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1.what are the general features of Britain`s independent schools?

An independent school in the United Kingdom is a school relying upon private sources for all of its funding, predominantly in the form of school fees. In England and Wales the term public school is often used to refer to what is normally called in other countries a "private" school, a term which originally referred to those schools named in the Public Schools Act 1868. These schools themselves tend to prefer the term "independent school".

2.why is the United States regarded as a "melting pot" and a "salad"?

The melting pot is a metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" into a harmonious whole with a common culture. It is particularly used to describe the assimilation of immigrants to the United States; the melting-together metaphor was in use by the 1780s.

After 1970 the desirability of assimilation and the melting pot model was challenged by proponents of multiculturalism, who assert that cultural differences within society are valuable and should be preserved, proposing the alternative metaphor of the salad bowl –different cultures mix, but remain distinct.

3.why did America change its policy and enter world war two?

Because the Great Depression lead a worldwide warfare crisis . But in the face of the Warfare crisis,the thinking of isolationism and anthropocentrism filled the society of America,most of American pay no attention on the war of other countries. It was until March of 1941 when the warfare fo west Europe is become incandescent the Capitol Hill adopt the Act of Lease. This marked US was no longer neutral state but a member of Allies. Than the Pearl Harbor incident finally made the United States enter The World War II on the side of the Allies.

4.what were Nixon's well-known contributions during his presidency?

Nixon is noted for his diplomatic foreign policy, especially with the Soviet Union and China, and his efforts to end the Vietnam War. He is also noted for his middle-of-the-road domestic policy that combined conservative rhetoric and, in many cases, liberal action, as in his environmental policy.

As president, Nixon imposed wage and price controls, indexed Social Security for inflation, and created Supplemental Security Income. The number of pages added to the Federal Register each year doubled under Nixon. He advocated gun control, reduced speed limits, and eradicated the last remnants of the gold standard. Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency and Occupational Safety and Health Administration and implemented the Philadelphia Plan, the first significant federal affirmative action program.

5.what was the cause of the American civil war?

1. Economic and social differences between the North and the South.

2. States versus federal rights

3. The fight between Slave and Non-Slave State Proponents.

4. Growth of the Abolition Movement.

5. The election of Abraham Lincoln.

6.what are the two characteristics of the U.S construction?

the Statue of Liberty The Capitol

7.what are the qualifications for a senator and a representative respectively? Senator:1) each senator must be at least 30 years old, 2) must have been a citizen of the United States for at least the past nine years, and 3) must be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of

the state he or she seeks to represent.

Each representative must: (1) be at least twenty-five years old; (2) have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years; and (3) be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state they represent.

8.what are the Major powers of the supreme court?

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the United States, and leads the federal judiciary. It consists of the Chief Justice of the United States and eight Associate Justices, who are nominated by the President and confirmed with the "advice and consent" of the Senate. Justices serve "during good Behaviour," which terminates at death, resignation, retirement, or conviction on impeachment. The Court meets in Washington, D.C. in the United States Supreme Court building. The Supreme Court is primarily an appellate court, but has original jurisdiction in a small number of cases.

9.how does an American university choose its applicants?

It will through some aspects:transcript,academic performance,extra-curricular achievements,personnel,inherence,artistic skills

10.what are the origins of thanksgiving day?

Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a traditional North American holiday, which is a form of harvest festival. The date and whereabouts of the first Thanksgiving celebration is a topic of modest contention, though the earliest attested Thanksgiving celebration was on September 8, 1565 in what is now Saint Augustine, Florida. Despite any scholarly research to the contrary, however, the traditional "first Thanksgiving" presented by Chief Massasoit is venerated as having occurred at the site of Plymouth Plantation, in 1621.

11.what is the essence of American puritanism?

1,puritanism is a strict religious doctrine.

2, puritanism also has practical aspects. Puritans have to work hard, and prepare for the obstacles they will meet in their life.

American puritanism contains origional sin, predestination,total depravity,limited atonement of God's grace

12.what is the lost generation?

