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1.During your stay in Britain,you'll face culture shock ________ language problems.

A.as far as B.as long as

C.as good as D.as well as

解析:本题是对短语的考查。句意:在你呆在英国期间,你将面对文化冲击以及语言问题。as far as“据……;就……”;as long as“只要……”;as good as“和……一样好”;as well as“和,又,以及”。所以只有D答案符合题意。


2.What an interesting role she ________ in the film! No wonder she has won the best actress.

A.took B.made

C.had D.played

解析:she played in the film是定语从句,修饰role,构成短语play a role in sth.“在……中扮演角色”。


3.The manager,________ it clear to us that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room.

A.who has made B.having made

C.made D.making

解析:关于make用法的考查。根据句子结构分析法可以判断,主句为The manager left the meeting room中间的部分为插入语,且动作发生在主句left动作之前,而又并非现在完成时,故排除A。现在分词的完成时形式先于主句的谓语动词而发生,故选B。


4.________food is kept in his new cave,but at last Saddam was still arrested.

A.Large quantities of B.A great deal of

C.A large number of D.Quite a few

解析:须记住:A large/great/good quantity/amount of+名复/不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;large/great/good quantities/amounts of+名复/不可数名词,谓语动词用复数。


5.—Do you need any help,Lucy?

—Yes.The job is ________ I could do myself.

A.less than B.more than

C.no more than D.not more than

解析:本题考查比较级的用法。less than“少于,亚于”;more than“多于,超过”;no more than“只不过”;not more than“至多,不多于”。



1.(2012年温州模拟)I'm not sure exactly how much money you'll receive,but it will ________ cover your major expenses.

A.firmly B.roughly

C.relatively D.urgently



2.(2012年银川月考)As he works in a remote area,he visits his parents only ________.

A.apparently B.occasionally

C.practically D.abruptly



3.(2012年南昌质检)In order to continue to learn by ourselves after leaving school,we must ________ learn how to study in the school now.

A.after all B.in all

C.above all D.first of all

解析:考查固定短语的用法。此处above all意为:最重要的是。句意:为了毕业后继续自学,现在最重要的是我们必须在学校学会如何学习。


4.(2012年南昌月考)He asked Mary whether she had passed the exam ________.

A.yesterday B.the day before

C.the day ago D.before the day

解析:考查间接引语中的时间状语。根据间接引语中的原则应将yesterday 变成the day before。


5.(2012年重庆师大附中月考)In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help ________ there is human suffering.

A.whoever B.however

C.whatever D.wherever




高考英语单项填空常见错题50题 错题再现满分不难 姓名____________ 正确个数________ 1. I have a lot of readings _______ before the end of this term. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to complete 2. Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier _______. A. reusing B. to be reused C. reused D. reuses 3. Bats are surprisingly long lived creatures, some _______ a life span of around 20 years. A. had B. having C. to have D. have 4. Peter received an email just now _______ his uncle would come to see him. A. said B. saying C. says D. to say 5. He has never dreamed of _______ so attractive a place in the world. A. there being B. there to be C. there is D. having 6. On receiving a phone call from his wife _______ she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from his office. A. says B. said C. to say D. saying 7. —Can I help you? —I would like to buy a gift for my mother, _______ at a proper price but of great use. A. that B. which C. one D. it 8. —Say, Jane, will you come with me to the game this Friday? —_______, Bob, but I promised Mary I’d go with her. A. My pleasure B. Take it easy C. Forget it D. Thanks 9. The first lunar roving vehicle Yutu landed on _______ the Chinese thought was where a beautiful fair change lived, the moon, on December 14, 2013. A. its B. whose C. what D. which 10. _______ the incorrect operation of the driver in the emergency, the terrible Dec. 8th accident on the Chengzilu Freeway in Sichuan could have been avoided. A. Due to B. But for C. Except for D. Apart from 11. It was twelve _______ he got home last night, which made his mother angry. A. that B. since C. before D. when 12. —These apples are really quite good. —They _______ be! Just see the price, $ 3.99 a pound. Very expensive, aren’t they?


