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厚朴 # officinal magnolia bark
厚朴花 # officinal magnolia flower
砂仁 # villous amomum fruit
牵牛子 # pharbitis seed
轻粉 # calomel
乳香 # frankincense
没药 # myrrh
鸦胆子 # java brucea fruit
韭菜子 # tuber onion seed
哈蟆油 # rana oviduct
骨碎补 # fortune's drynaria rhizome
钟乳石 # stalactite
钩藤 # gambir plant nod
香附 # nutgrass galingale rhizome
香橼 # citron fruit
香薷 # Chinese mosla

(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
beef tenderloin grilled on a stone
garibijjimsteamed scallops帆立贝の蒸し物清蒸扇贝清蒸扇贝
gamasot-gul-bibimbap bibimbap topped with oystersカキの釜饭ビビンパ铁锅牡蛎拌饭铁锅牡蛎拌饭
gamasot-nalchial-bibimbapbibimbap topped with fish roe鱼卵入り釜饭ビビンパ铁锅飞鱼子拌饭 铁锅飞鱼卵拌饭
gamasotbapcooked rice in an iron pot釜饭铁锅饭铁锅饭
gamasot-sundubuspicy soft tofu stew おぼろ豆腐锅铁锅豆腐脑铁锅嫩豆腐

bibimbap topped with sliced
gamulchihoeraw mullet雷鱼の刺身 生黑鱼片 生乌鳢片
rice topped with fried egg and
pork cutlet
gaoriraw ray fishエイ铧鱼 魟鱼
gajami-guigrilled soleカレイ焼き烤比目鱼烤鲽鱼
gajami-bossamwrapped soleカレイのキムチ白菜包み菜包比目鱼鲽鱼生菜包饭
(English) (日本语) (简体) (繁体)
gajaejjimsteamed lobsterロブスターの蒸し煮清蒸龙虾 清蒸龙虾
ganso-gajaedeep-fried lobster with chili sauceロブスターチリソース干烧龙虾乾烧龙虾
ganjajangnoodles with black soy bean sauceジャージャー麺干炸酱面 乾炸酱面
ganjang-gejangcrab marinated in soy sauceカニの醤油渍け酱螃蟹 酱渍蟹
ganjang-gejang jeongsik
crab marinated in soy sauce with

重楼 # paris root
禹余粮 # limonite
独活 # doubleteeth pubescent angelica root
胖大海 # boat-fruited sterculia seed
急性子 # garden balsam seed
前胡 # hogfennel root
首乌藤 # tuber fleeceflower stem
姜黄 # turmeric
洋金花 # datura flower
夜明砂 # bat's droppings
神曲 # medicated leaven
穿山甲 # pangolin scales
穿心莲 # common andrographis herb
络石藤 # Chinese starjasmine stem
秦艽 # largeleaf gentian root
秦皮 # ash bark
珠子参 # largeleaf Japanese ginseng rhizome
桂枝 # cassia twig
桔梗 # platycodon root
桃仁 # peach seed
核桃仁 # English walnut seed
莱菔子 # radish seed
莲子 # lotus seed
莲子心 # lotus plumule
莲房 # lotus receptacle
莲须 # lotus stamen
莪术 # zedoray rhizome
荷叶 # lotus leaf
夏天无 # decumbent corydalis rhizome
夏枯草 # common selfheal fruit-spike
柴胡 # Chines

