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An integrated approach to inverse kinematics and path planning for redundant manipulators

An Integrated Approach to Inverse Kinematics and Path Planning for Redundant Manipulators

Dominik Bertram1,2James Kuffner2Ruediger Dillmann1Tamim Asfour1

1Institute of Computer Science and Engineering2The Robotics Institute

University of Karlsruhe Carnegie Mellon University Haid-und-Neu-Stra?e7,76131Karlsruhe,Germany5000Forbes Ave.,Pittsburgh,PA,15213,USA


Abstract—We propose a novel solution to the problem of inverse kinematics for redundant robotic manipulators for the purposes of goal selection for path planning.We unify the calculation of the goal con?guration with searching for a path in order to avoid the uncertainties inherent to selecting goal con?gurations which may be unreachable because they currently lie in components of the free con?guration space disconnected from the initial con?guration.We adopt workspace heuristic functions that implicitly de?ne goal regions of the con?guration space and guide the extension of Rapidly-exploring Random Trees(RRTs),which are used to search for these regions.The algorithm has successfully been used to ef?ciently plan reaching and grasping motions for a humanoid robot equipped with redundant manipulator arms.

I.I NVERSE K INEMATICS AND P ATH P LANNING Service robots and especially humanoid robots are expected to perform complex manipulation tasks in dynamic environ-ments.This precludes the use of preprogrammed trajectories, and instead necessitates general and?exible techniques for autonomous manipulation planning.Solving a manipulation planning problem involves computing some sequence of grasp-ing,regrasping,and manipulation operations applied to a set of movable objects[1]–[4].

In this paper,we focus on the reaching subtask,which involves computing a trajectory for the manipulator arm to move from some initial con?guration to a goal con?guration with the end-effector in a position to grasp the object.Reach-ing subtasks have traditionally been further subdivided into the problems of grasp selection,arm con?guration selection, and arm trajectory planning.This division of the computation exists for both historical and practical reasons.Conventional path planning algorithms require a speci?c goal con?guration as input.Thus,a method for calculating the joint angles that correspond to the desired workspace posture of the end-effector is needed.This is the classic inverse kinematics(IK) problem,which has a long history in the robotics literature. Apart from special cases,there currently exist no known analytical methods for solving the inverse kinematics of a general redundant mechanism(greater than six degrees of freedom)[5].Iterative,numerical techniques based on the calculation of the pseudo-inverse of the Jacobian J+[6], [7]are typically used instead.These methods have several

drawbacks:Fig.1.Motion planning for a7-DOF manipulator:Taking a plate out of a dishwasher.(Experiment Dishwasher)

?Iterative methods can suffer from poor performance or non-convergence depending upon the quality of the initial guess,the distribution of singularities in the mechanism con?guration space,or a combination of these effects.?While there usually is a wide range of possible workspace end-effector poses for grasping an object,existing IK algorithms typically require selecting exactly one such pose in order to compute a corresponding arm joint con?guration.

?When a given workspace position and orientation admits

a continuous range of solutions in the joint space,iterative

methods are usually only able to return a single solution, as opposed to multiple solutions or a family of solutions. The conventional path planning problem formulation in-volves searching the con?guration space(C-space)of a robotic system for a collision-free path that connects a start con?gu-ration q init to a goal con?guration q goal[8].For a complete treatment of motion planning,the reader is referred to[9],[10]. Approaches to the path planning problem can be divided into the two classes of single-query and multiple-query planning. For single-query planning,it is assumed that a single planning problem should be solved quickly,without any pre-processing. The class of multiple-query planning problems encompasses cases where many path planning problems are to be solved in the exact same environment,making extensive pre-processing viable(e.g.[11]).Since humanoids and other service robots are intended to operate in dynamic environments,most motion

planning problems for such robots can be assumed to ?t into the class of single-query planning.

When only a limited set of goals (as in [12])or only a single q goal is computed,the following problems can occur when attempting to plan a path:

1)q goal may not be collision-free with respect to obstacles in the environment.

2)q goal may not represent the best choice available in terms of joint distance or planned path length from the current arm con?guration.

3)q goal may be unreachable from the current arm con?g-uration (i.e.no collision-free path exists),causing the planner to fail,even when easily reachable,collision-free alternative inverse kinematic solutions exist.In section II,we will present an example where these problems occur using the traditional approach to path planning and inverse kinematics.

II.I NTUITION R EGARDING C ONFIGURATION S PACE The con?guration space of a redundant manipulator exists in a high-dimensional space corresponding to the number of degrees of freedom of the manipulator minus the constraints imposed on the motion of the end-effector.

