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()It’snexttotheparkonDongfang Street.













WuYifanhadaracewithhisfatherandMax.Thereweremanypeoplethere.Hisfatherranveryfa st,butWuYifancouldnot.Therewasnothinghecoulddo.Hewassoworried.“Icouldrunfastatsch ool,”hethough.“WhyamIsoslownow?”

ThenRobinsaid,“Drinkthis!”andgaveWuYifansomewater.WuYifandrankitandsuddenlyhefelt good.Hecouldrunfastagain.

Therewasasecondrace.Thereweremanyanimalsinthatrace.WuYifanranlikeacheetah.Hecou ldwintherace!Butsuddenlyhetrippedandfell.Thenhewokeup.Hewasinbed.Itwasalladream!















LiuKaiisafootballcoachforWinningfootballClub.Hedoessportswithhisteammemberseveryda y.Heisstrictbutverynicetohisfootballplayers.WinningFootballClub’steamisinfirstplacefort hreeyears.

DoctorChenisafamousscientistinourcity.SheworksintheSouth China

University.Sheteachesherstudentsandalsodoesexperimentsintheuniversitylab.Sheworkss ohardthatherworkmatescallhe“theironladyofscience”.

HouLinisapoliceofficer.SheworksinthepolicestationoftheGuangyangcommunity.Shehelpsth epooroldpeopleinthatcommunity.Sheoftenvisitsthemanddosomecleaningforthem.Peoplecall her“thedaughteroftheGuangyangcommunity”. TonyisafishermanfortheOceanShippingCompany.Heisbigandtall.Hegoesouttoseaandcatche sfishfivetimesamonth.Tonygetsonwellwiththeotherpeopleonhisship.Heenjoyshisworkatwea

Howareyoudoing?MyfamilyandI__________afive-daytriptoHangzhouforourholiday.Wem akesomegreatmemoriesthere.

Onthefirstday,we__________toHangzhoubyplane.Itookus14hours.I_______books,___ _________afilmand____________ontheplane.


Lake.Thereweremanywillowtreesthere.Theleavesdancedinthewind.I___________picture swithmyparents.

Onthethirdday,we_____________teanearthelake.It_____________delicious.Welikedi tverymuch.

Onthefourthday,we________________giftsintheshops.Mymotherlikedthesilktherevery much.












部编六年级小学英语阅读答题技巧 小学英语教学是学生英语学习的启蒙阶段,对学生的终生学习起着重要的作用。如果小学英语教师能灵活巧妙地渗透、运用英语阅读技巧和策略,帮助小学生有效地学习和阅读英语故事或短文,将会为他们今后的英语学习奠定良好的基础。下面是小学英语阅读 一、先看问题,再读原文 先看问题,带着问题去原文里找答案,这样比较有目的性。现在问题的形式也比较灵活,有单选,有判断正误。先了解问题具体是哪种形式,在阅读原文的时候才更有针对性寻找答案。小学阶段的阅读理解相对来说还是比较简单的,很多问题可以在原文里直接找到答案,当然这主要是针对单选和判断来说的。先读问题,在阅读原文的时候有的问题一下子就出来了,节约了很多时间。 二、通读全文,抓住重点 在阅读原文的时候一定不要一句一句的看,一句一句的理解,这样做会影响对整篇文章的理解和认识。如果遇上生词,先不要管它,略过生词继续通读全文。读完一遍能够大概明白文章讲了一件什么事。在阅读的过程中还要注意抓住重点,即出现了哪些人物,提到了什么时间,说到了哪个地点,发生了什么事情,这些关键词最好能用笔在原文中做个记号,因为后面的问题一般都和这些关键词相关。 三、大胆猜词,掌握意思 说阅读理解题难很大程度上是因为句子中有些单词不知道是什么意思,这在理解文章意思的时候就会加大难度。但是我们可以通过猜测单词的意思对通篇文章进行理解,可以根据上下文的意思进行猜测,还可以根据单词的构成进行猜测,比如说我们知道happy是“高兴的”,那么unhappy就是“不高兴的”。当然这就需要学生在平时注意单词的构成。 四、反复阅读,深刻理解 做阅读理解题一般需要读两到三遍,这样对理解全文是非常有帮助的。第一次阅读把那些能够直接找出答案的题做出来,第二遍阅读就要明白原文具体说了一件什么事情,面白了这个时候对后面一些需要理解能回答的问题这时候就可以解决了。第三遍通读全文,对所做出的答案再确认一遍。 二、阅读理解 2.阅读理解选出正确的选项 Long long ago, there was a cat and a mouse. They were good friends. They lived together. One day, a cow came and said, "Hello, my friends. There is a football game in the forest tomorrow. Do you want to join us? If you win, you'll get much food.” “Really?” The cat and the mouse were very excited. They wanted to take part in this match. So the cat said to the mouse, "my dear, I often sleep, sleep, sleep. You get up early every day. Please call me tomorrow.” The mouse said, “Sure.” The next day, the mouse got up. He went to the football match. But he didn't call the cat. At last, the cat was very angry with the mouse. (1)________ were good friends.


