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一、单选题:(总共有90道题,每题1分) 1:如果风险事故的发生与损失之间的因果关系由于另外新的独立的原因介入而中断,而新的独立原因属被保风险,则保险人对损失的正确处理方式是(C)。A、不予赔偿B、部分赔偿C、予以赔偿D、比例赔偿 2:依照《中华人民共和国保险法》的规定,我国的保险监管部门是(D)。 A、中国人民银行及其分行 B、中国保险行业协会 C、中华人民共和国财政部 D、中国保险监督管理委员会及其派出机构 3:健康保险中都规定有免赔额条款,其中,全年免赔额扣除的对象是(B)。 A、每月赔款总计 B、每年赔款总计 C、每季度赔款总计 D、每半年赔款总计4:保险费不仅包含损失成本,而且包括保险人经营的费用成本。因此,从经济角度来说,转嫁给保险人不合算的风险是(B)。A、巨额损失B、重大损失C、轻微损失D、普通损失 5:根据我国消费者权益保护法的规定,经营者提供的商品不符合在商品或者其包装上注明采用的商品标准时,应当承担的责任是(B)。A、行政责任B、民事责任C、刑事责任D、合同责任 6:我国反不正当竞争法所界定的不正当竞争是指(D)。 A、消费者违反本法规定,损害其他消费者的合法权益,扰乱社会经济秩序的行为 B、经营者违反本法规定,损害其他消费者的合法权益,扰乱社会经济秩序的行为 C、消费者违反本法规定,损害其他经营者的合法权益,扰乱社会经济秩序的行为 D、经营者违反本法规定,损害其他经营者的合法权益,扰乱社会经济秩序的行为7:保险标的因买卖、赠与、继承等民事法律行为将引起保险标的所有权的转移,进而产生保险合同变更,该变更属于(A)。 A、保险合同主体的变更 B、保险合同内容的变更 C、保险合同客体的变更 D、


保代考试试题 (二) 单选题 1、根据我国普通家庭财产保险的规定,存放于房屋内的古玩字画属于(B)P175 A、可保财产 B、不可保财产 C、加费特约承保财产 D、不加费特约承保财产 2、人寿保险核保中,以下属于非影响死亡率要素的是(A) A、投保人财务状况 B、种族 C、职业 D、嗜好 3、保险合同中被保险人为了享有保险合同约定的赔偿或给付保险金权利,投保人 必须支付相应的保险费。这一特征说明保险金(B) A、单务合同 B、有偿合同 C、附和合同 D、诚信合同 4、生命表分为国民生命表和经验生命表。其中,编制国民生命表的资料来源是 (D) A、人口普查的调查统计

B、调查公司的调查资料 C、社保机构的记录资料 D、寿险公司的死亡记录 5、保险销售从业人员在执业活动中,应做到不影响客户的正常生活和工作,言谈 举止文明礼貌,时刻维护职业形象。这所诠释执业道德原则中的(A) A、客户至上原则 B、诚实信用原则 C、勤勉尽责原则 D、公平竞争原则 6、保险客户服务是保险经营的重要环节之一,保险客户服务的目标是(B) A、实现社会效益最大化 B、实现客户满意最大化 C、实现业务结构合理化 D、实现效益增长快速化 7、保险销售从业人员从事保险销售,应当遵守(C) A、法律、法规和经济管理部门规章 B、法律、法规和中国保监会的特殊规定 C、法律、行政法规和中国保监会的相关规定 D、法律、地方法规和中国保监会的一般规定 8、在万能保险中,保险人主要提供两种死亡给付保险方式(习惯上称为A方式和 B方式),即(A)P249 A、均衡给付方式和直接随保单现金价值的变化而改变的方式 B、波动给付方式和间接随保单现金价值的变化而改变的方式 C、递增给付方式和直接随保单账户资产的变化而改变的方式

