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Cultural Awareness in English Teaching

Cultural Awareness in English Teaching
Cultural Awareness in English Teaching

Cultural Awareness in English Teaching

Abstract: Language is the carrier of culture. Unless understanding the culture of the target language can learners use the language in an accurate and appropriate way. This thesis discusses the cultural differences between China and English-speaking countries, aiming at evoking English educators and learners’ attention to culture teaching and learning.

Key words: English teaching; cultural differences; culture teaching



关键词: 英语教学文化差异文化教学

Cultural Awareness in English Teaching

I. Introduction

In the 20s-30s of the 20th century, the study of cross-cultural communication has drawn interest in the USA. It focuses on the problems arising from communication between people of different

cultural backgrounds and seeks solution to these problems. The aims of English teaching, in the same way, are to enable students to master the pure language and to communicate with the people from the English-speaking countries. However, because of the differences in all aspects of custom, way of thinking, norm, value and etc., English learners often make mistakes by applying their own culture to the foreign one. It is the greatest obstacle for the failure in successful communication. It also demonstrates the defect of our English teaching---lack of cultural awareness.

English teaching in China, especially in middle and high school, follows a stereotyped model, that is word—phrase—sentence pattern, with less concern of culture. Overemphasis on grammar and the ignorance of cultural differences frequently result in misunderstanding even conflict in intercultural communication. Thus, culture learning, both home and foreign culture learning appears to be crucially significant. This paper, from aspects of daily communication, vocabulary, nonverbal behavior and values, discusses the ways of teaching of culture.

II. Relations between language and culture

2.1. Conceptions of language and culture

To start with the discussion of culture teaching, two conceptions are indispensable to be mentioned, namely language and culture. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication①. Language is a social phenomenon, and each stands for one culture. Broadly speaking, communication refers to the communication between any of two persons of the same or different cultures. In this thesis, we discuss the one which accruing between native-speakers and nonnative-speakers.

Culture, in a broad sense, means the total way of life of a people, including the patters f belief, customs, objects, institutions, techniques, and language that characterize the life of the human community. In a narrow sense, culture can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture②. In these senses, culture is the common ground of the people of a given community, where they share the same material culture and spiritual culture as well. Conversely, neither people’s way of thinking nor behavior is not influenced by their culture. Language, too, as an important element of culture, is permeated with the characteristic of its original culture.

Culture and language intrinsically depend on each other. On the one hand, language, as the crystal of a culture, plays an important role in transmitting its own culture. When a child acquires his mother tongue, or a person moves to another country and learns the local language, the transmission of culture takes place. In these two cases, the difference is just the extent of acquisition of the culture. The function of language to culture shows that language is the surface form of the culture. What people say directly reflects their attitude, belief, values and etc., ---that is culture. The reason embedded in this phenomenon that there are various languages in the world is that cultures are diverse. So, in a deep sense, the nature of the linguistic differences lies in the differences between cultures.

On the other hand, culture conditions the form of its language. And continuously, culture put its essence into the language, which then becomes the connotation of culture and the content of the language. No language can be separated from its culture. The following examples bellow will show how the Chinese and western philosophy exercise influence on their languages respectively. Traditionally, the Chinese people put more emphasis on unity, which takes heaven and human as a whole. Reflecting to language, Chinese language is parataxis, which contains less or no conjunction, e.g. ―枯藤老树昏鸦, 小桥流水人家, 古道西风瘦马, 夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯‖. Among the twenty-eight characters of this poet, there are fourteen nouns without a verb and conjunction, but the wretched context is vividly exposed. It is comprehensible to Chinese people. Whereas, being a language featured by analysis, English is hypotaxis with strong sense of logic, such conjunctions as and, if, although, but, considering are often used in sentences. e.g. ―if winter comes, will spring be far aw ay‖, the use of ―if‖ compacts the structure of the sentence and present the hypothetical relation of the two clauses.

2.2. Importance Of Culture Teaching

In modern society, with the globalization of the world, contacts in all sorts of fields, such as economy, science and technology become more and more frequent. It is inevitable for people around the world to communicate with those from another culture. To avoid unexpected misunderstanding, which is caused by ignorance of cultural differences, it is important to carry on culture teaching. Since language is inseparable from culture, culture teaching is indivisible from English language teaching. Although educators have been aware of the necessity of culture teaching, it is not popularized in education.

In terms of learners, language competences do not only refer to the ability to speak in a language, but also to use the language in an effective way. Among Chinese English-learner, it is common that they create ―Chinglish‖, which is a str ucture combined Chinese way of thinking and English linguistic form. Although there is no need to create Chinglish‖, Chinese foreign language educators should consider how to use English to express their own culture as well in cross-cultural communication. This should base on the accurate understanding of both home and foreign culture. In this way, students’ language competence can be fully acquired. Therefore, sufficient exposure of the foreign culture sees essential in a long run.

In addition, the advantages of culture teaching are easily found in the whole English teaching program. Firstly, culture teaching does great good to language acquisition in learning language itself. As we discuss above, the English structure and expression are related to culture, thus, culture teaching will certainly a beneficial subsidiary to English language teaching. The procedure of culture learning is at the same time of the developing of language ability.

Secondarily, culture teaching satisfies students’ curiosity about the totally different environment of the other country. What English learners want to learn about is not just the sign of the language,

but the people and the nation in which the language is used. Increasing learners’ sensibility to cultural factor, educators can make use of their curiosity and motive to achieve the goal of language teaching.

Thirdly, the learning of a new language involves in not only meaning between words, sentences and text but also an interaction between knowledge and experience and new things. From this point of view, language learning, including culture learning provides a good opportunity to widen students’ horizon of knowledge.

