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《文言文特殊句式》导学案 一、【学习目标】 1.了解高考中常考的文言文特殊句式。 2.掌握文言文特殊句式的几种类型的标志及翻译方法。 二、【学习重、难点】 学习重点:文言文特殊句式的几种类型的标志。 学习难点:倒装句式的辨识和翻译。 三、【学习方法】自学、归纳总结 【考纲解读】 高考文言文考查能力要求明确指出:“理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法。”考查形式主要有显性和隐性两种。显性就是以选择题形式判断句式的不同,隐性是将文言文特殊句式放在翻译中综合考查。 主要的特殊句式:判断句、被动句、倒装句(变式句)、省略句。 ㈠判断句 1、用“者”或“也”表示判断,这是典型的文言判断形式。 (1)主语后用“者”,谓语后用“也”表示判断。 如:夺项王天下者,必沛公也。 (2)主语后单用“者”,或谓语后单用“也”表示判断。 如:四人者:庐陵萧君圭君玉,长乐王回深父…… (3)“者也”在句尾连用表示判断。 如:①城北徐公,齐国之美丽者也。②沛公之参乘樊哙者也。 (4)“者”、“也”全不用。 如:①刘备,天下枭雄。②秦,虎狼之国。 2.用副词“乃”“则”“即”“皆”“素”“耳”等表示判断。这些形式也比较多见。 如:①臣乃市井鼓刀屠者。②此则岳阳楼之大观也。③即今之傫然在墓者也 ..。④夫六国与秦皆诸侯。⑤且相如素贱人。⑥此亡秦之续耳。 3.用动词“为”、“是”表示判断。(文言文中用“是”作判断动词的较为少见) 如:①故今之墓中全乎为五人也。 ②问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。 ③巨是凡人,偏在远郡……

4.用“非”、“未”、“弗”等表示或辅助表示否定的判断。 如:①吾本非文人画士…… ②六国破灭,非兵不利,战不善,弊在赂秦。 ③人固未易知,知人亦未易也。 ④呼尔而与之,行道之人弗受。 (注意:以上各种类型判断句,译成现代汉语时,如是肯定判断句,要用“是”;如是否定判断句,要用“不是”。) ㈡被动句 1.用介词“于”、“受”、“受……于……”表被动(“于”引进动作行为的主动者)。 如:①六艺经传皆通习之,不拘于时,学于余。②吾不能举全吴之地,十万之众,受制于人。 2.用“见”、“见…于……”表示被动(“于”引出动作的主动者)。 如:①信而见疑,忠而被谤。②秦城恐不可得,徒见欺。③吾常见笑于大方之家。 3.用“为”、“为……所……”(“为”引出动作的主动者)或“……为所……”表示被动。 如:①而身死国灭,为天下笑。②为.(wéi,动词,治理的意思)国者无使为积威之所劫哉。 ③不者,若属皆且为所虏。 4.用介词“被”表示被动 如:①舞榭歌台,风流总被雨打风吹去。②予犹记周公之被逮,在丁卯三月之望。 5.动词本身表示被动(这是意念上的被动句,没有任何标志,要根据上下文来判别补出)。 如:①傅说举于版筑之间,胶鬲举于鱼盐之中。(傅说从筑墙的工作中被选拔,胶鬲从贩卖鱼盐的人中被举拔。)②帝感其诚。(天帝被愚公的诚心感动。) ㈢省略句 1.省主语。 ①廉颇为赵将,()伐齐,()大破之。承前省 ②沛公谓张良曰:“……()度我至军中,公乃入。”蒙后省 ③每假借于藏书之家,()手自笔录,()计日以还……()录毕,()走送之。自述省 ④“独乐乐,与人乐乐,孰乐?”()曰:“不若与人。”对话省 2.省谓语(无论是古代还是现代,省略谓语的现象还是比较少的)。 ①军中无以为乐,请以剑舞(为乐)。 ②一鼓作气,再(鼓)而衰,三(鼓)而竭。 3.省略动词或介词的宾语。(宾语常见的是代词“之”) (1)省略动词后的宾语 ①项王曰:“壮士!之卮酒赐。”则与(之)斗卮酒。