六年级英语专项练习 1)The teacher often helps ______with ______ lessons after class. (we) 2)Lisa wants to visit ______ grandparents this Saturday.(she) 3)This is my ______ time to visit Shanghai.(one) 4)Many ______ are playing in the park.(child) 5)Let me introduce ______ to you. (I) 6)I like ________ books. (read) 7)Miss Li always ________ to school by bus. (go) 8)The students ________ an English lesson now. (have) 9)Next Monday, we ________ a nice film. (see) 10)Let him ________ it himself. (do) 11)England. He is ________ . (Britain) 12)The students in that school often take part in the after-school ________ . (act) 13)Tom enjoys ________ the Internet. (surf) 14)Mr. Brown’s ________ name is Tony. (one) 15)Mary keeps in touch with ________ friends by phone. (she) 16)He wants to be an ________ . (art) 17)Tom is sitting between you and ________ . (I) 18)The man over there is an ________ teacher. (Australia) 19)I am ________ in this book. (interest) 20)I go to the ________ Corner every Saturday morning. (England) 21)What do you ________ do on Sundays?(usual) 22)Do you enjoy ________ the Internet?(surf) 23)I meet Helen, my good friend, on ________ way home. (I) 24)Tom is always the ________ to get to school in our class. (one) 25)The students take part in all kinds of ________ . (act) —Is everyone here? —No, Tom is ________. (absence) 26)I often read books and newspapers in the ________ room. (read) 27) 28)Kate lives on the ________ floor. (three) 29)Help ________ to some cakes, everyone. (you) 30)He ________ a bus in the city every day. (driver) 31)Look, Peter is playing ________. (happy) 32)My father is a university ________. (teach) 33)Our classroom is on the _________ floor. (five) 34)There are four ________ in our school. (build) 35)There are many ________ eating grass under the trees.(sheep) 36)We’re ________ in western culture and c ustoms.(interest) 37)It’s not good to eat too much ________ food.(health) 38)Tom is very quiet. He ________ talking with others.(like) 39)The book is very ________. Everyone wants to read it.(interest) 40)We’ll have a ______ tomorrow. (discuss) 41)He can answer the questions very ______. (quick) 42)How many ______ are there in this Chinese restaurant? (serve) 43)People in ______ countries usually eat with knives and forks. (west) 44)Which do you prefer, hamburgers or French ______. (fry)


阅读专项 (一) Poor man Look at this man. What is he doing He is carrying a very big box. The box is full of big apples. He wants to put it on the back of his bike and take it home. Can he do that No, I don’ t think not Because the box is too full and too heavy. Look! What’ s wrong He drops the box. Poor man. 1. What’ s the man doing He is _____. A. Riding a bike B. eating some apples C. carrying a box D. making a box 2.What’ s in the box A. Some books B. some bikes C. some apples D. some boxes 3.Can he carry the box A. Yes, he can B. yes, he is C. no, he can’ t D. no, he isn’t 4.Is the box full or empty A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’ t C. It’ s empty D. It’ s full (二) A new student Kate is a new student. She is twelve. She is from America. She can speak English very well and she can speak a little Chinese. She is in Nanjing. Her parents are doctors. Kate is studying in a school near her home. She has classes from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays, she often plays games with her Chinese friends. She loves china and her Chinese friends. 1.Kate is _______. A. a new student B. a Chinese girl C. a doctor D. a driver 2. Kate can _______. A. Speak a lot of Chinese B. speak English well C. speak a little Japanese D. speak little English 3.Kate often studies______. A. From Monday to Friday B. in Beijing C. on Saturdays and Sundays D. at home 4.Her parents______. A. Are working in a school B. have classes on Mondays C. often play games with Kate D. are doctors (三) A Clever Crow A crow was thirsty, but he couldn’ t find water. He looked here and there. At last, he cried happily, ” I can see a jar and there is some water in it,” he said to himself.” I can put m close to it.” But still he cannot drink,” What should I do I want to drink.” He looked ar then he picked up a small stone in his beak and carried it to the jar of water and dropped it into the jar.” Soon the water will be high in the jar, and I can drink,” said the crow. So he began that until water was high enough to drink. 开心词典:crow n. 乌鸦beak n. 鸟嘴 根据短文回答问题。 1.Why did the crow look here and there ______________________________________________________. 2.Why did the crow cry happily ________________________________________________________. 3.Can the crow drink the water only by his beak _______________________________________________________. (四) The Secret of Success