The Lost Generation is a term used to refer to a collective group of artists and writers who settled in Europe in the wake of the First World War. Members of the Lost Generation lived in Europe in the 1920s and early 1930s, and they had a profound impact on society and the arts. This generation is referred to as “lost” not because it has faded from memory, but because the individuals in the Lost Generation often expressed a sense of emotional confusion, feeling lost in their own society.

13.what are the characteristics of American writing during the romantic period? reaction against logic and reason; antiscientific in its bent; faith in something inherently good and transcendent in the human spirit in no need of salvation, but rather in need of awakening..."

In this romantic period, writers put more emphasis on moral enthusiasm, and their masterpieces were full of passion, emotion, fancy and imagination. They also had a faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, they displayed personalities, express feelings and ideas, emphasize men’s rights for freedom and happiness.

For their part human nature is of good will. Men can learn the world through their own ability, conscience and intuition. The romantic showed a deep admiration and love for nature. They

praised America’s landscape of its primitive forests, meadows, vast plains, seas and blue oceans. The beauty and perfection of nature could enable them to have unutterable joy and exuberance. And nature was regarded as a source of goodness while man’s societies a source of corruption. Writers like Freneau, Cooper and Bryant took a great interest in external nature in their respective works.

14.state the background for the American civil rights movement.

The Civil Rights Movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to primarily African American citizens of United States. There have been many movements on behalf of other groups in the U.S. over time, but the term is often used to refer to the struggles between 1955 and 1968 to end discrimination against African-Americans and to end racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South. See African American for information on how various terms have been used at that time period for African Americans.

15.make comments on women's liberation movement.

The changes women worked for included changes in economic practices, such as not only asking equal work, but also equal opportunity for jobs in fields such as science and technology, management and politics.

They wanted changes in social practices and attitudes which would acknowledge that women were not inferior to men in intelligence or ability

Legal segregation ended in the South as a result of the civil rights movement.The women's movement continues to gain more rights and opportunities for women.

The social movements of the 1960s had a strong effect on the way people think and caused changes in many laws.

16.what is the lvy league?name at least 4 of its members.

The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States. The term is most commonly used to refer to those eight schools considered as a group. The term also has connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in admissions, and a reputation for social elitism.

Brown University

Harvard University

Yale University

Columbia University


英美社会与文化复习题 L Choose the one that best completes each of the following statements. The two main islands of the British Isles are Samuel Johnson's dictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of ___________ ? A. grammar B. handwriting C. spelling D. pronunciation At present, nearly ________ of the worlds population communicate in English. A. half B ? a quarter C. one third D. one fifth attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. A. Norman B. Danish C. Celtic D. Germanic became the dominant religion in England? B. Anglo-Saxon Christianity D. Roman Christianity Westminster Abbey was built at the time of A. St. Augustine C ? William the Conqueror The _______ marked the establishment of feudalism in England. A ? Viking invasion B. signing of the Magna Carta C- Norman Conquest D ? Adoption of common law The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the rule of . D. the House of Lancaster The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIIFs effort to A. divorce his wife B. break with Rome C. support the Protestants D. declare his supreme power over the church The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between ________ ? A ? Protestants and Puritans B. Royalists and Parliamentarians A. Great Britain and Ireland B. Great Britain and Scotland C. Great Britain and Wales D. Great Britain and England _______ is the capital city of Scotiand. A. Belfast B. Edinburgh According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over A.160 B.600 C. 60 C. Aberdeen D. Cardiff million. D. 16 is the smallest. Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, A. England B. Scotland C. Wales Almost a quarter of the British population lives in ________ England. A. northeastern B. southeastern C. northwestern D. Northern Ireland D. southwestern English belongs to the _______ group of Indo-European family of languages. A. Celtic B. Indo-Iranian C. Germanic D ? Roman The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of English. A. Danish and Finnish B. Dutch and German words to C. French and Italian D. Latin and Greek The evolution of Middle English was reinforced by the ______ B. Dutch C. German A. Norman influence. D. Danish The By the late 7th century, A. Celtic Christianity C ? Germanic Christianity B. Edward the Confessor D. Alfred the Great A. the House of Valois B. the House of York C ? the House of Tudor


