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综合英语教程第三版Unit 9 Snake

Unit 9 Snake

Line 1

trough[?tr?:f]: a long, narrow open container for animals to eat or drink out of(给动物进食或饮水的)槽

a water trough水槽

Line 2

pyjama [p??d?ɑ:m?] ---pyjamas [p??d?ɑ:m?z] [pl. ]: n. a suit of loose trousers and jacket for sleeping in睡衣裤a pair of pyjamas一套睡衣裤 pyjama trousers睡裤

Line 4

Scent [sent]: n. 1)a distinctive smell, especially one that is pleasant气味;香味

2) [mass noun]pleasant-smelling liquid worn on the skin; perfume. 香水

v. (一般作 be scented with)impart a pleasant scent to使有香味

scented [?sentid]: adj. 有香味的; 芳香的, 洒了香水的, 加有香料的

eg: I let my lungs fill with the scented air. 我呼吸着芬芳的空气。

She rubbed a scented oil into her hair. 她在头发上抹了一种芳香油。

Shade: n. comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight荫;阴凉处

Carob [?k ?r?b]: (亦作 carob tree)a small evergreen Arabian tree which bears long brownish-purple edible pods 角豆树; 长豆角

Line 5

Pitcher [?p?t??]: n. a large earthenware container, with one or two handles and a lip, for holding liquids (英)(有柄和嘴的)水罐

Eg: He poured the milk out of the pitcher. 他从大罐中倒出牛奶。

Line 7

reach down: (使)向下移动

eg: He reached down the atlas from the top shelf. 他从书架顶层取下地图集。

Can you reach that apple down in the tree? 你能把树上那个苹果摘下来吗?

Fissure [?f???]: n. a long, narrow opening or line of breakage made by cracking or splitting, especially in rock or earth(岩石、地面上的)开口;裂缝

earth wall: 土墙

Gloom: n. 1) partial or total darkness阴暗;黑暗

2) [count noun](poetic/literary)a dark or shady place. (诗/文)(阴)暗处

Eg: He strained his eyes peering into the gloom. 他睁大眼睛使劲看着黑暗处。

Line 8

Trail: v. draw or be drawn along the ground or other surface behind someone or something拖,拉

Eg: Her robe trailed along the ground. 她的长袍拖在地上。

Alex trailed a hand through the clear water. 亚历克斯伸出一只手在清澈的水中划过。

Slack: adj. not taut or held tightly in position; loose不紧的;松弛的

Belly [?beli]: n. the front of this part of the body. 肚子,肚皮

Line 9

Rest: v. cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength休息,休憇,歇息;休养 Eg: he needed to rest after the feverish activity. 紧张忙乱之后他需要休息一下。

her friend read to her while she rested her eyes. 在她休息眼睛之时,朋友给她读书报。

Line 10

Drip: v. (of liquid) fall in small drops滴下

Eg: Water dripped from her clothing. 水从她衣服上滴下。

The tap won't stop dripping. 龙头滴水不止。

His hands were dripping with blood. 他的双手血淋淋的。

Tap: n. a device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container can be controlled龙头;阀门

Line 11

Sip: v. drink (something) by taking small mouthfuls小口地喝,啜饮,呷,抿

Eg: I sat sipping coffee. 我坐着呷饮咖啡。

She sipped at her tea. 她一口一口地抿茶。

She took a sip of the red wine. 她喝了一小口红葡萄酒。

Line 12

Gum [ɡ?m]: n. the firm area of flesh around the roots of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw(齿)龈,牙床

Eg: a tooth broken off just above the gum. 齐牙床折断的一颗牙齿。

gum disease. 牙龈疾病。

Line 16

Lift: v. 1) raise to a higher position or level抬起,举起

2) move (one's eyes or face) to face upwards and look at someone or something. 抬头(看)

Line 17

Vague [veiɡ]: adj. 1) thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way含糊的,模糊的

2) of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning不明确的,不清楚的

Line 18

Flicker: v. 1) (of light or a source of light) shine unsteadily; vary rapidly in brightness(光,光源)闪烁

2) make small, quick movements; flutter rapidly颤动,快速抖动

Fork: n. an implement with two or more prongs used for lifting food to the mouth or holding it when cutting叉,餐叉

Forked: adj. having a divided or pronged end or branches; bifurcated分岔的;分为两部分的

Lip: n. either of the two fleshy parts which form the upper and lower edges of the opening of the mouth嘴唇Muse [mju:z]: v. 1) be absorbed in thought沉思,默想,冥想

