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Chapter One World Trade Organization and China

Chapter One  World Trade Organization and China
Chapter One  World Trade Organization and China

Chapter One World Trade Organization and China’s Economy 1.1 Interpretation Process and Basic Qualities Required of an Interpreter

1.1.1 The Process of Oral Interpretation

Oral Interpretation, essentially means an extempore or on-the-spot oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language, according to A Practical Handbook of Interpretation (1991) by Mr. Zhong Shukong, a famous scholar on theoretical study of interpretation.

Stated as in the above chart the interpretation process of “listening—memorizing—reorganizing—delivery ”, we can find that interpretation i nvolves a process full of difficulties and challenges. The most difficult and challenging part on

the part of an interpreter is how to strike a balance between his comprehension of the original speech and his capability of accurate and intelligible reproduction in the target language.

Accurate comprehension, or understanding of the “idea” or “meaning ”of the original (esp. English) speaker is always the foremost concern in the process. Without accurate comprehension, there can be no oral reproduction in the target language, which is faithful to the original version of speech. In order to acquire an accurate comprehension of the ideas of the original (esp. English) speaker, an interpreter is most likely to encounter such difficulties, as lexical, contextual and terminological ones. Sometimes, the difficulties are caused by (English or non-native English) speaker’s exceptionally rapid speed or peculiar accent or intonation, and what’s more, problems may well arise from the interpreter’s lack of knowledge of the technical details of the subject matter or a specific topic dealt with by the original speaker. An interpreter, should, nevertheless, try his best to follow the sound flow of the original speaker and must not lose the thread of what the original speaker is saying and is driving at.

Accurate and intelligible oral reproduction. Within the limited time at his proposal, an interpreter must always bear in his mind that it is the idea or the meaning of the original speaker, not merely words that should be translated accurately and as smoothly as possible into the target language. An interpreter should learn to strike a balance between the “parts” or words and the “whole” or meaning; not to perfect the interpretation of every individual word at the expense of losing the thread of what the speaker is saying.

1.1.2 Basic Qualities Required of Interpreters

Acute hearing. An interpreter should be aware that to hear in interpreting is not merely to know all the “words” that are being spoken. It is imperative to grasp the

“idea” or the real meaning of the original speaker, especially of the English

speaker while listening, no matter how complex the subject matter, or

topics, how unusual the original speaker’s style or accent or intonation might

be. An interpreter should be soberly aware that with extremely rare

exceptions only what is clearly heard and grasped could be properly rendered

into the target language.

● A good articulation. The interpreter’s articulation and elocution should be reasonably good.

He should be careful not to swallow part of his words. He should moreover

see to it that his voice should carry well and be pleasant to hear. In short, he

should form the good habit of speaking distinctly and naturally, and take care

never to sound affected. For the Chinese English learners, pronunciation and

intonation problems have been big barriers to a good articulation.

● A good memory. Two things are usually expected of an interpreter’s memory. First, it should

store up an exceptionally large vocabulary, including the relevant specialized

terms, and a great wealth of relevant important phrases, proverbs idioms,

sentence patterns and expressions along with the corresponding correct

translation in the target language. Second, it should accurately absorb and

retain the idea or series of ideas just expressed by the speaker. Instant

memory, too, can be trained in an intensive process of practice.

●Familiarity with simultaneous notes taking. A good interpreter must be good at notes-

taking. He should learn to be able to concentrate on listening to grasp the

speaker’s idea while jotting down a few “key words” in the mean time,

usually with each word (or sign or symbol) representing a sense group or a

figure, or a proper name, etc. The object of notes-taking is mainly to

supplement memory efficiency, so as to ensure accuracy in interpreting.

Simultaneous notes-taking is a skill that can be acquired through proper

training and practicing, which may be time-consuming. Sometimes it is not

encouraged in classroom teaching, because it is distracting part of the

trainees’ attentions which should be given to listening to and memorizing

what the speaker is saying or has said.

●Quick and accurate response. This refers mainly to speediness and accuracy in completing

the process of “understanding---memorizing---transference---speaking” on

the part of the interpreter. Here accuracy is stated side by side with

speediness to rule out the tendency of “too much of a hurry” to do the

interpretation on the part of the beginners.

1.2 Practice Task One

Sentence Interpretation

Interpret the following Sentences

1.Today, business is technically defined as the production, distribution and sales of goods and

services for profit.

2.The scope of international business covers a wide range of significant sectors. International

transactions in physical goods involve products from mining, petroleum, agriculture, and manufacturing activities.

3.International transactions in services are extensive in the construction, hotel, tourism, business

consulting, and retailing and wholesaling sectors; in financial areas such as commercial and investment banking, securities, and insurance; in air and ocean transportation.

4.International transactions in services also include the area of communications media, such as

radio, television, telegraph, telephone, magazines, books, newspapers, news services, and movies.

5.International transactions in intangibles occur in the fields such as technology, trademarks, and

cross-border data transmission.










1.3 Practice Task Two

T ext Interpretation

1. Interpret the Following Passage into Chinese

Brief Introduction of WTO

The World Trade Organization with its predecessor as General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs was established on 1 January 1995. It is the legal and institutional foundation of the multilateral trading system. The WTO is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Its essential functions are as follows:

●administering and implementing the multilateral and plural-lateral trade agreements

which together make up the WTO;

●acting as a forum for multilateral trade negotiations;

●seeking to resolve trade disputes;

●overseeing national trade policies;

●cooperating with other international institutions involved in global economic policy-making.

The WTO Agreement contains some 29 individual legal texts---covering everything from agriculture to textiles and clothing,and from services to government procurement, rules of origin and intellectual property. Added to these are more than 25 additional Ministerial declarations, decisions and understandings that spell out further obligations and commitments for WTO members.

The highest authority of the organization the Ministerial Conference, which is compose of representatives of all WTO member countries. The Ministerial Conference is required to meet at least every two years. It is supposed to make decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements. The General Council, also compose of all WTO members, conducts the

day-to-day, regular work on behalf of the Ministerial Conference. The General Council convenes in two particular forms----as the Dispute Settlement Body, which is to oversee the dispute settlement procedures, and as the Trade Policy Review Body, which is to conduct regular reviews of the trade policies of individual WTO members.

Obviously, the WTO itself, a system of rules dedicated to open, fair and undistorted competition among member countries, is to ensure free flow of international trade as its ultimate goal. Over three-quarters of WTO members are developing countries and countries in the process of economic reform from non-market systems, however, they were given transition period to adjust to the more unfamiliar and difficult WTO provisions.

2. Interpret the following interview into Chinese and English alternatively

WTO Entry Boosts China's Economy

A: What changes has it brought to China’s economy, Professor Zhang, I mean China’s entry into WTO?

B: 好吧,总的来讲,中国宏观经济状况有了很多改善,应该是明显的改善。国内生产总值在今年前三个季度实际增长了百分之七点九。但是,在去年许多人们还担心中国的贸易形式会受到加入世贸的影响。一些经济学家甚至预计中国贸易领域的增长率不会超过百分之六。

A: Did their prediction come true, in any way?

B: 没有,没有。事实上,中国的出口量今年前三个季度增长了百分之十九点六,总额达四千四百五十一亿美元,比上一年增长了百分之十八点三。这些数字和停滞不前的世界经济形成鲜明对照。2002年,世界贸易总量实际上比上一年下降了一点五个百分点。

A: I notice that WTO released a report this October, saying that China has become the fourth largest trade body in the world following the United States, European Union and Japan. What is that meant to China?

B: 它意味着随着加入世贸后中国贸易量的快速增长会直接有助于国内和国际贸易环境的改善。

A: In what way?

B: 首先,中国的平均关税已由今年早期的百分之十五点六降低到百分之十二。其次,以前由双边贸易体制带来的贸易不稳定的局面已被一个更加稳定的多边贸易架构所代替。还有,一些国家也取消了对于中国有着比较优势的产品配额限制。

A: Does the WTO entry in any way influence foreign investment in China?

