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Time delays between the soft and hard X-ray bands in GRS 1915+105

Time delays between the soft and hard X-ray bands in GRS 1915+105
Time delays between the soft and hard X-ray bands in GRS 1915+105

a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0409671v 1 28 S e p 2004

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2004)Printed 2February 2008

(MN L A T E X style ?le v2.2)

Time delays between the soft and hard X-ray bands in

GRS 1915+105

A.Janiuk 1?,

B.Czerny 1


Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Centre,Bartycka 18,00-716Warsaw,Poland

2February 2008


The hard X-ray lightcurves exhibit delays of ~1s with respect to the soft X-ray

lightcurves when the microquasar GRS 1915+105is in the state of frequent,regular outbursts (states ρand κof Belloni et al.2000).Such outbursts are supposed to be driven by the radiation pressure instability of the inner disc parts.The hard X-ray delays are then caused by the time needed for the adjustment of the corona to changing conditions in the underlying disc.We support this claim by the computation of the time evolution of the disc,including a non-stationary evaporation of the disc and mass exchange with the corona.

Key words:accretion,accretion discs –black hole physics,instabilities,stars –binaries –close,X-rays


The observations of Galactic black hole binaries (GBH)im-ply the coexistence of a relatively cold,optically thick ac-cretion disc,responsible for a thermal disc-blackbody com-ponent in their soft X-ray spectra,with a hot,optically thin medium that is the source of power-law spectral tail in the hard X-ray band (see e.g.Done 2002for a review).At least in the High and Very High spectral states,the latter may have the form of a corona above the accretion disc,which means that the geometrical con?guration of these two me-dia is such that both are extending down to the last sta-ble orbit around the black hole,being vertically separated from each other.The hard X-rays are produced via Comp-ton upscattering of seed photons coming from the under-lying disc,which basically requires the energy dissipation within the corona.Apart from this radiative coupling,also a mass transfer,i.e.evaporation and condensation of matter between the disc and corona is possible (Meyer &Meyer-Hofmeister 1994;R′o ˙z a′n ska &Czerny 2000).

Radiation pressure instability (e.g.Taam &Lin 1984;Lasota &Pelat 1991)seems to be a plausible mechanism to account for the characteristic variability of the Galactic microquasar GRS 1915+105(Mirabel &Rodriguez 1994;Taam,Chen &Swank 1997;Belloni et al.2000).Exemplary lightcurves were analyzed recently by Naik et al.(2002).Some of these lightcurves exhibit a very regular shape of outbursts,that can be possibly related to the disc variabil-ity,while others are more chaotic and probably driven by other mechanism,e.g.jet emission.Time-dependent accre-?


tion disc model with jet emission was studied e.g.by Nayak-shin et al.(2000)and Janiuk et al.(2002).Recently,Watarai &Mineshige (2003)analyzed the oscillations of this source allowing for the temporary evacuation of the inner disc.If the disc instability is the primary cause of regular outbursts,we may expect that the hard X-ray coronal emis-sion would be signi?cantly delayed with respect to the soft X-ray disc emission.In the present paper we check the hy-pothesis of the radiation pressure instability as the outburst driver by analyzing the observed time delays between the soft and hard X-ray emission.We study the behaviour of GRS 1915+105in various variability classes.We compare the observed time delays with the exemplary results of our theoretical model.In this model we compute numerically the time evolution of the disc-corona system with the mass exchange between the two media.

The structure of this article is as follows.In Section 2we present the results of analysis of the microquasar GRS 1915+106observations,obtained by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE).The X-ray lightcurves were examined to determine the time lags between hard and soft X-ray bands in di?erent modes characteristic for the variability of this source.In Section 3we describe our model and assumptions about the disc and corona structure.The initial state of the disc plus corona system,as well as the prescription for the mass exchange,are described in Section 3.1,while the time-dependent equations,according to which this system subsequently evolves with time,are given in Section 3.2.The results of the evolution are given in Section 4.We discuss our model and compare its predictions with observations in Section 5.The conclusions are given in Section 6.

2 A.Janiuk &B.Czerny





time [s]

1.5-6 keV




8000 6.4-14.6 keV

Figure 1.The X-ray lightcurves of GRS 1915+105obtained from RXTE observation from June 202000(class ρ),in the energy bands 1.5-6keV and 6.4-14.6keV.


Fourier resolved time delays in the lightcurves of GRS 1915+105were analysed by Muno et al.(2001)for the periods of extended hard steady state.In the present pa-per we concentrate mostly on periods with signi?cant out-bursts.In this case Fourier resolved phase lag approach is not best suited since clear semi-periodic signal dominates each lightcurve.Therefore,we restore to the simplest direct delays,as measured by the cross-correlation function.

In order to determine the time lag between soft and hard X-ray emission we performed the Fourier analysis of these lightcurves by means of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)method.The cross-correlation function of two peri-odic functions F (t )and G (t )is de?ned as:Corr (?t )=

F (t )

G (t +?t )dt.(1)

For our analysis we select lightcurves representative for various variability classes,as studied in detail in Belloni et al.(2000).We choose the exemplary observations of GRS 1915+105made between 1996and 2000,available through the public RXTE archive.The data were binned to 0.256seconds and the lightcurves were generated for the two en-ergy bands separately:1.5-6keV (PHA channels 0-14)and 6.4-14.6keV (PHA channels 15-35).Each lightcurve consists of one or more intervals,and in the subsequent analysis we compare the single intervals between each other.

In Figure 1we show an exemplary lightcurve of the microquasar observed by RXTE on 20June,2000.This variability pattern belongs to the class ρof Belloni et al.(2000).The cross-correlation function is calculated for the two lightcurves obtained in this observation and shown in Figure 2.The maximum of this cross-correlation function de-?nes the time lag,?t ,between the two lightcurves.In


Figure 2.The normalized cross-correlation function of the two lightcurves,1.5-6keV and 6.4-14.6keV,shown in Fig.1.The main peak is shifted to -0.768s,which means that the hard X-ray lightcurve lags the soft X-ray one by 0.768s.

Table 1.Time lag of the hard X-ray lightcurve (6.6-14.6keV)with respect to the soft X-ray lightcurve (1.5-6keV).?t 1is cal-culated for the non-smoothened lightcurves,binned by 0.256sec.,and ?t 2is calculated for the lightcurves smoothened over ?T =1s.

20402-01-28-0018/05/97α0.00.020402-01-41-0019/08/97δ0.00.020402-01-37-0017/07/97γ0.00.020402-01-44-0031/08/97β0.00.010408-01-15-0016/06/96θ0.00.020402-01-36-0010/07/97λ0.00.25620402-01-33-0018/06/97κ0.2560.51250703-01-15-0120/06/00ρ0.768 1.024

Time-delays in GRS 1915+105


sec.The resulting

time lags are given in the last column of Table 1.We see that the time lags between regular outbursts are even more pronounced,if these outbursts are cleared from the stochastic variability.On the other hand,the time lag ?t 2remains only marginally detectable,or equal to zero,in the lightcurves that exhibit mostly the stochastic varia-tions.

The measured lags calculated for the two latter obser-vations,κand ρ,seem to be exceptionally high for an X-ray binary (˙Zycki,private communication).However,this is

not surprising since only GRS 1915+105exhibits outbursts while other sources show only stochastic type of variability,which must be of di?erent nature.



Accretion discs are known to be locally unstable in cer-tain temperature (corresponding to the accretion rate)and density ranges,in which the cooling and heating balance is strongly in?uenced either by atomic opacities or by the ra-diation pressure.Such instabilities do not disrupt the disc completely,but lead to repetitive outbursts.

The ?rst type of instability,connected with the partial hydrogen ionization (Smak 1984;Meyer&Meyer-Hofmeister 1984),operates in accretion discs of binary systems in the range of radii of the order of 104?105R Schw and is responsi-ble for the luminosity changes on timescales of months,e.g.Dwarf Nova outbursts.

The other instability,caused by the radiation pressure domination over the gas pressure,operates in the innermost regions of the disc,where the temperature exceeds ~106K,and is responsible for the disc variability on the shortest timescales (of the order of tens -hundreds of seconds).This radiation pressure instability was ?rst noticed in Pringle,Rees &Pacholczyk (1974)and studied in Lightman &Eard-ley (1974)and Shakura &Sunyaev (1976).Abramowicz et al.(1988)found that radial advection has stabilizing e?ect on the disc at high accretion rates and the time-dependent calculations of the disc limit-cycle behaviour were performed by Honma et al.(1991)and by Szuszkiewicz &Miller (1998).

The innermost disc regions in which the radiation pres-sure instability is possible,are covered by the hot corona.Direct comparison of the extension of the radiation pres-sure domination zone and the corona covered zone,resulting from the model of the stationary,two-temperature corona,was performed by Janiuk &Czerny (2000).In the time-dependent model of radiation-pressure instability proposed in Janiuk,Czerny &Siemiginowska (2002)we used a simpli-?ed description of a stationary corona above the ?uctuating disc,parameterized by a constant value of the fraction of gravitational energy dissipated in the corona (f cor ).Here we extend our model to the case of a non-stationary corona,that forms due to the continuous evaporation of material form the disc surface.Due to the mass exchange with the disc the corona follows its time-dependent behaviour and therefore periodic changes are expected also in the hard X-ray luminosity.

3.1Assumptions and model parameters 3.1.1


First we describe the initial steady state disc model,from which we start our subsequent calculations.Throughout the calculations we use the vertically integrated equations of the disc structure,as the disc geometrical thickness H is always small (H/r ~0.01in the quiescent disc and H/r ~0.1in the outburst;see Section 4.1).