试题3 研究生 学位英语

试题3 Part IV READING COMPREHENSION (45 minutes, 30 points, 1 point each) Directions: In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Answer Sheet. Passage One Of all the accessories and adornments to clothes one perhaps pays least of all attention to buttons. Functional and often unexciting, replaced by zip fasteners or hooks and eyes, there is, one would think, nothing much to he said about the humble button. Yet it is very probable that buttons started life as ornaments; certainly it is not known that they had any practical function until the 13th century. By the 14th century buttons were once again ornamental, often wastefully so, to such an extent that it was by no means uncommon for a person of wealth and consequence to have as many as 300 buttons on a single article of dress. Unimaginable as it seems today, sewing superfluous buttons on clothes became a craze—not one that seems harmful to us though some Italians took a different view and a law against buttons was enforced in Florence. No buttons were to be worn on the upper arms penalty for disobedience—a sound whipping. (How often this had to be carried out. history does not relate!) Most of the buttons on modern clothes which could lie called decorative once did in fact serve a useful purpose. Buttons on boots are one good example. Sleeve buttons on men's coats are a reminder of the days when the fashion was for wearing shirts with frilly lace cuffs. On the tails of a modern tail coat there are indeed buttons which are purely ornamental but in earlier days horsemen used these buttons to keep the tails out of harm's way. With regard lo the side on which clothes are buttoned, originally both male and female dress was buttoned on the left hand side. Change came when men had to have access to their swords. So perhaps it is worth taking a look at buttons. 51. Which of the following statements is true regarding buttons? A. They have little function. B. They are the only useful accessory. C. They receive the least attention among accessories. D. They are one of the best adornments to any clothes. 52. According to the author, _______. . A. buttons are used as ornaments only in modern times B. buttons have been used as ornaments since the 14th century C. buttons were used as ornaments before the 13lh century D. buttons have been used as ornaments on and off throughout the history 53. It is implied that in the 14th century buttons ________. A. were a symbol of wealth B. were occasionally put on clothes C. began to have practical functions D. represented the wearers' artistic taste 54. In Florence, a city in Italy, buttons were once______. A. loved by every citizen B. banned because they were a craze C. considered harmful and nobody wore them D. forbidden on the upper arms 55. It seems to the author that buttons A. are worth a second look B. have never served any function


写作 作文范文:Greed or Greet? The earth has nurtured generations of human beings, offering us with every resource to survive and prosper. Nowadays, with the explosion of population and boom of economy, human’s rel entless exploitation of natural resources has caused crisis of exhaustion of energy and resources. The remark “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.” gives out a warning for us all. The ecosystem has remained balanced until man becomes obsessed with their ambition to conquer Nature and they are blinded by greed. On one hand, they are so economy-oriented that they ignore the protection of environment. Increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet. On the other hand, man exploits and abuses non-renewable energy and resources for the sake of developing economy. If man insists on extracting natural resources recklessly, it will be too dreadful to face the consequence. Let us remember that only when we shake off greed and heal the earth can we build a better home for ourselves and our future generations. 【快速阅读】 美国工业制造 1-7 DADAAAB 8 higher 9 the immigrants 10 doing more themselves 听力 11. Why she could not get through to him. 12. He has difficulty finding affordable housing. 13. A code number is necessary to run the copy machine.


真题五 1、如果风险事故的发生于损失之间的因果关系由于另外新的独立的原因介入而中断,而新 的独立原因属被保风险,则保险人对损失的处理方式是(A) A.不予赔偿B、部分赔偿C、部分赔偿D、予以赔偿 2.在财产保险的承保中,如果保险标的低于承保标准,但又并非不可保时,保险人常选择的 承保条件是(C) A.增加保险金额B、降低费率C、提高的保险费率D、拒保 3.根据我国反不正当竞争法的规定,政府及其所属部门指定的经营者借此销售质次价高商品 或者滥收费用的,监督检查部门对其采取的处罚措施为(C) A、限期改正,并处以一定的罚款 B、承担损害赔偿责任,并处以一定的罚款 C、没收违法所得,并处以一定的罚款 D、警告,并处以一定的罚款 4.企业投保企业财产保险综合险,流动资产100万元,在保险期内遭到火灾,发生部分损失,造成存在库房中的汽车损失20万元,存货损失60万元,残肢10万元,如果出险时流动资产的账面余额为200万元,那么保险人对该损失的赔款是(B) A.20万元B、25万元C、35万元D、40万元 5.根据保险利益的量得限定,对于确定财产保险的保险金额的有关规定是(D) A.保险金额须以保险人的意愿为限,超过部分无效 B.保险金额须以投保人的意愿为限,超过部分无效 C.保险金额须以财产的预期价值为限,超过财产的预期价值部分无效 D.保险金额须以财产的实际价值为限,超过财产的预期价值部分无效 6.从万能保险经营的流程上看,保单持有人交纳首期保费的约束条件是(A) A、首期保费不得低于一个最低限额 B、首期保费不得高于一个最低限额 C、首期保费不得高于一个最低限额 D、首期保费不得低于初始费用金额 7.寿险公司“孤儿”保单服务的具体内容包括(D)等。 A.生存给付、续期收费和保全服务 B.合同权益形式和合同转移服务 C.保单错误的更正、保险金和退保金给付服务 D.保全服务、保单收展服务和全面收展服务 8.在人身意外伤害的主要特点是(A) A、投保人是否投保、向谁投保自愿 B、投保人是否投保、是否告知自愿 C、投保人是否投保、是否告知自愿 D、投保人是否投保、是否缴费自愿 9.就解释效力而言,仲裁机构对保险合同条款的解释属于(B) A.立法解释B、仲裁解释C、司法解释D、行政解释 10.在人寿保险定价的各种方法中,目前经常使用的方法是(C) A积累公式法 B.营业保费法 C.营业保费等价公式法 D.根据利润指标进行定价法 11.在人身意外伤害保险中,如果意外伤害构成了保险责任,且意外伤害导致被保险人原有 的疾病发作,进而加重后果,造成被保险人死亡或残疾,则表明意外伤害与被保险人死亡、 残疾之间的因果关系是(A) A、意外伤害是死亡或残疾的主因 B、意外伤害是死亡或残疾的次因 C、意外伤害是死亡或残疾的副因 D、意外伤害是死亡或残疾的诱因 12.在人寿保险的可抗辩期内,保险人行使可抗辩权的具体方式是(A)