B: 没有,和我们的预期正相反。外资的涌入也在加快速度。跨国公司对于在入世的中国投资信心倍增。起先,人们纷纷预测外国投资会下降,因为全球性的收入税率降低,以及中国为了给予国内和外资企业同等待遇,正在统一税率的改革。但是,在今年的头九个月,中国实际利用外国投资达四百一十二亿美元,比去年同期增长了百分之二十二点五五。

A: It sounds very encouraging.

B: 据预测,今年流入中国的外资额将超过五百亿美元,使中国此外全球最大的投资目的地国。

A: Can you tell us what has made that happen? There must have been some reasons, Professor Zhang?

B: 外国公司或投资者对于中国的信心增加,是因为他们能从中国市场获得稳定的回报。他们把中国加入世贸看作是中国经济将融入到全球经济的框架中。加之中国丰富、廉价的劳动力资源和广阔的市场为他们提供了许多赢利的空间,增强了外商在中国的投资的信心。

A: Any other changes in China’s economic sector, following its WTO entry?

B: 中国加入世贸带来的另一个变化出现在私企领域,多年来它们一直受到了歧视。近年来,得到了快速的发展。因为私有企业作为国民经济的有机组成部分的法律地位在1999年《宪法》修订时,得到了承认。私企一直以来不被允许直接从事外贸经营活动,他们的融资活动也受到各种政策的限制,这些都严重影响了私企的顺利发展。

A: Why has there been such a dramatic policy change on the part of China?

B: 这是因为世贸组织的平等等待原则,它要求各成员国政府给予所有的企业同等待遇,无论国企或者私企与否。因此,所有的国内企业在今后的三年内都可以独立地、自由地进行外贸活动,与此同时,一些外贸经营上的限制也会逐步地得到取消,除了象原油、粮食和烟草等关键商品之外。今年,获得外贸经营许可证地私企数量在不断增加,特别是中国沿海省份,浙江省。

A: We have covered some positive effects, are there any negative side of the entry?

B: 有的,中国一些有着比较优势的产品遭遇到不断增长的反倾销诉讼和“绿色壁垒”-后者是指基于环保和食品安全的理由进行的进口限制。

A: So, it seems that there are always trade barriers, hardly to be removed?

B: 噢,世贸组织的统计数字显示,今年上半年,由世贸成员国提起的一百零四宗的反倾销诉讼案中,其中有百分之十五点四的案件是针对中国产品的,而与此同时,中国的外贸量仅占世界总贸易量的百分之四。部分原因是中国企业的价格混乱所造成的,而主要原因是一些国家有意降低反倾销诉讼的标准,以中国不是市场经济国家,来限制中国产品的进口。

A: Then what should we do to cope with the new barrier?

B: 我建议企业、经济专家和贸易部共同工作,以找出可能的解决方案,来共同面临新挑战,解决新问题。

A: Thank you for your information on the topic and your valuable suggestion, too.

B: 不用谢。

3. Interpret the following speech into English











1.4 Reference V ersion(参考译文)

Sentence Interpretation 句子翻译

1. 商务在今天的定义是以赢利为目的而进行的商品生产和销售,以及提供的服务。







5. 非实物的国际贸易主要出现在技术、商标(的交易)、以及跨国界的数据传输。

6.The trade comes about because of the diversities of places. Some places can produce one

thing more efficiently or at lower costs than other places. Economists refer to this characteristic as comparative advantage.

7.China is the largest developing country endowed with rich labor resources, and along with a

fast-growing economy, the potential of its market will continue to expand. The United States is the largest developed country in the world with solid financial strength, advanced technology and the largest consumer market. Therefore, the two economies are highly complementary.

8.When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favorable balance of trade.

When they import more than they export, an unfavorable of trade exists. All the nations try to maintain a favorable balance of trade, which assures them of the means (of payment) to buy necessary imports.

9.Imports create competition for home-produced goods; exports give a home manufacturer a

large market for its products, so helping to reduce the unit cost.

10.Growing international consultation and cooperation in economic, monetary and political

matters will certainly contribute to the flourishing of world trade for years to come.

T ext Interpretation 篇章翻译

1.Interpret the following text into Chinese











2.Interpret the following interview into Chinese and English alternatively


A: 张教授,中国加入世贸给中国经济带来了什么变化?

B: Well, generally speaking, China’s macroeconomic situation has improved very much, remarkably, I should say. Its GDP volume grew by 7.9% actually in the first three quarters of this year. But in the last year many people were worried that China’s tr ade situation would be seriously affected by its WTO admission. Some economic specialists went far as to predicate a less than 6% growth rate for the sector.

A: 那么,他们的预测成为事实了吗?

B: No, no. The fact is China's exports increased by 19.4 per cent in the first three-quarters of this year. Its total trade volume during that period was US$445.1 billion, an 18.3 per cent increase over the previous year. These figures contrast sharply with the stagnant world economy. In 2002, the world trade volume actually dropped by 1.5 per cent compared with the previous year.

A: 我注意到,今年十月份,世贸组织发布了一个报告说:中国继美国、欧盟和日本之后成为世界上第四大的贸易团体。这对中国意味着什么?

B: It means that the rapid growth in China's trade volume is directly attributable to the improvement of both domestic and global trade environment following its WTO entry.

A: 以什么方式(改变)呢?

B: To begin with, China's average import tariff rate was cut from 15.6 per cent early this year to 12 per cent. The next, the former trading instability brought by bilateral negotiations has been roughly replaced by a more stable multilateral trade framework. In addition, many of the quota restrictions of other countries have been lifted on Chinese products with comparative


A: 中国加入世贸会不会影响外国在华的投资?

B: No, just the opposite as we have expected, The influx of foreign investment has also increased rapidly. The multinationals have become more confident in investing in China after its WTO accession. Initially people had forecast that foreign investment into China would drop due to global income tax rate cuts and China's tax rate unification reform granting equal treatment to domestic and foreign enterprises. In the first nine months of this year, however, China's actual utilized foreign investment registered at US$41.2 billion, a 22.55 per cent increase year on year.

A: 这听起来很令人鼓舞。

B: It is estimated that the total foreign investment influx into China will exceed US$50 billion this year, making the country the largest foreign investment destination in the world.

A: 张教授,你能告诉我们这一切是怎么发生的?肯定有一些原因。

B: Foreign companies or investors have more confidence in China due to the stable returns they

can get from the Chinese market. They also view the country's WTO entry as a sign that its economy will become part of the globalized economic framework. What’s more, its rich, low- cost labor resources and the vast market will provide much scope for profit, making them more confident in investing in China.

A: 加入世贸给中国经济领域还带来其他的变化吗?

B: Another change brought by China's WTO entry is that the private sector, it has been discriminated against for many years, has enjoyed rapid growth in recent years. Because its legal status as an organic component of the national economy was only acknowledged by the revised Constitution in March 1999. They have been practically barred from direct foreign trade operations. Their financing had also been restricted by various policies, too, which

seriously blocked their smooth growth.

A: 为什么中国方面会出现这样巨大的政策改变?

B: That is because of the WTO equal treatment principles. It requires the government of a member country to grant equal rights to all enterprises no matter they are State-owned or private ones.

All domestic enterprises, therefore, will be able to engage independently and freely in foreign trade within three years as restrictions on foreign trade operations, except the trading of vital commodities such as crude oil, grain and tobacco will be lifted gradually within the period.

The number of private enterprises granted foreign trade licenses has increased rapidly this year, especially in China’s coastal Zhejiang Province.

A: 我们谈论的都是好的影响,有没有消极影响呢?

B: Y es. Chinese products that have comparative advantages have been suffering as a result of an increase in anti-dumping allegations and the block of green barriers - import restrictions on the grounds of environmental and food safety.

