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Book 6 Unit 2课堂练习

Book 6 Unit 2课堂练习
Book 6 Unit 2课堂练习

Part 1 Warming Up, Pre?reading, Reading and


I. 根据本单元所学单词及所给的提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。

1. They set up many b________ throughout the country with the development of their business.

2. The dog may bite you if you keep t________ it.

3. Food that is too s________ is harmful to health, so try to use less salt when you cook.

4. It was a long journey, but we e________ arrived at the small village before dark.

5. My schedule is quite f________ — I could arrange to meet with you any day next week.

6. Have you got any ________ (具体的) thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?

7. Upon further questioning, the witnesses gave ________ (自相矛盾的) answers.

8. The ________ (模式) of family life has been changing over recent years.

9. The ________ (悲痛) Mrs. White felt at the death of her husband was almost too much for her.

10. The child’s ________ (无止境的) crying has been getting on my nerves all day.

II. 选用方框内合适的短语并用其适当形式填空。

1. ________! Don’ t worry about the matter.

2. The whole meal was good and the wine ________ was excellent.

3. The football team ________ famous actors and singers.

4. This sentence just doesn’t ________, no matter how you read it.

III. 每空填一词,使上下两个句子的意思相同或相近。

1. This Tang poem is turned into English from the Chinese.

This Tang poem in English is ________ ________ from the Chinese.

2. After a month, their food supplies were used up.

After a month, they ________ ________ ________ their food supplies.

3. The Smiths’ garage has become their guest house.

The Smiths have ________ their garage ________ a guest house.

4. Please give your wife my thanks for her looking after my child.

Please ________ my thanks ________ your wife for her looking after my child.

Part 2 Learning about Language

I. 根据本单元所学单词及所给的提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。

1. First class seats are in the front s________ of the plane.

2. The national heroes will live f________ in our hearts.

3. It is traditional for the b________ to buy presents for the bride.

4. I didn’t feel that this was a(n) ________ (适当的) time to mention the subject of money.

5. We ________ (交换) phone numbers, but I don’t think I’ll call him.

6. Everyone was given a(n) ________ (毕业文凭) at the end of the course.

7. If the show is too controversial, we’ll lose our ________ (赞助人).

8. I can’t remember where I’ve left my umbrella; my mind is a complete ________ (空白)!

II. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. If that road had not been closed, we _____ our destination two hours ago.

A. would reach

B. reached

C. had reached

D. would have reached

2. Henry would rather that his girlfriend _____ in the same department as he does.

A. works

B. worked

C. had worked

D. has worked

3. But for the rain, we _____ a nice holiday yesterday.

A. would have had

B. would have

C. will have

D. had had

4. We missed the train. If only we _____ by taxi instead of by bus!

A. go

B. went

C. have gone

D. had gone

III. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。

1. Miss Zhang suggests that we ________ (hold) a meeting next week.

2. Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat, the earth at night ________ (be) freezing cold.

3. It’s time we ________ (go) home for supper.

4. The teacher loves her students as if they ________ (be) her own children.

Part 3 Using Language

I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. The ________ (warm) of the room made me sleepy.

2. I could not see the road properly because of the ________ (dark).

3. Through his own efforts, Lang Lang’s dream of becoming a(n) ________ (piano) came true at last.

4. The old man is well-known as a(n) ________ (violin) in his village.

II. 根据汉语意思补全下列句子(每空一词)。

1. 这个方法听起来不错,但需要试验一下。

The method seems good but needs to be ________ ________.

2. 当那个女孩看到蛇时,她发出了一声尖叫。

When the girl saw the snake, she ________ ________ ________ ________.

3. 虽然玛丽学习负担很重,但她并没有放弃她的爱好。

Although Mary has ________ ________ ________ ________, she doesn’t give up her hobbies.

4. 直到失去健康的时候,人们才知道健康的可贵。

People ________ ________ the value of health ________ they lose it.