The angular velocity of the disc is assumed to be Kep-lerian,?= P/ρ=

?H .Here ρis the gas density in g/cm 3

,M is the mass of the accreting black hole and G is the gravitational constant.A non-rotating,Schwarzschild black hole is assumed and the inner radius of the disc is always at 3R Schw .The outer ra-dius is equal to 300R Schw ,and at this radius a constant mass

in?ow,parameterized by the external accretion rate ˙M

ext is assumed.Only the innermost zone up to ~100R Schw is the subject to radiation pressure instability,while the rest of the disc is stable (the exact value of the radial extension of the unstable zone depends on the model;see Section 4.1).The mass of the black hole is assumed to be 10M ⊙.

For the disc heating we assume that the viscous stress tensor is proportional to the total pressure P :τr?=?αP,


and the vertically integrated heating rate is Q +visc =


m p

ρT (5)

P rad =




where ξ=P rad /P gas (for the discussion of this parameter-ization see Section 5.1).For the model parameters α0and ξ0we assumed the values 0.01and 8.0,respectively.This prescription implies that for small to moderate values of ξwe have e?ectively the disc heating proportional to the total pressure,while for large values of ξthe viscosity is propor-tional to the gas pressure.Therefore the radiation pressure

4 A.Janiuk&B.Czerny

instability may still operate,contrary to the so-calledβ-disc prescription(Lightman&Eardley1974).

The cooling in the disc is due to advection and radiation and the radiative cooling is equal to:

Q?rad=P rad c



whereτis the optical depth,Σ=ρH is the gas column density in g cm?2,c andσare physical constants,and we adopt the electron scattering opacityκ=0.34cm2/g.

The advective cooling in a stationary disc is determined from the global ratio of the total advected?ux to the to-tal viscously generated?ux(e.g.Paczy′n ski&Bisnovatyi-Kogan1981;Muchotrzeb&Paczy′n ski1982;Abramowicz et al.1988)

Q?adv=F adv




q adv=(12?10.5β)?ln T

?ln r


Hereβis the ratio of the gas pressure to the total pressure β=P gas/P=1/(1+ξ).In the initial stationary disc we assume that q adv is approximately constant and of the or-der of unity(in the subsequent evolution the advection will be calculated more carefully,with appropriate radial deriva-tives).

In order to calculate the initial steady-state con?gura-

tion,we solve the energy balance:F tot=Q+

visc =Q?




rad .Here the total energy?ux F tot dissipated within the

disc at a radius r is calculated as:

F tot=



)3/2 r?R Schw

m p

ρcor T cor(13)

The contribution from the electrons is neglected.The corona is hot and its ion temperature is assumed to be equal to the virial temperature:

T cor=T vir=GM



The initial con?guration of the corona is computed un-

der the assumption that its optical depth is equal to unity:


and therefore the corona has a uniform surface density.

When the time evolution starts,the proper solution devel-

ops in the middle parts of the disc,but will be?xed at the

boundaries R in and R out by the above condition.

3.1.3Mass exchange(prescription I)

The mass exchange rate in the vertical direction,between

the disc and corona,is equal to the ratio between the locally

generated?ux used to evaporate the disc material and the

energy change per particle:

˙m z=


kT cor


(measured per surface unit,g/s/cm2).

In a stationary disc the generated?ux depends on the

accretion rate and the disc radius(see Eq.11).We as-

sume that during the time evolution the energy?ux lead-

ing to evaporation preserves this dependence.Since both

the energy dissipated within the corona and within the

disc can lead to disc evaporation,we assume that the en-

ergy?ux is proportional to the sum of the disc and corona

accretion rates,taken with di?erent numerical coe?cients:

F∝(0.5B1˙M cor+B2˙M disc).The coe?cients B1and B2are

in the range from0to1and express the fraction of the gen-

erated?ux that is used to drive the evaporation.The share

of the corona is always lower than the half of the total corona

?ux,since half of the?ux from the corona is directed toward

the observer,whereas the other half is directed towards the

disc and there reprocessed.

The total accretion rate is˙M=˙M cor+˙M disc and may

be locally constant in case of a stable disc.When the disc

is unstable,both local accretion rates strongly depend on

time and radius,and the relative contribution of the disc

and corona to the total?ow also vary.

Expressing the accretion rates through the local vari-

ables˙M cor=2πΣcor rv cor


and˙M disc=2πΣdisc rv disc


in the

corona and disc respectively,we obtain a useful formula for

the vertical mass transfer:

˙m z=


Time-delays in GRS1915+1055 3.2Time evolution

Having computed the initial disc and corona state we allow

the density and temperature of the disc and the density of

the corona to evolve with time.We solve the equation of

mass and angular momentum conservation:

r ?


(r1/2νΣ))?˙m z(18)

and the energy equation:


?r =





)(19) +





v r=3



is the radial velocity in the disc whileν=(2Pα)/(3ρ?)is the kinematic viscosity.The heating term is given by Equa-tion3and the cooling term Q?is given by Equation8, while the advection is included in the energy equation via the radial derivatives.

The evolution of the coronal density is given by mass and angular momentum conservation in the corona:


r ?


(r1/2νcorΣcor))+˙m z.(21)

The radial velocity in the corona is calculated as:

v cor r =



(νcorΣcor r1/2)(22)

withνcor=(2P corαcor)/(3ρcor?)and constant viscosity pa-rameter in the coronaαcor=0.01.There is no need to con-sider the thermal evolution of the corona,since its temper-ature is always equal to the virial temperature and does not vary with time.

We solve the above set of three time-dependent equa-tions using the convenient change of variables,y=2r1/2 andΞ=yΣ,at the?xed radial grid,equally spaced in y (see Janiuk et al.2002and references therein).The num-ber of radial zones is set to216.After determining the solutions for the?rst600time steps by the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method,we use the Adams-Moulton predictor-corrector method,allowing the time-step to vary,when needed.

We choose the no-torque inner boundary condition,Σin=T in=0for the disc.The outer boundary of the disc is parameterized by an external accretion rate˙M ext.If this accretion rate is high enough,the inner disc parts gradu-ally heat themselves and?nally end in the unstable regime, forcing the disc to oscillate.The boundary conditions in the corona are given by Equation15.


4.1Surface density and temperature evolution The local solutions of the accretion disc model,in the sur-face density vs.temperature(Σ-T)plane,can be calculated for a stationary disc in the range of accretion rates.(Alter-natively,on the vertical axis we can have accretion rate˙M instead of the disc temperature.)These solutions lie along the S-shaped stability curve,whose position on the diagram depends on the model parameters:black hole mass,viscosity and radius(c.f.Janiuk et al.2002,Figs.1,3).

Both upper and lower branches of the S-curve are vis-cously and thermally stable.On the lower stable branch the gas pressure dominates;the middle branch is unstable(ra-diatively cooled and radiation pressure dominant),as shown in detail by Pringle,Rees&Pacholczyk(1974)and Light-man&Eardley(1974).The upper branch is stabilized in our model again by the dominant gas pressure,due to the mod-i?ed viscosity law.In case of the standard viscosity(with constantα)this branch would be stabilized mainly by ad-vection,as shown in Abramowicz et al.(1988).In our case the advection is also taken into account,but its role is never dominant.

The S-curve can also be plotted in the˙M?Σplane, for any chosen disc radius.This means that the temporary local solutions are determined by the mean(i.e.external) accretion rate in the disc.Whenever the external accretion rate is low,so that at all the radii in the disc the local solu-tion sits on the lower,stable branch,the accretion proceeds with this rate,which is constant throughout the disc and constant in time.But if the accretion rate is higher than some critical value,˙M ext>˙M crit,the solutions in the in-nermost annuli will?nd themselves on the unstable branch. The higher˙M ext,the more disc annuli will be unstable.This leads to the disc?uctuations,since the accretion cannot pro-ceed smoothly in the unstable mode.Therefore the local ac-cretion rate in the innermost strips changes periodically be-tween the lower and upper stable solutions,being no longer equal to˙M ext(the accretion rate starts to depend on radius and time).This is displayed in the local diagramsΣ?T that are resulting form the time-dependent model.

The exemplary stability curves of the accretion disc, calculated at several radii from the stationary disc model, are shown in Figure3(thin solid lines).The thick points represent the subsequent solutions of the time-dependent model.

The evolution of the disc on the surface density-temperature plane proceeds at?rst along the lower stable branch,up to the instability region.This is forced by the value of the external accretion rate parameter,which has to be large enough to drive the disc to the unstable con?gu-ration.Here we assumed˙M ext=1.5×1019g s?1,which is equal to0.45of the Eddington rate(for black hole mass of 10M⊙and e?ciency of1/16).The critical accretion rate in our model depends on whether the corona covers the disc or not;˙m crit=0.05for the plain disc,while in the case of a disc/corona system the corona has a stabilizing role and the critical accretion rate is about˙m crit=0.2.The accretion rates within the range7.5×1018?2.6×1019g s?1,were obtained for soft states of GRS1915+105by Sobolewska&˙Zycki(2003).

Firstly,in the starting,steady con?guration we assumed the accretion rate of˙m~1.5×10?2of the Eddington rate throughout the disc.Therefore at the beginning of the subse-quent time-dependent calculations the model has to saturate at the temperatures and densities imposed by the value of ˙M

ext,imposed at the outer disc radius.

Next,the evolution proceeds in a form of loops between the lower and upper branches.Each loop refers to a single cycle of the instability,and the size of this loop depends on

6 A.Janiuk &B.


Figure 3.Local evolution of the disc on the surface density -temperature plane,plotted for 4values of radius:3.53,10.14,21.47and 80.71R Schw .The thin solid line marks the stability curve resulting from the initial steady disc model,and the solid points are the time-dependent solutions.

the location in the disc.For larger radii the loops become smaller and ?nally,in the outer disc regions (above ~80?100R Schw ),there are no instabilities and the disc remains stable all the time.The exact value of the maximal radius of the instability zone depends again on the model.In case of a plain disc,for the external accretion rate ˙m ext =0.45it is R max =100R Schw ,while for ˙m ext =0.56it is R max =110R Schw .In case of the disc with corona the extension of the unstable zone is respectively R max =80R Schw and R max =90R Schw .

