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1.Personal reflection:What’s your idea of beauty ?

2.Show us what’s beautiful in your eyes.

Classification :Inner beauty/outer beauty

Example ,what ,comparation ,representation,

As we all know ,human have the instinct of being attracted by the beautiful things .A common phenomenon is that we all prefer the one with better outlook when there are two goods as we can’t make up our mind ,which leads to a vital question :what is beauty ?

In my opinion ,the idea of beauty can be divided into two parts: the inner beauty and outer beauty .The outer beauty is something what we give “pretty”to it as an evaluation .It always makes us feel comfortable as long as we see things with outer beauty .For example , stars like ...let’s say ,Audrey Hepburn ,who represented the earthly goodness in our heart ,is someone who may have the nearly perfect outer beauty .

However ,the other kind of beauty is ,while also fabulous ,sometimes ignored by the public .That is what we call it “inner beauty”.different from the inner beauty ,this one is something focuses more on the inside stuff .Compared to our appearance being given and decided by our gene , what we possess in our brain is absolutely about how much hard work we take to make who we are .In another word ,the personal charisma is what we are talking about ,which is also what matters when it comes to the inner beauty .And that is something really vital in the discussion of beauty .

Outer beauty may give us the temporary happinessas it has the ability to bring us the enjoyment of pretty things .But the inner one ,on the other side ,can make our life more colorful and full of energy because it has the magic power to make someone with inner beauty be loved .The combination of inner and outer beauty is perfect indeed ,but what should chase on is the former one .So I hold the view that the inner beauty is what’s beautiful in my eyes .


The most beautiful scenery in my eyes Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. What is the most beautiful scenery in your eyes? Is it the sea of lavender in Provence, the small bridge over the flow stream of southern town, or the sunset of southwest desert? However, the most beautiful scenery in my eyes is not those famous tourist attractions, but the ordinary scenery in my hometown. Now, it is spring. Flowers have come out. I think that kind of unknown wild flower is also showing its beauty. That kind of flower is similar to lotus in shape and color, but much smaller. It is a pity that I don’t know how to polish my words to describe its beauty. But you have learned Zhu Ziqing’s essay “The Lotus Pool by the Moonlight”. Y ou can imagine those wild flowers are giving away their fragrance in the warm wind. Besides, those flowers can also be the ornament in our hands. To be honest, we plucked those flowers to decorate ourselves. Have you ever made wreaths with wicker? W e made hand chains, necklaces and wreaths with those lovely flowers. When we wore those ornaments, we thought that we were the Flora Fairy. W e have been narcissistic in action before we know the word “narcissism”. I haven’t seen t hose flowers for almost 6 years, so it is

