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04. Transportation

Part I Questions (In this part, you can ask students’ questions from the following questions)

1. When it comes to transportation, What do you think of it?

I wanna know what the question means?

2.How do you go to school/home?

I usually go to college by a train ,but it always costs 7or

8 hours one time. I’d like to choose a bus as the vehicle when I go back home,I’d arrived the station at middle night .It’s a little dangerous .so if I take a bus ,it just need 3 hours.

3.How is the traffic in china?

There’re always traffic jams at rush hour ,so you’d better miss the time,and do a plan if you have to do something in hurry.so I can’t go to downtown in general ,if I haven’t something to do there.

4. Tell me something about the public transportation in your city?

As I know ,the general public transportations are taxi and bus.and i really don’t like take these bus,they are always

in crowd,and some of the drivers drive so fast.it’s really awful.well but taking a taxi is very expensive ,so we have to take a bus.

5.How many cars in your city/Beijing?

I didn’t care that,ee I’m not interesting in this problem.

6.What do the red/ green /yellow lights mean?

The red lights mean you must to stop driving and walking till it become green,the yellow lights is a warning which remind you need stopping in a second. 7.What are the traffic rules that you know?

In fact ,I have no ideal about that .

8.What are you suggestions for the traffic?

The should put more buses on the road and there are need more kinds of public transportation such as subway. And the government should encourage people take more public transportation instead of private car.it’s not only useful to help solve traffic problem,but it also good for environment.

9.Have you got a driver’s license?

No,I haven’t.

10. Is it hard/easy to get it?

11. What kind of transportation will you choose to


12.Will you buy a car if you can afford it?

Maybe i won’t

13. Which brand? Why?

14. Tell me about future transportation?

15. How to avoid traffic accidents?

Be carefully when you’re driving and you have to notice road signs.you have to also obey the traffic rules.

Part II The vocabularies and sentences(In this part,

the students use as many as possible to answer the

all the questions in part I)

1.How is the traffic in your country?

(1)Words and phrases:

public transportation 公共交通

parking space 停车处

downtown 市中心,

traffic jam [d ?m] 交通阻塞

rush hour 上下班高峰期

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

It’s impossible to find a parking space downtown these days.(近日,不可能在市中心找到停车处。)

And there a re too many cars downtown, and there isn’t enough parking.

These highways are really great, but the road signs are pretty confusing.

2.Do you have any suggestions for the traffic condition in your country?

(1)Words and phrases:

public transportation system 公共交通系统

traffic accident 交通事故,出车祸,交通意外

solution 方案

public attention[ 't n n] 公众的关注

convenient[k n'vin nt]便利的

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

They’re too old. We need more modern buses… nice air-conditioned ones

I think they should ban private cars downtown between nine and five.(我认为他们应该在9 点至

5 点禁止私家车通行。)

There are too many cars downtown, and there isn’t enough parking.

3.What traffic rules do you often break?

(1)Words and phrases:

road signs(道路标志)

pass 通过

take a left/right 向左/右转

traffic light 交通灯

police officer 警察

run the red light 闯红灯

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

These signs must mean you aren’t allowed to pass here.

You can only pass when there’s……

It may mean you’ve got to take a left in this lane.(这意味着在这条车道上要向左转)

4.Could you share traffic jam experience with me?

(1) Words and phrases:


complaint 抱怨

slow and inefficient construction[k n'str k n]慢速无效率的交通建设

air pollution 空气污染

urgent problem 紧急的问题

(2) Sentences and sentence patterns:

…. caused that traffic jam.

What were you doing when you were in the traffic jam?

Other passengers feel awful at that time.

5.Do you have a driver’s license and how did you get it?

(1)Words and phrases:

the driving test examiner 主考官

theory['èi ri] test 理论测试

practical driving test 实际驾车测试

speed limits 限速

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

It is very easy to pass the test.

