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9、学校买来4个篮球和6个排球,共付228元,已知每个篮球比每个排球贵12 元,两种球的单价各多少元?



1 2、大队部买了12支钢笔和18支圆珠笔,共付57.60元。乙知2支钢笔的价钱和3支圆珠笔一样多,每支钢笔和每支圆珠笔各多少钱?




16、如果一只小兔的重量相当于一只小狗的1 /2,那么3只小狗的重量相当于()小兔的重量;8只小兔和3只小狗的重量相当于()只小狗的重量或者相当于()只小兔的重量。



阅读词汇 考频考查的单词正确的选项词性中文含义abundant plentiful a. 大量的accelerate increase v. 加速;加大 accessible available a. 可用的 2 accordingly for that reason ; ad. 因此consequently 2 account ( for )explain v. 解释;说明 accumulate collect v. 积累;积聚 a couple of years two years 两年 adequate sufficient a. 充足的 adhere stick v. 黏附;胶着adjunct addition n. 附加物administered managed v. 管理adorn decorate v. 装饰advent arrival n. 出现、到达adversely negatively ad. 不利地;有害地 advocate proponent n. 倡导者;辩护者aesthetically artistically ad. 审美地;美学地affront insult v 侮辱轻蔑 aid help v. 帮助 alert wary a. 机敏的 allay reduce v. 减少 alter change v. 改变;调整alternative option n. 替代;替代物altogether completely ad. 完全地ancillary secondary a. 附属的;辅助的annihilate conquer v. 消灭;征服antagonist enemy n. 对手;敌人 antecedent predecessor n. AH MM 先辈 anticipate look forward to v. 期待;盼望apace with as fast as 快速的appealing attractive a. 吸引人的apply used for v. 应用;适用appreciated recognized(-tion) v.(-n) 赏识


楼板钢筋等强度替换表一 HRB400 CRB600H 替换 板内替换后钢筋板内原设计钢筋钢筋布置钢筋面积替换钢筋布置钢筋面积 RH6@130 210 替换 8@200 251 RH6@125 222 替换 8@190 265 RH6@120 234 替换 8@180 279 RH8@200 248 替换 8@170 296 RH8@190 263 替换 8@160 314 RH8@170 280 替换 8@150 335 RH8@160 301 替换 8@140 359 RH8@150 324 替换 8@130 387 RH8@140 351 替换 8@120 419 RH8@130 383 替换 8@110 457 RH8@110 421 替换 8@100 503 RH8@100 468 替换 8@90 559 RH8@90 526 替换 8@80 628 RH8@80 601 替换 8@70 718 注: RH表示CRB600H级钢筋,fy=430N/mm2

楼板钢筋等强度替换表二 HRB400 CRB600H 替换 板内替换后钢筋板内原设计钢筋钢筋布置钢筋面积替换钢筋布置钢筋面积 RH8@150 329 替换 10@200 393 RH8@140 346 替换 10@190 413 RH8@130 365 替换 10@180 436 RH10@200 387 替换 10@170 462 RH10@190 411 替换 10@160 491 RH10@170 439 替换 10@150 524 RH10@160 470 替换 10@140 561 RH10@150 506 替换 10@130 604 RH10@140 548 替换 10@120 654 RH10@130 598 替换 10@110 714 RH10@110 657 替换 10@100 785 RH10@100 731 替换 10@90 873 RH10@90 822 替换 10@80 982 RH10@80 939 替换 10@70 1122 注: RH表示CRB600H级钢筋,fy=430N/mm2


浅析替代词 新建一中秦平 高考中替代词是常考的语法项目,因此,我们对它应有个全面的了解。替代词包括it, one, ones, the one, the ones, that, those 等,其作用就是替代前面某一名词,以避免重复。做关于替代词题的关键所在是弄清楚替代词替代的是哪种名词,可数名词还是不可数名词?单数名词还是复数名词?表特指的名词还是表泛指的名词?下面就上述替代词结合例题来逐一分析。 一. It ①用来替代上文中的同一个物体,请看下面例题: I bought a camera yesterday, and I like it very much. 这里的it 替代的是昨天买的camera,是同一个物体。 ②it作为替代词用在……like /love/hate it when……句型中,用来替代when ……例如: He loves it when she sings. 这个句子中it替代了when she sings, 句意为:他喜欢看她唱歌。[考例]①-----It’s a lovely day, isn’t it? ------Yes. I love ______ when the weather is like this. Why don’t we sit outside and have our lunch? A. this B. that C. it D. one ②I hate when people talk with their mouths full. A. it B. that C. these D. them 简析:这里考查it指代后文中when引导的从句这一功能,因而第①题选C;it 指代when theweather is clear and bright; 第②题选A, it替代when people talk with their mouths full. 二. One /ones (1)替代上文中被不定冠词a/an修饰的单数名词用one 例如:①Do you have a car? Yes, I have one. ②A bridge made of stone is much stronger than one made of wood. 在例一中one替代了a car, 在例二中,one 替代了a bridge. (2)表泛指,指同类事物中的一个(把,件……)用one, 指同类事物中

