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剑桥一Theme B 单词词组卷

剑桥一Theme B 单词词组卷
剑桥一Theme B 单词词组卷

Theme B The natural world

Unit 9 Topic In the wild


1. kangaroo (pl.+s)/?k??g??ru?; ?k??ɡ?ˋru/ n (pl ~s) Australian animal that jumps along on its strong hind legs, the female carrying its young in a pouch on the front of its body 袋鼠(产於澳洲).

2. elephant/ ?el?f?nt; ˋ?l?f?nt/ n (pl unchanged or ~s复数或不变或作elephants) largest four-footed animal now living, with two curved ivory tusks, thick skin, and a long trunk 象

a herd of elephant象群

elephants ,never `forget (saying 谚) elephants are noted for their good memories 象不忘事(象以记忆


3. parrot / ?p?r?t; ˋp?r?t/ n any of various types of tropical bird with hooked beaks and brightly-coloured feathers, some of which can be trained to imitate human speech 鹦鹉

4. whale/ we?l; US hwe?l; hwel/ n any of several types of very large mammal that live in the sea, some of which

are hunted for their oil and flesh 鲸.

have a `whale of a time 玩得非常痛快; 过得非常愉快

5. crocodile / ?kr?k?da?l; ˋkrɑk??da?l/ n large river reptile with a hard skin, a long body and tail, and very big tapering jaws, that lives in hot parts of the world 鳄鱼

crocodile tears insincere sorrow 鳄鱼的眼泪(假悲伤)

6. shark/ ?ɑ?k; ?ɑrk/ n any of various types of sea-fish with a triangular fin on its back, some of which are large and dangerous to bathers 鲨鱼.

7. bee/ bi?; bi/ n four-winged insect with a sting, that lives in a colony and collects nectar and pollen from

flowers to produce wax and honey 蜜蜂.

busy as a bee

8. monkey ?m??k?; ˋm??k?/ n member of the group of animals most similar to humans in appearance, esp a type of small long-tailed tree-climbing animal 猴; 猿

9. buzz/ b?z; b?z/ v [I] (a) make a humming sound 作嗡嗡声;

(of the ears) be filled with a humming sound (指耳朵)嗡嗡响:

bees, flies and wasps buzzing round a pot of jam

My ears began buzzing

10. mammal/ ?m?ml; ˋm?ml/ n any of the class of animals that give birth to live offspring and feed their young on milk from the breast 哺乳动物.

mammalia n/ m?me?l??n; m?ˋmel??n/ adj.

11. reptile / ?repta?l; US -tl; ˋr?ptl/ n any of the class ofcold-blooded, egg-laying animals including lizards, tortoises,

crocodiles, snakes, etc with relatively short legs or no legs at all 爬行动物(冷血, 卵生, 如蜥蜴﹑龟﹑鳄鱼﹑蛇等); 爬虫.

reptilian / rep?t?l??n; r?pˋt?l??n/ adj, n (of or like a) reptile 爬行动物(的); 爬虫(似的).

12. insect/ ??nsekt; ˋ?ns?kt/ n type of small animal (eg an ant, a fly, a wasp) having six legs, no backbone and a

body divided into three parts (head, thorax and abdomen) 昆虫: [attrib 作定语]

an insect bite 昆虫咬伤.

13. blood/ bl?d; bl?d/ n [U] red liquid flowing through the bodies of humans and animals 血

give blood供血

14. skin/ sk?n; sk?n/ n [U] elastic substance that forms the outer covering of the body of a person or an animal

(人或动物的)皮, 皮肤

a dark, an olive, a fair, etc skin 黝黑的﹑橄榄色的﹑白皙的皮肤

She has a beautiful skin, ie complexion. 她肤色很美. * [attrib 作定语]

a skin disease, treatment皮肤病﹑皮肤治疗.

15. thick / θ?k; θ?k/ adj (-er, -est) of relatively great distance or of a specified distance between opposite surfaces

or sides 厚的; 粗的:

a thick slice of bread 厚厚的一片面包

a thick line 一条粗线

ice three inches thick 三英寸厚的冰

a thick coat, pullover, etc, ie made of thick material 厚大衣﹑套头毛衣等.

16. wing / w??; w??/ n [C]

(a) either of the pair of feathered limbs that a bird uses to fly (鸟的)翅膀, 翼.

(b) either of the similar projecting parts that an insect or a bat uses to fly (昆虫或蝙蝠的)翅膀, 翼

(c) thing that is similar to this, eg the thin projection on the seeds of maple or sycamore trees 翼状物(如槭树或西克莫树的翅果).

*17. graphic/ ?gr?f?k; ˋɡr?f?k/ adj [attrib 作定语] of visual symbols (eg lettering, diagrams, drawings) 文

字的; 书写的; 图表的; 绘画的:

a graphic artist 书画艺术家

graphic displays 图表展示

the graphic arts书画艺术

18. programme(US program) / ?pr?ugr?m; US -gr?m;ˋproɡr?m/ n broadcast item (eg a play, discussion or documentary) (广播或电视)节目(如戏剧﹑讨论或纪实):

There is an interesting programme on television tonight. 今晚有个好看的电视节目.

They're putting on a programme about/on wine-making. 他们正推出一个介绍酿酒方法的节目.

19. discover/ d?s?k?v?(r); d?ˋsk?v?/ v [Tn, Tf, Tw] find or learn about (a place, fact, etc for the first time) 发

现(某地﹑某事等): Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布发现了美洲.

I've discovered a super restaurant near here! 我在附近找到一家一流的餐馆!