The coach give me some instructions.(教练给我一些指导)

How much does the practical driving test cost?

6. Have you thought about having your own car?

(1)Words and phrases:

luxury ['l ri] car 豪车

after-sale service 售后服务

electric car 电动车

at present 目前

automaker 汽车制造商

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

I like driving very much.

My purpose of having my own car is to……

Which brand of car do you like?

7. How do you usually go to school?

(1)Words and phrases:

by bike/ by bus/subway

convenient 便利的

spend time

private car 私家车

modernization [,m d n 'ze n] 现代化

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

I missed the regular bus sometimes, so I had to go to school on foot.

W hat is the most interesting experience on the way to go to school?

Have you ever witnessed traffic accident?(目睹交通事故)

8. What kind of transportation will you choose when you go out? And why?

(1)Words and phrases:

economical [,ik 'n m kl]节约的

comfortable 舒适的

car industry 汽车产业

contribute to 有助于

a series of problems 一系列的问题

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

When I go out ,I will take bus /train…

It depends on ……

Too many private cars will lead to traffic jams and a great deal of energy.

9.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a car?

(1)Words and phrases:

benefit 好处

injuries [' nd ri] and deaths 受伤和死亡

give rise to 导致

a number of new problems 很多的新问题

science and technology 科技

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

Cars will bring a number of benefits to the people.(车会给人们带来很多好处。)

Cars also bring a lot of problems.

An increase in vehicles on the roads has also resulted in more traffic accidents, injuries and deaths. (道路上越来越多的交通工具会导致更多的交通事故和人员伤亡。)

10. What is your view on the future development of public transportation?

(1)Words and phrases:

advancement [ d'v?nsm nt] 前进,进步

lessen air pollution 降低空气污染

speed up 加速

car emission [i'mi n]汽车尾气

parking lot 停车场

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

It costs us less money and means more jobs for others.

The new subway can relieve the current traffic jam to some extent.(新的地铁能在一定程度上减缓交通拥堵。)

The new lines are going to shoulder the heavy weight of the city’s traffic pressure.(新的线路将会减轻城市的交通压力。)

11. Do you like to go traveling by trains?

(1)Words and phrases:

boring 无聊的

salesman 推销员

inconvenient 不方便的

train conductor 列车长

kill the time 打发时间

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

It is inconvenient for passengers to share the restrooms on the train.

You’d better watch a film to kill the time.

The salesman stormed them with offers.推销员缠着他们推销货物。

12.How should the government ensure the traffic safety in a big city?

(1)Words and phrases:

traffic light 红绿灯

pedestrian crossing 人行横道

fire extinguisher 灭火器

obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则

priority seat 老幼病残孕专座

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

The citizens should learn some more basic traffic rules.

We all need to realize the importance of......

The government should make some laws about…

13.In your opinion, what are some of the effective ways to avoid the traffic accidents?

(1)Words and phrases:

civilization 文明

humility 谦让

speed limit 速度限制

waiting line 等候线

(2)Sentences and sentence patterns:

Driving on freeways needs to be...... (for example, careful, skillful……)

I think the government should ban private cars downtown between nine and five.

