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01:What is a research paper?

It’s a paper that:

? presents an original approach to some academic topic,

?organized arounda central thesis,

? using insights based on research, and

? citing sources in a scholarly fashion.

1. An academic topic is a topic studied in schools by university professors and by scholars, around which a discipline and a body of literature have grown up.

An original approach means that a research paper doesn’t just repeat information from other sources.

2. Your central thesis is the main idea that anchors your paper. It states what you most want to say about the topic.

3. Research mean reading and study of various kinds of evidence, mainly but not exclusively drawn from written materials.

Research may be based on…

printed materials:

? books

? scholarly journals

? magazines

? newspapers

written materials that are not printed:

? unpublished diaries

? court records

? government records

? notes of a scientist or a reporter

Spoken materials:

? face-to-face interview

? recording of a speech, lecture, concert, broadcast

Visual materials:

? photographs

? drawings

? paintings(or other works of art)

? maps

? diagrams

? graphs

? tables

Digital documents from:

?the Internet, including—web pages, digitized books and articles, online publications, blogs

4. Scholars are people who practice the arts of scholarship. They build new

knowledge by analyzing and learning from what others have doe and adding fresh insights to it.

Length of a typical research paper: 10-15 double-spaced pages, 3000-5000 words.

02:From Subject to Thesis

Four key element:

? subject

? topic

? question

? thesis

1. subject: a very broad category – a general area of interest – usually assigned by your teacher

2. topic: more specific focus within the general subject –developed by the student-- the narrower, the better

3. questions: the best topics are built around intriguing questions

4. thesis: states what you want to say about the topic – your conclusion based on your research and thought

For example:

? Subject: Abraham Lincoln

?Topic: Lincoln’s Views on slavery; The Political Tactic That Lincoln Employed; Lincoln’s Marriage

Does your research paper describe a topic area that can be covered adequately and interestingly in just 10-15pages?

? Question: How did Lincoln, an obscure politician from the Midwest, win the crucial 1860 election against better known competitors?

?Thesis: Lincoln was elected in 1860 because his ambiguous position on slavery attracted support from various groups who didn’t necessarily agree with one another.

A strong thesis can usually be stated in a single sentence.

The sentence that states your thesis may or not actually appear in your final paper.

03:A Good Research Topic&a Working Thesis

A good topic:

? is not merely a narrative,

(? The Life of Charles Darwin - too broad! Doesn’t lend itself to analysis!

?How Darwin’s Study of Finches in the Galapagos Islands Influenced His theory of

Evolution – provide an analysis – your own opinions and ideas!)

? is not too broad,

(? Symbolism in Moby Dick – too broad!

?The symbol of the White Whale in Moby Dick; The symbol of Captain Ahab’s Wound – always choose a narrower topic!)

? is not too narrow,

(?The Biblical Meaning of Captain Ahab’s name- not enough material!

?The Character of Captain Ahab – works better!)

? has research sources,

(books, articles, relevant materials

? Evidence of Early Humans in our Home Town – hard to find info about

?Evidence of Early Humans in Our Home State (or Region) - feasible)

?has not been overdone

(? What is Natural Selection? – overdone

?How Did the Writings of Malthus Influence Darwin’s idea of Natural Selection?


? interests you.

A good working thesis:

1. It can be stated in a single clear sentence.

2. It is a positive, non-obvious statement.

Example: Paper about Malcolm X (American History or Black Studies), background reading might include his autobiography

?Malcolm X’s changing attitudes toward racial integration. –Not a thesis –not stated in the form of a sentence

?Malcolm X’s attitudes towards racial integration became more positive during the last six months of his life.

?As a leading figure in African American history, Malcolm X’s racial attitudes nave importance for all Americans. – too obvious

?The racial attitudes of Malcolm X were profoundly influential among African Americans during his lifetime.

? Had Malcolm X lived, his attitudes towards racial integration would have changed dramatically. –can’t be tested

?Some of Malcolm X’s leading followers have distorted his racial attitudes.

04:Types of Plagiarism

What is a research paper?

It’s a paper that:

1. presents an original approach to some academic topic,

2. organized around a central thesis,

3. using insights based on research, and

4. citing sources in a scholarly fashion.

The dividing line between plagiarism and research:

A research paper must be basically your own work, and must use facts and ideas from research simply to back up and support your original concepts.

Whenever you do use facts and ideas borrowed from research, you need to explain and acknowledge those sources rather than let readers get the impression that you came up with the facts and ideas completely on your own.

Plagiarism is a kind of theft.