Figure 2shows a simple redundant robot arm that has three revolute joints with parallel axes,each with a range of motion of (?π,π)radians.This system has three degrees of freedom (DOF).Because the end-effector of the robot can only reach positions in a plane,the arm is redundant in this plane.The C-space can be visualized as a cube with edges of length 2π.Figure 2shows two IK solutions (a)and (b)plotted both in the workspace and in the con?guration space for a given position of the





Two inverse kinematics solutions for the same end-effector posture.

Obstacles in the workspace map to regions in the C-space called C-obstacles,which represent the set of all joint con?gurations of the robot that cause the geometry of the robot to intersect (overlap)the geometry of the obstacle.These C-obstacles can cause a complete disconnection between dif-ferent regions of the free con?guration space.In this case,there will exist no valid path between two joint con?gurations lying in two disconnected components of the free space.A simple example for such a C-space is given in Figure 3:The C-obstacle forms a “wall”of complex shape that is parallel to the θ2-θ3


Fig.3.3-DOF robot and con?guration space with a C-obstacle creating two disconnected components of free space.

In the context of inverse kinematics,this implies that there may be multiple candidate solutions which lie in disconnected components of the free space,and may be unreachable from the current initial joint con?guration of the robot.Adding the obstacle from Figure 3to the workspace shown in Figure 2causes one of the two IK solutions to become disconnected from the initial con?guration of the robot as shown in Figure https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e57208285.html,ing a traditional approach to IK,con?guration (b)may be selected as the goal.Unfortunately,this blind selection of an IK goal without consideration of its reachability guarantees that the subsequent path planning search will


Fig.4.Two IK solutions (a)and (b)lying in disconnected components of the con?guration space.

As mentioned in section I,another problem is that even if it were possible to compute and plan for all possible IK solutions to a single end-effector posture,there may actually be a wide continuous range of end-effector positions which allow solving the task.Consider the task of grasping a cylindrical object.The two con?gurations shown in Figure 2are possible solutions but in addition,there are in?nitely many more con?gurations that enable the robot to grasp the object.This set of con?gurations corresponds to a symmetric region in the C-space illustrated in Figure 5.

Fig.5.Solution region for grasping a cylindrical object.



We propose to avoid these dif?culties by integrating the search for inverse kinematics solutions directly into the plan-ning process.Currently,an ef?cient path planning method based on Rapidly-exploring Random Trees[13]is used to compute collision-free paths.We made the following modi-?cations to the RRT search algorithm[14]:

?No explicit goal con?guration is computed.Instead,the planner evaluates workspace goal criteria for con?gura-tions generated during the search.This allows for the possibility of discovering any valid goal joint con?gura-tion(inverse kinematic solution)that is part of the goal region.

?We grow only a single tree in the con?guration space rooted at the current(initial)arm joint con?guration, since there is no explicit goal con?guration from which

a second tree could be grown.

?Appropriate distance metrics and heuristics have been developed for the workspace goal criteria in order to naturally increase the probability of?nding solutions that are easily reachable from the current arm con?guration.?Workspace obstacle distance information is used to im-prove overall performance.



The algorithm consists of several parts which are shown in Figure6.The robot initial joint con?guration q init is given as input to initialize the RRT search tree.For every con?guration q added as a node to the RRT,obstacle distance information is used to ensure that the new branch is collision-free. Progress towards the goal is measured via a heuristic workspace goal functionΓ(q)→ based on the input workspace goal position and orientation along with any ad-ditional grasping constraints.If the goal is reached,then a solution trajectory connecting q init and the discovered IK goal con?guration is returned.

B.Heuristic Workspace Goal Functions

To implicitly de?ne the region of goal con?gurations in the C-space,we use a heuristic workspace metricΓ(q)→ that maps the pose of the end-effector to a scalar value representing

Fig.6.Overview of Integrated Inverse Kinematics and Planning Algorithm. proximity to the goal.Forward kinematics is used to compute the relevant information about the end-effectors posture from a con?guration q.Our current implementation uses a weighted sum of several factors to achieve a simple characterization of the goal region.The main factor is the difference d of the Euclidean distance between the origin of the end-effector’s coordinate system and the center of the target object G?H . Depending on the target object,different penalty terms are added to constrain the orientation of the end-effector.These terms typically consist of the dot-product of one or more of the coordinate system axes x H,y H,z H and a vector v to which it should be aligned either parallel or vertical,within a tolerance speci?ed by the weight w1of the term:


|x H·v|?1

One common special penalty term aligns the vector G?H to x H,thus causing the end-effector to point towards the center of the target object.Another possibility is to make G?H vertical to one of the axes of the target object coordinate system x G,y G,z G,thus causing the end-effector to be aligned parallel to one of the coordinate planes:


(G?H)·x H ?1


(G?H)·y G

Using these components,goal function templates for a variety of target objects,such as cylindrical,box-shaped, spherical and planar shapes,have been de?ned.For example, a goal function for a spherical object as depicted in Figure7 might be de?ned as follows:

φsphere= G?H +50

(G?H)·x H?1

To model the goal region,a threshold value g needs to be de?ned for the goal function.A value below g implies that the given con?guration is a part of the goal region.

