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【偶然发生的】 accidental,adventitious,casusl,fortuitous,incidental


acciden tal“意外的,偶然发生的”。

Actually our marri age w as quit e accidental.其实我们的结合是偶然的。

Don't you l et any acci dental success go to y our heads? 你们不会是让偶然的胜利冲昏了头脑了吧?


The court confirm ed i n our belief t hat the old m an's misconduct was adventitious.法庭确认了这名老人的错误行为是偶然犯下的。


It is necessar y t o have casual empl oym ent in our superm ark et.我们超市需要雇用临时人员。

I kept c asual correspondence with my English teacher after graduation.大学毕业后我仍与英语老师不定期通信。

casual 还可表示“放松的;非正式的”。

I was deli ghted to hav e a c asual evening with fri ends. 与朋友一起度过一个的轻松夜晚,我感到很愉快。

Why di dn't y ou wear casual cl othes? It's not wor k hours.你为什么不穿休闲服?这又不是工作时间。

fortu itou s“偶然发生的,因某种事件或机会而发生”,多用于指吉利的事。如:

A series of fort uitous circ umstances advanced her car eer.一系列的幸运事使她的事业一帆风顺。

inc identa l“偶然发生的”,指伴随某事偶然发生的,附带的。如:

The c hanges of the upper management will bri ng some inci dental snags.管理层的改变时将会产生一些附带的隐患。

Childr en are gi ven some c hange for i ncident al expens es.家长给孩子们一些零用钱。

He w as empl oy ed and sent t o t he France by pure inci dental consi der ation.他被聘用并被派往法国完全是出于偶然的考虑。

inc idental的副词是in ciden tally“顺便提及;附带地,顺便地”。如:

I've got to go now. Inci dentall y,if y ou want that tape I'll bri ng it next tim e.我现在该走了。顺便提一句,如果你要那盘磁带,我下次带来。

【事件】accident, event, incident, occurrence n.

acciden t“意外事件,事故”,尤指导致伤残的事件。如:

She's had an accident wit h t he k ettle and bur nt hersel f.她不小心用水壶烫伤了自己。

The tr ain dri ver failed t o brake in time,accor di ng to the official report int o t he accident.据官方事故调查报告显示,事故原因是火车司机未能及时刹车。event“重要或显著事件”。如:

The book ex amines t he ev ents leadi ng up to the out break of war.本书分析了导致战争爆发的事件。

There is not muc h account about t his event i n history books.史料对这一事件没有很多记载。

inc ident“事件”,指令人不快的事件。如:

These i ncidents wer e t he latest in a seri es of dis putes between the two nations.在两国一系列纠纷中,这些事件是最新例子。

In a separate i ncident,five people wer e killed w hen a mini bus colli ded wit h an ambulance.另一起事故中,一辆小型巴士与救护车相撞,5人丧命。

occu rren ce“事件,事情”,多指日常发生的事件。如:

He is ol d enough t o handle the r andom occ urrence.他大了,可以处理随机事件。

The film descri bes stories of ever yday occurrences.这个电影故事描述的都是日常之事。

【通向/到达】access,approach,arrive,reach v.


You have illegally accessed and misused confi dential securit y files.你非法调阅并滥用了绝密的安全档案。

These sc hools don’t hav e access to I nter net yet.这些学校还没有接人因特网。

No one except the li brari an has access to these pr ecious m anuscripts.只有图书管理员有权查阅这些珍贵的手稿。


A publis her had approached her wit h a suggesti on for an aut obi ogr aphy.有出版商和她联系,建议她写本自传。

She appr oac hed t he dis put e wit h her usual deter mination.她以惯有的决断来处理这起纠纷。

arrive“到达;到来”,后接at表示“到达某个具体地点”,接i n表示“到达大的范围”。如:

What time di d you arri ve in Toky o?你什么时候到东京的?

We arriv ed at the t heat er one hour ahead of sc hedul e.我们提前一小时到达剧场。

She has m ade a few changes since arri ving at t he office.她上任以来实行了一些变革。

The day finally arri ved for him t o go for a job int erview.接受求职面试的日子终于来到了。


We hoped t o r eac h t he island before nightfall.希望我们能够在天黑之前到达小岛。

The new trai n reac hes speeds of up to 150 miles per hour.新车的时速达到150英里。

I have been tryi ng to reach you all day.我给你打了一整天电话。

reach,arrive可用于t o r eac h/arrive at an agreem ent, decision and etc.,表示“经过一定的努力后达成协议、让步、决定”等。

We eventually arr ived at/r eached a satisfactory com pr omise.我们最终达成了双方谅解。

The two parties reached an agr eem ent on t he sol ution.双方最终就解决办法达成了协议。

【接受】accept, receive v.