Unit 1 Part A 一、根据短文,完成下面判断题。正确T ,错误F。 Going to the zoo Today is Sunday. Jack goes to the zoo with his classmates. He wears his new white T-shirt and yellow cap. He says goodbye to his parents and goes to the bus stop.The bus stop is near his home. He meets his classmates here. The zoo is very far and the No.57 bus can take them there. They see a lot of animals in the zoo and they have a good time. ()1.Jack goes to the garden with his classmates. ()2.Jack says goodbye to his parents. ()3.The bus stop is not near Jack’s home. ()4.The zoo isn’t very far. ()5.They are happy today. 二、选择正确的选项。 Jane was spending her holiday in Scotland(苏格兰). Two days ago, she sent a letter to Mary and today Mr. and Mrs. Black received(收到)a card from her. “What does Jane say in her card, Mum? Let me have a look.”Mary said. Jane said in her card, “I’ve visited a lot of places. How are you all? I miss you very much.”Mary stopped reading the card and said, “The card is much shorter than the letter to me. Her letter was full of things. Let me read it to you.” “I went to Edinburgh by train. I stayed there for three days and then went to the mountains. I have met a lot of young people there. They climbed some mountains. I have been to many famous lacks. I find Scotland is much more beautiful than England. By the way, the restaurant(餐馆)is very nice and I have made many new friends. I’m having a wonderful time here now.” ()1. Jane sent a letter to Mary _________. A. today B. the day before yesterday C. yesterday D. three days ago ()2. In her letter, Jane said _________. A. she met many young people in the mountains B. she had been in the mountains for three times C. she had been to the mountains three days ago D. she met many young people on the way to Edinburgh ()3. Jane said that she _________. A. had visited many lakes B. was visiting some lakes C. had not visited these lakes D. would soon visit these lakes ()4. Jane thought that __________. A.England was as beautiful as Scotland B. Scotland was not so beautiful as England C. England was more beautiful than Scotland D. England was not so beautiful as Scotland ()5. From Jane’s card and letter we know that ___________.