I never discovered how to start the engine. 我怎麽也学不会发动引擎

20. explore/ ?k?spl??(r); ?kˋspl?r/ v [I, Tn] travel into or through (a place, esp a country) in order to learn about it 踏勘; 勘探; 探测; 在(一地方, 尤指一国家)探险, 考察:

explore the Arctic regions 到北极地区探险

Columbus discovered America but did not explore the new continent. 哥伦布发现了美洲, 但没有考察这块


explore a castle 探察一城堡

As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore. 他们一到这座城镇就出外查看周围环境. explorer[ik?spl?:r?]n.勘探者;探险家

21. complete/ k?m?pli?t; k?mˋplit/ v[Tn]

(a) make (sth) whole or perfect 使(某事物)圆满﹑完善:

I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickens's novels. 我那套狄更斯小说只差一卷就能配齐了. *

A few words of praise from her would have completed his happiness. 她要是能夸他两句, 他也就心满意足


(b) bring (sth) to an end; finish 使(某事物)结束; 完成:

When will the railway be completed?铁路何时竣工?

22. dolphin/ ?d?lf?n; ˋdɑlf?n/ n mammal that looks like a large fish and lives in the sea 海豚.

23. giraffe/ d???rɑ?f; US d???r?f; d??ˋr?f/ n(pl unchanged or ~s复数或不变或作giraffes) African animal with a very long neck and legs and dark patches on its coat 长颈鹿(产於非洲)

24. bat / b?t; b?t/ n small mouse-like animal that flies atnight and feeds on fruit and insects 蝙蝠


lay eggs

give milk to their babies

have got warm/cold blood How do they live?

sleep for eight hours at night

during the day

hours of the day

What does it look like?

Unit 10 Language focus


1. hummingbird[?h?mi?b?:d]n.蜂鸟

2. hippopotamus/ ?h?p??p?t?m?s; ?h?p?ˋpɑt?m?s/ n (pl -muses / -m?s?z; -m?s?z/ or -mi / -ma?; -ma?/)

(also hippo) large African river animal with short legs and thick dark skin 河马(产於非洲).

3. tarantula

/ t??r?ntjul?; US -t??l?; t?ˋr?nt??l?/ n any of several types of large spider, many of them hairy and some of them poisonous 大蜘蛛(多有毛, 有的有毒). [动]鸟蛛, 狼蛛


in trees

in rivers


by the sea

in Asia/Africa/Europe/Antarctica/India/Australia/

North America/South America

countries like Mexico and Brazil

fly like that

move their wings very fast

drink nectar from flowers

How do you know all this?

Meaning and form

eat bamboo

bite people

make new friends/make a new friend

I don’t know how to play.

come to my house tomorrow

a piece of chewing gum

ring you later

Unit 11 Activity Animal poster


1. photograph/ ?f?ut?grɑ?f; US -gr?f; ˋfot??ɡr?f/ (also infml 口语作photo) n

picture formed by means of the chemical action of light on a specially prepared surface, e.g. film or a glass plate, and then transferred to specially prepared paper 照片; 相片:

take a photograph (of sb/sth)给(某人[某物])拍照.

(idm 习语) take a good `photograph

look attractive in photographs; be photogenic 照出像来好看; 上相; 上镜.

photograph v [Tn] take a photograph of (sb/sth) 给(某人[某物])拍照:

photograph the bride, the wedding, a flower给新娘﹑婚礼﹑花拍照.

2.drawing/ ?dr????; ˋdr???/ n

[U] art of representing objects by lines, with a pencil, chalk, etc 绘画(艺术); 制图(技巧)

classes in figure drawing人物素描课.

[C] picture made in this way 图画; 图样:

a collection of Italian drawings意大利素描集.

3. dangerous/ ?de?nd??r?s; ˋdend??r?s/ adj ~ (for sb/sth) likely to cause danger or be a danger 有危险的; 危


a dangerous bridge, journey 危险的桥梁﹑旅程*

The river is dangerous for swimmers. 在这条河里游泳有危险. *

This machine is dangerous: the wiring is faulty. 这个机器有危险: 电线有毛病.

dangerously adv: driving dangerously 危险驾驶*

dangerously ill, ie so ill that one might die 病危.


horrible animals

animals in our homes

strange animals

animals we like

magazine pictures

What type of animal is it?

live in Sophie’s house with her dog


go from Canada to Mexico

have a very thick skin

do the posters

Was it easy or difficult to work in your group?

How can you do it better next time?

Unit 12 Culture matters

Life in the countryside


1.countryside/ ?k?ntr?sa?d; ˋk?ntr??sa?d/ n (usu 通常作the countryside) [sing] fields, wooded areas, etc outside towns and cities 郊外; 乡村; 野外:

The English countryside looks at its best in spring. 英国的乡村在春天景色最美.

the preservation of the countryside郊野地区的保护

2.produce/ pr??dju?s; US -?du?s; pr?ˋdus/ v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) create sth by making, manufacturing, growing, etc 制造﹑生产﹑出产或创造某事物:

America produced more cars this year than last year. 美国今年生产的汽车比去年多.

She has produced very little (work) recently. 她近来作品很少.

Linen is produced from flax. 亚麻布是以亚麻纤维为原料制造的.

3. cereal/ ?s??r??l; ˋs?r??l/ n

(a) [C] any of various types of grass producing edible grains, eg wheat, rye, oats, barley 谷类植物..

(b) [U] grain produced by such a grass 谷物: [attrib 作定语]

cereal products谷物产品.

(c) [C, U] (any of various types of) food made from the grain of cereals 谷类食物; 麦片粥: `

breakfast cereals 早餐用的谷类食品

a bowl of cereal一碗麦片粥.

4. milk/ m?lk; m?lk/ v [I, Tn] draw milk from (a cow, goat, etc) 挤(牛﹑羊等的)奶:

The farmer hasn't finished milking. 那农夫还未挤完奶.