2) (muse on)gaze thoughtfully at. 若有所思地凝视

Line 19

Stoop: v. bend one's head or body forwards and downwards低头;俯身,弯腰

Eg: the man stoops his head. 那个男子低着头

Linda stooped to pick up the bottles. 琳达俯身去捡瓶子。

Line 20

Bowel [?ba??l]: n. 1) (常作 bowels)the part of the alimentary canal below the stomach; the intestine[as modifier] 肠

2) (the bowels of —)the deepest inner parts or areas of something. 内部,深处

in the bowels of earth在地下深处, 在地壳底下

Line 21

Sicily [?sis?lē]: a large Italian island in the Mediterranean, off the south-western tip of Italy; capital, Palermo. It is separated from the Italian mainland by the Strait of Messina and its highest point is the volcano Mount Etna. Italian name Sicilia. 西西里岛(地中海上的一座意大利大岛,位于意大利西南端外海,首府巴勒莫。墨西拿海峡将它与意大利大陆分开,最高点是埃特纳火山。。意大利语名 Sicilia.

Sicilian [s??s?l??n]: adj. 西西里岛(人)的

Etna [?etn?]: n. 酒精灯煮水器

Etna--Mount Etna in its full name, the largest active volcano in Europe, located in the east coast of Sicily of Italy

Line 24

Innocent: adj. not involving or intended to cause harm or offence; harmless无恶意的,无意冒犯的;无害的Venomous [?v?n?m?s]: adj.1) (of animals, especially snakes, or their parts) secreting venom; capable of injecting venom by means of a bite or sting(动物,尤指蛇,或其器官)分泌毒液的,有毒的

2) (figurative)(of a person or their behaviour) full of malice or spite. (喻)(人,行为)充满恶意的;恶


Eg: venomous snake毒蛇 venomous attack恶毒的攻击

Line 26

Stick: n. a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree枯枝;枝条

Break: v. 1) separate or cause to separate into pieces as a result of a blow, shock, or strain打破,打碎

2) (of a part of the body or a bone) sustain a fracture. (指身体的某个部分或骨头)骨折

finish someone off: kill, destroy, or comprehensively defeat someone杀死;歼灭;击溃

Line 27

Confess: v. 1) admit or state that one has committed a crime or is at fault in some way认罪;认错;供认,招供;交代

Eg: He confessed that he had attacked the old man. 他供认袭击了那个老人。

He confessed to a lifelong passion for food. 他承认他这一辈子对于吃有着强烈的爱好。

2) declare one's sins formally to a priest. (向神父)忏悔,告解

Line 29

Depart: v. leave, typically in order to start a journey启程;离开

Eg: they departed for Germany. 他们启程赴德国。

depart this life: die死去

pacify[?p?sifai]: v. 1) quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of使平静;安抚

eg: he had to pacify angry spectators. 他必须让愤怒的观众平静下来。

2) bring peace to (a country or warring factions), especially by the use or threatened use of military force. 平定;平息;绥靖

Eg: the general pacified northern Italy. 将军平定了意大利北部。

Thankless: adj. (of a person) not expressing or feeling gratitude. (人)不知感恩的,忘恩负义的

thankless children忘恩负义的孩子 an thankless effort徒劳的努力

Line 31

Cowardice[?ka??d?s]: n. lack of bravery胆小;怯懦

Eg: He distinguished himself in cowardice. 他的懦弱人人皆知。

His cowardice reflects on his character. 他的胆怯对他的性格带来不良影响。

Coward[?kau?d]: n. a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things懦夫;胆小

Adj. excessively afraid of danger or pain胆小的;胆怯的;怯懦的

Line 32

Perversity[p??v?:siti]: adj. 1) contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice. 有悖常理的,反常的;


2) (of a person or their actions) showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences(人或其行为)故意作对的;一意孤行的Long: v. have a strong wish or desire渴望,很想

Eg: She longed for a little more excitement. 她渴望多点儿刺激。

We are longing to see the new baby. 我们很想看看那新生儿。

Line 33

Humility[hju:?militi]: n. a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness谦卑;谦恭,谦逊; [pl. ]谦让的行为

Eg: Humility is a virtue. 谦虚是一种美德。

Haughtiness invites disaster, humility receives benefit. 满招损,谦受益。

Humility often gains more than pride. 谦逊往往比骄傲收益更多。

Honour: n. high respect; esteem尊敬,敬意

v. (常作 be honoured) pay public respect to. 公开表示敬意

honoured adj. 荣幸的

Line 35

Yet: adv. 1) up until the present or a specified or implied time; by now or then迄今,至此;到那时为止

