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杭州二中2011学年第一学期高一年级期末考试英语试卷2012. 1本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分,共100分,考试时间90分


第一部分:听力共两节,满分15分第一节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)

A. The man suffered from smok ing.

B. The man gave up smok ing.

C. The man was to see a doctor.

2. What can we lear n from the con versati on?

A. Both of the speakers liked sports very much.

B. The man liked read ing

more tha n watch ing movies.

C. Neither of the speakers liked watch ing movies.

3. What is the woma n 'attitude towards her late arrival?

A. She is worried.

B. She feels sorry.

C. She does n 'care.

4. What does the woma n mean?

A. The man should not give up.

B. The man should find a new

part ner.

C. The man did n 'practice hard.

5. Which stateme nt is TRUE?

A. The man wants the job not very much.

B. The manis feeling nervous.

C. The woma n thi nks the man is not well prepared.




6. What can we lear n from the con versati on?

A. The woman is the man 'wife.

B. The womandamaged her bike.

C. The woma n is a stude nt.

7. Why is the man so an gry?

A. Some of his flowers are dead.

B. Some of his flowers

are miss ing.

C. The flower pots are broken. 8. What was TRUE about the woman? A.

She was afraid of breaking her bike. B. late for class.

C. She was afraid of killing the flowers. 听第 7段材料,回答第 9至第 11 题。 9. When will the final exam take place?

A. Next Tuesday.

B. Next Thursday.

C. This Thursday. 10. Why does the man feel nervous?

A. Because he is too busy to prepare for the exam.

B. Because he can 't find

a person to help him.

C. Because he hasn 't prepared for the exam yet. 11. What is the speakers 'plan?

A. They will go to the classroom together every day.

B. They will go to

school together every day.

C. They will help each other in study.

第二部分 : 英语知识运用 第一节:单项填空 (共 20 小题, 每小题 0.5 分,满分 10 分)

从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

16. It was on ________ frightening night that the water went all over the field and

destroyed quiet ____ few villages along the river. A. the; /

B. a; a

C. a; the

D. /; a

17. Our English teacher ____ London in a few days. I wonder when earliest plane

____ on Saturday. A. leaves; takes off

B. is leaving; takes

She was afraid of being

听第 8段材料,回答第 12 至第 15 题。 12. Why didn 't Susan get the job at the coffee bar?

A. Because she could only work on Saturdays. tired. C. Because she couldn 't work on the required days. 13. Where did Susan see an advertisement later?

A. In her newspaper.

B. In a newspaper.

by the window.

14. Which statement is TRUE?

A. She went to the job interview by bus. far away fro m the coffee bar.

C. She would only have to work on weekdays in the new job. 15. What job did Susan get at last?

A. A shop manager.

B. A shop keeper

B. Because she was very

C. In the corner

B. The job interview was

C. A conductor.


C. is leaving; is taking of

18. Now scientists have ____ a new theory for why women live, on average, longer than men. A. made up for

B. come up with

C. given out

D. put up

19. Hearing the sound, the animal disappeared into the bushes, __________ Mrs. Stone picked

up her basket and ran all the way home. A. then

B. after that

C. from which

D. after which

20. To get the best view of Sydney Harbour, take a Sydney Seaplane flight _______________ the Harbour and Bondi Beach .

21. Hundreds of brightly coloured balloons were __________ and used as party toys or party

27. It 'sa fact that his ____ to life changes when a person is getting older.

A. attitude

B. way

C. design

D. method

28. Those who do exercise _____ in our club have showed amazing improvements in health

and weight. A. fluently B. gradually C. regularly D. entirely 29. Top scientists and building experts from all over the country were invited to

____ how to protect historic sites in Beijing.

A. set down

B. settle down

C. work out 30. I ___ the work in time, but an unexpected meeting delayed it. A. should finish B. could have finished C. could finish

D. come up D. must have

A. given up

B. set up

C. built up

D. blown up

22. Williams says the company believes it

is a duty to

help the local economy, which

____ helps the company.

A. in turn

B. as a reward

C. as a result

D. on purpose 23. My teacher

often says “If you __

___ yourself, you will be able to work

efficiently. ”

A. view

B. forecast

C. pace

D. speed

24. They _____ all the details of the plan time again

to make sure that the project

went smoothly.