5. shed / ?ed; ??d/ n (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) one-storey building used for storing things, sheltering animals, vehicles, etc or as a workshop (用以储物﹑关牲口﹑停车辆等或作车间的)平房, 棚:

a `tool-shed 工具房

6. equipment[i?kwipm?nt]n.设备,器械,装备

7. repair n [U] restoring or being restored to good condition 修理; 修补:

a road under repair 维修中的道路

The vase was (damaged) beyond repair, ie could not be repaired. 这个花瓶已(破得)不能修复了.

repair1/ r??pe?(r); r?ˋp?r/ v [Tn] restore (sth damaged or badly worn) to good condition 修理或修补(某物): repair a road, puncture, watch, shirt修路﹑补洞﹑修表﹑补衬衣.

8. fertilizer[?f?:tilaiz?]n.肥料

9. calf / kɑ?f; US k?f; k?f/ n (pl calves / kɑ?vz; US kvz; k?vz/) [C] (a) young of cattle 小牛; 犊

10. authority/ ???θ?r?t?; ?ˋθɑr?t?/ n

a) [U] (a) power to give orders and make others obey 权力; 权威:

The leader must be a person of authority. 领袖必须是有权威的人.

b) [C often pl常作复数] person or group having the power to give orders or take action 有权力发号施令的人或团体; 当局; 官方:

He's in the care of the local authority. 他归地方当局管.

11. receive/ r??si?v; r?ˋsiv/ v

[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sb/sth) get, accept or take (sth sent, given, etc) 收到, 得到, 接到, 领取(邮寄﹑赠送等之物): receive a letter, present, phone call, grant 接到信﹑礼物﹑电话﹑补助金receive a good education 受到


12. canoe/ k??nu?; k?ˋnu/ n

a) light narrow boat moved by one or more paddles 狭窄的轻舟; 独木舟

b) canoe v (pt, pp canoed, pres p canoeing) [I] (usu 通常作go canoeing) travel in a canoe 乘独木舟; 划独木舟.


go to the countryside in their free time

produce milk/cereals

put fertilizer on the fields

milk the cows

clean the milking shed

check the equipment

do repairs

take his calves to market

National Parks

come to the National Parks for a great time

go on a holiday

do different activities

do different sports

have a picnic

help on a farm

go walking

go windsurfing

go climbing

go camping

go sailing

go skiing

go canoeing

go hang-gliding

the British Tourist Authority

tell us about camping prices

Unit 13 Revision and evaluation


1. creature/ ?kri?t??(r); ˋkrit??/ n

a) living being, esp an animal 生物; (尤指)动物:

dumb creatures, ie animals 不会说话的动物

Your dog's a ferocious creature! 你的狗真凶!

creatures from Mars来自火星的生物.

b)(with a preceding adj用於形容词之後) person 人:

What a lovely creature! ie a beautiful woman. 多麽美丽的女人哪!

a poor creature, ie a pitiable person 可怜的人

2. including / ?n?klu?d??; ?nˋklud??/ prep having (sb/sth) as a part 包括(某人[某事物])在内

include/ ?n?klu?d; ?nˋklud/ v [Tn, Tg] have (sb/sth) as part of a whole 包括, 包含(某人[某事物]): The conference delegates included representatives from abroad. 大会代表中有来自海外的代表.

The tour included a visit to the Science Museum. 旅游项目中包括参观科学博物馆.

Does the price include VAT? 这价钱是否已包括增值税在内?

4. spider / ?spa?d?(r); ˋspa?d?/ n any of several types of small creature with eight thin legs, many of which spin webs to trap insects as food 蜘蛛.

5. frog / fr?g; US fr??g; fr?ɡ/ n type of small cold-blooded smooth-skinned animal that lives in water or on land and has very long back legs for jumping, and no tail 蛙; 青蛙

6. instead/ ?n?sted; ?nˋst?d/ adv as an alternative or replacement 代替; 更换: We've no coffee. Would you like

tea instead? 我们没有咖啡了. 改喝茶好麽? It will take days by car, so let's fly instead. 开车去要好几天

呢, 咱们还是坐飞机去吧.

Stuart was ill so I went instead. 斯图尔特病了, 所以换了我去.

instead of prep as an alternative or replacement to (sb/sth) 作为(某人[某事物])的替换:

Let's play cards instead of watching television. 咱们玩纸牌吧, 别看电视了. We sometimes eat rice instead

of potatoes. 我们有时候吃大米, 不吃土豆. * Instead of Graham, it was Peter who moved in. 搬进来的不是

格雷厄姆, 而是彼得.

7. pray/ pre?; pre/ v [I, Ipr, Tn.pr, Tf, Tt] ~ (to sb) (for sb/sth); ~ sb (for sth) offer thanks, make requests known, etc (to God) 祈祷; 祷告:

The priest prayed for the dying man. 牧师为死者做祷告.

They prayed (to God) for an end to their sufferings/for their sufferings to end. 他们为早日结束苦难而祈祷.

They prayed that she would recover. 他们为她尽快康复而祈祷.