A: 所以,似乎总有贸易壁垒,很难消除。

B: Well, according to WTO statistics, in the first half of this year, 15.4 per cent of the 104 anti- dumping cases filed by WTO members were targeted at Chinese products. During the same period, China's foreign trade volume accounted for only 4 per cent of the world total.

However, the price disorder of Chinese enterprises is partially responsible for the increased anti-dumping allegations, the main reason is that some countries willfully lower anti-dumping standards, on the excuse that China is a non-market economy, to block its imports.

A: 那么我们怎样做才能面对新的壁垒呢?

B: I’d suggest that enterprises, economists and the Trade Ministry work out the possible solutions in our joint efforts, to face new challenges and solve new problems.

A: 谢谢你就这个话题给我们许多信息,并谢谢你宝贵的建议。

B: Y ou’re welcome.

3.Interpret the following speech into English

China's Development Is an Opportunity for Asia

(Excerpted from Speech by Chinese President Hu Jintao, at the Opening Ceremony of the Boao Forum for

Asia 2004 Annual Conference.)

Ladies and gentlemen,


China is an Asian country. China's development is closely related to Asia's prosperity. China has, and will continue to make a positive impact on Asia in the area of development.

A developing China generates important opportunities for Asia. As the world's biggest potential market, China has presided over in the past 25 years a steadily expanding and maturing market with import growing at an average annual rate of over 15 percent, which has made China the third largest importer globally and the largest importer in Asia. In 2003, China imported from the rest of Asia a total of 272.9 billion US dollars worth of merchandise, up by 42.4percent, with imports from ASEAN, Japan, ROK and India increasing by over 35 percent. Direct investment in the rest of Asia by China has risen at an average annual rate of 20 percent in recent years. In 2003, Chinese nationals made more than 20 million outbound visits, as more and more Chinese tourists made Asian countries and regions their choice destinations.

With China's development, the size of its market and its overseas investment will grow even larger and still more Chinese will travel to the other parts of Asia for sightseeing, business and visit. China's economy will integrate still more closely with Asian economy, giving rise to a new type of partnership characterized by mutual benefit, mutual complement and mutual assistance.

China's development contributes to peace and stability in Asia. A stable and prosperous China is in itself an important contribution to peace and stability in Asia. China since ancient times has had a fine tradition of sincerity, benevolence, kindness and trust towards the neighbors. The very purpose of China's foreign policy is to maintain world peace and promote common development. China always practices what it preaches. We have persisted in building good-neighborly relationships and partnership with the neighboring countries. We pursue a policy of bringing harmony, security and prosperity to neighbors, and dedicate ourselves to strengthening mutual trust and cooperation with the fellow Asian countries, easing up hot spot tensions, and striving to maintain peace and tranquillity in Asia.

China's development injects fresh vigor to regional cooperation in Asia. China has been extensively involved in the various mechanisms of Asia-based regional cooperation, emphasizing its cooperation and coordination with all the parties and promoting regional economic integration. China has joined the fellow Asian countries in discussing the possibility of free trade areas, conducting various forms of security dialogues and cementing cooperation on the bilateral level while promoting regional cooperation.

1.5 Extra Interpretation Task:

English—Chinese Interpretation:

Big Challenges ahead in Post- WTO Transitional Period China hasn't met with severe challenges since its entry into the WTO two year ago, said Mr. Zhang Xiangchen, deputy director of WTO office with China Ministry of Commerce. However, with China's entering into the late transitional period and towards the terminal for fully opening up, China is going to face with a serious ordeal.

At the annual fortune conference for IT industry, Zhang said, there are three reasons luckily for China to have got away from being hit hard over the last two years since its WTO accession. First, there is sometime left for China to fulfill its commitments for fully opening up. For example, there are still auto quotas and fully free competition for distribution services will not be introduced till 2005. Secondly, the Chinese government has taken some measures during the WTO transitional period to cope with the possible challenges. And finally, some fields, such as the retailing trade have been opened ahead of the schedule and thus been less affected.

The late transitional period as mentioned in Zhang's speech actually refers to the last span of the time in which China must go to meet its major commitments according to the promises made before its entry into the WTO. Specifically, this period spanning from the present to the year of 2007. "In the transitional period, barriers are permitted to set up, for example, the limits for portable PIN set by the telecommunication industry and for commercial network in the banking business. But research has found out that multinationals can tactically go over the hurdles. For example, foreign-funded banks compete with their Chinese counterparts by choosing upper-end services such as intermediary business instead of conventional ones."

He also thinks that foreign-funded bigwigs still hold considerable advantages when the time reaches its terminal for opening-up. Take the telecommunications for instance, although foreign capital hasn't got into this industry so far, some consultancy and investment enterprises have put out feelers in China's market. Moreover, as tariffs and other trade barriers are being gradually released, Chinese enterprises will have to face severe ordeals. There have been four bottlenecks handicapping China's participation into the world competition. The first and foremost is that China possesses no core know-how. China is a goods- processing center, not a manufacturing one so far. The second is the shortage in energy and resources. The third is the existing investment and financing system that makes enterprises difficult to access for investment. The fourth is the

lagging behind the needs in government administration and services.

1.6Background Information and Tips

1.6.1 口译的程序及对译员的要求



























1.6.2 两种最常见的口译形式

The Two Most Widely-used Forms of Interpretation

●Consecutive Interpretation(连续性口译)

In case the interpreter is under the instruction to “interpret between chunks of the original speech” immediately after the original speaker has completed a few connected sentences, or a long paragraph in most cases, he will be doing “consecutive interpretation”. Consecutive interpretation requires no well-equipped booths and sophisticated wiring system, and is the mostly widely used form of interpretation in China on various occasions. They may range from formal talks or business negotiation between our government officials and the visiting officials and VIPs, to helping foreign businessmen to get over language difficulties in shopping and travelling around in China.

●Simultaneous Interpretation (同声传译)

In case an interpreter is instructed to interpret while the original speech is being made by government officials and VIPs, as is always the case with formal meetings at the United Nations and other international organizations. Simultaneous interpretation should occupy no time apart from that taken by the original speaker, but require rather expensive and highly sophisticated sets of electronic equipment. Simultaneous interpretation is increasingly needed at international meetings and conferences where a large number of countries are presented.

1.6.3 口译员须知的涉外方针政策

China independently decides on its approaches and policies regarding world affairs, refrains from entering into alliances or strategic relations with any big power or group of nations, and opposes hegemonism and power politics.

China’s foreign policy aims to maintain world peace and create a peaceful international environment for the nation’s modernization efforts.

China is ready to develop relations with all countries on the basis of five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.

A cornerstone of China’s foreign policy is to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with developing countries in the third world and develop good-neighborly relations with surrounding countries.

China advocates the establishment of a new order in international relations in the political and economic fields, on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

国贸实务 案例分析 Case Studies

Case Studies of International Trade Course: Practice of International Trade Adviser: Gao Yanfeng Grade&Class: Grade 2012 Class 5 Name: Li Yuanbao Student ID: 120440502 Date: 20th December, 2014

Case Studies of International Trade Name: Li Yuanbao Student ID: 120440502 Case 1 Quality of Goods A Chinese exporter signed a sales contract with a European company to export five metric tons of Chinese dates. Both the contract and the L/C specified that the dates were of Grade 3. When preparing goods for shipment, the seller found that Grade 3 Chinese dates were out of stock. In order to make delivery in time, the seller shipped the Grade 2 Chinese dates to the buyer and indicated in the commercial invoice that the Grade 2 Chinese dates are priced as per Grade 3. Do you think it is reasonable for the exporter to do so? What kind of risk is there for the seller? 译文: 一家中国出口商与一家欧洲出口商签订了一个合同,卖方向买方出口5公吨的红枣。合同与信用证上明确标注,卖方所提供的是三等的红枣。当准备货物装运时,卖方发现三等红枣的仓储存货不足。为了使货物按时到达,卖方将二等红枣配送到给买方,并在商务发票上注明二等红枣的价格与三等红枣一致。 你认为出口方这么做是否合理。卖方这样做有何风险? Analysis on Case 1: According to UCP500, Article 37, the description of goods in the commercial invoices must correspond with the description in the Credit. What the seller did is inconsistent with the stipulation of UCP. The buyer is entitled to reject the payment and the goods on the ground that the goods delivered are not what the contract and L/C require.