e thorowax root
党参 # tangshen
鸭跖草 # dayflower herb
射干 # blackberry lily rhizome
徐长卿 # paniculate swallowwort root
凌霄花 # trumpetcreeper flower
高良姜 # lesser galangal rhizome
萆薢 # poison yam
益母草 # motherwort herb
益智 # sharp-leaf glangal fruit
拳参 # bistort rhizome
浮小麦 # immature wheat
海马 # sea horse
海风藤 # kadsura pepper stem
海龙 # pipefish
海金沙 # Japanese climbing fern spore
海螵蛸 # cuttlebone
海藻 # seaweed
浮萍 # common ducksmeat herb
娑罗子 # buckeye seed
预知子 # akebia fruit
桑叶 # mulberry leaf
桑白皮 # white mulberry root-bark
桑枝 # mulberry twig
桑寄生 # Chinese taxillus herb
槲寄生 #
桑椹 # mulberry fruit
桑螵蛸 # mantis egg-case
通草 # ricepaperplant pith
黄芩 # baical skullcap root
黄芪 # milkvetch root
黄连 # golden thread
黄柏 # amur cork-tree
黄精 # solomonseal rhizome
黄药子 # air potato
菟丝子 # dodder seed
菊花 # chrysanthemum flower
梅花 # plum flower
常山 # antifeverile dichroa root
野菊花 # wild chrysanthemum flower
蛇床子 # common cnidium fruit
蛇蜕 # snake slough
蛇莓 # Indian mock strawberry
蚕沙 # silkworm droppings
银杏叶 # ginkgo leaf
银柴胡 # starwort root
猪牙皂 # Chinese honeylocust abnormal fruit
猪苓 # zhuling
猫爪草 # catclaw buttercup root
旋覆花 # inula flower
麻油 # sesame oil
麻黄 # ephedra
麻黄根 # ephedra root
鹿角 # deer horn; antler
鹿角霜 # degelatined deer-horn
鹿茸 # pilose antler
鹿衔草 # pyrola herb
商陆 # pokeberry root
羚羊角 # antelope horn
断血流 # clinopodium herb
淫羊藿 # epimedium herb
淡竹叶 # lophatherum herb
淡豆豉 # fermented soybean
密蒙花 # pale butterflybush flower
续断 # himalayan teasel root
绵马贯众 # male fern rhizome
斑蝥 # blister beetle
款冬花 # common coltsfoot flower
葛根 # kudzuvine root
葶苈子 # (2)Semen Descurainiae(拉)
萹蓄 # common knotgrass herb
楮实子 # papermulberry fruit
棕榈 # fortune windmillpalm petiole
硫黄 # sulfur
雄黄 # realgar
紫石英 # fluorite
紫花地丁 # Tokyo violet herb
紫苏子 # perilla fruit
紫苏叶 # perilla leaf
紫苏梗 # perilla stem
紫河车 # human placenta
紫草 # (1)arnebia root (2)gromwell root
紫菀 # tatarian aster root
蛤壳 # clam shell
蛤蚧 # tokay gecko
黑芝麻 # black sesame
锁阳 # songaria cynomorium herb
鹅不食草 # small centipeda herb
番泻叶 # senna leaf
滑石 # talc
蓖麻子 # castor seed
蒺藜 # puncturevine caltrop fruit
蒲公英 # dandelion
蒲黄 # cattail pollen
椿皮 # tree-of-heaven bark
槐花 # pagodatree flower
槐角 # Japanese pagodatree pod
雷丸 # thunder ball
路路通 # beautiful sweetgum fruit
蜈蚣 # centipede
蜂房 # honeycomb
蜂蜡 # beeswax

蜜 # honey
锦灯笼 # franchet groundcherry fruit
满山红 # dahurian rhododendron leaf
蔓荆子 # shrub chastetree fruit
榧子 # grand torreya seed
槟榔 # areca seed
酸枣仁 # spine date seed
磁石 # magnetite
豨莶草 # siegesbeckia herb
蝉蜕 # cicada slough
罂粟壳 # poppy capsule
漏芦 # uniflower swisscentaury root营养食谱翻译,菜谱翻译,菜单翻译,酒水翻译,饮料翻译,酒店饭店饮食翻译,英语日语韩语各个语种都能翻译,精确经典翻译,行业翻译标杆!质优价低,有著作 << 汉英英汉营养学大辞典 >>,电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

菜单翻译 菜单在线翻译 菜谱翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 菜谱英文翻译 菜谱中文翻译成英文 餐厅菜单翻译 翻译菜谱 饭店翻译电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 各种菜谱的英文翻译 酒店翻译 烹调翻译 食谱翻译 食谱英文翻译 英文菜单翻译 英文菜名翻译 英文菜品翻译 英文菜谱翻译 英文的菜谱电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926. 英语菜品翻译 英语菜名翻译英语菜单翻译英语菜谱翻译中国菜谱翻译中文菜单英文译法电话180-82320843;181-12019834;请加翻译QQ:362847926.