Fig.7.Grasping a spherical object

While goal functions following the scheme presented above are easily de?ned and produced good results in our exper-iments,careful tuning of the penalty weights is necessary to ensure that the resulting function is largely free of local minima.Determining alternative methods for modeling the goal region that are local-minima free is likely to improve the planning algorithm.

C.Search Tree Branch Scaling

In[15],a method is proposed for computing collision-free bubbles around con?gurations of manipulators with revolute joints.This method essentially gives an upper bound for the distance any point on the geometry of the manipulator can travel for a given change in the con?guration.This upper bound is a weighted sum of the differences of the joint angles, with the weights r i corresponding to the positional change that the i-th joint can effect in the workspace.It can be regarded as a metricδ(q1,q2)→ in the C-space.For a given con?guration q,the bubble is then de?ned as follows:


where d is the distance from the manipulator in con?guration q to the nearest obstacle in the workspace.

When adding a branch extending from a con?guration q to a new con?guration q new to the RRT,it has to be guaranteed to be collision-free.To this end,the direction vector representing the branch q new?q has to be scaled so that it lies completely within the collision-free bubble of its parent con?guration.A modi?ed scaling method from[16]is used to achieve this. Let q d denote the normalized direction vector of the new branch.A scale factor s is needed such thatδ(q,q new)=d, with q new=q+sq d.Because

δ(q,q+sq d)=



r i|sq d|it follows that




r i|q d|or

s=d/δ(0,q d)

The resulting branch is guaranteed to be collision-free,without the need to run a collision check to con?rm.This approach to collision avoidance signi?cantly improves performance.Only in cases where the bubble is so small that a branch inside it would only result in insigni?cant changes in the end-effector’s posture,the branch is extended beyond the boundaries of the bubble and then checked for collision.This is done by enforcing a minimum for the scale factor s:


d/δ(0,q d)if d/δ(0,q d)>s min

s min otherwise

D.Search Tree Heuristics

The general extension algorithm of the RRT,as described in[14],is biased towards exploring the empty regions of the C-space.While this is a desirable property,since it guarantees that the tree converges to uniform coverage of the entire space,it is also desirable to partly bias the search towards the goal region.To achieve this,an alternate extension procedure that implements a best-?rst search strategy was developed. The function EXTEND is replaced by the new Procedure EXTEND HEURISTIC in a certain fraction of the extension steps during the search.

Procedure EXTEND HEURISTIC(T,q rand)

Extends RRT T from the highest ranked node,in the direction of con?guration q rand.

Data:ranking:list of con?gurations,sorted by their chance of reaching the goal region;

f:extension failure threshold

Result:q new:the new con?guration;

q near:if extension unsuccessful

q near←ranking.front();

if NEW CONFIG(q,q near,q new)∧


(GOAL DIST(q new)


return q new;




if FAILURECOUNT(q near)>f then


ranking.remove(q near);


q parent←PARENT(q near);




return q near;


Procedure EXTEND HEURISTIC has the following key features:

?A ranking of all nodes in the RRT is created according to their chance of extending into the goal region.The measure used by the ranking is a weighted sum of the goal distance and the distance to the nearest obstacle.The obstacle distance component typically receives a negative weight,since a low goal distance combined with a high clearance is the optimal state for a node in the search tree.

?Instead of selecting a random con?guration and trying to extend in its direction from the nearest node of the RRT,the heuristic extension algorithm selects the node with the best ranking and tries to extend in a random

direction from there.The new branch is only added if it achieves a lower goal distance than the parent node.This heuristic implements a best-?rst search strategy and can therefore get stuck in local minima,e.g.if it continuously tries to directly extend towards a part of the goal region that is obstructed by an obstacle.

?To detect and resolve local minima situations,extension failures are counted for nodes,similar to the method proposed in[17].When a node exceeds a certain fail-ure threshold,it is removed from the ranking and will therefore not be selected for heuristic extension again.It can,however,still be used in random extension.

?The failure count of a node is incremented when an attempt to add a new branch fails because the new branch is not collision-free or does not yield a lower goal distance than the parent node.

?A node’s failure count is set to the maximum when one of its child nodes is removed from the ranking.This rule is necessary to prevent the heuristic from continuously extending into the same local minimum region.Setting the node’s failure count to the maximum ensures that it will be removed from the ranking as soon as it produces another failure.This allows nodes that are not in the vicinity of the local minimum to get the best ranking, causing the tree to avoid the region.