He has made up his mi nd to accept t he job as a sales manager.他决定接受销售经理这个职位。

I accept t hat mor e attenti on should be giv en to those pr obl em-childr en.我承认应该更多关注那些问题少年。


He recei ved som e ver y gener ous gi fts for his 20t h birt hday.20岁生日那天,他收到了一些很贵重的礼物。

She is lik ely to recei ve this news v ery angrily.听到这条消息,她可能会很生气。

The visiti ng President was warml y r eceiv ed on t he square.来访的总统在广场受到了热烈欢迎。

【许多的】a great deal of , a great many, a number of, a lot of

a great deal of后面连用不可数名词。如:

There has been a gr eat deal of r ain this y ear.今年雨水很多。

a great many后面连用可数名词,谓语动词为复数。如:

A gr eat many skyscrapers hav e s prung up ar ound t his area over t he last years.这个地区近年来盖起了很多高楼大厦。

a nu mber of后面连用可数名词,谓语动词用复数。如:

I can t hink of a num ber of ways to fulfill t his plan.我可以想出不止一个办法来实现这个方案。

a lot of后面连用可数名词、不可数名词均可,比较口语化。如:

That will sav e us a l ot of troubl e.这会给我们省很多麻烦。

A lot of students have gone home for t he summ er vac ation.许多同学都已回家度暑假去了。

【欢呼喝彩】acclaim,applaud,cheer v.


He w as acclaimed as t he national hero.他被赞为民族英雄。

The r estorati on of the frescos was universally acclaim ed by art histori ans.壁画的修复得到了艺术史学家一致称颂。


The audience stood up and applauded at the end of t he concert.音乐会结束时观众起立喝彩。

When t he premi er fi nished his speech, t he audience applauded.总理讲完后,听众鼓起掌声。


The fans c heer ed t he football players on. 球迷们欢呼着为球员加油打气。

They c heered w hen the hom e team scored.主队得分时,他们欢呼起来

【口音】accent, dialect n.


He has dev eloped a sli ght Americ an accent.他有一点美国口音。

dialec t“(某地区)的方言”,指一个地区人们所使用的语言。如:

Since t hey w ere talki ng i n t heir l ocal dial ect,I had a lot of difficult y i n fol lowi ng them.他们用方言讲话,因此我很难听懂他们讲些什么。


In t his dictionar y t he accent is on ease of use.本词典最突出的特征是易用。

【加快】accelerate,hasten,precipitate v.

accelera te“加速,促进”,既可指移动速度的加快,也可指使事物发生得更快、更早。如:

Infl ation is likel y t o acceler ate this year,adding further upwar d press ure on i nter est r ates.通货膨胀今年可能加速,从而进一步迫使利率上调。They use special c hemic al s ubstances to accelerate the growt h of cr ops.他们使用特殊的化学物质来促使农作物的生长。


I was gr ateful for his l etter whic h hast ened the course of inquiry.我非常感激他的来信,此信加快了调查的进程。

The presi dent hastened t o r eassure his people that he was i n perfect healt h.总统赶紧向人们保证,他的身体状况非常好。

precipita te“使发生,加快,促成”,强调突如其来,做了未想到的或不想做的事,或得到这样的结果。如:

An i nv asion w oul d c ertai nly pr ecipitat e a political crisis.入侵肯定会加剧政治危机。

【充足的】abundant,ample,plentiful adj.

abundant“大量的,充足的,丰富的”。表示“丰富的、充裕的”意思时语气比plenti ful强,数量比pl enti ful多。如:

The west ern part of our count ry is a region abundant i n wil dlife.我国西部地区是野生动物极多的地区。

I admire her abundant tal ent very muc h.我非常羡慕她丰富的聪明才智。


we had a plentiful harvest last year wit h t he help of the y oung scientist.在这个年轻科学家的帮助下,去年我们取得了大丰收。

Plenti ful s upply of food had been sent for the flood affected people.已有大量的食物供应给水灾灾民。


We have am ple time for your Englis h t est.我们有足够的时间准备你的英语考试。

We can get ampl e food and clot hing by w orki ng with our ow n hands.我们可以自己动手,丰衣足食。

I pr efer an ampl e livi ng r oom.我喜欢宽敞的起居室。

【荒唐的/愚蠢的】absurd, foolish, silly, ridiculous adj.