She prayed to be forgiven/(to) God for forgiveness. 她祈求宽恕[上帝宽恕]


How well do you know it?

a long trunk

praying mantids

a type of insect

live in many parts of the world

start with

get away

come in many different colours

the flower mantids

land on them to get food

live for about five to seven years


1.animal 动物 2.bird 鸟 3.cat 猫 4.chicken 鸡 5.cow 奶牛 6.crocodile 鳄鱼 7.dog 狗 8.duck 鸭子 9.elephant 大象10.fish 鱼11.frog 青蛙12.giraffe 长颈鹿13.goat 山羊14.hippo 河马15.horse 马 16.lizard 蜥蜴17.monkey 猴子18.mouse/mice 老鼠19.sheep 绵羊20.snake 蛇21.spider 蜘蛛22.tail 尾巴23.tiger 老虎24.zoo 动物园 剑桥少儿英语一级单词表(二)食物Food 1.apple 苹果 2.banana 香蕉 3.bean 豆 4.bread 面包 5.breakfast 早餐 6.burger 汉堡包 7.cake 蛋糕 8.carrot 胡萝卜 9.chicken 鸡肉10.chips 炸薯条(UK) 11.fries 炸薯条(US) 12.coconut 椰子13.dinner 正餐14.drink 饮料;喝15.eat 吃 16.egg 蛋17.fish 鱼18.food 食物 19.fruit 水果20.grape 葡萄21.ice cream 冰淇淋22.juice 果汁23.lemon 柠檬24.lemonade 柠檬水25.lime 酸橙26.lunch 午餐27.mango 芒果28.meat 肉https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e5720508.html,k 牛奶30.onion 洋葱31.orange 橘子32.pea 豌豆33.pear 梨 34.pineapple 菠萝35.potato 土豆36.rice 米 37.sausage 香肠38.supper 晚餐39.tomato 西红柿40.water 水41.watermelon 西瓜


八年级英语单词短语汇总 1 八年级英语单词短语汇总(一) 蓝皮完形 week16 1. 篱笆 2. 偶像 3. 判断 4. 解释 5. 酒 6. 播放 7. 朝着/向 8. 入口 9. 花蕾 10. 承诺 11. 旗子 12. 把……集中于……上 13. 拖鞋 14. 冲向…… 15. 录音机 16. 脖子 1. teenager 2. it seems that 3. parents 4. further 5. complain of/about/that 6. something goes wrong 7. believe in 8. allow sb. to do sth. 9. treat sb. as 10. m ake a decision to do /decide to do/make up one ’s mind to do/be determined to do 11. c hildish 12. m istakes 13. u sed to do 14. b e used to doing 15. b e used to do 16. b e used for 17. b e used by 18. p rotect sb. from doing sth. 19. f reedom 20. f or free 21. l ie to sb. 22. s tay out 23. p ossible 24. p ear 25. t ogether 26. u gly 27. p romise 28. m ake a promise 29. f ruit 30. h arvest 31. s eason 32. m easure 33. d estroy 34. d amage 35. r uin 36. j oy 37. b e wild with joy 38. r elax 39. e xperience 40. p lan to do 41. t urn down 42. f eel nervous 43. w atch movies 44. a mbitious 45. a mbition 46. i n fact 47. t alent 48. c onfident 49. c onfidence 50. s elf-confidence 51. r ecently 52. a thlete 53. k een 54. b e keen on sth. 55. h igh jump 56. u niversity 57. b and 58. p erform 59. b asement 60. s and 61. a ttic 62. p unk rock popular 63. d reamer 64. d o one ’s bit 65. m other language 66. f ence 67. a partment 68. c ough 69. o n foot 70. p ick sb. up 71. b e sure to do/be sure that 72. m ake sure that 73. a bsolutely 74. r eligious 75. s torekeeper 76. r ecite 77. f ull moon week 15 1. 注意,留心 2. 想知道,好奇 3. 发现 4. 产品 5. 耐心的 6. 犬叫,犬吠 7. 心情 8. 感动的 9. 细节 10. 新鲜的 11. 内疚的 1. live in towns 2. reason 3. smoky 4. breathe fresh air 5. stop sb. from doing sth. 6. unpleasant feeling 7. keep one ’s eye open 8. lung diseases 9. die of/from 10. i ndeed 11. r each down 12. b ecause of 13. a ccident 14. i llness 15. s leepy 16. l onely 17. e nvironment

剑桥英语知识点总结(一级上 一级下)

剑桥少儿英语一级 知 识 点 汇 总

剑桥少儿英语一级知识点汇总 Unit 1 Hello, I’m Sam. 重点词汇: 【默写】一支钢笔 a pen,一支铅笔 a pencil,一个文具盒 a pencil-case,一把尺 a ruler,一本书 a book,一个书包 a bag,一块橡皮 an eraser 【认读】新的 new,展示 show,朋友 friend,我的 my,你的 your,他的 his,她的 her,我们的 our,他们的 their 重点句型:你好,请问你叫什么名字?Hello, your name, please? 我叫山姆。I’m Sam. 他的名字是比尔。比尔是我的朋友。His name is Bill. He is my friend. 她的名字是安。安是 我的朋友。 Her name is Ann.She is my friend. 这是我的新书。This is my new book. 把 你的钢笔给我看Show me your pen! 很高兴见到你。Nice to see you. 我很高兴见到你。Nice to see you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。我叫帕特。I’m Pat. Unit 2 It’s a goat. 重点词汇: 【默写】马 horse,奶牛 cow,猫 cat,狗 dog,绵羊 sheep,鸭子 duck,兔子 rabbit,鸡chicken,青蛙 frog,乌龟 turtle,鱼 fish,山羊 goat 【认读】长的 long,尾巴 tail,微笑 smile,大象 elephant,蜥蜴 lizard 重点句型:这是什么?What’s this? 这是我的猫。This is my cat. 让我来试试。Let me try. 它是一 只山羊。It’s a goat. 我喜爱它。I love it. Unit 3 I like apples. 重点词汇: 【默写】苹果 apple-apples, pear-pears,梨香蕉 banana-bananas,菠萝 pineapple-pineapples,桔子 orange-oranges ,西瓜 watermelon-watermelons ,椰子coconut-coconuts,柚子 grapefruit-grapefruits,葡萄 grape-grapes,芒果 mango-mangoes,柠檬 lemon -lemons,桃子 peach-peaches, 【认读】喜欢 like,想要 would like/want,一些 some,特别喜爱的 favourite,水果 fruit 重点句型:你想要什么?What would you like? 我想要一些苹果。I’d like some apples./I want some apples. 要多少?How many? 你想要一个苹果吗?Would you like an apple? 是的。/不用,谢谢。Yes, please./ No, thanks. 你特别喜爱的水果是什么?What’s your favourite fruit? 我喜欢香蕉。I like bananas. 我不喜欢香蕉。I don’t like bananas. 你呢?How about you? 我也是。Me too.


