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第二章 音系学answers(1)

第二章 音系学answers(1)
第二章 音系学answers(1)

Phonetics(Exercise 3)

1. What are the two major media of communication? Of the two, which one is primary and why?

The two major media of communication are speech and writing. (Cf. the answer to the question 4 in exercise 2.)

2. What are the three branches of phonetics? How do they contribute to the study of speech sounds?

The three branches of phonetics are: articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and auditory phonetics. They study speech sounds from different perspectives. Articulatory phonetics studies the production of speech sounds, acoustic phonetics studies the physical properties of the sounds produced in speech and auditory phonetics studies the perception of speech sounds.

3. Draw a picture for the speech organs of human beings. (cf. the figure on P. 33)

4. Where are the articulatory apparatus of a human being contained? See the figure on P. 33.

5. What is voicing and how is it caused?

V oicing is producing a sound (usually a vowel or voiced consonant) by vibrating the vocal cords.

6. What criteria are used to classify English


The criteria used to classify English vowels are:

The height of the tongue raising: high, mid, and low

The position of the highest part of the tongue: front, central, and back

The degree of lip rounding: rounded, un-rounded

The degree of tenseness/the length of sound: tense (long) or lax (short)

The change of sound quality:

7. What is the function of the nasal cavity? How does it perform the function?

Nasal cavity is a resonating cavity which amplifies and further modifies sounds produced by the movement of the vocal cords. The soft palate may be lowered, as in the normal position for breathing, so that the air can go through the nasal cavity. When the oral cavity is at the same time blocked, a nasal sound is produced.

8. Describe the various parts in the oral cavity which are involved in the production of speech sounds? (See P.35)

9. Explain with examples how broad transcription

and narrow transcription differ?

Transcription refers to the method of writing down speech sounds in a systematic and consistent way. It serves as an aid to the description of speech sounds.

There are two types of transcription: broad and narrow transcription.

Broad transcription refers to the transcription to indicate those sounds, which are capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language. Two slashes are used, e.g. pet /pet/, bed /bed/.

Narrow transcription is to symbolize all the possible speech sounds, including the minute shades, such as the transcription of /l/ in the following words:

Let [let], tell [te?]; peak [p k], speak [sp k] 10. How are the English consonants and vowels


There are basically two kinds of sounds, consonants and vowels.

Consonants are sounds in the production of which there is obstruction of the air-stream at some point of the vocal tract. V owels are sounds in the production of which no vocal organs come close together and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstruction. The main difference between them is that the air flows freely in vowels, while all consonants involve some sort

of interference of the air-stream in the mouth.

following sound descriptions: 11. Give the phonetic symbol for each of the

(1)voiced palatal affricate: /? /

(2)voiceless labiodental fricative: /f/

(3)voiced alveolar stop: /d/

(4)front close short: /i/

(5)back semi-open long: /?:/

(6)voiceless bilabial stop: /p/

(7)front mid vowel: /e/

(8)lateral liquid: /l/

(9)lax high back vowel: /u/

(10)voiced bilabial oral stop: /b/

(11)mid central lax vowel: / ? /

(12)low front vowel: / ? /

(13)palatal glide: /j/

(14)voiced interdental fricative: /e /

(15)voiced affricate: /? /

(16)velar nasal consonant: /η/

(17)low back vowel: /a: /

(18)high back tense vowel: /u:/

(19)mid back lax vowel: /? /

(20)voiceless interdental fricative: /θ/

12. Give the phonetic features of each of the following sounds : [d ]voiced, alveolar, stop; [l ]voiced, alveolar, lateral;

[t∫]voiceless, post-alveolar, affricate; [w ]voiced, bilabial, glide; [u ]back, high, lax, rounded; [?]front, low, lax, unrounded;

[b ]voiced, bilabial, stop; [v ]voiced, labio-dental, fricative;

[a:]back, low, tense, unrounded; [m ]voiced, bilabial, nasal;

[r ]voiced, alveolar, liquid; [i:]front, high, tense, unrounded.

13. Draw a tongue chart for the basic English vowels.

Front Central Back


I. 1—5 T F T T F II . 1—5 b d a c a

III. 1. [ b ] bilabial voiced stop

2. [ n ] alveolar nasal stop

3. [ w ] bilabial glide

4. [ v ] voiced labiodental fricative

5. [ t ] voiceless alveolar stop

6. [ i:] high front tense vowel

7. [e ] voiceless interdental

8. [u:] high back tense vowel

9. [? ] low front vowel 10 [?:] central tense vowel

IV . 1. [b p m] 2. [d n] 3. [?] 4. [m] 5. [ ?: ?]

6. [s z]

7. [u: u]

8. [ ]

9. [j] 10 [] V . 1. voiceless alveolar

2. voiced stop

3. voiced fricatives

4. palatals

5. voiced bilabial

6. voiced velar

7. back tense vowels 8. back round vowels 9. front high vowels 10. sibilants VI.

1. Phonetics is the study of speech sounds.

2. Voic ing refers to the vibrating of the vocal cords when

sounds are produced.

3. The unite of representation used to transcribe the speech sounds is called segment.

4. Classes of sounds that share a feature or features are called natural classes.

VII. Manners of articulation refer to how the air stream is

modified, whether it is completely blocked or partially obstructed. According to manners of articulation, consonants are classified into stops, nasals, fricatives,

affricates, liquids, and gildes


Mid-High Mid-low Low

Phonology(Exercise 4)

1. How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study?

Phonetics and phonology both study the same aspect of language---- speech sounds, there is a fair degree of overlap in what concerns the two subjects. Without the knowledge of speech sounds provided by phonetic studies, any study of the sound system of a particular language would have been almost impossible.

