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黄 越

(湖南大学西语系,湖南长沙 410082)



[摘 要] 由于汉英民族的思维定势、思维模式、思维价值取向不同,导致中英两个民族之间的思维差异不可避免地要体现在语言上,经过中英双语比较及个例分析,说明这种语言上的差异对初学英语者来说影响是不可忽视的,我们必须引起重视,设法加以克服。[关键词]思维方式;差异;初学者;句法习得

[中图分类号]H043 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1001-8301(2000)06-0117-(04) 一、思维与语言





















/My opinion is,0



I Like in room104of the12th building,Yuelu District,Changsha.




The bottle is broken.



比较而言,英语是形态语言,属于屈折语(in2flected language)。句子一般以动词为核心控制各种成分语法,有主体逻辑结构支撑,结构显得更为严谨。英文句子可以在主句的基础上延伸出很多的附属部分,最突出的现象是各种从句或词组可以无限的伸展。如:

1.We have lessons in Room205at the second flo or of the4t h Building in Beijin Oniversity,,

2.Mary told me that Reter said that ever ybody believed that it is true t hat Tome was a thief.


至于英汉思维差异涉及到更高层次,如语用层次的时候,我们可以看得出更多的细微的差别:如:)))will you have dinner wit h us today?

)))I would love to,but-/Sure,thank you.






笔者曾担任过一名英语初学者的辅导员。所谓初学者,是指该生已经通过小学英语教材接触过一段时间的简易英语,词汇量在50~100之间,能说几个日常生活对话的短句,如/Good morning.0/How ar e you?0/How do you do?0/M y name is Steven.0等。笔者利用这个机会,对该生的学习情况作了较详细的记录与分析,进行了个例跟踪研究。

研究材料:/New Concept English0,(Book I), Lesson1-60.





1.刻画事物性质或状态的通用句式:SVP,如: He is tall.

I am a policeman.

2.对作用对象忽略不计,只描写事物行为、作用的句式:SV如:Yes,it is.

No,I am not.

3.描写事物行为、涉及施事对象的句式:SVD 如:I like eggs.

Shut the door,please.

4.描写事物存在状态的通用句式:T here-be句型如:Ther e is a bottle of milk on the table.

Is there any water in this kettle?



Look at t hat man!He i s fat.


1.Look at t hat nurse!She is clean.

2.Look at t hat milkman!He is old.



It is a fine day today.


通过一定的训练后,当问及/今天下雨了0怎么说时,该生的回答是:/It is a rain day today.0这句话虽然有一定错误,但可以明显看出该生已把/I t is a ,day0看成一种固定模式,从而直接将新单词填进去了。

但是,当该生接触到某些与中文句法差别较大的句子时,他的反应是特别犹豫困惑的。如英语中的存在句型:/There-be0就与中文的存在句型完全不同。最初,在听完录音后,该生完全不能理解/Ther e-be0的含义,而是固执地使用/have0一词来表示/有0。如让该生说说/房里有一张床0时,他说: The room have a bed.

在向他解释清楚/have0和/there be0的区别后,他继续进行了存在句型的单复数转换练习。因此,我们之间出现了以下对话:

T:Ar e there any eggs on the plate?

S:Yes,t here is some eggs on the plate.

T:Ar e there any apples on the tree?

S:Yes,t here is some apples on the tree.

T:Ar e there any chilkeas?

S:No,there isn.t some chilkens.

T:No,there aren.t any chilkens.

S:No,there aren.t any chilkens.

T:Ar e there any bottles on the table?

S:Yes,t here is some bottles on the table.