英语作文 常用替换高级词汇

英语作文中常用替换高级词汇 (一) ★形容词: 1、贫穷得:poor = needy =impoverished = poverty-stricken 2、富裕得:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do= well-off?3、优秀得:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4、积极得,好得:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous?5、消极得,不良得:bad = detrimental= baneful =undesirable 6、明显得:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7、健康得: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8、惊人得:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous?9、美丽得:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching?10、有活力得:energetic = dynamic= vigorous =animated11?、流行得:popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive ★动词: 1、提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen = optimize 2、引起:cause = trigger= endanger? 3、解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4、拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5、培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture 6、激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate =stimulate = spur 7、认为:think = assert= hold = claim= argue 8、完成:plete = fulfill =acplish= achieve 9、保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 11、10、有害于:destroy = impair =undermine = jeopardize?


雅思阅读同义替换词大 总结 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

雅思阅读中同义替换词大总结 1.限制:limit, restrict, confine, define, narrow, tighten, constrict, cap, 2.narrow(v.):这个词大家以前使用的时候一般都是作为形容词来用,这里强调下它的动词的用 法。 3.. We are working on narrowing the gap between our points of view. 缩小差距 4.. We’re working to narrow down the list of possible suspects. 5.. The smoking causes the same diseases in women as in men and the gap between their death rates is narrowing. 6.define (v.):这个词大家以前熟悉的意思是给……下定义, 这个意思和限制并不矛盾,什么叫下 定义就是描述出一个事物的轮廓,所以定义就是在一个给定的范围内给一个事物限定的特定的意思。(define的英文解释: If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like) 7.. The Supreme Court decision could define how far Congress can go in trying to determine the outcome of court cases. 8.cap (n./v.): 这个词最常用的意思是帽子的意思,作为限制的意思再形象不过了。. The government has placed a cap on local council spending. 9.snow-capped mountains 10.补充信息:魔兽世界(WOW)的资料片燃烧的远征(TBC)刚刚推出的时候,在官网上就有 这么句话:An increase in the level cap to 70 大家不妨体会下这句话中的cap的意思(当然了,有游戏功底的理解起来相当的easy,再次强调本人的原则:游戏不是坏事,能学以致用就好) 11. 12.在NBA里面就有工资帽这种说法(工资帽的概念1984年被引入,NBA联盟和球员工会之间 首先进行谈判,只有双方同意,工资帽才被正式公布。每年NBA的工资帽都在增加,1997-98赛季是2690万美元,上赛季是4384万美元,而如今则是4387万美元。那么什么是工资帽呢工资帽的具体数额和NBA前一年的总收入密切相关。具体来说,这个工资帽是根据NBA前一年

英语写作中高级同义词替换 2分析

英语写作中高级同义词替换 连词篇:(介词,副词) Firstly: previously, beforehand, foremost, initially, originally, formerly, principally, mainly, essentially, basically, generally, commonly, universally, on the whole, fundamentally, to begin with, to start with Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, secondarily, what is more, furthermore (further more)…Lastly:ultimately,eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all, last but not least, finally… Too: as well (句末), in addition, besides, moreover, additionally, to boot, excessively, also… And: plus, as well as, along with, in addition, bonus, with… Or: otherwise, if not, before, or else… So(adv): therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, for that reason, hence, that’s why Because: as, due to, since, as to, in that, for the reason that, for, now that… But:however, moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, 让步although, even thought, though, even if, while, as, despite the fact that…


