层面C,317数学文化课教学方法不含 A,启发式教学B,讨论式教学C,研究式教学D,实验式教学18 数学不仅是一种重要的工具,也是一种思维方式正确答案:√1 9 数学


[试题分类]:专科《城市管理学》_11012160 [题型]:单选 [分数]:3 1.下列哪一项不属于市民团体() A.市侨联 B.市文联 C.市总工会 D.市残联 答案:D 2.居民委员会属于() A.城市权力系统 B.城市权利政治系统 C.城市非权力政治系统 D.城市权力社会系统 答案:C 3.我国城市的国家权力机关是() A.市委 B.市人民代表大会 C.市人民政府 D.市人民法院 答案:B 4.以下那一项不是城市人口管理的核心内容() A.城市人口的数量调控 B.城市外来人口管理 C.城市人口的质量提高 D.就业引导 答案:B 5.城市综合执法涉及的主要是以()为主要内容的行政执法。 A.社会治安 B.市容市貌 C.外来人口管理 D.摊贩管理

答案:B 6.城市规划脱胎于一下哪个学科() A.建筑学 B.经济学 C.管理学 D.心理学 答案:A 7.新加坡的地铁线呈()形 A.W B.I C.T D.O 答案:C 8.以下哪个选项不是城市垃圾管理的现代化标志 A.城市政府和市民高度重视垃圾问题 B.政府强制居民进行垃圾分类并对行为不当的进行惩罚 C.市民自觉坚持分类倾倒垃圾 D.垃圾的收集.运输和处理科学化 答案:B 9.早在1833年就开始兴建城市地下共同沟的城市是() A.英国伦敦 B.法国巴黎 C.美国纽约 D.德国柏林 答案:B 10.【此题无法解析,请核对原始试题,题号:30793】 A.三年 B.四年 C.二年 D.五年 答案:D [试题分类]:专科《城市管理学》_11012160

[题型]:单选 [分数]:2 1.现代城市发展的主要动力是:() A.第三产业 B.工业 C.手工业 D.农业 答案:A 2.早在1833年就开始兴建城市地下共同沟的城市是() A.英国伦敦 B.法国巴黎 C.美国纽约 D.德国柏林 答案:B 3.以下哪个选项不是城市垃圾管理的现代化标志 A.城市政府和市民高度重视垃圾问题 B.政府强制居民进行垃圾分类并对行为不当的进行惩罚 C.市民自觉坚持分类倾倒垃圾 D.垃圾的收集、运输和处理科学化 答案:B 4.超大城市是指市区非农业人口超过()以上的城市。 A.100万 B.150万 C.200万 D.250万 答案:C 5.我国在城市建设管理方面的一部重要法律《中华人民共和国城市规划法》颁布于() A.1988年 B.1989年 C.1990年 D.1991年


Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions (每小题:2 分) Directions: Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. 1.What are the man and woman talking about? A. The good sound system of a theater. B. The good and bad points about a horror movie. C. What movies to watch. D. The movies they plan to watch and what they have already watched. 2.Which of the following movies did the man not suggest? A. A science fiction movie. B. A comedy. C. A horror movie. D. A war movie. 3.According to the woman, why does the man want to see a horror movie? A. Because he likes movies that are really violent. B. Because he likes to see monsters. C. Because the girl is crazy about horror movies. D. Because he wants the girl to move closer to him. 4.What did the man do at the sight of a monster moving across the screen? A. He jumped out of excitement. B. He coughed. C. He jumped and screamed. D. He ran out of the theater. 5.What did the man do that annoyed the girl? A. He threw popcorn in the aisle. B. He ate popcorn with a lot of noise.