It is absurd that t he law shoul d deny wom en t his privilege.法律居然剥夺了妇女的这种权利,这实在太荒诞了。

I was am used r ather t han annoyed by his absur d ar gum ent.与其说他荒诞的论证惹我生气,不如说让我感觉好笑。


It is foolis h of y ou t o get yoursel f i nv olv ed with drug dealing.你真糊涂,居然把自己牵扯到毒品交易中。

I don’t want him to be foolish and be l aughed at.我可不愿看他犯傻,成为别人的笑料。


My best friend t old me it w as silly to feel upset about t his.我最好的朋友告诉我:为这事担忧可傻透了。

rid icu lous“可笑的,荒谬的”,指因愚昧无知而令人发笑并成为笑柄,含有蔑视成分。如:

It is ri dicul ous to suggest that he won’t be able to tak e part i n t he contest.说他不能参加竞赛了?这简直可笑极了

【吸收】absorb, assimilate, incorporate v.


absor b moisture fr om t he air从空中吸收水分

Trees absor b l arge amounts of water and nutri ents from the soil.树从土壤中吸收大量的水分和营养。

He abs orbs k nowl edge easily.他很容易吸收知识。


assimilate knowledge吸收知识

Some ki nds of food ar e m ore easily assimilated than ot hers.有些食物比别的食物容易吸收。

The U.S.A.has assimil ated t he elite fr om many Eur opean countries.美国同化了许多来自欧洲国家的精英。

inco rpo rate“包含,涵盖;作为组成部分”。如:

The l atest tec hnological adv ance has been i ncor por ated i nto our wi ne production.我们已将最新改进的技术运用到了酒的生产工艺中。The new car will i ncor por ate a num ber of major impr ov ements i n its performance.新款车将在其性能方面进行一系列重大改进。

absorb还表示“吸引,占用”。be abs orbed by“被……吞并,为……所吸收”。he absor bed in“全神贯注于,热衷于”。如:

Taki ng car e of chil dr en absor bed l ots of my time.照顾孩子占用了我很多时间。

Her appearance absor bed our attenti on.她的出现吸引了我们的注意力。

【在……之上】above, beyond, over prep.


We’ve been having abov e-aver age t emperat ure for the time of the y ear.近来气温比往年同期平均气温高。

to be above so me ac tivity“不赞同,不屑于……”。如:

He allow ed his wi fe t o gamble,though appar entl y he was abov e it hi mself.他不反对妻子赌博,但显然他自己对此不屑一顾。


We had s ucceeded beyond expectation.我们取得了比预期更大的成就。

beyond sb“难以(想像、置信等)”。如:

How he coul d have made suc h a mistake is quit e bey ond me.我简直难以相信,他怎么会犯这样的错误呢?


She was w eari ng a r ainc oat ov er her s ummer dress.她在裙子外面罩了一件雨衣。

It was ov er 20 y ears ago that t hey m et for the first tim e.他们初次相识是20多年以前的事了。

【取消】abolish, cancel, extinguish v.


abolis h slavery废除奴隶制

We s hould abolis h bad customs.我们应当废除坏的风俗。

Some people c alled for abolis hi ng capital punis hment.一些人要求废除死刑。


They have cancelled all other appointm ents t o meet y ou.为了接您他们已经取消其他所有的安排。

The football gam e will not be cancelled i n spite of the li ght rai n.足球赛不会因小雨而取消。

extingu ish“使(希望等)熄灭;摧毁”。多指用武力等手段使之毁灭。如:

You m ay exti nguis h a nati on,but not the l ove of liberty.你可以消灭一个国家,但不能消灭对自由的热爱。

All hope w as al most exti nguished.所有的希望都破灭了。

extingu ish还有“熄灭(如火等),扑灭”的意思。如:

extinguis h a fire灭火

Please extinguis h all cigar ettes before you get on trai n.请上车前熄灭香烟。

【不寻常的】abnormal, exceptional, uncommon, unusual adj.