Note,that in the initial steady disc model we use a sim-pli?ed

parameterization of advection,with q adv =1.0(see Equation 10).Therefore the upper stable branch does not represent exactly the advective branch that results from the time-dependent calculations,which are based on the equa-tions with radial derivatives.In fact,q adv is not constant throughout the disc and should depend on radius.However,this initial simpli?cation does not in?uence our results,since our starting model is located on the lower,gas pressure dom-inated branch.Here the advection is negligible,and the sub-sequent time-dependent solutions match the stability curve perfectly.

In Figure 4we show the radial pro?les of the surface density in the accretion disc,in several snapshots during such a loop (one instability cycle).In the minimum of a cycle the surface density in the inner parts of the accre-tion disc has a ?at radial distribution.When the outburst starts,there appears a sharp density peak in the outer part of the unstable zone,which then moves outward.In the max-imum of the cycle this peak is accompanied by the largest ?uctuation in the density distribution.The reason for these ?uctuations are the viscosity and angular momentum trans-

Figure 4.Radial pro?les of the disc surface density during the cycle of the evolution.The snapshots were made every 80seconds and the whole cycle lasts for 625seconds.he solid curve (1)refers to the minimum of the cycle (lowest disc luminosity,see also Figs.6and 8),the dashed curve (2)refers to the rise phase and the solid curve (3)refers to the maximum of the cycle.The dotted line (4)and other dotted lines (unnumbered)refer to the decay phase.

fer changes inside this propagating “density wave”.When the innermost radii of the disc switch to the hot state,the geometrical thickness of this region also rises,thus giving the rise to the kinematic viscosity.The increased transport rate results in the temporary density decay in the unstable zone,as the material starts to fall faster into the black hole.Simultaneously,at the inner edge of the disc there forms a temporary “bump”of material,forced by the no-torque inner boundary condition.

The density ?uctuation subsequently vanishes in the end of the cycle and during the decay phase the surface density in the unstable zone gradually rises,to reach the starting con?guration.

The corona evolves on a timescale much shorter than the disc.First,we investigate the corona formation in case of no mass exchange with the disc (B 1=B 2=0).The initial distribution of the surface density in the corona was ?at,as determined by Equation 15.When the evolution starts,the corona very quickly achieves its ?nal shape –the surface density distribution saturates after ~125sec.At the same time the disc evolves very slowly,being ready to start its oscillations after ~104sec.of a gradual rise in density and temperature.Since there is no coupling with the corona,these oscillations do not in?uence the corona structure.

Secondly,we proceed with the evolution in case of a substantial mass exchange between the disc and corona (B 1=B 2=0.5).In this case,the evaporation of the disc accelerates the corona formation,and after 100seconds the coronal surface density in the maximum of the radial

Time-delays in GRS 1915+105


Figure 5.Radial pro?les of the corona surface density in case of no mass exchange with the disc (B 1=B 2=0).The pro?les were calculated every 10seconds and the density saturated at its ?nal pro?le after ~125seconds of the evolution.distribution (around 10R Schw )exceeds 10g/cm 2.Then the corona is further fed with material by the disc as its evolu-tion proceeds along the stability curve and the coronal sur-face density further gradually increases.The maximum sur-face density saturates at ~80g/cm 2after the disc reaches the critical point on the stability curve,which determines the maximum density in the disc.

When the disc oscillations start,

the corona also follows its time-dependent behavior.In Figure 6we plot the surface density distribution in the corona during one cycle of the disc instability.The curves are plotted every 80seconds in case of a full cycle lasting ~625seconds.The solid line (1)is the coronal density in the minimum of the disc limit cycle,the dashed line (2)corresponds to the rise phase of the disc outburst and the solid line (3)corresponds to the maximum of the cycle (outburst).Immediately after the outburst the coronal density distribution comes back to the initial con-?guration (dotted lines)and remains there for the most of the cycle (4).Therefore during the decay phase of the disc,when the disc surface density gradually changes to reach a ?at distribution,there is no change of the density in the corona.

In Figure 7we show the rate of the mass exchange be-tween the disc and corona,˙m z ,during the disc instability cy-cle.In the minimum of the cycle the evaporation rate is very low and the maximal mass supply to the corona is achieved at r ~6R Schw .When the disc outburst starts,the evapora-tion rate grows dramatically in the middle of the unstable zone,while dropping to ˙m z <0at the outer edge of this zone.This is why the corona collapses locally at the outer parts,while expanding slightly in the inner parts during the disc outburst.In the decay phase the evaporation rate again

Figure 6.Radial pro?les of the corona surface density during the cycle of the evolution.The snapshots were made every 80seconds and the whole cycle lasts for 625seconds.The labels are the same as in Fig.4.

becomes low,with a decaying ?uctuation at the outer edge of the instability zone.4.2


The lightcurves represent the luminosity of the disc and corona separately.For the optically thick disc the luminosity is given by:L disc =

R max

R min

Q ?rad 2πrdr =


2πrdr (23)

The luminosity of the corona is calculated under the

assumption that the corona is in the thermal equilibrium.The ions are heated by the viscous dissipation and either cool by advection or transfer their energy to the electrons,which in turn radiate e.g.in the Inverse Compton process.Therefore we have:

Q ?cor =Q +cor ?Q ?

adv =


?ln T cor ?r


and L cor =

R max

R min

Q ?cor 2πrdr


In Figure 8we show an exemplary lightcurve calculated for several cycles of the disc outburst.The disc limit cycle

is very strong since ˙M

ext =1.5×1019g s ?1substantially exceeds the critical value.Therefore the loops marked by the time-dependent solutions on the Σ?T plane encompass substantial range of temperatures and densities,and the un-stable region of the disc has the radial extension up to about

8 A.Janiuk &B.


Figure 7.Radial pro?les of the mass exchange rate during the cycle of the evolution.The snapshots were made every 80seconds and the

whole cycle lasts for 625seconds.The labels are the same as in Fig.4.80R Schw .This results in regular,large amplitude outbursts

of ?log L =0.9and ?t =625s.The luminosity variations in the corona,however of the same frequency,are not that strong.Also,they are sometimes anti-correlated with the lu-minosity changes in the disc,since at the disc rise phase the coronal luminosity at ?rst drops and then rises slightly,to drop and rise again during the disc decay phase.Character-istically,between the disc outbursts the coronal luminosity decreases very slowly,with ?log L cor /?t ≈10?5,whereas the disc luminosity rises gradually,forming a ’wing’preced-ing the main outburst.4.3

Accretion rate

The mass exchange rate in our prescription depends on the accretion rates in the disc and corona (Equation 17).Since they strongly vary with time during the cycle of the disc evo-lution,the mass exchange can have locally negative value.This has been shown in Figure 7.

In Figures 9and 10we show the radial pro?les of the ac-cretion rates in the disc and corona,taken in di?erent phases of the cycle:between the disc outbursts (corresponding to phase “1”in Fig.7)and in the outburst peak (phase “3”).

In the minimum of the cycle,i.e.between the outbursts,the accretion rate in the inner parts of the disc,where most of the dissipation takes place,is relatively low.It rises sub-stantially in the maximum of the cycle,therefore causing the disc luminosity outburst.The coronal accretion rate does not change that much,and the corresponding luminosity changes are not very pronounced.This is because in certain radii,at the outer edge of the instability strip,the radial ve-locity becomes negative.In consequence,the both accretion rates and mass exchange rate,˙m z ,also become negative,

Figure 8.The time evolution of the disc and corona luminosity.Lower curve shows the luminosity outbursts of the disc,while the upper curve shows the simultaneous coronal ?uctuations.The

external accretion rate is ˙M

ext =1.5×1019g/s.which means that some amount of material that has been

evaporated to the corona,now goes back and sinks in the disc.Negative values of ˙m z are not unphysical:stationary models based on the disc-corona mass exchange of R′o ˙z a′n ska &Czerny (2000)predict coronal condensation at some radii for high accretion rates.The coronal surface density,and in turn the dissipation rate,is therefore reduced,even in the in-ner regions,as the mass is spread out over the whole corona.The temporary loss of the accretion rate can be estimated

as ?˙M =4πr ˙m z ?r and it can be as high as 1.9×1018g/s.Therefore almost the whole rise of the coronal accretion rate (and luminosity),triggered by the disc outburst,is immedi-ately compensated by this loss due to the sinking of material in the strip around ~50R Schw .

In addition,the accretion rate in the corona is negative in the outermost radii.The extension of this zone of nega-tive ˙M

cor depends on the outer boundary condition in the corona,which in our case is ?xed by Σcor (r out )=1/κ≈2.94.

It implies that ˙M

cor <0for r >100R Schw ,so the material slowly ?ows out from the corona at its outer radius.4.4

Alternative prescription for the mass exchange (prescription II)

In the above used prescription for the rate of mass exchange between the disc and corona we expressed the total locally generated ?ux as proportional to the sum of the accretion rates in the disc and corona.In case of a steady-state disc this is equivalent to the sum of the locally generated ?uxes by the viscous energy dissipation.However,when we con-sider the time evolution of an unstable disc,the radial ve-locity,and in turn the accretion rate,can have locally neg-ative values in some parts of the disc.This forces the mass

Time-delays in GRS 1915+105


Figure 9.Radial pro?les of the accretion rate in the disc (trian-gles)and in the corona (squares)between the disc outbursts.The time refers to the lightcurve shown in Fig.


Figure 10.Radial pro?les of the the accretion rate in the disc

(triangles)and in the corona (squares)in the outburst.The time refers to the lightcurve shown in Fig.8.

exchange rate to locally decrease in the state of the disc out-burst,which is not the case for the viscously generated ?ux.In other words,the prescription for the mass exchange rate in the outburst of an unstable disc is no longer equivalent to the sum of the locally dissipated ?uxes.