国际贸易题库 一、填空题(每空1分): 1、剔除了价格变动的影响计算出来的对外贸易额称为。 2、是否反映在海关的是有形商品贸易与无形商品贸易的一个主要区别。 3、对外贸易依存度是指所占的比重。 4、如果一国在某种商品上既有出口也有进口且进口量大于出口量,则该国是此种商品 的。 5、体系是以关境作为统计对外贸易的标准。 6、贸易条件可表示为一国整体进出口商品的。 7、我们将一国出口总额与进口总额相等的情况称之为。 8、国际贸易商品结构指一定时期内在国际贸易中的地位。 9、国际贸易地理方向通常用各洲、各国或各地区的出口贸易额占 的比重来表示。

的,区别在于考察交换活动的角度不同。 5、按总贸易体系进行对外贸易统计时,是把所有运入国境的货物都列为进口。 6、总贸易体系与专门贸易体系是只适用于货物贸易的统计制度。 7、对外贸易额是用货币表示的一定时期内一国出口贸易额与进口贸易额之和。 8、对一国的外贸和经济发展来说,长期的贸易顺差并不一定绝对有利。 9、对外贸易商品结构通常以一国商品在世界出口总额或进口总额中所占比重来表示。 10、出口贸易依存度指一国一定时期内的出口贸易额占对外贸易总额的比重。 11、商品直接由生产国运到消费国,也可能是转口贸易。 12、某些国家缺乏国际支付手段,外汇不足是易货贸易产生的主要原因。 13、第二次世界大战后形成了发达资本主义国家生产和出口制成品,发展中国家 生产和出口初级产品的国际分工和贸易格局。 14、对外贸易额与对外贸易量没有本质区别,

只是计量单位不同。 15、无形商品贸易无需履行海关手续,也不反映在海关的贸易统计上。 三、单项选择题(每小题1分): 1、国际贸易额指用货币表示的一定时期内世界各国的()的总和。 A对外贸易额B出口贸易额C进口贸易额 2、净出口是指()。 A一国的出口额大于进口额 B某种商品的出口量大于进口量 C本年度出口额超过上年度出口额 3、商品生产国与消费国通过第三国进行交易,对第三国来说这属于()。 A三边贸易B转口贸易C易货贸易 4、()是第二次世界大战后国际贸易发展的显著特点之一。 A服务贸易与技术贸易日益发展 B工业原料和制造品的比重开始上升 C商品交易所和期货交易开始出现


《国际贸易》练习题参考答案 第1章国际贸易理论 1、当代国际贸易新理论的主要内容有哪些? (1)产品生命周期学说:产品生命周期学说是美国经济学家弗农提出来的。他认为产品具有不同的生命周期,在产品生命周期的不同阶段,一国出口和进口商品结构是不同的。产品的生命周期经历三个阶段:见下图。 (2)需求偏好相似学说:瑞典经济学家林德用国家之间需求相似来解释工业制成品贸易发展。林德认为,赫-俄理论只适用于工业制成品和初级产品之间的贸易,而不适用于工业制成品之间的贸易。 (3)产业内贸易学说:产业内贸易学说是美国经济学家格鲁贝尔提出的,是关于产业内同类产品贸易增长和特点的理论。格鲁贝尔等人认为:当代国际贸易结构大致可以分为两类,一类是不同产业之间的贸易,另一类是产业内部同类产品之间的贸易。所谓产业品内部同类产品之间的贸易是指一国同时出口同类产品,或者贸易双方交换的是同一产业所生产的产品。 (4)新新贸易理论:新新贸易理论的基本逻辑思路为:由于企业异质性的存在,贸易会导致市场份额在产业内企业间的重新配置,市场份额向高生产率企业靠近,而那些最低生产率的企业被迫退出,从而提高了行业生产率水平,这一效应在封闭经济中是无法实现的。 第2章国际贸易政策 1、国际贸易政策是指什么? 国际贸易政策(International Trade Policy)是指世界各国和地区对外进行商品、服务和技术交换活动时所采取的政策。从单一国家或地区的角度出发,有关国际贸易的政策就是对外贸易政策。 2、各国制定对外贸易政策的目的: (1)保护本国的市场 (2)扩大本国的出口市场

(3)促进本国产业结构的改善 (4)积累资本或资金 (5)维护和发展本国的对外经济政治关系 3、各国在制定贸易政策的过程中,需要考虑到以下因素: (1)本国经济结构与比较优势; (2)本国产品在国际市场上的竞争能力; (3)本国与别国经济、投资的合作情况; (4)本国国内物价、就业状况; (5)本国与他国的政治、外交关系; (6)本国在世界经济、贸易组织中享受的权利与应尽的义务 (7)各国政府领导人的经济思想与贸易理论。 4、超保护贸易政策的特点: (1)保护的对象不仅保护幼稚工业,而且更多地保护已高度发展的或出现衰落的垄断工业。 (2)保护的目的不再是培养自由竞争的能力,而是巩固和加强对国内外市场的垄断。(3)保护的措施不只限于关税和贸易条约,还有各种非关税壁垒和其他奖出限入措施。 (4)保护不是防御性地限制进口,而是在垄断国内市场的基础上对国外市场进行进攻性的扩张。 (5)保护的阶级利益从一般的工业资产阶级利益转向大垄断资产阶级利益。 5、二战后贸易自由化的特点 (1)发达国家之间的贸易自由化程度超过它们对发展中国家和社会主义国家的贸易自由化程度 (2)区域性经济集团内部的贸易自由化程度超过集团对外的贸易自由化程度 (3)不同商品的贸易自由化程度不同 第3章国际贸易措施 1、关税是指什么?


浅谈短跑途中跑的教学方法 【摘要】短跑中最重要的环节就是途中跑,它的任务就是达到最快速度。所以,途中跑直接关系到短跑成绩的好坏。这里,我谈一下如何提高途中跑教学的一点方法。 【关键词】短跑途中跑教学方法 【正文】 短跑是田径运动的基础,它对其他运动具有重要的作用。途中跑是短跑中距离最长的,占短跑的70%—80%;由此看来短跑成绩的好坏主要取决于途中跑的技术。因此,提高途中跑的技术是短跑教学的核心。 一、途中跑的技术练习 学习途中跑时要让学生知道在跑的过程中,动作要自然、大方、向前的要领,使学生在脑海中对动作有一种深刻的印象,再安排教学顺序对学生进行训练。 (一)50米反复跑3—5次,了解每个学生跑的情况。 (二)原地摆臂练习。要求:以肩关节为轴,前后自然摆臂,前摆时肘关节要露在胸前,后摆时手要露在背后,摆动协调有力。 (三)反复跑50—60米。要求:用50%—60%的速度,体会摆动腿前摆着地动作。 (四)原地高抬腿。要求:折叠高抬,向前摆动。和跑的衔接过渡要自然、连贯。 (五)变速加速跑。要求:站立式起跑后最高速度跑,等坚持不住时放松跑,反复练习体会最高速度的动作。 (六)20—30米小步跑。让学生体会跑的着地技术。