Part 1

I. 1. branches 2. teasing 3. salty 4. eventually 5. flexible 6. concrete

7. contradictory 8. pattern 9. sorrow 10. endless

II. 1. Take it easy 2. in particular 3. is made up of 4. make sense

III. 1. a translation 2. ran out of 3. transformed / turned; into 4. convey; to Part 2

I. 1. section 2. forever 3. bridegroom 4. appropriate 5. exchanged 6. diploma

7. sponsors 8. blank

II. 1-4 DBAD

III. 1. (should) hold 2. would be 3. went 4. were

Part 3

I. 1. warmth 2. darkness 3. pianist 4. violinist

II. 1. tried out

2. let out a scream

3. a heavy studying load

4. don’t know; till / until


仁爱版七年级(下)英语目标教学检测I五 Topic 2,U nit 6 (检测时间:45分钟满分100分) Class: _______ Name: _____________ Marks:___________ I. 单项选择。(15分) ( )1. Maria sees a pen on the floor. She stops ______ . A. to pick it up B. to pick up it C. pick ing it up D. pick ing up it ( )2. —What' s your friend ' s home like? A. It ' s an apartment building. B. He works in a factory. C. She is very tall with long black hair. D. He isn ' t well today. ( )3. You can get some one in the shop _____ you buy someth ing. A. help B. helps C. to help D. helping ( )4. There is a hospital ______ the corner of the street. A. in B. of C. with D. on ( )5. You can mail some letters in the _______ . A. bank B. post office C. supermarket D. hospital ( )6. _______ the road, you will find a hospital between the post office and the supermarket. ( )7. Listen! One of the boys ______ to others. A. are speak ing B. are telli ng C. is speak ing D. is telli ng ( )8. The traffic in this city ________ very heavy. A. is B. are C. has D. have ( )9. —You are singing too loud. A. Tha nk you. B. Sorry. C. Tha nks. D. Yes. ( )10. There is something wrong ______ my kitchen fan. A. of B. with C. about D. for II.完形填空。(15分) Tom and David live in the same building and they are in the same class. It _L their school. David has a bike, 2 Tom doesn ' t. He has to get up 3 in the morning. After breakfast, Tom goes to the 4 in a hurry. Sometimes there ' re 5 people on the bus and he can ' t find a 6 for himself. When he gets to the classroom, he feels a little 7 . So he asks his father to _8_ a bike for him. The worker is not very rich and doesn ' t agree(同意).The boy begins —9— and his father has to say, “ 10 , I ' b uy a bike for you n ext term. ”( )1. A. near B. far C. next to D. f ar from ( )2. A. and B. but C. so D. w he n ( )3. A. soon B. late C. early D. f ast ( )4. A. bus stop B. school C. street D. c lassroom ( )5. A. few B. a few C. a lot D. m any ( )6. A. ticket B. seat C. frie nd D. b us ( )7. A. tired B. happy C. excit ing D. hungry ( )8. A. find B. make C. get D . have A. In the end of B. In the end C. At the end D. At the end of s a little


春天,阳光灿烂,田野里百花盛开。白的梨花,粉红的桃花,还有金黄的油菜花,散发出一阵阵浓浓的香味。 1、短文共有()句话,写的是()季的的景象。 2、春天有灿烂的();田野里(),散发出浓浓的()。3、用“—”画出文中表示颜色的词。 4、春天,()、()、()都开花了。除了这些,还有许多春天开的花,它们是()。 二、 我家院子里有一棵古老而又高又大的枣树。春天,枣树上开满了浅黄色的枣花。夏天,花落了,枣树上结满了小青枣。到了秋天,小青枣慢慢地变红了,变成了红红的大枣。这时,树上好像挂满了圆圆的小灯笼。 1、读短文,找出合适的词填在括号里。 ()的枣树()的枣花 ()的大枣()的小灯笼 2、文中“小灯笼”指的是()。 3、想想枣树在不同季节的变化,再填空。 春天,枣树上()。 夏天,枣树上()。 秋天,枣树上()。

小鸡们跟着老母鸡跑,就像许多小球在地上滚一样。它们跟着妈妈学着找食物,小小的嘴到处啄(zhuó),有时,就在伙伴们的头上、腿上啄。冷了,老母鸡张开翅膀,那些小鸡就连忙躲到妈妈肚子底下暖和暖和。这些小鸡真可爱。 1、这篇短文共有()句话。 2、短文里写了()和()。 3、小鸡们冷了,就会()。四、 天亮了,鸟儿醒了,叽叽喳喳地唱着:“露珠儿,晶晶亮。好像小珍珠,挂在小草上。”太阳听见了,说:“露珠是什么样?让我看看。”太阳睁大眼睛对着小草使劲儿看,可是什么也没看见。太阳呆住了,“咦,露珠儿呢,哪儿去了?” 1、天亮了,()醒了,叽叽喳喳唱着歌。 2、露珠儿,晶晶亮,好像()挂在小草上。 3、露珠为什么不见了,是因为() A、太阳出来了。B、露珠掉在地上了。 五、 冬姑娘来到公园。她看到许多许多的人,有的在滑雪,有的在滑冰,有的在打雪仗、堆雪人,写诗画画、拍照留影。他们都被美丽的风景迷住了。 1、这段短文共有()句话。第二句中写的活动有()、


集中我的注意力 【活动背景】 学生注意力是智力的重要组成部分。如果学习时学生注意力分散,就很难集中在一定的学习对象上,也就不能很好地感知教材,所以,对于低年级学生而言,培养他们的注意力尤为重要。因此,在教学中我们应该采取多种方法来培养他们的注意力,努力提高课堂教学效果。针对低年级孩子的发展特性,设计此次课堂。 【活动目的】 让孩子意识到培养注意力的重要性 让孩子掌握一定的注意力训练方法,并且自我加强 【活动对象】四年级学生 【活动阶段】第一阶段 【活动环节】 一、课堂导入(暖身阶段): “反着做”:老师发出口令,学生做相反的动作。比如老师说“起立”,学生坐下;老师说“举左手”,学生举右手;老师说“睁眼”,学生闭眼等等,以游戏进入主题,吸引学生集中注意力。 (起立、举右手、闭眼、举左手、睁眼、睁眼)、说话、坐下、起立) 俄国有位教育家曾经说过:“注意是一扇门。”我们所要学习的一切知识都要从它那里通过,在学习中,只有时时、处处集中注意力,才不会让知识从我们身边溜走。