下边是本人在网络上看到的一篇文章,看看觉得蛮有意思,所以拿出来和大家一起分享。里面体现的很多种状态就是各色各样的凡人所经历或需要面对现实。其实有时候面对生活、工作、社会,就是面对人生的一种态度。就像文章中蓝色字体的部分,面对所有的一切,有时候需要的就是多一点点坚持,多一点点付出,多一点点忍耐,多一点点细心,多一点点阔达;少一点点浮躁,少一点点计较,少一点点埋怨,少一点点自私,少一点点愤世嫉俗。相信你的人生会更加美好!! 一个同济女大学生的求职忠告 我是2005年毕业的,随意写下的一些,如果对各位有任何的帮助,是我衷心所愿。 1.考研与就业: 2004年的暑假,我和大多数人一样,艰难的抉择,究竟是考研还是找工作。 凭良心说,如果我选择考研并不是因为我真得很想读书很想深造,而是我害怕接触社会,想再窝在学校几年。所以,虽然我非常不喜欢我这个专业,我还是决定做个鸵鸟,情愿去**唯一最擅长的事情-读书。现在想起来,当时太不了解自己。呵呵。我们寝室4个女生,两个决定考研并且每天早出晚归,整天也见不到人。我决定效仿她们,每天大包小包的拎着啃书。不喜欢终究是不喜欢,2个月以后,我在镜子面前看到一个憔悴的自己,想起我这些日子以来的生活状态,究竟是为了什么?我不是一个聪明的小孩,我没有本领过目不忘,我又没有自己想象的那么勤奋,我怕这怕那,天哪,忽然觉得,自己一无是处。。。 2004年9月,我很没志气放弃了考研。 两个字,怕苦。 2004年9月,我在51job上填了我完整的信息,等待工作的降临。 2004年9月中旬,我的第一份实习经验开始了。。。 2004年9月中旬,一个很甜美的声音从我的手机传来,约我在徐家汇美罗城面试。我无比激动地。。真的是我比激动地。。。去借了正装,提早了半个多小时到。到了以后我才发现,是一家人寿保险公司。那个面试我的经理居然是同济毕业的,有些人就是有这种魅力,寥寥几句话,就让周围的人围着转。像我这样没见过世面的人,轻易的,魂就被勾走了。在我走出那里的时候,我已经答应要留下来做做看了。我没有考证,所以不可以接单,我就是在里面接触他们是怎样工作的。接下来的1个多月里,我亲眼看到一群斗志高昂的人在没有任何签单以后是如何被经理骂的狗血林头。我也亲眼看到,上海滩上一些有钱人的嘴脸。说实在的,以前我是鄙视做保险的人的,我认为他们素质低下只会粘人。现在,我对他们多了一份理解。并且,他们之中确实有就算是放到任何行业也光彩夺目的精英。 也许是看出了我不是这块料,一个月以后,我被委婉的驱逐了。呵呵。我是高兴的走的,走了以后还在徐家汇逛了一圈。第一次社会经历,让我很真实的触摸到了钱和人的关系。 2004年10月中旬,我迎来了第二次实习,我的一个同学的姐姐,在某知名相机公司做广告的,很急要找人来帮忙处理一个他们举办的赛事。一行找了好几个想我这般年纪的小孩,做的工作无非是更新数据库之类的。我当时是抱着希望,最好做着做着就能留下来的。结果两个礼拜以后,赛事结束,我被驱逐了。。。我拿到了600多元钱,因为我是她弟弟的同学,她算是特别有待我,给我开了一份实习证明。上面写得我是如何如何得好,呵呵,我当时心想,我有着么好?这么好你怎么不留我?! 2004年的10月下旬,我迎来了最好一次实习经历,这次实习决定了我的工作。大家都有这个经验,网申一般没用。我在51job上申请过n多网申,统统石沉大海。有礼貌一点地会给我回一封信,说我的资料已经到了数据库,他们会慢慢核对。。。所以我真得确实没有印象,我曾经投过这一家公司。 某天早晨当电话通的那头传来,她是某某名气很大的公司的HR的时候,我确实是呆了。