(七)直道进弯道跑。在直道上先跑15—20米左右,接着跑进弯道再跑20米左右。要求在进入弯道前身体逐渐向内倾斜。 (八)弯道进直道跑。弧顶开始起跑,接着进入直道。要求在跑出弯道的前几步,身体逐渐正直。 二、途中跑的身体练习 短跑成绩取决于跑的过程中的反应速度、加速能力、最大速度的保持能力。途中跑要求学生要有良好的速度力量和速度耐力。因此提高学生短跑途中跑的能力就要加强学生的身体练习。 (一)速度力量 1.上肢力量的练习:负重摆臂练习,注意节奏要有慢到快;也可以做引体向上、卧推等练习。 2.腰、腹部力量的练习:仰卧起坐,负重仰卧起坐;仰卧举腿,负重转体等。 3.下肢力量的练习:肩负下蹲、弓箭步、小步跑、原地双脚跳。跳台阶、跳栏架、上、下斜坡跑等可以增强下肢的爆发能力。 (二)速度耐力 1.20米—30米折返跑,强度在80%以上。 2.200—400米的重复跑; 3.100—200米的计时跑; 4.直道加速弯道减速跑、弯道加速直道减速跑的变速跑。 三、途中跑错误动作的纠正方法 (一)摆臂紧张,姿势不正确。纠正方法:进行徒手或负重摆臂练习。


《国际贸易实务》案例分析题集 蔡珍贵编 2006年8月 《国际贸易实务》分析案例说明

※<目的和意义> 通过《国际贸易概论》课程的学习,学生已基本了解国际贸易的原理,但对国际贸易流程和风险却不知如何降低。如何让学生系统掌握国际贸易过程中的流程,避免和降低各种风险,是本实验课程的主要目的。旨在理论联系实际,把国际贸易实务课程中的基本知识点让学生通过实习,发挥其主观能动性,学会运用所学专业知识去分析、解决社会实践中的实际问题,并在实践中检验所学的专业理论知识,提高其运用基本原理和方法,分析、解决现实问题的能力和水平,为日后步入工作岗位,了解和适应社会创造条件。 ※<内容> 《国际贸易实务》实验课主要通过分析在实践中已经发生的具有借鉴意义的案例来掌握各个章节的基本知识点,为以后参加工作面对新的国际经济环境打下基础。根据教学基本要求,案例渗透到以下各章中,每章均会安排三个以上的案例来加强对知识点的学习。 第一章国际贸易术语 第二章国际货物买卖合同 第三章国际货物买卖的一般流程 第四章国际贸易商品的品质、数量、包装和作价 第五章国际贸易货物的运输和保险 第六章国际贸易货款的收付 第七章国际贸易商品的检验、索赔和不可抗力 第八章合同的履行 ※<考核和要求> 学生在通过学习各章的基本知识点后,对所提供的各章的案例进行分析,以巩固专业知识。 在进行案例分析时,要求学生先把案例分析的相关答案用自己的语言记录下来,提交答案初稿。 在实验课堂上通过分析,给予参考答案和相关的修改后,对案例分析的结果予以评分。 ※<适用班级> 2004级国际经济与贸易

案例讨论1.我国北方A化工进出口公司与美国加利福尼亚B化学制品公司按照FOB 大连条件签订了一笔化工原料的买卖合同。A公司在规定的装运期届满前三天将货物装上B 公司指派的某新加坡轮船公司的海轮上,且装船前检验时,货物的品质良好,符合合同的规定。货到目的港旧金山,B公司提货后经目的港商检机构检验发现部分货物结块,品质发生变化。经调查确认原因是货物包装不良,在运输途中吸收空气中的水分导致原颗粒状的原料结成硬块。于是,B公司向A公司提起索赔。但A公司认为,货物装船前经检验是合格的,品质变化是在运输途中发生的,也就是越过船舷之后才发生的,按照国际贸易惯例,其后果应由买方承担,因此,A公司拒绝赔偿。试问,A公司的申辩是否有理?此争议应如何处理? 并请说明理由。 案例讨论2.2001年12月,中国天津A公司与某国设在中国广州的外商独资企业B公司在大连签订一份货物买卖合同,合同规定,由B公司向A公司出售一批移动电信设备,总金额为200万美元,交货地点在A公司设在沈阳的仓库。合同进一步规定,双方当事人如因在合同履行过程中发生争议,可进行友好协商解决;如协商未果,则自愿提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会仲裁,其结果为终局性的,对双方均产生约束力,并明确双方所适用的法律为《联合国1980年国际货物销售合同公约》。试分析,双方当事人对上述合同条款所作出的法律适用方面的选择是否恰当? 案例讨论3.某年11月4日顺达公司应瑞典TG公司的请求,报价棉花500吨,每吨斯德哥尔摩到CIF价格340欧元,即期装运实盘,要约有效期至11月24日。TG公司接收到报盘后,请求顺达公司:“降低价格;延长要约有效期”。顺达公司曾将价格每吨减至320欧元,延长要约有效期至11月30日。TG公司接收到顺达公司来电后,又请求顺达公司:“增加数量;再次延长要约有效期”。顺达公司再将数量增至800吨,延长要约有效期至12月10日。TG 公司于12月6日来电接受该盘。顺达公司在接到TG公司承诺电报时,发现国际市场因受灾影响棉花产量,市场价格暴涨。顺达公司不愿意成交,复电称:“由于世界市场价格变化,在接到承诺电报前已将货物售出,不能提供货物”。 TG公司不同意这一说法,认为:承诺是在要约有效期内作出,是有效的,坚持要求顺达公司按要约的条件履行合同。提出:“执行合同或者赔偿差价损失6万欧元,否则将起诉与法院”。试问:①双方间的买卖合同是否成立?②TG公司有无正当理由提起诉讼?为什么? 案例讨论4.韩国KM公司向我BR土畜产公司订购大蒜650公吨,双方当事人几经磋商


第一章商品的品名、品质、数量与包装习题参考答案 一、将下列外贸术语英文名称和中文名称用线连接起来 1.Warning Mark 5.警告性标志 2.Customary Tare 2 习惯皮重 3.Bulk Cargo 1.散装货 4.Sale by Brand 4.凭品牌买卖 5.Trade Mark 3.商标 二、判断题(判断下列各题是否正确,正确的在题后括号内打“√”错误的打“×”)1.× 2.× 3.× 4.× 5.× 6.√ 7.√ 8.√ 9.×10.× 11.× 12.× 13.× 14.× 15.× 三、填空题(请在各小题的画线处填上适当的词句) 1.看货成交看样成交 2.净重 3.溢短装的数量溢短装的价格溢短装的选择权 4.实际皮重平均皮重习惯皮重约定皮重 5.品质机动幅度品质公差 6.交货品质与样品大致相同 7.定牌无牌 8.收货人名称参考号码目的地件数号码 9.690 691 692 693 694 695 10.1016 907.2 四、单项选择题(在下列每小题中,选择一个最适合的答案) 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.B 五、多项选择题(下列各小题中正确答案不少于两个,请准确选出全部正确答案)1.ABCD 2.ABC 3.ABC 4.BD 5.ABCD 6.ABC 7.ABD 8.CD 9.AC 10.ABC 11.ACD 12.BD 13.ABC 14.ABC 15.AC 六、翻译并解释下列名词 1.Gross for Net 以毛作净:实际上就是以毛重作为净重计价,常用于低值农产品。 2.Duplicate Sample 复样:凭卖方提供的样品进行交易磋商和订立合同,并以卖方样品作为交货质量的依据,称“凭卖方样品买卖”。在向国外客户寄送代表性样品时,应留存一份或数份同样的样品,