unit1 Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He was born on Feb. 1) 17, 2) 1963, in Brooklyn, New York. He is 3) 1.98 meters tall and weighs 4) 216 pounds. Jordan joined the Chicago Bulls team for the 5) 1984 season. In the 6) 1986 season he shot 7) 3041 points, the 8) third highest score ever. He was named NBA Slam Dunk Champion (扣篮冠军) in 9) 1987 and won the Most Valuable Player Award in 10) 1988, an honor repeated 11) four times in the next 12) ten years to 13) 1998. Jordan guided his team to win 14) six NBA championships during the 15) 1990s, scoring 16) 45 points during the 17) sixth and last game of the 18) 1998 NBA finals. In 19) 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century. Jordan left the NBA at the beginning of the 1993-1994 NBA season to pursue a career in baseball. Since his baseball game wasn’t quite as good as his basketball games, he finally gave it up to rejoin the Bulls in 1995. Yet, after playing for 20) five more years, he once again announced his retirement in 21) 1999. But he returned for two more NBA games in 22) 2001 as a member of the Washington Wizards. Part B Pre-listening Task Exercise 1 d b Exercise 2 Listen again and write down answers to the following questions. 1. Why is Laura so keen on sports? Because she wants to enjoy good health. She also wants to stay in shape and look good. 2. What sports do Peter and Laura go in for? Both Peter and Laura like cycling and swimming. Laura also plays tennis regularly. Part c d c d c b unit 2 Part A 1. Yes 2.No 3.Yes 4.No 5.Yes 6.No 7.No 8.No Part B Text Exercise 1: 1. ...for a while 2. ...plans for this Saturday


2019年安全知识竞赛题库(正确答案已标出) 本题库主要包括消防安全66题,用电安全20题,安全法律法规15题,反恐安全4题,共计105题;试题类型为单选题。 一、消防安全知识 1.发现火灾要及时报警,报警早、损失小。我国的火灾报警电话是() A.119(正确答案) B.122 C.120 D.911 2.发生火灾后,如何正确报火警() A.讲清着火单位、详细地址、着火物质及火势大小 B.讲清着火单位、详细地址、着火物质及火势大小,是否有人被困,留下报警 人姓名及联系方式(正确答案) C.告知着火方位后迅速挂断电话,返回火场 3.谎报火警是违法行为。谎报火警的,最高可以处()日拘留 A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10(正确答案) 4.发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为,可以拨打火灾隐患举报电

话(),向当地消防部门进 行举报 A.96119(正确答案) B.12580 C.12315 D.10086 5.个人损坏、挪用或擅自拆除、停用消防设施、器材,埋压、圈占、遮挡消火栓的,处() 处罚 A.警告或五百元以下罚款(正确答案) B.十日以下行政拘留 C.劳动教养 6.遇到消防车执行灭火或抢险救援任务时,社会车辆及行人应当() A.靠边让行(正确答案) B.穿插其中 C.超越消防车 7.抽烟时应该注意() A.不躺在床上或沙发上吸烟,不乱扔烟头(正确答案) B.只要在床头或茶几上摆上烟灰缸,可以躺在床上或沙发上吸烟 C.烟头已经不冒烟了,可以把烟头扔在纸篓里

8.烟头中心温度可达(),它超过了棉、麻、毛织物、纸张、家具等可燃物的燃点。若乱扔 烟头接触到这些可燃物,容易引发火灾。 A.100-200℃ B.200-300℃ C.700-800℃(正确答案) D.900-1000℃ 9.室内装修装饰不宜采用以下哪类材料() A.聚氨酯泡沫(正确答案) B.石膏板 C.复合木地板 10.用灭火器灭火时,灭火器的喷射口应该对准火焰的() A.上部 B.中部 C.根部(正确答案) 11.用灭火器进行灭火的最佳位置是() A.下风位置 B.离起火点10米以上的位置 C.距离起火点3-5米的上风或侧风位置(正确答案) 12.电熨斗是家庭生活中常用的家用电器。以下哪一项做法是错误的() A.电熨斗不能与其它家用电器合用一个插座,也不要与其它大功


Part I Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. 1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. He missed home at first and then got used to studying B. He missed home and has never done well in studies. C. He studies well and never misses home. D. He studies well though he always misses home. A A 2. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Write a statement for the woman. B. Revise what the woman will write. C. Fill in forms for the woman. D. Apply to an American university for admission. B B 3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. The grading system there is different. B. The teaching methods there are different. C. Both A) and B). D. Neither A) nor B). C C 4. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. Three parts. B. Two parts. C. One part. D. Less than one part. D D 5. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.) A. She wants to go to Europe for studies. B. She can't afford an education in Europe. C. She has got a part-time job. D. She will borrow cash to pay her tuition. B B