2) as soon as the present or a specified or implied time. 此刻,现在

3) nevertheless; in spite of that然而,尽管如此

Line 39

Seek(sought [s?:t]): v. 1) attempt to find (something) 寻找

2) (seek someone/thing out)search for and find someone or something. 找到;找出

Eg: Water seeks its own level. 水往低处流。

Nothing seek, nothing find. [谚]无所寻则无所获。

seek one's fortune: travel somewhere in the hope of achieving wealth and success外出寻找发迹的机会

seek shelter from rain寻找避雨的地方

seeker: n. 搜索者; 探求者; (火箭)自导导弹

a pleasure-seeker. 寻欢作乐者 a job-seeker. 求职者

hospitality[?h?spi?t?liti]: n. 1) the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers殷勤款待,好客

2) relating to or denoting the business of entertaining clients, conference delegates, or other official visitors. (对客户、会议代表或官方访客等的)招待,款待

Eg: I received the hospitality of the family. 我受到这家人亲切的款待。

Thank you for your kind hospitality. 谢谢你的盛情款待。

Line 42

Dreamy: adj. 1) (of a person) not practical; given to daydreaming. 不切实际的,喜做白日梦的,爱空想的

Eg: a dreamy boy who grew up absorbed in poetry. 沉湎于诗歌中成长的爱空想男孩。

2) reflecting a preoccupation with pleasant thoughts that distract one from one's present surroundings出神的,心不在焉的,恍惚的

Eg: a dreamy smile. 出神的微笑。

3) having a magical or dreamlike quality; peacefully gentle and relaxing. 梦幻般的,似梦的;安谧的,柔和的,轻松的

Eg: a slow dreamy melody. 令人心情宁静的舒缓音乐。

4) delightful; gorgeous. 令人愉快的;极好的

Eg: I bet he was really dreamy. 我打赌他肯定很出色。

Dreamily adv. 心不在焉地;模糊地,不清楚地;轻柔地;绝妙地,极好地

Dreaminess n. 心不在焉;模糊,不清楚;轻柔;绝妙,极好

Drunken: adj. drunk or intoxicated喝醉的,兴奋的

habitually or frequently drunk. 酗酒的,酒鬼的

a drunken quarrel酒后争吵

drunk: adj. affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behaviour醉的,喝醉的

Line 44

Lick: v. pass the tongue over (something), typically in order to taste, moisten, or clean it舔尝,舔湿(或舔净) Eg: He licked the stamp and stuck it on the envelope. 他舔了一下邮票,把它贴在信封上。

Line 45

god: n. 1) (god)an adored, admired, or influential person被崇拜的人,被羡慕的人;有影响力的人

2) an image, idol, animal, or other object worshipped as divine or symbolizing a god. (被神化的或象征神的)形象,崇拜物(或动物及其他物体)

Unseeing: adj. with one's eyes open but without noticing or seeing anything视而不见的;不注意的

Line 47

Thrice[θr??s]: adv. 1) (chiefly formal or poetic/literary)three times(主正式或诗/文)三次

Eg: a dose of 25 mg thrice daily. 每日三次,每次25毫克。

He was thrice as strong as an ordinary man. 他比常人强壮三倍。

2) extremely; very. 非常,十分

Eg: I was thrice blessed. 我非常幸运。

Adream[??dri:m]: adj. 梦想的,做梦的; 耽于幻想的

Line 48

Proceed[pr??si:d]: v. 1) begin a course of action开始行动;进行;开展

Eg: the consortium could proceed with the plan. 这一财团可以启动那计划了。

2) (of an action) be carried on or continued. (行动)进行;继续

Eg: as the excavation proceeds the visible layers can be recorded and studied. 随着挖掘的进展,就可以对可见层做记录和研究。

proceed from the out side to the inside由表及里

draw[dr?:] (drew,drawn): v. 1) move in a slow steady way. (缓慢持续地)移动,行进eg: the train drew in to the station. 火车慢慢地进了站。

2) produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks, especially with a pen or pencil, on paper(尤指用钢笔或铅笔)绘制(图画,图表),勾画,画(素描)