However, the two subjects approach speech sounds from different points of view.

A) Phonetics provides methods for the description, transcription of sounds for all languages; phonology studies the sound system of a particular language. Therefore, phonetics is general, descriptive, and classificatory; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages: how they are produced, how they differ from each other, etc. phonological study is particular and functional. It is particular to one language and the conclusion we reach about the phonology of one language should not be generalized into the study of another language. Phonology deals with how human being use speech sounds to express meaning.

B) The basis unit of phonetic study is phone, while that of phonological study is phoneme.

C) A phonetic study is a static one, since it tells us how a sound of a language is made, transmitted and received, whereas a phonological study is a dynamic one, telling how sounds are used to convey meaning.

2. What is a phone? How is it different from a phoneme? How are allophones related to the phoneme?

Phone refers to the speech sound we use when speaking a language. Phoneme is the smallest sound unit that can distinguish meaning. However, phoneme is an abstract unit, i.e. it is not a sound, it is a collection of distinctive phonetic features. In actually speech, a phoneme is realized phonetically as a certain phone.

A phoneme can be realized by one or more than one phone. The different phones which represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme. Allophones are actualizations of a phoneme in a particular language that never affect the meaning.

3. What is a minimal pair and what is a minimal set? Why is it important to identify the minimal set in a language?

Minimal pair refers to two expressions (words or morphemes) of a language w ith different meanings that are distinguished by only one phoneme, e.g. {pig: big}; {tip: dip}; {ship, sheep}.

Minimal set refers to more than two expressions of a language with different meanings that are distinguished by only one phoneme, such as {said: says: set: sell}; {pat: bat: mat}.

Contrasting minimal pairs is a basic procedure in establishing the phonemic inventory of a language.

4. Explain with examples the sequential rule, the assimilation rule, and the deletion rule.

The patterning of sounds in a particular language is governed by rules.

1) Sequential rules

Speech is a dynamic process and when human beings talk, they do not utter each and sound separately, but deliver a continuous flow of sounds. There are rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular language, which are called sequential rules. For instance, in English, if three consonants should cluster together at the beginning of a word, the combination should obey the following three rules:

a)the first phoneme must be /s/;

b)the second must be /p/, /t/ or /k/;

c)the third must be /l/, /r/ or /w/

Examples: spring, string, sequential, splendid

2) Assimilation rules

The assimilation rules assimilates one sound to another by copying a feature of a sequential sound, thus making the two sounds more similar. Assimilation is caused by articulatory or physiological processes.

give boats [giv b uts] give peace [gif pi:s]

The sound /v/ ( voiced, labiodental, fricative) is influenced by following sound /p/ (voiceless, bilabial, stop).

3) Deletion rules

The rule means that a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented, e.g. the pronunciation of such words as sign, design, paradigm, there is no /g/ sound although it is represented in spelling by the letter. But in their corresponding noun forms signature, designation, and paradigmatic, the /g/ represented is pronounced. The rule can be stated as: Delete a /g/ when it occurs before a final nasal consonant.

5. State the functions of stress in a language with examples.

Stress is the emphasis (shown by more forceful, louder, and higher-pitched voice) given to some syllables (usually no more than one in each word). The result is that the stressed syllables sound louder than unstressed ones.

According to the context, i.e. whether stress is considered in the context of the word in isolation or in the context of connected speech, stress can be divided into two types: word stress and sentence stress.

1) Word stress

There are some factors which determine the placement of stress in such language.

a) The syntactic class of a word provides some clue to the position of stress.

Combine, convict, insult, abstract, greenhouse

b) The morphological make-up of a word affects its stress pattern. For example, words ending with the following endings:

-ity, -ion, -ian, -ic, -ify, -ible, -igible, -ish, (stress on the preceding syllable): exemplify, terrible, foolish, V erbs of three or more syllables ending in –ate, throw the stress back two syllables: liberate, hibernate; whereas verbs of two syllables ending in –ate, place the stress on ate: narrate.

2) Sentence stress

Sentence stress plays various roles in conveying meaning.

a) Sentence stress depends on the relative importance of the word. The more important a word is, the stronger its stress is.

b) Rhythmic considerations influence the placement of stress (such as in poetry). Stressed syllables tend to occur at regular intervals of time, the stress pattern is affected by the rhythm. e.g. She is fifteen years old. She is only fifteen.

c) The syntactic structure of a sentence influences its stress pattern, such as parenthetical phrases are often not stressed.

6. What are suprasegmental features? How do the major suprasegmental features of English function in conveying meaning?

Supra-segmental phonology refers to the study of phonological properties of units larger than phoneme, such as the syllable, word, phrase, clause, or sentence. The principal features are stress, pitch (tone), and intonation.

Meaning conveyed by these features:

1) Stress (see the answer to the question 6)

2) pitch

Different rates of variation are, in acoustic term, different frequencies, and in auditory terms, are different pitches (degree of highness and lowness of sound or quality of sound). Pitch variations are called tones, and languages using tones are tone languages.

Tone language is a language that distinguishes meanings among words of similar form by variations in pitch and tone. The best-known example is the Chinese dialects of Mandarin and Cantonese, such as the form ―ma‖ has five tones with different meanings: 吗,妈,嘛,马,骂.

3) Intonation

Intonation is the use of changing pitch to convey syntactic information, i.e. the rise or fall of the pitch in speaking, which could affect the meaning of what is said.

The grammatical functions of intonation:

a) It may indicate different sentence types by pitch direction.

b) It may indicate connotative meanings.