该生把/ther e is0看成了表示存在句型的固定模型,部分原因是笔者在第一次给其解释时采用的是/there is0的形式,部分原因是因为中文里并没有单复数的区别,动词也没有任何变化。因此,该生对单复数的概念并未完全掌握,没有理解系动词的单复数形式。该生对/There-be0句型的掌握一直局限于书面表达,他会写出/There are many apples.0这样的句子,而在口头上则一直未能说出正确的句子来。也就是说,当时,他并未真正习得/There-be0这一句型,而是出现了一种僵化现象,要花时间下功夫才能扭转过来。
















(上接第73页)同时显示维持传统和反对偶像崇拜这两方面的性格0(见5必要的张力6中译本第223) 225页)。自然科学的新发现新创造需要研究主体性格中充满这种/必要的张力0,人文社科研究同样需要出于研究主体发散思维与收敛思维相磨相荡之间的矛盾张力。如果桂起对中国近代文学演变的研究不能适时地接受当代科学的系统方法论与崭新的文化学知识,以更新自己的文学史观、思维方式和智力装置,如果不具有反对旧传统与建构新传统的双重性格,如果不是发散性思维和收敛性思维集于一身,那就不可能产生一种巨大的张力,就不可能写出这本创新性与科学性兼备的学术专著。人文科学研究常常呈现出两条路向,或热衷于整理前人的成果或敢于突破前人的成果。前者表现于近代文学研究中只能算是陈陈相因、/资料长编0、人云亦云、重复制作,用黑格尔的话来说就是/一堆知识的聚集,并不能构成科学0(见5哲学史讲演录6第1卷第35页);后者的研究从近代文学来看是相当薄弱的,尤其以辩证系统思维见长的宏观研究并未引起学界的足够重视,甚至遭到某些贬抑。而桂起则坚定不移地选择后一条研究之路,扎扎实实地以宏观研究的威力突破了前人的成果,不断探索不断发现不断前进,形成了自己的近代文学研究视域与学术优势,他所建构的科学研究框架亦将带动近代文学研究整个结构的调整。





The Diet and Eating Habits of UK and China In those two old countries UK and China, the diet and eating habits have some differences and similarities. Eating habits is one of the most important elements in a country’s culture. So comparing the difference between UK and China’s eating habits will help us forward to learn about the culture of two countries. Although the two countries are far a port, both of UK and China also have a number of similarities. Traditionally, both countries have three meals in one day. It is a large coincidence that the two countries make the lunch become the most simply meal in modern society. The dinner very lucky has set the seat of biggest meal because it has long free times. Fast food is very popular in both countries. If you ask the two countries’children that this discourse will be proved. This fact is also a problem in those two different countries. For example, if you only have a little time to enjoy your lunch, may be you have to select fast food. The facts explained that no matter tradition or modern, countries’ eating habits always have several similarities. Because of different location, climate, history and custom, eating habits are decided have a big different between those two countries. Firstly, the UK belongs to west Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. It has made British people eat

英语作文 中西教育比较

Comparison between Chinese and Western family education Family education is an important part of education, and it often plays a role that cannot be replaced by other educational models. It has a huge impact on our growth.I think Chinese and western family education has four different key. First the values of family education are different.For example, Chinese family care more about reputation in educating the child.The education’s goal is for making their living,f or honor.The Western family think the education is not preparation for making their ,but survival.And emphasize”the learned education and happy education.”Second the education method is different.The Chinese family more emphasize mechanical memorizing.If the book is read hundreds of times,its meaning is shown naturally.But the Western family emphasize the child’s “power of understanding.” Seeking the knowledge from life and nature.Third the emotional education and punishment .About all Chinese know one can become a useful person without being beaten and the club helps the child to be loyal son.We emphasize” reserve for everyone.”The Western family using the encourage language and pay great attention to individual quality and the emotional communication.The punishment also offends the law.Forth education in manage money.The Chinese family earn money to support one’s family and manage the wealth are adult’s matter.Try every means to satisfy the children with the money.But,the Western family teach the child to make plans for budget items,learn to spend money reasonably.Encourage the child to work outside to gain income by themselves. In my opinion,there are many differences between China and Western family education and each has its strong points and weak point.We should reject the dross and absorb the cream of them,advance the family educational.