国际贸易 简答题

Explain the difference between international trade and domestic trade? 1)differences in legal system 2)differences in currencies 3)differences in cutural background 4)differences in natural and economic conditions what is more or less clause The buyer and seller stipulate in a sales contract that the seller is allowed to deliver the goods Within a certain percentage of more or less than the contracted quantity. 1.what is the quality tolerance?what is quality latitude?what’s the difference between the two? quality tolerance:Quality tolerance means an allowed deviation in quality stipulated by an international organization and recognized internationally. quality latitude:Quality latitude means that the seller and buyer agree that the quality of the delivered goods can vary with an agreed range. Difference: quality tolerance:allowed to deliver the goods within a certain range of tolerance. quality latitude : ①stipulate a certain scope ②stipulate more or less clause ③stipulate “max”or”min” what are the similarities and differences among FOB,CFR and CIF? Similarities:①the same way of delivery: they are symbolic delivery.the seller’s delivery voucher buyer of the payment voucher ②the same the mode of transportation: they are used for port-to-port waterway transportation ③the same place of delivery: seller is on board a ship in the export country ④the same as the export customs clearance formalities:the seller ⑤the same risk transfer:the ship in port of shipment Differences: 1. FOB requires the buyer to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation;2. CFR requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation; 3. CIF requires the seller to arrange and pay for the ocean transportation and insurance against the buyer’s risk. 2.What is symbolic delivery? Symbolic delivery means that the seller fulfills his obligation of delivery by transferring the necessary documents representing the title to the goods and the buyer at the stipulated time. Explain the calculation of Export Exchange Cost and Profit and Loss Ratio



教学技能练习题 一、单项选择 1.教师教育机构萌芽于() A.17世纪初 B.17世纪末 C.18世纪初 D.18世纪末 2.教学技能是教师在已有经验基础上,通过实践练习和反思体悟形成的一系列() A.教学行为方式 B.心智活动方式 C.教学行为和心智活动方式 D.操作活动方式3.教学技能发展的最高形态是() A.教学技巧 B.教学技艺 C.教学艺术 D.教学自动化 4.教师在教学过程中,旁人可以插话帮助教师改进教学的教学技能训练方法是() A.介入教学 B.教育教学实习 C.微格教学 D.模拟教学 5.介入教学是一种() A.教学方法 B.教学技能 C.学习方法 D.教学技能训练方法 6.利用现代教学技术手段来训练教师教学技能的实践性较强的方法是() A.微格教学 B.介入教学 C.录音训练法 D.模拟教学

7.教案的最重要的部分是() A.概况 B.教学过程 C.板书设计 D.教学后记 8.整个教学技能的核心是() A.备课技能 B.课堂教学技能 C.学法指导技能 D.教学反思技能 9.课堂教学中最简单和最常用的一种导入方法是() A.直接导入 B.复习导入 C.情景导入 D.问题导入 10.教师通过提出富有启发性的问题,进而引出新的教学内容的方法是() A.直接导入 B.复习导入 C.情景导入 D.问题导入 11.教师从探讨题意入手导入新课的方法是() A.直接导入 B.审题导入 C.情景导入 D.问题导入 12.课堂教学最主要最常用的方式是() A.课堂导入 B.课堂讲授 C.课堂提问 D.课堂板书 13.教师通过语言对教材内容进行解释、说明、分析、论证等,引导学生理解和掌握知识的讲授方式是() A.讲述 B.讲读 C.讲解 D.讲演 14.布鲁姆把课堂提问划分为回忆提问、理解提问等六


四、案例分析题 1.我国某出口公司向英国出口一批大豆,合同规定:“水分最高为14%,杂质不超过2.5%。”在成交前,该出口公司曾向买方寄过样品,订约后该出口公司又电告买方成交货物与样品相似,当货物运至英国后买方提出货物与样品不符,并出示了当地检验机构的检验证书,证明货物的品质比样品低7%,但未提出品质不符合合同的品质规定。买方以此要求该出口公司赔偿其15000英磅的损失。请问:该出口公司是否该赔?本案给我们什么启示? 答:(1)在国际贸易中,凡属既凭样品买卖,又凭规格买卖,卖方所交货物必须既符合规格要求,又要和样品一致,否则,买方有权拒收并提出索赔。 (2)合同规定:“水分最高为14%,杂质不超过2.5%。”从合同规定来看,在这笔进出口交易中,双方以商品的规格作为表示商品品质的方法,并以此作为交验商品的依据,属凭规格买卖,只要交货符合合同规定的规格,我方即为履约。但是,成交前我方向对方寄送样品时未声明时参考样品,签约后又电告对方成交货物与样品相似,这样对方有理由相信该笔交易既凭规格又凭样品。 (3)由此可知,我方很难以该笔交易并非凭样品买卖为由而不予理赔。 2.我方以FCA贸易术语从意大利进口布料一批,双方约定最迟的装运期为4月12日,由于我方业务员疏忽,导致意大利出口商在4月15日才将货物交给我方指定的承运人。当我方收到货物后,发现部分货物有水渍,据查是因为货交承运人前两天大雨淋湿所致。据此,我方向意大利出口商提出索赔,但遭到拒绝。问:我方的索赔是否有理,为什么?、 我方的索赔是无理的。因为本案中,我方收到货物后,所发现的部分货物的水渍,是因我方业务员的疏忽而造成的。所以,责任应由我方承担。因此,我方的索赔是无理的。 3 . 我方某进出口公司向新加城某贸易有限公司出口香料15公吨,对外报价为每公吨2500美元FOB湛江,装运期为10月份,集装箱装运。我方10月16日收到买方的装运通知,为及时装船,公司业务员于10月17日将货物存于湛江码头仓库,不料货物因当夜仓库发生火灾而全部灭失,致货物损失由我方承担。试问:在该笔业务中,我方若采用FCA术语成交,是否需要承担案中的损失?为什么?答:不会。若采用FCA术语,货物是货交承运人,业务员就不会把货物存放在仓库,而是直接交给进口方的承运人。 4. 某公司以CIF条件进口一批货物。货物自装运港,启航不久,载货船舶因遇风暴而沉没。在这种情况下,卖方仍将包括保险单,提单,发票在内的全套单据寄给买方,要求买方支付货款。问进口方是否有义务付款? 3:某公司以CIF条件进口一批货物。货物自装运港,启航不久,载货船舶因遇风暴而沉没。在这种情况下,卖方仍将包括保险单,提单,发票在内的全套单据寄给买方,要求买方支付货款。问进口方是否有义务付款?为什么? 答:有义务付款。 因为按照CIF术语,卖方在规定的日期或期间内,在装运港将货物交到船上,即为履行了交货任务。CIF合同的卖方是凭单履行交货任务的,是象征性交货。 卖方按期在约定的地点完成了装运,并向买方提供了合同规定的,包括物权凭证(提单)在内的有关单证,就算完成了交货任务,而无需保证到货。在象征性交



单项选择题 1、承兑是()对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为。 A、付款人 B、收款人 C、出口人 D、开证行 2、信用证上若未注明汇票的付款人,根据《UCP500》的解释,汇票的付款人应是()。 A、开证申请人 B、开证行 C、议付行 D、出口商 3、一张每期用完一定金额后,需等开证行通知到达,才能恢复到原金额继续使用的信用证是()。 A、非自动循环信用证 B、半自动循环信用证 C、自动循环信用证 D、有时自动,有时非自动 4、香港某公司出售一批商品给美国ABC Co.,美国银行开来一份不可撤销可转让信用证,香港某银行按香港公司委托,将信用证转让给我进出口公司,如信用证内未对转让费作明确规定,按惯例应由()。 A、我某进出口公司负担 B、香港某公司负担 C、美国ABC Co.负担 D、香港某银行负担 5、L/C 与托收相结合的支付方式,其全套货运单据应()。 A、随信用证项下的汇票 B、随托收项下的汇票 C、50%随信用证项下的汇票,50%随托收项下的汇票 D、单据与票据分列在信用证和托收汇票项下 6、在其它条件相同的前提下,()的远期汇票对收款人最为有利。 A、出票后若干天付款 B、提单签发日后若干天付款 C、见票后若干天付款 D、货到目的港后若干天 7、信用证经保兑后,保兑行()。 A、只有在开证行没有能力付款时,才承担保证付款的责任 B、和开证行一样,承担第一性付款责任 C、需和开证行商议决定双方各自的责任 D、只有在买方没有能力付款时,才承担保证付款的责任 8、出口人开具的汇票,如遭付款人拒付时()。 A、开证行有权行使追索权 B、保兑行有权行使追索权 C、议付行有权行使追索权 D、通知行有权行使追索权 9、信用证的第一付款人是()。 A、进口商 B、开证行 C、议付行 D、通知行 10、国外开来的不可撤销信用证规定,汇票的付款人为开证行,货物装船完毕