I cannot eat anything. (I can eat nothing. I can only eat some particular ones)

c) It may impose different structure on the sentence by dividing the sentence into different intonation units.

He didn’t come because of Mary. Those who sold quickly made a profit.

d) It may make part of a sentence prominent by placing the nucleus on the part concerned.

e) It ha s attitudinal function, expressing the speaker’s feelings or attitudes.

7. A phonetic symbol is actually a ―cover term‖ for a composite of distinct phonetic properties or features. Define each of the symbols below by marking a ―+‖ or a ―---‖ for each given feature: a

Supplementary material: the phonetic features of English diphthongs

According to the direction of gliding, diphthongs can be central or closing. According to the position of the more prominent element in the diphthong, we have divided diphthong into falling diphthongs (if the prominent element comes first) and rising diphthongs (if the less prominent comes first). Diphthongs can be wide (if the glide implies a more radical movement of the speech organs) and narrow (if the two vocalic elements occupy neighbouring positions on the vowel chart). Diphthongs can be opening (if the degree of aperture increases with the glide) or closing (if the less prominent vowel is closer than the first).

8. Distinguish and transcribe the following sounds in groups.

(1)【p】in pit , tip and spit

(2)【l】in lesson and people

(3)【n】in ten and tenth

(4)【k】in key and scheme

(5)【t】in team and steam

9. Fill in the proper word according to the explanations.

(1)the frequency of vibration in the musical sound of the voice.(pitch).

(2)a special emphasis on a sound or a sound group.(stress).

(3)the length of silence between parts of utterance.(pause).

(4)the smallest structured sound unit made up of a rule-governed sequence of phonemes.


(5)the phonetic process in which two phonemes ,adjacent to each other, become identical.



I. 1-5T F F T T

II. 1-5 b b c c d 6-10 c b d b d


1.Phonology is the study of sound systems and patterns.

2.Two words that differ by only one sound in the same position are called minimal pairs.

3.If segments appear in the same position but the mutual substitution does not result in change

of meaning, they are said to be in free variation.

4.The features that are found over a segment or a sequence of two or more segments are called

suprasegmental features. The most widely found suprasegmental features are stress, intonation and tone.


1. Devoice a voiced consonant when it occurs after a voiceless consonant.

2. A voiceless consonant becomes voiced when it occurs between two vowels.

3. V oiceless stops are aspirated when they occur initially in a stressed syllable

4. vowels become nasalized when they occur before nasals.


―hotdog‖ is a compound word and the stress is on the ―hot‖. A hotdog is a long cooked sausage.

―hot dog‖ is a noun phrase and the stress is on ―dog‖. A hot dog refers to a dog that is hot.

VI Phonetics is the study of speech sounds. Phonology is the study of sound systems and patterns. Phonetics and phonology are both concerned with the study of speech sounds, but they two differ in perspectives. Phonetics, particularly articulatory phonetics, focuses on how speech sounds are produced, what phonetic features they have, and how to transcribe them.

In phonetics, sound segments are assumed to be invariable; variations are overlooked.

Phonology focuses on the following three fundamental question: What sounds make up the list of sounds that can distinguish meaning in a particular language? What sounds make up the list of ways in what context? What sounds can appear together in a sequence in a particular language?

《语音学和音系学引论》 第二版

《语音学和音系学引论》(第二版) 分章导读 第一章导言 本章是全书的开篇,分为四个小题目:语音学和音系学,理论和分析,与其他领域的关系,全书的框架。 第一小节介绍本学科的研究范围。作者提出语音学和音系学从两个层面研究人类语音的发生和感知:第一个层面是语音的解剖和生理层面,涉及发音器官及功能、语音、传递语音的声波、听者对语音声波的分析和处理。在这一层面上的研究称为“语音学”,可以细分为语音的解剖学和生理学、发音语音学、声学语音学和听觉(或感知)语音学。在第二个层面上,语音被看作是一种有目的的人类活动,具有传达意义的目的,在这一层面上的语音研究称为“音系学”,因此音系学常被看作是与特定语言内部的语音构造有关的。 第二小节论述理论和实践的关系,指出本书旨在介绍一种科学的理论方法,是与会不会发音或会不会模仿截然不同的。普通人通过说话表达意义,从不有意识地考虑自己的哪些器官在做什么样的动作,但语言学家所感兴趣的恰恰是说话者的这些细微的过程和活动,并对此进行分析,对器官的动作和活动如何表达意义作出解释。 第三小节首先讲解语音学和音系学对口语的记录和描述以及对英语拼写的指导作用,然后讨论其在外语教学中的应用和有关英语标准发音(RP)的争论,最后说明语音研究与科学技术的相互联系。从事录音、语言描述和语言教学工作的人对语音知识会有一定的兴趣,而从事听力学、语言矫治和言语病理学的人员需要具备坚实的语音学和音系学基础。二十世纪的科技进步为语音研究提供了新的手段,使语音研究的成果与生理学、物理学和电子学有了更密切的关系。近年来语音研究与科学技术结合在语音合成和语音-文本转换方面也有了可喜的进展,具有很高的商业价值和对理论探索的兴趣,使语音学家和音系学家得以更加紧密地与计算机和人工智能方面的专家进行合作。 第四小节叙述本书的框架,指出各章的目的和方法。本书在结构上比较特别,语音学和音系学的内容交叉进行。第二、三、六、七、八章明显属于语音学的内容,其余各章属于音系学内容。这样做的目的是模糊语音学和音系学的界限,使这两个在很长一段时间独立进行研究的学科更加一致起来。 思考题: 1.语音学和音系学在对语音的研究上有哪些异同点? 2.语音学和音系学与我们平时发音的关系是什么? 3.语音学和音系学知识可以应用于哪些其他领域? 4.语音学和音系学与语言学的其他分支学科有什么关系?