People should put an end to drunk driving. 人们应该杜绝酒后驾车。

Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 无规矩不成方圆。


幼儿园中班英语教案:Transportation(交通工具) 一、教学目标: 1、通过学习能够让小朋友理解car, bus, scooter, on foot的意思。 2、能够了解句型How do you go to school? I go to school on foot. 3、通过游戏活动,让小朋友在做动作中学会car, bus, scooter, on foot的单词。 二、教学准备: 1、准备本课的挂图,闪卡和CD 2、与单词所相应的实物以及一个安全帽。 三、教学过程: 1、Warm up: Up, up, up touch your head Down, down, down touch your feet Up and down, touch your hip, Turn round and touch the ground. 2、出示挂图,教师提问,并让小朋友上前来指出。 T: What do you see? C: I see 汽车。 T: Great! This is car. (拿出准备好的实物汽车) 让小朋友跟着我读car,并让他们做出开车的样子,围着教室来开车,同时读car. 拿出事先准备好的实物,放在桌子上,问小朋友“How do you go to school?”让小朋友上前来选。T:“What’s this?” C: “This is 公共汽车。 拿出闪卡,读Bus (我从小朋友的面前迅速跑过,让小朋友Touch the bus.) Read after me: bus 请小朋友模仿等bus的样在,站在一边,同时说:bus ,bus, bus coming. 再请小朋友上来选交通工具 T: “how do you go to school?” C: 摩托车 拿出闪卡带领小朋友读Scooter 老师拿出安全帽给小朋友带上,然后做骑摩托车的动作,让所有小朋友一起来读Scooter。 T: Anyone else, “How do you go to school?” C: 走路来的 T: on foot 老师一边走一边说On foot.带领小朋友读几遍。 然后拿出闪卡复习一遍。 四、以歌曲《Round the village》结束。


Basics in Supply Chain Management Chapter 10: Transportation –Managing the Flow of the Supply Chain Leif-Magnus Jensen

Learning Objectives Explain the role transportation plays in the supply chain. Discuss the service and cost characteristics of the primary transportation modes. Discuss the key activities involved in transportation planning and execution. Learning Objectives, continued Explain current transportation management strategies used to improve supply chain performance. Use service and cost metrics to analyze transportation performance. Describe how information technology supports transportation planning and execution.

Main parts Role of transportation Basic modes of transportation Transportation strategy and selection Transport pricing Transportation control 5 Role of Transportation in Supply Chain Management Transportation provides the critical links between organizations, permitting goods to flow between their facilities. Transportation service availability is critical to demand fulfillment in the supply chain. Transportation efficiency promotes the competitiveness of a supply chain

运输 transportation

1.运输transportation 2.联合运输combined transport 3.直达运输through transport 4.中转运输transfer transport 5.甩挂运输drop and pull transport 6.集装运输containerized transport 7.集装箱运输container transport 8.门到门door-to-door 9.整箱货full container load (FCL) 10.拼箱货less than container load (LCL ) 11.储存storing 12.保管storage 13.物品储存article reserves 14.库存inventory 15.经常库存cycle stock 16.安全库存safety stick 17.库存周期inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期)lead time 19.订货处理周期order cycle time 20.货垛goods stack 21.堆码stacking 22.搬运handing/carrying 23.装卸loading and unloading 24.单元装卸unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging 26.销售包装sales package 27.定牌包装packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装neutral packing 29.运输包装transport package 30.托盘包装palletizing 31.集装化containerization 32.散装化containerization 33.直接换装cross docking 34.配送distribution 35.共同配送joint distribution 36.配送中心distribution center 37.分拣sorting 38.拣选order picking 39.集货goods collection 40.组配assembly 41.流通加工distribution processing 42.冷链cold chain 43.检验inspection 2.1.仓库warehouse