Now we check whether the other,more


Figure 11.Radial pro?les of the corona surface density during the cycle of the evolution for the case of the mass exchange rate given by Eq.26.The snapshots were made every 80seconds and the whole cycle lasts for 625seconds.The labels are the same as in Fig.4.

prescription for the mass exchange rate can lead to di?erent results of the time evolution of the disc plus corona system.Instead the formula for the vertical mass transfer given by Equation 17,we use the following:˙m z =


f (r )

0.5B 1αcor Σcor


10 A.Janiuk &B.


Figure 12.The time evolution of the disc and

corona luminosi-ties,for the case of the mass exchange rate given by Eq.26.Lower curve shows the luminosity outbursts of the disc,while the up-per curve shows the simultaneous coronal outbursts.The external

accretion rate is ˙M

ext =1.5×1019g/s.GRS 1915+105,we adopt this prescription in further anal-ysis.

We calculated the cross-correlation function,as de?ned by Equation (1),for the theoretical lightcurves plotted in Figure 12.Our points were separated at least by 0.039s,and we found that the corona lightcurve lags the disc by 1.16seconds.This is shown in Figure 13.The time lag in this case is equal to about 0.5%of the duration of an out-burst.We note that the outburst duration depends on the

external accretion rate ˙M

ext and the lag depends on the coronal viscosity parameter α,so we could obtain a range of values for di?erent model parameters.

In Figure 14we show the luminosity-color diagram for one of the observations of GRS 1915+105,that shows the pronounced outbursts (class ρ,cf.Table 1).On the horizon-tal axis we plot the soft X-ray ?ux in the range 1.5-6keV,and on the vertical axis we plot the X-ray color,i.e.the ra-tio of the hard to soft ?uxes,F 6.4?14.6keV /F 1.5?6keV .During its evolution,the source follows a characteristic track,in the form of a loop on this diagram.In the lower region (the “ba-nana”shape)the soft luminosity is low,and the X-ray color is soft.The upper region (“island”)shape is characterized by substantial luminosity both in hard and soft X-ray bands.

In Figure 15we show the result of our modeling.On the horizontal axis of the theoretical luminosity-color diagram we plot the disc luminosity,while in the vertical axis we plot the ratio of the corona to disc luminosities.The “banana”shape is reproduced in our model quite well.However,we do not obtain the other distinct region on this diagram (the “island”).In our simulations the source moves only along the track shown in Fig.15,and after reaching the end of the

Figure 13.The normalized cross-correlation function of the disc

and corona lightcurves.The main peak is shifted to -1.16s,which means that the corona lightcurve lags the disc one by 1.16s.

“banana”region immediately jumps to the top-left corner of the diagram.


The main simpli?cation of our model was the assumption that the temperature in the corona is constant and equal to the virial one.Therefore the corona is heated only via increase of its surface density and is not radiatively coupled to the disc.We do not consider here any speci?c radiative processes that are important in cooling of the coronal gas,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ef6492443.html,ptonization.

On the other hand,this approach lets us solve the set of three time-dependent equations for the disc plus corona evo-lution,accompanied by the formula for the mass exchange rate,and avoid numerical problems with the fourth equa-tion for the corona https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ef6492443.html,ing a ?nite time-step we are able to follow the time evolution of the system as long as it saturates in a quasi-stationary state,with oscillations of constant amplitude and duration.We qualitatively and quantitatively check,how the behaviour of the underlying,unstable disc a?ects the corona and vice versa.

The full,two-or three dimensional treatment to the global long-term evolution of an accretion disc (or disc/corona system)is very complex.Up to now,the so-phisticated 2-D and 3-D accretion disc simulations (e.g.Agol et al.2001;Turner et al.2003)either treated the problem locally,or did not include radiative cooling.Turner (2004)made the ?rst attempt to compute the 3-D simulation in the ?ux-limited approximation;in this case however the plasma temperatures are still much too low to form the hot corona.Since the simulations are not able to reach the vis-cous timescale of the disc,the long-term evolution of an

Time-delays in GRS 1915+10511











soft L

Figure 14.The

luminosity-color diagram of the two observed lightcurves,shown in Fig.1.On the horizontal axis is the soft X-ray ?ux in the range 1.5-6keV,and in the vertical axis is the ratio of the hard to soft ?uxes,F 6.4?14.6keV /F 1.5?6keV .

Figure 15.The luminosity-color diagram of the two theoretical lightcurves,shown in Fig.12.On the horizontal axis is the soft X-ray (disc)luminosity,and in the vertical axis is the ratio of the hard to soft (corona to disc)luminosities.

X-ray source cannot be followed and any observational con-sequences of such a model are di?cult to be checked.There-fore the simple approach presented in this paper can still be valuable.5.1

Viscosity parameterization

In our choice of the viscosity law we follow the paper of Nayakshin,Rappaport &Melia (2000).The motivation of these authors was mostly observational:they needed a vis-cosity law which allows for a disc instability at the inter-mediate accretion rates but provides the stable solution at low and high accretion rates.Moreover,the stable upper branch should appear at accretion rates smaller or compa-rable to the Eddington rate.The standard αP tot viscosity law of Shakura &Sunyaev (1973)satis?es in a natural way all requirements but the last one.Upper stable branch in such solution forms due to advection (i.e.the “slim disc”;Abramowicz et al.1988),and the e?cient advection develops only for accretion rates much larger than the Eddington val-ues,de?nitely too high too account for the time behaviour e.g.of the microquasar GRS 1915+105.What is more,in most cases the unstable branch should cease to exist at all since most of the X-ray binaries accreting at high (but sub-Eddington)rates are quite stable and well described by the classical disc (Gierli′n ski &Done 2004).

Therefore,observations tell us that some modi?cations are absolutely needed.Either we must postulate very strong out?ow (which e?ectively cools the disc),or a modi?cation of the dissipation law itself.

We have much better understanding and numerous ob-servational constraints for the viscosity law when the gas pressure dominates.3-D MHD simulations of the magneto-rotational instability (MRI)well explain the nature of the angular momentum transfer and the rough value of the vis-cosity parameter.Still,some ad hoc modi?cations,like ad-ditional dependence on the disc thickness,are used to model the development of the ionization instability responsible for outbursts in cataclysmic variables and numerous X-ray tran-sients (e.g.Cannizzo et al.1995).

The theoretical background of the viscosity law is still quite poor in case when radiation pressure is important.Sev-eral authors in the past suggested that actually the whole idea of αP tot scaling is inappropriate,and instead the αP gas should perhaps be used even if the radiation pressure dom-inates (Lightman &Eardley 1974;Stella &Rosner 1984).Sakimoto &Coroniti (1989)argued that the magnetic ?eld will be expelled from the radiation pressure dominated disc by the buoyancy so the e?ectiveness of the angular mo-mentum transfer must decrease with an increase of radia-tion pressure.Other authors argued that whenever radiation pressure dominates,new kinds of instabilities develop which may modify the disc structure considerably.Gammie (1998)discussed the photon bubble instability,and Ruszkowski &Begelman (2003)argued this instability leads to the disc clumpiness which in turn in?uences the radiative transfer.

We expect some improvement of the viscosity model-ing with the future development of MHD simulations of ra-diation pressure dominated discs.So far,two such simula-tions were performed.2-D computations of Agol et al.(2001)lasted only for a fraction of the disc thermal timescale and as a result the disc collapsed to gas pressure dominated state.

12 A.Janiuk&B.Czerny

A3-D simulation of the disc which reached the thermal balance and lasted for about8thermal timescales was re-cently completed by Turner(2004).The disc did not achieve the full stability and showed long-lasting variations by a factor of a few but the instability was not as violent as pre-dicted by the standardαP tot mechanism(Szuszkiewicz& Miller1998;Janiuk et al.2002).The magnetic?eld lines were indeed partially expelled from the disc interior.In this simulation,the initial Shakura&Sunyaev(1973)state with α=0.01evolved to a complex state with mean dissipation level equivalent toα=0.0013.

Therefore,the modi?ed viscosity law,given by Eq.7, seems to be a plausible option in case of the accretion disc. Since in the corona the radiation pressure does not con-tribute to the total pressure,the classical viscosity parame-terization of the corona with constantαis also justi?ed. 5.2Comparison with observations

Our time dependent model of the non-stationary accretion onto a black hole gives at least a partial explanation of the complex variability of the microquasar GRS1915+105.Di-rect evidence for variable accretion rate in this microquasar comes from the spectral analysis(Migliari&Belloni2003), and a plausible mechanism that leads to the local accre-tion rate variations in the inner parts of a disc,giving the outbursts of appropriate amplitudes and durations,is the radiation pressure instability.

The microquasar is unique because of its large ampli-tude,regular outbursts.Such a behaviour is not observed in other Galactic X-ray sources,probably because the Ed-dington ratio in this microquasar is higher than in other black hole systems(Done,Wardzi′n ski&Gierli′n ski2004). Our model,at least qualitatively,explains this phenomenon. The radiation pressure instability leads to the strong out-bursts only if the accretion rate is higher than some critical value.Also,the corona has a stabilizing role and can sup-press the disc oscillations completely or make them less pro-nounced.Quantitatively,however,the reliable determina-tion of the critical accretion rate above which the outbursts occur,would require a more detailed modeling of viscosity within the disc and essentially the2-dimensional calcula-tions.This is beyond the scope of the present work.

The physical coupling between the disc and corona via the mass exchange leads in a natural way to the regular time delays between the disc(soft X-ray)and corona(hard X-ray)emission.The lag of the order of1s is comparable with the viscous timescale in the corona and is required by this hot?ow to adjust to the variable conditions in the underly-ing disc.Such lags are present in some observed lightcurves of the microquasar,i.e.these exhibiting outbursts that are possibly connected with the radiation pressure instability.