赭石 # hematite
蕤仁 # hedge prinsepia nut
蕲蛇 # long-nosed pit viper
墨旱莲 # yerbadetajo herb
稻芽 # germinated rice-grain
僵蚕 # stiff silkworm
鹤虱 # common carpesium fruit
橘红 # red tangerine peel
橘核 # tangerine seed
薤白 # longstamen onion bulb
薏苡仁 # coix seed
薄荷 # peppermint
藁本 # Chinese lovage
檀香 # sandalwood
藕节 # lotus rhizome node
覆盆子 # palmleaf raspberry fruit
瞿麦 # lilac pink herb
蟾酥 # toad venom
鳖甲 # turtle carapace
鹿角胶 # deerhorn glue
麝香 # musk


East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome||狗脊
Elecampane Inula Root||土木香
Emblic Leafflower Fruit||余甘子
English Walnut Seed||胡桃仁
Entada Sten||瞌藤子
Entadae Stem||过江龙
Ephedra Herb||麻黄
Epigeal Srephaia Root||地不容
Epimedium Herb||淫羊藿
Erect St. John'swort Herb||小连翘
Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf||漆大姑
Eucommia Bark||杜仲
European Grape Fruit||索索葡萄
European Hop Flower||啤酒花
European Verbena||马鞭草
European Waterhemlock Root||毒芹
False Chinese Swertia Herb||当药
Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome||藜芦
Falsesour Cherry||樱桃核
Fangchi Root||广防已
Feather Cockscomb Seed||青葙子
Fennel Fruit||小茴香
Fermented Soybean||淡豆豉
Fewflower Lysionotus Herb||石吊兰
Field Sowthistle Herb||苣荬菜
Fig ||无花果
Figwort Root||玄参
Filiform Cassytha Herb||无根藤
Fimbriae Orostachys ||瓦松
Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb||荆芥
Finger C

Fistular Onion Stalk||葱白
Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb||绞股蓝
Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb||过坛龙
Flastem Milkvetch Seed||沙苑子
Flos Caryophyllata||丁香
Forbes Wildginger Herb||杜衡
Forest Frog's Oviduct||蛤蟆油
Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root||黑骨头
Fortune Eupatorium Herb||佩兰
Fortune Firethorn Fruit||救兵粮
Fortune Loosestrife Herb||星宿菜
Fortune Meadowrue Herb||白蓬草
Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit||泡桐果
Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf ||三尖杉
Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole||棕榈
Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome||骨碎补
Fourstamen Stephania Root||粉防己/汉防己
Fragrant Eupatorium Herb||飞机草
Fragrant Plantainlily Herb||玉簪
Fragrant Sarcococca Herb||清香桂
Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome||玉竹
Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit||锦灯笼
Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb||杏香兔耳风
Freshwater Sponge||紫梢花
Fringed Iris Herb||铁扁担
Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig||黑面神


草药 # herb
药材 # crude medicine ; crude drug
道地药材 # genuine regional drug
鲜药 # fresh medicine; fresh crude drug
天然药物 # natural medicine; natural crude drug
采制 # collection and preparation
采收期 # collection period
产地加工 # processing in production place
萌发期 # germination period
枯萎期 # withering period
贮藏 # storage
干燥 # drying
晒干 # drying in sunshine
阴干 # drying in shade
烘干 # drying by baking
虫蛀 # rotten due to insect bites
霉变 # mildew and rot
泛油 # extensive diffusion of oil
调剂 # compounding
原植物鉴定 # identification of original plant
原动物鉴定 # identification of original animal
原矿物鉴定 # identification of original mineral
基源鉴定 # identification of origin
根 # root
根茎 # rhizome
皮 # bark; peel
叶 # leaf
花 # flower
果实 # fruit
种子 # seed
全草 # whole herb
性状描述 # description
形状 # shape; form
大小 # size
表面特征 # surface character
色泽 # color and luster
质地 # texture
折断面 # fracture surface
断面特征 # cut surface character
菊花心 # radial striations
朱砂点 # spot of oil cavity
气[嗅] # odor; smell

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