同济大学 电子商务 重点 期末

(1)电子商务的定义:电子商务是利用计算机技术、网络技术和远程通信技术,实现电子化、数字化和网络化的整个商务过程。 另,电子商务定义:指以数字化电子手段实现整个商业活动的各个环节,包括商业信息的发布与检索,电子广告,电子合同签署,电子货币支付和售前售后服务等一系列过程。【注:“商务”解决做什么;“电子”解决怎么做。】 (2)电子商务的类型: ①、企业与消费者之间的电子商务(Business to Customer),即B2C。 ②、企业与企业之间的电子商务(Business to Business),即B2B。 ③、消费者与消费者之间的电子商务(Consumer to Consumer),即C2C。 ④、企业与政府方面的电子商务(Business to Government),即B2G。 另,电子商务类型: 1)按照交易对象分类:B2C,B2B,C2C,B2G 2)按照网络类型分类:EDI,互联网商务,内联网商务 3)按照商业活动运作方式分类:完全的电子商务,非完全的电子商务 4)按照所采用的技术分类:P2P电子商务,移动商务 5)其他电子商务模式:ASP,X2X,G2B,B2E模式 (3)电子商务发展的基础: ①、互联网是电子商务发展的技术基础。 ②、计算机的广泛应用提供了坚实的基础。 ③、网络的普及和成熟 ④、信用卡的普及应用 ⑤、安全电子交易协议的制定 ⑥、政府的支持和推动 【注:①②两点是具体的基础、②③④⑤⑥归为重要条件】 (4)电子商务发展历经的阶段: 第一阶段:基于EDI的电子商务(始于80年代中期) 第二阶段:基于因特网的电子商务(始于90年代初)=>①、电子邮件阶段 ②、信息发布阶段 ③、电子商务阶段 (5)在电子商务条件下,买卖双方各承担的义务与责任 买卖双方之间的法律关系实质上表现为双方当事人的权力和义务。买卖双方的权利和义务是对等的。卖方的义务就是买方的权力,反之亦然。 (1)卖方的义务。在电子商务条件下,卖方在应当承担三项义务: a. 按照合同的规定提交标的物及单据。 b. 对标的物的权利承担担保义务。 c. 对标的物的质量承担担保义务。 (2)买方的义务。在电子商务条件下,买方同样应当承担三项义务: a. 买方应承担按照网络交易规定方式支付价款的义务。



擅长的事情-读书。现在想起来,当时太不了解自己。呵呵。我们寝室4个女生,两个决定考研并且每天早出晚归,整天也见不到人。我决定效仿她们,每天大包小包的拎着啃书。不喜欢终究是不喜欢,2个月以后,我在镜子面前看到一个憔悴的自己,想起我这些日子以来的生活状态,究竟是为了什么?我不是一个聪明的小孩,我没有本领过目不忘,我又没有自己想象的那么勤奋,我怕这怕那,天哪,忽然觉得,自己一无是处。。。 2004年9月,我很没志气放弃了考研。 两个字,怕苦。 2004年9月,我在51job上填了我完整的信息,等待工作的降临。 2004年9月中旬,我的第一份实习经验开始了。。。 2004年9月中旬,一个很甜美的声音从我的手机传来,约我在徐家汇美罗城面试。我无比激动地。。真的是我比激动地。。。去借了正装,提早了半个多小时到。到了以后我才发现,是一家人寿保险公司。那个面试我的经理居然是同济毕业的,有些人就是有这种魅力,寥寥几句话,

就让周围的人围着转。像我这样没见过世面的人,轻易的,魂就被勾走了。在我走出那里的时候,我已经答应要留下来做做看了。我没有考证,所以不可以接单,我就是在里面接触他们是怎样工作的。接下来的1个多月里,我亲眼看到一群斗志高昂的人在没有任何签单以后是如何被经理骂的狗血林头。我也亲眼看到,上海滩上一些有钱人的嘴脸。说实在的,以前我是鄙视做保险的人的,我认为他们素质低下只会粘人。现在,我对他们多了一份理解。并且,他们之中确实有就算是放到任何行业也光彩夺目的精英。 也许是看出了我不是这块料,一个月以后,我被委婉的驱逐了。呵呵。我是高兴的走的,走了以后还在徐家汇逛了一圈。第一次社会经历,让我很真实的触摸到了钱和人的关系。 2004年10月中旬,我迎来了第二次实习,我的一个同学的姐姐,在某知名相机公司做广告的,很急要找人来帮忙处理一个他们举办的赛事。一行找了好几个想我这般年纪的小孩,做的工作无非是更新数据库之类的。我当时是抱着希望,最好做着做着就能留下来的。结果两个礼拜以后,赛事结束,我被驱逐了。。。我拿到了600