U13 Beauty课文翻译

U13 Beauty For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons then were assumed to be what we now have to call---lamely, enviously--- whole person. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person’s “inside” and “outside”, the y still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates found it quite paradoxical that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive ---- and so ugly. One of Socrates’main pedagogical acts was to be ugly ---- and teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. 美之于古希腊人是一种德性 一种美德。今天看来 他们就是我们如今所谓的“全面的人”虽然这个称呼有点不理直气壮,并且带有嫉妒之意。倘若让古希腊人区分一个人的“内在”和“外在” 他们仍期望内在美是需要与其他种类之美相匹配的。那些聚集在苏格拉底身边的雅典青年人发现自己的偶像是如此得聪慧、勇敢、正直、充满诱惑力而同时又那么得丑这是多么自相矛盾啊。而苏格拉底主要的教学手段之一即为“丑”告诉这些天真却拥有毋庸置疑般美貌的门生 真正的人生是充满悖论的。 They may have resisted Socrates’ lesson. We do not. Several thousand years later, we are more wary of the enchantments of beauty. We not only split off ---- with the greatest facility ---- the “inside” (character, intellect) from the “outside” (looks); but we are actually surprised when someone who is beautiful is also intelligent, talented, good. 他们或许能够抗拒苏格拉底的学说。而我们做不到。几千年以后.美的魅惑使我们更加疲惫。我们不仅仅用最容易的方式将“内在”(性格,心智)和“外在”(外貌)割离开来.同时我们也对那些既有美貌亦有智慧天赋之人,感到诧异。 It was principally the influence of Christianity that deprived beauty of the central place it had in classical ideals of human excellence. By limiting excellence (virtus in Latin) to moral virtue only, Christianity set beauty adrift ---- as an alienated, arbitrary, superficial enchantment. And beauty has continued to lose prestige. For close to two centuries it has become a convention to attribute beauty to only one of the two sexes: the sex which, however Fair, is always Second. Associating beauty with women has put beauty even further on the defensive, morally. 美在古典时期是理想的人类美德,而将其从这中心位置赶走的首要原因来自基督教的影响。通过美德(拉丁语为virtus)的概念限定到仅仅指伦理道德的范畴,基督教放逐了“美”——它成为一种异化的,武断的,肤浅的诱惑。同时美不断丢失了它原本的名声。到二世纪末的时候,美成为一种既定概念,仅用于修饰两性之的一个性别:这个性别虽然是悦目的,但却处于第二位。将美与女性联系起来,使得美的概念在道德层面上更加脆弱。 A beautiful woman, we say in English. But a handsome man. “Handsome” is the masculine equivalent of ---- and refusal of ---- a compliment which has accumulated certain demeaning overtones, by being reserved for women only. That one can call a man“beautiful”in French and in Italian suggests that Catholic countries ---unlike those countries shaped by the Protestant version of Christianity---still retain some vestiges of the pagan admiration for beauty. But the difference, if one exists,is of degree only. In every modern country that is Christian or post-Christian, women are the beautiful sex ---- to the detriment of the notion of beauty as well as of women. 在英语里,我们说一位女子是美丽的。但是我们却说一位男子是英俊的。“英俊”是其阳性的等同词,同时拒绝一种带有某些贬义暗示的赞扬,而这种赞扬是仅用于女性的。在法语和意大利语里,人们可以称男子是“美丽的”,这暗示着这些天主教国家依旧保留了前基督教时期欣赏“美”的痕迹,而这些痕迹在新教国家中已经荡然无存。但即使存在,差别也只是程度不同而已。在任何一个基督教或者后基督教国家里,女性就是那个美丽的性别——既损害了美这

What's real beauty 演讲稿

What Is Real Beauty? Written by Xieyangzi Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. As I start my speech, I have a question for you. How many of you really enjoy the beauty of the speech today? Well some of you probably think that a beautiful contestant can be more attractive. Her charming face, her long and thin figure, her beautiful voice…. Yes, they are the shining points which will hold our attention. But, how about other factors? Today I feel like to share my opinion of real beauty with you. What is real beauty? I suppose that everything else pales in comparison with love, including the gorgeous appearance. Some of you may be confused; love is so abstract, invisible and even doubtful. How could I be sure that love is real beauty? Well, some beautiful things which are visible, such as pretty faces, fashionable clothes, magnificent buildings, can be weakened, changed, even ruined by time. But kindness, friendliness, loyalty, which are based on love, serve as the glory of human nature. They remind us this beautiful world is full of love. Love is a dancing butterfly, bringing us colorful days, Love is a spring wind, warming heart with emotion, Love is a brilliant sunshine,illuminating our future with unselfish light, Let’s enjoy the real beauty of love! In the aftermath of the WenChuan earthquake, for example, A great mother saved her baby by using her own body to against the dilapidation,

