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新编大学英语 2 Unit 3 教案

新编大学英语 2 Unit 3 教案
新编大学英语 2 Unit 3 教案

Unit Three Career Planning

I. Theoretical basis:

College English Syllabus (1999); College English Curriculum Requirements (2004) II. Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to:

1) get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about English culture;

2) do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc. to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills;

3) grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary (acceptable, efficient, implication, occupation, personnel, pursue, straighten, undergo, resort, estimate, ambitious, conscientious, hastily, obedient, figure out, in case, take stock of);

4) read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their reading comprehension;

5) do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.;

6) translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities.

III. Teaching Methodology

Mainly applying task-based approach and communicative one to construct a student –centered classroom

The whole learning and teaching proceed is tended to follow the model of pre-task------task cycle------post-task

IV. Time Distribution

According to Ss’English learning traits and regulations, the focus of the learning strategies, and the English level of current students; we are going to finish this unit in 8 periods: Listening & Speaking (2 periods); In-class Reading (6 periods); Exercise & After-class Reading (1 periods); Further Development &Writing (1 periods).

Period I&II listening and speaking

I、Teaching Content

1) T’s background knowledge introduction as recruitment and Ss’ discussion on

the topic of career planning, and enlarge their vocabulary on this unit.

2) Listening of 1 passages

II、Teaching design

Part One: Preparation

1. Name different occupations

Describe pictures: You will have 3 minutes to list as many names of occupations as possible.

singer, dancer, actor, writer, accountant, waiter, librarian, secretary, estate agent,

fashion designer, composer, editor, psychologist, dentist, driver, economist, engineer, politician, salesman, gardener , craftsman, broadcaster

2. Describe a career you’re likely to pursue in the future. Don’t mention its name but ask your classmates to guess what it is.


The job I’d prefer to take has a flexible working schedule. I don’t have to be at work exactly on time. Much of my time will be spent sitting in front of the computer or going through the work written by others. When work is due, I will have to burn the midnight oil. But when there is no work, I can take time to enjoy myself even if I’m still at work. This job needs a lot of initiative and independence. I’ll have to contact potential writers all by myself and choose the topics and books that might sell well or have good academic value. I’ll ne ed to be very careful, doing the proofreading many times until a book is finally published.

Scientific, social, realistic, artistic, computational, practical, nature, outdoor, active, conventional, technical, organization, files, machines, laboratory jobs, music, teach, help, sales job, political jobs

Scientific—— are you interested in knowing how and why things work?

Social ——are you interested in caring for others and helping them with their problems?

General service ——would you like a job which involves offering service to other people?

Artistic —— would you like to use artistic or creative abilities?

Computational —— do you have an aptitude for working with figures or solving mathematical problems?

Nature —— are you interested in working with plants or animal?

Outdoor/active —— would you like to be out and be physically active? Leadership—— are you interested in persuading people to do something? Conventional ——would you like to work with organizations, files and regular schedules.

give some examples to your chosen category.

Scientific: scientists, research workers, chemists, biologists, etc.

Social: teachers, doctors, psychologists, layers, etc.

General service: volunteers, policeman, etc.

Artistic: singers, actors, directors, pianists, violinists, etc.

Computational: accountant, cashier, statistician, etc.

Nature: biologists, zoologists, botanists, etc.

Outdoor/active: sportsmen, explorers, mountaineers, etc.

Leadership: politician, salesmen, retailer, etc.

Conventional: civil servant, secretary, etc.

3. Top 10 jobs:

software engineer

Insurance agent


excellent Tour guide

Biomedical engineer

Cadet teacher

System designer

Estate agent

Project manager

Customs agent

4. What factors will influence you in choosing a job?

---a high salary

---lots of perks (e.g. a company car, travel expenses, vacation)

---good promotion prospects.

---an opportunity, through your job, to sever others in the community /in


---pleasant, friendly working atmosphere.

---short working hours---not more than 35 hours a week.