Unit 1 Sports Part C Short Conversations You’re going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. a. Basketball. b. Volleyball. c. Table tennis. d. Tennis. 2. a. Boxing is one of his favorite sports. b. Boxing is the only kind of sport he likes. c. He doesn’t like boxing at all. d. He doesn’t like boxing very much. 3. a. He finds it too long. b. He thinks it could be more exciting. c. He doesn’t like it at all. d. He likes it, but not very much. 4. a. He doesn’t know how to play chess. b. He doesn’t like playing chess very much. c. He can’t play chess well. d. He’s a good chess player. 5. a. He was a good football player in high school. b. He kept track of the football players and games when he was in high school. c. He shows no interest in football now. d. He’s busy playing golf as well as football now. Script: 1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you? M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport. Q: Which sport does the man like? 2. W: You don’t like boxing very much, do you? M: It’s far from being my kind of sport. Q: What does the man mean? 3. W: I think yesterday’s football game was quite exciting. What about you, John? M: You said it. But it was a bit long. Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess? M: I like the game, but I don’t play it often enough. I’m afraid I’m not a very good chess player. Q: What does the man mean? 5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high school days. But recently I have failed to keep up with football. W: Now you’re busy with your golf games. Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation? Unit 2 Food and Drinks


1.《春秋》是根据()历史改编的。鲁国 2.下列说法错误的是:孔子把商朝最重要的典籍做了整理 3.孔子用()区分君子与小人。道德 4.《论语》是四书之一,是记录孔子及弟子言行的书。√ 5.孔子打破了“学在官府”传统,导致只有贵族可以读书× 6.孔子最提倡以()来区分君子与小人。道德 7.信奉鬼神较少的典籍是论语 8.孟子从不以财产和地位区分君子与小人。× 9.《论语》中,“君子”一词出现107次,“小人”一词出现107次。× 10.孙中山革命提出的口号“大同社会”是由儒家思想提升出来的。√ 11.在儒家典籍里()的关系处于核心地位。人与人 12.要想成为君子,下列做法错误的是:自弃 13.怎么才能成为一个君子?下面不包括哪些?要吃亏 14.论语中有句“父母唯其疾之忧”是对()的解释。孝 15.儒家思想认为君子的道德底线是“仁”。√ 16.孔子说“四十不惑,五十而知天命”说的是人到了一定年纪听天由命,不用学习的意思。× 17.“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”是对()的描述。仁 18.“德不孤必有邻”是谁说的? 孔子 19.“居处恭,执事敬,与人忠”解释错误的是:做事不用认真 20.墨家的爱是无差别的,而儒家的爱是有差别分先后顺序的。√ 21.孔子认为所有人认为是好人的人就是好人。× 22.下列说法错误的是: A、史可以通古今之理

B、史在一定程度上具有“经”的作用 C、史的作用在汉朝形成共识 D、在古代《春秋》只是鲁国才有的我的答案:D 23.下列说法错误的是: A、鲁国曾是周公伯禽的封地 B、现在的《春秋》是记录西周和东周的历史 C、孔子编订了《春秋》 D、《春秋》在春秋时期各国都有的一本书我的答案:B 24.下列说法错误的是()。 A、史官在古代是很多官员的统称 B、老子是出身于史官 C、“天人”不是史官的组成系统 D、古代的“卜官”也属于史官我的答案:C 25.《春秋》记录了春秋时期12个国君,242年的历史大事纲要。√ 26.在周朝,卜官和巫官地位上升,而主管作用下降。× 27.《春秋》是中国现存的最早的一部编年体史书。√ 28.下列说法错误的是()。 A、《左传》又称《春秋左氏传》 B、《春秋》的字数比《左传》多 C、《左传》最大的影响是“行人辞令” D、《左传》是研究历史得失,总结教训的我的答案:B 29.现在说的春秋三传不包括:《夹氏传》 30.对《公羊传》和《谷梁传》说法不正确的是:没有谈义例 31.《公羊传》和《谷梁传》在汉代起到非常重要的作用√