III. Aspects of the teaching of culture

3.1. Daily conversation

To whatever kind of successful communication, being polite in conversation is the basic principle; otherwise, efficient communication is impossible. In different social context, the ways of conveying politeness are distinct. Without sufficient knowledge of the target country’s customs, people of different cultures will probably understand politeness in a converse way. The following are some illustrations of cultural differences in language use, which we may often come across in our daily life.

3.1.1. Greeting

When Chinese people meet, they often greet each other with―你吃了吗‖or―上哪去啊‖, which shows one’s concern about the other one. While the westerners always talk about the weather, e.g. ―It is a nice day, isn’t it?‖ If we start a conversation with them with ―have you eaten yet‖, wh ich is directly translated from the Chinese, they will feel very confused, because according to western culture, such a sentence suggest an invitation to meal. As western people highly respect for privacy, it is impolite to ask them ―where are you going‖. In most circumstances, they must be angry, because ―it is none of your business‖. These phenomenons often happen among the students with less knowledge of western culture. In this case, culture differs from nation to nation because of geographic location and other social reality. As we know that, England is an island nation with frequency of rain so that people may even encounter four seasons in a single day. It is a country of rain and moisture. So weather becomes an instant topic among the people, while China is an agricultural country with great population working on. Adding times of starvation in history, diet is greatly concerned about by the Chinese. According to the English native speakers, they are accustomed to greet others with ―hello‖, ‖how are you‖, ―good morning/ afternoon/evening ‖.

3.1.2 Farewell

Cultural differences in farewell are evident. In western countries, when guest is about to leave, he will indicate their leave in 15-20 minutes in advance. On this accessions, people are us ed to say ―I should go now‖ or ―I’d better be going now‖, rather than ―I’ll go first‖ or ―I’ll go back‖, because the latter sounds like ―it’s time for the guest to leave, I’ll go first and set an example, so the other people should follow me ‖. in order to thank the hospitality of the host, the guest often says ―thank you for a lovely afternoon/evening/meal‖. Similarly, the Chinese people convey their gratitude, but in a different way, they tend to use negative sentences, e.g. ―真不好意思, 打扰您那么长时间‖(I’m so sorry to have interrupted you such a long time), or ―给您添麻烦了‖ (sorry for troubling you). Except for ―再见‖ (good-bye), as the westerners utter when parting, the Chinese host most likely accompany the guest to the door way or yard and say ―好走‖ or ―慢走‖. As there is no equivalent in English, if these sentences are literally translated into ―stay here‖, ―go slowly‖ and ―walk slowly‖, it will be inapprehensible to westerners. Understanding the differences, we can simply smile and say, ― good-bye‖ or ―bye-bye‖. As it sho ws that unlike western custom, which is in a straight way, that of the Chinese may appear to be more circuitous.

3.1.3. Compliment

When hearing the compliment, such as ―Your English is very good―, some English learners become somewhat reserved. In China when people receive a compliment, we are used to response with ―过奖过奖‖ (You are flattering me), ―惭愧惭愧‖ (I’m so ashamed ), or ―哪里哪里‖ (It’s not deserved you to say so). Literally, it looks like a rejection but in fact it is a kind of euphemistic acceptation. These kinds of sayings show our modesty, which is considered as a great virtue of a noble man. In contrast, the westerners accept a compliment in a frank and sincere way. So in responding to ―your dress is so beautiful‖, the Chinese may answer, ―no, no, it is just an ordinary dress‖, while westerners will say ―thank you, I think so‖. Usually, to westerners, a negative ―no‖ brings along a feeling that the speaker has a poor judgment, which may probably displease them.

As we discussed above, evidence of cultural differences between China and western countries can be obviously perceived in the most commonly-happened daily conversation. O account of these differences, the Chinese enthusiasm may turn to be intrusive to some extent; hospitable to be overlaborate; humility to be pretended modesty. Such subtle misinterpretation may easily lead to embarrassment even breakdown of communication. Thus, rite of different culture should be given priority in culture teaching.

3.2. Vocabulary

V ocabulary is the fundamental element of a language. Apart from the pattern of expression, the differences between languages lie in the vocabulary people use. For a same concept, people will

produce distinctive associations conforming to their cultural characteristic. Such associations, however, have nothing to do with the lexical meanings but stir up special feelings in a certain context. In English learning, the acceptation the total messages, which the vocabulary contains, are on the premise of accurate understanding of the cultural connotation of both sides.

Some words are commendatory terms in Chinese culture, whereas contain derogatory sense in western culture. For example, ―peasant‖ in English, does not just refer to the people who do farming work for maintenance. Except for a sign of simplicity and diligence, peasant in Chinese history constituted a strong force in the course of revolution and in social constitution. According to the Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary, ―peasant‖ has another meaning. It is defined as a rude, unsophisticated, usually uneducated person of little financial means, esp. one from the country; rustic. In this sense, 农民in Chinese and peasant in English is conversely different.

Here is another category: a terms in one language that does not have a counterpart in another one. Due to its unique culture, an ordinary word may contain abundant associations in its language. This kind of words often causes barriers in understanding. Bamboo, for instance, has a profound relation with Chinese traditional culture. Chinese people usually compare noble man to bamboo, suggesting their virtues of honest and. The deep connotation of bamboo promotes poets and artists to extol, for example, ―竹死不变节,花落有余香‖, ―胸有成竹‖ and ―势如破竹‖, whereas, bamboo in English contains no association. On most occasions, bamboo is simply a name of a plant. Hippie is a unique term for some young American of 1960’s. it associates with an unusual people and lifestyle. In Chinese it is translated into 嬉皮士,which might simply stir up a impression of strange appearance and hair to Chinese people.