Susan Sontag 《beauty》译文

美 对于古希腊人来说,美丽是一种美德:一种出色表现。这样的人在今天会理所当然而又无不受嫉妒地被人们称为"完整"的人。即使古希腊人真的曾经将一个个体的"内在"与"外在"区分开来,他们依然会期望这个个体的内在美能够与他其他方面的美相匹配。当那些出身良好的年轻雅典人聚集在苏格拉底周围时,他们发现了一个非常矛盾的事实:他们的英雄是如此地睿智,如此英勇,如此高贵,如此有诱惑力——而且,如此其貌不扬。苏格拉底用自己的丑陋给他的那些天真无邪的,无疑也是非常俊美的始徒们上的其中最重要的一节课就是:生活中充满了矛盾。 他们也许听不进去导师的教诲。但是我们不会。几千年以后的今天,我们变的更加小心翼翼地对待美丽之销魂。我们不但十分轻而易举地把二者——"内在"(品质,智慧)与"外在"(外表)分割开,实际上,当我们看到一个人既漂亮同时又聪明,有才干,善良的时候,我们会感到很惊讶。 人们将美丽从古典的人类理想的中心地位中分裂出来,主要是受到了基督教的影响。为了将出色(在拉丁文中是virtus,与美德的virtue同源)的范围缩小到仅仅是道德上的出色,基督教将美丽流放了——使它成为一种疏远的,恣意的,肤浅的诱惑。而美丽的威望不断地流失。在长达近两个世纪中,美丽约定俗成地变得只能用于形容两性中其中一性:即无论多么"公平对待",依然是排在"第二位"的那一性。把美丽与女人联系起来使美丽陷入道德上愈加不利的境地。 一个美丽的女人,我们在英语中是这么说的。但是,我们会说一个英俊的男人。英俊是美丽的阳性的对等物,同时也是一种藐视。美丽一词现在专用于女人,它当中积聚着一定的贬抑的弦外之音。在法语和意大利语中,仍有称一个男性"美丽"的现象,这说明与那些被新教的基督教教义塑造的国家不同,天主教国家中还残存着一些对美丽的异端赞美的痕迹。但是如果真的有什么区别的话,那只是程度上的。在所有现代国家中,无论是基督教国家还是后基督教国家,女性都是"美丽的性别"——这是对美丽本身同时也是对女性本身的贬损。 渴望被称为美丽被认为是道出了女性性格的本质与她们所关心事物的核心。(与男性形成对比——他们的核心是强壮,高效,强竞争力)不需要具有先进女权主义者的敏锐洞察力,人们也能够察觉到,女性被引导向美丽的过程实质上鼓吹了自恋主义,加重了女性的依赖性和不成熟性。每个人(男人和女人)都心照不宣。"每一个个体",也就全社会,都默认了"女性化"就是关心一个人看上去怎样,(与男性化的关心一个人是怎样,干得怎样,然后才有可能再关心一个人长得怎样形成了对比)考虑到这些思维定势,无怪乎美丽一词,最多只能享有一种不纯的名声。 当然,渴望美丽本身并没有错,错就错在当追求美变成了一种义务去完成,或者去尝试。使女性觉得自己比实际的她,或者说正常成长的她要低一筹,是一种被女性广泛接受的谄媚的性别理想化。因为追求理想的美在实际操作中已成为一种自我压抑的形式。女性被引导去把她们身体的各部分拆分开来看待,然后独立地衡量各部分。胸部,腿,臀部,腰身,颈部,眼睛,鼻子,肤色,头发,等等——每一样都被置于焦急的,难于取悦的,时常是近乎绝望的细察之中。即使一些过关了,肯定还有不足之处。不达到完美誓不罢休。 在男性那里,好看是一种整体的感觉,是匆匆一瞥留下的印象。它不需要提供身体各部位的尺寸来确认,没有人会鼓励一个男性将自己的外表一点一点地拆分。至于外表完美,被认为是微不足道的——甚至是缺乏阳刚之气的。实际上,一个男人如果在外表上有一点点瑕疵,或伤痕,反而会被很正面地追捧为理想的美男子。按照一位自称是Robert Redford迷的影评人(女性)的说法,恰恰是他脸上那一堆影响肤色的黑痔使Redford免于被认作"只有一张漂亮的脸蛋"。不妨设想在这样的判断中所暗含的对女性和美丽本身的贬损。 Cocteau 曾说:美丽的特权是无限的。可以肯定,美丽是一种力量。它也配称为一种力量。但是值得悲哀的是,这是一种绝无仅有的只有女性才被怂恿去寻求的力量。这种力量也常常被认为和男性有关;这不是一种行动力而是一种吸引力。这是一种否定自身的力量。因为它不是一个人可以自由选择的,至少,由不得一个女人在未经社会许可的情况下自由选择或放弃。 对于一个女性来说,打扮自己,绝不仅仅是一种愉悦。同时也是一种职责。这是她的工作。如果一个女人做了真正意义上的工作——即使攀升到政界,法律界,医学界,商界,诸如此类领域的领导地位——她仍常常被迫承认她自己依然努力使自己保持吸引力。但是当她正努力维系两个"公平性别"的其中一性的角色之际,她的客观性,她的专业素质,权威性,思想的周密性,则备受质疑。如果她们做,会被责难;不做,同样会被指责。


