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The Merchant of Venice is one of Shakespe are‘s most famous comedy in the world. While Shylock is a classical figure and analyzed again and again. Before, especially in16th century, many people think Shylock was a greedy, selfish, cruel and so on, and his final result is a reason that this play is called comedy. As times goes by, people begin to re-analyze Shylock. They found when we analyze this play from Shylock‘s angle, it is a tragedy. Shylock also has other characters which was not discovered before and gradually accepted now, such as: clever, frank, courageous, rich national spirit. In addition, this paper talk some reasons why Shylock had a tragic result.

Key words: Shylock, Religion, Law, History, Tragedy


1.Social Background (1)

1.1 The History of the Jewish (1)

1.2 The Jewish Question Reflected in The Merchant of Venice (2)

2.An Analysis of Shylock’s Characters (4)

2.1 Hateful Shylock (4)

2.2 Different Shylock – from another angle (5)

3.The Reasons that Cause Shylock have Diversified Character (7)

3.1 Religion (7)

3.2 Law (9)

3.3 Social and Economic Factors (10)

3.4 Family and other Reasons (11)

4.Conclusion (13)

Notes (14)

Bibliography (15)

Acknowledgements (16)

My Evil Not My Fault

——An Analysis of the Image of Shylock

1.Social Background

1.1 The History of the Jewish

This is an old nationality, and comes into the world with the born of the Judaism. They start in Arabia, and live their life along with the float grass at first. Later, they became the farming nation. In 586 BC, many Jews descent into ?Babylonian Exile‘, and were dispersed all over the world. In the period ruled by Rome, Emperor Caracalla of Rome promulgated laws to alleviate ethnic contradictions in 212 AD, which made the Jews have the civil right of Rome in law. But with the times of Rome ending and the Nordic invading, the Jews and the Rome citizen became the ?denizen‘. Later, more and more Teutons Christianise ,became Christians. Thus, the boundary between ?denizens‘and Teutons were disappearing little by little, they became a big family which all the members believe the Christian. But for the Jews, they i nsist on their belief and refuse to accept Christianity. Beyond all question, this kind of behavior made them a ?denizen‘forever by those Christian, although they escaped from agriculture, smart Jews were still active in various industries in city. Until the 11th century, because many countries in Europe began to revitalizing, as the weak force, the Jews can‘t compete with them. Thus, in order to live, some of the Jews have engaged in usury. But this behavior made Christian have more reasons to scorn them, for C hristians‘ outlook,usury is a violation of the teachings. They considered the Jews just got others‘ achievement. But what‘s more miserable, the rulers of European countries, through levy heavy tax, confiscation of property, and all kinds of means to cheat, robbed the wealth of the Jews. This made money become more and more important because the money is the only passport for them to live in such oppressed world.

From the Middle Ages to early modern times, many folk tales and songs were popular with the Jewish story of the assassination of Christian children. In the era of Edward I(1265-1307) in England, Edward used to expel the Jews, but later, many Jews stayed in England in order to escape persecution by Spanish religious court. These Jews formed a small area. In 1594 years,

Elizabeth‘s physician—Portuguese Jews Lopez was accused of poisoning queen insidiously and he was interrogated. Although when Lopez stood next to the gallows, he sworn he was loyalty to the queen and said he worshipped Jesus Christ as the queen, but in London, whether they were noble or common people, people all tended to believe that Lopez was guilty. This was just because he was a Jew, for many prejudice were still kept fully and majestically in the Middle Ages.

1.2 The Jewish Question Reflected in The Merchant of Venice

The film The Merchant of Venice tells us some information at begin ―Intolerance of the Jews was a fact of 16th century life even in Venice, the most powerful and liberal city state in Europe. By law the Jews were forced to live in the old walled foundry or ?Geto‘ area of the city. After sunset the gate was locked and guarded by Christians. In the day time any men leaving the ghetto had to wear a red hat to mark him as a Jew.‖ The fact of social condition in England in 16th century was similar to the film described scene. At that time, Christian was in the driver‘s seat, the Jews had their own belief, so they have not social status and usually were persecuted. From the economic aspect, the Jews were prohibited to possess land, they were not allowed to have house property, because those Christians and officials would confiscate their property, so they had to be as a petty dealer, some of them practiced usury—the lending of money at interest. This made them have little cash and could survive. In law, many decrees were bad for the Jews. As Portia said in the drama:

It is enacted in the laws of V enice,

If it be proved against an alien

That by direct or indirect attempts

He seek the life of any citizen,

The party 'gainst the which he doth contrive

Shall seize one half his goods; the other half

Comes o the privy coffer of the state;

And the offender‘s life lies in the mercy

Of the duke only, 'gainst all other voice○1(Act iv Scene i).

