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How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience翻译+Summary

How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience翻译+Summary
How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience翻译+Summary


富国和穷国共同生活,总是很不舒服,有时甚至达到危险的,因为时间的开始。普鲁塔克率领说:“一个与富国和穷国,是共和国最古老,最致命的疾病。”而继续合作,从出现的问题的富裕和贫穷的存在不平衡,尤其是过程,是好运在别人的厄运存在的理由- 已经一个世纪知识分子的当务之急。他们继续这样做我们自己的时间。一开始圣经提出的解决办法:穷人受害这个奇妙的世界,但在未来的回报。在贫困是一种暂时的不幸,如果他们是穷人,也温顺,他们最终将继承地球。这是,在某些方面,一个极好的解决方案。它允许富人享受他们的财富,而穷人嫉妒他们的未来的财富。[哈里克鲁斯的“页,从格鲁吉亚的无辜”讨论生活贫困的美化。]




















How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience is an essay, with clear logic and a tone of irony, written by John Kenneth Galbraith who is known for his development of Keynesian and post-Keynesian economics as well as for his writing and his active involvement in American politics.

This article begins with pointing directly out that the theme or problem “How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience” has existed with a long history. AS for how to get the poor off our consci ence, the author, in the second part of this article, brings up five historical solutions: according to the bible, the poor should be patient enough to their poverty of the current life so as to enjoy their future fortune in the next life; according to the utilitarianism of Jeremy Bentharn, the greatest good for the greatest number, society does its best for the largest possible number of people, by which people can get the poor off their conscience; based on Malthusianism, poverty is caused by the undue and irresponsible sexual intercourse of the poor, so the poverty is the fault of the poor and nothing related with the rich; the theory of “survival of the fittest” of Social Darwinism provides the rich an excuse that the poor and the affluence are the results of the operation of the law of nature and God; Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover believe that assistance to the poor is inconsistent with the economic design and also damages the economy, by which the rich can also get the poor out of their conscience.

After the Roosevelt revolution a lot of substantial measures have been taken, however the author thinks that is, actually, a way to avoid thinking about the poor. In recent years, the search for a way of getting the poor off the rich’s conscience is not at an end. There are five current designs for people to choose: the government incompetence should be the reason for the poor; helping the poor only hurts the poor; public-assistance measures have an adverse effect on the motivation of the rich and the diligent; the freedom of the affluence is reduced while that of the impoverished is not extraordinarily enhanced by taking money to help the poor from the taxes of the rich; psychological denial to the poor can also be a method to get out of the poor from th e rich’s conscience. In the end of this part, the author concludes that the modern designs except the psychological denial are all the variations of the historical solutions. So are some solutions or designs now welcomed in Washington, such as those proposed by George Gilder and Charles Murray.

In the last part of the article, the author points out that compassion, along with the associated public effort is in the interest of the conservatives to preserve and enlarge the social and political tranquility.

In “How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience”, the author John Kenneth Galbraith reflects on a problem arising from the continuing coexistence of affluence and poverty, that is the exercises we have undertaken to escape the responsibility to the poor. then the author points out some historical and modern solutions to this problem and offers some uations of his own. Finally he puts forward his viewpoint on the real solutions.

Six historical solutions are shown to us by the author. The first solution arose from Bible that the poor will get reward in the next world; The second solution is utilitarianism proposed by Benham that the greatest good for the greatest number .Thirdly, the new formula “Malthusianism” with the essential that the poverty of the poor was the fault of the poor became available. And then, a new form called “Social Darwinism” with the theme “survival of the fittest” was raised in the middle of the 19th century and achieved great influence. The last is Roosevelt revolution which makes the government take responsibility for the poor in public.

Then, the author discusses five modern designs for getting the poor off our conscience. The first is the allegation of the government’s incompeten ce. . The second design argues that any form of public assistance to the poor only hurts the poor. The third design is the argument that the public-assistance measures have an adverse effect on incentive. The fourth design is to point to presumed adverse effect on freedom of taking responsibility for them. Finally, when all else fails, we resort to simple psychological denial. We keep them off our mind.

At the end of the article, the author put forward the real solution. He believes the compassion, along with the associated public effort, is a good way to solve the problem. Then, we can preserve and enlarge the social and political tranquility .