Beauty 论美 —苏珊·桑塔格 For the Greeks, beauty was a virtue: a kind of excellence. Persons t hen were assumed to be what we now have to call whole person. If it did occur to the Greeks to distinguish between a person’s “inside” and “outside”, they still expected that inner beauty would be matched by beauty of the other kind. The well-born young Athenians who gathered around Socrates (苏格拉底) found it quite paradoxical (自相矛盾的)that their hero was so intelligent, so brave, so honorable, so seductive ---- and so ugly. One of Socrates’ main pedagogical (教导的)acts was to be ugly ---- and teach those innocent, no doubt splendid-looking disciples of his how full of paradoxes life really was. 在古希腊人看来,美是一种德性:一种优秀品质。那个时代的人大概就是我 们如今不得不称之为完人的人,尽管称之为完人仍让我们觉得有些辞不达意,还 带着些许嫉妒。要是古希腊人确实想到过要把一个人的“内在”与“外在”区分 开来,那么他们还是认为内在美应该与外在美相匹配。那些聚集在苏格拉底周围 的雅典富家子弟就发现,实在自相矛盾的是,他们心目中这位英雄如此聪颖、如 此勇敢、如此正直可敬的、如此富有魅力—又是如此丑陋。自身的长相丑陋也是 苏格拉底的现身说法之一:他要教导这些相貌出众却不谙世事的弟子们,生活确 实充满了矛盾。 他们也许充耳不闻苏格拉底的教训。我们则不然。几千年之后,我们更是小 心翼翼地看待美的魅力。我们不仅轻易地把“内在”和“外在”割裂开来,而且 发现一个人既相貌美丽,又德才兼备时,我们会觉得难以置信。 主要是由于基督教的影响,美才被剥夺了它在关于人的优秀品质的古典理想 中的中心位置。基督教把优秀的概念限制于道德上的美德,这样便把美束之高阁—视之为一种异化的、无常的、浅薄的魅力。于是美之声誉不断下降。将近两个 世纪中,人们已经约定俗成把美归之于两性中的一个性别:无论多么美丽,这个 性别总是第二性。把美和妇女相联系,结果使得美在道德上更容易受到批判和攻 击。 我们英语中常说,一个美丽的女子。但是却说一个英俊的男人。“英俊”是“美丽”的阳性等义词,也意味着拒绝“美丽”这个恭维字眼,因为这个字眼已 经由于专用于女子而带上了贬义色彩。在法语和意大利语中,可以说一个男人“美丽”,这表明天主教国家仍然保留着异教徒对美的崇拜的绪余,而不同于演化为 新教的基督教影响下的那些国家。不过要说存在区别的话,那也只是程度问题。 在每个现代国家里,不论是基督教国家还是基督教衰落后的国家,妇女都是美的 性别—这对妇女以及美这个概念都为害不浅。 人们认为,被称为美丽是点明女性性格上和关注问题方面本质的东西。(这