人教版八年级英语(上)重点单词短语句子归纳 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 一、重点短语 1.去度假go on vacation 2.待在家里stay at home 3.去爬山go to the mountains 4.去海滩go to the beach 5.参观博物馆visit museums 6.去参观夏令营go to summer camp 7.相当多quite a few 8.为……而学习study for 9.出去go out 10.大部分时间most of the time 11.尝起来很好吃taste good 12.玩得高兴have a good time 13.当然of course 14.给……的感觉;感受到feel like 15.去购物go shopping 16. 在过去in the past 17.四处走走walk around 18.因为because of 19.一碗……one bowl of… 20.第二天the next day 21.喝茶drink tea 22.找出;查明find out 23.继续go on 24.照相take photos 25.重要的事something important 26.上上下下up and down 27.出来come up 二、重点句型及考点 1. 为某人买某物buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth. 2. 尝起来……taste + adj. 3. 看起来……look+adj. 4. 除了……之外什么都没有nothing…but+动词原形 5.看起来……seem+(to be)+ adj. 6. 到达某地arrive in+大地点/ arrive at+小地点 7. 决定去做某事decide to do sth. 8. 尝试做某事try doing sth . 尽力去做某事try to do sth. 9. 忘记做过某事forget doing sth. 忘记做某事forget to do sth. 10. 喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. 11. 想去做某事want to do sth. 12. 开始做某事start doing sth. 13. 停止做某事stop doing sth. 14. 不喜欢做某事dislike doing sth. 15. 继续做某事keep doing sth. 16. 为什么不做……呢?Why not do. sth.? 17. 如此……以至于……so+adj.+that+从句 18. 告诉某人(不要)做某事tell sb. (not) to do sth


一级上册 Unit Pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔ruler 尺子book 书bag 书包eraser 橡皮my 我的his 他的yours 你的,你们的 Unit2 cat 猫cow 奶牛chicken 小鸡dog 狗duck 鸭子sheep 绵羊frog 青蛙goat 山羊fish 鱼 Unit3 apple 苹果banana 香蕉pear梨子mango 芒果pineapple 菠萝orange 橘子coconut 椰子watermelon 西瓜lemon柠檬 Unit4 hat帽子table 桌子friend朋友clock 时钟baseball 棒球bird鸟 Unit5 hair 头发eye 眼睛ear 耳朵hand 手foot脚head 头nose 鼻子jump 跳mouth 嘴巴monster 怪物arm 手臂leg 腿see 看见pick 捡起write写crocodile 鳄鱼catch 抓住,stand 站立run 跑kick 踢 Unit6 draw 绘画put 放throw 扔 Unit7 potato 土豆bean 豆carrot 胡萝卜tomato 西红柿sausage 香肠 Unit8 blue 蓝色的yellow 黄色的red 红色的brown 棕色的white 白色的black 黑色的green 绿色的new 新的purple 紫色的pink 粉红色的grey 灰色的want 想要beautiful 美丽的tick 打钩shorts 短裤favourite最喜爱的show 显示tell 告诉 Unit9 train火车car 小汽车boat 小船plane 飞机bike 自行车bus 公共汽车under 在下面toy 玩具on 在···上面in 在···里面between 在···中间behind 在···之后next to 在···旁边mat 垫子 Unit10 give 给 Unit11 mum妈妈dad爸爸grandpa 爷爷,外公grandma 奶奶,外婆family家庭photo 照片tree树tell 告诉flower 花water 水read 读watch 观看drink 喝 Unit12 hobby 爱好wear 穿happy 高兴的computer 电脑game 游戏 Unit13 shirt 男式衬衫dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙glasses 眼镜jacket 夹克衫shoe 鞋sock 袜子ours 我们的t-shirt T恤trousers 裤子yours 你的hers 她的theirs 他们的 Unit14 bookcase 书架sofa 沙发floor 地板window 窗户clean 把···弄干净kitchen 厨房cupboard 碗柜cross 越过 Unit15 who 谁bounce 弹 Unit16 English 英语evening 晚上fast 快的 下册 Unit1 please 请listen 听animal 动物spell 拼写radio 收音机 Unit2 drink 喝beach 海滩food 食物body 身体sport 运动number数字 Unit3 rice 米饭bread 面包burger 汉堡包cake 蛋糕egg 鸡蛋ice cream 冰激凌fries 炸薯条juice 果汁onion 洋葱 Unit4 old 老的sad 悲伤的long 长的short 短的big 大的small 小的sorry 对不起question 问题 Unit5 open 打开paint 画画 Unit6 way 道路wait 等待factory 工厂 Unit7 reading-room 阅览室come 来here 这里love喜爱picture 图画story 故事walking (正在)走路tennis 网球playing (正在)玩eating (正在)吃drinking (正在)喝hockey 曲棍球badminton 羽毛球basketball 篮球 Unit8 red 红色的orange 橙色的yellow 黄色的green 绿色的blue 蓝色的purple 紫色的black 黑色的white 白色的indigo 深蓝色的grey 灰色的brown 棕色的pink 粉红