The strong variability of GRS1915+105manifests it-self also by characteristic tracks on the color-color and luminosity-color diagram.The bottom-left corner of the luminosity-color plot is occupied by the source during its gradual rise(the“wing”),preceding the outburst state. This,so called here“banana”shape is well modeled in our calculations.While the disc luminosity(soft X-ray?ux)is gradually rising before the outburst,the rise in the coronal luminosity is much?atter,leading therefore to the decreas-ing hard-to-soft?ux ratio(color).On the other hand,in the outburst peak,when the soft luminosity is the highest,the color starts rising.Just after the outburst there appears a somewhat?at maximum in both hard and soft X-rays,lead-ing to the other distinct region occupied by the source on the luminosity color-diagram:so called here“island”shape. This is not present in our model calculations,since our out-burst maximum is a sharp peak.Therefore we do not obtain a state of both high disc and corona?uxes,which in conse-quence would give the high color in the disc emission peak. Instead,the corona lags the disc emission and its maximum corresponds to the already decaying state of the disc.


We presented the?rst results of the time-dependent calcu-lations of thermal-viscous evolution of accretion disc that is coupled to the corona by the mass exchange.Contrary to the accretion disc,the corona is stable,since there is only gas pressure included in its equation of state.However,it is also to a certain extent subject to similar changes as the accretion disc during its instability cycle,since it actively responds to the behaviour of the underlying disc.

The main conclusions of the present work are as follows:

?The luminosity outbursts in the disc are correlated with similar outbursts in the corona if the mass exchange rate is proportional to the sum of the locally dissipated?uxes( prescription II).The assumption that it is proportional to the sum of the local accretion rates(prescription I)is equiv-alent,but only during the disc quiescence.In the outburst this prescription leads to the luminosity dips in the corona rather than outbursts.Speci?cally,the lightcurves of the disc and corona are anti-correlated,with two dips in the corona corresponding to the peak of the disc luminosity.

?The luminosity pro?le between the outbursts in the corona is gradually decreasing,while in the disc it is grad-ually rising(prescription I).Alternatively,the prescription II leads to the slow rise of the coronal?ux,correlated with the steep rise of the disc.

?The coronal outbursts are of much smaller amplitude than the disc ones,but of similar duration.

?The outbursts in the corona lag the disc evolution by ~1second,which is in good agreement with observations of the microquasar GRS1915+105.

?The outer boundary condition in the corona determines if the material?ows out at the outer edge.For small surface densityΣout~3g/cm2the accretion rate in the corona is negative above~100R Schw.

?If the mass exchange between the disc and corona is proportional to the sum of the local accretion rates(pre-scription I),the material may also locally sink into the disc in the region around50R Schw.

Our model is only in part able to reproduce the tracks of the system on the luminosity-color diagram,having a“ba-nana”shape without the“island”one.This should be mod-eled in more detail,including also the spectral analysis.In addition,the tracks on the color-color diagram,not analyzed here,in some observed sources may have a form of hysteresis (Maccarone&Coppi3002;Zdziarski et al.2004).Since the phenomenon is connected with much longer timescales,than those considered here,the underlying instability mechanism

Time-delays in GRS1915+10513

should be di?erent.A plausible one seems to be the partial hydrogen ionization instability,which operates essentially in the same way,causing the disc to oscillate between the cold and hot phases.This is the subject of our future investiga-tions.


We thank Ma l gosia Sobolewska for help in data reduc-tion and Agata R′o˙z a′n ska,Piotr˙Zycki,Friedrich Meyer and Emmi Meyer-Hofmeister for helpful discussions.This research has made use of data obtained through the HEASARC Online Service,provided by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centre.This work was supported in part by grant2P03D00124of the Polish State Committee for Scien-ti?c Research.


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感官动词和使役动词 默认分类2010-05-28 23:14:26 阅读46 评论0 字号:大中小订阅 使役动词,比如let make have就是3个比较重要的 have sb to do 没有这个用法的 只有have sb doing.听凭某人做某事 have sb do 让某人做某事 have sth done 让某事被完成(就是让别人做) 另外: 使役动词 1.使役动词是表示使、令、让、帮、叫等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有make(使,令), let(让), help(帮助), have(叫)等。 2.使役动词后接受词,再接原形不定词作受词补语。 He made me laugh. 他使我发笑。 I let him go. 我让他走开。 I helped him repair the car. 我帮他修理汽车。 Please have him come here. 请叫他到这里来。 3.使役动词还可以接过去分词作受词补语。 I have my hair cut every month. 我每个月理发。 4.使役动词的被动语态的受词补语用不定词,不用原形不定词。 (主)He made me laugh. 他使我笑了。 (被)I was made to laugh by him. 我被他逗笑了。 使役动词有以下用法: a. have somebody do sth让某人去做某事 ??i had him arrange for a car. b. have somebody doing sth.让某人持续做某事。 ??he had us laughing all through lunch. 注意:用于否定名时,表示“允许” i won't have you running around in the house. 我不允许你在家里到处乱跑。 ******** 小议“使役动词”的用法 1. have sb do 让某人干某事 e.g:What would you have me do? have sb/sth doing 让某人或某事处于某种状态,听任 e.g: I won't have women working in our company. The two cheats had the light burning all night long. have sth done 让别人干某事,遭受到 e.g:you 'd better have your teeth pulled out. He had his pocket picked. notes: "done"这个动作不是主语发出来的。 2.make sb do sth 让某人干某事 e.g:They made me repeat the story. What makes the grass grow?


南昌大学物理实验报告 课程名称:_____________ 大学物理实验 实验名称:_______________ 惠斯通电桥 学院:___________ 专业班级: 学生姓名:_________ 学号: 实验地点:___________ 座位号: 实验时间:第11周星期4上午10点开始

、实验目的: 1. 掌握电桥测电阻的原理和方法 2. 了解减小测电阻误差的一般方法 、实验原理: (1) 惠斯通电桥原理 惠斯通电桥就是一种直流单臂电桥,适用于测中值电阻,其原理电路如图 7-4所示。若调节电阻到合适阻值时, 可使检流计 G 中无电流流过,即 B 、D 两点的电位相等,这时称为“电桥平衡”。电桥平衡,检流计中无电流通过, 相当于无BD 这一支路,故电源 E 与电阻R ,、R x 可看成一分压电路;电源和电阻 R 1 上面两式可得 R 2 桥达到平衡。故常将 R 、R 2所在桥臂叫做比例 臂,与R x 、R S 相应的桥臂分别叫做测量臂和比 较臂。 V B C 点为参考,贝y D 点的电位V D 与B 点的电位V B 分别为 R 2 R S R S V D R X 因电桥平V B V D 故解 R 2、R S 可看成另一分压电路。若以 R x 为 E 待测电阻,则有 R>< R X R S 上式叫做电桥的平衡条件,它说明电桥平衡时,四个臂的阻值间成比例关系。如果 1 10,10 1等)并固定不变,然后调节 金使电


n R S R S 灵敏度S 越大,对电桥平衡的判断就越容易,测量结果也越准确。 此时R s 变为R s ,则有:R x R2 R s ,由上两式得R x . R s R s 三、 实验仪器: 线式电桥板、电阻箱、滑线变阻器、检流计、箱式惠斯通电桥、待测电阻、低压直流电源 四、 实验内容和步骤: 1. 将箱式电桥打开平放,调节检流计指零 2. 根据待测电阻(线式电桥测量值或标称值)的大小和 R 3值取满四位有效数字原则,确定比例臂的取值,例如 R 为数千欧的电阻,为保证 4位有效数字,K r 取 3. 调节F 3的值与R <的估计 S _____ S 的表达式 R S R S S-i S 2 _____________________ ES R i R 2 R s R x 1 R E % R i R 2R X Rg 2 R x R s R 2 R - R E 2 R R s R x (3) 电桥的测量误差 电桥的测量误差其来源主要有两方面,一是标准量具引入的误差, 二是电桥灵敏度引入的误差。为减少误差传递, 可采用交换法。 交换法:在测定R x 之后,保持比例臂 R -、R 2不变,将比较臂 R s 与测量臂R x 的位置对换,再调节 R s 使电桥平衡,设 电桥的灵敏程度定义: R i

第四部分 习题与思考题

第四部分习题与思考题 一绪论 1.试述您对大地测量学的理解? 2.大地测量的定义、作用与基本内容是什么? 3.简述大地测量学的发展概况?大地测量学各发展阶段的主要特点有哪些? 4.简述全球定位系统(GPS)、激光测卫(SLR)、甚长基线干涉测量(VIBL)、惯性测量系统(INS)的基本概念? 二坐标系统与时间系统 1.简述是开普勒三大行星定律? 2.什么是岁差与章动?什么是极移? 3.什么是国际协议原点 CIO? 4.时间的计量包含哪两大元素?作为计量时间的方法应该具备什么条件? 5.恒星时、世界时、历书时与协调时是如何定义的?其关系如何? 6.什么是大地测量基准? 7.什么是天球?天轴、天极、天球赤道、天球赤道面与天球子午面是如何定义的? 8.什么是时圈、黄道与春分点?什么是天球坐标系的基准点与基准面? 9.如何理解大地测量坐标参考框架? 10.什么是椭球的定位与定向?椭球的定向一般应该满足那些条件? 11.什么是参考椭球?什么是总地球椭球? 12.什么是惯性坐标系?什么协议天球坐标系、瞬时平天球坐标系、瞬时真天球坐标系?13.试写出协议天球坐标系与瞬时平天球坐标系之间,瞬时平天球坐标系与瞬时真天球坐标系的转换数学关系式。 14.什么是地固坐标系、地心地固坐标系与参心地固坐标系? 15.什么协议地球坐标系与瞬时地球坐标系?如何表达两者之间的关系? 16.如何建立协议地球坐标系与协议天球坐标系之间的转换关系,写出其详细的数学关系式。 17.简述一点定与多点定位的基本原理。 18.什么是大地原点?大地起算数据是如何描述的? 19.简述1954年北京坐标系、1980年国家大地坐标系、新北京54坐标系的特点以及它们之间存在相互关系。 20.什么是国际地球自传服务(IERS)、国际地球参考系统(ITRS)、国际地球参考框架(ITRF)? ITRS的建立包含了那些大地测量技术,请加以简要说明? 21. 站心坐标系如何定义的?试导出站心坐标系与地心坐标系之间的关系? 22.试写出不同平面直角坐标换算、不同空间直角坐标换算的关系式?试写出上述两种坐标转换的误差方程式? 23.什么是广义大地坐标微分方程(或广义椭球变换微分方程)?该式有何作用?