二、转换阶段 对于集中注意力,你有什么小妙招呢?学生谈谈自己的小妙招。三、游戏时刻: 1、 游戏名称:拍拍手 游戏规则:听到动物名称拍两下手 如:大象、企鹅、葡萄、橘子、老虎、桃子 第一组:小狗、狗大便、树叶、牛、柠檬 第二组:泥土、小鸟、秋天、青蛙、铅笔 第三组:公鸡、蒲公英、苹果、猴子、书包 第四组:西瓜、熊猫、香蕉、喜鹊、学校 游戏形式:首先进行全班练习,然后分组进行,可分左右两大组 游戏名称:大家一起来找茬 游戏规则:给出相似的两个图,让孩子找出两张图的不同之处。 游戏形式:全班共同完成 2、分享时刻: 小组分享: 你有什么秘籍,让我们的注意力更加集中? 全班分享:(5分钟) 1、在上课或者做作业中,你会经常觉得自己出神,无法


班级:姓名:学号:得分: 二、作者主要写哪只猫,为什么?又为何不直接写而一开始写了第1、2只猫? 三、作者一家人不喜欢第3只流浪猫。为什么又要收留它呢? 四、文章的开局有什么特点? 五、文章的结局又有什么特点? 六、请分别摘录描写第1、2、3只猫的语句各一句,并作分析。 ① 分析: ② 分析: ③ 分析: 七、体会下面语句的情感,并分析。 1、自此,我家好久不养猫。 2、自此,我家永不养猫。 3、我对于它的亡失,比以前的两只猫的亡失,更难过得多。 4、语句“想到它的无抵抗的逃避,益使我感到我的暴怒,我的虐待,都是针,刺我的良心的针!”使用了什么手法,作者要表达什么意思?

八、我为什么会认为是养的第三只猫咬死了鸟?如果是以前第1、2只猫咬了鸟,你认为作者会是什么态度? 九、语句“那只花白猫对于这一对黄鸟,似乎 ..也特别注意,常常跳在桌上,对鸟 笼凝望着。它躺在露台板上晒太阳,态度很安详,嘴里好象 ..还在吃着什么。”中 加点的“似乎 ..”能不能去掉,为什么? ..、好象 十、你学了文章之后有什么想法? 七下郑振铎的《猫》课堂阅读练习(参考答案) 二、第3只猫,揭示文章中心,写第1、2只猫是为了突出第3只猫,与它对比. 三、对弱小生命的关爱。 四、开门见山,照应结尾,奠定基调。 五、点明中心,照应开头。 六、略 七、1、对失去美好事物的伤心。 2、因主观臆断至猫死掉,而内心后悔内疚。 3、因为是我的主观臆断而死,不能挽回,而更加内疚后悔。 4、比喻,突出我明白真相后,知道猫因我的主观臆断而死,不能挽回,而更加内疚后悔。 八、因为以“毛凝望鸟笼”为依据,责怪刘嫂会多一点,而稍微责怪猫,但会原谅。 九、表示猜测,因为这而判定猫吃了鸟,突出我的主观臆断。 十、对美好事物的珍惜,对弱小生命的关爱。不能主观臆断而因根据事实来判定。


部编版一年级语文下册阅读训练50篇(含答案) 1.阅读文段,按要求作答。 春天来了,小草慢慢地染(rǎn)绿了大地,树木开始长出了嫩嫩的绿叶。蓝蓝 的天空飘着淡淡的白云,红红的太阳撒下温暖的阳光。远处一片片野花都开了,美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。春天真美丽呀!我爱春天。 (1)这段共有________句。 (2)从短文中选出合适的词语填空。 嫩嫩的________ ________的天空 温暖的________ ________的太阳 (3)照样子填空。 飞来飞去 ________来________去 ________来________去 2.阅读短文,回答问题短文。 (一)小壁虎借尾巴 小壁虎借不到尾巴,心里很难过。他爬呀爬,爬回家里找妈妈。 小壁虎把借尾巴的事告诉了妈妈。妈妈笑着说:“傻孩子,你转过身子看看。小 壁虎转身一看,高兴得叫了起来:“我长出一条新尾巴啦!” (1)从选文中找出一对反义词写下来。 ________-________ (2)小壁虎因为()而难过。 ①借不到尾巴②自己没有尾巴 (3)想一想,读一读,连一连。