语音学和音位学 练习题

第2章语音学和音位学 Phonetics&Phonology 1.phonetics is the study of_______. A.all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages B.sppech sounds used by human languages to represent C.the differernces between sounds used in human languages and sounds in nature D.how phonological differences can lead to misunderstanding 2./m, n/ are ____. A.fricatives B.dentals C.glides D.nasals 3./w, j/ belong to ____. A.fricatives B. dentals C. glides D. nasals 4.Which of the following vowel is the rounded vowel? A.[i:] B.[u:] C.[i] D.[a:] 5.In the field of phonology, which of the following does NOT belong to the suprasegmental features? A.stress B.tone C.intonation D.syllable 6.Classification of vowels are made up of the followings EXCEPT____. A.the position of the tongue B.the openness of the mouth C.The shape of the lip D.The width of the vowels 7.A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a given language is a______. A.phoneme B.allophone C.phone D.allomorph 8./p, t, k / are______. A.fricatives B. affricates C. glides D.stops 9./kuku:/ is a bird’s call. The name of such a bird is CUCKOO which is an example of ______. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e82087049.html,nguage universals B.onomatopoeia C.teaching grammars D.morphs 10.The vowel [u:] in [fu:d] (food) is a____ vowel.


音系学 一.音系学(Phonology)的定义: 音系学主要有以下两个任务:其一,发现某一特定语言中出现的所有能够区别意义的语音;其二,找出语音是如何组织起来表达意义的。 二.音素(Phone)、音位(Phoneme)和音位变体(Allophone): 音素(Phone):一个语音单元或音段。 音位(Phoneme):一个具有区别性价值的单位,是一组语音特征的抽象集合体。 音位变体(Allophone):同一个音位在不同语音环境下的实现的方式。 三.音位的分布(Distribution of Phonemes): 音位对立(phonemic contrast)以及互补分布(complementary Distribution):相似的音素之间相联系的方式主要有两种:如果它们是同一个音位的音位变体,不区别意义,就处于互补分布状态;如果它们不是同一个音位的音位变体,且能够区分意义,就构成了音位对立。 自由变异(free variation): 如果两个音素出现在一个相同的语音环境中,并不区别意义,换而言之,用一个音素替换另一个音素而不产生一个新词,仅仅产生同一个词的不同读音,那么这两个音素就处于自由变异。 最小对立体(minimal pairs): 如果两个单词,除了出现在同一个位置上的一个音以外,其余的都相同,则这两个词就构成了一个最小对立体。若最小对立体按照相同的条件进一步的扩展,扩展到多对,就构成了一个最小对立集(minimal set)。例如:hook和book,book和look,look和cook就构成了三对对立体,而这六个词则构成了一个最小对立集。 四.音系学的一些规则(Some Rules of Phonology): 在音系学中,孤立的音素是没有意义的。因此为了表达意义,音素必须组合在一起,但是也需要符合一定的组合原则。 1)序列原则(Sequential rules):即语音组成词在排列顺序上要受到一定的制约。音位系统规定了哪些音位可以放在词首,哪些可以放在哪些可以相互搭配。 2)同化原则(assimilation rule):一个音通过吸收其相邻音的特点,变得与其相似,这种音系规则叫做同化原则(assimilation rule)。如果后面的音同化了前面的邻音,这种同化叫做逆同化(regressive assimilation);反之,则叫做顺同化(progressive assimilation)。常见的同化有鼻音化(nasalization),齿音化(dentalization)和软腭 化(velarization)。 3)省略原则(deletion rule):有关于在什么条件下某个音被省略掉,即只有拼写形式存在而不发音的音系规则。 五.超音段特征(Suprasegmental Features): 超音段特征主要有音调(tone)、重音(stress)和语调(intonation)。 重音(stress):在产生一个音节过程中所用力的程度。重音分为两种:单词重音和句子



第二章、语音和音系 第一节语音与语音学和音系与音系学 一、语音和语音学: (一)语音 语音是语言的声音。具备两个特点: 第一、语音是从人的发音器官发出的声音,是人的发音器官运动的结果; 第二、语音负载一定的意义,它是一定的信息符号的载体。 上下课铃声咳嗽声打呼噜声 语音是语言的物质外壳。 (二)语音学: 语音学是从自然属性出发以人类语言的声音为研究对象的科学,是语言学的一个部门。 语音研究成为语言学中的一个独立的部门是从19世纪中叶开始的。 语音学可以分为不同的类别、不同的分科。 研究方法:传统语音学、现代语音学 传统语音学分析语音时主要靠发音器官的模仿,靠耳朵听音分辨,一向被称为“口耳之学”。

如:我国早在先秦诸子书中就有“开口”“阖口”“徐呼”“疾呼”“舌头”“舌腹”等说法。 现代语音学在传统语音学基础上建立,由耳听目视转为用新式的仪器进行实验,于是建立起一门独立的学科——实验语音学。 研究对象、研究内容:普通语音学、历史语音学、描写语音学、实验语音学、应用语音学。 普通语音学:研究人类语言中各种声音的构成,音与音的结合和相互之间发生的变化,以及声调、语调、轻重等现象。 历史语音学:研究某种语言各个历史时期的语音演变及其发展规律。 描写语音学:研究某种语言在一定时期的语音系统及其特殊的现象。 实验语音学:利用实验仪器分析研究语音的物理现象和生理现象,辨析发音上的细微差别等。 应用语音学:侧重研究与科学技术有关的语音问题。如:机器翻译过程中的语音问题。 如果从言语交际的全过程即发音——传递——感知三个阶段给语音学分类,可分为生理语音学(发音语音学)、物理语音学(声学语音