国际贸易实务试题及答案名词解释 1.发盘:在法律上又称要约,是拟交易的一方向一个或一个以上特定人提出订立合同的建议,如其内容十分确定并且表明在受盘人接受时承受约束的意旨,即构成发盘。 2.加工贸易:所谓加工贸易是指一国的企业利用自己的设备和生产能力,对来自国外的原料、零部件或元器件进行加工、制造或装配,然后再将产品销往国外的贸易做法。加工贸易可分为来料加工和进料加工两种基本形式。 3.中性包装:指在商品上和内外包装上不注明生产国别的包装。中性包装有定牌中性和无牌中性之分。 4.票汇:指汇出行应汇款人的申请,代汇款人开立的、以其分行或代理行为解付行的银行即期汇票,支付一定金额给收款人的汇款方式。 5 . 共同海损:载运货物的船舶在航运途中遇到自然灾害或者意外事故,危及船、货的共同安全时,船方为了保护船与货物的共同安全或者为了使航程得以继续完成,而有意识的合理的采取挽救措施所做出的某些特殊牺牲和支出的额外费用。 6.清洁提单:指货物在装船时“表面状况良好” ,承运人在提单没有标明货物及包装有缺陷的提单。 7.追索权:是指持票人在票据到期不获付款或期前不获承兑或有其他法定原因,并在实施行使或保全票据上权利的行为后,可以向其前手请求偿还票据金额、利息及其他法定款项的一种票据权利。 8.信用证:是指银行根据进口人的申请和指示向出口人开立的,在符合信用证条款的条件下,保证付款的书面文件。 9.还盘: 是指受盘人不同意或不完全同意发盘提出的各项条件,并提出了修改意见,建议原发盘人考虑。 10.贸易术语:是在国际贸易中用来表明商品的价格构成,说明货物交接过程中有关的风险、责任和费用划分问题的专门用语。 11.对等样品:是指卖方按买方的来样复制或提供品质相近的样品,寄请买方确认后,即作为交货品质的依据。 12.品质公差:是指在工业制成品中,国际同行业公认的产品品质误差。 13.溢短装条款:即数量增减条款,是指卖方在交货时,可按合同中的数量多交或少交一定的百分比,它一般是在数量条款之中加订的。溢短装条款的内容主要包括机动幅度的百分比,溢短装部分由谁选择以及该部分的作价方法。 14.唛头:又称运输标志,即指在运输包装上面书写、压印、刷制简单的图形、文字和数字。 15.象征性交货:是指卖方按合同规定装运货物后,向买方提交包括物权凭证在内的有关单证,就算完成交货义务,无需保证到货。 16.国际多式联运:是在集装箱运输的基础上产生和发展起来的一种综合性的连贯运输方式。它一般是以集装箱为媒介,把海、陆、空各种传统的单一运输方式有机地结合起来,组成一种国际间的连贯运输。 17.滞期费:是指在规定的装卸期限内,租船人未完成装卸作业,给船方造成经济损失,租船人对超过的时间向船方支付一定的罚金。 18.空白背书:是指示提单背书的一种方式。指由背书人在提单背面签章,但不注明被背书人的名称。 19.仓至仓条款:简称WW仓至仓条款是保险责任的起讫条款,即保险责任自被保险货物运离保险单所载明的起运地或储存处所开始,包括正常运输中的海上、陆上、内河和驳船运输在内,直至该项货物运抵保险单所载明的目的地收货人的最后仓库或储存处所或被保险人用作分配、分排或非正常运输的其他储存处所为止。但被保险货物在最后卸货港全部卸离海轮后 60天内未完成最后交货,则保险责任以 60 天届满终止。 20.汇票:是指一个人向另一个人签发的,要求受票人即期或定期或在可以确定的将来时间内,向某人或其指定人或持票人支付一定金额的无条件的书面命令。


国际贸易实务习题及案例集答案 第一章:国际贸易术语 六、案例分析 1、答:本案中的合同性质已不属于CIF性质。因为CIF合同属于“装运合同”,卖方在规定的装运港将货物交到运往指定目的港的船上,即完成交货义务,而且风险划分界限在货物越过装运港船舷,所以卖方并不负责货物一定能安全到达目的港。而本案中规定卖方保证到货与“装运合同”的规定相抵触。另外,CIF术语属于典型的象征性交货,卖方凭单交货,买方凭单付款,而本案规定“如货款已收,卖方须将货款退还买方”与象征性交货的特点相抵触。 若对方要求我方保证到货,则应选用D组术语。 2、答:美方此举是合理的。因为根据本案的案情可知, 本案依据的贸易惯例是《美国对外贸易定义修订本》,根据该惯例的规定,买方要支付卖方协助提供出口单证的费用及出口税和因出口产生的其他费用,而我方开出的信用证中没有包括此项费用,所以美商要求合理。 3、答:仲裁机构将裁决卖方对损失负责。因为按照《2000 通则》的规定,本来CFR术语下,风险划分的界限是货物越过装运港船舷,此后货物灭失或损坏的风险将由买方承担,但是风险的转移需具备一个前提条件,即货物需要特定化。而本案中货物装船时是混装的,并没有对货物进行特定化,则风险不转移,所以该案中货物遇高温天气变质的损失由卖方承担。 4、答:我方应拒绝买方撤销合同的无理要求。因为按照 FOB成交,应由买方负责办理运输,卖方可以接受委托代办,但是卖方不承担租不到船的风险,本案中卖方租不到船,买方又不同意改变装运港,所以卖方不承担延误装运的责任。 5、答:我方应拒绝客户的要求。因为按照《2000通则》 的规定,CIF术语属于“象征性交货”,卖方凭单交货,买方凭单付款,只要卖方提交的单据符合要求,买方就应该付款,不管货物是否安全到达。而且风险转移的时间是货物越过装运港船舷,此后货物灭失或损坏的风险将由买方承担。本案中我方已经向银行提交了符合要求的单据,并已经议付了货款。现在货物损失,我方不负责,买方自己承担该损失,但是他可以向保险公司要求赔偿。因为卖方将保险单背书后,买方即成为保险单上的被保险人,而且买方对货物有可保利益。 6、答:我方选用FOB术语不妥当,应选择FCA术语成交。本 案采用集装箱运输,若采用FCA术语成交,比采用FOB术 语有以下好处: (1)可以提前转移风险 (2)可以提早取得运输单据 (3)可以提早交单结汇,提高资金的周转率 (4)可以减少卖方的风险责任7、答:卖方应赔偿损失。因为根据《2000通则》的规定,CFR合同中风险转移的原则是,一般情况下,货物在装运港越过船舷后,风 险即由买方承担。但如果卖方未及时履行发出装船通知这一义务,则货物越过船舷后的风险仍由卖方承担。本案CFR合同中卖方虽已完成货物装船义务,使货物越过船舷,但由于疏忽没有及时将装船情况通知买方,耽误了买方 投保。根据《2000通则》的规定,风险未发生转移,仍由卖方承担。 8、答:应选用EXW或FCA术语。因为根据“日本客商坚持由自己办理运输”的要求,可排除C组和D组术语,因为这两组术语下都是卖方负责办理运输;根据“我方不愿承担从乌鲁木齐至出口港天津新港的货物风险”的要求,可排除FAS 和FOB术语,因为这两个术语下,卖方都需承担货物装船前的风险。而EXW或FCA术语可满足双方的要求。但采用EXW 术语的前提是买方能办理出口通关手续,采用FCA的前提是交货地点应在乌鲁木齐。 第三章国际货物运输 六、案例分析题 1、船公司的这种说法不成立。因为联运提单是由第一承运人签发的包括运输全程并保证在目的港提货的提单。如货物在第二程船上发生灭失或损失,则第一承运人可以不负直接责任。现货物已经安全到达目的港,则与第二程船无干。第一承运人必须负责。 2、银行有权拒收单据和拒付货款。受益人也不能以不可抗力为由,要求银行凭单付款。因为:(1)根据《UCP500》的规定,一个限量分批交货信用证,其中任何一批未按时按量装运,则本批以及以后各批信用证均告失效。(2)根据《公约》规定,合同一方当事人因不可抗力而不能履行合同或按时履行合同时,该当事人可以免除违约责任,但《公约》不适用于信用证。根据《UCP500》的规定,银行不承认受益人因不可抗力而改变信用证条款的权利。3.对方的要求是合理的。本案中,装运条件为:CY/ CY,意指整箱装运,整箱交货,即货物由出口方自行装箱,自行封箱后将整箱货物延至集装箱堆场。箱内货物的情况如何,船方概不负责。货物运抵目的港后,由集装箱堆场负责将整箱货物交给收货人,并由收货人开箱验货。本案中,经有关船方、海关、保险公司、公证行会同对到货开箱检验,发现其中有20包装严重破损,每箱均有短少共缺成衣512件,各有关方均证明集装箱完好无损,说明货物包装的破损和数量的短少是由于装箱时的疏忽造成的,因而,我方不能推卸责任。 4.银行的拒付是无理的。根据《UCP500》第四十条b款的规定:"运输单据表面注明货物系使用同一运输工具并经同一路线运输的,即使每套运输单据注明的装运日期不同及/或装货港、接受监管地、发运地不同,只要运输单据注明的目的地相同,也不视为分批装运。",本案中我方500吨货物虽然分别在青岛和烟台分两次装船,取得两套单据,但系装到开往同一目的地的同一轮船上,不属于分批装运。所以,银行拒绝付款无理。 5、答:银行的拒付是有理的。因为,本案中,我方取得了签发日期为12月10日的提单,于1月4日到银行交单议付。尽管我方未超过信用证规定的有效期到银行议付,但我方提交的提单已构成了过期提单。根据《UCP500》第四十三条a款的规定:"除规定一个交单到期日外,凡要求提交运输单据的信用证,还须规定一个装运日后按信用证规定必须交单的特定期限。如未规定该期限,银行将不予接受迟于装运日期后二十一天提交的单据……"因此,我方提交的过期提单银行是有权拒付的。 6、答:港商这样做的目的是想将运费转嫁由我方承担。我方可采取以下两种做法以确保我方的利益不受损害:1)要求港商修改信用证,将"运费已付"改为"运费到付";2)要求港商在装船前将从中国口岸到悉尼的运费付给我方,在此基础上同意在提单上表明"运费已付"字样。 7、答:我方的做法不合适,将导致银行拒付的结果。本案中,