小鱼的尾巴________ 掌握方向 老牛的尾巴________ 拨水游泳 燕子的尾巴________ 驱赶蚊蝇 (4)小壁虎需不需要借尾巴呢?为什么? 3.阅读片段,完成练习 到了学校,已经上课了。元元红着脸,低着头,坐到了自己的座位上。李老师看了看手表,说:“元元,今天你迟到了二十分钟。” 元元非常后悔。 (1)照样子写词语。 看了看:________了________ ________了________ ________了________ (2)元元红着脸是因为________。(填序号) ①他没考好,老师批评他。②他迟到了,自己觉得不好意思。 (3)元元后悔的原因是________ 4.阅读下文,回答问题 鸭妈妈孵出一只又大又丑的小鸭,大家都要赶走他。丑小鸭想:“我还是到广大的世界里去,自己学会生活的本领吧!” 丑小鸭来到小溪边,一会儿捉虫吃,一会儿跑进水里捉小鱼吃,吃饱了,他就练习游泳,练习拍翅膀。 一年过去了,春天来了。丑小鸭拍拍翅膀,啊!自己会飞了。他飞到一个大湖里,低头看见清清的水里是一只天鹅。 (1)照样子,写词语。 例:又大又丑、________、________ (2)用划线的词写一句话。


Unit6topic1课后练习 Ⅰ.单项选择。 1.---Is there a study on the first floor? ---_____ It’s on the second floor. A.No,there isn’t B.No,there aren’t C.No,there is 2.---Where is the dining room? ---It’s ____ the first floor. A.on B.in C.at 3.Let me have a look ____ your new shoes. A.after B.at C.on 4.---Can you see the tree ___ our classroom? --Yes, it’s very tall. A.in front of B.in the front of C.in 5.There ____ some water in the bottle. A.are B.has C.is 6.---My study is on the second floor.Let’s ___ upstairs and have a look. ---OK. A.goes B.go to C.go 7.There ____ a pencil and some pens on the desk. A.be B.is C.are 8.---What are the boys doing? ---They’re ___ the soccer games over there. A.talking to B.talking about C.talking with 9.---Is there an old man near the house? ---_____ A.Yes,it is B.Yes,it does C.Yes, there is 10.---How many ____ are there in your class? ---There is only one. A.clocks B.a clock C.clock 11.Let’s ____ your new bike. A.look B.have a look C.have a look at 12.---Dad,what ____in the desk? --There are some books and a pencil-box. A.are B.is C./ 13.Look!The children are swimming ___. A.on the river B.in the river C.near the river 14.--Where ia your computer? --It’s ___the desk.


新版部编一年级下册语文课外阅读练习题-精选含答案 一、阅读理解题 1.阅读文段,按要求作答。 春天来了,小草慢慢地染(rǎn)绿了大地,树木开始长出了嫩嫩的绿叶。蓝蓝的天空飘着淡淡的白云,红红的太阳撒下温暖的阳光。远处一片片野花都开了,美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。春天真美丽呀!我爱春天。 (1)这段共有________句。 (2)从短文中选出合适的词语填空。 嫩嫩的________ ________的天空 温暖的________ ________的太阳 (3)照样子填空。 飞来飞去 ________来________去 ________来________去 【答案】(1)五 (2)绿叶;蓝蓝;阳光;红红 (3)走;走;跳;跳 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题 一个人玩,很好! 独自一个,静悄悄的, 正好用纸折船,折马…… 踢毽子___跳绳___搭积木___ 当然还有看书___画画, 听音乐___ (1)照样子,写词语。 例:静悄悄(ABB式)、________、________、________ (2)在横线上填上正确的标点。 踢毽子________跳绳________搭积木________当然还有看书________画画________听音乐________ (3)一个人还可以________。 【答案】(1)胖乎乎;红润润;喜洋洋 (2),;,;,;,;,;…… (3)玩拼接图片 【解析】 3.阅读下文,回答问题 有一天,小猴子下山来,走到一块玉米地里。

他看见玉米结得又大又多,非常高兴,就掰了一个,扛着往前走。 小猴子扛着玉米,走到一棵桃树下。他看见满树的桃子又大又红,非常高兴,就扔了玉米,去摘桃子。 (1)选文一共有________个自然段,讲了________下山的故事。 (2)仿写词语。 例:又大又多(ABAC式)、________、________ (3)小猴子看见________结得又大又多,就掰了一个;当他看见又大又红的________时,就扔了________去摘________。 【答案】(1)2;小猴子 (2)越来越好;一五一十 (3)玉米 ;桃子;玉米;桃子 【解析】 4.阅读下文《文具的家》,回答问题 贝贝一回到家,就向妈妈要新的铅笔、新的橡皮。妈妈说:“你怎么天天丢东西呢?”贝贝眨着一双大眼睛,对妈妈说:“我也不知道。” 妈妈说:“贝贝,你有一个家,每天放学后,你都平平安安地回家。你要想想办法,让你的铅笔、橡皮和转笔刀,也有自己的家呀。” 贝贝想起来了,她书包里的文具盒,就是这些文具的家。 (1)贝贝有个坏习惯,她________。 (2)贝贝以后是怎么做的?你平时又是怎么做的? (3)读一读,发挥想象写一写。 例:文具盒是铅笔的家。森林是小鸟的家。 ________是________的家。________是________的家。 【答案】(1)爱丢东西 (2)贝贝每天放学后,都会把文具整齐地放在它们的家——文具盒里。我也和贝贝一样。(3)大海;小鱼;土地;蚯蚓 【解析】 5.阅读下文,回答问题棉花姑娘生病了,叶子上有许多可恶的蚜虫。她多么盼望有医生来给她治病啊! 燕子飞来了。棉花姑娘说:“请你帮我捉害虫吧!”燕子说:“对不起,我只会捉空中 飞的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!” 啄木鸟飞来了。棉花姑娘说:“请你帮我捉害虫吧!”啄木鸟说:“对不起,我只会捉树干里的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!” 青蛙跳来了。棉花姑娘高兴地说:“请你帮我捉害虫吧!”青蛙说“对不起,我只会捉田里的害虫,你还是请别人帮忙吧!” 忽然,一群圆圆的小虫子飞来了,很快就把蚜虫吃光了。棉花姑娘惊奇地问:“你们是谁