生成语言学与认知语言学的比较 The Comparison between the Generative Linguistics and Cognitive Linguistics 姓名黄秋娟 班级英语09-4 Abstract In the present fields of linguistics studies, the generative linguistics and the cognitive linguistics have occupied prominent positions. They form the different view points on language. Then they put forward the different research goals and research methods. However, the generative linguistics and the cognitive linguistics are not different completely. They also have something in common from the above perspectives. According to this clue, the article makes the comparison between them. Key words: cognitive linguistics ; generative linguistics ; task of linguist; research method Introduction In 1957, a book of Chomsky, the Syntax Structure, was published, which announced the coming of At the same time, cognitive linguistics put forward new, challenging point of views when compared with the generative linguistics. No matter how complex they are, there are two aspects which should not be neglected. One is the task of the linguists, the other is the research methods. Chapter1 T ask of Linguists 1.1The Task of Generative Linguistics Linguists Generative linguistics distinguishes competence and performance, and focuses on the former one. They hold the opinion that the task of linguistics is studying the competence of speaker. The representative, Chomsky, hold the opinion that linguists ‘s object of study is the idealized speaker s’language, that is the language which fully meets the grammar rules. Because language is an independent sign system, linguists should ignore complex context factor, focus on the study of language itself, especially syntactic. This decides that an important task of linguists is to find common phenomenon of all languages through researching one grammar and to establish common rules shared by all human languages ----universal grammar. Therefore, linguists don't have to master a


语音学和音系学Phonetics and Phonology 一、自然属性--语音学 ?发音生理:发音语音学 1.发音器官:由动力(肺)、发音体(声带)、共鸣腔(口腔、鼻腔、咽腔)构成;包括主动或被动发音器官 2.音素(Phone):(1)定义:是从音质的角度划分出来的最小的线性的语音单位。 (2)分类:①元音(V owels):以共鸣腔的不同,主要口腔形状不同划分。 舌位高低(High\Mid\Low) 舌位前后(Front\Central\Back) 唇形圆展(Rounded\Unrounded) ②辅音(Consonants) :都是气流在一定的部位受阻碍,通过某种方式冲破阻碍而发出的音。 发音部位(place of articulation):唇齿鄂 发音方法(manner of articulation):清音(包括送气与不送气)和浊音; 塞爆擦; 鼻音口音; 颤音、闪音(搭音)、边音、近音、半元音(3)符号:[字母] 【PS:把音素、字母、音标三者合为一体来教学,才能使学生真正掌握字母和音标,才能学会独立地拼读单词,并由此过渡到记单词。】?传递物理:声学语音学→语音四要素:音质:发音体、共鸣器、发音方法不一样 音高:人们对于声音高低的感知,主要取决于声带振动频率的快慢 音强:人们对于声音强弱的感知,主要取决于声波的振幅大小 音长:声音的长短,取决于发音体振动持续的时间长短 ?感知心理:听觉语音学 二、社会属性--音系学(语音在具体语言中的作用)

→音位(Phoneme): (1)定义:是具体语言中有区别词的语音形式作用的最小语音单位。 (2)符号:/字母/ (3)音位变体(Allophone):同一个音位有不同但相似的音素。包括自由变体和条件变体。音素对立和互补关系。 (4)最小对立体(minimal pair): (5)分类:①音质音位:由音素构成 ②非音质音位(超音段音位Suprasegmental):音高、音强、音长;包括调位(声调)、重位(重音)、时位(长短音)(6)音位聚合 三、记音符号 (1)音标(phonetic symbols):记录音素的标写符号。 (2)国际音标:是国际语音协会于1888年制定并开始使用的表音系统。现通行的是1986年方案。其为全世界各种语言或方言所用。以“一个音素只用一个音标,一个音标只表示一个音素”为原则。为区分一般字母,标写音素[],标写音位//。所用符号大多数为拉丁字母,辅以希腊字母等补充。【PS:国际音标简表】 四、语音单位组合 音节(Syllable):音节是听觉能感受到的最自然的语音单位,有一个或几个音素按一定规律组合而成。 汉语中一个汉字就是一个音节,每个音节由声母、韵母和声调三个部分组成; 英语中一个元音音素可构成一个音节,一个元音音素和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。元音、辅音、重音 语流音变:人们在说话时,不是孤立地发出一个个音节,而是把音节组成一连串自然的“语流”。因发音器官的制约和发音方便的需要,音位与音位接续时发生临时的变化。 ①同化:追求发音的顺口;②异化:避免发音的拗口;③弱化:包括弱读和轻声,若程度加深,脱落-音节分界变动-合音。 韵律单元:


《语言学纲要》第三章语音和音系 一、名词解释 语音四要素——音高、音重(强)、音长、音质。 音素——是从音质的角度划分出来的最小的线性的语音单位 音位——具体语言中有区别词的语音形式的作用的最小的语音单位。也是按语音的辨义作用归纳出来的音类,从语言的社会属性划分出来的语言单位 音位变体——处在互补关系中的相似的音素彼此不对立,即不起区别词的语音形式的作用,我们可以把它们归并为一个音位。如果它们被归并为一个音位,则处于互补关系中的各个音素就被看成为同一音位在不同位置上的代表,是同一个音位的不同的变异形式,所以我们把它们叫做音位变体。 非音质音位——非音质音位指具有区别词的语音形式的作用的音高、音重、音长等。例如汉语普通话声调中的阴平、阳平、上声、去声,是由音高的变化形成的而不是音质变化形成的,就是非音质音位。 区别特征——具体语言中有区别音位的作用的发音特征,叫做该语言的区别特征。每一个音位都可以分解为几个不同的区别特征。运用区别特征比较容易说清楚音位在具体语言中的特点和具体语言语音系统的组织方式。 音节——由音位组成的语音中最小的结构单位,也是从听觉上感受到的最自然的单位。 语流音变——音位和音位组合的时候,由于受说话时快慢,高低、强弱的不同和邻音的影响,可能发生不同的临时性的变化。这种变化,我们叫做语流音变。 音步——语言的一种节奏中,语流是大致每隔两个音节就有一次小的轻重、高低、长短或松紧的交替,形成语流中大致等距离出现的两音节的节奏单元。这种节奏单元叫做音步。 二、填空或简答 1、画一张元音舌位图,用国际音标标出八个基本元音。 八个基本元音[i][e][ ][a][u][o][?][ɑ]


语音学与音位学的区别 在语音学(phonetics)里,偏重于发音部位,发音方式,语音特征的研究。在音位学(phonemics)里,偏重于各个独立的基本音在语音系统的重要性,语音结构及语音组合规律等。换言之,语音学里的工作较近于语言的具体面,音位学的工作较近于语音的抽象面。在音位学里,我们会去注意各种语音发音差异,在整个语音系统里是否有意义,在语音学里,说话者 ( 我们 ) 只注意它 ( 语音 ) 的实质不同,不去管它 ( 语音 ) 在整个语音系统里有无意义,我们听到别人怎么说,我们就跟着说。 ( 参考余光雄《英语语言学概论》) ?Phones :the sounds made by humans. [人类发出的语音] ?Phonetics:the study of phones; the study of human speech sounds; phonemics is the study of phones as they act in a particular language. [研究语音的学问;研究人类语音的学问;phonemics 是研究某一特定 语言的语音的学问] ?Phonemes :the smallest sound that contrasts meaning (they carry no meaning themselves); the smallest unit of sound in speech; the basic unit of spoken language; a member of the set of the smallest units of speech that serve to distinguish one utterance from another in a language or dialect. [区别意义的最小语音单位(本身不具意 义) ;语言中最小的语音单位;口语中的最基本单位;一个语言或方 言中用来区别语词的最小语音单位] ?Phonemics :the study of phonemes; studies only the significant sound contrasts of a given language. [研究音位的学问;专门研究 某一语言中语音对比的学问] 语音学主要处理语音的物理性质描述,而音位学主要处理一个语言系统中语音的功能。当然在音位学的分析中也会利用语音学的基本知识。举例来说,在语音学方面,可以看出有许多不同的't'的语音,例如在音节首、两个母音之间以及音节尾。换句话说,在这些情形下的't'的发音都不一样。以此例来说,音位学检验这三个音在功能方面上的角色,例如它指出了它们三个发音不同时个


语音学(Phonetics)是对人类语言发音进行的研究,它包括建立一套描述语音的方法和体系,也包括与之相关的理论建构,还可以包括由此带来的应用前景。 语音学phonetics 语音学是语言学的一个分支。研究人类语言声音的学科。主要研究语言的发音机制,语音特性和在言谈中的变化规律。由于它的研究内容关系到发音动作(生理现象),语声特性(物理现象)以及听感(心理作用),而人类的不同语言集体各有自己的语音特点,因此现代语音学的研究需同时具备自然科学和社会科学的知识作为基础。 语音学(phonetics)一词在西方来源于希腊文嗞ων嬜τ忕κσs, 意为声音。早期研究范围比较广泛, 除研究语音特性外还包括语言的读音或拼音学、语音系统学等。在中国传统音韵学研究中有关语音的描写和分类, 也都属于语音学的范畴。但自近代科学的语音学发展以后,分类越来越细,定义也趋于严密,语音学就专指语音本身特点的研究了。 编辑本段研究范围和对象 早期的语音学研究多只为了语言教学的需要以及语言研究的兴趣。近年来由于医疗器械的完善,人们能观测发音器官的动作和功能,就发展了生理语音学。由于声学仪器的发展,从前许多只能耳听的语言现象现在不但可以目测,而且可以用人工来合成,于是有了声学语音学。由于心理测验方法的改善,思维和听觉神经生理的研究日趋进步,言语控制、听觉反馈中的语音规律分析得越来越深入,又产生了感知语音学(或心理语音学),并发展为神经语音学。这是从研究手段来看的 3大分支。最近,由于信息时代的前进和人机对话的需要,孤立研究语音已不能满足要求。因为人类的语言不是一个个孤立的音的缀合,而是一系列相互依存制约而且多变的音的串连,同时语言又离不开社会环境和个人语言习惯,研究语音不能离开