2013年5月第三套保代真题 一、判断题: 1、根据我国《保险法》的规定,人寿保险的被保险人或者受益人,向保险人请求给付保险金的诉讼时效期间为二年,自其知道保险事故发生之日起计算()。 2、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司的资金运用,限于在银行存款、买卖政府债券、股票、金融债券、城市基础建设和保险公司规定的其他资金运用形式()。 3、根据我国《保险法》的规定,在财产保险合同履行过程中,据以确定保险费率的有关情况发生变化,保险标的危险程度明显减少的,除合同另有约定外,保险人应降低保险费,并按月计算退还相应的保险费()。 4、根据我国《保险法》的规定,经营有人寿保险业务的保险公司不得分立、合并,但可以解散()。 5、根据我国《保险法》的规定,在财产保险中,保险事故发生后,保险人未赔偿保险金之前,被保险人放弃对第三者的请求赔偿的权利的,保险人部分承担赔偿保险金的责任()。 6、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司聘请或者解聘会计师事务所、资产评估机构、资信评级机构等中介服务机构,应当向保险监督管理机构报告;解聘会计师事务所、资产评估机构、资信评级机构等中介服务机构,应当说明理由()。 7、根据我国《保险法》的规定,保险公司高级管理人员的范围由国务院保险监督管理机构规定()。 8、根据我国《保险法》的规定,在财产保险中,因第三者对保险标的的损害而造成保险事故的,保险人自向被保险人赔偿保险金之日起,在保险价值范围内代位行使被保险人对第三者请求赔偿的权利()。 9、根据我国《保险法》的规定,经营财产保险业务的保险公司当年自留保险费,不得超过其实有资本金加公积金总和的二倍()。 10、根据我国《保险法》的规定,人身保险的受益人由被保险人或者投保人指定。被保险人指定受益人时须经投保人同意()。 二、单选题: 1、在人身保险合同中,有关涉及受益人变更的事项要经被保险人同意。该变更属于()。 A、保险合同主体的变更 B、保险合同内客的变更 C、保险合同客体的变更 D、保险合同形式的变更 2、在分红保险中,定价的精算假设一般比较保守。就利率因素来看,“保守”表现为()。 A、增大预定利率 B、减小预定利率 C、增大实际利率 D、减小实际利率 3、按照中国保监会《投资连结保险精算规定》,个人投资连结保险在保单签发时的死亡风险保额不得低于保单账户价值的()。 A、5% B、8% C、12%


保代考试试题 (十) 单选题 一、根据《保险销售从业人员监管办法》的有关规定,保险公司发现保险代理机构及其保险销售从业人员销售其保险产品存在违法违规行为的,应当立即予以纠正。如果保险代理机构及其保险销售从业人员拒不改正,而保险公司不立即终止与保险代理机构的委托代理关系,由中国保险监督管理委员会责令改正,逾期不改正的,给予警告,并处()。 A、1万元以下的罚款 B、2万元以上的罚款 C、3万元以上的罚款 D、5万元以上的罚款 二、发生保险事故后,如果索赔申请人不能亲自到保险公司办理,而是委托他人代为办理,则委托人必须提交的文件是()。 A、申请人填写的《出险通知书》 B、申请人填写的《索赔申请书》 C、申请人签署的《出险通知授权委托书》 D、申请人签署的《理赔授权委托书》 三、根据《保险销售从业人员监管办法》的有关规定,保险销售从业人员管理档案登记的要求是()。