Lesson 1 What’s so funny? Unit 17 Laughter I.New words and phrases(单词与词汇). 1.____ vt.提取,收回9.____n.国界,边境 2.____ adj.成熟的10._____adj.不可置信的,极其惊人的 3.____ vt.忽视11.____ n.代理人,经销商 4.____ vt.澄清,讲清楚12.______adj.和谐的 5.____ n,延误,延期13.________ n.身份 6.____vi.排队14.____ adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的 7.____n.惊险小说或电影15._____ adv.迅速地 8._______ n.锦标赛,联赛16.burst ___ laughing 突然笑起来 17.____ a cheque 兑现支票18._____ delay 毫不拖延 19.____ one’s opinion 忽视某人的观点20.wait __ line 排队等候 21.yell __ sb. 对某人大声叫喊22.push one’s ___挤进去,挤着前进 23.be in harmony ___ 与…协调一致24.deal ___ 对付,处理 II.Fast-reading(快速阅读回答问题) 1.Why did the woman write a cheque for fifty dollars? A.She forgot how to spell 40 in English. B.She often withdraws $50 from the bank. C.Her husband wanted to cash a cheque for her. D.Her husband couldn’t remember if 40 was spelled “fourty” or “forty”. 2.What happened at last in anecdoteA? A.Her husband took out $50. B.Her husband made a joke with her. C.She withdrew fifty dollars instead. D.She had to go home to get some help. 3.Why did Mr Wang ask his daughter about her opinions of going on a holiday? A.He wanted to get his daughter to go with him,not his wife. B.He thought that his daughter was a mature girl,and wanted to hear her own opinion. C.He had gone to Hainan Island. D.He had gone to Thailand. 4.Why did the man say“DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM”? A.He wanted to persuade the counter to give him the money. B.He wanted to get the counter to realize that he was a very important person,and she could take care of him first. C.The man came here first. D.The man was not the first to come. III.Match the titles,the pictures(1-3)and the anecdotes(A-C)(连线找出正确的小标题) 1. Memory loss 2.Check your spelling 3.Family harmony IV.Important phrases and how to use(重要短语及用法). 1.I wanted to withdraw $40 from our bank account… Withdraw vt.___________(汉语意思)


题目: 倒装句 备课人:姜慧君 审批人:姜慧君 备课日期:2014. 4 授课日期:2014. 4 【学习目标】掌握倒装句的用法。 【学习重点】理解部分倒装和全部倒装。 【学习难点】倒装句的灵活使用。 【知识链接】 英语的基本语序是“主语 + 谓语”。如果将谓语的全部或一部分放在主语之前,这种语序叫做倒装语序。倒装的原因,一是语法结构的需要,二是为了强调。倒装主要有两种:部分倒装,把助动词放在主语之前,谓语的其他部分放在主语之后。全部倒装,将整个谓语放在主语之前。 【学法指导】自主学习,理解并学会运用。 【学习过程】 一、全部倒装: 1、用于there be 句型。 There are many students in the classroom. 2、句首状语引起完全倒装。以here there, now, then out, in, up, down, away 等副词开头的句子里,以表示强调。 Here comes the bus. Now comes your turn. Out went the children. 当代词作主语时,主谓语序不变。 Here it is. Here he comes. 3、句首状语为表示地点的介词短语。 South of the city lies a big steel factory. From the valley came a frightening sound. 4、表语置于句首时,倒装结构为“表语 + 系动词 + 主语” 1)形容词 + be + 主语 Present at the meeting were Professor White, Professor Smith and many other guests. 2) 过去分词 + be + 主语 Gone are the days when they would do what they liked. 3) 介短 + be + 主语 Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys. 5、so, nor, neither 开头的句子,表示重复前句部分内容。 He has been to Beijing, so have I. Liwei can’t answ er the question, neither can I. so 后主谓不倒装,表示对前面所述内容的肯定、确认。 Tom is very kind, so he is. 二、部分倒装: 1、否定副词no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly 以及含有no, not 的短语(at no time, by no means, not once)放在句首时。 Never in my life have I heard such a thing. Not a single word did he say at the meeting. At no time will China turn superpower. Not once has he kept his promise. 2、以否定词开头的关联结构。not only…but also…, no sooner…than, hardly/scarcely…when.只将前半部分倒装,后半部分正常语序。Not until +时间状语 + 倒装 Not until + 句子 + 倒装。 Not until late in the evening did he come back. Not until he finished the work did he begin to watch TV . He did n’t begin to watch TV until he finished the work. Not only did he buy a bike for me but also he sent it to my house. Hardly had he got on the bus when he heard a shout. =No sooner has he got on the bus than he heard a shout. 3、only + 副词/介短/状语从句。 Only this afternoon did I finish the novel. Only in this way can you learn English well. He stays in bed when he is seriously ill. →Only when he is seriously ill does he stay in bed.