Topic 1: What form of transport do you enjoy most? How do you present it in a logical way? You should say: what form of transport is and how often you use it its advantages compared with other forms of transport Finally reinforce your point of view Related vocabulary: Advantages and disadvantages: Planes—safest and fastest, expensive, worthwhile for a long distance trip, affordable, convenient, not very punctual Trains—much cheaper than planes, fast and comfortable, seeing window sights, rewarding, enjoyable talking with other passengers, not very punctual, too long journey Buses—cheap, regular service, efficient public transport, air-conditioned, easy to go around the city, crowded, packed with passengers, traffic jam in the rush hour Bicycle—convenient to go anywhere, no pollution, get an opportunity to do physical exercise, tiring, a waste of your time Taxies—convenient, comfortable, no worry about the problem of parking, expensive Cars—comfortable and convenient, easy to go any place without spending a lot of time, independent, no waiting hours, have freedom o schedule your own time, travel anytime and anyplace you like, parking problems, difficult to maintain, rush hours, easy to get car accidents Related articles: Private cars With the increase in the general standard of living, many ordinary Chinese families can afford a car. Yet opinions of the development of private cars vary from person to person. Some people claim that there are many advantages to possessing a car. It gives a much greater degree of comfort and mobility. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport, and hence no annoyance caused by waiting for buses or taxies. With a car, he can go where he likes and when he wants, so much so that he can enjoy his leisure to the full by making trips to the country or seaside on the weekends, instead of being confined to his immediate neighborhood. However, others strongly object to developing private cars. They argue that as more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to people. In fact, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages of comfort and freedom are cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. Whether private cars should be developed in China is a difficult question to answer, yet the desire for the comfort and independence a private car can bring won’t be eliminated. The advantages of travelling by bicycle To travel by bicycle has many advantages. First it is the least expensive way of travelling apart from walking. If you travel by bike, you don’t have to buy tickets as you have to when travelling by bus or train. And you don’t have to buy gas as you must when you drive cars. All you have to do is to buy a bike which can last a long time. Second, travelling by bicycle is good for health because it is a good exercise. If you go to work by riding a bike instead of driving a car or taking the bus, you can have a better chance of exercising your muscles and that will keep you fit.


幼儿园中班英语教案:Transportation (交通工具) 一、教学目标: 1、通过学习能够让小朋友理解car, bus, scooter, on foot 的意思。 2、能够了解句型 How do you go to school? I go to school on foot. 3、通过游戏活动,让小朋友在做动作中学会 car, bus, scooter, on foot的单词。 二、教学准备: 1、准备本课的挂图,闪卡和CD 2、与单词所相应的实物以及一个安全帽。 三、教学过程: 1、Warm up: Up, up, up touch your head Down, down, down touch your feet Up and down, touch your hip, Turn round and touch the ground. 2、出示挂图,教师提问,并让小朋友上前来指出。 T: What do you see? C: I see 汽车。

T: Great! This is car. (拿出准备好的实物汽车) 让小朋友跟着我读car,并让他们做出开车的样子,围着教室来开车,同时读car. 拿出事先准备好的实物,放在桌子上,问小朋友 “How do you go to school?”让小朋友上前来选。 T:“What’s this?”C: “This is 公共汽车。 拿出闪卡,读Bus (我从小朋友的面前迅速跑过,让小朋友Touch the bus.) Read after me: bus 请小朋友模仿等bus的样在,站在一边,同时说: bus ,bus, bus coming. 再请小朋友上来选交通工具 T: “how do you go to school?” C: 摩托车 拿出闪卡带领小朋友读Scooter 老师拿出安全帽给小朋友带上,然后做骑摩托车的动作,让所有小朋友一起来读Scooter。 T: Anyone else, “How do you go to school?” C: 走路来的 T: on foot 老师一边走一边说On foot.带领小朋友读几遍。


transport用作名词,及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。transportation只能用作名词,本义是“运输”。transport表示运输,同时能表示运输器材。transportation侧重于指运输,指距离较短的“交通”。 transport造句 1、sediment transverse transport 2、vertical transport coefficient 3、There's more timber to transport now. 5、Pod transport technology is even starting gain some stateside attention. 6、Increased sensitivity of trade flows to transport costs and reliability. 7、Recognition of the transport impact on climate change. 8、Freight transport could thus use some fresh ideas. 9、Incorporating the AR Airport Station, it will act as an integrated transport hub for all surface transport. 10、We have air transport department, sea transport department, operational department and transportation department. We possess a group of dedicated and experienced staff.


