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Unit 9 Life in the year 2050

Unit 9 Life in the year 2050

刘郑敏成都市金兴北路小学 153******** 一、指导思想




本课是北师大版教材六年级下册第十单元Life in the Year 2050的故事教学。单元内容以Life in the year 2050为话题,以be going to…/ will…

一般将来时的句型和感知表示赞成不赞成的句型为重点。作为第一课时的故事教学,讲述的是Bingo Kids下周一去森林里进行植树和清理垃圾的活动,在休息期间,孩子们由自己种的树引发对2050的讨论,畅想未来的生活,并在讨论中表达自己的观点。通过对话呈现了丰富生动的语言环境。它承载着本单元主要的核心句型与词汇We are going to…/ I will…/agree, light, huge, life, in the future, in modern cities, clean up the forest, plant some trees, field trip, pick up trash,故事符合高年级学生的年龄、心理特点。同时本课也是对五年级和四年级中所学的两种将来时的表达方式的复习。






2.75%学生能听懂、理解、认读这些单词:agree,city , dark, different,hate ,hope, huge, leave ,light ,neither ,modern ,other ,over here ,over there, part,place ,plant ,present,,present, understand, woods ,work

3.感知will \be going to引导的表示将来的句型;感知表示赞成不赞成的句型So do I/ I do, too. Neither do I/ I don’t, either.; 感知表示主观希望的句型I hope so. I hope not.












Computer,PPT,flashcard,exercise paper


(一)Warm up

Greetings and 1Free talk

T:What’s the date today\tomorrow?

全班回答:Today \Tomorrow is May the eighth,\ninth 2015

T:What are you gonging to do tomorrow\next Monday?(板书 are going to)S:...

设计意图: 通过Free talk,帮助学生复习已经学过的一般将来时的两种表达方式,在复习的同时为课文的学习做铺垫

(二)Lead in

What are they BINGO kids are going to do next Monday?guess?

S1:.. ...


T: Today, we are going to learn Unit 9; Life in the year 2050.(教读2050)2015 2020...

(三) New presentation(整体感知课文理解课文大意)

1.Listen and answer

PPT: What are they BINGO kids are going to do next Monday?

设计意图:第一遍听故事,通过提问引导学生把握故事大意,同时帮助学生积累短语clean up the forest和plant trees. 为后面活动中复述故事做语言准备。渗透阅读策略中把握大意的技巧。

2.Read and answer.

Have the students open theirs books,read picture1 by themselves,and underline the answer.


They are going to clean up the forest.They are going to plant some trees.( stick flashcard and teach them to read )

4.T:What will they need?

Ss:work gloves

5.Read picture 1 together.


T: What can you see?

S1:... S2:... ...

T: What are they doing?

S1:.They are cleaning up the forest.

T:Listen and read ,what do they say?

Teach leave. trashcan.neither,and stick flashcard on the blackboard (kook ,PPT:学校垃圾照片及垃圾桶照片)

T:I can’t understand why students leave trash in the playground,can you? Ss:No ,I can’t.

T:You can say:Neither do I.

Play in roles.

Picture 3

T: What are they doing?

Ss:They are planting trees.

T:Listen and read ,what do they say?

Teach light.place.part. woods,and stick flashcard on the blackboard Picture 4

T:Now the Bingo Kids are having a rest,do you know what are they talking about?

S1:... S2:...

T:Do you think life will be different? For example:In the year 2050, new trees will be huge.(PPT).OK,look at this paper, and find the differences in the story.

Teach huge and different,nd stick flashcard on the blackboard

Picture 5-9

1.Work in groups, find out the difference and complete the paper.

Who In the year 2050


3.Retell picture 5 to 9.

设计意图:教师通过针对故事细节的提问,引导学生关注故事的细节,找到Bingo Kids谈论有关the life in the year 2050。

4.Listen and read the text.

5.Read by themselves ,if you have question ,please ask your partner or teacher.

6.Read in roles.

(四)Exercise :True of false

1.The Bingo Kids are having picnic in the forest.

2.They are going to help clean up the forest.

3.They will need some work gloves.

4.They are picking up the flowers.

5.In the year 2050, the trees will become small.

6.There are lots of trashcans in the forest.

7.In the year 2050,robots will do our shopping.

8.Daniel hopes robots will wash the dishes.

9.In the year 2050,there are lots of birds and animals.

10.Charlie doesn’t want to live on a farm.

设计意图:教师通过True of false的练习,培养学生寻读的阅读技能,并且帮助学生进一步理解故事的细节。同时检查学生对于本课中已接触过的词汇是否理解,并且讲解学生理解困难的短语和词汇。


1.copy the new words.

2.Listen and read the text.

(六)Writing on the blackboard

Unit 9 Life in the year 2050

New words: am I think... is going to

are Neither do I.=I don ’t either. 1 2 3 4

So do I.

I hope so.

I hope not.

different huge

leave light

modern city

clean up the plant trees


本课是北师大版教材六年级下册第十单元Life in the Year 2050的故事教学。单元内容以Life in the year 2050为话题,以be going to…/ will…一般将来时的句型和感知表示赞成不赞成的句型为重点。通过课文的学习为学生渗透把握大意、细节的寻读以及猜测的阅读技巧。反思这节课,我有以下几点体会: 好的方面:


(二).在热身活动Free talk之后提出任务要求,使学生明确观看故事动画片时应关注的内容,使学生明确任务的目的,这就使学生在之后的回答问题和展示的环节中的积极性很高。


(四).与以往的教学设计相比,本课教学设计中各环节间的过度自然流畅,从warm up到故事的学习通过谈论自己的计划到猜一猜Bingo Kids,进入到课文的学习。


