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篇一:触动心灵的故事触动心灵的故事 11级初教英语孙玲玲爱像春风化雨,润物无声。希望像一颗种子埋藏在土里等待着生根发芽。上帝创造了亚当和夏娃,从此爱开始延续。就像潘多拉魔盒的最后一样东西是希望。生活赋予了我们爱与希望。今天是5.12,是缅怀汶川地震五周年的日子。在此时,让我不禁想起前不久发生在雅安地震中的一则感人事迹。那是一个平静的周六早晨,突然地动山摇。镜头悄悄的转向一位普通而平凡的人民教师,她的大勇大美感动了无数百姓和学生,大家都为她祈祷,愿她早日康复,回到她热爱的讲台。她,就是在地震发生时组织本班学生成功逃生后又折返回到二楼疏散其他学生,又因保护学生而头部受伤的芦山县中学教师田霞。。静静的看完这则故事,我的心有一刻是颤抖的。我首先想到的是以后作为人民教师的我们是否也会做出同样的举动;再者,想到一个人在面临危机时刻做出的反应时最真实的,;最后,田霞老师为我们树立起了一个榜样,关心和爱护学生永远是教师的职责。今天又是另一个特殊的日子,五月的第二个星期天母亲节。让我想起另一个感人的故事。这个故事是“一位母亲与家长会”,相信很多人都看过。第一次参加家长会,幼儿园老师说:“你的儿子有多动症在板凳上连3分钟都坐不了,你最好带他去医院看看。”这位母亲听过后很难过。但是,回去告诉她的儿子:“老师表扬了你,原来在板凳上坐不了一分钟,现在能做三分钟了。”他儿子听过后破天荒的吃了两碗米饭。儿子上小学,家长会上,老师说:“你儿子排49名,我们怀疑他智力有障碍。”然而,她回去告诉儿子,老师对你充满信心,只要能细心,你会超过你的同桌,你的同桌这一次排21名。儿子暗淡的眼睛充满了光彩。孩子上初中,家长会上,这一次她儿子的名字并没有在差生名字上被点到。但老师告诉她:“按你儿子现在的成绩,考中点高中有点危险。”在回家路上,他告诉儿子,班主任对你非常满意,他说了,只要你努力,很有希望考重点高中。高中毕业,打电话让他去学校一趟,她儿子拿着印有清华大学的快递交到她手里,忽然转身跑到自己的房间大哭起来。说到:“妈妈,我一直都知道我并不是一个聪明的孩子,是您??” 这个故事给我印象最深的是:这个母亲的方式和我们平常的父母对孩子的教育不一样。这位母亲给予孩子更多的是鼓励和信任,特别是在孩子成绩不好的时候。这位母亲用爱心和耐心汲取了孩子的成长。同时,也给我们很多启示,将来为人父

为人母时要更多的了解孩子,给予孩子更多鼓励和关心而不是打骂和批评。这两则故事触动了我的心灵,做教师要更多的给孩子爱和保护,做父母要更多的给孩子呵护和希望。这样,孩子在爱与希望中才能更加健康的成长。篇二:震撼心灵的故事震撼心灵的故事——读《有一种情叫心酸》利州区南鹰小学二班李明侠指导老师:赵小清有一本书它让我流泪,让我流泪,让我心酸,更让我伤心。这本书分为四辑。第一辑:《最震撼的爱,揪心的情》。第二辑:《叫母亲太沉重》。第三辑:《叫父亲太心酸》第四辑《拿什么回报您,我的爹娘》。最震撼的爱,揪心的情有一种情,穿越千年而不老;有一种爱,痛到心碎也无痕;当光明不经意从指缝滑过,总有一种温柔深埋在岁月;当日升日落,花开花又谢,总有一种亲情,永不褪色,当生命一次次在绝望的边缘,总有一种感动,于危难之中直抵灵魂深处,那就是生命中最真最美的爱的承诺。在这一部分中让我感动的故事是:《弟弟的誓言》讲了:弟弟为了保护姐姐,挨过打;为了姐姐在16岁就辍学,打工供姐姐……。是啊!手足之爱,是世间一份美好的感情。她是一缕阳光,当你身陷黑暗的时候,它能指导你寻觅到光明;她是一罐蜂蜜,在你快乐的时候,能为你再加上一丝甜蜜。一丝一缕,都充满了暖意。一分一毫,都蕴含着温情,这才是亲情最真实的含义。叫母亲太沉重有一张弓,为了把箭射得更远,宁愿把自己拉弯;有一座山,为了让小树茁壮成长、宁愿把自己养份抽干;有一条河,为了使船行驶的更远,宁愿负荷沉重的负担了有一种爱,——一生一世无悔地付出,却从来不要回报,默默无言…… 这一段中,让我深受感动的故事是:《娘啊,我的疯娘……》。主要讲了疯娘为了我做了许多事,让我流泪,最后为了在悬崖旁给我摘去世了,这让我明白了:疯娘不疯,她的爱体现着一种人性的伟大。一位神智不清的母亲,可以忘却生活的使命。却永不忘母爱的无私;可以生命坎坷,却不忍与子分离;及至可以失去自己宝贵的生命,却只为儿子那一个个甜甜的微笑,那一句甜蜜的话语…… 叫父亲太心酸流年经月之中,无情岁月蚕食着父亲的容颜,留下了一脸沧桑。每每阅读父亲的时候,我们心里都积淀起一层层感悟。父亲的一生,留给我们的感动太多、太多。就让我们在这瘦月挂满树梢的夜晚,拾起几缕,编织心中的祝福……。在这一部分中,让我感动的故事是:《温暖我一生的冰灯》主要讲了:我让父亲给我做一个透明灯,父亲找不到废玻璃便用冰块给我做了一个冰灯,我流下了泪水。这个故事让我明白了:

父爱如年,为你遮挡风雨;父爱如雨,为你灌洗心灵;父亲如路,伴你走完人生。恐惧时,父爱是一块踏脚的石,黑暗时,父爱是一盏照明的灯;枯竭时,父爱是一湾生命之水,努力时,父爱是精神上的支柱;成功时,父爱是鼓励与警钟;父爱,人世间美好难得的感情。拿什么回报您我的爹娘我以为,牵着你的手,从此就会风雨无阻;我以为,想着你的微笑,天涯海角再也不会孤独;我以为,望着你的眼睛,天再冷夜,再黑都会有温暖伴我上路。我以为,只要你在我心里,漂泊再久,我也能找到回家的路…… 可是,我却在忙碌的人群里迷失了方向感受到痛苦和孤独,我却不小心淡忘了您的关怀和叮嘱——我该拿什么回报您啊,我的爹娘!这一辑让我明白:我们要认真学习,回报父母!不要辜负父母和老师对我们的希望。对于亲情,我们有太多话说,但到此时,我好像又无话可说,我只想说,感谢这本书的作者,在这个感动流逝的年代,给我们带来一次次心灵的震撼……篇三:触动心灵的故事 Heart Touching Stories Blind Girl Story: There was a Blind Girl, Who Hated Herself; Because She was Blind, She Hated Everyone, Except Her Loving Boyfriend. He was always there for Her.., She Told Her Boyfriend: If I could Only see the World, I will Marry you. One Day, Someone donated a Pair of Eyes to Her, When the Bandages came off, she was able to See everything, Including Her Boyfriend.., He asked her: Now that you can see the World, Will you Marry Me? The girl looked at Her Boyfriend, and saw that He was Blind, The Sight of his closed Eyelids Shocked Her. She hadn’t Expected that. The Thought looking at Them the rest of Her Life; Led Her to Refuse to Marry Him.. Her Boyfriend Left in Tears, and Days Later Wrote a Note to Her saying: Take Good Care of your Eyes My Dear, for Before they Were yours, They were mine.. There was a blind girl who was filled with animosity and despised the world. She didn t have many friends, just a boyfriend who loved her deeply, like no one else. She always used to say that she d marry him if she could see him. Suddenly, one day someone donated her a pair of eyes And that s when she finally saw her boyfriend She was astonished to see that her boyfriend too was blind He told her, You can see me now, can we get married? She

replied, And do what? We d never be happy. I have my eye sight now, but you re still blind. It won t work out, I m sorry. With a tear in his eye and a smile on his face, he meekly said, I understand. I just want you to always be happy. Take care of yourself, and my eyes A heart touching very short story 24year Old boy seeing out from the Train s window Shouted, Dad, look the trees are going behind! . Dad smiled and a young Couple sitting nearby, looked at the 24year Old s Childish behavior with Pity. Suddenly he again Exclaimed. Dad look the clouds are running with Us! . The couple couldn t resist said to the old Man. why don t you take your Son to a good Doctor? The Old man smiled Said. . I did and we are just coming from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today. MORAL : Every Single Person On The Planet Has a Story : ) -Don t Judge People Before You Truly Know Them. A way of Love A way of Love There was once this guy who is very much in love with his girl. This romantic guy folded 1, 000 pieces of paper-cranes as a gift to his girl. Although, at that time he was just a small fry in his company, his future doesn t seemed too bright, they were very happy together. Until one day, his girl told him she was going to Paris and will never come back. She also told him that she couldn t visualize any future for the both of them, so let s go their own ways there and then ...Heartbroken, the guy agreed. But when he regains his confidence, he worked hard day and night, slogging his body and mind just to make something out of him. Finally with all these hard work and the help of friends, this guy had set up his own company. You never fail until you stop trying one rainy day, while this guy was driving; he saw an elderly couple sharing an umbrella the rain walking to some destination. Even with the umbrella, they were still drenched. It didn t take him long to realize those were his girl s parents. With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan. He wanted them to know that he wasn

t the same anymore; he had his own company, car, comfort etc. He made it! Before the guy can realize, the couple was walking towards a cemetery, and he got out of his car and followed.... and he saw his girl, a photograph of her smiling sweetly as ever at him from her tombstone... and he saw his paper cranes beside her. Find time to realize that there is one person who means so much to you, for you might wake up one morning losing that person who you thought meant nothing to you Her parents saw him. He asks them why had this happened. They explained, she did not leave for France at all. She was ill with cancer. She had believed that he will make it someday, but she did not want to be his obstacle ..... therefore she had choose to leave him ... Just because someone doesn t love you the way you want them to, doesn t mean they don t love you with all they have She had wanted her parents to put his paper cranes beside her, because, if the day comes when fate brings him to her again he can take some of those back with him ... Once you have loved, you will always love. For what s in your mind may escape but what s in your heart will remain forever The guy just wept ..... The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting 令人心碎的故事盲女孩的故事:有一个盲人女孩,很是自哀自怨,因为她的眼睛瞎了,她讨厌每个人,除了她的男朋友。他总是陪伴着她......,她告诉男友:“如果我能看到这个世界,我愿意嫁给你。”有一天,有人捐给她一双眼睛,当解开绷带时,她能够看见一切,包括她的男朋友......,他问她:“现在,你可以看到世界了,你愿意嫁给我吗?”女孩看着她的男友,发现他是个盲人,看到他那紧闭的眼睑让她震惊不已。她没有料到会是这样。想到要如此渡过他们的余生使她痛苦万分;因此她拒绝嫁给他......她的男友流着泪水离开了,几天后写了张字条给她说:“照顾好你的眼睛,亲爱的,眼睛是你的,但之前它们是我的......” 令人心碎的爱情故事(版本2)