Blue in English suggests a mood of melancholy and depression, as the lyrics goes ―blue, blue, my heart is blue. Blue is my heart, for I’m without you‖. In Chinese, there is no such association. In addition, there are some other terms without no counterpart in anther language, such as ―as poor as a church mouse‖, ―a white lie‖; ―老油条‖ (wily old bird), ―班门弄斧‖ (display one’s slight skill before an expert), ―跑龙套‖ (play a walk-on part). These kinds of terms are difficult to be understood without sufficient knowledge of its history, religion and etc.. All in all, according to cultural reality, a word may elicit different meaning in a particular way so that in vocabulary explaining, educators should pay more attention to the distinctive connotation rather than the word itself.

3.3. Nonverbal behavior

Although we may not note it, we do not converse with others by words only. Our gesture, and other body movement at the same time send message to those around us. Nonverbal communication, composed of dresses, eye contact, signals, gesture and so on, is as important as verbal communication. Nonverbal behavior functions largely to express emotion, mood and attitude in conversation. The following part explore into some aspects of nonverbal

communication from Chinese and western culture.

3.3.1. Body contact

Both Americans and Englishmen like keeping a certain distance to show their respect for privacy. According to study, there are four distances in American social and business relations: intimate, personal, social, and public. Intimate distance ranges from direct physical contact to a distance of about 45 centimeters. This is for people’s most private relations and activities between man and wife. Personal distance is about 45-80 centimeters and is most common when friends, acquaintances and relative converse. Social distance may be anywhere from about 1.30 meters to 3 meters. People who work together, or people doing business, as well as most of those in conversation at social gatherings tend to keep a distance of about 1.30-2 meters. Public distance is rather than any of the above and is generally for speakers in public and for teachers in classroom③.

The important thing to keep in mind is that most English-speaking people do not like to be too close. But it is not the case in China. With no such taboo, the Chinese tend to be far more tolerant of private space. In contrast to the westerners, Chinese people have less sense of it; so that people do less care the touch of strangers in a packed bus or in a train.

3.3.2. Eye contact

Eye is often described as the window of people’s heart, for it will unconsciously reveal the true feeling of the inner world. Direct eye contact is a signal that each has the other’s attention, and some further form of interaction can follow. Direct eye contact shows closeness and intimacy. By direct eye contact, boys and girls, men and women exchange their love. In most situations, it is polite to look at the spe aker’s eyes and face in conversation. For either speaker or listener not to look at the other person, could imply a number of things, among which are fear, contempt, guilt, and indifference. However, it must be pointed out that some kinds of eye contact should be noted. In American culture, eye contact seems to be much more welcomed, which just demonstrates the general characteristic of the American--- audaciousness and self-confidence. But a persistent stare at other’s eyes between two men should be avoide d, because it is regarded to be a signal of homosexual. In England, people want to mind their own business, they do not have time to interact with everyone they pass, and they communicate this fact by refusing to look at other people’s face and eyes. Nevertheless, educated Englishmen believe direct look at speaker’s eyes is of gentle demeanor. And the restrained Chinese people consider constant glare as a signal of aggressive challenge.

3.3.3. Smile

Smile and laugher usually convey friendliness, approval, satisfaction or pleasure. This is generally true in China as well as in most of the English-speaking countries. However, there are situations when some Chinese will laugh that will cause negative reactions by westerners. Laughter at a misfortune, fall down for example, in China can convey such feeling as ―does not take it serious‖, ―laugh it off‖, ―it is nothing‖. However, such laughter may generate a feeling of unpleasant to westerners. Nonverbal communication can be complex, for a slight difference can mean something different from that intended.

Some other gestures like the shrug; up-pointed finger and down-pointed finger are American style, which have their unique meaning. In short, although body language itself does not really communicate, it accompanies a particular language. People act it unconsciously, but it consists of substitute for the verbal meaning.

3.4. Values

People in every culture have a set of values by which they live. Some people can easily express these values, which is tie to religious belief or ethical principles. For those who from another culture it may be difficult to accept. Traditional concept of value is the center of culture. V alues are deciding in that it determines all aspects of the life of the people. In terms of language, it determines the pragmatic principle and way of expression. No matter how, recognizing the values of the people is the most important step towards an exact understanding of a community. In brief, in language study we explore what a person says and how he says, while the study of values will us why he says it. So learning of the value is the basic way to develop language skill in English study.

3.4.1. Individualism

One of the key points in understanding the American value system is individualism. What People from other country are amazing about is probably the American’ s devotion to ―Individualism‖. In their life, they consider themselves as a separate individual who are responsible for their own destinies. As far as Chinese concern, it is piety to live with the old parents and give help in case of emergency. It is just in conflict with the American value. Children want separated bedroom and when they grow up to about 22 years old, they will not live with their parents any longer. Elderly pare nts too, they don’t expect others disturb their own life and treat them as if they are the disable. So self –improvement and DIY seem the core of American ideology. Some phrases commonly heard among Americans are ―do your own thing‖, ―I do it my way‖, and―you made your bed, now lies in it‖ and etc.. Such assumption has its reflect in daily life. In China, giving one’s seat to the old in the bus is a display of respect, but western may think it is an ignorance of his ability.