初中阶段主要句型的用法 1. It's time to (for) .... 表“时间到了;该干…的时间了”之意。 It's time to go home. It's time for school. 注意:to的后面接动词短语,而for的后面接名词。 2. It's bad (good) for ... 表示“对…有害(有益)的”含义。 Please don't smoke. It's bad for your health. Please take more exercise. It's good for your health. 3. be late for (school) 是“上学(迟到)”之意。for后面还可以接meeting或class。He was late for school this morning. Don't be late for class, please. 4. had better do / not do sth. 表示“最好做/不做某事”之意。 You had better put on the coat when you go out. It's cold outside. We had better stop to have a rest. 注意:用had better时,后面一定要直接跟动词原形,决不能加to do sth. 否定一定用在第二个动词之前,是动词不定式的否定式。 5. be (feel) afraid of ... 表示“恐怕”,“害怕…”之意。 He is afraid of snakes. Mary feels afraid of going out alone. 6. enjoy doing sth. 是“喜欢(爱好)做某事”之意,doing是动名词作动词enjoy 的宾语。enjoy有欣赏之意。 Are you enjoy living in Beijing? Do you enjoy listening to music? 7. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来做某事 It's time for class. Stop talking, please. When she saw me, she stopped to talk with me. 8. Let (make) sb. do 让(使)某人做某事。 Let's go to school. Father made his son clean the room again. 注意:当make sb. do sth. 用于被动语态时,第二个动词前面就一定要加to 了。如: His son was made to clean the room again. he was made to work twelve hours a day in the past. 9. like to do / like doing sth. 是“喜欢做某事”之意。 like to do sth. 是表示比较具体的喜欢做某事;like doing sth. 是表示宠统的喜欢做某事。如: I like to swim in the swimming pool. 我喜欢在游泳池中游泳。(喜欢的具体的地方游泳) I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳(只讲喜欢这项运动) 10. ask (tell) sb. to do. (not to do) sth. 请(让)某人(不)做某事 Jim asked his mother to help him with his lessons. When did you tell him not to shout loudly?


感官动词 1.see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接省略to的动词不定式或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。 注释:省略to的动词不定式--to do是动词不定式,省略了to,剩下do,其形式和动词原形是一样的,但说法不同。 see sb do sth 看到某人做了某事 see sb doing sth 看到某人在做某事 hear sb do sth 听到某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth 听到某人在做某事 以此类推... I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门,强调当时正在敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听到有人敲门的全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school. (此处有频率词often) (了解)若以上词用于被动语态,须将省略的to还原: see sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth hear sb do sth----sb be seen to do sth 以此类推... We saw him go into the restaurant. → He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the boy cry every day. → The boy is heard to cry every day. 2.感官动词look, sound, smell, taste, feel可当系动词,后接形容词。 He looks angry. His explanation sounds reasonable. The cakes smell nice.


肇 庆 学 院 肇 庆 学 院 电子信息与机电工程 学院 普通物理实验 课 实验报告 级 班 组 实验合作者 实验日期 姓名: 学号 老师评定 实验题目: 惠斯通电桥测电阻 实验目的: 1.了解电桥测电阻的原理和特点。 2.学会用自组电桥和箱式电桥测电阻的方法。 3.测出若干个未知电阻的阻值。 1.桥式电路的基本结构。 电桥的构成包括四个桥臂(比例臂R 2和R 3,比较臂R 4,待测臂R x ),“桥”——平衡指示器(检流计)G 和工作电源E 。在自组电桥线路中还联接有电桥灵敏度调节器R G (滑线变阻器)。 2.电桥平衡的条件。 惠斯通电桥(如图1所示)由四个“桥臂”电阻(R 2、R 3、R 4、和R x )、一个“桥”(b 、d 间所接的灵敏电流计)和一个电源E 组成。b 、d 间接有灵敏电流计G 。当b 、d 两点电位相等时,灵敏电流计G 中无电流流过,指针不偏转,此时电桥平衡。所以,电桥平衡的条件是:b 、d 两点电位相等。此时有 U ab =U ad ,U bc =U dc , 由于平衡时0=g I ,所以b 、d 间相当于断路,故有 I 4=I 3 I x =I 2 所以 44R I R I x x = 2233R I R I = 可得 x R R R R 324= 或 43 2R R R R x = 一般把 K R R =3 2称为“倍率”或“比率”,于是 R x =KR 4 要使电桥平衡,一般固定比率K ,调节R 4使电桥达到平衡。 3.自组电桥不等臂误差的消除。 实验中自组电桥的比例臂(R 2和R 3)电阻并非标准电阻,存在较大误差。当取K=1时,实际上R 2与R 3不完全相等,存在较大的不等臂误差,为消除该系统误差,实验可采用交换测量法进行。先按原线路进行测量得到一个R 4值,然后将R 2与R 3的位置互相交换(也可将R x 与R 4的位置交换),按同样方法再测 一次得到一个R ’ 4值,两次测量,电桥平衡后分别有: 43 2R R R R x ?= ' 42 3R R R R x ?= 联立两式得: ' 44R R R x ?= 由上式可知:交换测量后得到的测量值与比例臂阻值无关。 4.电桥灵敏度 电桥灵敏度就是电桥偏离平衡状态时,电桥本身的灵敏感反映程度。在实际测量中,为了便于灵敏度 I 2 I x c


习题及思考题 1.1 为什么要进行建筑抗震设计?我国《建筑抗震设计规范》规定对哪些建筑必须进行抗震设计? 1. 2 地震按其成因分为哪几种类型?按其震源的深浅又分为哪几种类型? 1. 3 地震灾害主要表现在哪几个方面?建筑物破坏的表现形式是什么? 1.4 什么是地震波?地震波包含了哪几种波? 1.5 什么是地震动的三要素?它们的作用是什么? 1.6 什么是地震震级?什么是地震烈度、基本烈度和抗震设防烈度? 1.7 简述众值烈度、基本烈度和罕遇烈度的划分标准及其关系。 1.8 我国规范依据建筑使用功能的重要性将建筑分为哪儿类?分类的作用是什么? 1.9 抗震设防烈度和设计基本地层加速度的关系是什么? 1.10 什么是三水准设防目标和两阶段设计方法? 1.11 什么是建筑抗震概念设汁?它主要包括哪几方面内容? 1.12 在选择建筑抗震结构体系时,应注意符合哪些要求? 2.1 我国抗震规范将建筑场地类别划分为几类?为什么划分?主要考虑哪些因素? 2.2 建筑场地类别与场地土类型是否相同?它们有何区别? 2.3 什么是土层等效剪切波速?其作用是什么?如何计算? 2.4 什么是场地覆盖层厚度?如何确定? 2.5 什么是场地的卓越周期?确定卓越周期的意义是什么? 2.6 哪些建筑可不进行天然地基及基础的抗震承载力验算?为什么? 2.7 如何确定地基抗震承载力?简述天然地基抗震承载力的验算方法。 2.8什么是地基土的液化?液化会造成哪些震害?影响地基土液化的主要因素有哪些? 2.9怎么样判别地基土的液化?如何确定地基土液化的严重程度? 2.10 不同液化等级可能造成的震害如何?简述地基土的抗液化措施。 2.11 下表为某建筑场地的钻孔资料,试确定该场地的类别。


期末复习提纲(十) Un it 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. 重点词组与句型: 1. take a shower 2.get in the shower 3.get up 4.get outside 5.get to school 6.1 eave sth.+ 地点 7.get back to sp. 8.start teach ing 9.wake up late 10.be late for 11.go off 12.wait for https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ef6492443.html,e out 14.have some breakfast 15.run off 16.get there 17.on time https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ef6492443.html,e by 19.give sb. a ride 20.bri ng sth. to sp. 21.break dow n 22.show up 23. get dressed 24.stay up all night 25. invite sb. to do sth. / invite sb. to sp. 26. by the time 27.happa n to sb. 28. a costume party 29.thousa nds of 30.h un dreds of * (31.flee from sp. 32. April Fool ' s DOyB.stop doing sth. 34.as …as one can 35. fool sb. 36.ask sb. to do sth. 37.both…and 38.an hour later 39. get married 40.play a joke on sb) 40. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotte n in the shower. 41. By the time she got up, her brother had already gone into the bathroom. 42. By the time she went outside, the bus had already gone. 43. By the time she got to class, the teacher had already started teach ing. 44. Whe n she got to school, she realized she had left her backpack at home. 45. By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung. 46. My alarm clock didn ' t go off. 47.1 took a quick shower, and had some breakfast, and the n ran off to the bus stop. * (48.Have you ever forgotte n to bring your homework to school? 49.Wells was so convincing that hun dreds of people believed the story. 50.She was thrilled, because she wan ted to get married. 语法: 过去完成时。 练习: 一、根据句子意思和所给首字母提示,用适当单词完成句子。 1. Bad luck. I missed the early bus because I o ______ this morni ng. 2. Perhaps he ' ll dress himself up as a clown in the c _________ party. 3. You must be e ________ a fter swimmi ng for along time. Come and have a rest.