?Whenever an extension is made that reduces the goal distance,the tree continues to extend the same direction until the goal distance stops improving.This rule is similar to the RRT-Connect heuristic proposed in[14]. The RRT-Connect search algorithm has been shown to be probabilistically complete in[14].Since our new algorithm shares the randomized portion of RRT-Connect,it is also probabilistically complete.Because of the randomness of extension directions and the wide variety of situations that can arise in the C-space,it is dif?cult to make any accu-rate prediction regarding the rate of convergence.Applying the heuristic extension algorithm to about50percent of all extension attempts,however,has been observed to yield good performance for a variety of planning tasks.


The proposed algorithm was used to solve a number of grasping problems of varying dif?culty.All experiments were conducted using a simulation of the humanoid robot ARMAR [18],which is equipped with two7-DOF manipulator arms, in a kitchen environment.All tests were run100times on a AMD Athlon2600+clocked at2.0GHz.The Proximity Query Package[19]was used for obstacle distance computation. The?rst two tasks involve grasping a sphere and a plate ?oating in the workspace,without any additional obstacles. Note,however,that the target object itself is frequently the most dif?cult obstacle in a grasping problem.The workspaces of the experiments Sphere and Plate are shown in Figure8. The average computation time was0.4seconds for grasping the sphere and2.1seconds for the


Fig.8.Experiments Sphere and Plate

The third workspace,shown in Figure9,consists of the kitchen environment;the task is to grasp a spherical object in a drawer.The average computation time was0.7seconds.The second workspace shown in Figure9shows a dif?cult grasping problem:An object is to be grasped in the con?ned space of a cabinet.Note that the initial con?guration has the end-effector of the robot’s arm placed under the cabinet,so that the arm has to fold to get around the cabinet.The average computation time for100trials in this experiment was approximately17.6 seconds.

Another dif?cult workspace is shown in Figure1.Here the task is to take a plate out of the dishwasher.The dish-washer basket has highly complex geometry,consisting of about30,000triangles,which makes distance computation expensive.This task was solved in an average of4.3seconds. Table I summarizes the results of all of our


Fig.9.Experiments Drawer and Cabinet

Experiment DOF triangles Avg.nodes https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e57208285.html,p.

in tree time(seconds) Sphere75578710.44







The examples presented and the fact that all test runs con-verged demonstrate that our new algorithm is already capable of solving typical planning problems with high reliability. When comparing the performance to other planning systems, it is important to keep in mind that our approach solves the

problem of grasp selection in addition to path planning.The computation time needed for inverse kinematics is usually disregarded when analyzing the performance of traditional planners.While such a planner might yield better performance when a reachable IK solution is known,this knowledge is unnecessary in our approach.


In the preceding we have proposed a novel,integrated ap-proach to inverse kinematics and single-query motion planning for manipulation tasks.In contrast to traditional approaches, it can consider any reachable con?guration as the goal con-?guration during the search.Our approach is inspired by an intuitive understanding of the structure of the C-space, consisting of disconnected goal and obstacle regions.It is based on exploring a connected free component of the con?g-uration space with a single Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT).Candidate con?gurations are evaluated by a heuristic workspace metric that measures the manipulator’s ability to achieve a desired pose of the target object.This goal distance, as well as obstacle distance information,is used to guide the search of the con?guration space.

Our proposed approach has several key advantages over traditional motion planning algorithms:

?No explicit inverse kinematics computation is needed for planning.

?Only reachable,collision-free IK solutions are discovered during the search.Solutions that cause collisions or lie in disconnected components of the C-space are disregarded.?Given a suitable goal function,our approach yields reliable planning performance that is probabilistically complete.

?Due to the purely local extension of the RRT,generated paths tend to belong to the same topological class as the shortest possible path.

Although our new planning algorithm has been shown to be capable of solving complex planning problems,several possible improvements have been identi?ed:

?The rate of convergence greatly depends on the accuracy of the goal function.Since we used a relatively sim-ple model,a more analytical approach to modeling the distance to the goal region may speed up convergence signi?cantly.

?Using more ef?cient collision detection/minimum dis-tance computation algorithms,such as the one proposed in[20]will improve performance,as distance computa-tion contributes a sizable portion of the computation time per RRT node.

?Using an ef?cient approximate nearest neighbor algo-rithm for the random extension of the RRT should sig-ni?cantly reduce the computation time needed for RRTs containing a large number of nodes.

?Dynamically modifying the parameters of the algorithm according to the state of the search might enable more consistent behavior across different planning problems.

Exploring these implementation issues,and conducting fur-ther analysis forms the basis of our future work.


We thank the InterACT program[21]for making this joint research project possible.James Kuffner thanks Steve LaValle, Shintaro Yoshizawa and Yutaka Hirano for helpful discussions, and for partial support from NSF grants ECS-0325383,ECS-0326095,and ANI-0224419.


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