Unit 6 topic2A 一,单词速记 townhouse n.排房;城市住宅 farmhouse n.农场住宅,农舍(农场主的主要住房) country n.农村,乡下; 国家 apartment n.(美)楼中单元房,一套房间;房间 rent v.租用,租借;出租;n.租金 month n.月,月份 Mrs n.夫人,太太(称呼已婚妇女) furniture n.(总称)家具 quiet adj.安静的;寂静的 per prep.每,每一 neighbor n.邻居,邻人 store n.商店;大百货公司 bank n.银行;(河、海、湖等的)岸,堤 street n.街,街道 corner n.(街道)拐角;角;角落 postoffice n. 邮局 bookstore n.(美)书店 museum n.博物馆,博物院 parking lot 停车场 supermarket n.超级市场,超市 station n.车站,站,所 mail v.(美)邮寄;n.邮政;邮递 restaurant n.饭馆,饭店 matter n.问题;要紧事,事情;v.要紧;有重大关系hear v.听见;听说,得知 piano n.钢琴 loud adj.大声的 really adv.真正地;到底;确实 二短语速记 1. What`s your home like? 你家是什么样的? 2. An apartment building 一座公寓 3. A town house 城镇住宅 4. Live with sb 和某从居住在一起 5. Your grandparents 你的爷爷和奶奶 6. A big farmhouse 农舍 7. In the country 在农村 8. Look for 寻找 9. Let`s help him 我们去帮助他吧 10. In our group 在我们小组11. For rent 出租 12. Wanted 求租 13. Small apartment for students 小型学生公寓 14. ¥850 a month 每月850元 15. Call Ms. Zhang 联系张女士 16. House with three bedrooms 一套三居室的房子 17. House with furniture for a family of three 适合三口之家,家具齐全的房子 18. Looking for a quiet double room 求租一间安静的双人间 under ¥300 per month 月租低于300元 19. Apartment for a family of two 适合两口之家的公寓 20. House with four bedrooms 四居室 21. Quiet double room 安静的双人间 23. Your new neighbor 你的新邻居 25. On the street corner 在街道拐角处 26. Post office 邮局 27. Bookstore 书店 28. Museum 博物馆 29. Parking lot 停车场 30. Supermarket 超市 31. Hospital 医院 32. Bank 银行 33. Train station 火车站 34. Park cars 停车 35. Keep money 存钱 36. Take trains 乘火车 37. See a doctor 看医生 38. Buy food 买食物 39. Mail letters 邮寄信 41. Keep and show things 保存和陈列物品三.专项训练 Ⅰ.单项选择。(10分) ( )1.— _____ —It’s an apartment building. A.What’s your home? B.Where’s your house? C.What kind of house do you live in? D.Where’s the home? ( )2.—I’m afraid your radio is _____ . —Oh, I’m really sorry about that. A.very quietly B.too quietly C.too loud D.very loudly


部编版一年级下册语文课外阅读练习题-精选含答案 一、阅读理解题 1.阅读下文,回答问题 从前,这里只有一棵树,树上只有一个鸟窝,鸟窝里只有一只喜鹊。 树很孤单,喜鹊也很孤单。 后来,这里种了好多好多树,每棵树上都有鸟窝,每个鸟窝里都有喜鹊。 (1)给下列词语中划线字注音。 ________________________________ 从前只有鸟窝孤单 (2)填量词。 一________树一________鸟窝一________喜鹊 (3)仿写词语。 例:好多好多(ABAB式)、________、________ (4)原来只有________喜鹊的时候,它很孤单。 【答案】(1)cóng;zhǐ;wō;dān (2)棵;个;只 (3)打扫打扫;活动活动 (4)一只 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题 忽然,一群圆圆的小虫子飞来了,很快就把蚜虫吃光了。棉花姑娘惊奇地问:“你们是谁呀?”小虫子说:“我们身上有七个斑点,就像七颗星星,大家叫我们七星瓢虫。” 不久,棉花姑娘的病好了,长出了碧绿碧绿的叶子,吐出了雪白雪白的棉花。她咧开嘴笑啦! (1)用文中划线词造句。 惊奇:________。 (2)谁治好了棉花姑娘的病? (3)七星瓢虫长什么样? 【答案】(1)她惊奇地睁大眼睛看着我。 (2)七星瓢虫 (3)身上有七个斑点,就像七颗星星。 【解析】 3.阅读下文,回答问题小老鼠过河 小老鼠灰灰走在去奶奶家的路上,可是必经的一座小桥被河水淹没了。灰灰急得都要哭了,但是他想:哭有什么用,一定要想个办法过河。 灰灰看见旁边有一棵柳树,他拉住柳枝想荡过河去,可是一试不行,河太宽,荡不过