3.4.2. Independence

As important as individualism, independence is considered an ideal quality and a sign of maturity in western countries. Generally, this value sets the American an image of pioneer with tools in the wide Westland, who is brave and independent. We can also see this value in the way they treat their children. The American children want equal respect for their personality as the adult. Even very young children are given opportunities to make their own choices and express their own opinions. They make breakfast, go to school and do some part time job all by themselves. Independence in the western countries is seen as an important ability. Chinese people usually say to a sick friend, ―drink plenty of water‖ and ―wear more clothes‖ or something like these to show their concern. Though it is perfectly, these words appear to the westerner rather offensive and somewhat discomfortable. He will feel the Chinese dose not respect his personality. Instead, the Chinese should use sentence like ―take care now‖ or ―I hope you will get better soon‖


3.4.3. Privacy

Westerners’ attitude about privacy can be difficult to understand for foreigners. As the saying goes, ―Every home is a castle‖, the American’s house, yard, even offices is seen as private place, which are not allowed to cross. For thousands of years, most families in China are extended families. They live near to each other. While in some western countries, nuclear families are common. They have less contact with neighbors than Chinese do. They hold that good fences make good neighbors. In inter-cultural communication, the Chinese like to ask private questions to show friendliness and intimacy; but the Americans hardly touch on age, finance, marriage, health problems, etc.. e.g. when we come across an American for th e first time , we usually ask, ―what’s your name? How old are you? How many children do you have? How much do you earn in China?‖ Questions like these make westerners confused and embarrassed.

IV. Some methods of culture teaching

The best method to im prove students’ cultural awareness and communicative ability is to put them in the target cultural atmosphere. Since it is inaccessible for all English learners to go abroad, we can assort to other methods.

4.1. Explaining

It is the commonly used method in culture teaching. For its flexibility, teachers can apply it through the teaching of vocabulary and context, which contain cultural factors. For example, ―it was packed like sardines‖ Chinese learners might not imagine such an expression. The key word ―sardine‖ should be given more explanation. Sardine is a kind of finger-sized fish, which is often tightly preserved in neat rows in cans. As to text, such as historical text, teacher should add certain cultural background, such as time, place, and political situation.

4.2. Comparing

Cultural differences exist everywhere. Identifying the differences is a manner to understand the culture. When teaching the name for instance, teacher can compare the western addressing with the Chinese addressing. Students can immediately get a deep impression of the differences between the two customs. By comparing the differences between the western and Chinese culture, such as the different response to compliment, students can strengthen their impression of the target culture. However, one thing should keep in mind, comparing cannot be used too often, especially in the case of younger leaner, because they may even understand their own culture.

4.3. Displaying of pictures

This method can demonstrate a cultural phenomenon. For some unfamiliar objects, for instance, sledge, pelota, Christmas and so on, students can directly perceive the new things at once. No only picture, film, book can also be the best materials for students to get audiovisual sense of a new concept.

4.4. Role-playing

According to the text, teacher can assign student to make role-playing. Role-playing combines trains of students’ language competence and communicative competence. In such a text, ―my first job‖, we can adjust it into a play. Students play all the roles appear in the text and imitate the plot. By simulating greeting, interviewing and other converse, students can feel the true cultural atmosphere and feel the language by themselves.

In addition, teachers should make themselves example for the students. According to this point of view, the classroom is an artificially created environment. In this environment, both students and teacher are stipulated to behave in the light of western culture. By participating in the classroom interaction, students’ knowledge about culture can be strengthened.

V. Conclusion

In summary, the close relations of culture and language determine the inseparability of culture teaching and English language teaching. A high level foreign language teaching should be composed of developing students’ skill of listening, speaking, reading and translating through the teaching of pronunciations, vocabulary and grammar on one side; and cultivating their communicative ability in intercultural communication through combining linguistic knowledge and cultural knowledge on the other. Many successful experiences prove that combining language learning and culture leaning is a shortcut to master a foreign language. As to teachers, who play an important role in foreign language teaching, should enhance their cultural awareness in the first place. Except for preparing sufficient teaching aids, teacher should be aware of the latest information of the western world.


①戴炜栋、何兆熊. A New Concise Course On Linguistics For Students Of English, (Shanghai: Shanghai foreign language education press, 2002), p127

②戴炜栋、何兆熊. V ol.I, p8

③邓炎昌、刘润清. Language and Culture, (Beijing: Foreign Teaching and Study Press, 1989), p140


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自我介绍是日常工作中与陌生人建立关系、打开局面的一种非常重要的手段。整理了比赛的英文自我介绍,供参考! 高中口语大赛自我介绍篇【1】Goodafternoon, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech here. Now, let me introduce myself. My name is ZhuRuijie. My English name is Molly. I`m 12. I come from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu No.2 Primary School. I`m an active girl. I like playing basketball. Because I think it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty. My favourite colour is green. And I like math best. It`s fun. On the weekend, I like reading books in my room. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong.My mother is hard-working and tall, too. My brother is smart. And I`m a good student. My dream is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor children in the future. Thank you for listening! Please remember me! 高中口语大赛自我介绍篇【2】Hello! My name is XX, XX Normal University, is a 2006 graduate. Graduation has taught more than a year. Have long teaching experience gained! Lively and outgoing personality, nice, treat people in good faith, understanding, strong language skills and com#munication skills; diligent, strong and determined, serious and responsible work, down to earth, patient, attentive, careful thinking, have becom#e teachers the basic quality and potential. Determined to be a teacher since childhood, college entrance examination chosen university, is not only a solid basic knowledge of mathematics, but also on the accumulation of educational theory and practice, especially during the internship period, absorbing the best teaching experience of teachers, and students from morning till evening in the day, and more loving education. With self-learning and research capacity in × × × University graduate student during a more thorough understanding of mathematical knowledge. Believe they will be both professional research and teaching skills of educational personnel. 高中口语大赛自我介绍篇【3】Good morning ! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview,I hope i can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.