中学英语教学案例分析(1) What things can harm the environment ? What do you think we should do to improve our environment ? ) 活动目的:通过列举污染源,学生更清楚当前环境的不仅如人意,保护环境刻不容缓,从而使学生增强保护环境的意识。他们动脑筋,想办法,积极讨论保护环境的措施,在不知不觉中提高英语语言运用能力。 活动过程: T: There is much pollution all over the world now . Can you tell me what it is ? (学生很快地回答) Ss: Water pollution ; Air pollution; Noise pollution;soil pollution …etc. T: Do you know what causes water pollution ? Ss: Factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes . T: All the factories ? Ss: No . T: What factories ? Ss: Paper factories , printing and dyeing mills , plastic factories…ect. ( 学生不会用英语说“印染厂及塑料厂”,他们说中文,我说英文。) T: What else can cause water pollution ,too? Ss: Some people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes . T: How can we help to solve this problem ? ( 学生们分组讨论解决办法。 ) Ss: We can advise the directors of these factories


The similarities and differences between British and Chinese education China has a long history in of education. The education system is being consummated gradually,While The Great Britain is the typical r epresentative of western educator, who owns more advanced education system . 第一段,就是开头,无实质性内容 No matter the education in the UK or in the china , education is the process through schools, colleges, universities, and other institutions, deliberately transmits its cultural heritage—its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills--from one generation to another. And the purpose of school is to provide children with literacy and other basic skills which they will need to become active members of society and build their future . 第二段,就是The similarities,但我也不知道该写什么,就差不多写的算是教育的本质概念吧,你说:“ 特别是第二段一会儿讲中国好一会儿讲英国好。 最好能分不同方面讲, 比如:从学生基础知识方面,学生实践能力方面分析。 或者从优缺点两方面讲,第一段讲中英教育分别有的有点第二段讲中英教育的缺点。。 这样文章更清晰一些。” 我觉得你是在说第三段吧, However there are tremendous differences about in education between United Kingdom and China. There are a number of phenomena to illustrate it. For example ,in China, students have to spend almost all their time on studying t heir major courses such as English, math, biology, geography and so on, which is boring. English, math, biology, geography and so on that are boring as their major courses W hile students in the UK are taught music, art and so on and they spend much free time on what they are interested in in the UK.;Morever, Teachers and students would like to be the friends in the UK. They enjoy discussing and solving questions in class .On the contrary in China teachers are over-strict.And Students are quiet and absolutely taught in class .;However the most attractive point in Chinese education system is that Chinese people emphasize the traditional knowledge, which makes the students have a solid foundation. While the western students learn slowly.


中西教育差异英文写作 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

The differences between teaching of China and westerns As we know ,our chinese teaching is far away from that of foreign from the students ,in China ,students in the middle school are allowed little time to deal with themselves .That in the foreign countries ,students are always free for almost all the time .and the teacher are very pleased with the children who with questions in foreign countries ,while our chinese students are afraid of asking questions . The education system in China is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent. The western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. They try to bring out the students' interests in things rather than just tell them that's what they have to isn't nearly as much homework for the


七年级上Unit 2教学案例分析七年级上Unit 2单元主要教学一些物品的名称,如:学习用品,服装,水果,家具等等。要求学生能用下列句型进行交流。 A: What’s this in English? B: It’s a pen. A: Spell it, please. B: P_E_N, pen. 本单元安排在26个字母之后,因此,字母的认读,单词的拼写,以及单词的读音也是本课的重点之一。在课堂设计的过程中,考虑到这节课的具体情况:单词较少,绝大多数学生都已在小学学过,但是,由于我所教班级学生的英语水平比较薄弱,虽然他们在小学已经学过这部分内容,加上小学英语的要求和初中英语要求的不同,他们对知识点的掌握程度还达不到初中水平。鉴于以上种种原因,我尝试着用让学生自己教会自己的方法来完成这节课的教学。整节课,我设计了绘画比赛,问答学习,调查统计等几个环节,一环紧扣一环,让学生在潜移默化中自然而然地学到了新知识。实践证明,我这样的安排不仅调动了已会的同学,让他们尝到了为人师的成就感和自豪感;与此同时,还让那些不会的同学有了更多更细心的学习机会,排除了师生之间的隔阂,让他们从自己的同龄人中学习,他们感到自然,易于接受。这不失为本课的一大闪光点。 上课前,我准备了四张图画纸。在师生互相问好以后,我把全班分成A,B,C,D四大组,然后把这四张纸分给他们,每组一张。要求他