In addition, ―Jew‖has another meaning in English, such as cheapskate, usurer, profiteer. From this ,we could see the people‘s treatment to the Jews in that time.

2.An Analysis of Shylock’s Characters

As we know, Shakespeare is a master no matter past or now, he left many wealth for people. Time and again, his work have been appreciated. Shakespeare‘s Shylock image is fresh forever as other classical figures. People read it, consider it again and again. Following, it is my opinion about Shylock.

2.1 Hateful Shylock

Before, especially in 16th century, this drama was a comedy no matter from which side, because three pairs of lovers have perfect results. But Shylock as an evildoer has been punished. In the era of racial discrimination, Shylock‘s final result, without doubt, it‘s a good thing for clapping and cheering. While the words which describe Shylock are disdainful: greed, cunning, cruel and so on. Like Shylock said, many Christians and people will say the same as Antonio said ―misbeliever, cut-throat dog‖. Such Shylock, people will list many reasons and facts to illustrate how bad he was.

He hates Antonio obviously, and wants to revenge by chance, so he signs the contract which he will cut a pound of Antoni o‘s meat if he couldn‘t return money on time. This will kill Antonio possibly and solve the problem about which he always worried. But he artful ly said ―I say, to buy his favor, I extend this friendship: If he will take it, so; if not, adieu; for my love, I pray you wrong me not‖○2(Act i Scene iii). Being greedy and stingy, he reprimands his servant greedy and treats his daughter also stringy. When he knows his daughter escaped with a Christian, and takes him many ducats, Shylock shouted in the street ―My daughter! Oh, my ducats!‖ and curse s ―I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear! Would she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin!‖○3(Act iii Scene i). Certainly, people think the worst place was that he crows over Antonio‘s ship were sunk, people persuaded him, but he said ―Gaoler, look to him: tell me of mercy; This the fool that lent out money gratis‖○4(Act iii Scene iii). When Bassanio wants to return him two, three times money, he refuses and insists on carrying out the contract.

With the development of fighting against racism, and the Holocaust by Hitler during the

World War Ⅱ, gradually, the topic about the Jews were no longer a joke. People found The Merchant of Venice is not just a comedy. When we analyzing it from Shylock, it is a tragedy. Moreover, Shylock‘s tragedy is no longer a joke, people began to re-analysis. He is greedy, because he is a business; he is a usurer, and this results from social conditions. He is cruel to Antonio, because he hates Antonio, and Antonio spits on and curses him, and that he borrows money without interest. But these are parts of Shylock‘s characters. We should analyse from other point of view.

2.2 Different Shylock – from another angle

In the film, Shylock‘s first appearance was reviled by Antonio. For the situation, if you are Shylock, what will you do? For the most part, you will fight back. But in that social condition, many people hate the Jews, and push out the usurer like Shylock. Like Shylock said in the play ―for sufferance is the budge of all our tribe‖○5(Act i Scene iii). What he does is just wipe his face with his sleeve, and watch at Antonio‘s back with the hateful feeling in his eyes. Why, as an ancient Chinese saying ―A little impatience, a great ship‖, facing Antonio, how does Shylock to use to fight against Antonio? He can do only with patience. There is no much justice in society, I think Shylock has a good character—endurance, just for this character make him process many ducats in that time.