五年级下册填空题 1.把5米长的绳子平均剪成4段,每段长( )米,每段是全长的( ) 2.把3千克水果平均分给4个小朋友,每个小朋友分得这3千克水果的( ),每个小朋友分到( )千克 3.王师傅8分钟制作了5个零件,他每分钟能制作( )个零件,制作一个零件要( )分钟 4.5米长的绳子剪去 5 1米,还剩下( )米 5米长的绳子剪去它的5 1 ,还剩下( )米 5.86 的分子加上9,分母加( ),分数的大小才不会改变。 6.一个三位数,个位是最小的合数,十位是最小的质数,百位是最小的奇数,这个三位数是( ) 7.一筐苹果,2个一拿,3个一拿,4个一拿,5个一拿都会剩下一个,这筐苹果至少有( )个 8.一个数既是6的倍数,又是48的因数,这个数可能是( ) 9.20以内既是奇数,又是合数的数有( ) 10.分母是8的所有最简真分数的和是( ) 分母是8的所有真分数的和是( ) 11.一个正方体的棱长总和是60cm ,它的表面积是( )体积是( ) 12.用三个不同的数字组成一个能同时被2、3、5整除的最大三位数是( ) 13.把一个涂色的大立方体,割成8个小立方体,3面涂色的有( )块 把一个涂色的大立方体,割成27个小立方体,3面涂色的有( )块 2面涂色的有( )块,1面涂色的有( )块,0面涂色的有( )块 14. A=2×2×3×5×7 B=2×3×7 A 和 B 的最大公因数是( )A 和B 的最小公倍数是( ) 15、分母是9的最简真分数有( )个,它们的和是( ) 分母是9的真分数有( )个,它们的和是( ) 分子是9的假分数有( )个 36的因数有( )个 16.全班有学生44人,女生有24个,女生占全班的( ),男生占全班的( )男生是女生的 ( ),如果把男女生分成人数相等的小组,能分( )个组,每组最多( )个 17、 85 米是( )米的8 1 ,还可以是( )米的( ) 18.一个魔方的体积大约是30( )汽车油箱的容积大约是30( ) 一块橡皮的体积大约是8( )一步的长度大约是6( ) 19.18和30的最大公因数是( );6和9的最小公倍数是( )。 20.2430 = ()12 = 5÷( )= ( )(最后一空格填小数) 21.一批零件,10个合格,1个不合格,不合格的占总数的( ) 22、五(3)班共有学生48人,其中女生20人,男生人数占全班人数的 ,男生人数


2007年中考英语单项填空 在考试中,单项填空共20小题20分,主要测试考生对基础语法、常用单词、短语、习语和日常交际用语等知识的识记、识别、理解能力,并测试考生对上述知识的运用能力。一、人称代词: 要注意它们在句中是在主格位置还是宾格位置,来确定用什么格,并注意变化,反身代词对主语、宾语起着强调作用,名词性物主代词起着名词作用,它后面不要再加名词了。而形容词性的物主代词要修饰名词,句中没有被修饰的名词就应该用名词性的物主代词。 1. she is a student,_____ name is Julia. a. its b. her c. hers d. his 2. could you help _____ with _______ English,please. a. i,my b. me,me c. me,my d. my,i 3. a friend of _____ came here yesterday. a. my b. his c. him d. himself 4. ______ pencil-box is beautiful.But ____ is more beautiful than______. a. toms,my,he b. tom‘s,mine,his c. tom‘s,mine,him d. tom‘s,my,his 5. Most of ______like Chinese food. a. they b. their c. them d. theirs 6. don’t you let ____ help you? a. I and my friend b. my friend and I C. my friend and me d. my friend and I to 7. how hard______ works!