---a good boss

---pleasant colleagues

---career orientation

---suitable for one’s natural/professional talents/skills

---interesting tasks

---good safety record

---clean environment

---canteen for the staff

---good location (near bus stop, etc)

---opportunities for travel

---opportunities for professional development /job training

---daycare facilities

---school nearby

Part Two: Listening-centered Activities

1.What kind of job is suitable for you?

Listen to 14 statements carefully and decide which category of jobs they belong to.

What do you think the most ideal occupation is?

How are you preparing for your future career?

What are the steps to get a world-class job?

2. Video clip

Career choice is always a hard decision for mothers. They, on the one hand, may like to stay at home looking after their babies and on the other hand, may like to fulfill their own personal career development as well. Watch the video and see what is Mar ilyn’s problem and guess her decision.

Part Three: Assignment

to prepare the new words on the textbook.

Period 3&4 Reading

I、Teaching Content

The title of the text is ―Career Planning‖(intensive reading). Language points explanation, exercise.

II、Teaching Objects

1)Understand and master new words and phrases: course of action, hyper-, in

reality, not much, at stake, confront, face, resort to, seize on, work out, in case, every so often, take steps to do sth, talk over, etc.

3) Improve Ss micro-reading skills and the ability of thinking, inference and

judge in English.

III、Teaching Design

A. Greeting

B. Check the assignment: new words dictation

C. Pre-Reading Activities

Work in pairs and discuss the following questions.

1. Are you planning your future career? If so, what is the career you are aiming for?

2. How are you preparing for your future career?

Enriching Your Word Power

1. invent -inventor

logical -illogical

moral -immoral

pursue -sued, -suing

e.g. Bad luck pursued us. 厄运纠缠着我们。

2. formula: ①a symbolic representation of the composition or of the composition and

structure of a compound 分子式:

The chemical formula for water is H2O.

②a prescription of ingredients in fixed proportion; a recipe配方:

This is the secret formula for a new medicine.

③a method of doing or treating something that relies on an established,

uncontroversial model or approach准则,方案:

Drinking and driving is a formula for trouble.

The employers and the union leaders have agreed an acceptable

formula for wages.


3. vigilant -vigilance

4. weight: importance or influence 分量;重要性;(说话的)力量

e.g: How much weight will be attached to his decision?

The weight of evidence is in his favor.

This is an idea which bears weight with us.

5. course of action 行动的步骤;行动的途径,行事的办法

e g : Your best course o

f action is to forget about me whole unfortunate matter.

This course of action seems inadvisable to me .

6. hyper- above, too much 超过/超越的,过度的,非常的

hypersensitive ( too sensitive)过度敏感的

hyperactive ( too active )过度活跃的

hyperacidity 胃酸过多的

hypercorrect 吹毛求疵的

hypercritic 严酷的批评家

D. In-Class Reading

Give the students about 20 minutes to finish the passage.

Ask several students to point out the main idea of the passage, and if they don’t agree with the opinion, then have a discussion about their own opinion and find out the difference between their own opinion and the idea in the passage.

1. text structure

Introduction (Para. 1)

Career planning does not necessarily follow routine or logical steps.

Students’ weaknesses in career planning (Para. 2)

Serious flaws in the ways of decision making (Para. 3-5)

a. Complacency — ignoring challenging information

b. Defensive avoidance — resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming.

c. Hypervigilance — searching frantically for career possibilities and seizing on hastily

invented solutions

Keys to career planning(Para. 6-11)

a. Study oneself

b. Write one’s career goals down.

c. Review one’s plan s and progress periodically with another person.

d. If one person chooses a career that does not fit him, he can start over.

Changes in careers (Para. 12-13)

a. Few changes involve downward movement; most involve getting ahead.

b. Job changes and career shifts occur at all ages.

Conclusion (Para. 14-15)

Although there is no sure way to make career plans work out, there are things that anyone can do now to shape one’s career possibilities.