第五章实验音系学 Experimental Phonology 张杰 Jie Zhang 美国堪萨斯大学 University of Kansas, USA [内容提要] 语言学课本中的“音系”指的是可从语言中直接观察的语音的组织规律,但在生成语法中,“音系”特指为说话人对语音组织规律的潜在知识。这决定了以实验方法直接从说话人那里采集数据实际上是生成音系研究不可或缺的一部分。本章对实验音系学近年的发展作一个简单的概述,着重讨论实验对音系结构的认识所起的作用及其对现有音系理论的挑战,也指出汉语研究与实验音系学之间相互促进、相辅相成的关系。 Abstract The textbook definition of “phonology” refers to sound patterns directly observable from language. But in generative grammar, “phonology” refers to the speakers’ tacit knowledge of sound patterns. This determines that using experimental methods to collect data directly from the speakers is an indispensable part of research in generative phonology. This chapter summarizes the recent advances in experimental phonology, focusing on the roles that experiments play in our understanding of phonological patterns and the challenges experiments pose for current theories of phonology. It also discusses the roles of Chinese dialects in experimental phonology as well as the importance of experiments in Chinese phonological research. [关键词] 生成音系学(generative phonology),实验音系学(experimental phonology),优选论(Optimality Theory),随机优选论(stochastic Optimality Theory),最大熵值语法(Maximum Entropy Grammar)


Phonetics 1.The differences between consonants and vowels Consonants are produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to divert, impede, or completely shut off the airflow in the cavity. However, a vowel is produced without such obstruction so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air can be perceived. The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in the obstruction of airstream. 2.Manners of articulation It refers to the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain part of vocal tracts. There are several basic ways in which articulation can be accomplished: the articulators may close off the oral tract for an instant or a relatively long period; they may narrow the space considerably; or they may simply modify the shape of the tract by approaching each other. (1). Stop: complete closure of the articulators involved so that the airstream cannot escape through the mouth. It is essential to separate three phrases in the production of a stop: (a) the closing phase, in which the articulators come together; (b)the compression phrase, during which air is compressed behind the closure; (c)the release phrase, during which the articulators


乔姆斯基与转换生成语言学 20世纪50年代后半叶,美国语言学界出现了一种全新的理论——转换生成语法,转换生成语法理论是欧美语言学理论中最有影响的一种,猛烈地冲击了当时在美国占主导地位的结构主义描写语言学,因此,它的诞生被称为“乔姆斯基革命”。其标志是《句法结构》的出版,其创始人就是A·N·乔姆斯基(Avram Noam Chomsky)。 乔姆斯基,1928年12月7日生于宾夕法尼亚州费城的一个犹太家庭,父亲是研究希伯来语的学者。中学毕业之后,乔姆斯基到宾夕法尼亚大学学习语言学、数学和哲学。1951年完成硕士论文《希伯来语语法》。1951—1955年,乔姆斯基以哈佛大学学术协会会员身份从事语言学研究工作,写出《语言理论的逻辑结构》(The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory),后返回宾夕法尼亚大学,取得了博士学位。1957年,他把自己的博士论文缩写成《句法结构》(Syntactic Structure)在荷兰出版,标志着转换生成语言学的诞生。此后,他的语言学思想开始在语言学界、心理学界和哲学界引起重视。他的主要著作有:《句法理论若干问题》(Aspects of the Theory of Syntax)(1966),《笛卡儿语言学》(Cartesian Linguistics)(1966),《语言与思维》(Language and Mind)(1968),《对语言的思考》(Reflections on Language)(1975),《规则与表达》(Rules and Representations)(1980),《支配与约束讲稿》(Lectures on Government and Binding)(1981),《语言知识》(Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin and Use)(1986)


语言学与翻译学的关系 [Abstract]Die Feststellung, da bersetzen ohne linguistisches Wissen nicht m glich ist, erübrigt sich von selbst. Auch die Tatsache, da dieses Wissen in mehreren Sprachen vorhanden sein mu, kann als trivial angesehen werden. Somit hat die Linguistik bereits ein weites Feld von Ph nomenen, die sie beschreiben kann, sei es bei der Ausbildung von bersetzern (die in der Regel auch w hrend der Ausbildung unabh ngig vom Grad ihrer Fremdsprachenbeherrschung weitere Sprachkenntnisse erwerben), sei es im Hinblick auf Mehrsprachigkeit in all ihren Erscheinungsformen (nebenordnend, vermischend oderzusammengesetzt und unterordnend). [Key words]Sprachwissenschaft,bersetzung,linguistischen Modellen I. Einleitung Da die F higkeit zum bersetzen jedoch mehr erfordert als gute Fremdsprach- beherrschung, und da bersetzen alles andere ist als eine blo e Umkodierung ist mittlerweile zu einer Binsenweisheit geworden, die sich jedoch leider noch nicht bei allen an einer bersetzung Beteiligten herumgesprochen hat. Bei Wilss findet sich folgende Anekdote: “Verbürgt ist die Weisung eines Bonner Ministerialbeamten an