For the second time, Bassanio borrows money from Shylock. ―Three thousand ducats; well?‖, ―For three months; well?‖, ―Three thousand ducats, for three months and, Antonio bound?‖○6 (Act i Scene iii). From these words and Shylock hesitates, we could see clever Shylock knows Bassanio lack substance and has no ability to return money, but when he knows Antonio bounded, he recognizes that the chance comes. But he doesn‘t directly fight against Antonio. He lists an example of Jacob and says some complaining words, declared ―And thrift is blessing, of men steal is not.‖○7(Act 1 Scene iii), then talk about Antonio who spits on and cursed him, but his national spirit makes him tolerant. In this time, I think Shylock must think like that: Now, you want borrow money from me, what will I do? How can I let you go so easily? He makes Antonio signs the contract, and shows his friendly words to Antonio. How could you say Shylock isn‘t clever?

In the whole drama, Shylock was the most frank man. He never mask his greed. In the market, he can loudly say he hates Antonio, ―More than a lodg‘d hate and a certain loathing I bear Antonio, that I follow thus a losing suit against him‖, ―I am not bound to please thee with my answer‖○8(Act iv Scene i). Like what he said, he just did himself, didn‘t want to please others. When Bassanio wanted to return him money two, three times, he refused, and insisted on cutting a pound of Antonio‘s meat. I think it is only the respect to the contract, but also the expression of national spirit that the oppressed fight against the Christians. At the same time, he had encourage to face the failure and the misfortune, he could defy power, insist on settling the problem by law. Although he failed, he didn‘t ask for something, for Portia‘s intercede, he said ―Nay, take my life and all; Pardon not that‖○9( Act iv Scene i). Faced with the final result of loss freedom of belief, he said nothing and agreed to sign.

In addition, Shylock was the most pitiful man. He loves his daughter, but she leaves him, and takes away lots of money. His only souvenir—turquoise, this is the present sent by his sweet wife when they had not married, but his daughter uses it to trade a wild monkey. Shylock was originally very confident to win the lawsuit, but lost finally, and lost all the money and forced to change his religion.

3.The Reasons that Cause Shylock Has Diversified Character

From above analysis we can see Shylock has various characters. When we see from Christian, Shylock is a cruel, cunning Jew and a greedy, stringy usurer. His result is Antonio‘s tolerance. But when we see from the angle of the Jews and against racial discrimination, I want to say Shylock was clever, frank, rich national spirit, of course, he had a businessman‘s characteristics. Shylock was complex, and the reason are various.

3.1 Religion

3.1.1 The Jews and Christians

Judaism and Christianity comes from the same religion, they were both born in Holy City of Jerusalem in Palestine, but Christianity came from Judaism, and originally it is a branch of Judaism faction. In the early millennium BC, Judaism was born in the process of ―the Prophet Movement‖in Palestinian, which is based on polytheism in primitive society and developed gradually. Jews worship the Lord and recognized it as ―the only true God‖. They declared the Jews is the Lord ―selected subjects‖. Before or after hundred of years in AD, they proclaimed the Jews will be rescued by ―the Savior‖.

After the 2nd century AD, the Christianity whose members were mostly the laboring masses and always under suppress has been changed in nature, because many rich men joined it and gradually took the leadership of the Christianity. They began to walk a moderate line, and paid attention to love ―love your enemy‖, ―suffer injury but no threatening words‖, etc. So the religion was no longer a threat for the rulers. Instead, it became a tool which used by the rulers. Later, the location of Christianity become the state religion by the Rome Emperor. Later, all the rulers liked it. Thus, Christianity developed rapidly in Europe, and even all over the world.

The process which Christianity from illegal to legal is the refection which the increasing incisive contradiction between Christianity and ―mother religion‖. In order to be powerful, in order to have more force and Christians, they vilified the Jews in public. They put aside the Jewish Bible called the Old Testament, and called another part which Christian added as the New Testament. This means that they wanted to tell people, the contract between God and the Jews

had past, God has signed a new contract with Christian. They preached Jesus was the Messiah, and accused the Jews of being connected with the devil, and driven by the devil. They told the Jews was the man who God hates him and killed the Prophet. In all the accusations, the most malicious and the most far-reading effect is the core part of the against the Jews in the New Testament—As disciples of Jews, Judas betrayed Jusus for 30 ducats. It is the Jews who made the Jesus crucified.