《城市管理学》(原市政规划与管理)历年考试真题 (仅限名词解释、简题答和论述题) 注:20XX年7月份考试开始采用新教材。 选择题:2/20分 填空题:2/10分 名词解释:5/10分 简答题:12/36分 论述题:1/24分 一、名词解释 (20XX年7月) 1、城市政府职能 2、城乡一体化 (20XX年1月) 1、城市经济管理 2、危机管理 (20XX年7月) 1、预算外资金 2、危机管理 (20XX年1月) 1、城市管理体制 2、城乡一体化 (20XX年7月) 1、区域规划 2、城市管理 (20XX年1月) 1、区域规划 2、城市管理 (20XX年7月) 1、城市规划 2、经营城市 (20XX年1月) 1、城市管理 2、区域经济一体化 (20XX年7月) 1、城市营销 2、预算外资金 二、简答题 (20XX年7月) 1、环境污染末端治理的局限性是什么? 2、如何对我国城市基础设施管理体制进行改革? 3、处理突发事件时,如何做到快速反应? (20XX年1月) 1、现代城市管理具有那些特征?

2、我国城市边缘区管理中存在的问题? 3、我国区域协调中需要解决的主要问题? (20XX年7月) 1、现代城市管理中存在的囚徒困境现象有哪些? 2、如何实现城乡一体化? 3、城市群协调发展的益处有哪些? 20XX年1月 1、国外社区管理的典型模式有哪些? 2、新条件下我国城市经济管理领域的核心要务是什么? 3、现代城市管理具有哪些特征? 20XX年7月 1、如何实现城乡一体化? 2、城市污染治理的主要瓶颈是什么? 3、我国市民参政的内容是什么? (20XX年1月) 1、我国城市成长中存在哪些问题? 2、城市污染治理的主要瓶颈是什么? 3、我国实现城乡一体化的路径是什么? (20XX年7月) 1、现代城市管理具有哪些特征? 2、我国城市人口管理的内容是什么? 3、在处理突发事件时,如何做到快速反应? (20XX年1月) 1、新公共管理对现代城市管理具有哪些启示? 2、我国城市成长中存在哪些问题? 3、城乡一体化的发展要点是什么? (20XX年7月) 1、学习型政府组织具有哪些特征? 2、循环经济3R原则的内容是什么? 3、如何对我国的城市基础设施管理体制进行改革? 三、论述题 (20XX年7月) 1、新形势下我国城市发展战略管理的重点。 (20XX年1月)

新视野大学英语 Quiz2

个人测试成绩记录 试卷:视听说教程第二册 编号:Quiz2 试卷满分:100 姓名:学号:班级: 登录:2013-10-23 21:05:04 交卷:2013-10-23 22:18:14 上机地址: 老师是否已批卷:尚未批卷批卷时间: 图例:Right or marked by instructor Wrong To be marked by instructor Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the following recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. Security and esteem, but nothing else. B. Only fear, love and sensory pleasure. C. Basic human feelings. D. Advertising principals. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2.


Part1 Exercise2 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C Exercise3 1.football,basketball,baseball 2.steady,boyfriend 3.guess,realized 4.broke,up 5.in,group 6.save,up 7.here,comes 8.happened,to 9.not,at,all 10.except,for Part2 Listening2 Exercise1 1)kind 2)gold 3)heartless 4)love 5)songs 6)says 7)touch 8)lifetime 9)gone 10)happens 11)feelings 12)speed listening3 exercise1 B Part3 Practice1 1)gaze 2)sighs 3)touch 4)hugs 5)such 6)words 7)praises 8)understands 9)lends 10)holds Practice2 Exercise1 C Exercise2 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F Practice3 1)learning 2)admire 3)vocabulary 4)loving 5)relationship 6)connections 7)experiences 8)remembering 9)proud 10)try 11)body 12)expressions 13)willingness 14)fears 15)pace 16)best 17)jokes 18)fondness 19)laugh 20)with Practice4 Exercise1 D Exercise2 1.unsuccessful,marriages 2.failed,relationships 3.dreamed,of 4.words,action 5.men,natural Part4 Section1 Section2 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.B Section3 1.perfect 2.half,full 3.ashamed 4.failure 5.apologized 6.house 7.side 8.flower,seeds 9.watered 10.pick