选修六Module 1 ⒈lack (1)Lack money/ experience/ time (2)Be lacking in (3)For lack of ①健康问题与不好的饮食习惯及缺乏锻炼有很大的关系。 Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a lack of exercise. ②大城市因为缺乏空间建起了越来越多的高层建筑。 More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space. ③由于缺乏睡眠,许多学生无法集中精力于学习上( 一句多译). Many students can’t concentrate on their studies for lack of sleep. Many students lack sleep, which makes it difficult for them to concentrate on their studies. Lacking sleep makes it difficult for many students to concentrate on their studies. Many students are lacking in sleep so that they can’t concentrate on their studies. ⒉advance Adj. 预先的在前的 预付款advance payment 提前做点某事do a little advance planning v.前进发展进步推动,将···提前 →advanced 先进的,高级的, advanced technology /society /courses n. in advance 提前、事先= ahead of time. ⒊In addition 此外,另外=besides, what’s more in addition to 除···之外= apart from// besides There’s a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge In addition , you need to know how long you should stay. Except //except for I cant take my holidays at any time except in August.


高二英语导学案 班级:_________ 姓名:_________ Book 7 Unit 2 Robots (词汇导学案) 一、学习目标 1.掌握本单元51个课标单词及7个课标短语,达到听说读写的基本要求。 2.能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 二、学习重点 能够熟练掌握并正确运用词汇表中黑体的12个重点单词及7个重点短语。 三、学习难点 学会自我分类,根据词性归纳整理本单元的重点单词,并利用词汇的派生扩展夯实词汇,能够自己独立完成相应的词汇练习。 四、学习过程 【自主预习】 1.词汇先根据读音规则试读,再听录音纠正发音、大声朗读,然后通过音形义相结合的方式记忆本单元单词。你记住了吗?写一写,试试吧! 名词(n.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ ______形容词(adj.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 动词(v.):______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2.短语合上课本,试着写出以下几个短语的中文意思。 1)test out______________________ 2) ring up_____________________ 3) leave…alone___________________ 4) set aside____________________ 5) be bound to____________________ 6) turn around_________________ 7) in all__________________________ 【小组合作】 1.词形变化判断下列后缀的词性,并根据要求为所给单词选择相应的后缀并给出相应的词类转换形式。你可以吗?试试看吧! -ion/ation_______; -ing_______; -ed_______; -er_______; -ce_______; -ment_______; -cal_______. 1)satisfy→____________(n.) 满意,令人满意的事物→____________(adj.)令人 满意的→____________(adj.)满足的,(感到)满意的 2)alarm→___________(adj.)担心的 3)elegant→____________(n.)优雅,高雅 4)declare→__________(n.)宣言,声明 5)count→_________(n.)柜台,计数器 6)state→__________(n.)陈述 7)talent→_________(adj.)天才的,有才能的 8)imagine→__________(n.)想象力 9)theory→__________(adj.)理论上的 10)divorce→_________(adj.)离婚的 11)assess→_________(n.)评价,评定 12)affect→________(n.)喜爱,感情 13)think→_________(n.)思考,思想14)transfuse→_________(n.)输血 15)bed→_________(n.)寝具,铺盖 2.复合词合上课本,根据汉语意思试着拼写出下列复合词,试一试吧! 1)超重的________ 2)手指甲________ 3)理发________ 4)项链________ 5)扶手椅________ 6)邮筒_________ 7)框架________ 8)兼职的_______ 9)化妆品________ 10)生物化学________


倒装句Inversion 主语放在谓语的前面,叫做自然语序。 谓语放在主语的前面,叫做倒装语序。 1.倒装的种类: 1)将谓语全部放在主语前面的叫全部倒装。 2)将谓语一部分(助动词/情态动词)放在主语前面的叫部分倒装。 3) 倒装用法巧记忆:(五全八部话倒装) 五全:有/时/表/地方 八部:不/只/让步/也/需/常/如此/祝福 谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语这前。 结构: 全部倒装: ①引起全部倒装的成分(放句首) + V + 主语 ②表语+ 系动词+ 主语 部分倒装: ①引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + do/did/does + 主语+ V原形 ②引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + can/could/might等情态动词+ 主语+ V原形 ③引起部分倒装的成分(放句首) + be动词(am, is, are, was, were ) + 主语+ 表语 (一)全部倒装 基本结构为“引起倒装的词或词组+ 谓语+ 主语” 1“There + be” 句型。 ¤表示存在概念的状态动词,如:be ( 有各种时态变化),exist,remain,live,lie,stand等; ¤表示某事发生或某人到达等概念的不及物动词,如:come,enter,arise,occur,follow,等 There happen +主语(碰巧);There appear +主语 There seem +to be主语(似乎) There be going to be+主语(将会)There used +to be主语(曾经)There be likely to be+主语(很可能)