六年级英语 专项练习

专项练习一单项选择 1. A: How are you? B:___________. A. I’m fine, thank you. B. How are you? C. Thank you! 2. What’s your name? A. How do you do! B. hello C. I’m Li Hong. 3. Is it a yellow dog? A. Yes, it is. B .No, it is. C. Yes, that is. 4. How many boys are there in your class? A.How many cats? B. There are 60 students in my class. C. She is a girl. 5. What’s this? A.It’s red. B. It’s a chair. C. These are birds. 6. What’s that? A. I t’s a pencil. B. Those are books. C .These are dogs. 7. How old are you? A. He is nine. B. She is eleven. C. I’m eight. 8. Where is the bag? A. It’s under the desk. B. Yes, it is. C They are in the desk . 9. Here is a red _____. A.First B. one C .dogs 10. Have you got a tiger? A.No,I have. B. Yes, I have. C. Yes, I haven’t. 11. Excuse me. Where is No 2 West Lake Road? A.It’s next to a supermarket. B Yes, it is. C. Go straight on. 12. Thank you so much! A. You‘re welcome. B .Very good. C. Thank you. 13. Where is the train 2? A. It’s up the hill. B It’s red. C. They are down the hill. 14. This is my little brother, Tom. He is playing ______a toy train. A.on B. with C. and 15. What are you doing? A.I am writing a letter. B. She is swimming . C. I taking on the phone. 16. A: What is he doing? B: He ____watching TV. A. is B are C .these 17. What are they doing? A.They are reading a book. B. I play basketball. C Lily is listening to music. 18. Daming ________running. A.is B. be C. are 19. Have you got Chopsticks in England? A.Yes, he has. B. Yes, we have. C. No, I have. 20. Can you run fast? A.Yes, I can. B. No, I can’t. C. Run fast. 21. We’re going to _____ at 5 o’clock. A. got up B. get up C. getting up 22. I_________going to visit my grandpa. A. is B. are C. am 23. What are you going to do for Sports day? A.I’m running. B.I’m going to play football. C.He is going to play basketball. 24. Can I have some sweets? A. Sorry, you can’t. B. No, you can. C. Yes, you can’t. 25. London is the capital ________England. A. about B. on C. of 26. There ___many boats on the river. A. be B. is C. are 27. There __a big Ben. A. am B. is C. are 28. Will you take a ball? A. Yes, I will . B. Yes, I won’t. C. No, I will. 29. It will be ________in Hangzhou. A. hot B. snow. C. rain 30. It is going to _________in Yinchuan. A. windy B. sunny C. snow 31. Amy is ____than Lingling. A. tall B. taller C. tell 32. The Changjiang River is longer ___the Yellow River. A. then B. than C. higher 33. Daming and Lingling can play the trumpet. Lingling______than Daming. A. bad B. worse C. good 34. San Francisco is a famous city in America. It’s in the ____. A. north B. west C. east . 35. Was it fat ? A. No, it wasn’t . B.Yes,it was. C No,it isn’t. 36. Did you ____meat yesterday? A. cook B. cooked C. cooking 37.I ___TV yesterday. A. watching B. watched C. watches 38.Mary had two watermelons yesterday, so today he’s ________ . A.got a stomachache B.got a headache C.cold 39. What did you do at the weekend?


阅读短文,将正确选项标号填入题前括号内。 st. But in England(英国's Day is on June 1) Everyone in China knows Children st. October 1on Singapore(新加坡) is ''s Day is in July. Childrens Day in ChildrenAnd in Thailand(泰国) Children's Day is in January. How many Children's Day are there in Japan(日本)? Do you know? There are two. The Children's Day for girls rdth. s Day for boys is on May 5, and the Children'is on March 3( )1. In China, Children's Day is in _________. A. June B. July C. January ( )2. Children's Day in England is _________. A. on June 1st B. in July C. in January ( )3. If I go to Singapore______, I can have Children's Day with boys and girls. A. on March 3rd B. on May 5th C. on October 1st ( )4. Children's Day in Thailand is ______ in July. A. also B. not C. no ( )5. There are ______ Children's Days in Japan. A. one B. two C. many ”表示F,错误用“”T阅读短文,判断正误,正确用“ thth Chinese is the is another special day. It s March 8 is Women'Day. March 12 Tree-planting Day. People plant trees in April in America. Trees turn green in spring. The young leaves are so lovely. Many people like spring. th s Day. ' ( ) 1 . March 8 is Mother th is Chinese Tree-planting Day. ()2 .March 12()3 .People plant trees in April in America. ( ) 4 .Trees turn yellow in spring. 。错误的写“×”阅读短文,判断下列句子,正确的写“√”, The Chinese national flag is a rectangle. There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones. It is red and yellow. The American national flag is also a rectangle. There are fifty stars on it. It is red, white, and blue. There are many different shapes around us: circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, and stars. ( ) 1. The Chinese national flag and the American national flag are both rectangles.