3.xx用()区分君子与小人。xx 4.《论语》是四书之一,是记录孔子及弟子言行的书。√ 5.孔子打破了“学在官府”传统,导致只有贵族可以读书× 6.孔子最提倡以()来区分君子与小人。道德 7.信奉鬼神较少的典籍是论语 8.孟子从不以财产和地位区分君子与小人。× 9.《论语》中,“君子”一词出现107次,“小人”一词出现107次。× 10.孙中山革命提出的口号“大同社会”是由儒家思想提升出来的。√ 11.在儒家典籍里()的关系处于核心地位。人与人 12.要想成为君子,下列做法错误的是: 自弃 13.怎么才能成为一个君子?下面不包括哪些?要吃亏 14.论语中有句“父母唯其疾之忧”是对()的解释。孝 15.儒家思想认为君子的道德底线是“仁”。√ 16.孔子说“四十不惑,五十而知天命”说的是人到了一定年纪听天由命,不用学习的意思。× 17.“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”是对()的描述。仁 18.“德不孤必有邻”是谁说的?xx 19.“居处恭,执事敬,与人忠”解释错误的是: 做事不用认真 20.墨家的爱是无差别的,而儒家的爱是有差别分先后顺序的。√

21.孔子认为所有人认为是好人的人就是好人。× 22.下列说法错误的是: A、xx可以通古今之理 D、在古代《春秋》只是xx才有的我的 答案:D 23.下列说法错误的是: A、xx曾是xx禽的封地 B、现在的《春秋》是记录西周和东周的历史 C、xx编订了《春秋》 D、《春秋》在春秋时期各国都有的一本书我的 答案:B 24.下列说法错误的是()。 A、xx在古代是很多官员的统称 B、老子是出身于xx C、“天人”不是xx的组成系统 D、古代的“xx”也属于xx我的 答案:C 25.《春秋》记录了春秋时期12个国君,242年的历史大事纲要。√ 26.在周朝,卜官和巫官地位上升,而主管作用下降。× 27.《春秋》是中国现存的最早的一部编年体史书。√ 28.下列说法错误的是()。


市政学自考真题2018年4月及答案解析 (1/25)单项选择题 第1题 城市成为人类的主要聚居区是在城市发展的 A.早期城市阶段 B.中世纪城市阶段 C.近代城市阶段 D.现代城市阶段 下一题 (2/25)单项选择题 第2题 城市最本源、最主要的特征是 A.政治性 B.聚集性 C.历史性 D.社会性 上一题下一题 (3/25)单项选择题 第3题 各学科对城市定义的表述中,认为城市是具有共同文化维系力的特殊社会的是 A.城市地理学 B.城市经济学 C.城市政治学 D.城市社会学 上一题下一题 (4/25)单项选择题 第4题 被视作中国市制的开端是 A.1905年的《城镇乡地方自治章程》 B.191 1年的《江苏暂行市乡制》 C.1921年的《厂“州市暂行条例》 D.1921年的《市自治制》 上一题下一题 (5/25)单项选择题 第5题 在我国,市红十字会的性质是 A.基层群众自治性组织 B.市人民团体 C.城市公益性组织 D.政府职能部门 上一题下一题 (6/25)单项选择题 第6题

市政体制主要为市长议会制的国家是 A.英国 B.日本 C.印度 D.法国 上一题下一题 (7/25)单项选择题 第7题 下列属于副省级城市的是 A.武汉 B.上海 C.长沙 D.南宁 上一题下一题 (8/25)单项选择题 第8题 下列属于城市政府的专门职能是 A.社会职能 B.规划职能 C.文化教育职能 D.经济职能 上一题下一题 (9/25)单项选择题 第9题 首次提出城市化概念的著作是 A.《城市经济学》 B.《城市化基本理论》 C.《城市地理学》 D.《城市管理学》 上一题下一题 (10/25)单项选择题 第10题 判断城市规模最根本、最重要的指标是 A.人口规模 B.社会经济效益 C.生产力规模 D.消费力规模 上一题下一题 (11/25)单项选择题 第11题 产业和人口向城市郊区转移的城市化类型是 A.低度城市化 B.过度城市化 C.分散性城市化