Facing the rapid development of Christianity, Judaism was limited to the development of the members in the Jews, and the Judaism became the religion of the Jews. They think outside of the ―God allowed‖ land as tabernacle. The Jews didn‘t recognized that Jesus is the Messiah, and did not think the Messiah had come yet. They should continue to wait. These opinion were opposite to the Christians idea. Christians said the Jesus was the son of God, and Jesus was the Messiah. All the people who believe the God was his ―voters‖. For the opposite concept, for many of the great powers than their own force,what Jews faced was only beaten.

3.1.2 Shylock’s Tragedy Caused by Religion

The Christians considered the Jews was malicious and they harmed Jesus from the New Testament and other books on religion. For such Jews who don‘t believe Jesus, Christians treated the Jews certainly bad, they hated the Jews, and discriminated the Jews merits, especially Shylock who was the usurer while he is a Jew. So, how could they found the justice in the world ruled by Christianity. In the history of the Jews‘development, they were connected with ―vagrant‖, ―persecuted‖, ―discriminated‖. The Jews hadn‘t status no matter in which economic and in which society in the Middle Ages. They were deprived of the right to engage in proper job. They couldn‘t go into business like common people. They had no land and no fixed abode. But they were asked for levied various unreasonable taxes, or even confiscated property. If they gave birth to the child, they had to pay for tax. Even without child, they also had to pay. For them, the chance which could survive were slim. Some of them who had little ducats would choose as a usurer, but this job was hated by the ruler. In the eyes of the Christian, as if Jews liked to do this job inherently, as if Jews naturally were a miser, greedy ghost, cold-blooded cruel animal, as if Jews were inferior race and the devil from they were born. They think the Jesus teaches them

―tolerance‖, so they didn‘t want to see Antonio‘s death, Gratiano said ―Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself‖, and Duke said:

That thou shalt see the difference of our spirits,

I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it.

For half thy wealth, it is Antonio‘s;

The other half comes to the general state,

Which humbleness may drive into a fine○10(Act iv Scene i).

They think the result is best, and forgive Shylock‘s capital crime, because of their tolerant hearts. But for Shylock, he uses ducats to loan sharking as the only life source. If people take away all his money, they made him sadder than kill him. And then Antonio shows his more kindness, he said he will take care of the half part, and sends these money to Shylock‘s daughter and son-in-law after Shylock death, but the condition is Shylock must change his belief and become Christian, and sign the contract. From above analyse, we could see, arrogant, condescending full, unbearable Christians show their ―kindness‖, that is pardon Shylock‘s life and deprive his wealth and freedom of religion. Shylock becomes the victim of their perfect imperialism religion. Faced with such result, what words shylock could said, certainly, the answer is ―I am content‖and made Christians feel satisfied.

3.2 Law

I remembered a book said ―In class society, the law as superstructure system is serving for the interests of the ruling class‖. While in the play, what Bassanio said when he choose the leaden casket questioned the justice of the law and kindness of the religion in Elizabeth time: In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt

But, being season‘d with a gracious voice,

Obscures the show of evil? In religion,

What dammed error, but some sober brow

Will bless it and approve it with a text,

Hiding the grossness with fair ornament?

There is no vice so simple but assumes

Some mark of virtue on his outward parts○11(Act iii Scene ii ).

These words were proved at the court in the 4th act. From the beginning, Shylock was absent, Duke as a judge and many nobles had stood by the decision that Antonio could escape from the legal penalty. It shows sharp contrast with the lonely, hunched, old man—Shylock, who firmly trusts the law and asks for strictly carrying out the contract. He nearly won the trial, but all things changed after Portia appeared. Disguised, Portia made artful interpretation for the contract and the articles of law. Although in my opinion there are many unreasonable parts in her explanation: According to law of Elizabethan era, as indicter, Shylock was reliever from obligation while he gives up the right of a pound of Antonio‘s meat, how can he become defendant from plaintiff? The contract which Shylock signed with Antonio and asked for a pound of Antonio‘s meat means bleed was essential-condition that the law allows to execute the contract. It is allowed to cut meat but no bleed, how could achieve? But these unreasonable explanation killed Shylock.