们在5分钟以内完成一副画。A组画水果,B组画学习用品,C组画家具,D组画服装及床上用品。接着,老师把他们的绘画作品收上来,然后指着下列物品(a pen, a book, a pencil, a ruler, a pencil case, a backpack, a pencil sharpener, a dictionary, an eraser问学生 T: What’s this in English? S: It’s a pen. T: Spell it, please. S: P-E-N, pen. 老师示范性地问两次,然后请学生来互相问答,同时,板书下列单词:pen, book, pencil, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpen er, dictionary.。再让学生跟读几次上面的单词,以帮助那些还不会的同学掌握这些生词的读音和拼写形式。接着,老师在电脑上打出一副副关于以上单词的物品一件,并引导他们正确使用a和an进行问答。最后,由他们自己归纳出的a和an的基本用法。 接下来,我安排了一个知识延伸的环节,让学生充分利用他们自己亲手绘制的图片,用What’s this in English? It’s a / an….的结构互相教学另外一些单词,如:an apple, an orange, a banana, a pear, a grape, a watermelon; a bed, a desk , a chair, a blackboard; a b ag, a notebook; a shoe, a jacket, a hat 等等。学生词汇量的丰富多彩,完全出乎我的意料。这也是这节课成功的重要原因之一。 最后,在下课前,我给他们布置了一道既达到了知识的延伸,又激发了他们学习兴趣的家庭作业:让他们去寻找生活中常见的物品一


The differences between teaching of China and westerns As we know ,our chinese teaching is far away from that of foreign countries.Just from the students ,in China ,students in the middle school are allowed little time to deal with themselves .That in the foreign countries ,students are always free for almost all the time .and the teacher are very pleased with the children who with questions in foreign countries ,while our chinese students are afraid of asking questions . The education system in China is mainly based on the text book. All of the work to be done is in the text book and requires no additional research.The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher.In their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent. The western education system encourages students to have individual thoughts and opinions. They want the students to learn to be independent in life as well as in their studies. They teach things outside of the books. They try to bring out the students' interests in things rather than just tell them that's what they have to do.There isn't nearly as much homework for the students so they have time to spend on their hobbies and interests.


Not long ago,there was a test in a English school.They hire some Chinese teachers to teach the Brintish students in Chinese way.In Chinese,every class may have more than 50 students,but in Brintish,there may 30 students at most.So they made up a big class which containing 55 students.The Chinese teachers teached them math,Chines,science and morning exercise.But the condition is not really good.So what cause the problem? As we know,education is culture, and different educations show different societies’ culture.The different society structure plays an important part in the education system. In China, all those who can enter the University have received an elite education and before enrollment they have devoted themselves to hard studying. Therefore, they are good at getting high marks on math,chemistry,and so on.There is an old saying in China: Knowledge can change life.So,many student in Chinese small village work hard to get a better life.While in British, the education system pays more attention to social skills than to marks .Students have developed the ability to be independence in life and work.They have a sound of social security system,so they don’t need to worry about their future life. In my opinion,these two kinds of education system is not good or bad.We only need to think about which is suitable to us and whether our educate system is suitable to other countries students.Our students have adopt to our educate system and the same is true for foreign,so we need