Eg: he drew a map. 他绘制了一张地图。

3) pull or move (something) in a specified direction. (朝某个方向)拉,移动

Eg: I drew back the blanket and uncovered the body. 我把毯子拉开,露出了尸体。

Curve[k?:v]: v. form or cause to form a curve(使)弯曲; 成弯曲状; 呈曲线美; 曲线行进; 形成弧形

Eg: The river curves round the town. 河绕城镇蜿蜒流去。

He curved the piece of wood. 他将木条弄弯曲了。

Line 49

Bank: n. 1) a long, high slope, mass, or mound of a particular substance高坡;大块;丘墩

2) the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake(河或湖的)堤岸

Line 50

Dreadful[?dredful]: adj. causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious可怕的,令人痛苦的;极其糟糕的;极其严重的

Line 51

draw up: come to a halt停住,使停下来

draw something up: prepare a plan, proposal, agreement, or other document in detail起草,制定,拟就,写出draw oneself up: make oneself stand in a stiffly upright manner站直,挺立身体

ease[i:z]: n. 1) absence of difficulty or effort容易,不费力

2) freedom from worries or problems, especially about one's material situation. 安适,安逸,悠闲(尤指某人的物质环境)

v. 1) make (something unpleasant, painful, or intense) less serious or severe减轻,舒缓,缓解

2) (ease off/up)relax one's efforts; do something with more moderation. 放松,松弛,缓和

Easing n. 松开, 放松;缓和曲线

Line 52

Horror[?h?r?]: n. an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust恐惧,惊骇,厌恶

Protest[pr??test]: n. a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something. 抗议书,抗议;异议,反对

Withdraw: v. 1) remove or take away (something) from a particular place or position(将某物从某地或位置)抽回;移开;拉开

2) no longer participate in an activity or be a member of a team or organization. 退出;离开

3) leave or come back from a place, especially a war zone撤退;撤离(战区等地)

Horrid[?h?rid]: adj. 1) causing horror恐怖的,可怕的

2) very unpleasant or disagreeable令人讨厌的,不合意的

Line 53

Deliberate[di?lib?reit]: adj. 1) done consciously and intentionally有意的,故意的

2) done or acting in a careful and unhurried way. 小心谨慎的

3) fully considered; not impulsive深思熟虑的,非一时冲动的

v. 1) engage in long and careful consideration仔细考虑

2) consider (a question) carefully. 仔细考虑(问题)

Eg: she deliberated over the menu. 她仔细考虑菜单。

Line 54

Overcome: v. 1) succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty) 解决(问题);克服(困难)

2) defeat (an opponent). 战胜(对手),击败

3) (of an emotion) overpower or overwhelm. (感情)压倒,使受不了

Eg: she worked hard to overcome her paralyzing shyness. 她努力克服使她失去勇气的羞怯。

an experienced England side overcame the determined home team. 有经验的英格兰队击败了决一死战的主队。

we shall overcome. 我们一定会胜利。

she was obviously overcome with excitement. 她显然极度激动。

Turn: v. 1) move or cause to move in a circular direction wholly or partly around an axis or point(使)转动,旋转

2) change or cause to change direction. (使)改变方向

3) change the position of one's body so that one is facing in a different direction. 转动身体

Line 56

Clumsy[?kl?mzi]: 1) ugly样子不好看的

2) done awkwardly or without skill. 笨拙的;毫无技巧的

Line 57

Clatter[?kl?t?]: n. a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other(硬物下落或互相撞击的)连续铿锵声

Eg: she dropped her knife and fork with a clatter. 她丢下刀叉,发出当啷啷的清脆声音。

Line 59

Convulse[k?n?v?ls]: v. (of a person) suffer violent involuntary contraction of the muscles, producing contortion of the body or limbs(人)抽搐;痉挛

Eg: she convulsed, collapsing to the floor with the pain. 她抽搐着,痛苦地倒在地上。

convulse sb. with laughter令人捧腹大笑

dignify[?diɡnifai]: v. 1) make (something) seem worthy and impressive使显得有尊严;给…增光

2) (常作 be dignified)give an impressive name to (someone or something that one considers worthless). 将(被认为无用的人或物)变得崇高,(用夸大的名称)使显得堂皇,抬高…的身价

undignify[??n?diɡnifai]: v. 使丧失尊严

haste: n. excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry急速;急忙;仓促

Line 60

Writhe[r??e]: v. 1) make continual twisting, squirming movements or contortions of the body扭动,蠕动(身体)

Eg: He was writhing on the ground in agony. 他痛苦地在地上打滚。

2) (writhe in/with/at)respond with great emotional or physical discomfort to (a violent or unpleasant feeling or thought) 遭受苦难;(对…)感到极度痛苦