A、合理、合规、合法 B、及时、有效、便利 C、准确、规范、全面 D、及时、准确、完整 四、报名参加保险销售从业人员资格考试所要求的最低学历为()。 A、初中 B、高中 C、大专 D、大学本科 五、保险销售从业人员执业证书持有人的执业地域范围为()。 A、持有人的户籍所在地 B、持有人的工作所在地 C、持有人所在保险公司的经营区域 D、持有人的保险销售从业人员资格证书规定的从业地域范围 六、在风险管理中,以下方式属于财务型风险管理技术的是()。 A、避免 B、预防 C、自留 D、抑制 七、保险合同生效后,保险标的危险程度显著增加时,被保险人未履行危险增加通知的义务,保险人对因危险程度显著增加而导致的保险标的损失,可以采取的正确方式是()。


1996 年同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语水平全国统一考试试题 Paper One 试卷一 (1996.6 A 卷 ) Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes, 15 points) 略 Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points) Directions: In each question, decide which of the four choices given will suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark out choice on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 16. It was felt that the lacked the _____ t o pursue a difficult task to the very end. A. petition B. engagement C. commitment D. qualification 17. He does nothing that ____ the interests of the collective. A. runs for B. runs against C. runs over D. runs into 18. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very about future. A. optimistic B. sympathetic C. objective D. precautions 19. In such a changing and complex society, formerly simply solutions informational needs become . most your to


2013年12月大学英语四级考试真题(第三套) Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the increasing use of the mobile phone in people’s life and then explain the consequences of overusing it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listenin g Compre hension (30 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 1. A)He has proved to be a better reader than the woman. B)He has difficulty understanding the book. C)He cannot get access to the assigned book. D)He cannot finish his assignment before the deadline. 2. A)She will drive the man to the supermarket. B)The man should buy a car of his own. C)The man needn’t go shopping every week. D)She can pick the man up at the grocery store. 3. A)Get more food and drinks. C)Tidy up the place. B)Ask his friend to come over. D)Hold a party. 4. A)The talks can be held any day except this Friday. B)He could change his schedule to meet John Smith. C)The first-round talks should start as soon as possible. D)The woman should contact John Smith first. 5. A)He understands the woman’s feelings. B)He has gone through a similar experience. C)The woman should have gone on the field trip.


硕士学位英语考试试题 PAPER ONE PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (15 MINUTES, 15 points) Section A ( 1 point each ) 1. A. He was on vacation. B. He was moving furniture. C. He was sick. D. He was working for a new company. 2. A. He does not understand it. B. He does not like it. C. He is used to it. D. He does not have to take it. 3. A. He is interested only in her ideas. B. He will not accept a late paper from her. C. He wants her to hand in her paper immediately. D. He will accept a late paper from her. 4. A. In a kitchen. B. In a garden. C. At the pictures. D. In an office. 5. A. Five B. Four. C. Seven. D. Six. 6. A. She was experienced in riding a bicycle. B. She was riding very slowly at that moment. C. She was riding a new bike. D. Some passes-by help her. 7. A. She can't see. B. Her ears was hurt. C. She can’t hear. D. Her eyes hurt. 8. A. She feels that he won't accept anything. B. She thinks he has almost everything he wants. C. She's sure he already has a pocket calculator. D. She's afraid he wants more than she can afford. 9. A. At the jewelry store. B. Down the hall. C. From other customers. D. From a machine Section B ( 1 point each ) Question 10 through 12 are base on the following conversation. 10. A. Peter's research paper. B. Peter's composition. C.A library book. D. Peter's take-home exam. 11. A. By studying in the library. B. He was absent that day. C. He did very well. D. He did very poorly. 12. A. Talk to the professor. B. Quit working. C. Get a better-paying job. D. Try to get a job on the campus. Question 13 through 15 are base on the following passage. 13. A. The development of animals. B. The development of land animal. C. The origin of sea creatures. D. The origin of human beings 14. A. Stand on their heads. B. Swim backward. C. Move on their fins. D. Swim upside down. 15. A. The appearance of tile fish. B. The size and the color of fish. C. The way the fish swims. D. The way the Fish uses its fins. PART II VOCABULARY ( 10 MINUTES, 10 POINTS ) Section A ( 0.5 point each ) 16. Frank and Jauntier asked their science teacher to settle the dispute once and for all. A. temporarily B. permanently C. cautiously D. decisively 17.The police found it difficult to apprehend the criminal because of the incomplete details supplied by the witness. A. sketchy B. complicated C. stern D. artistic 18.In order to maintain physical well-being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise. A. fresh B. stale C. well-cooked D. healthful 19. Not afraid of being fired, John Smith continued to defy the boss. A. avoid B. admire C. oppose D. guide 20. Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other drawbacks. A. properties B. behavior C. disadvantages D. performances 21. After a number of disagreements with the committee, the chairman decided to quit. A. resign B. dismiss C. retire D. desert 22. The experiment shows this cathode emits electrons in a controlled environment. A. submits B. gives off C. rejects D. passes by . 23. To what place are you going to haul the furniture that you no longer need. A. sell B. put C. transport D. paint 24. The zealous demonstrators were ignored by all the media of this country. A. passionate B. colorful C. rude D. clever 25. In prehistoric times, eclipses of the moon and Sun were probably terrifying to people.