The different types of plagiarism:

? Buying, borrowing, or reusing a paper

? Claiming as your own a piece of writing from a published source.

?Quoting words, sentences, paragraphs, or pages from another writer’s work without giving that writer credit.

?When you cut and paste materials from the internet –make sure that you put quotation marks around them and clearly label (on the same page) exactly where those materials came from, who the author was, and all the bibliographic information about the published source.

?Copying another writer’s sequence of ideas without giving that writer credit.

05:What Needs to Be Cited

Does it need to be cited?

1. Information that is common knowledgedoesn’t need to be cited.

Common knowledge: include any information that could be easily obtained from many sources and that is not open to dispute or varying interpretation. Like dates of historical events, birth and death dates of famous people, basic scientific, historic, and cultural facts (number of feet in a mile; average distance from the Earth to the sun; names of Us presidents; location of Easter Island; identity of the author of Don Quixote)

2. Facts that may be open to dispute need to be cited.

例:I accept Professor Soandso’s theory about the date of Othello, based on the fact that her theory best accounts for the current evidence about when the play was first performed.

3. Facts that may not be subject to dispute but that are little-known and come from

a specific sourceneed to be cited.

? You need to know something about your field in order to help you determine what is and isn’t common knowledge.

Opinions & Interpretations VS. Facts

A fact is an event in the real world that practically everybody can point to and agree upon.

An opinion or interpretation adds a personal spin; attitude, or feeling to the

real-world event, which not everyone will agree upon.

例:Fact — The President of United States James Garfield was fatally shot by a man named Charles Guiteau on July 2, 2881.

Opinion or interpretation —President James Garfield was assassinated by Charles Guiteau, a disappointed seeker of public office. Garfield’s murder led to the creation of the civil service system in the United States to remove job appointments from the realm of politics.


1、What is common knowledge ?

Information that you and your friend all know.

Any information that could be easily obtained form many sources and that is not open to dispute or varying interpretation

2、what is fact?

A fact is an event in the real world that practically everybody can point to and agree On

3、what is an opinion of interpretation?

---a personal spin (remark),attitude ,or feeling to the real word event ,which not everyone will agree on

4、what does’t need to be cited?

---a common knowledge

An opinion or interpretationextremely obvious or very known (it may qualify as common knowledge)

5、what need to be cited?

--Facts that may be open to dispute 。(on the other hand)

Facts that may not be subject to dispute but that are little-known and come from a specific sourceneed to be cited.(also)

Opinion or interpretation of facts you borrow from other writers

06:How to Incorporate Your Research into Your Writing

Ways to incorporate your research into your writing:

Cited a source by…

1. paraphrasing: state the information in your own words, use your own style, and fit it into the flow of your essay.

Choose paraphrasing whenever the idea that you’re citing is more important than the precise way it is stated in your source.

Pitfalls to avoid when paraphrasing:

?Don’t forget that a scholarly citation is as necessary when paraphrasing as when quoting directly.

?Give credit to the person from whom you’re borrowing the idea, even if you state it in your own words.

? A footnote and/or a bibliographic reference are essential.

? If you fail to give credit when paraphrasing, you may be technically committing plagiarism (stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as your own).

Using your research:

Quote sentences or paragraphs precisely whenever the exact wording from your source is important –when the author stated some idea in language that’s especially…

? forceful

? provocative

? clear

? insightful

? compelling

Quoting: you must get every word, spelling, and punctuation mark right and note exactly what page or pages from your source the quote material comes from.

?Put quotation marks around the whole passage you’re quoting.

Paraphrasing: when the exact wording from your source isn’t terribly important –when it’s the fact or the idea rather than the language that really matter…it’s important that you thoroughly rewrite the source rather than simply changing a word or a phrase here and there.

If you save online documents in files on your computer…

? mark and label them very clearly

?put quotation marks around anything that’s borrowed and include complete bibliographic information;

? author

? title

? date of publication

? source, etc.


1、What is the one way to cite a source discussed in this part of lecture ?

By paraphrasing it

2、what does paraphrasing mean?

Stating the information in your own words ,using your own style,and fitting it naturally into the flow of your paper

3、when do you choose the form of citation paraphrasing

--whenever the idea you are citing is more important than the precise way it is in

your source.

4、what are the pitfalls to avoid when paraphrasing

-- forgetting to Give credit to the person from whom you borrow the idea, forgetting to use your own words throughout the paragraph

5、what does bibliographic information include?

Author、title 、date of publication、source, etc.