2. word study

efficient (adj.) (Line 7, Para. 2) working well, quickly, and without waste 效率高的,有能力的,能胜任的


Exercises and healthy diet are the most efficient ways to lose weight.


Taking notes is one of the ways of enhancing your study efficiency .

He grew into an efficient stockbroker soon after the career training.

同义词:capable(能干的), competent (有竞争力的)effective (有效的)proficient (熟练的,精通的)

skillful (灵巧的)

反义词:incompetent(无竞争力的)inefficient (低效的)


efficient 用于指人或工具、机器工作时效率高

effective 用于指措施、方法等高效

请选择efficient 或effective 的适当形式填空。

能干的秘书an efficient secretary

有效措施 an effective measure

疗效很好的药an effective medicine

称职的经理an efficient manager



Before starting a business , we must make a rough estimate of the money needed .


Our friendship cannot be estimated in money.


It's estimated that most of us see or hear more than 100 ads per day .

feasible (adj.)(Line 6, Para. 1) able to be done; possible可行的,可能的


His suggestion is feasible in theory, but cannot be put into practice.


Is it feasible to travel around the city by bike with only a map?

同义词:achievable possible practical reasonable


反义词:impossible impractical

flaw(n.) (Line 15, Para. 3)mistake, mark, or weakness that makes something imperfect 缺点,瑕疵,缺陷


Nobody is without flaws.

一般人最常见的毛病,就是喜欢羡慕别人,以致于忘记了自己也有长处这件事. Common people's flaw is to admire others so as to forget their own advantage .


fault (人的)过错;(物的)毛病

imperfection 不完整性, 不足; 缺点, 缺陷

mistake 错误

shortcoming 缺点

weakness 弱点

请选择fault, imperfection, mistake, shortcoming 或weakness 的适当形式填空。


Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.


He lost the job because of the imperfection of English.


―The fault lies with me, not with you.‖


We all have our little weaknesses.


The waiter make a mistake over the bill.

implication (n.) (Line 28, Para. 4) 1) a possible future effect or result 可能的影响、后果; 2) something you do not say directly but you seem to want people to believe 暗示;含义

You cannot imagine the financial implication of this educational reform.


他微笑了, 暗示着不相信我。

He smiled, with the implication that he didn’t believe me.

动词:imply: to express indirectly; suggest 暗指; 暗示


Refusal to answer implies guilt.


Silence sometimes implies consent.

integrate (v.) (Line 51, Para. 8)1) ( + into / with) (使)结合;(使)成为一体2) 成为社团的一部分


Your diet must integrate every type of fruits vegetables , grains.

They’ve lived in this country for 10 years but have never really inte grated.


The teachers are trying to integrate all the children into society.

panic (Line 35, Para. 5)n. [C; U] (a state of) sudden uncontrollable fear or terror 惊慌;恐慌v. cause to feel fear or terror害怕,惊恐不安


Panic seized/ struck him.


He tried to still his panic.

同义词:horror terror scare fear alarm

反义词:assurance confidence

pursue (v.) (Line 69, Para. 11) 1) 从事或忙于某事2) 追捕,追击,紧随……之后3) 追求,寻求

His greatest pleasure is to help others to pursue pleasure from life. 寻找(快乐)

He felt their eyes pursuing him. 老是跟着(他)

He pursued the river to its source. 沿着(河流)

We have always pursued a friendly policy towards the people all over the world.






请选择chase, follow或pursue 的适当形式填空。

He followed her like a shadow.

The police chased the escaping thief and caught him at last.

He pursued his studies with seriousness.

undergo (v.) (Line 61, Para. 10) experience (esp. suffering or difficulty) 经历,忍受



You may have to undergo disappointment and failure before you succeed .


China has undergone great changes since the reform and opening-up policy.


bear:普通用语。泛指负担或忍受精神、肉体上的各种痛苦。多用于否定和疑问句,常与can, could 连用。


stand:与bear 意同。口头用语。多用于否定句或疑问句。肯定句中其正面意义更强。


请选择bear, endure, stand 或suffer 的适当形式填空。

She just could not bear with such insults.