Unit 6 Transportation Text A Tackling those traffic jams —win-win transportation solutions Todd Litman Background Information 1.Sustainability in transportation: During the last two decades, sustainability has become the dominant concern of transportation planners and policymakers. Sustainability in transportation means the development of systems that move people and products efficiently while minimizing damage to the local and global environment. Many transportation experts have offered comprehensive perspectives on the problems surrounding current transportation systems: climate change, urban air pollution, diminishing petroleum reserves, safety issue, and congestion. Nowadays the full range of possible solutions are being explored by transportation planners. These solutions include applications of pricing, planning, policy, education, and technology. 2.About the author: This article is written by Todd Litman, the executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, an organization dedicated to developing innovative tools for transportation decision making. Todd Litman has worked on many studies which evaluate the full costs and benefits of alternative transportation policies and investments. He has also developed transportation demand management and parking management strategies and programs. His research has been used worldwide for transportation planning and policy analysis. He has written numerous papers, articles and reports concerning transportation cost and benefit analysis. Recently, he was awarded a research fellowship by the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy. He also teaches a course in transportation and land use planning at the University of Victoria. 3.Pay-As-You-Drive: Pay-As-You-Drive (or PAYD) is a type of automobile insurance whereby the costs of motor insurance are dependent upon type of vehicle used, measured against Time, Distance and Place. Language Points 1.Para. [4]: fuel-efficient vehicles Fuel-efficient vehicles refer to the vehicles that can use fuel efficiently and reduce the gas emission. 2.Para. [5]: …by correcting existing market distortions that result in economically excessive vehicle travel. There widely exist some wrong ideas which finally make people think they can travel by cars as much as possible without spending too much money on fuel, so by correcting these widely-existing wrong ideas, some traffic problems can be solved. 3.Para. [6]: on the grounds that… 1) on ... grounds 由于…原因: e.g. Permission to open a mine was denied on environmental grounds. 由于环境方面的原因,开矿被否决了。


Phrases in U4 M7 Public transport Welcome to the unit 1.different means of transport不同的 交通方式a new form of transport 一种新的运输方式 2.transport people all over the world 运送世界各地的人transport people to the city center将人们送 至市中心transport sth from…to… 把某物从…运送到…the transport of goods by air由飞机运送货物3.pick up and drop off people接送人 们/上下客 4.over long distances长距离范围内 in the distance在远处 at a distance相距,相隔,稍远处 keep sb at a distance/keep one’s distance from与…保持一定的距 离be distant from sb对某人冷淡5.railway tracks铁轨stream trains 蒸汽火车underground trains地铁 the maglev train which are powered by magnets由磁铁提供动力的磁 悬浮列车 6.go underground转到地下Reading 7.be commonly known as 一般作 为…而为人所知commonly held opinions 多数人持有的观点 8.have the distinction of 有…的名声 make /draw a distinction 区分开 来;区别对待the distinction/difference(差异) between A and B; win a distinction for 因…而出名 9.during the first half of the 19th century在19世纪上半叶 10.develop train services发展火车交 通服务 11.go to the distant boundary of the city到城市的远郊the boundaries of human knowledge 人类知识懂 得极界 12.cause/ do damage to historic buildings对古建筑造成损害 13.the increased number of vehicles急 速增加的车辆数量 14.choke off traffic阻塞交通choke back抑制(愤怒,悲痛等)choke back the tears 忍住眼泪choke down勉强咽下(食物)choke up 闷住,噎住,激动的说不出话来 choked to death on a fish bone被一 根鱼刺噎死be choked with traffic 被川流不息的车辆堵塞 15.lead to the development of the underground system 导致地铁系 统的发展 16.beneath the surface of the ground 在地表下面; beneath sb (等级、 地位)低于某人 17.be pulled through the comparatively narrow tunnels by steam engines由蒸汽机驱动穿梭 于相对狭窄的隧道comparatively speaking相比而言 18.narrow escape 死里逃生,险些遇 险narrow majority/victory/defeat 微弱多数/险胜/勉强击败narrow the gap between rich and poor缩 小贫富差距 19.link up连接,会合 link up with sb to do sth联合某人 做某事link up with与…相连 be linked to/with与…有关the link/connection between smoking