We all t hink t his is an abnormal phenom enon.我们都认为这样的现象很反常。

exceptiona l“特别的,异常的,罕见的”。如:

All her c hildren are obedient,but the y oungest s on is r eall y exceptional.


unco mmo n“罕见的,不平常的”,指很少经历或很少见到的状况。

Hurric anes are uncomm on i n Engl and.飓风在英国非常罕见。

unusua l“不一般的,不寻常的,不普通的”。如:

I've got an unus ual hat t his s ummer.今年夏天我买了一顶不寻常的帽子。

The m ost unusual c ar w as a B enz whic h had only thr ee wheels.最奇特的小汽车是一辆只有三个轮子的奔驰牌小汽车。


He has an exceptional m emor y.他具有非凡的记忆力。

My grandmot her is an exc epti onal w oman.我的祖母是一位杰出的女性。

abnorm al,unusual的反义词分别是norm al,usual。

【有能力的】able, capable, competent adj.


I was abl e t o answ er t he fi rst thr ee questi ons.我能回答前三个问题。

They s eem ed able to work toget her v ery efficiently.似乎他们可以合作得很好。


She is t hought not to be c apabl e of suc h a dem andi ng post.人们认为她不能胜任这个颇具挑战性的职位。

He appeared hardl y capable of c onducting a coherent conv ersation.他几乎连连贯、合乎逻辑的话都说不成。

compete nt“能够胜任、适应……”,指达到必要标准但并不杰出。后接动词不定式、for加名词或动名词。如:

It has been ar gued that t he selectors are not com pet ent to select.有人认为选民们不具备选举能力。

He is a loyal, distinguished and com petent ci vil servant.他是一位忠诚、杰出且胜任的公务员。

【能力】ability, capability, capacity, faculty n.


She has t he ability t o t ake charge of t he gr oup.她有能力管好这个小组。

He is a man of artistic ability.他是个有艺术才能的人。

He s hows considerable ability i n/for organiz ation.他表现出非凡的组织能力。


The boy has gr eat c apabiliti es i n l ong-distance r unni ng.这男孩在长距离赛跑方面有很大的潜能。

The little gi rl w as a student of great worki ng capabi lities.这个小女孩是一个工作能力极强的学生。

capacity“能力”,指接受力.容纳或吸收的能力;物体的容积,容量,体积或生产的能力。指人的能力时,意思是“学习能力或吸取知识的能力,即大脑的智力”。如:The tr unk w as filled t o its capacity.这个旅行箱装得满满的。

This can has a c apacity of four quarters.这个罐的容量为四夸脱。

It is bey ond the capacity of t he teenagers to foll ow s uch com plicated academic i nstr uctions.让青少年们遵循这样复杂的学术要求,超出了他们的能力范围。

【放弃】abandon, cease, desert v.


My car broke down and I had to abandon it on t he mai n road.车中途抛锚了,我只好把它扔在路上。

Logic had pr ev ailed and he had abandoned t he idea.最终还是理智占了上风,他放弃了这个念头。


This issue has ceased t o be important.该问题已经不再重要了。

Her indiffer ence t o s ports c eased aft er t hat event.自打那件事以后,她开始对体育感兴趣了。


The paper's new price rise will encour age t he readers to desert in even greater dr ov es.报纸涨价可能导致更多的订户放弃订阅。

Even when he appeared t o be depr essed,a pl easant s ense of hum or never deserted him.即使在沮丧的时刻,他也总体现出令人愉悦的幽默感。


She refus ed to abandon hersel f t o des pair.她决心不让自己沉沦于绝望中。

We are scared t o abandon ourselv es to our feeli ngs in case we seem w eak or out of c ontr ol.我们不敢纵情表露情绪,以免显得脆弱或失控。

【陪同】accompany, escort, usher v.

accompa ny“陪伴,陪同,同行”。含有彼此之间关系平等之意。如

She accom pany her parents to Eur ope l ast summer.她去年夏天陪同父母一道去了欧洲。

Coul d you accom pany me on t he trip to my hom etow n? 你能陪我去我老家旅行吗?

accompa ny还表示“为……伴奏”。如:

My fat her accom panied me on t he pi ano.父亲弹琴给我伴奏。


The President was escort ed by a group of sol diers as he toured the factor y.总统由一队士兵护卫着参观了工厂。

He escorted t he queen to a party.他陪着王后参加了晚会。

The party c hairm an went t hrough the cr owd under the escort of sol diers.党的主席在士兵的护送下走过人群。