《阅读课堂训练》一课时(7w2) 一、课外文言文阅读 包拯 召权知开封府,迁右司郎中。拯立朝刚毅,贵戚宦官为之敛手,闻者皆惮之。人以包拯笑比黄河清。童稚妇女,亦知其名,呼曰“包待制”。京师为之语曰:“关节不到,有阎罗包老。”旧制,凡讼诉不得径造庭下。拯开正门,使得至前陈曲直,吏不敢欺。拯性峭直恶吏苛刻务敦厚虽甚嫉恶而未尝不推以忠恕也。与人不苟合,不伪辞色悦人,平居无私书,故人、亲党皆绝之。虽贵,衣服、器用、饮食如布衣时。尝曰:“后世子孙仕宦,有犯赃者,不得放归本家,死不得葬大茔中。不从吾志,非吾子若孙也。” 9、下列各组句子中,加点词语意思不相同的一项是()(3分) A.闻者皆惮.之/肆无忌惮. B.不伪辞色 .. ..悦人/未尝稍降辞色 C.虽.贵/故虽.有名马 D.衣服、器用、饮食如布衣 .. ..时/平民布衣 10.用四条“/”给文中画线的句子断句。(3分) 拯性峭直恶吏苛刻务敦厚虽甚嫉恶而未尝不推以忠恕也。 11、包拯是历史上有名的清官,关于他判案的故事,民间流传的很多,你能举出一两个例子吗?结合课文,你认为包拯是一个怎样的人?(3分)

二、实用文本阅读走出自闭症怪圈 每一万名儿童中至少有5人患有自闭症,研究者尚不了解自闭症的病因。“从前的说法是,被母亲冷落的孩子会患自闭症。这是无稽之谈。”法兰克福大学儿童及青年精神病研究所所长弗里茨·保斯特卡说。现在人们确信这种病与遗传有关。科学家在7号染色体上发现了自闭症的基因标记。 自闭症患者自我封闭。他们既不会表达自己的感情,又无法对他人的肢体语言予以适当的回应。例如患儿埃迪,他常莫名其妙地跺脚、叫喊,而且往往一闹就是1个小时。父亲克里姆说:“我们无法让他静下来。”也许父母曾要求他做不愿做的事,也许是屋里的摆设换了地方,总之变化会让他异常暴躁。 起初医生建议埃迪的父母送他去儿童疗养院,但埃迪要等2年才能得到入院治疗床位。心急如焚的父母通过互联网了解到应用行为分析康复疗法,于是请克诺斯佩应用行为分析研究所的专家施拉姆来为孩子治疗。应用行为分析的发明者是美国加利福尼亚大学的心理学家伊瓦尔·洛瓦斯。他早在1987年就宣称这种疗法取得了成功。保斯特卡说:“我们不应给父母打包票。”他认为应用行为分析疗法的疗效几乎是无法预知的。 与其他自闭症疗法不同,应用行为分析疗法侧重向患儿传授实际的生活能力。父母与医生就像作拼图游戏那样将许多个阶段的学习目标组合在一起。小埃迪首先要学习说话,自己穿衣服,上厕所,并改善身体的运动机能。父母每周要带他作30小时的训练。 母亲玛丽昂拿着一箱玩具和图片走到埃迪身边。“你的鼻子在哪儿?肚子呢?你叫什么名字?我是谁?拍一下小手。”她一口气说道。埃迪答对了所有问题。“太棒了!”母亲叫了起来,然后抱起孩子,托着他转圈。表扬非常重要,