1.children tend to prefer sweets to meat. A.Most B. The most C. Most of D. The most of the 2. I haven’t read of his books, but judging from the one I have read I think he’s a very promising writers. A. any B. none C. both D. either 3. --- I hear your aunt likes travel, music, clothes and fine food. --- Oh, yeah, and music may have been of her tastes. A. the rather more respectable B. much the most respectable C. very the most respectable D. even more respectable 4. Canada is a country many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants the majority of its population. A. consisting of; making up B. being composed of; occupied with C. made up of; consisted of D. consisted of; taking up 5. --- Where are you, Nancy? --- Here in the sitting room, to Professor Smith. A. is writing B. write C. to write D. writing 6. Many clothing manufacturers now substitute artificial silk natural silk to cut down costs of production. A. with B. by C. for D. of 7. --- Where will you start your work after graduation? --- Mum, it’s not been decided yet. I continue my study for a higher degree. A. can B. must C. would D. might 8. How many more decades will have to pass scientists succeed in providing a cure for cancer? A. when B. since C. before D. until 9. information cost the youth many chances of finding well-paid jobs. A. Lack of B. Lacking in C. Lack D. Lacking of 10. The question occurred to me we were to get the machine repaired. A. that B. what C. why D. where 11. Advertising is different from other forms of communication the advertiser pays for the message to be believed. A. in which B. in order that C. in that D. in the way 12. My money . I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand. A. has ran out B. is running out C. has been run out D. is being run out 13. Our world to live in without so much pollution. A. would be the best one B. will be the better one C. will be the best one D. would be a far better one 14. the pressure from work, teachers have to deal with psychological problems caused by interpersonal relationship. A. As far as B. As long as C. As well as D. As soon as 15. --- Can I have a talk with you at about 5:00 this afternoon, Mr. Smith? --- All right, I to my office from a conference then. I will be waiting for you there. A. have come back B. will come back C. will have come back D. will be coming back


单项选择题是这些年来英语试卷一直采用的一种题型。单项选择的题型虽然比较简单,但是越来越注重学生的知识综合运用能力。同时,这种题型包含了词汇、固定搭配、词形变化和语法等多方面知识。 一道单项选择题,不再是单独地测试某一知识点,而是将几个知识点综合起来进行能力考查。同学们如果想在单项选择方面少丢分,甚至不丢分,在掌握基础知识的前提下,还需要掌握一些必要的解题技巧。 下面是常老师给大家分享的一份单项选择题解题技巧,可以帮助同学们快速提高答题速度和正确率,同学们一定要仔细学习。 ◆◆ 单项选择解题技巧 ◆◆ 1准确判断所需词性 Is the elephant from _____ ? A. African B. Africa C. Asian D. Indian 解析 在本题中,from是介词,如果学生能够掌握在英语中介词后面只能使用名词、代词和动名词,就能准确地选出B,因为四个选项中只有B项是名词,其他三项都是形容词。 本题没有上下文,不知道大象来自哪个洲,只和词性有关系。词性选对了,答案也就对了。2准确排除干扰项 We are busy. We have _____ to do. A. many homeworks B. a lot of homework

C. many homework D. a lots of homework 解析 在本题中,无需看题,使用排除法,就能选出答案。 homework 是一个不可数名词,所以没有复数,也不能用many 修饰。这样A和C两个选项被排除了,a lot of 和lots of 是两个固定短语,a lots of 是个错误短语,这样D也被排除了,只剩B这个准确答案了。 3记准固定搭配 My cousin and I often _____ on Sundays. A. play football B. play the football C. plays the football D. plays football 解析 在本题中,play football 是固定短语,play 和球类之间没有任何冠词,所以B和C同时被排除了。主语是my cousin and I,所以play 不加s,D也被排除了。只剩下A是准确答案了。 4牢记动词的固定用法 I like _____ very much and I'd like _____ with my friends this afternoon. A. swimming;to swim B. to swim;swimming C. swimming;swimming D. swim;to swim 解析 在本题中,考查了两个固定短语,前者是like doing,后者是would like to do,分辨清楚这两个短语结构,就能准确选出A。