《英美社会与文化》教学大纲 一、课程的任务和目的: 《英美社会与文化》是介绍英国社会和美国社会方方面面文化知识的一门课程。开设本课的目的在于使学生通过学习,了解英美国家的历史、政治、地理、社会、经济、教育等方面的情况及其文化传统,内容庞杂、信息量大。 培养学生正确分析有关英美等国问题的能力,并能以正确的眼光看待世界上所发生的问题,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性和宽容性,培养学生跨文化交际能力。培养学生成为热爱祖国、热爱社会主义、为国家繁荣发展而奋斗的人才。 同时,通过课文学习和各种实践,达到提高英语水平的目的。通过学习英美文化和中外文化的比较,让学生切身感受到成功的交际仅有语言是远远不够的,文化方面的学习有时所起的作用远远大于语言本身,文化积累必将为英语学习者未来的学习和工作打下坚实的基础。 二、课程主要内容: 主要包括英美两国的政治体制、政府形式、教育制度、新闻媒体、体育运动、节日假日、社会问题、科技成果、著名景区、流行文化等内容,目的在于开阔学生的视野,扩大他们的知识面,并注意借鉴最新研究成果,合理吸收最新知识,进一步增强其实用性。

第四章:英国政府 教学要求:通过教学使学生了解英国君主政体的形成过程和基本特点,议会的形式和职责,首相和内阁的产生过程,当代英国政府的内部构成,宪法和议会的历史由来,英国王室的作用,上下议院各自的职能。 教学重点:君权神授、内战、大宪章、大议会、1689年《权利法案》、内阁、首相、宪法、议会的权利与职能、君主的角色、上议院、下议院。 第六章:英国教育制度 教学要求:通过教学使学生了解英国教育制度历史上的不同发展阶段,当代基础教育制度的特点,高等教育制度的基本情况。 教学重点:英国教育制度的目的、教育与社会阶层的关系、教会对学校的影响、1944年教育法案、综合制中学、语法学校、国家课程、公立学校、GCSE、GCE-A、GNVQs、开放大学。 第九章:英国媒体


一位同济大学女生的忠告-关于考研就业,工作工资 下面是一个同济毕业的女生写的东西: 我是2005年毕业的,偶尔来这里看看,不常灌水。 今天来随意写下一些,如果对各位有任何的帮助,是我衷心所愿。 1。考研与就业: 2004年的暑假,我和大多数人一样,艰难的抉择,究竟是考研还是找工作。 凭良心说,如果我选择考研并不是因为我真得很想读书很想深造,而是我害怕接触社会, 想再窝在学校几年。 所以,虽然我非常不喜欢我这个专业,我还是决定做个鸵鸟,情愿去干我唯一最擅长的事情-读书。 现在想起来,当时太不了解自己。呵呵。 我们寝室4个女生,两个决定考研并且每天早出晚归,整天也见不到人。 我决定效仿她们,每天大包小包的拎着啃书。 不喜欢终究是不喜欢,2个月以后,我在镜子面前看到一个憔悴的自己, 想起我这些日子以来的生活状态,究竟是为了什么?我不是一个聪明的小孩, 我没有本领过目不忘,我又没有自己想象的那么勤奋,我怕这怕那,天哪,忽然觉得,自己一无是处。。。 2004年9月,我很没志气放弃了考研。 两个字,怕苦。