★形容词: 1. 贫穷的:poor = needy = impoverished = poverty-stricken .) 2. 富裕的:rich = wealthy = affluent = well-to-do = well-off 3. 优秀的:excellent = eminent = top = outstanding 4. 积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5.消极的,不良的:bad = detrimental=evil= baneful =undesirable =harmful=inhumane(无人道的) 6. 明显的:obvious = apparent = evident =manifest 7. 健康的: healthy = robust = sound = wholesome 8. 惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary = miraculous 9. 美丽的:beautiful = attractive = gorgeous = eye-catching 10. 有活力的: energetic = dynamic = vigorous =animated 11. 流行的: popular = prevailing = prevalent= pervasive 12. 普遍的: everywhere=widespread=prevalent=overflow=rampant 13. 富有的: rich=wealthy=affluent 14. 贫穷的: poor=impoverished 15. 严重的:serious=severe (严厉的) 16. 便宜的:cheap=economical=inexpensive 17. 重要的:key=crucial=critical=important=significant=vital=substantial= indispensable=imperative 18. 急剧地:dramatically=drastically=sharply=hugely=enormously=steeply =substantially=considerably=significantly=markedly=surprisingly=strikingly=radically= remarkably=vastly=noticeably 19. 平稳地:steadily=smoothly=slightly=slowly=marginally=gradually=moderately= mildly 20. 有益的:useful=helpful=beneficial= profitable= rewarding= advantageous 21. 明显的:clear=obvious= evident= self-evident= manifest= apparent= crystal-clear ★动词: 1. 提高,加强:improve = enhance= advance=promote = strengthen = optimize 2. 引起:cause = trigger = endanger 3. 解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with=tackle=address(*)=handle 4. 拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down = eradicate 5. 培养: develop = cultivate = foster = nurture=agriculture 6. 激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur 7. 认为:think = believe=insist=maintain=conclude=deem=assert= hold = claim = argue =be convinced=be firmly convinced=be fully convinced 8. 完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9. 保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold= conserve 保护资源 10. 有害于,破坏,损害:destroy = impair = undermine = jeopardize= break=damage=hurt=injure=harm=jeopardize=devastate (抽象) 11. 减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten


雅思阅读同义词替换合集 1. successfully=spectacularly well=wonderfully 成功地adv. 2. people power=local pressure groups 群众力量n. 3. commute=travel 通勤 v. 4. higher=increasing=more 更高的 adj. 5. income=wealth=salary=wage=payment 收入n. 6. beneficial=valuable=profitable=good 有益的 adj. 7. together=face to face 共同 8. refute=not mean=rebut=deny 辩驳v. 9. accommodation=live=living condition 住宿n. 10. usage=use=benefit=profit 用处n. 11. averagely good=reasonable but not special 较好的 12. limited=minimal 有限的adj. 13. move from one to another=adopt one over another 转移 14. show=reveal=uncover=indicate=point out=imply 表明 15. related=associated 有关联的 adj. 16. suffer=be afflicted 忍受v. 17. research=study=investigation=survey 研究n. 18. affect=afflict=influence=change 影响v. 19. disease=medical complain=illness 病痛 n. 20. increase=surge=rise=gain=grow=go up=add=escalate 上


钢筋等截面及等强度代换 小 钢筋等截面及等强度代换 钢筋理论重量: 理论重量=0.00617*d^2(kg/m) 强度系数(设计强度): Ⅰ级钢 2.4 Ⅱ级钢 3.4 Ⅲ级钢 3.8 (1)等截面代换:一般指原设计钢筋和代换钢筋的材质(设计强度)相同,但直径不同时的代换,其计算公式为: 代换钢筋间距=(代换钢筋理论重量/原设计钢筋理论重量)*原设计间距 [例]某设计采用了圆10钢筋,间距180mm配筋,因圆10钢筋无货,拟用圆8代换,代换钢筋的间距应是多少? 代换钢筋间距=0.395/0.617*180=115(mm)......... 当施工中遇有钢筋的品种或规格与设计要求不符是,可按钢筋等强度代换、等面积代换原则代换: 1、等强度代换:当构件受强度控制时,钢筋可按强度相等原则进行代换;即不同钢号的钢筋按强度相等的原则代换。即代换后的钢筋强度应大于或等于代换前的钢筋强度; 2、等面积代换:当构件按最小配筋率配筋时,钢筋可按面积相等的原则进行代换。即同钢号的钢筋按钢筋面积相等的原则代换; 3、当构件受裂缝宽度或挠度控制时,代换后进行雷锋宽度或挠度验算; 4、代换后的钢筋应满足构造要求和设计中提出的特殊要求; 钢筋代换时,必须要充分了解设计意图和代换材料性能,并严格遵守现行混凝土结构设计规范的各项规定;凡重要结构中的钢筋代换,要征得设计单位同意。 (1)、对某些重要的构件,如吊车梁、薄腹梁、桁架弦等,不宜用一级光圆钢筋代替二级带肋钢筋; (2)、钢筋替换后,应满足配筋构造规定,如钢筋的最小直径、间距、根数、锚固长度等; (3)、同一截面内,可同时配有不同种类和直径的代换钢筋,但每根钢筋的拉力不应过大,以免构件受力不匀; (4)、梁的纵向受力钢筋与弯起钢筋应分别代换,以保证正截面与斜截面的强度; (5)、偏心受压构件分别代换; (6)、当构件受裂缝宽度控制时,如以小直径钢筋代换大直径钢筋,强度等级低的钢筋代换强度等级高的钢筋,则可不作裂缝宽度验算; 【质量验收要求】 5.1.1 当钢筋的品种、级别或规格需作变更时,应办理设计变更文件。 【相关规范要求】 ①《混凝土结构设计规范》GB 50010—2002 11.2.2 结构构件中的普通纵向受力钢筋宜选用HRB400、HRB335级钢筋;箍筋宜选用HRB335、HRB400、HPB235级钢筋。在施工中,当需要以强度等级较高的钢筋代替