五年级语文下册填空题专项综合练习 1. 把两边合适的词语连起来。 讲______ 音乐玩______ 排球洁白的______ 天山 踢______ 故事打______ 游戏宽宽的______ 公路 听______ 足球跳______ 绳子美丽的______ 雪莲 2. 给下面加下划线的多音字选择正确的读音。 dòu dǒu 战斗______ 星斗______ 斗争______ 斗志______ 斗胆______ 斗气______ dà dài 大______家都劝白求恩大______夫离开前线,可白求恩不愿意离开自己的阵地一—手术台。 3. 解释下列词语并用它们分别造一个句子 垂头丧气:______ 造句:______ 聚精会神:______ 造句:______ 兴致勃勃:______ 造句:______ 4. 给词语中的下划线字选择正确的读音。 添柴(cái chái) ______ 冒(mào miào) ______出烧(jiāo shāo) ______火激(jíjī) ______动水淋淋(lín líng) ______ 烫(tàn tàng) ______人 5. 比较下面每组的句子,说明其作用。 ①我要向爸爸献上鲜花,因为他是战士。 我要向爸爸献上最美的鲜花,因为他是保卫世界和平的光荣战士。 第二句话加上了划线的词语,可以看出小作者对爸爸充满了______。 ②战斗刚刚结束,大道两旁是黑色的碎瓦,花园里烧焦的树弯着腰。 战斗刚刚结束,大道两旁全是黑色的碎瓦。空旷的花园里,烧焦的树垂头丧气地弯着腰。 第二句话更能看出战争的______,反衬出人们制止______,渴望______的强烈愿望。

考点7 单项填空

考点7 单项填空 一、名词 1.(2019·江苏高考·26)Nowadays the for travelling is shifted from shopping to food and scenery. A.priority B.potential C.proportion D.pension 【解析】选A。考查名词辨析。句意:当今,旅行的重点从购物转变成了品尝美食和欣赏风景。priority优先;优先权;potential潜在的,可能的;proportion比例,占比;pension退休金,抚恤金。根据句意,故选A。 2.(2019?天津6月卷?7)We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made a(n) on our lives in many ways. A.statement B.impact C.impression D.judgment 【解析】选B。考查名词。句意:我们能看到人工智能已经在很多方面影响了我们的生活。statement陈述; impact影响;impression印象;judgment判断。 3.(2019?天津3月卷?11)People believe writing poems provides a through which they can express their feelings. A.shelter B.source C.channel D.background 【解析】选C。考查名词辨析。句意:人们相信,写诗可以为他们提供一个表达感情的途径。shelter 避难所,庇护所;source源泉,来源;channel频道,途径;background 背景。


( 一 ) 1. Geoff didn't study law. ______, he decided to become an actor. A. Meanwhile B. Indeed C. Therefore D. Instead 2. —Do you want to listen to this CD again or shall I ______? —I'd like to listen to it again. A. get it back B. hand it out C. put it away D. take it down 3 It is five years since we last ______ from him. A. don't hear B. didn't hear C. have heard D. heard 4. —Not getting that job really let me down. —Don't worry. ______ better will come along. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing 5.You can try second time if you fail first time. A.the; the B.a; the C.a; 不填D.the; 不填 6.She was sleeping on the sofa, the television on. A.with B.for C.over D.through 7.—How do you usually go to school?

高考英语 易错题解题方法大全-单项选择[上]

高考英语易错题解题方法大全(1):单项选择(上) 【示例1】_____ Jinan you see today is quite _____ different city from what it used to be. A. The, 不填 B. 不填, a C. The, a D. A. a 【错解分析】典型错误B.错因分析:以为专有名称前不用冠词而误选B。 【解题指导】第一个空后有定语从句修饰特指今天的上海市,用the ; 是一座不同于过去的城市,所以第二个空应该用不定冠词。 【答案】本题的正确选项为C. 【练习1】—Has the little girl passed ______ P.E. test? —She has tried twice, and the teacher will allow her to have _____ third try. A. the; 不填 B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the 【错解分析】由于没有掌握序数词前用不定冠词表示“又一次,在一次”的意思而误选D。 【解题指导】本题考查序数词前用不定冠词的用法.第一空特指体育测试,用定冠词;她尽管两次都未通过,但教师允许她再考一次.a+序数词表示“又.再”,故选C. 【答案】C 【示例2】 His speech was hard to understand because he kept jumping from one topic to _____. A. other B. the other C. the others D. another 【错解分析】典型错误B.错因分析:选择依据可能是one … the other …这一常用结构 【解题指导】使用one … the other … 时,我们通常是针对两者而言的,即指“两者中的一个……,另一个……”;如果所谈论的情况不是针对两者而言的,而是针对多者而言的,那么我们就不宜在 one 后使用 the other,而考虑用 another。