课题:Unit 6 Topic 2 基础练习 班级:学生姓名: Ⅳ. 词汇 A)请根据句意及首字母提示写出单词,完成下列句子。 16. Please keep q_______. The baby is sleeping. 17. There are a lot of people at the train s_______. 18. Mrs. Wang lives next to us. She is our new n_______. 19. A year has twelve m________. 20. People usually keep their money in the b________. B)请用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。 21. It’s too ______ (noise) on the playground. Let’s go to the classroom to read the letter. 22. Some ________ (child) are playing soccer over there. 23. I hear Li Yundi _________ (play) the piano (钢琴) now. 24. Many people are moving from ________(city) to suburbs. 25. The math problem is _______ (real) difficult. C)请用适当的介词填空,完成下列句子。 26. You can call me ________ 637-8412. 27. There are many shops close ______ my home. 28. Our English teacher lives _______ the end of Zhongshan Road. 29. The post office is ______ the street corner. 30. Would you like to live in the house ________ a yard? Ⅴ. 单项选择 请从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 ( )31. I want to rent a room ________ 150 yuan ______ month, for three months. A. with, per B. for, per C. with, one D. for, one ( )32. The traffic is _________ from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the city. A. heavy B. lot C. many D. full ( )33. My brother is ________ music. I can ______ beautiful songs from his study. A. listening to, hear to B. hearing, listen C. hearing, listen to D. listening to, hear ( )34. —Excuse me, are there any stores near here? —Yes, there is _________ in front of our building. A. some B. one C. any D. a lot ( )35. —What’s your school like? — __________. A. Very big and beautiful B. 1,200 students C. I like it very much D. It’s not far away from here ( )36. My father often gets my brother ________water. A. carry B. carries C. carrying D. to carry ( )37. The Whites want a house with some ________ for a family _________ three. A. furniture, to B. furniture, of C. furnitures, to D. furnitures, of ( )38. Drawing pictures __________ my daughter’s favorite. A. is B. are C. do D. does ( )39. David wants to _________ his house _________ one of his friends. A. borrow, from B. rent, to C. rent, from D. borrow, to ( )40. — ___________? —The clock on the wall doesn’t work. A. What’s the matter B. What’s the clock like C. How about the clock D. Where is the clock Ⅵ. 完形填空 请先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给选项中选出最佳选项。 A shopkeeper (店主) walks into his shop to check work. He 41 a young man at the table. The young man isn’t working, 42 smoking (吸烟). The shopkeeper asks, “ 43 do you get a week?” “$ 60 a week,” the young man 44 him strangely (奇怪地). The shopkeeper gives $ 60 45 the young man. “ 46 your money. Don’t come back here.” The young man 47 the money and 48. He looks happy. A moment later, the shopkeeper sees the manager (经理) and asks, “49 do you have that young man here? He doesn’t work at all.” The manager says, “He doesn’t work in this shop. He’s here to 50 something. He’s waiting for his shirt.” ( )41. A. finds B. looks for C. hears D. phones ( )42. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )43. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often ( )44. A. talks B. calls C. looks at D. says ( )45. A. for B. to C. from D. with ( )46. A. Here are B. Here is C. There is D. There are ( )47. A. takes B. brings C. carries D. gives ( )48. A. comes in B. begins working


语文一年级下册试题阅读训练专项训练带答案解析 一、部编版一年级下册语文课外阅读理解 1.我会读短文,按要求答题。 太阳和彩虹 ①刚下过雨,太阳出来了,天上出现了一道七色彩虹,人们都赞美彩虹美丽。彩虹听见了,就骄傲起来,说自己比太阳还美丽。 ②太阳对彩虹说:“你美丽,这是真的。不过,要是没有我,也没有你。”彩虹不相信,反而更加骄傲了。 ③太阳摇摇头,躲进云里去了,彩虹立刻消失了。 (1)短文共有________个自然段,第①自然段有________句话。 (2)“你美丽,这是真的。不过,要是没有我,也没有你。”这句话中的“你”指的是________,“我”指的是________。(填序号) ①太阳②云③彩虹④雨 (3)彩虹不见了,是因为________(填序号) ①彩虹到别的地方去了。 ②人们都赞美彩虹。 ③太阳躲进云里去了。 解析:(1)3;2 (2)③;① (3)③ 【解析】 2.阅读下文,回答问题。 小松鼠,修仓库,一(颗棵)松子儿修一处。挖个坑儿,盖点土,修了多少没记数。想吃松子儿找不到,春天来了怪事出。 一(坐座)仓库一(颗棵)苗,山坡长满小松树。 (1)选择括号内正确的字。 一________(颗棵)松子一________(坐座)仓库 一________(颗棵)苗 (2)想一想,小松鼠埋松子的季节应该是________季,找松子的季节应该是________季。(3)山坡上的小松树是哪里来的? 解析:(1)颗;座;棵 (2)秋;冬 (3)山坡上的小松树是小松鼠秋天埋下的松子长出来的。 【解析】 3.课外阅读 我问大自然 请你告诉我,大自然,我怎样才能同你交谈? 我问过小河,可是,派出去的纸船都已沉没(méi mò)。 我问过大山,可是,大山又送回我的呼喊。



注意力训练的课堂方案 一、设计思想 注意是心理活动对一定对象的指向和集中,它作为一种心理现象,始终伴随着认识活动或学习的全过程。因此,提高注意力对于顺利完成任务、促进智力发展,具有重要的意义。注意具有集中性、稳定性、广度、分配和转移等特性。集中性指的是注意力指向于一定事物的聚精会神的程度。学生的学习成绩与学生学习时的注意力集中性是呈正相关的。稳定性指的是在一定时间内把注意集中于某一事物或活动上的能力。注意的集中性和稳定性是学习知识的前提。 注意力水平的高低表现在两个方面:一方面表现在对目标物集中的程度上,另一方面表现在对干扰物的抑制能力上。当我们把注意力集中于某一目标时,会受到别的事物的干扰,分散注意力,所以,对于初中生来说,保持注意的集中性和稳定性,提高抵制外来事物的干扰能力,是训练注意力的好方法。 在课堂上,初中生注意力容易分散,表现为上课时经常走神,不注意听讲,做小动作,和周围的同学随意说话等,对老师和同学的发言却置之不理,这是学生因自制力不足而影响课堂教学效果的最常见因素之一。这往往也是教师,特别是年轻教师在教学过程中感到气恼伤神的问题之一。本课通过设计一系列的活动帮助了解自己的注意力情况,明确注意力在学习及生活中的重要性,教会学生提高注意力和抗干扰的方法,通过不断的训练,在以后的生活学习中逐步养成集中注意力的习惯,提高学习效率,提升注意品质。

