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六年级上册英语教案Unit7 Protect the Earth(第1课时Story time) 译林版(三起)

六年级上册英语教案Unit7 Protect the Earth(第1课时Story time) 译林版(三起)
六年级上册英语教案Unit7 Protect the Earth(第1课时Story time) 译林版(三起)

六上Unit7 Protect the Earth(Story time)


1.能听懂、会说、会读protect, Earth, save, useful, waste, reuse,

energy, most, come from, coal, wood, cut down, too many, plastic, too much.

2. 能听懂、会读、会运用句型结构:We use…to…/ We should…/ We shouldn’t…

3. 能正确地理解并流利朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述部分课文内容。

4. 能懂得保护地球的重要性,并会自由表达如何保护地球。


1. 能听懂、会说、会读protect, Earth, save, useful, waste, reuse, energy, most, come from, coal, wood, cut down, too many, plastic, too much.

2. 能听懂、会读、会运用句型结构:We use…to…/ We should…/ We shouldn’t…


1. 能听懂、会说、会读protect, coal, oil, plastic。

2. 能正确地理解并流利朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述部分课文内容。

3. 会用所学词句自由表达如何保护地球。


Step 1 Pre- reading

1.Engoy a video about the Earth .

Teach : Earth ,coal ,oil

What is the story about ?What’s on the Earth ?What’s in the Earth ?

2.Enjoy another video and show the topic : Unit 7 Protect the


The Earth is so nice . There are so many useful things on it . But people hurt the Earth . Look the Earth is crying .

What shoul we do ?

3.Talk about how to protec the Earth .

Step 2 While –reading

1.Watch and choose .

There are so many ways to protect the Earth . What are mentioned in the text ?

Teach : save , energy ,plastic

2.分段学习:Save water

Read part 1 and anser what it tells us .

It tells us why we should save water and how we should save water .

T: Why should we save water ? Water is useful . There is not much water . Teach : useful , not much

(1)T:How to save water ? We should not waste water . We should

reuse and save it . Teach: waste , reuse

(2)Make up a mind –map .

(3)Listen and repeat .

3.分段学习:Save energy

(1)Why should we save energy ?

Most of our energy comes from coal and oil . Show the picture of energy used in China and introduce other energy .

(2)How to save energy ?

We should save energy . We should not drive so much .

(3)Listen and repeat .

(4)Let’s talk !

4. 分段学习:Save trees

(1)Why should we save trees ?

We use wood to make talbes , chairs and many other things .Trees help keep the air clean . Teach : wood , keep the air clean (2) How to save trees ?

We should not cut down too many trees . Teach : cut down

(3)Listen and repeat .

(4)Let’s talk !

5.分段学习:Don’t use too much plastic

(1) Why ?

We use plastic to make bags and bottles . Too much plastic is bad for the Earth .

(2)How ?

We should use paper bags and glass bottles .

(3)Listen and repeat .

(4)Let’s talk !

Step 3 Post-reading

1.Choose one way to read it .

2.Let’s retell .

3.Make a speech .


本课我先通过让学生观看“地球自述”的视频引出并教学相关词汇,为语篇学习扫清词汇障碍。通过让学生观看“地球破坏”的视频引出本单元话题:protect the earth .在接下来的语篇教学环节,我采用了通过观看课文动画整体呈现课文的教学方法。在分段学习的环节我通过第一段示范学习,帮助学生理清结构教会学习方法。然后让学生自主学习课文2至4段构建知识结构。本节课我关注学生的朗读训练和思维能力的培养。有放手给学生的意识,但放的行动不够彻底,有点畏首畏脚。每次上公开课总能感觉自己学到了许多,自己要学的还有很多。