The law should be the most serious thing, but in capitalist society, it can serve for the interests of the bourgeoisie through different interpretation in literal meaning. Such law, in somebody‘s hands, it can produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another-given to playing tricks. One day, if it were you in the court, whether you would be another Shylock? This is the tragedy of law, and also Shylock can‘t escaped from tragedy. American Modern philosopher Alan Bloom pointed out in his Giant and dwarf: Bloom Collection: The Jew was a nation that become great because they are dedicated to the law but they also deceived by the law; as the law is Shylock‘s heart and soul, the law also led him to be collapsed, at this point, Shylock reached the dignity of tragedy, he is fooled by the law.○12

3.3 Social and Economic Factors

The time when Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice was that capitalism rapid developing and gradually to expand overseas. In England, to build wealth was national goal. As Shylock has not a social status, he can‘t have legitimate career, only to be a usurer. Although these usuries settled the urgent need for economic development, they couldn‘t created wealth and couldn‘t bring interests for the country. They were called parasite by rising capitalists. Because they just fill-up their pockets using others wealth. While Antonio as representative of rising

capitalist businessman, he was engaged in overseas trade, establishing the image of the state, spreading the influence outside the British territory. Moreover, they brought wealth for the country. Such people were just those that the state needed. Thus, this economic condition was fit for Shylock, and he was destined to a tragedy.

In Elizabethan era, it was true that the Jews were confiscated wealth and were forced to change their belief, thus, they were persecuted no matter what their body and their soul were. Shakespeare stated for the Jews by Shylock‘s words:

… and what's his reason?

I am a Jew: hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew

hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?

fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons,

subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means,

warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as

a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you

tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not

die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are

like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that○13( Act iii Scene i).

What were differences between the Jews and Christians? Why did the Jews have to suffer so much? Just for they are the Jews, and don‘t believe Christianity, they must bear all people‘s hatred. But in that society, Shylock just had this fate.

3.4 Family and other Reasons

The person that Shylock could love and only loved was his daughter—Jessica. But his daughter had little affection to him and betrayed him, she never considered his father‘s sad and trouble a Jew and a usurer. Around all the hatred eyes, with dignity and personality in exchange for little savings to feed him and his daughter, Jessica takes many ducats to her lover—Lorenzo without hesitation. Shylock cries and shouts in the street ―my daughter! Oh, my ducats! Oh, my daughter!‖. How heartrending scene it was! Many people think this shows his greed, but I think this because he really feels sad. Even more sad thing was his friend Tubal told him that his

daughter traded a wild monkey with his ring which the only bit of his pleasant memory, that ring was the present sent by his dear wife. What we see is an old man who can‘t be accepted by that society and betrayed by kinship, as if any attempt was wasted, and pitiful Shylock had to bear alone this pain which will tear his heart.

In addition, in the Christian-dominated society, although Shakespeare have some sympathy for the Jews, but the audience couldn‘t bear that Shylock had a good result in that time, certainly, this result can better reflect the social reality.


The Merchant of Venice is one of the most famous comedy in the world, but when we think of Shylock, we have to say it is a tragedy. While we are pleasant for three couples of lover, we certainly remembered that an old, sympathetic man walk in the street. Everything has its own reason, if people must say he was selfish, cruel, first, they have to know its background and social condition in that time, and then, I‘ll tell you Shylock is pity, clever, courageous, tough, frank, rich national spirit, and I have reasons to say that.


○1Shakespeare, William.The Merchant of Venice.中译本.《威尼斯商人中英对照》,梁实秋,2001,中国广播电视出版社.

○2 ibid

○3 ibid

○4 ibid

○5 ibid

○6 ibid

○7 ibid

○8 ibid

○9 ibid

○10 ibid

○11 ibid


○13Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice.中译本.《威尼斯商人中英对照》,梁实秋,2001,中国广播电视出版社.


Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice.中译本.《威尼斯商人中英对照》,梁实秋,2001,中国广播电视出版社.






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Upon the completion of the thesis, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Zhang Zhen, who has given me important guidance on the structure of the thesis. Without her help and encouragement, my thesis would have been impossible. Besides her help with my thesis, she has also given me some advice on the methods of doing research, which is of great value to my future academic life.

Last but not least, my special thanks are due to my dearest parents and my beloved friends for their love and constant support. Thanks for their dedication on my thesis.

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