India is suffering greatly from over-population.

I can’t endure her unreasonable action any longer.

He successfully stood the severe test.

at stake(Line 20, Para. 3) in a situation where something valuable might be lost if a plan or action is not successful 濒于险境,处于成败关头

stake: 柱,火刑柱



The company is on the verge of bankruptcy, and hundreds of jobs are at stake.


He admits that his political life is at stake.

place weight on (Line 2, Para. 1)attach importance to重视

Don’t place any weight on these rumors.



He didn’t place much weight on his friends’ suggestions.

3. sentence study

1) Career planning includes gathering information about ourselves and about

occupations, estimating the probable outcomes of various courses of action, and finally, choosing alternatives that we find attractive and feasible. (Line 3)择业规划包括收集有关我们自己以及职业的信息资料,估计各个行动步骤中可能出现的结果,最后做出我们认为有吸引力并且可行的选择。


gathering…, estimating…, choosing…

都作动词includes 的宾语,说明“职业规划”要涉及的三种行为。这三个连续的动名词短语使句子意义表达更充分连贯。include 后接v.-ing 形式。最后一个动词短语中,关系代词that 引导定语从句修饰alternatives。

The solutions include working with foreign flower growers instead of fighting them, having a few distribution centers to sell imported roses, widening their business area and being a representative for overseas flower producers.


A teacher’s priorities include exciting students’ interests and stimulating their



最后一个动词短语中,关系代词that引导定语从句修饰alternatives,that 在从句中作find的宾语,意思为:we find the alternatives attractive and feasible。

2) They cite evidence that (1) most students choose from among a very narrow group of occupations;…他们举出以下一些事实;(1)大部分学生选择职业的范围很窄;(2)多达40%至60%的学生选择专业性的职业,而实际上只有15%至18%的人从事专业性的工作;(3)男青年对文书、销售以及服务性行业兴趣索然,尽管这些领域提供许多就业机会;(4)多达三分之一的学生说不出选择什么职业好。


a. 从属连词that引导四个名词性从句作名词中心词evidence的同位语从句。

b. from among 介词from可与副词或介词短语搭配,如from above, from across,

from behind, from below, from inside, from under, from within, from out of等。

a sound from behind the door


The word has been in use from behind World War II. 这个词从二战前就通用了。

c. when此处作“可是,而”,将前后两项进行对比。

Why do you walk when you might ride a bicycle?


3) They cite evidence that (1) most students choose from among a very narrow group

of occupations; (2) as many as 40 to 60 percent choose professional occupations, …to express any choice of occupation.(Line 8)许多观察家指出学生在择业规划方面不是很在行。他们列出了以下事实:1)大部分学生选择职业的范围很窄;


句子的主要结构为They cite evidence。

从属连词that 引导四个名词性从句,作宾语evidence 的同位语。

choose from among 从……中选择。

介词from可与副词或介词短语搭配,如:from above, from across, from behind, from below, from inside, from under, from within, from out of等。

For tea we’d choose from among all the delicious food, followed by fruit pies and Christmas cake.


A sound comes from behind the door.


句中的as many as 在句中起强调作用,意思是―多达‖,省略该部分句子结构仍然完整。相似的句子见课文中:

It has been estimated that as many as one out of four male workers … change their ines of work. (Line 74)

The World Health Organization says as many as 10 million persons in the world may have the virus that causes AIDS.


4) People who ignore challenging information about the choices they make

demonstrate complacency. 有些人对于与他们作抉择相抵触的信息置之不理,这些人自满。

【解析】关系代词who引导定语从句修饰先行词people。该定语从句内嵌有省略关系代词的they make从句修饰the choices。

5) Of course, complacency is appropriate for any decision in which nothing much is at stake, but that does not describe career decisions. 当然,对于那些不是利害攸关的决策,自满是可以的,但职业决策不在其列。


in which… 属于“介词+which‖型的定语从句,修饰先行词decision,that指前句所描述的情况。

nothing much 很少,没什么

There is nothing much to be done about it.