初中英语教学案例分析 思考的问题: 1.如何创造有利于学生学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度? 案例片段描述:曾经听过两节课,期间两位老师都谈到一个话题“肥胖”。 片段一,教师在讲到stop sb. from doing sth.这个短语时,让学生来造句,有一位学生站起来,与老师发生了这样一段对话: Student: My mother often stops me from eating meat. Teacher: Why? Student: Because my mother says I’m t oo fat. 全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生很难为情,但老师下面的一句话马上将气氛缓和了过来。 Teacher: But I don’t think you are too fat. You are strong. 片段二,教师组织学生表演自己创作的“看病”对话,想找一位较胖的学生来担任“患者”,有一位长得胖呼呼的学生自告奋勇站起来,于是发生这样一段对话: Teacher: Ok! Who will act the sick people? Any volunteers? Student: I will. Teacher: Good! I think you are fat. You are the right person! 当时全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生一脸的尴尬,一个劲地挠头。 教学反思:两位老师在处理一个相同的话题时运用了两种截然不同的方法,毋庸置疑,前者的处理有利于学生的学习,而后者的处理则会对心理比较脆弱的学生产生负面的影响。语言教学在很大程度上依赖于学生与教师之间的团结、合作、相互支持的人际关系,而这种关系时刻都受到彼此情感的影响,恰当、合理地使用语言,有助于沟通情感,增进友谊和相互尊重,改善这种人际关系,同时还可以创建一种和谐的语言活动氛围,努力产生浸润性的效果,让学生愉快地沉浸在英语的氛围中。在课上,教师要善于调控学生的情感态度,建立融洽、民主、团结、相互尊重的氛围,创造有利于学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度,让学生学得主动,学得愉快。 案例片段(二) 思考的问题:


什么是语法? +表语 +宾语 +间接宾语+直接宾语 +宾语+宾语补足语 to/-ing s not


一般将来时 将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的 动作或存在的状态,也表示将来经 常或者重复发生的动作,常与表示 将来的时间副词连用,例如:soon, next week, this afternoon, tomorrow We will graduate next year. 我们明年毕业。

进行时(1) (V+ing) 现在分词(V+ing) 现在分词(V+ing)?


完成时(1) Part1 完成时的句型构成 1-1 陈述句型:S+has/have+过去分词(p.p.) I have already finished my homework.(我已经完成了我的作业) 1-2 否定句型:S+has/have+not+过去分词(p.p.) Sandy has been a nurse in this hospital for 15 years.(珊蒂已经在这家医院担任护士长达15年了。) 1-3 疑问句型:Has/Have+s+过去分词(p.p.)? Have you ever seen Peter in past 3 months?(过去3个月内,你看见过彼吗?) 2-1 陈述句型:S+had+过去分词(p.p.) This proposal had been deliverde by Eva before Aaron finished it. (这个计划在艾伦完成以前,伊娃就已经提交出去了) 2-2 否定句型:S+had+not+过去分词(p.p.) I had not finished my work when he visited me last week.(上周他来拜访我以前,我还没有完成工作。) 2-3 疑问句型:Had+s+过去分词(p.p.)? Had you ever been to a blind date before you married?(你结婚以前曾经参加相亲吗?) 3-1 陈述句型:S+shall/will+have+过去分词(p.p.) They wll have finished the meeting by now. (他们现在应该已经开完会了) 3-2 否定句型:S+shall/will+have+not+过去分词(p.p.) We will have not made 10 apple pies by the end of today.(我们在今天结束之前不能做完10个苹果派。) 3-3 疑问句型: Shall/Will+ s+have+过去分词(p.p.)? Will they have already left by the time we get there?(我们到的时候,他们会不会已经离开了? )


中美文化对比大学英语 作文 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

Chinese Education Is Superior The born of a baby is considered as a blessing to a family, while the family education will in turn leave a brand on the baby’s future. I was born in a Chinese family with western education system. I’m well respected. I’m growing up without any fence. But reflecting on my personal upbringing, I can tell you with certainty that Chinese Education is superior. Firstly, in a regulated Chinese family, the rules for family are the core of its education system, which could ensure children staying away from some bad habits. The rules Chua set up contributed to her children’s promising victory over long turn. But in my family, there is no such notion. At my formative year, I could stay up late enough to embrace the sunrise. Consequently, I always suffered from drowsiness at class. Worse still, my poor eyesight due to it has become a handicap to me. Therefore, Chinese strict rules are necessary, especially for a young child.