2004年9月,我在51job上填了我完整的信息,等待工作的降临。 2004年9月中旬,我的第一份实习经验开始了。。。 2004年9月中旬,一个很甜美的声音从我的手机传来,约我在徐家汇美罗城面试。 我无比激动地。。真的是我比激动地。。。去借了正装,提早了半个多小时到。 到了以后我才发现,是一家人寿保险公司。 那个面试我的经理居然是同济毕业的, 有些人就是有这种魅力,寥寥几句话,就让周围的人围着转。 像我这样没见过世面的人,轻易的,魂就被勾走了。 在我走出那里的时候,我已经答应要留下来做做看了。 我没有考证,所以不可以接单,我就是在里面接触他们是怎样工作的。 接下来的1个多月里,我亲眼看到一群斗志高昂的人在没有任何签单以后是如何被经理骂的狗血林头。 我也亲眼看到,上海滩上一些有钱人的嘴脸。 说实在的,以前我是鄙视做保险的人的,我认为他们素质低下只会粘人。 现在,我对他们多了一份理解。 并且,他们之中确实有就算是放到任何行业也光彩夺目的精英。 也许是看出了我不是这块料,一个月以后,我被委婉的驱逐了。 呵呵。我是高兴的走的,走了以后还在徐家汇逛了一圈。 第一次社会经历,让我很真实的触摸到了钱和人的关系。


哈工大 2013 年 春 季学期 大学英语社会与文化试题 (B) Part I True or False Questions (0.5 x 40 = 20 Points ) Directions: Decide whether the following statements are true or false according to what you have learned in the textbook. And write your answers on the Answer Sheet . 01. Most of Australia’s u nique plants and animals are imported form other continents. 02. Keats, Shelley and Byron brought the Romantic Movement to its height 03. Sinn Fein is a legal political party in Northern Ireland. Part II Multiple Choice Questions ( 0.5 x 50 = 25 points ) Directions: Choose the best answer to each statement or question according to the information you have got in the textbook. And Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 01. How many counties are there in Northern Ireland? A. 26 B. 6 C. 32 D. 20 02. Which of the following is NOT an effect of immigration on British society? A. There is now a varied cuisine for people to choose from. B. Class tension has increased. C. New forms of popular music have emerged. D. Different religious beliefs have been practiced actively. 03. Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain? A. The University of Cambridge. B. The University of Oxford. C. The University of Edinburgh. D. The University of Buckingham. Part III Filling in the Blanks (0.5 x 60 = 30 Points ) Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer according to the facts that you have learned in the textbook and you can select your answers from the following reference words. And write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 01. Shakespeare’s plays fall into three categories: , comedies and history plays. 02. Comprehensive schools provide a general education from subjects like literature and science to more practical subjects like cooking and carpentry. 03. Britain has one of the world’s oldest established newspaper industries. The Times , which began publishing in 1785, is Britain’s oldest newspaper.


一、单选题练习 1.完整的计算机系统由( C )组成。 A.运算器、控制器、存储器、输入设备和输出设备 B.主机和外部设备 C.硬件系统和软件系统 D.主机箱、显示器、键盘、鼠标、打印机 2.以下软件中,( D )不是操作系统软件。 A.Windows xp B.unix C.linux D.microsoft office 3.用一个字节最多能编出( D )不同的码。 A. 8个 B. 16个 C. 128 个 D. 256个 4.任何程序都必须加载到( C )中才能被CPU执行。 A. 磁盘 B. 硬盘 C. 内 存 D. 外存 5.下列设备中,属于输出设备的是( A )。 A.显示器 B.键盘 C.鼠标 D.手字板6.计算机信息计量单位中的K代表( B )。 A. 102 B. 210 C. 103 D. 28 7.RAM代表的是( C )。 A. 只读存储器 B. 高速缓存器 C. 随机存储 器 D. 软盘存储器 8.组成计算机的CPU的两大部件是( A )。 A.运算器和控制器 B. 控制器和寄存器 C.运算器和内存 D. 控制器和内存 9.在描述信息传输中bps表示的是( D )。 A.每秒传输的字节数 B.每秒传输的指令数 C.每秒传输的字数 D.每秒传输的位数10.微型计算机的内存容量主要指( A )的容量。 A. RAM B. ROM C. CMOS D. Cache 11.十进制数27对应的二进制数为( D )。 A.1011 B. 1100 C. 10111 D. 11011 12.Windows的目录结构采用的是( A )。 A.树形结构 B.线形结构 C.层次结构 D.网状结构 13.将回收站中的文件还原时,被还原的文件将回到( D )。 A.桌面上 B.“我的文档”中 C.内存中 D.被删除的位置14.在Windows 的窗口菜单中,若某命令项后面有向右的黑三角,则表示该命令项( A )。A.有下级子菜单 B.单击鼠标可直接执行C.双击鼠标可直接执行 D.右击鼠标可直接执行 15.计算机的三类总线中,不包括( C )。