简述自然生成音系学 摘要:自然生成音系学最早是由加州大学的维特曼提出的一种向传统音位学回归的音系学流派。自然生成音系学理论的中心内容就是对底层表达式进行制约,认为词库中的底层形式应与表层形式中的某一个基本上一致。 关键词:音系学;生成音系学;自然生成音系学;限制条件 一、简介 自然生成音系学最早是由加州大学的维特曼(Theo Vennemann)在二十世纪七十年代初发表的一系列论文中提出的。后来,他的学生胡珀(Joan Bybee Hooper)在1976年出版的《自然生成音系学导论》(An Introduction to Natural Genarative Phonology)中全面地对该理论进行了阐述和解释。自然生成音系学理论的中心内容就是对底层表达式进行制约,认为词库中的底层形式应与表层形式中的某一个基本上相一致。 针对生成音系学过分考虑概括充分、形式完美而脱离语言学的实质和自然语言事实这一问题,维特曼和胡珀提出了一条音系研究的原则:音系研究的表述要在表层能成立,音系表达式应基本上与语音形式一致。他们提出的限制条件(constrinsic)主要包括:一是真实概括条件(true generalization rule),规则的概括直接以表层形式为基础,将一个表层形式与另一个表层形式、而不是将一个底层形式与一个表层形式相联系,亦即说话人只建立表层正确和透明的概括;二是无先后顺序条件(no order rule),规则之间所有的顺序关系都是内在的(instrinsic) 或决定于规则应用的普遍原则,而不能有外在的顺序(extrinsic order)。 二、起源 乔姆斯基和M·哈勒的巨著《英语语音模式》于1968年问世,标志着生成音系学时代的到来。众所周知,生成学派的最大特点就是其抽象性。作为生成语法的分支生成音系学也是如此。它在音位区别特征理论的基础上,用形式语言学的方法来研究语音。它从语音的生理特征出发,把区别特征从原来的12对扩充为30多对,每对区别特征用“±”号表示,如“+浊音/-浊音”,“+圆唇/-圆唇”等,使区别特征的偶值性更加突出,语音和语音规则用符号、以形式化的方法进行描述。乔姆斯基和M·哈勒提倡用一套形式符号( formalized symbol ) 来描述所有的语音现象,用形式的尺度来衡量描述是否成功,是否充分。这种高度抽象的形式化描写,使音系学研究如同教学和逻辑研究一样,需要考虑的就是概括是否充分,形式是否完美。为了使音系结构的描写更加充分、完美,其系统的抽象化程度也不断提高。到后来,人们发现这一研究方法无疑会产生一个严重的问题,即音系学的形式与语音学的实质脱离。 一个问题几乎立即引起了辩论。这就是音系学的“抽象性”,即基础形式的音


语音学和音系学的关系 08级对外汉语班刘春艳2008020847 按照语音学和音系学词典中的解释,语音学的概念可概括为语音学是语言学的一个分支。研究人类语言声音的学科。主要研究语言的发音机制,语音特性和在言谈中的变化规律。由于它的研究内容关系到发音动作(生理现象),语声特性(物理现象)以及听感(心理作用),而人类的不同语言集体各有自己的语音特点,因此现代语音学的研究需同时具备自然科学和社会科学的知识作为基础。 音系学(也有叫音位学、音韵学的)是语言学的一个分支,研究在特定语言和所有语言中语音之间的关系,和语音学形成对比。尽管字母书写的创造需要对音系学有直觉领悟,但音系学仅仅在十九世纪晚期,才开始与语音学区分开。这一区分直到本世纪才稳固地建立起来。音系学也指某一特定语言的整个音系系统,如法语音系。 从上述概念我们可以看出,语音学和音系学是有着内在的联系的。简单地说,语音学和音系学都是语言科学的分支,并且研究对象是相关联的。语音学研究语音的生理、物理和心理问题,即声音的自然属性。音系学则把语音现象抽象为符号,研究语音在语言系统中的结构和功能,即声音的社会属性。二者对语音现象的关注点不同。语音学研究人类所有的语言。音系学研究某种特定语言的语音系统。例如:单词leap和peel中的[l]音有清晰音和模糊音之分,但音的不同对意义的表达并无关联。所以,如果从语音学角度来说,这是两个不同的语音,而从音系学角度来说,这是同一基本实体的两个变体。音系学家对不引起意义区别的语音间的细微区别并不关注,但语音学家却要对所有的语音进行描述,不论它们之间的差别对表达意义有没有关系。 当然现代音系学已经不仅仅是为了研究字母文字了。不同音位的聚合、组合关系,语调和韵律问题等都是音系学关注的。 语音学主要的任务是对人类语言进行语音描写,和语音分析。而音系学是对各种语言现象的抽象,寻找人类声音系统中的普遍原则,探讨语音系统的规律性,通过对比、归纳,用有限的一套音位构建出一种语言的音位系统。又一种很不全面的说法,但是可能比较直接,语音更偏重于实验,而音系则更注重理论。 以上便是我对语音学和音系学的关系做出的简单的不全面的理解,总的来说,语音学和音系学都是语言学的重要组成部分,只有语音而没有音系不是纯粹的语言学。音系才是生成语法中的嫡系。


语言学复习习题集 P a r t O n e Ex e r ci s es fo r P h o n et i c s I. Fill in the blanks 1.________ phonetics studies the movement of the vocal organs of producing the sounds of speech. 2: Speech takes place when the organs of speech move to produce patterns of sound. These movements have an effect on the _________ coming from the lungs. 3 . Consonant sounds can be either_________ or_________, while all vowel sounds are_________. 4. Consonant sounds can also be made when two organs of speech in the mouth are brought close together so that the air is pushed out between them, causing _________.. 5. The qualities of vowels depend upon the position of the _________ and the tips. 6. One element in the description of vowels is the part of the tongue which is at the highest point in the mouth. A second element is the_________ to which that part of the tongue is raised. 7. Consonants differ from vowels in that the latter are produced without_________. 8. In phonological analysis the words fail-veil are distinguishable simply because of the two phonemes/f/-/v/_________. 9. In English there are a number of _________, which are produced by moving from one vowel position to another through intervening positions. 10 _________refers to the phenomenon of sounds continually show the influence of their neighbours. 11. _________ is the smallest linguistic unit. 12. According to_________, when there is a choice as to where to place a consonant, it is put into the onset rather than the coda. II . Choose the best answer. 13. Pitch variation is known as _________ when its patterns are imposed on sentences. A. intonation B. tone C. pronunciation D. voice 14. Conventionally a_________ is put in slashes. A. allophone B. phone C. phoneme D. morpheme 15. An aspirated p, an unaspirated p and an unreleased p are _________ of the p phoneme. A. analogues B. tagmemes C. morphemes D. allophones

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