英语建议信 1.提出建议的句型 I suggest that…Why not do…Why don’t you do…You would better do/ not do…If I were you,I would…… It seems to me that you could……You may consider doing… I feel that it would be beneficial if… You may consider doing… I think it would be more beneficial if you could…… As you may agree that I would like to suggest that… 2.结尾常用格式 I hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making anyway. I would be more than happy to see improvement in this regard. I believe that you will take my suggestions into serious account. I would be ready to discuss about this matter with you to further details. Whatever you decide to do,good luck with your studies/work! 高级词汇替换 连接词 :previously, initially,foremost(adv,第一adj.最重要的) : principally, mainly, basically, fundamentally, :subsequently(随后陆续的), afterward(时间上的), thereafter(逻辑上的), secondarily, furthermore :ultimately, eventually, in conclusion, as a final point, last but not least, : in addition, besides, moreover, additionally : plus, as well as, along with, in addition : otherwise, if not, before, or else (adv): therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, 9.Because: as, due to, since, as to, in that, for the reason that, for, now that : however, moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, even if, while, despite the fact that : just, merely, barely, singly, solely, rarely Without:excluding 12.Very:extremely, acutely, decidedly, deeply, exceedingly, greatly, highly, : as a matter of fact, indeed, literally, truly Important: essential, significant, vital, crucial, profound, play a pushing ,requisite, critical, fundamental, primary, elementary, underlying, rudimentary, basically, necessary… EXAMPLE: is important to B. 2. A plays an/a important role to B 3. A is of (great\enormous\significant\awesome) to B. 4. A means (a lot\a great deal\much) to B. 5. The importance of A (to B) can never be (denied\igonred\doubted). 6. Nothing is more crucial to B than A. 7. A is to B what the foundation is to a skyscraper.


写作常用替换词: 1.Important: Significant, vital, main, crucial, momentous, it makes a great difference that, b e of importance, play an important role in. 2.More and more: Increasing, growing + n. Increasingly +adj. Sthhas gained growing popularity Sth is increasingly popular with the advancement of sth. 3.think Harbor the idea that Take the attitude that Hold the view that It is widely shared that It is universally acknowledged that Personally speaking

4.many An army of An ocean of A sea of A multitude of Many a +单数名词 If not most代替many Many individuals, if not most, harbor the idea 5.good: Positive Favorable Rosy Promising Perfect Pleasurable Excellent Outstanding 6.bad Negative Dreadful Unfavorable Poor


楼板钢筋等强度替换表一 CRB600H 替换 HRB400 板内替换后钢筋 板内原设计钢筋 钢筋布置 钢筋面积 替换 钢筋布置 钢筋面积 RH 6@130 210 替换 8@200 251 RH 6@125 222 替换 8@190 265 RH 6@120 234 替换 8@180 279 RH 8@200 248 替换 8@170 296 RH 8@190 263 替换 8@160 314 RH 8@170 280 替换 8@150 335 RH 8@160 301 替换 8@140 359 RH 8@150 324 替换 8@130 387 RH 8@140 351 替换 8@120 419 RH 8@130 383 替换 8@110 457 RH 8@110 421 替换 8@100 503 RH 8@100 468 替换 8@90 559 RH 8@90 526 替换 8@80 628 RH 8@80 601 替换 8@70 718 RH 表示CRB600H 级钢筋,fy=430N/mm2 楼板钢筋等强度替换表二 CRB600H 替换 HRB400 板内替换后钢筋 板内原设计钢筋 钢筋布置 钢筋面积 替换 钢筋布置 钢筋面积 RH 8@150 329 替换 10@200 393