英语中感官动词的用法 一、感官动词 1、感官动词(及物动词)有:see/notice/look at/watch/observe/listen to/hear/feel(Vt)/taste(Vt)/smell(Vt) 2、连缀动词(含感官不及物动词) be/get/become/feel/look/sound/smell/taste/keep/stay/seem/ appear/grow/turn/prove/remain/go/run 二、具体用法: 1、see, hear, smell, taste, feel,这五个动词均可作连系动词,后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。其意思分别为"看/听/闻/尝/摸起来……"。除look之外,其它几个动词的主语往往是物,而不是人。 例如:These flowers smell very sweet.这些花闻起来很香。 The tomatoes feel very soft.这些西红柿摸起来很软。 2、这些动词后面也可接介词like短语,like后面常用名词。 例如:Her idea sounds like fun.她的主意听起来很有趣。 3、这五个感官动词也可作实义动词,除look(当"看起来……"讲时)只能作不及物动词外,其余四个既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,此时作为实义动词讲时其主语一般为人。 例如:She smelt the meat.她闻了闻那块肉。 I felt in my pocket for cigarettes.我用手在口袋里摸香烟。 4、taste, smell作不及物动词时,可用于"t aste / smell + of +名词"结构,意为"有……味道/气味"。 例如:The air in the room smells of earth.房间里的空气有股泥土味。 5、它们(sound除外)可以直接作名词,与have或take构成短语。 例如:May I have a taste of the mooncakes?我可以尝一口这月饼吗?taste有品位、味道的意思。 例如:I don’t like the taste of the garlic.我不喜欢大蒜的味道。 She dresses in poor taste.她穿着没有品位。 look有外观,特色的意思,例:The place has a European look.此地具有欧洲特色。 feel有感觉,感受的意思,watch有手表,观察的意思。例:My watch is expensive.我的手表很贵。 6、其中look, sound, feel还能构成"look / sound / feel + as if +从句"结构,意为"看起来/听起来/感觉好像……"。 例如:It looks as if our class is going to win.看来我们班好像要获胜了。 7、感官动词+do与+doing的区别: see, watch, observe, notice, look at, hear, listen to, smell, taste, feel + do表示动作的完整性,真实性;+doing 表示动作的连续性,进行性。 I saw him work in the garden yesterday.昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。(强调"我看见了"



大学物理实验教程预习思考题、分析题参考答案 分享 作者:雪已被分享2次评论(0)复制链接分享转载举报 为节省大家时间,特从网上搜相关答案供大家参考!(按咱做实验顺序) 2.用模拟法测绘静电场 【预习思考题】 1.用电流场模拟静电场的理论依据是什么?模拟的条件是什么?用电流场模拟静电场的理论依据是:对稳恒场而言,微分方程及边界条件唯一地决定了场的结构或分布,若两种场满足相同的微分方程及边界条件,则它们的结构也必然相同,静电场与模拟区域内的稳恒电流场具有形式相同的微分方程,只要使他们满足形式相同的边界条件,则两者必定有相同的场结构。模拟的条件是:稳恒电流场中的电极形状应与被模拟的静电场中的带电体几何形状相同;稳恒电流场中的导电介质是不良导体且电导率分布均匀,并满足σ极>>σ介以保证电流场中的电极(良导体)的表面也近似是一个等势面;模拟所用电极系统与被模拟电极系统的边界条件相同。

2.等势线和电场线之间有何关系? 等势线和电场线处处相互垂直。 3.在测绘电场时,导电微晶边界处的电流是如何流动的?此处的电场线和等势线与边界有什么关系?它们对被测绘的电场有什么影响? 在测绘电场时,导电微晶边界处的电流为0。此处的电场线垂直于边界,而等势线平行于边界。这导致被测绘的电场在近边界处受边界形状影响产生变形,不能表现出电场在无限空间中的分布特性。 【分析讨论题】 1.如果电源电压增大一倍,等势线和电场线的形状是否发生变化?电场强度和电势分布是否发生变化?为什么? 如果电源电压增大一倍,等势线和电场线的形状没有发生变化,但电场强度增强,电势的分布更为密集。因为边界条件和导电介质都没有变化,所以电场的空间分布形状就不会变化,等势线和电场线的形状也就不会发生变化,但两电极间的电势差增大,等势线的分布就更为密集,相应的电场强度就会增加。 2.在测绘长直同轴圆柱面的电场时,什么因素会使等势线偏离圆形?


实验一恒容量热法——燃烧热的测定 一、操作步骤 1.样品压片 截取 15 cm 无弯曲、无扭折的镍丝在电子天平上准确称至0.0001 g。将镍丝的中部在细金属棒上绕上4 ~ 5圈,抽出金属棒,将镍丝的两端合并穿入模子的底板,将模子放在底板上,然后置于压片机的托板上。在台秤上秤取0.8g已干燥的苯甲酸(不超过1g),倒入模子,向下转动压片机旋柄,将样品压片,压好后,向上转动旋柄,抽出托板,底板脱落,在压模下置一张洁净的纸片,再向下转动旋柄,将压片压出,放在已称重的燃烧皿中,再次准确称量至0.1mg。 2.装弹 将燃烧皿置于氧弹支架上,将镍丝两头分别紧绕在电极的下端,将弹帽放在弹体上,旋紧弹帽,用万用电表检查两电极是否通路;绑镍丝前应不通,绑镍丝后应为通路,否则重新压片。通路时两极间电阻值一般应不大于20 。 3. 充氧气 将氧弹进气口和充氧器的出气口接通,按下充氧器的手柄,此时表压指针指向0.5MPa,松开充氧器的手柄,氧气已充入氧弹中。用特制顶针顶开氧弹出气孔,放出氧弹内的空气,再将氧弹进气口和充氧器的出气口接通,按下充氧器的手柄,此时表压指针指向1.5 MPa,1 min 后松开充氧器的手柄,氧气已充入氧弹中。将充好氧气的氧弹再用万用表检查两极是否通路;若通路,则将氧弹放入量热计的内筒中。 4调节水温 将温差测量仪探头放入水夹套,测量并记录夹套内水温,用容量瓶取2000ml已调温的水注入内筒中(控制内筒水温比夹套水温低1℃左右), 5. 燃烧和测量温度 装上搅拌马达,将氧弹两极用电线连接在点火变压器上,温差测量仪探头插入内筒水中,然后盖上盖子。打开总电源开关,打开搅拌开关,接通精密温度温差测量仪,选择温差档,可精确至0.001℃,按下时间键,计时的时间间隔将在1 min 和0.5 min 之间转换选择;打开量热计控制器的电源,按下搅拌键,预热10 min 后,开始实验计时,此时每隔1 min 读一次数据;10 min 后,按下点火键,同时计时的时间间隔改为0.5 min;直到每次读数时温度上升小于0.1℃再改为1 min 读一次,继续10 min,结束实验。(点火片刻温差显示迅速上升,即表示样品已燃烧;如果通电后,温度上升速度不快,表示点火没有成功,需打开氧弹,检查原因,排除故障。) 5 实验结束 停止实验后,取出温差测量仪探头放入水夹套,记录水夹套水温。取出氧弹,放出余气,打开氧弹盖,称剩余镍丝质量;复原仪器。 6测量萘的燃烧热,萘取0.5g(不超过0.6g) 二、数据计录和数据处理 室温大气压 苯甲酸的质量萘的质量


1.感官动词用法之一:see, hear, listen to, watch, notice等词,后接宾语,再接动词原形或ing形式。前者表全过程,后者表正在进行。句中有频率词时,以上的词也常跟动词原形。 I heard someone knocking at the door when I fell asleep. (我入睡时有人正敲门) I heard someone knock at the door three times. (听的是全过程) I often watch my classmates play volleyball after school.(此处有频率词often) 若以上词用于被动语态,后面原有动词原形改为带to不定式: We saw him go into the restaurant. →He was seen to go into the restaurant. I hear the boy cry every day. →The boy is heard to cry every day. 2.感官动词用法之二:look, sound, smell, taste, feel可当系动词,后接形容词: He looks angry. It sounds good. The flowers smell beautiful. The sweets taste sweet. The silk feels soft. I felt tired. They all looked tired. 这些动词都不用于被动语态。如:The sweets are tasted sweet.是个病句。注意:如果加介词like,则后不可接形容词,而接名词或代词:

实验3.8 惠斯通电桥

A B C D G R 1 R 2 R s R x E I 1 I 2 3.8 惠斯通电桥 【实验简介】 惠斯通电桥是一种精确测量电阻的装置。 电桥法测电阻的实质是将被测电阻与已知电阻相比较,从而确定待测电阻的阻值。制造高精度的电阻比较容易,因此电桥法测电阻容易获得较高的测量精度。 直流电桥主要分为单臂电桥(又称惠斯通电桥)和双臂电桥(又称开尔文电桥)。 单臂电桥用于测量中值电阻(10Ω-106 Ω),双臂电桥用于测量1Ω以下的低值电阻。 【实验目的】 1.了解惠斯通电桥测电阻的原理,掌握用惠斯通电桥测电阻的方法。 2.了解电桥的灵敏度,学习合理选择实验条件,减小系统误差。 【预习思考题】 1. 调电桥平衡的技巧是什么? 2. 使用检流计有哪些注意事项 3. 调节电桥平衡的过程中,如何使用保护开关K 和滑线变阻器r ? 4. 惠斯通电桥测电阻系统误差产生的原因主要有哪三种? 【实验仪器】 检流计、电阻箱、干电池、滑线变阻器、保护开关、待测电阻、导线、开关。 【实验原理】 1. 电桥的基本原理和平衡条件 惠斯通电桥的基本电路如图 3.8.1所示。电阻1R 、2R 、s R 、x R 组成电桥的四个桥臂,C 、D 两点间接有检流计将两点的电位直接进行比较,当两点电位相等时,检流计G 中无电流通过,我们称电桥达到平衡。这时有 x s R I R I R I R I 212211,== 由上两式得出电桥的平衡条件: 平衡时,若已知1R 、2R 、s R 则可求得: (3.8.1) 用惠斯通电桥测电阻x R x 时,首先要调电桥的平衡。本实验中1R 、2R 、s R 均用电阻箱 x s R R R R = 21s x R R R R 1 2= 图3.8.1