Topic area: Higher Education in China Topic: Differences between studying at home and abroad Part I. warm-up questions 1. Which course do you think has benefited you most at university? 2. Would you like to go to work or continue your studies after graduation? (please give your reasons) 3. Have you ever thought of studying abroad? (give your reasons) 4. Do you think a university education is essential to finding a good job? Why? 5. Is it important to develop higher education? Why? Part II. Discussion & Cards/pictures Discussion: Do you agree on the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad Card 1: Compare the differences between studying at home and abroad with regard to the following aspect: enrollment requirements/tuition fees入学要求和学费 Card 2: Compare the differences between studying at home and abroad with regard to the following aspect: the language barrier/ teaching facilities, etc语言障碍教学设施 Card 3: Compare the differences between studying at home and abroad with regard to the following aspect: future job opportunities/ career development, etc.未来的就业机会/事业的发展 Card 4: Compare the differences between studying at home and abroad with regard to the following aspect: campus life/making friends校园生活,交友 Part III. Last Question 1. During the discussion why did yo u say that …? 2. Do you think it's good for young children to study abroad? Why? 3. Do you think it's essential to study abroad in order to get a good job? (why/ why not?) 4. Now some universities are inviting foreign teachers to teach. Do you think it's a good idea? Why? 5. Why do you think more and more graduates from universities abroad are coming back to China? C1:与在国内学习相比,出国留学一般比较昂贵,除了高昂的学费还有必需的生活费,一般家庭很难承受,但是还有另外一种出国渠道:依靠全额奖学金,这种方式则基本上不会给家里带来经济负担,有时还可能有富余。对于入学要求,国内普遍只注重文化课成绩,近几年才开始逐渐关注体育成绩,即身体素质,不过由于还处于起步阶段,作用显得十分微小,而国外更注重学生的综合素质,有的学校还会考虑家庭背景等因素。 Comparing with studying in China, going abroad to study is more expensive in general. In addition to the high tuition, the necessary living expenses are hard to afford for ordinary families. But there is another channel to go abroad: relying on a full scholarship. This kind of means won't bring economic burden to families basically, and sometimes the school even gives you more than needed so that you can sent some to your parents. As for the requirement for admission, the domestic universities generally only pay attention to the scores of classes. In recent years, in order to s trengthen teenagers’ bodies, they have begun to focus on sports gradually, but as they are still in the initial stage, the function is very small. However foreign universities pay more attention to the students' comprehensive quality,they request students to have the practice ability, strong living ability, independent thinking and creativity. Some schools will also consider other factors such as their family background. C2:想要在国外生活首先要学好当地的语言,起码要能完成日常基本交流,而要想在国外学习则对语言有更高的要求,比如学习物理学,你必须理解老师所说的每一个专业名词才能了


Chinese Education Versus American Education As we know, there are a great many differences between culture of the East and West. Because I can't list all of the different aspect, I will take the differences of teaching system in China and America for example. First of all, in China, in the same school, classes are divided to the key class and ordinary class. The purpose is to focus on students in key classes. The logic is that to maximize the use limited resources to improve their enrollment rate. In the United States, there is no distinction between classes. Those students who have strong ability can choose more difficult lesson; the ability inferior can choose more basic courses. The school regularly does a comprehensive summary to each student and takes remedial measures for the students who have poor performance. What's more, Chinese students always complain about their homework because too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax. They have to recite many things as to get a high mark. Homework comes the first to them. However, the study in America is more interesting. Teachers pay attention to training students' skills in thinking the realistic life rather than emphasis on the importance of memories. In addition, the rate of going to school, the tuition, and the job of graduates are quite different, too. From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that although two countries both attach great importance to education,

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