A. got through

B. went through

C. got over

D. dipped into

25. The other day

Mr. Zhao was wandering

( 溜达 ) in a Bird and Flower Market ________

decorations on New Year 's Day.

he saw an amazing object made in the Qing Dynasty among the many different vases.

D. will leave; is taking off

A. above

B. on

C. over

D. across

A. which

B. what 26. We all know that cell phones and us to talk to anyone from anywhere.

A. this; for

B. it; to

C. that

D. when mobile phones make _______ possible _______

C. that; of

D. it; for

fini shed

31. Not un til I bega n to start my car _____ there was someth ing wrong with it.

A. didn 'I know

B. did I know

C. I didn 'know

D. I knew

35. This passage tells us that Feng Jicai ____ his career _____ to save the old

buildi ngs of his hometow n. A. put; on hold B. built; up

C. set; free

D. packed; up

第二节:完形填空(共 18小题,每小题1分,满分18分)


A 、


C 、

D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳


When I was asked a question who touched my life most, I would always say it was my mother. I believe in my mother. My belief bega n whe n I was just a kid. I 36 ____

beco ming a doctor.

Mymother was a waitress. Through her work, she learned that 37_people


a lot more time readi ng tha n they 38 watch in g_televisi on. She comma nded that my brother and I 39_ only _watch two to three pre-selected TV programs duri ng the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and -40_her writte n book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a 41 . My mother received no educati on.

When I en tered high school I was an A-stude nt, 42 not for_l on g._I_wa nted the fancy clothes. I wan ted to _43_the

guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One

ni ght my mother came home from fini shi ng her various jobs and I talked about 44_

eno ugh expe nsive Italia n knit shirts. She said, "Okay,

ni give you all the money

I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy the family food and pay the bills. With everything 45 , you can_have all the Italian knit shirts you wan t. " I was very 46_with that pla n but once I went through spe nding the mon ey, there was 47 __

left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to 48 our heads and __ any kind of food on the table, let alone buy clothes. I also realized

that immediate satisfact ion

was n't going to get me _______ 49 __ . Success required

in tellectual

32. Washington, a state in the United States, America n preside nts. ---Oh, I 'm so foolish. I

A. couldn ' is named after one of the greatest

know that.

B. don '

C. didn 33. They traveled

was In dia, __

fact the New Con ti nent.

on and on across the ocea n un til

D. may not

they came to ________ they thought

was in

C. which; what A. where; which B. there; which

34. ---Why did n 'you tell me the truth about his ill ness?

--- ____ , I knew nothing about it at that time. D. what; which

A. Gen erally speak ing

C. As a matter of fact B. Telli ng the truth

D. On the other hand

preparation. I went back to my studies and became an A-student again, and gradually I 50 my dream and I became a doctor.

My story is really my mother's story-a woma n with no 51 educati on or ______

property who used her 52 ______

as a pare nt to cha nge the lives of many people around the globe. There is 53 job more importa nt tha n pare nti ng. This is what I believe.

36. A. devoted to B. determined to C. dreamed of D. turned to

37. A. hopeful B . peaceful C successful

D. reliable

38. A. cost B paid

C. took

D. did

39. A. should B. could C. must D. n eed

40. A. hand in B . search for C come up

D. dig out

41. A. track B . tip C trap

D. trick

42. A. and B. but C. or D. so

43. A. get along with B .go out with C. break away from

D. belong to

44. A. having not B. not have C. not havi ng D. have not

45. A. left over B rema ined C . used up

D. made use of

46. A. shocked B .pleased C. rewarded D. willi ng

47. A. anything B . everyth ing C someth ing

D. nothing

48. A. put an idea into B . gave an impressi on in

C . keep a roof over D. replace ideas of

49. A. any place B . no where C any


D. somewhere

50. A. made B. realized C .recog ni zed D. tried

51. A. formal B . regular C ordi nary

D. com mon

52. A. position B . stage C. league D. state

53. A. not B .no C. so D. such


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B C、D)中,选出最佳选项。


Howoften one hears children wishing they were grown-ups and old people wishing they were young again! Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in their useless regrets.

Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities for them to makea living.