How to describe beauty Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to stand here and give a short speech. My topic is “how to describe beauty”. If we want to describe beauty specifically, we should manage to find out the real beauty firstly. As Rodin said, “The life is not a lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery.” In natural world, beauty is everywhere. For example, the mountains and the sun. The mountains display different scenery in different seasons. In summer, they seem to wear green coats. We will feel comfortable when we look at them. In winter, they seem to wear white coats. How beautiful they are! For the sun, our moods fluctuate when we look at it. The rising sun makes us energetic and hopeful. The setting sun let us feel peaceful and harmonious. So we can describe natural beauty in various ways. In human community, beauty includes the outward beauty and the inner beauty. For the outward beauty, we can use beautiful words to describe it. As we can see, more and more people pursue the ideal shape so that there are so many people losing weight. Indeed, we like the good-looking. However, I deem that it is skin-deep for us to pay attention to the outward beauty only. The inner beauty is more moving than the outward beauty. For example, the explosion hazard in Binhai, Tianjin, on August 12th. At that


Hello, boys and girls, before my presentation, I want to ask you a question. Do you want to be taller than now? Exactly, high height can help people be more confident and seem elegant. And this is what the high-heel shoes do over the past decades. Most people believe that high heeled shoes originated from the West, but actually high heeled shoes appeared earlier in China than the West about 100 years. 14th century: The earliest high-heeled shoes can be traced back to the Ming dynasty of China. The soles of those shoes were equipped with a 4-5 cm-high round bottom. These shoes were covered by silk. 15th century: The court designer of French invented high heeled shoes. 16th century:Actually, the high-heeled shoes initial appearance in the West, is in order to facilitate the people ride a horse when the both feet to be able to fasten tightly the stirrup. As we know, Louis 14 suffered from his short stature, can not demonstrated his noble character in front of the subject, then he commanded his underlings to customized a pair of high heeled shoes for him 17 century: The high heeled shoes became an important fashion element of men and women. From then on, the style of high heeled shoes became various and the heels became higher and higher. 19 century: The famous shoes called “Mary Jane” have been introduced. It has been popular for almost 50 years. Even now, many young girls still