6)When confronted with a decision and unable to believe they can find an acceptable

solution, some people remain calm by resorting to wishful thinking or daydreaming. (Line 23)每当面临抉择而又认为难以找到合适的解决办法时,一些人则以想入非非来保持平静。

―When confronted with… ‖是省略形式的状语从句,省略的部分是从句的主语和部分谓语be, 即―they are‖。

―连词+过去分词/现在分词/形容词‖ 作状语时常用省略形式,这些连词可以是when, though / although, as if/as though, if, even if, once, unless, until 等。


a. ―连词when + 过去分词”作状语,主句的主语 some people是confront这一

动作的承受者。从句部分可看作when they are confronted… 的省略形式。

―连词+ 过去分词”作状语时,连词可以是when, though/although, as if/as though, if, even if, once, unless, until等。

This building will look nice when finished.


Once published, the book caused a remarkable stir.


b. they can find an acceptable solution是believe 的宾语

c. 动名词短语resorting to… 是介词by的宾语

This building will look nice when finished.


Once published, the book caused a remarkable stir.


While studying in China, he became interested in Beijing Opera.



Once appointed supreme commander(他一被任命为最高统帅之后), he took the stern measures expected of him.

Though (they are) poor (尽管并不富有), the Blakes are ready to help others.

When doing my homework (当我正做作业时), my father came in and interrupted me.

7) Facing the situation may produce anxiety, but examining alternatives could also bring relief. 面对现实也许会令人产生焦急情绪,但认真考虑一下各种可能性也有可能带来宽慰。

【解析】动名词短语facing… 和examining… 分别作两个分句的主语。

8) They search frantically for career possibilities and seize on hastily invented

solutions, overlooking the consequences of their choice as well as other alternatives. 他们焦急狂乱地寻找各种就业机会并匆匆忙忙做出决定,忽视了这样选择带来的后果,也忽视了其他择业机会。

【解析】现在分词短语overlooking… 作状语从句,修饰主句,主句的主语they是从句的逻辑主语。

9) Understanding what you are like, what you value, and what you want to become is the foundation for all career planning. 了解你是什么样的人,看重什么以及你想成为什么样的人,是整个择业规划的基础。

【解析】动名词短语understanding…是句子的主语。主语部分中,三个由what 引导的名词性从句作understanding的宾语。

10) Taking inventory of progress and planning further steps can help you cope with

the changes that you undergo and the changes that take place in the labor market.


【解析】并列的两个动名词短语taking… 和planning…构成句子的主语。两个the changes 分别由各自的that定语从句修饰,并列构成cope with的宾语。

11) Often their new occupation is one that they overlooked when they were young or

that they did not have an opportunity to pursue at that time for financial or other reasons. 这些新的职业常常是他们年轻时所忽视的,或者是由于当时的经济或别的原因而没有机会从事的职业。

【解析】one替代前面的occupation,避免重复。由or并列的两个that 从句修饰先行词one。

12) Sociologist say that there are few changes in careers that involve ―downward‖

movement; most involve the traditional b usiness of ―getting ahead‖. 社会学家们说几乎没有什么职业变换是“走下坡路”的,大部分都是按惯例“往高处走”。


a. 第一个that 引导名词性从句作say的宾语,该从句内嵌有另一个从句,


b. 引号表明这是直接引用的社会学家的话。

13) Career planning does not guarantee that all the problems, difficulties, or

decision-making situations that face you in the future will be solved or made any easier. 择业规划并不能保证你未来所面临的所有问题、困难或要做出抉择的情形都能得到解决或变得容易解决。

【解析】名词性从句that all the problems, difficulties, or decision-making situations that face you in the future will be solved or made any easier作guarantee的宾语;该从句内嵌有另一个由that引导的定语从句,即从句that face you in the future修饰all the problems, difficulties, or decision-making situations,that在从句中作主语。