RH8@140 346 替换10@190 413 RH8@130 365 替换10@180 436 RH10@200 387 替换10@170 462 RH10@190 411 替换10@160 491 RH10@170 439 替换10@150 524 RH10@160 470 替换10@140 561 RH10@150 506 替换10@130 604 RH10@140 548 替换10@120 654 RH10@130 598 替换10@110 714 RH10@110 657 替换10@100 785 RH10@100 731 替换10@90 873 RH10@90 822 替换10@80 982 RH10@80 939 替换10@70 1122 RH表示CRB600H级钢筋,fy=430N/mm2 楼板钢筋等强度替换表三 CRB600H HRB400 替代 板内替换后钢筋板内原设计钢筋 钢筋布置钢筋面积替代钢筋布置钢筋面积RH10@160 473 替代12@200 565 RH10@150 498 替代12@190 595 RH10@140 526 替代12@180 628 RH12@200 557 替代12@170 665 RH12@190 592 替代12@160 707 RH12@170 631 替代12@150 754 RH12@160 676 替代12@140 808 RH12@150 728 替代12@130 870


连环替代法的分析运用 某企业2010年3月生产产品所耗某种材料费的实际数就是6720元,而其计划数就是5400元。实际比计划增加1320元。由于材料费用就是由产品产量、单位产品材料耗用量与材料单价三个因素的乘积构成的。因此,可以把材料费用这一总指标分解为三个因素,现假设这三个因素的数值如下表所示。 一、连环替代法之不拿出式 (一)替换顺序:产品产量单位产品材料消耗量材料单价 计划指标:130×10×4=5200(元) ① 第一次替代:140×10×4=5600(元)② 第二次替代:140×9×4=5040(元) ③ 第三次替代得到:140×9×5=6300(元) ④ ②-①=5600-5200=400(元) 产量增加的影响

③-②=5040—5600=-560(元)材料节约的影响 ④-③=6300-5040=1260(元) 价格提高的影响 400-560+1260=1100(元) 全部因素的影响 (二)替换顺序:产品产量材料单价单位产品材料消耗量 计划指标:130×10×4=5200(元) ① 第一次替代:140×10×4=5600(元)② 第二次替代:140×10×5=7000(元) ③ 第三次替代得到:140×9×5=6300(元) ④ ②-①=5600-5200=400(元) 产量增加的影响 ③-②=7000—5600=1400(元)价格提高的影响 ④-③=6300-7000=-700(元)材料节约的影响 400+1400-700=1100(元) 全部因素的影响(三)替换顺序:单位产品材料消耗量产品产量材料单价 计划指标:130×10×4=5200(元) ① 第一次替代:130×9×4=4680(元)② 第二次替代:140×9×4=5040(元) ③ 第三次替代得到:140×9×5=6300(元) ④


英语六级写作常用词的高级词汇替换 一:许多 一提到“许多”,无数童鞋的脑海中第一时间浮现了一个词:"many",于是,阅卷老师心中可能如千万只神兽奔腾而过,初中词汇拿来糊弄我! 所以,为了避免阅卷老师的愤怒,我们可以用以下的词汇替换。 替换词NO.1:numerous 栗子:Scientific development meant the growth of numerous professions ancillary to medicine. 科技发展意味着许多医学衍生职业的增长。 替换词NO.2:a host of 栗子:The new e-books will include a host of Rough Guide titles. 新电子书将包括大量的简明指南。 替换词NO.3:a multitude of 栗子:There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along. 有很多可以骑车的宁静小路。

二:不同的 提到“不同的”,别跟小编说你没想到"different"一词。。。这个词无形中把你的词汇量拉低,可能让阅卷老师暗中发出“英语(精品课)智障”的感叹。 所以为了减少阅卷老师对你智商的无限怀疑,请看下列几个替换词。 替换词NO.1:various 栗子:They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups. 他们和不同民族的人们一起和睦地生活和工作。 替换词NO.2:a variety of 栗子:West Hampstead has a variety of good shops and supermarkets. 西汉普斯特德有各种各样不错的店铺和超级市场。 替换词NO.3:diverse 栗子:people from diverse cultures 不同文化背景的人 三:普遍的