一位年轻女董事长的忠告:如果不想穷下去就请看1、记住,平均每天看电视超过三个小时以上的,一定都是那些月收入不超过两千元的,如果你想要月收入超过两千,请不要把时间浪费在电视上。同样的道理,那些平均每天玩网络游戏或聊天超过三个小时以上的,也都是那些月收入不超过两千的。 2、因为穷人很多,并且穷人没有钱,所以,他们才会在网络上聊天抱怨,消磨时间。你有见过哪个企业老总或主管经理有事没事经常在QQ 群里闲聊的? 3、这个世界,有这么一小撮的人,打开报纸,是他们的消息,打开电视,是他们的消息,街头巷尾,议论的是他们的消息,仿佛世界是为他们准备的,他们能够呼风唤雨,无所不能。你的目标,应该是努力成为这一小撮人。 4、如果,你真的爱你的爸妈,爱你的女朋友,就好好的去奋斗,去拼搏吧,这样,你才有能力,有经济条件,有自由时间,去陪他们,去好好爱他们。 5、这个社会,是快鱼吃慢鱼,而不是慢鱼吃快鱼。 6、这个社会,是赢家通吃,输者一无所有,社会,永远都是只以成败论英雄。

7、如果你问周围朋友词语,如果十个人,九个人说不知道,那么,这是一个机遇,如果十个人,九个人都知道了,就是一个行业。 8、任何一个行业,一个市场,都是先来的有肉吃,后来的汤都没的喝。 9、这个世界上,一流的人才,可以把三流项目做成二流或更好,但是,三流人才,会把一流项目,做的还不如三流。 10、趁着年轻,多出去走走看看。读万卷书,不如行万里路,行万里路,不如阅人无数。 11、与人交往的时候,多听少说。这就是,上帝为什么给我们一个嘴巴两个耳朵的原因。 12、记得,要做最后出牌的人,出让别人觉得出其不意的牌,在他们以为你要输掉的时候,这样,你才能赢得牌局。 13、不要装大,对于装大的人,最好的办法就是,捡块砖头,悄悄跟上去,一下子从背后放倒他。 14、不要随便说脏话,这会让别人觉得你没涵养,不大愿意和你交往。即使交往,也是敷衍。因为他内心认定你素质很差。 15、想要抽烟的时候,先问下周围的人可不可以,要学会尊重别人。少在女生面前耍酷抽烟,你不知道,其实她们内心很反感。

英美国家社会与文化 选修论文

Inspiration about "Society and Culture of English-speaken Countries" I choose "society and culture of English-speaken countries" as my elective this term. Now the course is approaching the ending, I think my elective is meaningful and I acquired a lot from it. At the beginning of the course, the substitute teacher gave us some essential knowledge about Britain. And we got a rough impression about the course.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK or Britain) is a sovereign state off the n orth-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of G reat Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland and many smaller isl ands. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland uses as its n ational flag the royal banner known as the Union Flag or, popularly, Union Jac k. It consists of the red cross of Saint George (patron saint of England), edged in white, superimposed on the Cross of St Patrick (patron saint of Ireland), wh ich are superimposed on the Saltire of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland) ."God Save the Queen" (alternatively "God Save the King") is an anthem used in a number of Commonwealth realms and British Crown Dependencies. The words of the song, like its title, are adapted to the gender of the current monar ch, with "King" replacing "Queen", "he" replacing "she", and so forth, when a k ing reigns.The official language is English, and other recognised regional lang uages are Irish, Ulster Scots, Scottish Gaelic, Scots, Welsh, Cornish. After Mr.Sun came back from Britain, we have a broader view of Britain. I have never been to other countyr and Mr.Zhang's introduction and pictures let me know aboout life abroad. Humid avenue,various buildings,exquisite artifact,woody flowerpot and attractive cate...Mr.Zhang showed us a close range Britain by pictures he took.And as a teacher,Mr.Zhang show us a quite different class atmosphere in Britain.The class is more relaxed and active.What's surprise is that our foreigh teacher Ted gave us a impressive class. He let us experience the active class.I asked Ted some questions at the end of the class.To my happyness ,he allowed me to take a photo with him.