14) But career planning should help you to approach and cope better with new

problems, such as deciding whether or not to enter educational or training programs, deciding whether or not to change jobs, … a person.(Line 80)但是,择业规划能够帮助你面对或更好地处理新的问题,诸如决定是否要接受某方面的教育或培训,是否要更换工作,还能帮助你分析所面临的困境或与某人交往中所存在的困难。

such as引导的动名词短语举例说明前面的new problems。

whether or not插在不定式短语前表示取决与否。whether or not 除了常用于引导名词性从句及让步状语从句外,也可直接放在不定式前表示选择。

He couldn’t decide whether or not to return home.


Pat felt ill at ease with his family, wondering whether or not to announce his news.


Language Points

1. in reality :in fact; in practice; 实际上;事实上

e.g. We thought he was serious but in reality he was joking.

He is much smaller in reality than he looks on the television.

2. Nothing/not much :非大量的;少量;价值不大;不重要

e.g. There is nothing much we can do .

Anything interesting happening? No ,nothing much.

I got up late and did nothing much all day.一整天没做什么事

3. at stake :at risk; in danger; 冒险

e.g. The business must succeed; our livelihoods are at stake .

His reputation was at stake.

The peace of the country is at stake .

You whole future is at stake.

4.to confront :出现在…面前; …前面的

●Now tasks now confronted the working class.

…to confront 面临,面对,和…对抗

●We must confront the future with optimism.

●He decided to confront his enemies.

to be confronted with/by 面对,面临,碰上

●As soon as he was confronted with the evidence he admitted his guilt.

●Confronted with the evidence, he confessed.

5.to face : 正视,承认…的存在;面临(问题等);摆在…面前

●The government faced many problems.

●Face the facts; we are getting old.

●The difficulty that faces us today is one of supplying food to these in need.

to be faced with 面临,面对(困难,危险,死亡,毁灭等)

●We are now faced with the burning threat of war.

6.to resort to +n. 求助于

●When his wife left him ,he resorted to drink.

●The mother resorted to punishment to make the child obey.

●When she did not answer the telephone, I resorted standing outside her window

and calling up to her .

to resort to +n. to go to (a pleasant place); (often) visit 常去(某处)

●Many people resort to the beaches in hot weather.

●We resort to the hotel for some coffee

resort n. 常去的地方;

sb or sth resorted to 可以在困难中依靠的人或物。

●This restaurant is one of his favorite resorts.

●Books are her best resort when he is lonely.

as a last resort/in the last resort : in the last reason

●We shall use force only as a last resort.

●We could ask our parents for the money, as a last resort.

●In the last resort we shall have to borrow the money, though I hope that will not

be necessary.

7.to seize on/ upon : to take and use eagerly 抓住(加以利用).

●He seized upon the suggestion as a way of getting out of his financial difficulties.

●She had always wanted to go to London ,so she seized on the offer of a free trip.

●He would seize upon any excuse to justify himself.

8.to work out:devise ,invent 拟订,制定,定出

●We must work out a plan as quickly as we can.

to work out: to calculate 算出

●We worked out the cost of the holiday and decided that we could afford it.

to work out: solve :find the answer to

●I’ll give you five minutes to work out this problem.

●Have you worked out this problem yet?

9.in case :because of a possibility of sth happening 因为可能发生某事;以防万一,

●In case I forget it ,please remind me about it .

●Take warm clothes in case the weather is cold.

●Take your coat in case it rains/it should rain.

10.every so often :from time to time ; occasionally 偶尔,不时,有时

●They stopped every so often to rest.

●We get a letter from him every so often.

●It was hot work, but every so often , Susan would bring us something cold to eat.

●Every so often he would make some mistakes in his spelling.

more often than not

●More often than not all the patient wants is a bit of comfort and encouragement. 11.to take stock of: (fig) review(a situation);estimate(one’s abilities etc)(喻)审定(情况);估计(某人的能力);估量(形势)

●The general took stock of the enemy and decide to attack at once.