The w aitress ushered m e t o t he reserved t abl e.服务员把我引到我们所预定的餐桌。

Some students ar e w aiting at t he gate for t he teac hers and ushered t hem to their s eats.一些学生在门口等着教师,再把他们带到他们的位置上。

【完成】accomplish, complete, finish v.

accomp lish“完成,做成功”,强调圆满成功,含义较抽象,后接task,mission,ai m,pur pos e,goal等词。如:

The tas k w as accomplis hed i n l ess t han t he time all owed.任务提前完成了。

They are skeptical about how m uch will be accomplis hed by legislation. 利用立法手段 (来达到目的)究竟能有多大成效,他们对此持怀疑态度。

comp lete“完成”,强调事物完整地完成或终结,含义较具体。如:

Peter has just com pleted his first novel.彼得刚刚完成了他的第一部小说。

We ask c andidates t o c ompl ete a psyc hom etric questionnaire.我们让所有应聘者都填写一份心理调查问卷。


I will r etur n the book to you as s oon as I fi nish r eading it.我一读完这本书就还给你。

The school term usually fi nishes before C hristmas.学期通常在圣诞节前结束。

【成就】accomplishment,achievement,attainment n.

accomp lish ment“成就;造诣;杰出的事情”。如:

By any standards,the acc omplis hments of the past year are extraordi nar y.无论按什么标准衡量,过去一年取得的成就都非常卓越。

We wis hed him success i n the acc omplis hment of his highly im portant mission.我们希望他能够成功完成这项重要使命。

achievemen t“成就,成绩”,尤指通过努力取得的成绩。如:

Getting the w hol e famil y t ogether for the w eek end was quite an achievem ent.能够把全家集中起来共度周末实在是一个不小的成绩。

It is a small step i n t he ri ght dir ection but har dly a major ac hiev ement.这是我们向正确方向前进的一小步,但绝对算不上什么大成就。

attain ment“(正式)达到目标;造诣”。如:

Her list of artistic attainm ents was impr essive.她在艺术方面的造诣很不同寻常。

The publicati on of his book repres ented the attainm ent of his life's ambition.这本书的出版标志着他实现了自己的人生理想

【积聚】accumulate, assemble v.

accu mula te“(数量)积累,积聚”。如:

I have acc umul ated far too many books over the last y ears.过去几年中我收集的书太多了。

Lead can accum ulat e i n t he body until t oxic l evels ar e r eac hed.体内铅含量积累到一定程度就会对身体产生毒害。

assemb le“集合,聚集;组装”。如:

There wasn't even a conv enient place for students to assem ble between classes.学生们在课间聚会都没有适合的地方。

He had been tr ying t o assembl e t he bom b w hen it went off. 就在他试着组装炸弹时,炸弹引爆了。

【准确的】accurate,exact,precise adj.

accura te“正确详尽的;真实恰当的”。强调准确性,与事实无出人。如:

On t he w hole the program provided an accurat e pictur e of the effects of AI DS.总体而言,该节目正确描述了艾滋病的影响。

Joseph Stali n gave an accurat e assessment of the utility of nucl ear weapons.斯大林对核武器的作用的评价非常精确。


The exact num ber of prot est calls has not been r evealed.(他们)没有披露抗议电话的精确数字。

Formal, ex act and obsti nate,he is also col d,s uspicious,touc hy and tactless.他正统、严谨、坚决,但同时性情冷漠、敏感多疑、好事易怒、拙于言行。


He does not talk too muc h and w hat he has to say is pr ecise and t o t he point.他话不多,但一旦开口,必定清晰明了、切题精当。


He has made an accur ate/an exact/a precise measur ement of my gar den.他准确地丈量了我的花园。

to be exac t/prec ise提示语,表示F文将提供更多、更精确的信息。如:

I consider m yself to be a li ber al democrat,or to be m ore exact/precise,a democratic liberal.我认为我属于自由民主主义者,或更准确地说,属于民主自由主义者。

【疼痛】ache,pain,pang n.