When people think of the life in university, they usually think of the open atmosphere, different kinds of people can come into campus freely. However, when they have a meal or play in the square, some people prefer to park their cars by the road which causes safety problems and inconvenience for university students. South China Normal university should create a new rule that whenever the car is parked by the roads, the owner would be fined 500 yuan no matter the owner has legitimate reason or not. The rule can solve the safety problems so that prevents students from being injured, it would be another way to lessen people who do not belong to the South China Normal university and it would increase legal awareness for the car owner. The new rule should be carried out by the security guard, they have the duty to clean “battiers” on the roads. In order to carry out the new rule, they would go on patrol around the university by motorcycle every day, once they see the car owner violates the rule, they would use a wheel lock to lock the car and write down the license plate number. If the car owner wants to unlock the car, he need to go to the security room and pay the fine. Before the new rule has worked, the car owner likes parking his car by the road, especially by the cross road which exists potential safety hazard and does harm to the students. The car which is parked by the

运输英语(词汇)words and Phrases transportation

words and Phrases transport 运输 to be in transit 正在运输 move 运输 transportation business 运输业 transportation company (corporation) 运输公司transportation cost 运输成本 mode of transportation 运输方式 way of transportation 运输方式 means of transportation 运输方式 to do charter 租船 cargo space 货舱 to transport by sea 海运 to transport by railway 陆运 transportation by sea, land, air, and mail 海、陆、空、邮运输 to arrange transport 安排运输 to have some difficulties in 在...有困难 Train-Air-Truck (TAT;TA) “陆-空-陆”联运;或“陆空联运”combined transportation 联运 Combined Transport Documents (CTD) 联合运输单据multimodal combined 联运,多式联运 through B/L 联运提单 through transport 联运 direct vessel 直达船只 entire voyage 整个运输过程中 formality 手续 Words and Phrases transport charge 运输费 cargo freight 运费 carriage 运费 carload rate 整车运费 carriage expense 运费 carriage free 免收运费 carriage paid 运费已付 carriage forward 运费待付 cartage 搬运费 cartage note 搬运费率 Liners freight tariff 班轮运价表 Basic Rate 基本运费率 Heavy Lift Additional 超重附加费 Over Length Additional 超长附加费 transportation expenses 运输费用 cash and carry 现付自运 Freight ton 运费吨


The transportation I like most As we all know, there are a lot of transportation we can choose, bus, car, boat, train, and airplane and so on. But the form of transportation I like the best is definitely trains. Although some people think that trains are not as fast as airplanes and they are always crowded and noisy. But I believe the advantages are surpassing its disadvantages. One is that when you choose a train not a plane, it means you can save a lot of money. The other is, during the quite long time in your train, you can either enjoy the beautiful scenery out of the window or just talk with the guy beside you, listening to his or her story. Oh, in addition, trains have less traffic jams I think. You know I am a quite active girl; I like to meet different persons and have a good conversation with them. So I do love the time that people with different accents talking together. Besides, I study in Beijing and my hometown is Hefei. I am a student; I can’t afford a plane ticket. Trains can always take me home and bring me back to my parents while buses or others can not. To sum up, I like trains most.


雅思口语Part1答案:Transportation交通 1. Do you often use public transportation? If I need to commute to and fro somewhere without the hassle of jam, I use the public transport. I bet you know how it feels to self-drive in jams. 如果我需要往返于某地又不想被交通堵塞困扰的话,我选择公共 交通。我打赌你一定理解自驾时被堵住的感觉。 2. What kind(s) of transport do you usually use? My hometown is too congested during the day. I get dropped off in the morning by either my mom or my sister so I don’t have to worry about being lat e. I walk home from school. Occasionally I get rides. 我的家乡白天时候特别拥堵。早上要么是我妈要么是我姐姐送我,这样我就不用担心迟到了。晚上我从学校走回家,偶尔搭个顺风车。 3. What do you think of the transport conditions in your hometown? I used public transportation all the time to get to & from work. The transportation in big city is crap. So owning your own car or taking a taxi isn't such a good idea. You could be stuck in traffic forever plus the expenses for gas and parking garages. 我上下班一直搭乘公共交通。大城市的交通可恶心了,自己开车 或者打车不是明智的选择。你可能被交通堵塞一直堵死而且还得考虑 油费和停车费。