●After a year in the job, she decided it was time to take stock of her situation. 12.to take steps/take a step to do sth : to take action to do sth 采取措施

●We must take steps to help the families of those who were hurt.

●The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate.

13.to talk over: to discuss

●We must leave them to talk over the arguments.

●Talk it over with your wife and give me your answer tomorrow.

●I have much to talk over with you.

to start over :

●Maybe we can forget what has happened and start over.

●I’d like to throw out everything old and start over.

●The farmer pulled down the old house and started over building a new one.

4. useful expression


follow routine or logical steps


professional occupations


15 percent of the work force


Young men show a striking lack of interest in clerical, sales, and service occupations.


The best coping behavior is vigilance.


You should examine your strengths and weaknesses.


Organize ideas about your career development.


unclear and half-formed ideas

5. summary of the text

In career planning, various factors should be taken into consideration, but many people fail to do so. Serious flaws exist in the ways they make career decisions, such as complacency, defensive avoidance and hypervigilance. In order to improve this situation, the author puts forward some suggestions: Study yourself; Write your career goal down; Review your plans and progress periodically with another person; If you choose a career that does not fit you, you can start over.

6. grammar

Grammar study-gerund (动名词)

Function of gerund

1) Learning English is difficult.

2) His job is driving a bus.

3) I have got used to living in the countryside.

4) Take some sleeping-tablets, and you will soon fall asleep.

Form of gerund:

writing being written having written having been written


1) Talking mends no holes.

2) Seeing is believing.

3) Having done this job is an exper ience you’ll never forget.

4) Mary’s being late again made her teacher very angry.

5) Do you mind my (me) opening the door?




1) It’s no use/ good + -ing = It’s of no us e/ useless + -ing

2) There is no + -ing = It is impossible to

There is no telling what will happen.

There is no getting along with him.


admit/ avoid/ delay/ enjoy/ excuse/ finish/ deny/ escape/ forgive/ imagine/ mind/ keep/ miss/ p ractise/ prevent/ resist/ risk/ suggest/ appreciate/ can’t help


continue, begin, start

有些动词既可以接动名词也可以接不定式,且意思区别很大:remember, forget, regret, mean, go on, stop, learn


Sure, at 5 a.m. I mean to get up early.

Catching the first bus means getting up early.

They went on talking about the education.

They went on to talk about education.

I regret accepting your advice.

I regret to tell you that I won’t accept your advice.

E. Exercise1.2.3 (see page 11): to review and consolidate the new words and the


F. Homework: preview and memorize new words in after-class reading; do quiz.

Period 5&6 After-class Reading and Exercise

I. Teaching Content

Two pieces of After-class Reading: Summer Job Planning, Which Career is the Right One for You? (extensive reading approach). Check the answers to quiz. II. Teaching Objects

To encourage Ss’ get useful information from the reading material as soon as possible, t o encourage reading fluency, so students should not be stop frequently because they do not understand a passage. Enhance learners' general language competence, provide 'comprehensible input', increases the

students' exposure to the language, and increase knowledge of vocabulary. III. Teaching Design

A. Passage I

Ss are given ten minutes to read the passage ―Summer Job Planning, get the outline with the useful information from the passage.

B. Passage II

Ss are given ten minutes to read the passage ―Which career is the Right One for you?‖, get the outline with the useful information from the passage.

C. Translation

1) He underwent major heart surgery several years ago.

2) We estimated that it would take a week to finish the work.

3) Many women find it difficult to combine pursuing a career and having a child /children.

4) You may love someone without necessarily wanting to marry him/her.

5) When she did not answer the telephone, I resorted standing outside her window and calling up to her .

6) It may rain---you’d better take an umbrella (just)in case.

7) Britain has requested a summit to take stock of the fundamental changes in the world order.

8) She is very religious, so death holds no for her.