外研版八年级英语上册单词、短语、用法总结大全 Module 1 How to learn English 一、必记单词 1、Grammar n. 语法 2、pronunciation n. 发音 3、practise v. 练习 4、advice n. 意见;建议 5、possible adj. 可能的 6、aloud adv. 大声地;出声地 7、improve v. 改进;改善 8、suggest v. 建议;提议 9、vocabulary n. 词汇;词汇量 10、spelling n. 拼写 12、understand v. 理解;明白 13、should v. aux. 应该 14、forget v. 忘;忘记 15、agree v. 赞同 16、quickly adv. 快地;迅速地 二、短语归纳 1. look up查;查找 2. make a mistake犯错误 3. talk about谈论;讨论 4. speak English讲英语 5. write down写下;记下 6. next to在……旁边;紧挨着 7. listen to the radio听广播 8. be good for对……有好处 9. write to给……写信 10. a little有点 11.agree with sb.同意某人 12. talk to跟……交谈 13. send sth to sb.把……(发)送给某人 14. ask for请求(给予) 15. watch films看电影 16. be/come from来自 17. smile at冲……微笑 18. go to bed去睡觉 19. get up起床 20. think about考虑 21. make friends with sb.与某人交朋友 22. take sb. around带领某人参观…… 23. a few几个;一些 24. invite sb. to邀请某人到…… 25. be good at擅长 26. for example例如 三、经典句型 1. We should always speak English in class. 在课上我们应该总是讲英语。 2. Let's try to speak English as much as possible. 让我们尽可能多地讲英语。 3. Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks? 为什么不在我们的笔记本上记下错误呢? 4. It's a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。 5. How about listening to the radio? 听广播怎么样? 四、用法集萃 1. how+ to do sth.如何做某事 2. try- to do sth.尽力去做某事 3. practised doing sth.练习做某事 4. a way/ways+ to do sth.做某事的方法 5. forgets to do sth.忘记去做某事 6. How about+ doing sth.?做某事怎么样? 7. needy to do sth.需要做某事 8. let sb. +do sth.让某人做某事 1


Stater Units1~3(一)单词 1.好的 2.早晨,上午 3.下午 4.傍晚;晚上 5.怎样;如何 6.你,你们 7.健康的,美好的 8.谢谢,感谢 9.我 10.好,可以 11.英国广播公司 12.硬黑 13.是 14.什么 15.这,这个 16.用,以 17.英语 18.地图 19.杯子 20.尺子 21.笔,钢笔 22.橙子 23.夹克衫,短上衣 24.钥匙 25.被子,被罩 26.它 27.那,那个 28.拼写,用字母拼 30.请 31.千克,公斤 32.全国篮球协会 33.颜色 34.红色(的) 35.黄色(的) 36.绿色(的) 37.蓝色(的) 38.黑色(的) 39.白色(的) 40.紫色(的) 41.棕色(的),褐色(的) 42.现在,目前 42.能,会 43.理解,明白 44.说,讲 45.我的 46.不明飞行物 47.大号的 48.指已提到或易领会到的人或事物 50.你好 词组 1.用英语 2.一个橙子 3.黑白相间的 4.给物品涂颜色 句子 1.早上好/上午好! 2.下午好! 3.晚上好! 4.你好吗? 5.我很好,谢谢! 6.这个/那个用英语怎么说? 7.它是一个橙子。 8.请把它拼出来。 9.你如何拼写它呢? 10.它是什么颜色的? 11.它是紫色的。 12.请用英语说它。 13.这个尺子是爱丽丝的。 14.这是一张地图。 15.那件夹克衫是褐色的。

Unit1.(一)单词 1.我的_________ 2.名字_____________ 3.是___________ 4.时钟_____________ 5.我___________ 6.什么_____________ 7.遇见,相逢________ 8.你,你们___________ 9.你的,你们的_______ 10.喂(表问候)_______ 11.嗨(表问候)_______ 12.他的____________ 13.她的_____________ 14.和,又,而且________ 15.问题,疑问_________ 16.回答,答案_________ 17.看,望,看起来______ 18.第一的___________- 19.最后的,上一个_____ 20.男孩______________- 21.女孩______________ 22好的,令人愉快的_____ 词组 1.我的名字_______________ 2.你的名字______________ 3.你们的名字_____________ 4.他的名字______________ 5.她的名字_______________ 6.名字__________________ 7.姓氏____________/_____________ 8.回答问题_______________ 9.她的答案______________ 10.他的问题_______________ 11.在上午_______________ 12.在下午_________________ 13.在晚上_______________ 14.在中午_________________ 15.在夜晚_______________ 16.这个女孩_______________ 17.那个男孩_____________ 18.一个橘子_______________ 19.一本英语书___________ 20.用英语_________________ 句子 1.我的名字叫吉娜 ____________________________________________________________ 2.你叫什么名 字?______________________________________________________________ 3.你好,我是玛丽 ______________________________________________________________ 4.我是吉娜,见到你很高 兴!_____________________________________________________ 5.他叫什么名 字?_____________________________________________________________ 6.他的名字叫汤姆。 7.他是Tom 么?_________________________________________________________