常见职位 总公司Head Office 分公司Branch Office 营业部Business Office 人事部Personnel Department (人力资源部)Human Resources Department 总务部General Affairs Department 财务部General Accounting Department 销售部Sales Department 促销部Sales Promotion Department 国际部International Department 出口部Export Department 进口部Import Department 公共关系Public Relations Department 广告部Advertising Department 企划部Planning Department 产品开发部Product Development Department 研发部Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室Secretarial Pool Accounting Assistant会计助理 Accounting Clerk记帐员 Accounting Manager会计部经理 Accounting Stall会计部职员 Accounting Supervisor会计主管 Administration Manager行政经理 Administration Staff行政人员 Administrative Assistant行政助理 Administrative Clerk行政办事员 Advertising Staff广告工作人员 Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Staff航空公司职员 Application Engineer应用工程师 Assistant Manager副经理 Bond Analyst证券分析员 Bond Trader证券交易员 Business Controller业务主任 Business Manager业务经理 Buyer采购员 Cashier出纳员 Chemical Engineer化学工程师 Civil Engineer土木工程师


三分钟英语自我介绍1 My name is . I am from . There are people in my family. My father works in a computer company. He is a computer engineer. My mother works in a international trade company. She is also a busy woman. I have a older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University. She majors in English. My brother is an elementary school student. He is 8 years old. Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much. I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day. I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future. And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school. 三分钟英语自我介绍2 Good morning ! Everyone! (or Ladies and gentlemen) It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself. and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school. Now let me introduce myself please. I’m a graduate student from MAOMING UNIVERSITY . My name is TOM ,21 years old. , born in MAOMING. GuangDong province . My major is English, and I will graduate this June. In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise. I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease. Skilled in use of Office 2003, e-cel. My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job. Although perhaps I’m not the best among the candidates, but with my strong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education, I am sure I will satisfy you well. As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern teaching technology. I have acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three years. Since September 2005, with great interest, I have been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good team-work spirits. It also kindly provided me crucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship. My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and considerate person. Other than my major study, I have master a great skills in computer operation.


三分钟英语口语比赛自我介绍 无论是面试,还是加入新的团队,自我介绍都是必备的。那么你知道3 分钟的英语口语比赛自我介绍该怎么说吗?下面我为你整理了三分钟英语口语比赛自我介绍,欢迎阅读。 三分钟英语口语比赛自我介绍篇【1】 hi, nice to meet you . This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make good performance today. Now I will introduce myself briefly. I am a sephomore now, and I have tremendous interest, I love college life with various activities ,many excellent and funny friends ,but I am not really into my college , Because I do not like my profession you cannot imagine how crazy It made me when facing Mathematical and physical symbols every day, I love english and I want to be an english intepreter,Life is like a box of chocolate,you never know what you are gonna to get,may be I will succeed in this thing,a good author once said The prizes of life are at the end of each journey, not near the beginning, so it is not given to me to know how many steps are necessary in order to reach my goal, I will always strive to make the next hour better than this one.i am not afraid of failure,but I hope I had better not meet him,when I came across him,I just go around and say I don not give a damn. I am not a good friends-maker ,but I am always the one that easy to get along with .I think I'm a good team player and I'm a person of great honesty to others. So that ‘s all.thank you 三分钟英语口语比赛自我介绍篇【2】 Hello! My name is XX, XX Normal University, is a 20xx graduate. Graduation has taught more than a year. Have long teaching experience gained! Lively and outgoing personality, nice, treat people in good faith, understanding, strong language skills and com#munication skills; diligent, strong and determined, serious and responsible work, down to


职业 professor 教授 chef 厨师; 大师傅 dentist 牙医 scientist 科学家 janitor 清洁工;守卫 customer 顾客 consumer 消费者;用户 coach 教练 athlete 运动员 gymnast 体操员 librarian 图书管理员 white-collar 白领 manager 经理 engineer 工程师 hostess女主人;女老板;舞女accountant 会计 reporter 记者 queen女王;王后; 蜂王 king 国王 artist 艺术家;画家 musician 音乐家 tester 测试员 referee 裁判 designer 设计者 boss 老板 journalist 新闻记者 astronaut 宇航员;航天员astronomer 天文学家 actor 演员 merchant 商人;批发商;店主killer 杀手 thief 小偷 firefighter 消防员housekeeper 门卫 chief 酋长; 首领 captain 队长,首领;船长;上尉;海军上校 pilot 飞行员 hairdresser 理发师 doorman 看门人 lawyer 律师 developer 开发者 advertiser 广告商 electrician 电工 sponsor 赞助商inspector 检察员 investigator 研究员;调查员 operator 接线员 racer 比赛者 receptionist 接待员;传达员 architect 建筑师 editor 编辑 translator 译者(笔译) comedian 喜剧演员 photographer 摄影师 director 导演;主任 tutor 家教;导师;助教 typist 打字员 psychologist心理学家;心理学者 detective 侦探 foreman 领班; 工头 cashier 出纳员; 收银员 sailor 水手 miner 矿工 gardener 园丁;花匠;园艺家 printer 印刷工 tailor 裁缝 pianist 钢琴家 dealer 商人;经销商 monitor 班长 monk 和尚 witch 巫婆;女巫 producer 制作人; 制片人 priest 牧师 vet(veterinarian) 兽医 politician 政客; 政治家 baker 面包师 barber 理发师 butcher 屠夫 consultant 顾问 secretary 秘书 judge 法官 carpenter 木匠; 木工 baby-sitter 保姆 chemist 化学家; 药剂师 employee 员工 shepherd 牧羊人; 牧师 soldier 士兵 announcer 广播员; 宣告者 agent (broker) 经纪人 cartoonist 漫画家 clown 小丑 cowboy 牛仔 salesman 推销员; 售货员 shop assistant 店员 flyer 飞行员 guard 守卫 guide 导游 magician 魔术师 landowner (landlord)地主 greener 生手; 没经验的人 celebrity 名人 composer 作曲家 programmer 程序员 ambassador 大使 servant 仆人 hunter 猎人 explorer 探险家 analyst 分析家 conductor 售票员 biographer 传记作者 craftsman 工匠; 手艺人 gatekeeper 门卫 housewife 家庭主妇 manufacturer 生产商; 制造商 princess 公主 prince 王子 fiancée 未婚妻 fiancé未婚夫 robber 强盗; 盗贼 murderer 凶手; 谋杀犯 suspect 嫌疑犯 victim 受害人; 牺牲者 florist 花商; 花匠 statistician 统计员 anchor 新闻主播 boxer 拳击手 cobbler 鞋匠 blacksmith 铁匠 mechanic 技工; 机修工 staff 员工 minister 部长; 大臣; 牧师 parachutist 跳伞人 welder 焊接工; 电焊工 traffic warder 交通管理员 candidate 候选人; 申请者 participant 参与者; 参赛者 pedestrian 行人 retailer 零售商