填空题复习(二) 姓名: (1)把2.75的小数点向左移动两位后是(),移动后这个小数缩小到原来的 (2)把0.83扩大它的1000倍是(),扩大后它的小数点向右移动了()位。 (3)一枝钢笔售价5.4元,李老师买了4枝,共要多少钱?可以用加法列式为()也可以用乘法列式为() (4)一个数(0除外)乘()的数,积比原来的数大。 一个数(0除外)乘()的数,积比原来的数小。 (5)数学课本每本4.81元,买5本要()元,买100本要()元。 (6)0.85×0.06的积有()位小数,1.04×17的积有()位小数。 (7)小明用计算器在计算5.8×0.24时,计算器小数点的按键坏了,于是他就按成58×24结果是1392,这道题的正确答案是()。 (8)1.265保留一位小数大约是(),精准到百分位约是() 0.95×3.6保留整数大约是(),精准到十分位大约是()。 (9)1.68×0.6的积有()位小数,精准到十分位大约是()。 (10)计算1.4×2.5时,先计算()×()的积,再从积的右边数出()位,点上小数点。 (11)两个因数的积是3.75,如果一个因数不变,另一个因数缩小100倍,积应是()。 (12)一个三位小数,取相似数约2.65,这个三位小数最小是()最大是()。

(13)两个因数相乘,一个因数不变,另一个因数扩大10倍,积就扩大()倍。 (14)根据12×23=276,直接写出下面各题的积:Om 1.2× 2.3= 1.2×230= 12×0.23= 0.12×0.23=(15)0.26吨=()千克8.53米=()分米0.27小时=()分 2.08公顷=()平方米240dm =()m 2.37千米=()千米()米 1.06千米=()米37厘米=()米1.8分=()小时 (16)(2)3.6里面有()个十分之一,82个百分之一是()。0.24里面有()0.01(17)两数相乘,积是8.3,如果两个因数同时扩大10倍,积是() (18)两数相除,商是0.57,如果被除数和除数同时扩大100倍,商是()(19)两个数相除,积是2.13,如果把一个因数扩大1000倍,把另一个因数缩小10倍,积是()。 (20)根据我们学过的运算定律,在下面的里填上适合的数,在里填上适合的运算符号。 (21)21.94÷3.6=()÷36 36÷7=0.36÷()53÷0.08=()÷()(22)把3.167、3.167、3.167、3.167、3.1677按从小到大的顺序排列: ()﹤()﹤()﹤()﹤()(23)把X千克的油分装在6个桶里,平衡每个桶装()千克。 ..... (31)把2.7、2.78、2.7878…、2.77、2.7安从小到大的顺序排列: ()﹤() (32)一本故事书售价是24元,张老师带100元最多可以买()本。