共6页,第5页 共6页,第6页 密 校名 班级 姓名 座号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 小学六年级英语专项复习(六) 题型① 根据短文内容判断正误 在完成此类型题时可以先浏览题目,找出判断题中的关键词,带着关键词在文中寻找所需信息,再仔细判断题干是否与原文信息一致;也可以先浏览题目,带着题干的信息,有目的地迅速浏览短文,再细读,抓住主要内容和细节,验证是否与短文内容相符。 1.根据短文内容,判断对错,符合短文内容的在括号里写“T ” ,否则打“F ”。 Two painters try to see who could paint a better picture. The first painter paints some grapes in the garden. The grapes look like real ones and some birds come and try to eat them. Then the second painter asks people to look at his picture. They go to the second painter's house The second painter says to the first painter, "Please open the window in that wall. You'll see my picture in my house. "The first painter tries to open the window, but he cant. Then the second painter says to the first painter, "This isn't a real window. It is my picture. "All the people see this and laugh. They all say the second painter is the winner. ( ) 1. The second painter paints some grapes in the garden. ( ) 2. The second painter asks people to look at his picture in his house. ( ) 3. The first painter can open the window. ( ) 4. The window is real. ( ) 5. All the people think the second painter is the winner. 2.根据短文内容,判断对错,符合短文内容的在括号里画上 ” ,否则画上“ ?”。 Dear Kate, How are you? I am writing to you in my school.This school is great.There are 900 students in my school. I like the teachers.The other students are very friendly.They teach me Chinese and I teach them Engllish.There is a small river behind our school.The water is clean. We can swim in it.There are no classes on Saturdays and Sundays.We stay at home and watch TV .My father and mother go to shop on Sundays.They all like China. I can speak Chinese now. I can write my name in Chinese,too. Please write to me soon! ( ) 1. This letter is from Lucy to Kate. ( ) 2. The other students don ’t like Lucy. ( ) 3.Lucy teaches other students English. ( ) 4. Lucy can speak Chinese. ( ) 5. Kate wants Lucy to write to her soon. 3.根据短文内容,判断对错,符合短文内容的在括号里打“√” ,否则打“×”。 It was June 1st yesterday. It was Nacy’s birthday. There was a big birthday party in her house. Many classmates went to her home. They are Amy, Lucy, Kitty, John, Mike and Tom. Nacy’s mother cooked a big dinner for them. Her grandma made a beautiful cake for them. Nacy got many presents. Her father gave her a new bike. Her grandpa gave her a new bag. She was very happy. Everyone had a good time. ( ) 1. There were nine people in Nacy’s house. ( ) 2. Yesterday was Children’s Day. ( ) 3. Nacy got a new bike from her grandpa. ( ) 4. Nacy’s grandmother can make a birthday cake. ( ) 5. Nacy had a birthday party in the classroom. 题型② 根据短文内容选择正确的答案 在完成此类型题时应该先通读短文,不要一句一句看,一句一句理解,遇到生词,根据上下文联系推敲,大胆猜词,抓住重点信息,了解短文的who 、when 、where 、what 等,再根据题目和选项迅速查找出需要的信息。 1.Miss White is a teacher.Her home is not far from her school.So she always walks to school in the morning every day. Today it is very cold and windy.Miss White walks to school.The cold wind goes into her eyes,and tears begin running out of her eyes.She gets to the school,opens the door and goes into the classroom.It is warm there and Miss White is very happy.But then a little boy looks at her for a few minutes,he puts his arms around her and says kindly,“Don ’t cry,Miss White.School isn ’t very bad.” ( )1.Miss White usually goes to school_________________. A. by bike B.by car C.by bus D.on foot ( )2.The small boy thinks that_________________. A. Miss White doesn ’t like the school. B.Miss White likes crying. C.Miss White ’s eyes are not good. D.his teacher likes the school. ( )3.Which of the four sentences is wrong? A. Miss White ’s eyes are full of tears. B.The little boy knows why Miss White is crying C. The little boy loves his teacher. D.The wind makes Miss White cry. ( )4.It is ____________ today. A. very cold outside. B. windy outside C.very warm in the classroom D. A,B and C


六年级英语阅读理解题及答案 (共16篇) 目录 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案1 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案2 (2) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案3 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案4 (4) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案5 (5) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案6 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案7 (7) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案8 (9) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案9 (10) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案10 (11) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案11 (12) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案12 (13) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案13 (14) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案14 (15) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案15 (16) 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案16 (17) 六年级英语阅读理解题答案汇总1——16 (19)

六年级英语阅读理解题及答案1 There are forty-two students in our class . There are also two American boys . They are Jack and Mike . They are our good friends . They like watching TV ,but they don’t like playing basket-ball .They often go to school by bike . And I often go to school on foot . There is one English girl in our class . Her name is Lucy . She likes playing basketball and she also likes swimming . She usually does her homework in the evening . She often watches TV on Saturday afternoons . She is my good friend . All of the Chinese students are Yong Pioneers . 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( ) 1. There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class . ( ) 2. There are two American girls and one English boy in our class . ( ) 3. Jack and Mike are our good friends . ( ) 4. Jack and Mike like playing basketball . ( ) 5. Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoons . 【答案】TFTFF 六年级英语阅读理解题及答案2 My name is Jack . I am a pupil of Grade One . I’m in No.1 Middle School . On weekdays I get up at six o’clock . I have breakfast at seven and then I go to

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