Eg: she bit her lip, writhing in suppressed fury. 她咬着唇,痛苦地极力压抑住狂怒。

Lightning: n. the occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder闪电Eg: a tremendous flash of lightning. 一道巨大的闪电

the sky was a mass of black cloud out of which lightnings flashed天空布满乌云,闪电从中掠过。

Line 62

Intense: adj. 1) (of a condition, quality, feeling, etc.) existing in a high degree; very forceful or extreme(状况、


2) (of a person) feeling, or apt to feel, strong emotion; extremely earnest or serious(人)感情强烈的;


3) (of an action) highly concentrated. (行动)高度集中的

Noon: n. twelve o'clock in the day; midday正午,中午12点

Fascinate[?f?sineit]: v. draw irresistibly the attention and interest of (someone) 使着迷,使神魂颠倒,强烈地吸引Fascination [f?s??ne??(?)n] n. 感染力, 魔力, 吸引力; 强烈的爱好

Line 64

Paltry[?p?:ltri]: adj. (of an amount) very small or meager非常少的;微不足道的

Eg: she would earn a paltry £33 more each month. 她将每月多挣区区33镑。

Vulgar[?v?lɡ?]: adj. 1) making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude下流的;粗俗下流的;粗鄙的

2) lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined粗俗的,庸俗的

Mean: adj. unwilling to give or share things, especially money; not generous吝啬的,小气的

Eg: she felt mean not giving a tip. 不给小费她觉得小气。

Line 65

Despise[dis?paiz]: v. feel contempt or a deep repugnance for鄙视;厌恶

Eg: No one will despise you. 没有人鄙视你。

he despised himself for being selfish. 他厌恶自己的自私。

Accursed[??k?:s?d]: adj. 1) under a curse受诅咒的

Eg: the Angel of Death walks this accursed house. 死神在这受诅咒的屋子里徘徊。

2) used to express strong dislike of or anger at someone or something可恶的;该死的

Eg: this accursed country! 这该死的国家 those accursed books!

Line 66

Albatross[??lb?tr?s]: n. 1) a source of frustration or guilt; an encumbrance挫折(或内疚)之源;障碍,负担,累赘

Eg: an albatross of a marriage. 婚姻的负担

2) a very large oceanic bird related to the shearwaters, with long narrow wings. 信天翁

pl. albatrosses

Line 69

Exile[?eksail]: n. 1) the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons


Eg: he knew now that he would die in exile. 这下他明白他会在流亡中死去。

2) a person who lives away from their native country, either from choice or compulsion. 被流放者;流亡者;背井离乡者

Eg: the return of political exiles. 政治流亡者的回归。

v. (一般作 be exiled)expel and bar (someone) from their native country, typically for political or punitive reasons


eg: he was exiled to Tasmania in 1849. 1849年他被流放到塔斯马尼亚。

Uncrowned[??n?kraund]: adj. not formally crowned as a monarch未加冕的

Uncrown[??n?kraun]: v. deprive (a monarch) of their ruling position夺去王位,废黜

Crown[?kraun]: n. a circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch as a symbol of authority, usually made of

or decorated with precious metals and jewels王冠;冕

v. (一般作be crowned)ceremonially place a crown on the head of (someone) in order to invest them as a monarch为…加冕;立…为君主

Line 70

due to: 1) caused by or ascribable to由…导致的,应归功于,应归咎于

eg: unemployment due to automation will grow steadily. 自动化导致的失业人数将不断增加。

2) because of; owing to因为,由于

Eg: he had to withdraw due to a knee injury. 他因膝伤不得不退出。

Line 71

Lord: n. 1) a peer of the realm; a man of noble rank or high office地主,贵族

2) (historical)a feudal superior, especially the proprietor of a manor house. (史)封建领主(尤指庄园宅邸所


Line 73

Expiate[??ksp?e?t]: v. atone for (guilt or sin) 赎(罪);抵(罪)

Eg: their sins must be expiated by sacrifice. 他们的罪过必须用祭品来赎。

not be able to expiate the disaster无法避开这一灾祸

to expiate a crime赎罪

Line 74

Petty[?peti]: adj. 1) of little importance; trivial不重要的;琐碎的;小的

2) (of behaviour) characterized by an undue concern for trivial matters, especially in a small-minded or spiteful way. (行为)小气的;卑劣的

3) of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor次要的;职位低的,下级的;细微的

petty minds小心眼儿 petty official小官吏

Pettiness [?petinis] n. 琐碎,小气,卑鄙

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