07:How to Incorporate Your Research into Your Writing(2)

Ways to incorporate 诱人research into your writing

Cite a source by


Quotating a sentence or more :do this when a particular writer has stated something in a way that is unusually apt,interesting ,forceful ,or thought –provoking.

Tips for direct quotations

If the quotation is short –less than five lines of type-build it into your paragraph of text

Always introduce the quotation with words of your own

At the end of the quotation,cite its exact source ,providing the bibliographic information a reader would need to find the source himself

Know the use the citation style your teacher requires

Block quotation

If the quotation runs longer than four lines ,you will handle it as a block quotation Start a new paragraph-indent about one inch (10spaces or so)-twice as much as a normal paragraph,you are setting off the block quotation from the surrounding text. Don’t put quotation marks around the block quotation

Handle the block quotation the same as a shorter quotation.introduce it with a few words of your own ,and provide a source citation at the end of the quotation


1、what is the second way of citing research material?

--to quotation a sentence or more from the source

2、when do you choose the method of direct quoting?

---when a particular author has stated something in a way that is unusually apt,interesting,forceful,or thought -provoking(the kind of sentence or paragraph that make you say”wow ,i can’t imagine how that idea could be stated any better”)

3、how many types of quotations are discussed in the lecture ?and what are they?

---two ,short quotation and block quotation

4、when and how should you handle a short quotation?

----if the quotation is less than five lines,handle it as a short quotation

Simply build it into your paragraph of text

Put quotation marks around the quotation

Introduce the quotation with words of your own

Provide a citation at the end of the quotation

5、when and how should you handle a block quotation

---if the quotation runs longer than four lines ,handle it as a block quotation

Start a new paragraph-indent about one inch (10spaces or so)-twice as much as a normal paragraph,

(you are setting off the block quotation form the sourrounding text)

Don’t put quotation marks around the block quotation

Introduce it with a few words of your own

provide a source citation at the end of the quotation


四年级作文复习指导(二)——写人作文 一、写人要抓住人物的特点 人物的特点就是一个人与其他人不同的思想、品质、性格脾气、兴趣爱好以及外貌长相。 常见的外貌描写方法: 1、抓住人物的面容、身体、服饰特点来写。 例:表姐今年二十来岁,高高的个儿,经常穿黑西服,黑高跟皮鞋,一头乌黑发亮的波浪式秀发披在肩上,白净的瓜子儿脸上有一双充满青春活力的眼睛和一张能说会道的嘴。 2、抓住人物的性别、年龄、职业、身份、经历等特点来写。 3、抓住人物的心理状态,情绪变化和性格特点来写。 例:“45分”的试卷刚刚发到他的手上,他就像触电一般缩回了手,呆呆地坐在那里,眼睛盯着试卷,本来白净的脸已经涨红了,眉头紧皱,两只手不停地搓来搓去…… 4外貌描写 练习设计 1、在下面的括号里填上恰当的词语,来表现不同年龄、性别、身份、经历的人物的外貌特点。 ()的眉毛()的鼻子()的嘴()的脸()的身体()的身材()的手 2、用简洁的语言写出爸爸(或妈妈)的外貌,使人能大概了解你爸爸(或妈妈)。 写一段话表现老师课堂上提醒(或批评)某个做小动作的同学时的神态,特别注重刻画老师的眼神。 二.运用多种描写方法 1、.语言描写的方法。 (1)语言描写要反映出人物的精神面貌,思想品质,这样有利于表现文章的中心思想。 (2)语言的描写要与动作、神态结合起来,这样可以更好地刻画人物的品德、