Poor posture can cause neck ache,headac hes and br eat hing pr obl ems.不正确的坐姿可能引起颈痛、头疼和呼吸困难等种种问题。

He began to tell me all about his aches and pai ns.他开始给我讲述他的种种不适。


To help ease t he pain,heat can be appli ed to the area wit h a hot water bottle.为缓解疼痛,可以用热水瓶在患处加热。

What com es to my sight is a pair of eyes that seem t o be fill ed with pai n.我所看见的是一双充满痛楚的眼睛。

pains用在一些词组中表示劳苦、辛劳。如:he at pai ns t o do sth,t ake pai ns to do sth/over sth。

He t akes great pains to pl ease his lover.他煞费苦心地取悦他的爱人。


For a moment she felt a pang of guilt about t he way she w as treating him.突然,她为自己对他的态度感到负疚。

As the day wor e on he began to feel pangs of hunger.随着时间缓慢推移,他开始感觉饿了。

ache还可以作动词,to ache for sth表示“渴望得到”。如:

Spanish was a c ountry ac hi ng to get aw ay fr om its past.西班牙强烈希望摆脱过去。

She felt an ov erw helmi ng ac he for support from others w hich she coul dn’t put i nto wor ds.她渴望得到别人的支持,这种感觉几乎无法言表。

【达到】achieve, attain, reach v.


You w on’t ac hiev e m uc h sitting ar ound looki ng miser abl e.整天摆出一副可怜样、无所事事,你永远也不会有什么出息。

It is a reli ef to hav e achi eved agreem ent on a few poi nts at least.至少达成了几点协议,这使我们感到欣慰。


Jim is half way to att aini ng his pilot’s lic ense.吉米就快要拿到飞行员驾照了。

By sheer har d practice she ha d attai ned an extraordi nar y l evel of skill as a pianist. 她完全是凭借刻苦练习而成为这样一个技艺高超的钢琴家的。


The process of political c hanges i n S out h A frica has reac hed t he stage w here it is i rrev ersibl e.南非政治变革的进程已经到了无可逆转的地步。

The two concer ned parties r eac hed a compr omise after 3 days of tough negotiati on.经过三天的艰苦谈判,双方终于达成了谅解。

【承认】acknowledge,admit,agree,confess,recognize v.


Some of t he cler gy refused to ack nowl edge the new ki ng’s legitimacy.一些神职人员拒不承认新国王的合法性。

The per form er ack nowl edged t he appl aus e from t he audi ence by a bow.演员向观众鞠躬致谢。

admit“承认”,尤指勉强承认,不情愿的意味比ack nowl edge重,后接动名词。如:

None of t hese people will adm it t heir responsibility for their actions.这些人都不愿承认应对自己的行为负责。

I would be ashamed t o admit feeli ng jeal ous.承认自己有嫉妒心理会让我感觉非常尴尬。


I k now what you t hink w e s hould do,but I'm afrai d I don't agr ee.我知道你的看法,但我恐怕不能同意这么做。

I agree wit h l etting t he chil dren l ear n at t hei r own pace.我同意让孩子掌握自己的学习进度。


Agai nst the advice of his l awyer he confessed to the m ur der.他没有听从律师的意见,而是供认了谋杀的罪行。

He c onfessed t o have slept t hrough the sec ond hal f of t he lecture.他承认在演讲后半部时睡着了。

I confess that I am a little confused about what you s aid.我承认,你的话把我搞糊涂了。

recogn ize“认可,承认(合法性、真实性、重要性等);明白”如:

The i nter nati onal community has r efused t o r ecogniz e t he newly independent nation.国际社会拒绝承认这个新独立的国家。

You m ust r ecognize t he seriousness of the problems we ar e faci ng.你必须认清我们面临问题的严重性。


He gr atefully ac knowledged their offers of help.他对他们提供的帮助表示感谢。

The per form er ack nowl edged t he appl aus e from t he audi ence by a bow.演员向观众鞠躬,感谢他们的掌声。

recogn ize还可以表示“(官方或正式地)表彰;认出,识别出”。如:

The Prime Mi nister recogniz ed her services to her c ountry by awar di ng her an MB E.首相授予她一枚英帝国勋章,以表彰她对国家所作的贡献。

I hadn’t s een her for ten y ears,but I rec ognized her imm edi ately.我已经有十年没见过她了,但立刻就认出了她。

【告知】acquaint,inform,notify v.

info rm“通知,告诉,使明白某事”,是正式用语,指直接把事实或知识告诉或传递给某人。如:

We w ere infor med by E-mail that t her e had been a fi re in their village.我们从电子邮件中得知他们村庄失过一次火。

The presi dent of our univ ersity i nform ed us that t he libr ary woul d be open next sem ester.校长告诉我们图书馆下学期将开放。