D. Quiz (pre- task) Check the answers with Ss, Give the explanation to the


E. Relaxed Time (pre-task) Ask 3—5 students to share their exciting/good

news in their daily life or tell an interesting story/joke.

Period 7&8 Further Development &Writing

I. Teaching Content

Warming-up, discussion (group work), and writing.

II. Teaching Objects

After 6 periods exposure to language input, reading material, and language skills training on the topic ―Career Planning ‖, Ss have been familiar with the relevant content, vocabulary and language expression on the same topic. Through this 2 periods, T are expected to organize some integrated activities to get Ss have an increase in the ability of language use.

2. Directions: The following advertisement appeared in a local newspaper. Work in groups, choose one of the jobs mentioned in the advertisement and fill in the application form you designed. Talk about how you can improve your application. Sample:

Happy Market is now hiring store detectives, sales clerks, advertising manager, nutritionist and cashiers. Full-time and part-time shifts available anytime. Offering half-price meals, regular raises based on performance. Starting wage $5/hour. Mon. to Fri. 9 to 6. Call 422-3700 Ext. 543. Deanna Reynes.

3. Here are some questions from an interview for the job of store detective in the new supermarket. Put them in the order you would ask them if you were the interviewer. Then add two questions of your own.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

- Why have you applied for this job?


__________________ NAME

__________________ SEX

Male □ Female □ AGE

__________________ NATIONALITY

__________________ MARITAL STATUS

Married □ Single □ ADDRESS

__________________ TELEPHONE

__________________ QUALIFICATIONS

__________________ SKILLS

__________________ WORK EXPERIENCE

__________________ HOBBIES &


___________ REFERENCES __________________

- Which aspect(s) of the job do you think you would find difficult?

- Why do you think you are suited for this job?

- What would you do if you saw someone stealing something in the store?

- What would you like to be doing in five years’ time?

- Who are your references? Why did you choose them?

Working in pairs, take turns being the interviewer and interviewee.

4. How to make good impressions

1) Do prepare well for the interview by researching the organization and identify

the key skills you can bring to the job.

2) Do consider using interview coaching to improve the way you come across to


3) Do be prepared to answer wide-ranging questions about your views and values,

as w ell as those tricky hypothetical ―what if‖ questions.

4) Don’t be too passive about your answers. Modesty is all very well, but you have

to demonstrate that you can make a major contribution to the organization.

5) Don’t show too much interest in salar y, leave entitlements, or the make of

company car, you’ll need to prove how much you can offer to the company before estimating how much they can offer you.

III. Teaching Design

1. A big supermarket is opening up in your town. You are responsible for recruiting staff. Work in groups to design an application form which contains all the information you need, for example, age, qualifications, skills, work experience, etc.


How to Prepare for a Job Interview

If you wish to pursue your professional career successfully, it is essential to find a satisfactory job. A job interview, in some cases, can be of critical importance for you to obtain a job you like.

Since a job interview is so important, we should be well-prepared for it. Here are some of my suggestions.

First of all, consider your qualifications and background and decide whether they satisfy /meet the requirements /needs/demands of the job. If they do, get familiar with them in case you are asked about them during the interview.

Secondly, remember your special abilities or hobbies, such as playing basketball or chess. Mention them if necessary. They may surprisingly attract the interviewers.

My final advice is that you should take special care of your appearance, the first impression is very important.

I believe that the above suggestions will help you a lot in a job interview. Nevertheless, they are not quite enough. Self-confidence, proper use of words and ways of talking also play a very important role in an interview.


The new words and reading material of this unit are a little bit difficult. The topic is unfamiliar to Ss, so Ss’ vocabulary on the topic is too limited to express their view freely. Ss can digest the key points and difficulties. Five language skills are covered, and Teaching aims are achieved. T helps Ss with the abilities of self-study, effective communication, information analysis, and thinking in English. Ss are going to process English material and attempt to express their own opinions; taste the joy and success of English communication; and cultivate Ss’ team-working spirits.

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