新标准大学英语 Quiz 2 答案.doc

大学英语3网络自主学习单元测试2 试卷编号:Quiz2 考试时间:80 分钟 满分:100 分 注意事项 Part 1 Multiple Choice (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1.Can you give me a (an) _____________ of how much it will cost to take the journey? A. assessment B. evaluation C. admission D. estimate 2.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most _____________ areas in Japanese life. A. sophisticated B. competitive C. considerate

D. superficial 3.He badly _____________ his back digging in the public garden on Children's Day. A. stretched B. exerted C. pulled D. strained 4.His plan sounds ________, so you'd better carry out. A. feasible B. useless C. worthy D. weak 5.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm _____________ . A. fist B. handhold C. style D. grip


风险管理知识试题 一、单项选择题 1、风险监管员依法依规( A ),不受其他任何人指使和干预,不得对其个人下达存贷款等业务营销任务,但工作作息时间要严格遵守信用社的相关规定。 A.独立开展工作 B.协同其他业务人员共同开展工作 C.监督其他业务人员开展工作 D.辅助主任开展工作 2、风险监管员( B )参加对派驻信用社的现金、重要空白凭证、有价单证等重要物品查库。 A.每一周一次 B.每两周一次 C.每月一次 D.每月两次 3、风险监管员须按( B )对银企对账情况逐笔进行核对,保证对账真实有效,核对无误后应在银企对账单上签字确认,并将对账中发现的异常情况及时上报县联社风险管理部。 A.半月 B.月 C.季 D.半年 4、审查贷款资料应根据借款人种类不同,进行差异化审查,重点审查农户、非农户贷款材料的(C)。 A.合法性、合规性 B.真实性、完整性 C.完整性、合规性 D.合法性、完整性 5、险监管员须按月对银企对账情况逐笔进行核对,保证对账真实有效,核对无误后应在( B )上签字确认,并将对账中发现的异常情况及时上报县联社风险管理部。 A.对账登记簿 B.银企对账单 C.开户资料 D.风险监管专有对账登记簿 6、风险监管员聘任期为( A ),到期根据其工作实际履职情况决定续聘或者解聘。 A.1年

C.3年 D.5年 7、风险监管员负责信贷业务重要环节操作,参与派驻社查库和( A )。 A.核对银企对账 B.贷前调查 C.贷款审批 D.贷款授信 8、符合借款条件的聋哑人,风险监管员可将标准问题打印在A4纸上,由借款人( B )回答提问。 A.手语 B.手写 C.手指 D.别人代替回答 9、信贷合同由借款合同和担保合同组成,( D )是主合同,担保合同是从合同,主、从合同必须相互衔接。 A.担保合同 B.联保合同 C.抵押合同 D.借款合同 10、风险监管员采集担保类贷款影像声信息时,有多个担保人的可以参照( B )贷款录制方式。 A.保证 B.联保 C.农户 D.担保 11、银企对账出现重大问题是指除正常的未达账项等原因外,( B )和余额出现重大或多处不一致等情形。 A.明细表 B.银企对账明细 C.出账单 D.对账单 12、影像声回放检验。影像声采集后风险监管员要及时回放检验,如录制效果不符合规定应( A )。 A.重新录制。 B.及时上报 C.备案登记 D.删除文件 13、对于个人和农户贷款中,不需办理( B )登记的,直接进入打印放款通知书环节。 A.保证 B.抵(质)押 C.联保