3分钟的英语自我介绍 【演讲稿】 一分钟自我介绍 一分钟提点建议 1、自己什么学校毕业什么专业,学历水平 2、专业课报名称,注意职位的需要 3、自己有无实习或工作经历,包括在学校内外的类似学生干部的情况 4、最后简单介绍自己的特点,注意按实际和职位需要,不要担心,直接按自己事先的准备和想法 总之,简单点,说重点,可以少于1分钟,除非你的经历多,不然最好不要超。 没有经历注意,加大自己特点方面的介绍,注意适宜性,其实这就是看你对社会的了解和事先准备的情况,决定好坏。 不要怕,多做几次,多准备点就好了 最后大胆的去吧,首先要自信,但千万不要自傲 面试时自我介绍范文 一段短短的自我介绍,其实是为了揭开更深入的面谈而设计的。 一、两分钟的自我介绍,犹如商品广告,在有限的时间内,针对”客户”的需要,将自己最美好的一面,毫无保留地表现出

来,不但要令对方留下深刻的印像,还要即时引发起”购买欲”。 想一矢中的,首先必须认清自我,一定要弄清以下三个问题。你现在是干什么的?你将来要干什么?你过去是干什么的? 这三个问题不是按时间顺序从过去到现在再到将来,而是从现在到将来再到过去。其奥妙在于:如果你被雇用,雇主选中的是现在的你,他希望利用的是将来的你,而这将来又基于你的历史和现状。 所以,第一个问题,你是干什么的?现在是干什么的?回答这个问题,要点是:你是你自己,不是别的什么人。除非你把自己与别人区别开来,在共同点的基础上更强调不同点,否则你绝无可能在众多的应征求职者中夺魁。对于这第一个问题,自我反省越深,自我鉴定就越成功。 随后,着手回答第二个问题:”你将来要干什么?”如果你申请的是一份举足轻重的工作,雇主肯定很关注你对未来的自我设计。你的回答要具体,合理,并符合你现在的身份,要有一个更别致的风格。 然后,再着手回答最后一个问题:”你过去是干什么的?”你的过去当然都在履历上已有反映。你在面试中再度回答这个问题时,不可忽略之处是:不要抖落一个与你的将来毫不相干的过去。如果你中途彻底改行,更要在描述你的执着、职业目标的一贯性上下些功夫。要做到这一点,又要忠实于事实和本人,最简


比赛类英语自我介绍 第一篇:比赛类英语自我介绍 letmeintroducemyself.(让我介绍一下我自己) mynameis***.(我的名字叫***) myenglishnameis***. (我的英文名叫***。)没有可以不写 iamveryinterestedinthismatch. (我对这个比赛非常感兴趣) ……(因不知道你这个比赛的详细资料,你应加一点东西进去。这里应简略说明一下这个比赛) iamsanguine.butiamveryshy. (我很开朗,但是我也非常害羞,)这些用于面试类描述一下自己,自己再加一些自己的实际情况) so.ihopetheadjusterstoholdyourhandsforme.(所以希望评审们能高台贵手) ificangetintothismatch.(如果我能进入比赛) eventhoughican'tdothebest.butiwilldoeverytingaswellasican ..(就算我不能把每一件事做好,但我会尽力去做它) andifiamfailure.ishouldtosuckformistake.(如果我落选了,我会吸取较训)

myintroduceistobeover.thankyou. (我的介绍完毕了,谢谢) 第二篇:英语比赛自我介绍 hello,everyone!mynameiskaylaofclasstwogradefour.iamtenyea rsold.iamenergeticandhelpful.inschool,iamnotonlygoodatstudy,b utalsoresponsibletoclassmatesforserviceandhelp. iaminterestedinlotsofthings,suchas,singing,dancing,playin gthepiano,drawing,horseriding,andsoon.thesethingsmakemehappya ndconfident.iamgoodattakingcareofmyself.wheniwasingradetwo,as theyoungestmember,ifliedtoviennawithmychorus.andteacherssaid, iwasdoingprettywell. ibelieve,ificangotobritain,iwilldowellasalso.iloveenglish ,and“mystorybook”alwaysgetsahighscoreinclass.ificangotobrit ain,icanimprovemyenglish.ificangotobritain,iamwillingtovisito xfordandcambridge.ilovethemverymuch.that’sall!thankyouforyou rtime! 第三篇:英语比赛自我介绍 算是面试吗?如果不是,下面这个你再改一下啦.还有,你应该说明一下你自己的实际情况,和比赛的一些情况,不然很难帮你哦! letmeintroducemyself.(让我介绍一下我自己)