Third Edition (第3版) interchange 剑桥国际英语教程 Jack C. Richards 词汇手册入门级 Unit 1 it’s nice to meet you afternoon n. 下午 again ad. 又,再 am (=’m) v. 是,在 and conj. 和,与 are (=’re) v. 是,在 book n. 书 (English / math) class n. (英语/ 数学)课 1 classmate n. 同班同学 country n. 国家;国土 evening n. 傍晚 famous a. 著名的 female n. 女子 first a. 第一的 first / last name 名字/ 姓 he pro. 他 her a. 她的 2 his a. 他的 I pron. 我 in (my class) prep. 在(我的班)里 is (=’s) v. 是,在 it pron. 它 last a. 最后的 male n. 男子 married a. 已婚的 3 math n. 数学 Miss n. (未婚)女士,小姐morning n. 早晨 Mr. n. 先生 Mrs. n. 夫人,太太 Ms. n. 女士 my a. 我的 name n. 名字 nickname n. 绰号 4 night n. 夜晚 no ad. 不 oh int. 噢 our a. 我们的 phone n. 电话 phone number 电话号码 popular a. 受欢迎的 she pron. 她 single a. 单身的 5 teacher n. 教师 (over) there ad. (在)那里 too (=also) 也 yes 是 you 你,你们 your 你的,你们的 Unit2 What’s this? address 地址 address book 地址簿 bag 袋子,包 behind 在……后面 board 写字板 book bag 书包 box 盒子 7 briefcase 公文包 (English)book (英语)书 café咖啡厅,快餐店 camera 照相机 car 汽车 cassette player 磁带放音机 CD player CD机 8 cell phone (=cellphone)手机 chair 椅子 chopstick 筷子 clock 钟,时钟 desk 书桌 (English)dictionary (英文)词 典 DVD player DVD机 earring 耳环 9 encyclopedia 百科全书 eraser 橡皮 exercise 练习,训练 glasses 眼镜 gone 丢失的 great 好的,伟大的 10 I bet 我认为…… in front of 在……前面 interesting 有趣的 key 钥匙 location 地点,场所 notebook 笔记本 now 好了(用于停顿或引起别人 注意) 11 on 在……前面 open 打开 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pocket 口袋 purse (女式)钱包


Unit1 Where did you go on vacation? 【重点语法】 不定代词:不指名代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。 用法注意: 1. some 和any +可数名/不可数名。 some 多用于肯定句,any多用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句。有些问句中用some,不用any, 问话者希望得到对方肯定回答。 2. 由some, any, no, every 与body, one, thing构成的复合不定代词作主语时,其谓语动词用三单。 3. 不定代词若有定语修饰,该定语要置于其后:如:something interesting 【重点短语】 1. buy sth for ab./ buy sb. sth 为某人买某物 2. taste + adj. 尝起来…… 3. nothing...but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有 4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起来 5. arrive in + 大地方/ arrive at + 小地方到达某地 6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事/ try to do sth. 尽力做某事 8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 9. want to do sth. 想去做某事 10. start doing sth. 开始做某事=begin doing sth. 11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事区分:stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事 12. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 14. so + adj + that + 从句如此……以至于…… 16. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 17. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事/ forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 【词语辨析】 1. take a photo/ take photos 拍照 quite a few+名词复数“许多…” 2. seem + 形容词看起来…... You seem happy today. seem + to do sth. 似乎/好像做某事 I seem to have a cold It seems + 从句似乎..…. It seems that no one believe you.


小学英语单词分类大全 (可直接打印) 一、学习用品(school things) pen /pen/ 钢笔 pencil /'pensl/ 铅笔 pencil-case /'penslkeis / 铅笔盒 ruler /'ru:l?/ 尺子 book /buk/ 书 bag /b?g/ 包 post card /p?ust kɑ:d/ 明信片newspaper /'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸schoolbag /sku:lb?g/ 书包 eraser / i'reis?/ 橡皮 crayon / 'krei?n / 蜡笔

sharpener / '?ɑ:p?n?/ 卷笔刀story-book / 'st?:ri] buk / 故事书notebook / 'n?utbuk / 笔记本Chinese book / 't?ai'ni:z / 语文书English book / 'i?gli?/ 英语书maths book / m?θs / 数学书magazine / ,m?g?'zi:n / 杂志newspaper / 'nju:z,peip?/ 报纸dictionary / 'dik??neri / 词典 二、身体部位(body) foot / fut / 脚 head / hed / 头 face / feis / 脸 hair / h??/ 头发

nose / n?uz / 鼻子mouth / mauθ/ 嘴eye / ai / 眼睛 ear / i?/ 耳朵 arm / ɑ:m / 手臂 hand / h?nd / 手finger / 'fi?g?/ 手指leg / leg / 腿 tail / teil / 尾巴 三、颜色(colours)red /red/ 红


[人教版八上英语单词表]八年级上英语思维导图及重点总结 【--入党申请书提纲】 在英语学习过程中,利用思维导图能够对所学知识进行整体的检查、修正以及补充,最终实现自身关于整个知识的完善与把握。下面为大家介绍的八年级上英语思维导图,希望对您有帮助哦。 八年级上英语思维导图1 八年级上英语思维导图2 八年级上英语思维导图3

八年级上英语思维导图4 八年级上英语课本的1到3单元的重点词组句型Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 【重点短语】 1、go on vacation 去度假 2、stay at home 呆在家 3、go to the mountains 上山/进山

4、go to the beach 到海边去 5、visit museums 参观博物馆 6、go to the summer camp 去夏令营 7、quite a few 相当多 8、study for为...... 学习, 9、go out 出去 10、most of the time 大部分时间/绝大多数时间

11、taste good 尝起来味道好 12、have a good time 玩的开心 13、of course 当然可以 14、feel like 感觉像....../想要 15、go shopping 购物 16、in the past 在过去 17、walk around 绕......走

18、too many 太多(可数名词前面) 19、because of 因为 20、one bowl of 一碗...... 21、find out 查出来/发现 22、go on 继续 23、take photos 照相 24、something important 重要的事情 25、up and down 上上下下