Unit 7 Beauty 译文

Unit 7 Beauty 美 1.对于古希腊人来说,美是一种美德,一种出类拔萃的表现,是那些在今天的我们看来不 得不被称为"完人"的人。如果古希腊人真的能够区分一个人的“内在”和"外在",那么他们仍然要求内在美能够与外在美相匹配。聚集在苏格拉底周围,出身富裕的雅典贵族年轻人发现一个很矛盾的事实,他们的偶像是如此有智慧,有胆识,如此高贵,如此魅力四射,但又如此丑陋。苏格拉底的一个最主要的教学方式是,用他自己丑陋的外表教导那些天真,无疑也是相貌堂堂的学徒,生活是如此充满矛盾的。 2.也许他们会反对苏格拉底的教导,但我们则不然。几千年之后的我们比较提防美的诱惑。 我们不仅轻易地区分了内在(性格,才智)和外在(外表),当看到一个外表动人的人还非常有智慧,有才智,有善心时,我们还会非常惊讶。 3.主要是受基督教的影响,美才被剥夺了它在人的优秀品质中的中心位置。通过将优秀的 品质限制为道德上的美德,基督教使偏离了美的概念——认为它是一种异化的,任意的,肤浅的诱惑。于是美变得没那么动听了。近两个世纪,美被约定俗成地归为两性中的一个性,不管多么美丽,永远是属于第二个性别的。把美和女性挂钩之后,美更加受到道德上的批判。 4.我们英语常说,一个美丽的女人,但却说一个英俊的男子。"英俊"是"美丽"的阳性等义 词——是对“美丽”这样的赞美的拒绝,因为这句赞美是专属于女性的,所以便有了贬义的色彩。在法语和意大利语中可以说一个男子“美丽”,这表明天主教的国家不像那些演化为新教的基督教国家,他们仍然保留有异教徒崇尚美的痕迹。如果说有区别的话,那也只是程度不同罢了。在现代,不管是基督教国家还是后基督教国家,说女性属于美丽的性别,这不仅伤害了美丽本身的意义,也对女性造成了伤害。 5.人们认为,被称作美丽是点明女性性格上和关注问题上的某些本质的东西。(男性则不 同——他们的本质是强大,有效率,有能力)不用经历先进女权主义意识的阵痛就能意识到,教女性将自己与美丽联系在一起,就助长了女性的自我陶醉,加深了其依赖性以及不成熟状态。每个人都知道会这样(不管是男人还是女人)。因为每个人,整个社会,都已经认为关注外貌属于女性特质(而男性特质则不同——他们关注的是一个人的身份,行为,其次才关注其外貌)。鉴于这些老一套的说法,这就难怪美至多只带着这种不纯粹的名誉了。 6.当然,爱美之心没有错,错的是把美当作一种义务,或为之苦苦挣扎。被大多数女性视 为对自己性别的理想化赞美其实反而让她们对自己实际的正常的样子感到自卑。因为理想的美是通过一种自我压制的形式呈现的。女人们学着一个部位一个部位地看待自己的身体,独立地评价每个部位。胸,足,臀,腰围,脖子,眼睛,鼻子,肤色,毛发,等等。每个部位都有经受一个令人焦虑,苦恼烦躁,而且通常是令人绝望的考量。即使有些部位还算达到要求,但是有些部位通常是被发现有不足的。没有什么比完美更重要的了。 7.男人的好看是一个整体,是一眼就可以看出来的。它不需要通过依次考量身体的不同部 位来证实,没有人会鼓励一个男的去一点一点地分析自己的外貌。至于完美,这是不足挂齿的,几乎是没有男子气概的。实际上,一个外貌完美的男子特别积极地想要有一点不完美或者瑕疵。一个宣称是罗伯特·雷德福的影迷的影评家说,多亏右边脸颊上那几颗肉色的痣才让雷德福没有成为纯粹的“好看的脸”。试想一下,这样的评判暗含了多少对女性以及对美的藐视。 8.科克托说:“美带来莫大的好处。”可以肯定,美是一种力量。也理应如此。可悲的是,


1、Had I not seen the sun, I could have borne the shade. 我本可以忍受黑暗,如果我不曾见过太阳。 2、We laughed and kept saying see you soon, but inside we both knew we'd never see each other again. 我们笑着说再见,却深知再见遥遥无期。 3、It does not do well to depend on dreams and forget to live, remember that. 记住:不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。 4、Sometimes it's hard to accept the truth because the lies sound so much better. 真相有时之所以难以被接受,是因为谎言听起来美好多了。 5、The longest day has an end. 最难过的日子也有尽头。 6、I can't control their fear, only my own. 我不能掌控他人的恐惧,只能掌控自己的。 7、There are no easy answers, there's only living through the questions. 生活从来没有容易的答案,只有去克服重重问题。 8、I would die for you. But I wouldn't live for you. 我愿意为你赴死,但不会指望你而活。 9、If you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees. 不要把秘密传给风,风会传遍整个森林。 10、There are more things in heaven and earth than you've ever dream of. 天地之大,比你所能梦想到的更多。 11、A man has free choice to begin love, but not to end it. 一个人可以选择爱上谁,当他要结束爱情时,他是没有选择的。 12、Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,败絮其中。可不经意间你会遇到一个彩虹般的人,从此以后,其他人不过是匆匆浮云。 13、If your eyes are opened, you will see the things worth seeing.