全真模拟试题(三) 1、在保险期限角度来看,目前我国保险公司开办的公路旅客意外伤害保险、旅游保险、索道游客意外伤害保险、游泳池人身意外伤害保险、大型电动玩具游客意外伤害保险等属于()。 A、一年期意外伤害保险 B、临时性意外伤害保险 C、极短期意外伤害保险 D、超长期意外伤害保险 2、依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的有关规定,因保险合同纠纷提起的诉讼,其管辖法院通常是被告所在地或()。 A、保险标的人民法院所在地 B、保险公司所在地 C、被保险人所在地 D、投保人所在地 3、在各种合同形态中,合同双方当事人互相有权利、承担义务的合同叫做()。 A、附和合同 B、射幸合同 C、双务合同 D、有偿合同 4、根据我国消费者权益保护法的规定,国家机关工作人员玩忽职守或者包庇经营者侵害消费者合法权益的行为的,情节严重,构成犯罪的,将受到的处罚为()。 A、其所在单位或者上机机关给予行政处分 B、依法追究刑事责任 C、承担民事赔偿责任 D、承担间接责任 5、可以对不正当竞争行为进行监督检查的主体应是()。 A、村级以上监督检查部门 B、处级以上监督检查部门 C、镇级以上监督检查部门 D、县级以上监督检查部门 6、张三将自己的一艘船向保险公司投保了船舶保险,保险金额为2000万元,保险期限一年。投保5个月后,张三将船舶的30%转让给李四,保险公司同意并对合同进行了批改,投保8个月后船舶触礁沉默,在保险赔偿上,保险人的正确处理方式是()。 A、赔偿李四1400万元 B、赔偿张三2000万元 C、赔偿张三、李四各1000万元 D、赔偿李四600万元、张三1400万元 7、在人寿保险经营过程中,保险人实际收取的保险费称为()。 A、储蓄保费 B、附加保费 C、营业保费 D、纯保险费 8、下列信息源中,属于保险核保信息来源途径的是()。 A、保险人签发的保险单 B、保险人签发的保险凭证 C、投保人执业证明 D、投保人填写的投保单 9、从法律效力来看,保险合同中默示保证与明示保证的关系表现为()。 A、默示保证的法律效力大于明示保证 B、默示保证的法律效力小于明示保证 C、默示保证的法律效力等同于明示保证 D、以明示保证的法律效力为主,默示保证为辅 10、在我多国,海水养殖主要集中在沿海地区的浅海和滩涂,因此其面临的风险主要是()。 A、火灾、疾病、异常海潮、海水淡化或海水污染等造成的损失 B、洪水、地震、异常海潮、海水淡化或海水污染等造成的损失 C、台风、海啸、异常海潮、海水淡化或海水污染等造成的损失 D、台风、泥石流、异常海潮、海水淡化或海水污染等造成的损失 11、在人寿保险定价过程中,其保费的计算基础是()。 A、各个年龄的死亡率 B、各个年龄的平均寿命 C、各个年龄的生存人数 D、各个年龄的死亡人数 12、团体人寿保险计划作为整个雇员福利项目的一部分,在绝大多数情况下,保险合同应当()。 A、充分体现被保险人的要求 B、充分体现法人代表的要求 C、充分体现投保团体的要求 D、充分体现受益人的要求