If a child has good pare nts, he is well fed, looked after and loved, whatever he

may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without hav ing to do anything in retur n. What's more, life is always givi ng new things to the child —things that have lost

their in terest for older people because they are too commonfor them. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is repeatedly being told not to do someth ing, or being puni shed for what he has wron gly done.

When a young man starts to earn his own livi ng, he can no Ion ger expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spe nds most of his time play ing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hun gry. And if he breaks the laws of society just as he used to break the rules of his pare nts, he may go to pris on. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happ in ess of buildi ng up for himself his own positi on in society.

54. Accord ing to paragraph 2, the writer thinks that ____________ .

A. life for a child is fairly easy

B. only children are interested

in life

C. a child is always loved whatever he does

D. if much is give n to a child, he must do someth ing to pay back

55. A young man __________ if he expects to live in the way he wan ts.

A. should lose his heart to his work

B. should try to keep out of trouble

C. should spe nd most of his time enjoying himself

D. should build up his own positi on in society for himself

56. The main idea of the passage is that _____________ .

A. childre n's time is the most enjoyable in on e's life

B. life is not enjoyable since each age has some pains

C. young men can have the greatest happ in ess if they work hard

D. one can enjoy what each age gives him though there are some pains


The miracle bridge

The Brookl yn Bridge that crosses the river betwee n Man hatta n and Brookl yn is simply an engineering miracle. In 1883, a creative engineer, John Roebling, was in spired by an idea for this spectacular ( 蔚为奇观的)bridge project. However,

bridge-build ing experts told him to forget it. It just was not possible. Roebli ng convinced (persuade sb. to do sth. ) his son, Washington, an up-and-coming engineer, that the bridge could be built. The two of them formed an idea of how it could be finished successfully and how to overcome the difficulties. Somehow, they persuaded ban kers to provide money for the project. Then, with great exciteme nt and en ergy, they hired their crew and bega n to build their dream bridge.

The project was only a few months_ under_ way when a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling and severely injured his son. Washington was severely brain-damaged, un able to talk or walk. Every one thought the project would have to be throw n away, since the Roeblings were the only ones who understood how the bridge could be built.

Though Wash ington Roebli ng was un able to move or talk, his mind was as sharp as

ever. One day as he lay in his hospital bed, an idea flashed in his mind as to how to develop a communication code. All he could move was one finger, so he touched the arm of his wife with that finger. He tapped out the code to communicate to her what she was to tell the engineers who continued building the bridge. For 13 years, Washington tapped out his instructions with one finger until the spectacular Brooklyn Bridge was finally completed. 57. This spectacular bridge project

A. was designed well by a certain engineer

B. was going on

C. was a dream of an idea that was workable

D. was argued heatedly by the bridge-building experts

58. What 'sthe meaning of A. A way being repaired C. Under design


Many expensive nutrition additives ( 添加剂 ) advertised on TV say they can improve your

memory. But only ordinary food and healthy habits have been shown to work.

A research team from UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles ) has designed a four-step plan to improve your memory in just 14 days.

"It sounds like another advertisement, but it really works," says UCLA psychiatry ( 精神病学 ) professor Gary Small.

The team found the four-step plan improved memory function ( 功能 ) in teenagers under stress and older people. After a two-week study that included brain-teasers ( 脑筋急转弯 ), exercise and diet changes, test subjects' memories worked more efficiently.

Here's the programme:

Memory training: Train yourself with brain-teasers, crossword puzzles and memory exercises that train verbal (

文字上的 ) skills throughout the day.

Healthy diet: Eat five rather than three meals a day. The food should be rich in omega-3 fats (omega-3 脂肪 ), such as whole grains and vegetables that contain antioxidants ( 抗氧化剂 ). Having frequent meals helps increase blood glucose ( 血

糖 ), the primary energy source for the brain.

in 1883.

under way ”in the passage?

B. Under construction

D. A good method being discussed

59. Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to Washington? a. b. c. d. e. He tried to persuade bankers to support them, too. His mind was as sharp as before.

He was ready to build the bridge with his father. He was badly hurt in an accident.

He gave out his instructions with a communication code. A. c, d, b, a, e B. a, c, d, b, e C. c, a, d, b, e a, d, b, c 60. This article mainly tells us _______ .

A. to try your best to save ourselves in an accident

B. never to do dangerous things and technique D. to fight as long as one has breath

D. e,


to study hard the advanced science