Period 1 Grammar (relative pronouns of attributive clause sⅠ) 【学习目标】 1.To know some basic definitions, such as attributive clauses (定语从句), antecedent (先行词), relative pronouns(关系词). 2.To learn how to choose a relative pronoun — that,which,who,whom,whose,as. 【学习重点与难点】 Important point: To grasp the way of selecting a relative pronoun. Difficult point: To identify the sentence parts (subject or object) that relative pronouns function as in attributive clauses. 【使用说明与学法指导】 1、带着预习案中问题导学中的问题自主设计预习提纲,对概念进行梳理,作好必要的标注和 笔记。 2、认真完成基础知识梳理,在“我的疑惑”处填上自己不懂的知识点,在“我的收获”处填写自 己对本课自主学习的知识及方法收获。 3、熟记relative pronouns of attributive clauses基础知识梳理中的重点知识。 预习案 一、问题导学 观察句子。 1.The boys are from Class One. They are playing basketball. → The boys who are playing basketball are from Class One. 2.The student is Wang Kun. The teacher has praised him. → The student whom the teacher has praised is Wang Kun. 3.The factory is over there. It produces cars. → The factory which produces cars is over there. 4.Football is a game. Most boys like football. → Fo otball is a game which most boys like. 二、知识梳理 1. 定语从句:一个句子作_______,修饰主句中的某一名词或代词。 2. 主句中被修饰的名词或代词叫_________。引导定语从句的词叫做_______。 3.关系词的三个作用:指代_________;位于定语从句句首,引导整个____________; 关系词在定语从句中________(作/不作)成分。 三、预习自测 请找出下列句子中的先行词和关系词。 1.The boy who is wearing a black jacket is my friend. 2.That’s the girl whom I teach. 3.The cake that my mother made is for my birthday. 4.He lent me the book which you talked about yesterday. 5.They all enjoyed the story that I told. 6.The man who has a sense of duty won’t do such a thing. 7.There is an old man who wants to see you. 8.The problem that we are facing now is how to collect so much money. 9.These are the trees which I planted last year.


第一学期期末考试 高二英语试卷 注:卷面分值150分;时间:120分钟。 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Peng Liyuan,wife of President Xi Jinping, has drawn extensive attention from people both at home and abroad for her charm and grace/politeness. Accompanying her husband on his first overseas trip after becoming president, Peng Liyuan showed a pleasant personality and well-chosen dress, creating the “Liyuan style”. Peng Liyuan, as one of China’s best-known singers, was popular among Chinese people long before her husband became the president. Loved by her fans, she has been in touch with the people for years. “Liyuan style” first lies in her dressing style. The beautiful handbags Peng has carried, and the plain but elegant dresses she has worn have become popular. Her choice of clothing, made-in-China instead of luxurious foreign brands, shows her belief in domestic dress designs. But “Liyuan style” is not only about clothing. It is also about diplomacy and promoting China’s soft power. In Moscow, Peng visited a boarding school for orphans and children away from their parents, encouraging them to struggle for a better life, which brought out the maternal side of her character. In Tanzania, she donated sewing machines and school bags to women and children. And as a World Health Organization ambassador in the fight against AIDS, Peng is devoted to many public causes, including those relating to charity and healthcare. 1. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “domestic”? A. of elegance B. popular C. of own country D. foreign 2. This passage is mainly about__________. A. President Xi’s wife Peng B. a cultural phenomenon named as “Liyuan style” C. Peng Liyuan’s charming character D. the achievements of Peng on charity and healthcare. 3. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. “Liyuan style” is only a fashion idol. B. Peng Liyuan, as the wife of President Xi, admires lots of luxurious brands. C. Peng firstly appears in the publ ic as the “First Lady” in Moscow. D. Peng Liyuan is willing to fight against AIDS and become an ambassador of WHO. B Volunteering Just like the animals we shelter, people are very special to us. The Animal Shelter of Sacramento County has 300 active volunteers and always wants to add more. If you have a few hours each week and a love for dogs and cats, we at the shelter welcome your coming. Children 10 years of age or older are allowed to take part in some of our programs as youth volunteers when accompanied (陪伴) by an adult. The adult car be a parent, or guardian (监护人) 18 years of age or olden Youth V olunteer Opportunities Youth volunteers may fill the position of dog nuzzler, cat snuggler, or kennel aide, if there are openings. Please call our volunteer information hotline at 800-290-5992 to hear a recording of the positions available. Dog Nuzzlers