保险代理人考试试201 、按照保险标的分类,企业财产保险、家庭财产保险、运输工具保险 货物运输保险、工程保险、特殊风险保险和农业保险等,都属于 A强制保 B财产损失保 C责任保 D信用保 答案 我国《保险专业代理机构监管规定》规定:中国保监会依法批准 立保险专业代理机构的,应当向申请人颁发许可证。申请人收到许可证后应当按照有关规定办工商登记,领取营业执照后方可开业。保险专业 理机构自取得许可证之日起)日内,无正当理由未向工商行政管理机 办理登记的,其许可证自动失效 A.1 B.3 C.6 D.9 答案 、中国保监会)中规定,在万能保险合同有效期内,若被保险人 故,保险公司可按照被保险人身故时该保险年度的保险金额给予保险金,可以以保险金额与当时个人账户价值之和作为身故给付 A《中华人民共和国保险法 B《保险代理机构管理规定 C《保险公司养老保险业务管理办法 D《万能保险精算规定 答案 、我国《消费者权益保护法》规定,经营者对行政处罚决定不服的, 以自收到处罚决定之日起)内向上一级机关申请复议,对复议决定不的,可以自收到复议决定书之日起十五日内向人民法院提起诉讼;也可以接向人民法院提起诉讼 A十 B十五 C三十 D六十 答案 )是保险人对愿意购买保险的单位或个即投保所提出的 保申请进行审核,作出是否同意接受和如何接受的决定的过程 A保险销

B保险承 C保险理 D保险客户服 1 答案 、保险专业代理机构拟任董事长、执行董事和高级管理人员担任金融 构高级管理人员)以上的可以不用持有中国保监会规定的资格证书, 报经中国保监会核准 A三 B五 C十 D二十 答案 、下列竞争手段中,不属于我国《反不正当竞争法》规定的经营者不 采用的不正当手段的是 A假冒他人的注册商 B大力开展宣传促销活动,低价低利润出售商 C擅自使用知名商品特有的名称、包装、装潢,或者使用与知名商品近似名称、包装、装潢,造成和他人的知名商品相混淆,使购买者误认为是该名商 D在商品上伪造或者冒用认证标志、名优标志等质量标志,伪造产地,对品质量作引人误解的虚假表 答案 、死亡保险是指以被保险人的死亡为给付保险金条件的人寿保险。死 保险又分为 A健康保险和医疗保 B意外伤害保险和失能收入损失保 C医疗保险和疾病保 D定期寿险和终身寿 答案 、关于保险代理从业人员的专业技能具体要求,不正确的是 A执业前取得法定资格即 B执业前取得法定资格并具备足够的专业知识与能 C在执业活动中加强业务学习,不断提高业务技 D参加保险监管部门、保险行业自律组织和所属机构组织的考试和持续教育使自身能够不断适应保险市场的发 答案 1、设计保险方案时应遵循的首要原则是 A利润最大化原 B客满意度最大化原 C高额损失优先原 D力求全面原


2009年1月研究生英语学位课程考试真题及答案B卷 Part I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (25 minutes,20 points) . Section A (1 point each) 1. A. 5 minutes. B. 15 minutes. C. 20 minutes. D. 25 minutes. 2. A. $200. B. $400. C. $300. D. $500. 3. A. Because he has been hiding lately. B. Because he has been busy preparing his trip, C. Because he has been back home. D. Because he has to work hard for traveling expense. 4. A. On a three-week trip. B. To their neighbors C. On the way back home. D. To work. 5. A. She gladly accepted it. B. She declined it politely. C. She firmly turned it down. D. She didn't know what to do. 6. A. The girl's father had an accident yesterday. B. The girl's father was still in serious condition. C. The girl's father has been told about his daughter's real condition. D. The girl's father doesn't know anything about his daughter's real condition 7. A. 144 pounds. B. 164 pounds. C. 140 pounds. D. 154 pounds. 8. A. A new flat. B. A trip to the island. C. A disease. D. A recent fire. 9. A. Because of the bad weather, B. Because the food has spoiled. C. Because some people are sick. D. Because they had to prepare for an exam. Section B (1 point each) Mini-talk One 10. A. Science and Technology B. Arts and Social Sciences C. Architecture D. Humanities 11. A. Psychology, sociology, history, and economics B. Psychology, sociology, history and linguistics C. Biology, sociology, history and linguistics

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