accountant: 会计 actor: 男演员 actress: 女演员 airline representative: 地勤人员anchor: 新闻主播 announcer: 广播员 architect: 建筑师 artist: 艺术家 associate professor: 副教授 astronaut: 宇航员. attendant: 服务员 auditor: 审计员auto mechanic : 汽车技工 baker: 烘培师 barber: 理发师 (男) baseball player: 棒球选手 bell boy: 门童 bellhop: 旅馆的行李员 binman: 清洁工,垃圾工 blacksmith: 铁匠 boxer: 拳击手 broker (agent) : 经纪人 budgeteer: 预算编制者 bus driver: 公车(巴士)司机 butcher: 屠夫,肉商 buyer: 采购员 carpenter:木匠cartoonist: 漫画家 cashier: 出纳员 chef: 厨师 chemist : 化学师 clerk : 店员clown :小丑 cobbler: 制(补)鞋匠 computer programmer : 程序员 construction worker : 建筑工人 cook: 厨师 cowboy :牛仔 customs officer :海关官员dancer : 舞者 dentist: 牙科医生 designer: 设计师 desk clerk: 接待员 detective 侦探 doctor: 医生 door-to-door salesman: 推销员 driver: 司机dustman: 清洁工 editor : 编辑 electrician :电工 engineer:工程师 farmer: 农夫fashion designer: 时装设计师 fireman (firefighter): 消防员 fisherman: 渔夫florist: 花商 flyer: 飞行员 Foreign minister : 外交部长 gardener花匠(园丁) gas station attendant : 加油工 geologist : 地质学家 guard :警卫 guide: 导游hiredresseer: 理发师,美容师(女) housekeeper : 管家 housewife : 家庭主妇interpreter :口译员 janitor : 清洁工 journalist: 记者 judge 法官 lawyer :律师 librarian: 图书管理员. life guard :救生员 magician :魔术师masseur : 男按摩师 masseuse : 女按摩师 mathematician : 数学家 mechanic: 机械师 ,机修工 miner: 矿工 model: 模特儿 monk : 和尚,教士 movie director: 导演 movie star : 电影明星 musician : 音乐家 nun : 尼姑 nurse: 护士 office clerk : 职员 office staff 上班族 operator: 接线员parachutist: 跳伞人. personnel 职员 pharmacist药剂师 photographer:摄影师 pilot: 飞行员 planner: 计划员 policeman: 警察 postal clerk: 邮政人员 postman :邮差 President: 总统 priest: 牧师 professor: 教授 real estate agent: 房地产经纪人 receptionist :接待员 repairman :修理工人reporter : 记者 sailor: 船员,水手 salesman/ selespeople/ salesperson: 售货员scientist: 科学家 seamstress 女装裁缝师 secretary: 秘书 singer: 歌手 soldiery: 士兵 Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理Sales Manager 销售经理Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理Merchandising Manager 采购经理Sales Assistant 销售助理Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员 Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师Marketing Consultant 市场顾问Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监


三分钟英文自我介绍演讲稿 自我介绍表现形式 鉴于需要进行自我介绍的时机多有不同,因而进行自我介绍时的表达方法便有所不同。自我介绍的内容是指自我介绍时所表述的主体部分,即在自我介绍时表述的具体形式。 确定自我介绍的具体内容,应兼顾实际需要、所处场景,并应具有鲜明的针对性,切不可“千人一面”,一概而论。 依照自我介绍时表述的内容的不同,自我介绍可以分为下述五种具体形式: (1)应酬式 应酬式的自我介绍,适用于某些公共场合和一般性的社交场合,如旅行途中、宴会厅里、舞场之上、通电话时。它的对象,主要是进行一般接触的交往对象。对介绍者而言,对方属于泛泛之交,或者早已熟悉,进行自我介绍只不过是为了确认身份而已,故此种自我介绍内容要少而精。 应酬式的自我介绍内容最为简洁,往往只包括姓名一项即可。例如: “您好!我的名字叫张路”。 “我是雍纹岩”。 (2)工作式

工作式的自我介绍,主要适用于工作之中。它是以工作为自我介绍的中心;因工作而交际,因工作而交友。有时,它也叫公务式的自我介绍。 工作式的自我介绍的内容,应当包括本人姓名、供职的单位及其部门、担负的职务或从事的具体工作等三项。他们叫作工作式自我介绍内容的三要素,通常缺一不可。其中,第一项姓名,应当一口报出,不可有姓无名,或有名无姓。第二项供职的单位及其部门,有可能全部报出,具体工作部门有时也可以暂不报出。第三项担负的职务或从事的具体工作,有职务报出职务,职务较低或者无职务,则可报出所从事的具体工作。例如:“你好!我叫张奕希,是大连市政府外办的交际处处长”。 “我名叫付冬梅,在人民大学国际政治系教外交学”。 (3)交流式 交流式的自我介绍,主要适用于在社交活动中,它是一种刻意寻求与交往对象进一步交流与沟通,希望对方认识自己、了解自己、与自己建立联系的自我介绍。有时,它也叫社交式自我介绍或沟通式自我介绍。 交流式自我介绍的内容,大体应当包括介绍者的姓名、工作、籍贯、学历、兴趣以及与交往对象的某些熟人的关系等等。但它们非定要面面俱到,而应依照具体情况而定。例如:“我叫邢冬松,在北京吉普有限公司工作。我是清华大学汽车工程系90级的,我想咱们是校友,对吗?”