《地理信息系统原理与应用》课外思考题 以下思考题提供同学课外学习思考。同学应结合课堂、课本学习内容,进行细化和具体化的学习。 第一章绪论 1.什么是地理信息?主要特点是什么?(地域性、多维结构、时间性) 地理信息 是表征地理环境中各项要素的数量、质量、分布特征、相互联系和变化规律的事实和知识的总称。 地理信息是所要研究对象与空间地理分布有关的信息。是表示研究对象的位置、分布、空间联系和变化规律的信息。 一切与空间位置有关的信息都叫做地理信息。 地理信息系统的特点 地域性:地理信息的识别与位置相联系 多维结构:指在二维空间基础上实现第三维上的多种专题信息结构 时序特征:是指地理信息随时间的变化,具有明显的时间性 2.什么是地理信息系统?地理信息系统区别于一般信息系统的主要特点有哪 些? GIS GIS是一种存储、分析和显示空间与非空间数据的信息技术。——Parker GIS是为了获取、存储、检索、分析和显示空间定位数据而建立的计算机化的数据库管理系统。--- 美国国家地理信息与分析中心 是采集、存储、管理、检索、分析和描述地理现象信息的计算机综合系统。— Goodchild GIS是一种获取、存储、检索、操作、分析和显示地球空间数据的计算机系统。——英国教育部 GIS是一个计算机硬软件支持下的信息系统,具有信息系统的基本功能:数据采集、管理、分析和表达等功能,每个GIS系统都是由若干具有一定功能的模块组成。 GIS的处理对象是有关的地理空间数据,为了能对这些空间数据进行定位、定性和定量的描述,决定了GIS要对地理空间数据按统一地理坐标进行编码,这是GIS与其他信息系统不同的根本所在。 地理信息系统区别于一般信息系统的主要特点有哪些? GIS处理空间数据和非空间数据; GIS具备科学可视化功能; GIS的区域性和层次性; GIS的技术优势在于它的空间分析能力; 3.地理信息系统由哪些部分组成?


一.time的短语 from time to time 有时 on time 准时, in time 及时; all the time 始终,一直; at the same time 同时, ahead of time提前 at no time 绝不 some time一段时间 sometime“在某一时候”。可用来指过去或将来 sometimes (at times, from time to time) “有时,不时” at a time (a time) at one time (once)

at times ( sometimes) in no time (immediately)立刻,马上; have a good/nice time (enjoy oneself) “过的愉快 for the time being “暂时” Many a time/many times 多次 take one’s time从容 kill time消磨时间 【活学活用】选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的选项 1. Jim comes to visit us from time to time. That’s always the happiest time for the family. A.on time B. sometime C. at times D. some times

2.At no time _____study though __ ___great progress. A. should we give up; we have made B. shouldn’t we give up; we have made C. we should give up; we have made D. we shouldn’t give up; have we made 3.---When shall we visit the Science Museum?” ---_________ next week.” A.Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Sometimes 答案:1. C2.A 3A 二.time相关从属连词高考常考点 1. every time / each time每次 Every time I call on him, he is out.


南昌大学物理实验报告 课程名称:惠斯通电桥 实验名称:惠斯通电桥 学院:眼视光学院专业班级:眼视光151班学生姓名:许春芸学号:6303615024 实验地点:210座位号:30 座实验时间:第8周星期6上午10点10开始

一、实验目的: 1.掌握电桥测电阻的原理和方法。 2.了解减小测电阻误差的一般方法。 二、实验原理: 惠斯通电桥的电路四个电阻 R1.R2.R3.Rx 连成一个四边形,每一条边称作电桥的一个臂,对角 A 和 C 加上电源 E,对角 B 和 D 之间连接检流计 G,所谓桥就是指 BD 这条对角线,它的作用就是将桥的两个端点的电势直接进行比较。当 B.D 两点电势相等时,检流计中无电流通过,电桥达到了平衡,这时有:R2/R1=Rx/R3,即*Rx=(R2/R1)R3。若 R1.R2.R3 均已知,则 Rx 可由上式求出。 电桥电路可以这样理解,电源 E.R2.Rx 是一个分压电路,Rx 上的电压为[Rx/(R1+R2)]·E,又 E 和 R1.R3 也是一个分压电路,R3 上的电压等于[R3/(R3+R1)]·E,现在用检流计来比较 Rx 和 R3 的电压,根据电流方向,可以发现哪一个电压更大些。当检流计指零时,说明两电压相等,也就得出*式。 三、实验仪器: 线式电桥板、电阻箱、滑线变阻器、检流计、箱式惠斯通电桥、待测电阻、低压直流电源。 四、实验内容和步骤: 1、标准电阻 Rn 选择开关选择“单桥”档; 2、工作方式开关选择“单桥”档; 3、电源选择开关选在有效量程里; 4、G 开关选择“G 内接”; 5、根据 Rx 的估计值,选好量成倍率,设置好 R1R2 值和 R3 值,将位值电阻 Rx 接入 Rx 接线端子(注意 Rx 端于上方短接片应接好); 6、打开仪器市电开关、面板指示灯亮; 7、建议选择毫伏表作为仪器检流计,释放“接入”键,量程置“2mV”挡,调节“调零”电位器,将数显表调零。调零后将量程转入 200mV 量程,按下“接入”按键,也可以选择微安表做检流计; 8、调节 R3 各盘电阻,粗平衡后,可以选择 20mV 或 2mV 挡,细调 R3,使电桥平衡;


第一章绪论 1.食品有哪些功能和特性? 营养功能、感官功能、保健功能 安全性、保藏性、方便性 2.食品的质量要素主要有哪些? 感官特性;营养;卫生;保藏期。 3. 食品变质主要包括食品外观、质构、风味等感官特征,营养价值、安全性、审美感觉的下降,食品加工中引起的变质主要有以下三个方面。 (1)微生物的作用:是腐败变质的主要原因,常见的污染细菌有:假单胞菌、微球菌、葡萄球菌、肠杆菌、霉菌等 (2)酶的作用:主要包括脂肪酶、蛋白酶、氧化还原酶、蔬菜水果中的多酚氧化酶诱发酶促褐变;肌肉中的氧化酶促进肌糖元分解产生大量酸性物质,引起尸僵。 (3)化学物理作用:热、冷、水分、氧气、光、及时间的条件下会发生物理化学变化,从而引起变色、褪色、脂肪氧化、淀粉老化、维生素损失、蛋白质变性等。 4.什么是食品加工? 将食物(原料)经过劳动力、机器、能量及科学知识,把它们转变成半成品或可食用的产品(食品)的方法或过程。 第二章食品的脱水 1.食品中水分的存在形式。 1.1.结合水是指不易流动、不易结冰(即使在-40度下),不能作为外加溶质的 溶剂,其性质显著不同于纯水的性质,这部分水被化学或物理的结合力所固定。结合水又分为化学结合水、吸附结合水、结构结合水和渗透结合水。 1.2.自由水(游离水)是指食品或原料组织细胞中易流动、容易结冰也能溶解 溶质的这部分水,又称为体相水。

2.名词解释: ●水分活度:食品中水的逸度与纯水逸度之比称为水分活度 ●干制:经加热蒸发脱水,使食品水分含量在15%以,其他性质发生极小变化 的干燥方法称为干制. ●食品干藏:脱水干制品在其水分被降低到足以防止腐败变质的程度后,并始终保持 低水分可进行长期保藏的一种方法。 ●E RH(相对平衡湿度):食品及不发生解吸也不发生吸附,此时空气的湿度称 为相对平衡湿度ERH,数值上用AW表示,对应食品中的水分为平衡水分。 ●M SI:在一定温度下,以AW水分含量所做的曲线成为MSI(水分吸附等温线)反应了食品平衡水分含量与外界的空气相对湿度之间的关系。 ●吸附:当食品水分的蒸汽压低于空气的蒸汽压时,则空气中的蒸气会不断地 向食品表面扩散,食品则从它表面附近的空气中吸收水蒸气而增加其水 分,这一吸水过程叫吸附。 ●解吸:当空气中的蒸汽压比食品的蒸汽压低时,食品中的水分向空气中蒸发, 水分下降,这一现象为解吸。 ●滞后现象:相同水分含量解吸的AW比吸附的AW低(食品重新吸水的能力变 弱) ●导湿性:由于水分梯度使得食品水分从高水分处向低水分处转移或扩的现 象。 ●导湿温性:食品受热时,温度梯度将促使水分(不论是液态或气态)从高 温处向低温处转移,这种现象称为导湿温性。 ●复原性:干制品重新吸收水分后,在重量、大小、形状、质地、颜色、风味、 结构、成分以及其他可见因素等方面恢复原来新鲜状态的程度。 ●复水性:指新鲜食品干制后能重新吸回水分的程度,一般用干制品吸水增重 的程度来表示,或用复水比、复重系数等来表示: a)水分活度对微生物的影响:各种微生物都有它自己生长最旺盛的适宜Aw, Aw下降,它们的生长率也下降,最后,Aw还可以下降到微生物停止生长的水平,不同类群微生物生长繁殖的最低Aw的范围是:细菌0.94-0.99,霉菌0.80-0.94,耐盐细菌0.75,耐干燥和耐高渗透压酵母0.60-0.65,在

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