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当前位置:文档库 › 4和6发射天线的全速率准正交空时分组码设计




外文资料(一) On Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes for MIMO-OFDM Systems Space-time code in mobile communication system, and orthogonal desing in multiple- antennas scneme are dicsussed. By the methods, data is encoded using a space- time block code and is split into several streams which are simultaneously transmitted by antennas. So a maximum- likelihood decoding algorithm can be used at the receiver to achieve the maximum diversity order Introduction Most work on wireless communications had focused on having an antenna array at only one end of the wireless link —usually at the receiver. Seminal papers by Gerard J. Foschini and Michael J. Gans[1], Foschini[2] and Emre Telatar[3] enlarged the scope of wireless communication possibilities by showing that for the highly-scattering environment substantial capacity gains are enabled when antenna arrays are used at both ends of a link. An alternative approach to utilizing multiple antennas relies on having multiple transmit antennas and only optionally multiple receive antennas. Proposed by Vahid Tarokh, Nambi Seshadri and Robert Calderbank, these space–time codes (STCs) achieve significant error rate improvements over single-antenna systems. Their original scheme was based on trellis codes but the simpler block codes were utilized by Siavash Alamouti,and later Vahid Tarokh, Hamid Jafarkhani and Robert Calderbank to develop space–time block-codes (STBCs)[4]. STC involves the transmission of multiple redundant copies of data to compensate for fading and thermal noise in the hope that some of them may arrive at the receiver in a better state than others. In the case of STBC in particular, the data stream to be transmitted is encoded in blocks, which are distributed among spaced antennas and across time. While it is necessary to have multiple transmit antennas, it is not necessary to have multiple receive antennas, although to do so improves performance. This process of receiving diverse copies of the data is known as diversity reception and is what was largely studied until Foschini's 1998 paper. An STBC is usually represented by a matrix. Each row represents a time slot and each column represents one antenna's transmissions over time.


***************** 实践教学 ***************** 2013年春季学期 仓U新课程设计 题目:正交空时分组编码的仿真与分析专业班级: ___________ 姓名:_____________________ 学号:___________________ 指导教师: ____________________

成绩: ___________________________ 摘要本设计主要是对空时分组码在各种衰落信道下的性能的分析,利用接收天线处信噪比的分布求出系统的误码率性能。主要是当前比较热门的几种空时编码方案在瑞利信道下,在MPSK 调制方式下的误码率性能。另外,设计对仿真过程中随机变量的产生也做了深入的研究和总结。 本设计用Matlab 软件对整个通信过程进行了仿真,利用仿真来验证理论推导的正确性。本文的最后以曲线的形势给出了各种条件下空时分组码的误码率性能,既可以加深对空时编码的认识,又可以对实际中在不同情况下对空时编码方案的选择起到理论指导作用。结果验证了空时分组码能够大幅度提高无线传输的误码率性能,同时系统的频带利用率也远高于传统的单天线系统。关键词:空时编码;多输入多输出系统;最大似然

目录 前言 (1) 一、空时编码概述. (2) 2.1 、空时编码定义. (2) 2.2、空时编码的应用前景. (2) 2.3 、空时编码的研究现状及发展方向. (2) 2.4 、空时编码的分类. (3) 二、基本原理. (5) 2.1 、空时分组编码的原理. (5) 2.1.1 、空时分组编码的概念. (5) 2.1.2、空时分组编码的系统模型. (5) 2.1.3 空时分组编码的原理 (6) 2.2、最大似然译码的原理. (7) 2.3、MIMO系统 (10) 2.3.1、MIMO言道模型 (10) 232、MIMC系统模型 (11) 2.4 、瑞利衰落信道 (11) 三、仿真结果 (13) 3.1MPSK调制的仿真函数 (13) 3.2最大似然检测的仿真函数 (13) 3.3瑞利衰落信道的仿真函数 (13) 3.4两根接收天线数目的仿真结果 (14) 总结 (15) 参考文献 (16) 致谢 (17) 附录 (18)


笔记 (一)空时分组编码就是在空间域和时间域两维方向上对信号进行编码。 当天线的数目一定时,空时格码(STTC)的译码复杂度与天线的个数和数据速率成指数增长。为了解决译码复杂度的问题,Cadence公司的Alamouti首先提出了 一种使用两个发送天线的传输方法,采用两个发送天线和一个接收天线,这种算法的性能与采用最大比合并算法(一个发送天线,两个接收天线)的性能是相同的。具体算法介绍如下。 x及其共轭的线性组合。一个编码码字共有P个时刻,并按行由N副天线同时发送,即在第一个时刻发送第一行,第二个时刻发送第二行,依此类推。在第t 个时刻发送第t行,总共需P个时刻才可完成一个编码码字的发送。因此,矩阵的每一列符号实际是由同一副发送天线在不同时刻发送的。考虑到编码矩阵G 列之间的相互正交性,在同一副天线上发送出去的星座点符号与另外任意天线上发送出去的符号是正交的,故这类码称为正交空时分组码。 空时编码大致上有三种方式: 空时网格码(STTC) 空时块编码(STBC) 空时分层码(LSTC) (1)空时网格码(STTC):空时网格码最早是由V.Tarokh等人提出的,该空时编码系统中,在接收端解码采用维特比译码算法。空时网格码设计的码子在不损失带宽效率的前提下,可提供最大的编码增益和分集增益。最大分集增益等于发射天线数。 (2)空时分组码(STBC):空时网格码虽然能获得很大的编码增益和分集增益,但是由于在接收端采用维特比译码,其译码复杂度随着天线数和网格码状态数的增加成指数增加,因此在实际中应用有些困难。这就有了空时分组编码的出现。 空时分组码则是根据码子的正交设计原理来构造空时码子,空时分组码最早由Alamouti提出的。其设计原则就是要求设计出来的码子各行各列之间满足正交性。接收时采用最大似然检测算法进行解码,由于码子之间的正交性,在接收端只需做简单的线性处理即可。 (3)分层空时码(LSTC):分层空时码最早是由贝尔实验室提出的一种MIMO 系统的空时编码技术,即BLAST系统。分层空时码有两种形式,对角分层空时码D-BLAST和垂直分层空时码V-BLAST。 V-BLAST系统处理起来较D-BLAST系统要简单。