The m anager asked us t o keep him i nformed of ever ythi ng concer ni ng the sal es i n tim e.经理让我们随时向他报告销售量的情况。


The citizens are notifi ed of t he rec ent theft.市民们被告知了近日的偷窃事件。

They just notify t heir i ntention briefly to department m anager.他们只是把他们的意图简单地告诉了部门经理。

acquain t“通知,告知”。含有使某人了解前所未知的实情的意思,多用于书面语或正式文体中。如:

Please ac quaint us wit h her dis ease.请把她的病情告诉我们。

He acquai nted us wit h his studies i n his letter.他在信中告诉我们他的学习情况。


We are alr eady acquai nted quite well.我们已经很熟了。

I have to ac quaint mys elf with my new job as s oon as possible.我必须尽快熟悉我的新工作

【获得】acquire,attain,earn,obtain v.


He acquired the firm in 1978.他1978年购得这家公司。

She acquir ed an ori ginal pai nting by Van Gogh.她得到了一幅凡高的真迹。


The sal esperson attained his sal es goal for the m ont h.这名销售员完成了当月的销售目标。


This month's pay incr ease means that I'll be ear ni ng $30 000 a y ear.这个月的加薪意味着我的年薪将达到三万美元。

How muc h do y ou ear n,if y ou don't mi nd m e asking?如果不介意,能告诉我你挣多少钱吗?


Yon m ust first obt ain permission fr om your c ouncil.你首先必须征得委员会的同意。

First editions of these books are now alm ost im possibl e t o obt ain.现已很难得到这些书籍的初版了。

【通达】across,through prep.


You m ust not r un acr oss the r oad.不要跑过马路。

A bri dge w as l aid acr oss the ri ver.一座桥横架河上。

They li ve acr oss the str eet.他们住在那条街的对面。

throu gh“穿过”,尤指从内部通过。如:

They w ere wal king t hr ough t he wood.他们走在树林中。

We w alked t hr ough t he village.我们徒步穿过村庄。

I saw it through the wi ndow pane.透过玻璃窗我看到了它

【行动举动】act, action n.


It is a noble act.这是一种高尚的行为。

It is an act of ki ndness to help a bli nd m an acr oss t he str eet.帮助盲人过马路是一种好事。


The tim e has come for action.该行动起来了。

Actions s peak l ouder t han w ords.行动比语言更响亮。(百说不如一干。)

His acti ons do not live up to his wor ds.他言行不一致。

【行动】act, behave, commit, do, perform v.


I’d r ecomm end t hat y ou act immediatel y.我建议你立即采取行动。

Engi neers acted quickly to repair the dam aged pipes.工程师们立即着手抢修受损的管道。


She always behaves w ell w hen her aunts come to visit.姨妈来访时她的表现总是很好。

You m ust behave(yoursel f)at the part y!在聚会上,你一定要注意自己的举止。


Anyone caught committi ng an offence will be punished.任何行为不轨的人都将受到惩罚。

I would advise people to thi nk v ery carefully about committing t hems elves to wor king S undays.我建议人们在接受星期天工作之前三思。


She tol d m e not to ask any questi ons, just to do as s he di d.她命令我别提问,照她的样子做就可以了。

You’d do w ell t o t ake som e professional advic e on this matter.在这个问题上,接受专家建议你会做得很好。

【积极的】active,animated.busy,diligent adj.


He w as a boy wit h an activ e br ain.他是个头脑活跃的孩子。

He w as active in politics.他政治活动积极。

The old man is not as active as he w as.这老头儿不如以前行动方便了。

We t ook an active part in the activity.我们积极参加这项活动。

anima ted“栩栩如生的,充满活力、生机或精神的”。常指重新获得的精力或精神。

Childr en becam e ver y anim ated at t he news at the m eeti ng.当孩子们在会上听到这个好消息时,精神焕发起来。

I can’t understand w hy so many adults like watc hing animated cartoon.我不明白为什么会有这么多成年人喜欢看动画片。

You can buy whatev er you want to buy i n t he animat ed market.在活跃的市场上你可以买到任何想买的事情。


Don't talk t o m e now--can’t you see I’m busy preparing for t he class? 别跟我讲话了!没看见我正忙着备课吗?

The ki ds are busy with t heir homew ork.孩子们正忙着写作业。

Autum n is a busy season.秋天是忙碌紧张的季节。