性格。 (3)语言描写要反映人物的个性特点,要符合人物的年龄、身份、经历等方面的特点,这样才能使人物形象鲜明。 到市场观察一下,顾客和小商贩讨价还价时的情态和对话,然后写成一个片段。 2、行动描写 行动描写是指对人物举止、投足、坐、卧、哭、啼等行为和动作的描写。 (1)要注意人物在日常生活中的行动。 (2)要善于抓住人物在特殊情况下的行动。 (3)要特别注意人物的“个性化”行动。 比如同样是吃饭,有的人细嚼慢咽,有的人则狼吞虎咽;同样是走路,有的人悠闲地迈着八字步,有的人则是风风火火;有的人说话总是爱搔后脑勺…… 3、心理活动的描写 练习设计:一天,拔河比赛完毕,我走进教室取书包,发现教室里课桌东倒西歪,地上满是纸屑。(这时,我心里怎么想的,有什么思想斗争,后来又怎么做的。) 三、写人方法总结: 1、要抓住人特点(思想品质、性格脾气、兴趣爱好以及外貌长相等) 2、要有具体的事。 3、要有语言、动作、神情、外貌、心理活动等描写。 四、好词好句 1、她的脸上有一双带着稚气的、被长长的睫毛装饰起来的美丽的眼睛,就像两颗水晶葡萄。 2、这孩子黑虎头似的脸上,生着一对铜铃一般的大眼睛,十分精神。他的眉毛时而紧紧地皱起,眉宇间形成一个问号;时而愉快地舒展,像个感叹号。他那红嘟嘟的脸蛋闪着光亮,像九月里熟透的苹果一样。 3、她那张小嘴巴蕴藏着丰富的表情:高兴时,撇撇嘴,扮个鬼脸;生气时,撅起的小嘴能挂住一把小油壶。从这张嘴巴说出的话,有时能让人气得火冒三丈,抽泣不止,有时却让人忍俊不禁,大笑不已。 4、李老师有一头漂亮得头发,乌黑油亮,又浓又密,她站在阳光下,轻轻地一摇头,那头发就会闪出五颜六色地光环。


小学作文写作方法指导 一、怎样写人 写人,是小学作文训练的基本功之一。在记叙文中,人和事是不可分的,关键是看题目如何要求。要求写事的题目,文中的人要为事服务;要求写人的题目,文中的事必须为人服务。写人为主的记叙文,就是要通过一件或几件事,来表现人物一种或多种品质。写人的继续文,叙事不要求完整;记事的记叙文,虚实要求完整,而且要贯穿文章始终。 (一)通过一件事来写人 通过一件事来写人,通常是表现人物的一种品质或性格的一个方面。为了刻画人物,对所写人物必须进行必要的外貌、语言、动作、心理等方面的描写。但是,从以事写人这个角度来说,最好是选择一件最能反映此人某一特点的事,并把这件事写好。在写事情的时候,要选择典型的事例。所谓典型,就是能集中反映中心思想的事,能够表现人物的好思想、好品质、美好情感的事。对小学生来说,选择典型事例,要着眼于小事,选择那些最能反映深刻意义的小事。这样的事表面上看,都是普普通通的凡人小事,但是其中却蕴涵着深刻的意义,这就是我们常说的“小中见大”。 (二)通过几件事写人 可以分成两种情况:以是用几件事表现某个人的一种品质;二是用几件事表现某个人的多种品质。要注意:用几件事写人,这些事可以是完整的,作者必须把事情发生的时间、地点、人物、事件(起因、经过、结果),一一交代清楚,也可以是不完整的,只着重于某几点进行叙述。更多的是在一篇文章中,有的事详写;有的事略写;有的事要求写得比较完整,有的事要求写得比较简单。通过几件事写人,同样要对人物进行必要的外貌、行动、语言、心理的描写。 (三)学会刻画人物 写人的文章要会在叙事的过程中,对最能表现人物思想感情、性格特点的外貌、语言、动作、心理活动等方面进行描写,也就是学会刻画人物。 1. 也叫肖像描写,是通过对人物的容貌、神情、衣着、姿态、语调、外貌特征的描写。来揭示人物性格的一种方法。人物的的外貌和人物内心世界密切的联系,具体说:通过外貌描写,使人物的形象更丰满,能给读者留下深刻印象;通过外貌描写,揭示人物的身份;通过外貌描写,展示人物在特定场合的内心世界;通过外貌描写,表现人物性格、精神面貌和思想品质。 总之,外貌描写要和表现人物特点、突出文章的中心思想紧密配合。外貌描写要传神,切忌脸谱化,反对那种部分主次,从头写到脚、千人一貌的写法。 2. 语言描写有对话和独白两种。 对话是两个人或几个人的谈话;独白是人物的自言自语。语言是人物内心世界的直接表露,对表现人物的思想性格起重要作用。有个性特点的语言可以起到“闻其言,见其人”的作用。语言描写要注意以下两点:一是文章中人物的语言要精心筛选,把那些足以能表现人物的个性特点、最能表现中心思想的语言,写进文章中;二是好的语言描写,一定是符合当时的情景,符合人物的性格、身份、性别、年龄和文化修养等方面的特点。对话描写有四种形式:说的话写在后面,说话人后面用引号;说的