2020 英文自我介绍初中英语口语比赛自我介绍_0195文档 EDUCATION WORD

英文自我介绍初中英语口语比赛自我介绍_0195文档 前言语料:温馨提醒,教育,就是实现上述社会功能的最重要的一个独立出来的过程。其目的,就是把之前无数个人有价值的观察、体验、思考中的精华,以浓缩、系统化、易于理解记忆掌握的方式,传递给当下的无数个人,让个人从中获益,丰富自己的人生体验,也支撑整个社会的运作和发展。 本文内容如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开】 Goodafternoon,teachers!Today,I`mveryhappytomakea speechhere.Now,letmeintroducemyself.MynameisZhuRuijie.MyE nglishnameisMolly.I`m12.IcomefromClass1Grade6ofTongPuNo.2 PrimarySchool.I`manactivegirl.Ilikeplayingbasketball.Beca useIthinkit`sveryinteresting.I`dliketoeat potatoes.They`retasty.Myfavouritecolourisgreen.AndIlikema thbest.It`sfun.Onweekend,Ilikereadingbooksinmy room.Ihaveahappyfamily.Myfatheristallandstrong.Mymotheris hard-

workingandtall,too.Mybrotherissmart.AndI`magoodstudent.My dreamistobeateacher,becauseIwanttohelpthepoorchildreninth efuture.Thankyouforlistening!Pleaserememberme! Goodafternoon,teachers!I`mveryhappytointroducemyselfhere. I`mScott.MyChinesenameisSunZijing.I`m13.I`mfromClass1Grad e6ofTongPuNo.2PrimarySchool.Ihavemany hobbies,suchasplayingping- pong,playingbadminton,listeningtomusic,readingmagazinesan dsoon.Myfavouritefoodischicken.It`stastyandyummy.SoI`mver ystrong.I`manaughtyboy. goodmorning,mynameisjack,itisreallyagreathonortohavethiso pportunityforainterview,iwouldliketoanswerwhateveryoumayr aise,andihopeicanmakeagoodperformancetoday,eventually...

各种职业的英文 汇总

各种职业的英文 teacher 教师 professor 教授[pr??fes?] cook 厨师 principal 校长[?prins?p?l] janitor 清洁工,管门员[?d??nit?] singer 歌手 actor 演员 astronaut 太空员[??str?n?:t] actress 女演员 killer 杀手 policeman 警察 firefighter 消防员 chef 厨师[?ef] housekeeper 管家,主妇[?haus?ki:p?] mugger 强盗抢劫犯[?m?g?] farmer 农民 boss 老板 dancer 跳舞者 taxi-driver 出租车司机 pilot 飞行员[?pail?t] hairdresser 理发师 doorman 看门人 waiter 服务 accountant---会计[??kaunt?nt] bank teller--银行出纳员 bank manager--银行经理 monk--和尚 nun--修女[n?n] priest--牧师[pri:st] actor--演员 actress -- 女演员[??ktris] director-- 导演,主管[di?rekt?] disc jockey (D.J.)--电台的音乐节目主持人[disk][?d??ki] master of ceremonies[?serim?ni] (M.C.)-- 节目主持人,司仪model-- 模特儿 producer-- 电影制片人[pr??dju:s?] singer--歌手 stage [steid?] hand--置景工 dentist--牙医 doctor--医生 nurse--护士 pediatrician--儿科医师[,pi:di?'tri??n]


参加比赛的英语自我介绍 的场合不一,但比赛中的自我介绍是既考验人的心理素质,又是对专业水平的实践和挑战。那么,在进行比赛自我介绍时,你最喜欢突出自己的哪些优势呢? 下面第一为大家带来参加比赛的英语自我介绍,供大家参考! Hello, everybody, may I begin?(看情况而定,只有一个评委的话就说:“Hello, nice to meet you, may I begin?) I am glad to have the chance to chat with you. Let me ___ you something aboutmyself. My name is Deng Yifan, you can call me William. I’m eleven years old. I’m a cheerful and lovely boy. I am studying in Dalang Experimental Primary School. I like English very much.You see, when I was very young, I used to watch English VCDs and listen to English songs. Now I’m studying from the book JUNIOR NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH . At school I often act as a host inmany contests like the ten singers of Dalang. Besides that I love playing yo-yo, I can play yo-yo very well. My favourite sport is swimming, because swimming is good for my health. Thanks for listening.


三分钟英文自我介绍稿 向别人介绍自己,既要给人留下深刻印象,又要体现自己的素养和智慧,这是一件颇费头脑的事。那么在3分钟内用英文怎么介绍自己呢?下面是小编为大家整理的三分钟英文自我介绍稿,仅供参考。 三分钟英文自我介绍稿篇一: Good morning, my name is LXG, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed. Now I will introduce myself briefly, I am 2years old, born in shandong province ,east of china, and I am curruently a senior student at UPC of Information and Engineering Control. my major is Information and Signal Processing, and I will receive my master degree after my graduation in june. In the past 3 years,I spend most of my time on study and research, Ihave passed CET6 and I have acquired basic knowledge both in theory and in practice.


儿童英语比赛自我介绍范文 如果你能用一口流利的美式英语进行自我介绍,你一定会给别人留下非常美好、非常深刻的印象。以下关于儿童英语比赛自我介绍范文是小编为各位读者们整理收集的,希望能给大家一个参考,欢迎阅读与借鉴。 Hi there, My name is .i woulld like to apply for this job of english teacher for children.I consider myself with rich potential of qualitying out as a good english teacher.I have a heart for children,a loving and caring heart.And i would certainly place it upon my students,being their close friend and sister.while with my creative and relaxing english teaching method,students would learn english through interacting with me or the others instead of being told what to say.I am also very open-minded and easy-going,which will make myself a popular figure everywhere.and of course i am very much the type of the girl next door.always willing to take in suggestions and create a fun classroom for our next generation. I believe i've said quite enough of myself. I hope you now know more about me than just now. I would certainly cherish this job and get along very well with all people out here.I thank you very much again for giving me this opportunity to talk with