2019高考英语总练习学案第11讲:倒装句 倒装的两种考法: 1.放在单项选择题中,考查考生的倒装语法知识是否熟练掌握; 2.放在完形填空和阅读理解中,设置理解障碍。 倒装的两种形式: 1.完全倒装:将整个谓语动词提到主语前。 2.部分倒装:即半倒装,将谓语的一部分即助动词提到主语前。 【一】完全倒装 【翻译句子】 (1)车来了。 Herecomesthebus. (2)铃响了。 Theregoesthebell. (3)孩子们冲出来了。 Outrushedthechildren. (4)那个男孩离开了。 Awaywenttheboy. 【结论1】表方位的副词here,there或out,in,up,down,away,off等标志词放在句首,句子用完全倒装。 【翻译句子】 (12)Littledoesheknowaboutthenews. 他对这消息知之甚少。 (13)Bynomeanscanhecatchupinsuchashorttime. 他根本不可能在这么短的时间里赶上来。 【结论1】含有否定意义的副词或短语如:few,little,never,not,notuntil,nowhere,rarely,seldom,hardly/scarcely…when…,nosooner…(than)…,notonly…(butalso),atnotime,bynomeans等放在句首时,需用部分倒装。 【疑难1】 Heisactiveinpersonality,andheseldomstaysindoors.(无助动词) Heisactiveinpersonality,andseldomdoeshestayindoors.(添加does) 【疑难剖析1】假设原句中没有助动词,必须根据谓语动词的具体时态来确定相应的助动词do,does或did。 【疑难2】 NotonlychildrenbutalsoadultsareinterestedinthefilmHarryPotter. 【疑难2】Notnotonly…butalso连接两个并列主语时不可倒装。只有在连接两个句子且将notonly所连接的句子提到句首时,才可用倒装,butalso后面的句子不倒装。 【疑难3】 Ihadhardlygottotheairportwhenthep lanetookoff. →HardlyhadIgottotheairportwhentheplanetookoff.(注意谓语动词形式) 【疑难剖析3】在“hardly/scarcely…when/nosooner”位于句首时,要用部分倒装。【疑难4】Thevillagersdidnotrealizehowseriousthepollutionwasuntilallthefishdiedintheriver

高二英语导学案unit2book7词汇篇 (1)