26.Chinese is bigger than ______counrty an asia A.any B.any other C.the other D.every 27.what he suggested sounds reasonable , ______ ? A.does not it B.does it C.did not he D.did he 28----.Mom,I achieved English in todayis test ----__________ A.Thanks B.congratulations C.All right D.My pleasure 29.We feel our duty to help the survivors out , https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed8154542.html, B.its C.it D.ourselves 30.Please stay ___you are ,I will be back in a minute A.what B.here C.there D.where 31.He raised his voice to make himself A.hear B.hearing C.heard D.to hear 32. The building shape look like a bird is nest is our National Stadium A.from which B.which C.of which D.whose 33.—I hear John singing downstairs. ----It___be John ,for he left for tokyo yesterday. A.may not B.can not C.must not D.shall not 34.Seldom ____go out ,as she is so basy. A.does she B.did she C.will she D.shall she 35.____a boy of nine ,he is very brave ,for he rushed in to save two pf his classmates out. A.as Bfor C.like D.with 36.It will not be long ____the 29”Olyrapic Games take place in BEIJING A.before B.when C.since D.that 37.—Shall go on an outing this weekend? ——______. A.Good idea B.Go ahead C.Help yourself D.No way 38.—Ray,tell me the difference betweet these two words ---Sorry,sir! I_____. A.am not listening B.was not listening C.did not listen D.hasnt listen 39.____aroud,he found himself facing Mr Turner,his headmaster. A.To turn B.Turned C.Turning D.Being turned 40.—Excuse me ,sir! Do you sell ___made in China? -----Yes ,What size do you want? A.coffee cups B.coffee”s cups C.cups of coffee D.coffee cup 41.HE ____back last night ,but he hasn’tturned up by now . A.ia expected B.was expected C.expected D.has expected 42.He walked down the dark street____he feared no danger. A.so that B.as if C.unless D.until 43.The airplace makes ____world____small place. A.the,th B.the,a C.a,the D.a,a 44.Janet is a beautifulgirl,she is _____beautiful than Nancy,I think she is ___beautiful girl in our class . A.more,the most B.much,more C.more,muchmore D.more,much


江苏省2011届高三英语单项选择练习(1) 1. Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane ________. A. takes off B. is t aking off C. has taken off D. took off 2. Of the two brothers, Bill is _______ younger one, and he is a quiet boy, ________ that most adults like very much. A. a, one B. a, the one C. the, one D. the, the one 3. It’s quite ________ some Western politicians why China has given so much aid to African countries. A. above B. over C. against D. beyond 4. A bright idea suddenly struck me _______ I could use the money I saved to help a poor student in the countryside. A. whether B. which C. that D. what 5. --- How long will it be ________ President Hu Jintao makes another visit to Russia? --- It all depends. A. before B. when C. that D. until 6. If it were not for the fact that you _______ sing, I would invite you to the party. A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. can’t D. might not 7. --- Excuse me, Sir. Is the swimming pool open all day? --- _________. Only from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm. A. That’s right. B. Yes, of course. C. Sorry , I’m not sure. D. Sorry, I’m afraid not. 8. In order to work bettering the future, each of us must first of all know our _______ and weaknesses. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values 9. The little girl ________ to be a good singer if she gets good training in a music school. A. wishes B. expects C. promises D. hopes 10. The minister met the workers and engineers _________ on the project in Zambia, most ______ were from Jiangsu, China.


高考单选题答题技巧 1.排除法 排除法是解选择类题型的最常见的方法,就是说,在审读题干时,首先排除在意义,语法要求上明显不合题目要求的选项,以便于我们集中精力,认真仔细地分析剩余的选项。例:---Are the two answers correct? ---No, ______ correct. A. no one is B. both are not C. neither D. either is not 解析:C 关键在“the two”, 故排除A,又因为回答是否定的,故排除B,D 2.简化法 命题者有意地在一个句子中间插入从句,插入语或附加的次要信息,造成主谓分离。解题时,如果将题干中的多余部分去掉,题干就会变得简单,答案也就可以迅速找到。例:A fast food restaurant is the place ______, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly. A. which B. where C. there D. what 解析:B可先划去just as the name suggests, 这样可清楚地看出空白线后是一个定语从句,应当用where(=in / at which) 引导该定语从句修饰先行词place. 3.找提示词法 (1)提示词 对有些题目来说,若能找准关键的提示词(如but, and, otherwise 等),题目就迎刃而解了。例:Don’t be discouraged. ______ things as they are and you will enjoy day of your life. A. Taking B. To take C. Take D. Taken 解析:C 关键词”and”,就可知道前句为祈使句,有一个and加祈使句的用法 (2)提示句 例:Shirley ______ a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it. A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing 解析:D 从后面的信息“but I don’t know whether she has finished it”可得知她当时正在写,有无完成还不知道。 (3)提示标点符号 例:_______ is known to everybody, the moon travel round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What 解析:B 这里的逗号“,”至关重要,它是非限制性定语从句的标志。如果去掉逗号换成that,则需要选it 了。 (4)语境提示 例:----Good morning, Grand Hotel. --- Hello, I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th. ---_______. A. What can I do for you? B. Just a minute, please C. What’s the matter? D. At your service 解析:B 题干是宾馆服务员与预定房间者之间的电话对话。订房者说要预订一间房住两晚,若用A,C 两项回答,显然不妥。D 项的意思是”听您差遣”,“随时为您做事”,也不符合答语习惯。只有B项“稍等一下(这就办理)”合乎答语习惯。 4.补全法 有时为了使语言生动,自然,简洁,经常采用省略形式。解题时要尽可能把省略的部分补全,这有助于确定正确答案。