一、怎样写人 写人,是小学作文训练的基本功之一。在记叙文中,人和事是不可分的,关键是看题目如何要求。要求写事的题目,文中的人要为事服务;要求写人的题目,文中的事必须为人服务。写人为主的记叙文,就是要通过一件或几件事,来表现人物一种或多种品质。写人的继续文,叙事不要求完整;记事的记叙文,虚实要求完整,而且要贯穿文章始终。 (一)通过一件事来写人 通过一件事来写人,通常是表现人物的一种品质或性格的一个方面。为了刻画人物,对所写人物必须进行必要的外貌、语言、动作、心理等方面的描写。但是,从以事写人这个角度来说,最好是选择一件最能反映此人某一特点的事,并把这件事写好。在写事情的时候,要选择典型的事例。所谓典型,就是能集中反映中心思想的事,能够表现人物的好思想、好品质、美好情感的事。对小学生来说,选择典型事例,要着眼于小事,选择那些最能反映深刻意义的小事。这样的事表面上看,都是普普通通的凡人小事,但是其中却蕴涵着深刻的意义,这就是我们常说的“小中见大”。 (二)通过几件事写人 可以分成两种情况:以是用几件事表现某个人的一种品质;二是用几件事表现某个人的多种品质。要注意:用几件事写人,这些事可以是完整的,作者必须把事情发生的时间、地点、人物、事件(起因、经过、结果),一一交代清楚,也可以是不完整的,只着重于某几点进行叙述。更多的是在一篇文章中,有的事详写;有的事略写;有的事要求写得比较完整,有的事要求写得比较简单。通过几件事写人,同样要对人物进行必要的外貌、行动、语言、心理的描写。 (三)学会刻画人物 写人的文章要会在叙事的过程中,对最能表现人物思想感情、性格特点的外貌、语言、动作、心理活动等方面进行描写,也就是学会刻画人物。 1. 也叫肖像描写,是通过对人物的容貌、神情、衣着、姿态、语调、外貌特征的描写。来揭示人物性格的一种方法。人物的的外貌和人物内心世界密切的联系,具体说:通过外貌描写,使人物的形象更丰满,能给读者留下深刻印象;通过外貌描写,揭示人物的身份;通过外貌描写,展示人物在特定场合的内心世界;通过外貌描写,表现人物性格、精神面貌和思想品质。 总之,外貌描写要和表现人物特点、突出文章的中心思想紧密配合。外貌描写要传神,切忌脸谱化,反对那种部分主次,从头写到脚、千人一貌的写法。 2. 语言描写有对话和独白两种。 对话是两个人或几个人的谈话;独白是人物的自言自语。语言是人物内心世界的直接表露,对表现人物的思想性格起重要作用。有个性特点的语言可以起到“闻其言,见其人”的作用。


三年级写人篇作文指导 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

写人篇作文指导 【习作要求】 写自己身边最熟悉的人的一件事。 【写作指导】 一、写什么 1、熟悉的人很多,比如:爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹、爷爷奶奶、叔叔阿姨等家 里的亲人;街坊邻居;小店的营业员;班级同学;校长老师;学校的门卫,选择其中最熟悉的一个人。 2、要写这个熟悉的人的一件事情,而不是几件事。首先这件事情是真实 的,最好是你 亲眼目睹的,然后这件事能够反映他(她)的特点(急性子、细心、唠叨、爱美、活泼、马 虎、文静等等。 3、抓住特点的方法:用五官观察你熟悉的人!然后记住他(她)长相、动作、语言、 表情,特别是最喜欢的打扮、最常做的动作、最爱说的话、最多的表情。有时不用刻意突出 特点,只要你把在某件事中这个人的衣着打扮、言行举止具体地写出来,就能够自然地刻画 出他(她)的性格。 例如: 1、可以写写你身边亲人的一件事,比如:你爱美的妹妹、严厉的爸爸、爱唠叨的妈妈、 赶时髦的奶奶等等。 2、可以是你身边的同学或者朋友的一件事,比如:你身边的“马虎大王”、爱捣蛋的同 桌,书迷、你们班的“电脑高手”、某项体育活动很棒的同学等等、班里一个既安静又听话 的同学等等 3、可以是其它熟悉的人一件事,比如:热心的邻居、热情的营业员、严肃的门卫等等 二、怎么写 写熟悉的人的一件事情,主要是通过这些事情来突出他的特点。在这些事情中,主要选 择一件你记得最牢的事情详细的写。 1、先可以简单写一写这个熟悉的人的长相: (高矮胖瘦、发型、脸部的样子等)、衣着打扮(颜色、长短、款式等)。2、然后把记忆中的一件事写出来:

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