Transportation 漳平市永福菁华小学许妮1.知识目标: (1)能听懂会说单词及词组:work/by car/on foot /by school bus,并懂得运用。 (2)会用句型:How do you go to school? By car./By school bus. How does Kate go to school? She goes to school on foot. How does your mother go to work? She goes to work by bike. (3)学习字母y在单词中发/ai/的音。 (4)能用所学句型谈论交通工具及交通方式。 2.技能目标: (1)能询问他人出行的交通方式,并从别人的谈话中获取信息。 (2)能在口语交际和书面运用中表达自己或他人出行时的交通方式。 3.情感态度: 培养学生遵守交通法规,提高交通安全意识。 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是农村五年级学生,他们学习英语已经有近两年的时间,掌握了一定的英语词汇,具有一定的英语学习的积极性与主动性,求知欲增强。因此,在新知识传授的同时,我尽可能多地为学生创造良好的语言环境,给学生充足的语言“习得”机会,让学生在学习中积极参与、大胆发言,从而形成积极的情感态度和自主学习的能力。 教学重、难点: 1、听懂、会说、会用新单词及相关词组:work/by car/on foot /by school bus 2、能询问他人出行的交通方式,并从别人的谈话中获取信息,能在口语交际和书面运用中表达自己或他人出行时的交通方式。

教学过程: Step1. Warming up (1).Greetings (2).Enjoy a song:My little bicycle. 2.Guess:What transportation is it?(用课件出示自行车等交通工具) (1)This is a little bicycle, It’s also called a bike. Can you ride a bike? Can you…(用同样的对话复习所学交通工具的词语)。 (2)Bikes are one of the transportation.边说边回讲台 (3) Today let’s talk about transportation. Follow me.(…..贴课题)写Part A (4) Let’s enjoy some beautiful pictures.(欣赏图片) 边放边解说 (5)How beautiful! Transportation can take us to school, park, Shanghai, Beijing and so on.. Step 2. Presentation (一)新词,新句子 1. 由所学bus 这个单词引出今天要学的新词组:school bus. (1) Yesterday I went to Xia’men Si Ming Primary school .How did I went there? Try to guess.(You can tell me: bus, bike, car.) (2)Enhen, maybe. Aha, bus…who is right? Are you right? Give me five … (3) Yes ,it’s a bus,and it’s a school bus. (带读)两遍bus ,bus,school bus. (4)回讲台I went to Xia’men Si Ming Primary school by school bus.(帖卡片by school bus) 指名读。 (5)指着黑板说: cars, bikes and school bus are transportation. 2.文本引入(听音,圈图)。 (1)What else do you know?(课件复习,齐读单词)Let’s read. Together. (2) What transportation can you hear? Please tell me.OK? (…) right!clever! (播放录音) (3)教学foot ,foot,on foot. (个别读,小组读) 3.导入新句子。 How do you go to school? Can you tell me? By plane, yes or no? By car ,yes or no? I think you go to school on foot.(走路动作) I see. (1).带读on foot(带读两遍,G1.2.3 together.)Great! (2) 课件演示on foot(指名读) (3) How do you go to school?(板书)带读,男生女生读,boys one two…Wonderful. 指名回答:(引导学生说)I see ,I like your answer. (4)If you go to school on foot like them/him/her, stand up ,please. you all? (5)课件:say it together: I go to school on foot.

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