新人教八年级下册英语重点单词短语句子Unit1 What’s the matter? 【重点单词】 matter [?m?t?] v. 重要,要紧,有关系What’s the matter? 怎么了?出什么事了?sore [s?:(r)] adj. 疼痛的,酸痛的 have a cold 感冒 stomach ['st?m?k] n. 胃,腹部stomachache ['st?m?ke?k] n. 胃痛,腹痛have a stomachache 胃痛 foot(复数feet) [fu:t] n. 脚 neck [nek] n. 颈,脖子 throat [θr??t] n. 喉咙 fever ['fi:v?] n. 发烧,发热 lie [la?] v. 躺,平躺 lie down 躺下 rest [rest] n. 剩余部分,其余;放松,休息cough [k?f] n. & v. 咳嗽 X-ray ['eksre?] n. X光,X射线toothache [?tu:θe?k] n. 牙痛 take one's temperature 量体温headache [?hede?k] n. 头痛 have a fever 发烧 break [bre?k] n. & v. 休息,暂停;打破take breaks (take a break)休息 hurt [h?:t] v. 伤害,损害,使受伤passenger ['p?s?nd??] n. 乘客,旅客 off [?f] adv. prep. 离开(某处);从…去掉get off 下车 to one's surprise 使…惊讶,出乎…意料onto [??nt?] prep. 向,朝 trouble [?tr?bl] n. 麻烦,烦扰,问题 hit [hit] n. & v. 碰撞,打,打击 right away 立即,马上 get into 陷入,参与herself [h?:?self] pron. 她自己,她本身(she的反身代词) bandage ['b?nd?d?] n. & v. 绷带;用绷带包扎sick [s?k] adj. 患病的,不适的 knee [ni:] n. 膝盖 nosebleed [?n??zbli:d] n. 鼻出血 breathe [bri:e] v. 呼吸 sunburned [?s?nb?:nd] adj. 晒伤的 ourselves [ɑ:?selvz] pron. 我们自己(we的反身代词) climber [?kla?m?(r)] n. 登山者 be used to 习惯于…适应于… risk [r?sk] n. & v. 风险,危险;冒险 take risks (take a risk) 冒险 accident [??ksid?nt] n. 意外事件;事故situation [?sitju?ei??n] n. 状况,形式,情况 kg=kilogram [?k?l?gr?m] n. 公斤,千克 rock [r?k] n. 岩石 run out (of) 用尽,耗尽 knife [naif] n. 刀,餐刀 cut off 切除 blood [bl?d] n. 血 mean [mi:n] v. 意味着,意思是,意欲 get out of 离开,从…出来 importance [?m?p?:tns] n. 重要性 decision [d?'s??n] n. 决心,决定,抉择 control [k?n'tr??l] v. 控制,支配,操纵 be in control of 掌管,管理 spirit ['sp?r?t] n. 勇气,意志 death [deθ] n. 死亡 give up 放弃 nurse [n?:s] n. 护士 【重点短语】 1.have a fever 发烧 2.have a cough 咳嗽 3.have a toothache 牙疼 4.talk too much 说得太多 5.drink enough water 喝足够的水 6.have a cold 受凉;感冒


Alice n Ann/Anna n ask v at prep of place B baby n badminton n bag n ball n balloon n banana n baseball n baseball cap n basketball n bat (as sports equipment) n bath n bathroom n be v beach n bean n bear n beautiful adj bed n bedroom n bee n behind prep Ben n between prep big adj bike n Bill n bird n birthday n black adj blue adj board n board game n boat n body n book n bookcase n bookshop n boots n bounce v box n boy n bread n breakfast n brother n brown adj burger n bus n but conj bye! excl C cake n camera n can v candy (UK sweet(s)) n car n carrot n cat n catch (e.g. a ball) v chair n chicken n Starters A–Z Word List for exams from 2018

child/children n chips (US fries) n chocolate n choose v clap v class n classmate n classroom n clean adj + v clock n close v closed adj clothes n coconut n colour(US color) n + v come v complete v computer n cool adj + excl correct adj count v cousin n cow n crayon n crocodile n cross n + v cupboard n D dad n Dan n day n desk n dining room n dinner n dirty adj do v dog n doll n donkey n don’t worry! excl door n double adj draw v drawing n dress n drink n + v drive v duck n E ear n eat v egg n elephant n end n English adj + n enjoy v eraser (UK rubber) n Eva n evening n example n eye n F face n family n fantastic adj + excl father n favourite(US favorite) adj find v fish (s + pl) n fishing n flat (US apartment) n floor n flower n fly v food n foot/feet n football (US soccer) n for prep friend n fries (UK chips) n frog n from prep fruit n fun adj + n funny adj G game n garden n get v giraffe n girl n give v glasses n go v go to bed v go to sleep v goat n good adj goodbye! excl Grace n grandfather n grandma n grandmother n grandpa n grape n gray (UK grey) adj great adj + excl green adj grey(US gray) adj guitar n H hair n hall n hand n handbag n happy adj hat n have v have got v he pron head n helicopter n hello! excl


热门流行英语短语英语单词英语俚语英语句子大全Beat generation 垮掉的一代 Tea-ceremony 茶道 Badger game 美人计 Scene stealer 抢镜头的人 Hooligan 阿飞,足球流氓 Repeated offender 惯犯 Double agent 双重间谍 Mr. Big 黑社会老大 Love child 私生子 Box news 花边新闻 Screen agers 整天看电视玩电脑的孩子 June-December wedding 双方年龄悬殊的婚姻 King’s English 标准英语 Leap day/year 闰日2.29/年366 Maid of Orleans 圣女贞德 Narrow squeak(口)九死一生的脱险 Ninjaturtle 忍者神龟 Poet laureate 桂冠诗人 Ponytail 马尾辫 Protestant 新教徒

Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖 Rat race 激烈的竞争 Red-light district 红灯区 Reader’s Digest 读者文摘 Russian roulette 俄罗斯轮盘赌 Sexual harassment 性骚扰 Short fuse 易怒的脾气 Soft-soap 奉承讨好 Silent contribution 隐名捐款 Silly money 来路不明的钱 Silver screen 银幕,电影界 Summer complaint 夏季病,拉肚子Tenth-rate 最低等的,劣等的 Vertical/lateral thinking 纵向,横向思维Wide-body 大部头的作品 Wheel of life (佛教)轮回 Xenomania 媚外 Yearbook 年鉴年刊 Zen 禅 Paparazzi 狗仔队 Show people 娱乐界人士 Exotic dance 脱衣舞

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