二、教学目标 1.认识注意力、注意的基本特征以及注意力的重耍性,了解自己的注意力水平。 2.掌握训练和提高自己注意力的方法。 3.培养学生良好的注意品质,养成初中生良好的基本素质。 四、教学过程 环节一:热身活动 师:今天我们来上一节心理健康课,在上课前我们来做一个放松训练,大家听一段舒缓的音乐,跟着我的引导语去畅想一番。 请把眼镜摘下,微闭双眼,全身放松,两手搭在双腿上…… (音乐起,老师朗诵) 我仰卧在水清沙白的海滩上,沙子细细的、软软的,风儿轻轻的、柔柔的,天空蓝蓝,大海也蓝蓝,我的心一下子舒展到说不出的大。阳光暖暖的洒在我的肌肤上,耳边传来海浪的呢喃, 周围没有其他人……我听到了我的呼吸,是那么的均匀……进入最佳状态,一切变得那么投入…… 师:当我数到5的时候同学们慢慢睁开眼睛,心情怎样? 环节二 :新课导入 1.由相机聚焦导入:刚才有哪位同学注意到,老师进教室进手里拿了什么?其他同学都注意到什么了?照相时主要要注意什么才能把相片照清楚?


Ⅳ. 词汇课题:Unit 6 Topic 2 基础练习 班级:学生姓名: A.Very big and beautiful B.1,200 students C.I like it very much D.It’s not far away from here ( )36. My father often gets my brother water. A)请根据句意及首字母提示写出单词,完成下列句子。 16.Please keep q . The baby is sleeping. 17.There are a lot of people at the train s . 18.Mrs. Wang lives next to us. She is our new n . 19.A year has twelve m . 20.People usually keep their money in the b . B) 请用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。 21.It’s too (noise) on the playground. Let’s go to the classroom to read the letter. A. carry B. carries C. carrying D. to carry ( )37. The Whites want a house with some for a family three. A. furniture, to B. furniture, of C. furnitures, to D. furnitures, of ( )38. Drawing pictures my daughter’s favorite. A. is B. are C. do D. does ( )39. David wants to his house one of his friends. A. borrow, from B. rent, to 22.Some 23.I hear Li Yundi (child) are playing soccer over there. (play) the piano (钢琴) now. C. rent, from D. borrow, to ( )40. —? —The clock on the wall doesn’t work. 24.Many people are moving from (city) to suburbs. 25.The math problem is (real) difficult. C)请用适当的介词填空,完成下列句子。 26.You can call me 637-8412. 27.There are many shops close my home. 28.Our English teacher lives the end of Zhongshan Road. 29.The post office is the street corner. 30.Would you like to live in the house a yard? Ⅴ. 单项选择 请从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 ( )31. I want to rent a room 150 yuan month, for three months. A. with, per B. for, per C. with, one D. for, one ( )32. The traffic is from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the city. A. heavy B. lot C. many D. full ( )33. My brother is music. I can beautiful songs from his study. A.listening to, hear to B.hearing, listen C.hearing, listen to D.listening to, hear ( )34. —Excuse me, are there any stores near here? —Yes, there is in front of our building. A. some B. one C. any D. a lot ( )35. —What’s your school like? —. A.What’s the matter B.What’s the clock like C.How about the clock D.Where is the clock Ⅵ. 完形填空 请先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给选项中选出最佳选项。 A shopkeeper (店主) walks into his shop to check work. He 41 a young man at the table. The young man isn’t working, 42 smoking (吸烟). The shopkeeper asks, “ 43 do you get a week?” “$ 60 a week,” the young man 44 him strangely (奇怪地). The shopkeeper gives $ 60 45 the young man. “ 46 your money. Don’t come back here.” The young man 47 the money and 48. He looks happy. A moment later, the shopkeeper sees the manager (经理) and asks, “49 do you have that young man here? He doesn’t work at all.” The manager says, “He doesn’t work in this shop. He’s here to 50 something. He’s waiting for his shirt.” ( )41. A. finds B. looks for C. hears D. phones ( )42. A. and B. or C. but D. so ( )43. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often ( )44. A. talks B. calls C. looks at D. says ( )45. A. for B. to C. from D. with ( )46. A. Here are B. Here is C. There is D. There are ( )47. A. takes B. brings C. carries D. gives ( )48. A. comes in B. begins working

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