演讲稿什么是真正的美 What Is Real Beauty? Yang Lingyuan 本篇是96年湖南省第二届非英语专业大学生英语演讲比赛团体二等奖获奖者之一的演讲辞。其中引用正、反两方面的事例来论述“真正的美不在外表,而在内心”这一观点的方法值得学习与借鉴。 It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty. Everybody was born with a heart for beauty. Today in China,with the rising of our living standard, people's requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly. Some people spare no money or energy on beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses and even the improvement of their looks. But it seems to me,all these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty. In my opinion,we shouldn't only pay attention to beautiful appearance and neglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be the perfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty. As we all know,so far as objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to be mentioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters, the inner beauty is

Beauty(现代大学英语精读 6 第十一课 beauty 800 字 读书笔记)

Beauty Scott Russell Sanders Beauty a delightful quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, etc. Sanders has won acclaim for his skill as a personal essayist. He is a contributing editor to Audubon magazine and won the John Burroughs Natural History Essay Award in 2000. A frequent public lecturer, his essay "The Force of Spirit," which opens his 2000 book of essays by the same title, was first given as a lecture before the Orion Society's Mille nnium Conference in 1999. The essay later appeared in the Best American Essays 2000 and was the fourth essay of Sanders' to appear in the Best American series. He received the Lankan Literary Award in 1995 for his non-fiction writing and has received the Frederick Bachman Libber Award for Distinguished T eaching, the highest teaching award given at IU. Sanders is a distinguished professor of English at Indiana University, where he has taught since 1971. During his career, he has spent sabbatical years as a writer-in-residence at Phillips Exeter Academy, and as a Visiting Professor at University of Oregon, MIT, and Beloit College. He is married with two children, Eva and Jesse, both of whom he addresses in letters included in The Force of Spirit. Clumsy in my rented patent leather shoes and stiff black tuxedo, I stand among these gorgeous women like a crow among doves. He feels in his formal dress uncomfortable and awkward.He doesn’t by the shoes, he rents them. Because such formal shoes are only worn on very formal occasions and there is not much chance for the author to wear them. A crow with black feathers among white doves will present a sharp contrast. The author is in black and is stiff and awkward and maybe even appear quite out of place in the suit among those women dressed in silk with bright colors. The contrast is as sharp as the contrast between a crow and doves. But because the festival of marriage has slowed time down until, any fool can see their glory. I fear that I will stagger along beside my elegant daughter like a veteran wounded in foreign wars. The glow of happiness had to cool before it would crystallize into memory. It is the sharp excitement of beauty which filled me with joy when Eva held my arm during the wedding march. The same excitement of beauty fills me with joy when, on these September nights, I walk over dewy grass while the

英文辩论beauty contest 反方 最全资料 选美不好

Beauty contest is bad 英语辩论最全,最规范,看了绝对赢的资料。 目录: 一,开篇陈词英文版,中 文版(开篇陈词套用了著名演讲稿:I have a dream 的格式。很有创意。绝对让评委眼前一亮,绝对让评委打出非常高的分数。且很有气势,让对方开始就处于被动地位了,且语言幽默) 二,总结陈词英文版,中 文版(对对方绝对要提到的几个问题进行非常有力的回击和反驳,加上 用排比的手法再次论述选美的缺点,,绝对让评委,观众,对方都震撼!!!绝对能够得到非常高的评分!!气势很强大) 三,辩 论队口号,队名,

自我介绍(采用了爸爸去哪儿中萌娃的名字,很搞笑;口 号很有气势。总之,开场就能给评委留下十分新颖的好的印象,也能赢得观众的喜爱哦!) 四,辩论赛晋级法宝(如果想要在英语辩 论赛中过五关斩六将,问鼎冠军,这就是法宝) 开篇陈词英文版(红色字体为 亮点部分) Good morning ,honorable judges ,dear fellow debaters ,gentleman and gentlewoman .I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in debate as the greatest demonstration for beauty contest is bad for society . I have a dream,I have a dream that you

know that beauty contest mislead girls to pay much more attention to their appearance rather than their ability .the definition of beauty contest is a competition in which women are judged only by their appearance . the audience of beauty contest are usually young and their value is easily influenced by others . I have a dream.i have a dream that you will know that beauty contest is a waste of money ,time ,resource and so on .our country has many undeveloped districts such as mountain areas .if we spend money on the education of those areas ,the children will improve a lot and have more access to change their life and devote