试卷号:1186 国开行管本科《城市管理学》历年期末考试选择题题库 说明:资料整理于2017年5月31日;资料涵盖历年期末考试试题及答案;为方便学员考试试题已经排序;2017年春期考试时间:2017年6月25日14:00至15:30。 1.城市往往在一个地区的(ABCD)中居于主导地位,代表和展示着人类文明的最新发展高度。A.文化\\ B.政治\\C.社会\\D.经济 2.中共市委对城市国家权力组织的领导作用主要体现在(ABC)。A.政治领导\\B.思想领导\\C.组织领导 3.现代企业成长理论认为,成长经济理论主要包括(ABC),认为企业必须对能够扩展生产领域的知识和能力进行不断积累才能得以成长。A.企业资源基础论\\B.企业动力能力论\\C.企业知识基础论 4.城市经济管理具有(ABCD)的特征。A.综合性\\B.两面性\\C.二重性\\D.区域性 5.构建“敏捷城市”,要做到(ABC)。A.信息敏捷\\B.人员敏捷\\C.制度敏捷 6.现代城市成长管理从(A)萌生。A.美国 7.城市经济的一般功能是指城市总体的共同性功能,主要是以(CD)为主导,为国民经济服务。C.第三产业\\D.第二产业 8.(C)是突发事件管理结构体系的支撑。C.保障系统 9.从地域特征和管理角度考察,城市社区主要有(ABC)。A.自然社区\\B.功能社区\\C.法定社区 10.城市环境保护的手段中(AC)是日常管理的必要条件。A.行政手段\\C.经济手段 1.21世纪中国城市经济的发展目标是城市化水平要达到(D)左右。D.60% 2.城市财政管理的内容包括(ABCD)。A.预算管理\\B.城市维护与建设资金的管理\\C.税收管理\\D.预算外资金管理 3.(B)城市的人口年龄结构中,老年人的比例小,幼年人口比例大。B.增长型 4.城市发展战略的依据就是城市制定发展战略时的基础和发展条件,包括(ABCD) A.城市的经济资源禀赋情况\\B.城市在整个国民经济发展中的战略地位\\C.城市的社会资源禀赋情况\\D.城市发展的环境 5.城市发展战略管理的理论支撑包括(ABCD)。A.范围经济\\B.可持续发展理论\\C.规模经济\\D.集聚经济 6.城市发展战略依据主要通过(ABCD)获取。A.竞争—合作分析方法\\B.历史分析方法\\C.政经社技分析方法\\D.优劣机威分析方法 7.城市发展中应合理调整城市经济结构,提高城市的综合服务能力,使城市成为(ABCD)的经济中心。 A.高效率\\ B.开放型\\ C.现代化\\ D.高效益 9.城市管理参与性主体具有(ABD),这对于政治性主体来说是一种有效的制约和必要的补充。A.发言权\\B.监督权\\D.参与权 10.城市管理中存在的(ABC)问题是囚徒博弈的结果和囚徒困境的表现。A.城市公共产品供给不足\\B.城市公共组织效率缺失\\C.城市、区域之间竞争恶化 11.城市环境保护的手段中(AC)是日常管理的必要条件。A.行政手段\\C.经济手段 12.城市环境管理预防方面的制度包括(ABCD)。A.环境监测制度\\B.环境影响评价制度\\C.许可证制度\\D.“三同时”制度 13.城市基础设施具有(ABCD)的特性。A.地方公共物品性与效益的外部性\\B.运行的协调性与系统性\\C.经营管理的垄断性与多样性\\D.建设的同步性与超前性 14.城市经济的一般功能是指城市总体的共同性功能,主要是以(BCD)主导,为国民经济服务。B.加工业\\C.服务业\\D.工业 15.城市经济管理的方法有(ACD) A.行政方法\\C.法律方法\\D.经济方法 16.城市经济管理的社会性规制方法,主要针对的是(AC)。A.外部不经济问题\\C.非价值物问题 17.城市经济管理有(ABCD)的特征。A.综合性\\B.两面性\\C.二重性\\D.区域性 18.城市经济管理中协调控制城市经济活动的主体是( ),这是由城市经济的特点决定的。B.市政府 19.城市社区管理的主体组成包括(ABCD)。A社区成员\\B社团性组织\\C企事业组织\\D行政性组织 20.城市现代化目标体系,主要包括(ABCD)。A.生活质量指标\\B.态环境指标\\C.社会进步指标\\D.经 1

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