国际贸易实务—模拟试题及答案 (1)

一单项选择题 1、我方出口大宗商品,按CIF Singapore 成交,运输方式为Voyage Charter,,我方不愿承担卸货费用,则我方应选择的贸易术语的变形是( C )。 A、CIF Liner Terms Singapore B、CIF Landed Singapore C、CIF E x Ship’s Hold Singapore D、CIF Ex Tackle Singapore 2、按照《INCOTERMS2000》的解释,以FOBST成交,则买卖双方风险的划分界限是(B以船舷为界)。 4、在CIF条件下,Bill of Lading对运费的表示应为( A )。 A.Freight Prepaid B.Freight Collect C.Freight Pre-payable D.Freight Unpaid 5、在进出口业务中,能够作为物权凭证的运输单据有( B )。 A.Rail Waybill B.Bill of Lading C.Air Waybill D.Parcel Post Receipt 6、预约保险以( B )代替投保单,说明投保的一方已办理了投保手续。 A、B/L B、Shipping advise from abroad C、Mate,s receipt D、Sales contract 7、我某公司与外商签订一份CIF出口合同,以L/C为支付方式。国外银行开 来的信用证中规定:“Latest shipment 31st, May, L/C validity till 10th, June.”我方加紧备货出运,于5月21日取得大副收据,并换回正本已装船清洁提单,我方应不迟于( C )向银行提交单据。 A.5月21日 B.5月31日 C.6月10日 D.6月11日8、某批出口货物投保了CIC 的WPA,在运输过程中由于雨淋致使货物遭受部分损失,这样的损失保险公司将( C )。 A、负责赔偿整批货物 B、负责赔偿被雨淋湿的部分 C、不给于赔偿 D、在被保险人同意的情况下,保险公司负责赔偿被雨淋湿的部分 9.在短卸情况下,通常向( B )提出索赔。 A. the seller B. the carrier - 1 - (共7页)


第一章练习题 一、单项选择题 1. 国际贸易属于() A.历史范畴 B.社会范畴 C.哲学范畴 D.经济范畴 2. 在人类历史上,真正的国际贸易出现在下列哪一社会形态() A. 奴隶社会 B. 封建社会 C. 资本主义社会 D. 社会主义社会 3. 各国对外贸易的性质、地位与作用取决于() A. 国家性质 B. 生产关系 C. 生产力 D. 生产方式 4. 下列哪项不仅可以比较确切地反映出对外贸易的规模,便于把不同时期的对外贸易额进行比较,而且还可以由此计算各个时期定期的或环比的物量指数。() A. 价格指数 B. 贸易量 C. 贸易额 D. 贸易结构 5. 通常所说的国际货物贸易额是指() A. 世界进口货物总额 B. 世界出口货物总额 C. 世界进出口货物总额 D. 世界进出口货易量 6. 国际商品交换的萌芽出现在下列哪一社会形态() A. 奴隶社会 B. 封建社会 C.资本主义社会 D.社会主义社会 7. 下列哪一项在世界贸易中是主体,是各国的主要市场,在各种国际经济贸易机构中占据主要地位() A. 发达市场经济国家 B. 发展中国家 C. 社会主义国家 D.美国 8. 一些海岛国家,如英国、日本,也常用以表示对外贸易的是() A. 国际贸易 B. 转口贸易 C. 海外贸易

D.货物贸易 9. 关于国际贸易的统计方法,我国采用的是() A. 国际贸易额 B.国际贸易量 C.总贸易体系 D.专门贸易体系 10. 下列指标中,剔除了价格变动影响的是() A.对外贸易值 B.对外贸易量 C.对外贸易额 D.贸易差额 二、多项选择题 1. 列入总进口的项目有() A. 供国内使用而直接进入的进口货物 B. 进入海关保税工厂的进口货物 C.进入海关保税仓库和自由区的进口货物 D.从海关保税仓库退出后进入本国市场的货物 E.从自由区退出后进入本国市场的货物 2.列入总出口的项目有() A.本国产品的出口 B.从海关保税工厂出口的货物 C.从国化货物的出口 D.从自由区出口的货物 E.从海关保税仓库出口的货物 3.列入专门进口的项目有() A.供国内消费或使用而直接进入的进口货物 B.进入海关保税工厂的进口货物 C.从海关保税仓库和自由区退出后进入本国市场的货物 D.进入自由区的进口货物 E.进入海关保税仓库的进口货物 4.列入专门出口的项目有() A.本国产品的出口 B.从海关保税工厂出口的货物 C.本国化货物出口 D.从自由区出口的货物 E.从海关保税仓库出口的货物 5.对外贸易地理方向会受到下列哪些因素的影响() A.地理位置 B.经济互补性 C.国际分工的形式 D.贸易政策 E.运输条件 6.就对外贸易与国内贸易的不同点来说,下列表述正确的有() A.对外贸易的困难比国内贸易多

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