五年级数学总复习题填空题 一、填空。 1、在12÷6=2 中,()是()的因数,()是()的倍数。 2、30 的因数有();36 的因数有()。 3、一个数的最小因数是(),最大的因数是(), 一个数的因数的个数是()的。 4、 5 的倍数有();55 以内7的倍数有()。 5、一个数的最小倍数是(),一个数的倍数的个数是()的。 6、在 7、14、21、42 这四个数中,()是42 的因数,又是7的倍数,还是 2 和 3 的倍数。 7、一个数的最大因数和最小倍数都是18,这个数是();()的最小倍数是1。 8、自然数中,是 2 的倍数的数叫做(),不是 2 的倍数的数叫做();最小的偶数是(),最小的奇数是()。 9、个位上是()或()的数都是 5 的倍数。 10 一个数()是 3 的倍数,这个数就是 3 的倍数。 11、既是 2 和 5 的倍数,又是 3 的倍数的最小两位数是(),最小三位数是()。 12、在□里填上一个数字,使每个数都是 3 的倍数,各有几种填

法? □ 7 4□2 □44 65 □ 12 □ 1

13、一个数,如果只有1和它本身两个因数,这样的数叫做( ),或()。一个数,如果除了 1 和它的本身还的别的因数,这样的数叫做()。()既不是质数也不是合数。 14、有两个质数,它们的和是10,积是21,这两个质数分别是( )、()。 15、有两个质数,它们的和是20,积是91,这两个质数分别是( )、()。 16、最小的质数与最小的合数的和是()。 17、长方体和正方体都的()面,()个顶点,()条棱。长方体每个面都是()形,特殊情况有两个面是()形,长方体最多有()个面是长方形,长方形的12 条棱可以分成()组,相对的棱的()相等。 18、()叫做长方体的长、宽、高。 19、在下图中,和 A 平行的棱的()条,和 A 相交并垂直的棱有


高考英语单项填空知识点总结复习(含答案精品) 高考单项填空题所考察的语言知识点多,覆盖面广,且突出语境化因素,旨在考查考生记忆、理解、掌握中学阶段所学基础语法、基本词汇以及习语的熟练程度和灵活运用语言的能力。考生除了必须具备扎实的基础外,还要有科学的解题方法。 1.句子结构还原法 英语中的许多句子会以各种结构出现,如倒装句,强调句等。试题还常以变化句型的方式来增加语境和句子结构的复杂性。因此考生平时就留意它们的特征,透过复杂的语言环境,结合语法分析看透题目的意图。正确的方法有: 1)将疑问句、感叹句还原为陈述句 (1) What great difficulty we had_____ her! A. persuade B. to persuade C. persuading D. persuaded 分析:C。易选D。此句考查感叹句式。可先将此句还原为陈述句式:We had great difficulty______ her.由have difficulty(in) doing sth.知C项符合条件。 (2) Is this the reason _______ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained 分析:A。易选D,考生依据常见搭配the reason why;处理此题首先应该将句子还原为正常语序,即:this is the reason_____ at the meeting ...。he explained前省略了一个that,that引导的是一个定语从句。

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