高二英语导学案Unit 2 Book 7 词汇篇 学习目标:认识本单元的单词和短语,并能够顺利读懂本单元的2篇课文和warming-up 的内容。 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英并能记住几个典型例句。 第一课时 1. household adj. n. 2. fiction n. 3. desire n. 4. satisfaction n.; 5. test out 6. bonus n. 7. alarm vt. 8. alarmed adj. 9. apron n. 10. sympathy n. 11. overweight adj. 12. elegant adj. 13. favour n. 14. pile n. 15. scan vt. 16. fingernail n. 17.We are not in favour of testing out the new medicine on human beings. 18.I had a strong desire to help and care for people. 19.We expressed our sympathy for her loss. 20.On hearing the alarm the fire brigade rushed to the scene. 第二课时 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学 习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英 并能记住几个典型例句。 1.haircut n. 2.makeup n. 3.accompany vt. 4.cushion n. 5.bedding n. 6.necklace n. 7.clerk n. 8.counter n. 9.ring up 10.turn around 11.awful adj. 12.affair n. 13.armchair n. 14.declare vt. 15.cuisine n. 16.envy vt. 17.I don't envy you your journey in this bad weather. green with envy : 十分妒忌 18.I declare to you that I have never lied about the affair. 19.Your income must be declared on this form. 必须在这张表格上申报你的收入。 21.He'll remain to accompany you. 他将留下来陪你。 22.I'll accompany you home. 我陪你回家。 第三课时 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学 习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英 并能记住几个典型例句。 1. leave…alone 2. digital adj. 3. mailbox n. 4. aside adv. 5. set aside 6. grand adj. 7. alphabetical adj. 8. receiver n. 9. in all 10. affection n. 11. bound adj. 12. be bound to do 13. biography n. 14. holy adj. 15. imagination n. 16. transfusion n. 17. part-time adj. 18.Let's set aside an hour a day for review purpose. 我们每天留出一小时用于复习吧! 19.Things were bound to improve. 事情必定是会好转的。 19.The ship was bound for Italy. 这艘船驶向意大利。 20.Students of arts study six subjects in all. 21.Go away and leave me alone.走开, 不要管我。 第四课时 词汇学习方法:本单元词汇分4 部分学 习和巩固,操作方法:先英译汉后汉译英 并能记住几个典型例句。 1. master’s degree 2. staff n. 3. Philadelphia n. 4. navy n. 5. junior adj. 6. PhD=Doctor of Philosophy 7. biochemistry n. 8. talent n. 9. chapter n. 10. empire n. 11. theoretical adj. 12. framework n. 13. thinking n. 14. divorce n. 15. obey vt. & vi. 16. disobey v. 17. assessment n. 18.The outpatient program has a staff of six people...门诊部有6 名工作人员。 19.Most of the staff were supportive. 职 员大多数表示支持。 20.She is my junior by three years. 她比 我小三岁。 21.Tom is junior to me in the company. 在公司里汤姆比我地位低。 22.Her husband divorced her last year.


Module 1 small talk 闲谈,聊天 informal adj. 非正式的 serious adj. 严肃的 confidently adv. 自信地 make friends 交朋友,建立友谊 lack v. 缺乏,缺少 (be) nervous about 对……神经紧张/害怕/胆怯/焦虑不安 advance adj. 预先的,在前的 think of 想起,回忆起 nod v. 点头 body language 身体语言,肢体语言 yawn v. 打呵欠 sigh v. 叹气,叹息 look away from 把目光从……移开 social rules 社交规则 in addition 除此之外,另外 find out 了解(到);找出(信息)opportunity n. 机会 obligation n. 责任;义务 prize n. 奖品,奖金 application n. 申请 form n. 表格 immigration n. 移民 visa n. 签证 impolite adj. 不礼貌的 tidy v. 使……整洁,整理 refund n. 退款 favour n. 恩惠,照顾 reception n. 欢迎会;招待会 embassy n. 使馆 certain pron. 某些 reply n. 回答,答复,回信 saleswoman n. 女推销员,女销售员 firm n. 公司 fax n. 传真(机) outspoken adj. 直言不讳的,坦率的,不客气的human being 人类 motto n. 座右铭,格言 put one’s foot in one’s mouth 犯使人难堪的错误,说错话 shortcoming n. 缺点,短处 absence n. 缺乏,不存在 as a consequence 因此,结果 systematic adj. 非偶然的,经常的 coincidence n. 巧合 customer n. 顾客,客户 mature adj. 成熟的 awkward adj. 尴尬的tease v. 戏弄,嘲弄,揶揄 typist n. 打字员 contradict v. 反驳 pregnant adj. 怀孕的 apology n. 道歉,致歉 cautious adj. 谨慎的,慎重的,小心的acquaintance n. 熟人 messy adj. 棘手的,难办的 divorce n. 离婚,离异 cheer sb. up 使某人高兴/振作起来 fool n. 傻瓜,笨蛋 clerk n. 职员,办事员 haircut n. 发型,发式 anyhow adv. 不管怎么说,无论如何 modest adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的 brunch n. 早午餐(早餐与午餐合并吃的一餐)anniversary n. 周年纪念日 hostess n. 女主人 interrupt v. 打断 leave out 省去,删去 factual adj. 实际的,事实的,确实的 genuine adj. 纯粹的,真正的,真实的hospitable adj. 好客的,殷勤的 secretive adj. 秘而不宣的,隐藏的 violate v. 骚扰,妨碍,侵犯 define v. 解释,给……下定义 (be) aware of 知道 take the lead 带头,领先 graciously adv. 优雅地 show off 炫耀 function n. 功能 psychologist n. 心理学家 successful adj. 成功的 formula n. 法则;原则 imagine v. 想象 purpose n. 目的 circumstance n. 情形,情况 apologise v. 道歉 comfortable adj. 舒适的,舒服的

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