1.rigid/ stiff/ unchanged/ little change 僵硬的,一成不变的 2.significant/enormous/dramatic/tremendous/appreciably/remarkable/cr ucial/ /substantial 3.approximately 将近-nearly almost 4.proportion/ percentage 比例 5.be involved (in)/ involve in/ involvement [n.] 涉及,卷入,参与 6.given/ considering in regard to / despite/ although 有鉴于考虑到,尽管 6.induce [v] 引入,引导,引诱/ inductive [n] 归纳>< deduce /deductive 推断 7.fortune/ destiny/ chances 8.deplete 开采完,耗尽/ exhaust –exhaust emission (尾气)排放/ exploit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e12470523.html,plex 错综复杂的/ complicated/ sophisticated 老奸巨滑的,复杂的 10.capacity能力,容量/ competence (竞争)能力/ ability 能力(笼统的) 11.确保,保障:Secure-security/ ensure (insure)/ guarantee 押金 12.solely/ merely/ only 13.a vast array of 系列/ a great variety of 花样,品种/ a great rang 系列of 14.pesticide 杀虫/ suicide 自杀/ homicide/ murder杀人 15.believe/ assume (responsibility)/ suppose 16.授权,委托:authorize/ commission 佣金/ entitle 头衔+ ment =right (权利) 17.purchase/ buy 18. ethnic 种族的/ ethic 伦理,道德的+ s =[n ] 19. modify/ change [v] shift work 轮班工作[n] 20. insight/knowledge/ learning/ understanding/ knowing


80个最常用英语单词的替换词 1.think认为,思考= take...into consideration, consider 2.decide:断定= come to the conclusion, arrive at the conclusion, draw the conclusion, conclude, 3.get: 得到= acquire, obtain, attain 4.support: 支持= approve of, be in favor of , stand by one's side, agree with, advocate, recommend 5.say no to: 反对= oppose, object to, be against,resist 6.important: 重要的= significant, key, essential, crucial, decisive, play an important part in ``` https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e12470523.html,e: 使用= make best/full use of ,employ,

8.glad, happy: 高兴的= be in a good mood, cheerful, joyful, joyous, pleased, delighted 9.hard-working: 勤奋的= d i l i gent, industrious 10.serious:认真的= conscientious 11.calm:平静的= reasonable, sensible, rational 12.clever:聪明的= intelligent, bright, wise, brilliant, smart 13.tired:累的= fatigued, worn-out, weary 14.be used to : 适应= be adapted to, be accustomed to , be adjusted to 15.stop:阻止= hinder, prevent, avoid 16.好处:good side 坏处:bad side i.好处,优点:advantage, merit, benefit ii.坏处,缺点:disadvantage,flaw, drawback


雅思阅读同义词替换 并列列:and, or, as well as, not only, but also, in addition(to), besides, from…to…, also 1.fame 名声 = acclaim 赞扬/ reputation 名声 /stature名望 = famous 出名= profile形象 2.document = record 记录 J12 1.experience 经历,体验= feel 感觉 2.produce (production)生产 = generate (generation)产生 = release 发布,释放 J11 1.rotate = turn 旋转 = spin 2.beneath = under 在下面 3.successful 成功= work 能工作的,有效的 4.undamaged 没有被损坏的 = intact 完好的 5.data 数据 = statistics = mathematics 数学 6.omit 省略 = leave out = strip out 削掉,脱掉 7.eyesight = vision 视觉 J10T1 1.alter/ change/ revise/transformation/ modify/ negotiate/ re-开头的单词 v. 改变 2.supply=provide=furnish=give=offer提供 3.confer=award=present=grant=allocate 给予 v. 4.now/ current/present/ nowadays/ modern/ so far 当今、目前 5.resemble/ pretty well like/ be similar to/ look like 像.. 6.objective=aim=purpose=goal=target 目标 7.although=despite 尽管 8.customer=consumer=buyer=public 顾客 9.car=vehicle车辆,媒介=tractor拖拉机=truck,lorry卡车 10.solely唯一的= alone 单独的 11.control控制=restrict限制=repress=inhibit=ban=forbid=curb限制,压制、禁止 12.be aware of 知道,意识到 = be conscious of 意识到 13.engagement契约 = commitment 承诺 14.boss老板=employer 雇主=manager 经理 15.colleague 同事=peer 同辈的人= co-worker同事=employee 员工 16.environment=condition=circumstance=surroundings n.环境 habitat 栖息地 17.creative 有创造性的 = innovative 创新的