计算机网络实验2 文字版

基本网络测试工具及应用工具实验学生姓名:合作学生: 实验地点:试验时间: 【实验目的】 了解和学会使用网络测试工具及应用工具。 【实验原理】 操作系统中也内置了一些非常有用的软件网络测试工具,如果能使用得当,并掌握一定的测试技巧一般来说是完全可以满足一般需求的,有的甚至被黑客作为黑客工具!其实有许多黑客工具软件也是基于这些内置的网络测试软件而编制、改写的。 这些工具虽然不能称之为专业测试工具,但可以简单判断网络的具体实际状况。 【实验设备】 能联网的电脑一台 【实验步骤】 1.运行CMD 2.一次运行以下命令 ping ping https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e38733733.html, ipconfig /all nbstat -n https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e38733733.html, Tracert Net view Net user Net time Net start route print ftp -v XServe ftp -d XServe telnet https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e38733733.html, 3.另外在宿舍尝试了另一个命令 netsh wlan start hostednetwork 【实验现象】 C:\Documents and Settings\user>ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=63 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=63 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=63 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=63 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms C:\Documents and Settings\user>ping https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e38733733.html, Pinging https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e38733733.html, [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=28ms TTL=51


一位同济大学已工作女生的忠告!(ZZ) 我觉得,这是有史以来我在校内上面看到的最有价值的东西。真的是不枉费这一点时间看完它。太真实了。 下面就是那个同济毕业的女生写的东西: 我是2005年毕业的,偶尔来这里看看,不常灌水。 今天来随意写下一些,如果对各位有任何的帮助,是我衷心所愿。 1。考研与就业: 2004年的暑假,我和大多数人一样,艰难的抉择,究竟是考研还是找工作。 凭良心说,如果我选择考研并不是因为我真得很想读书很想深造,而是我害怕接触社会, 想再窝在学校几年。 所以,虽然我非常不喜欢我这个专业,我还是决定做个鸵鸟,情愿去干我唯一最擅长的事情-读书。 现在想起来,当时太不了解自己。呵呵。 我们寝室4个女生,两个决定考研并且每天早出晚归,整天也见不到人。 我决定效仿她们,每天大包小包的拎着啃书。 不喜欢终究是不喜欢,2个月以后,我在镜子面前看到一个憔悴的自己, 想起我这些日子以来的生活状态,究竟是为了什么?我不是一个聪明的小孩,我没有本领过目不忘,我又没有自己想象的那么勤奋,我怕这怕那,天哪,忽然觉得,自己一无是处。。。 2004年9月,我很没志气放弃了考研。 两个字,怕苦。 2004年9月,我在51job上填了我完整的信息,等待工作的降临。 2004年9月中旬,我的第一份实习经验开始了。。。 2004年9月中旬,一个很甜美的声音从我的手机传来,约我在徐家汇美罗城面试。 我无比激动地。。真的是我比激动地。。。去借了正装,提早了半个多小时到。到了以后我才发现,是一家人寿保险公司。 那个面试我的经理居然是同济毕业的, 有些人就是有这种魅力,寥寥几句话,就让周围的人围着转。 像我这样没见过世面的人,轻易的,魂就被勾走了。 在我走出那里的时候,我已经答应要留下来做做看了。 我没有考证,所以不可以接单,我就是在里面接触他们是怎样工作的。 接下来的1个多月里,我亲眼看到一群斗志高昂的人在没有任何签单以后是如何


期末复习题目汇总(答案不提供) I. Fill in the blanks. (History) 1. Most people who came to the British colonies in the 1600s were ____English_________. Others came from The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, France, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. By 1690, 250,000 people lived in the ______New World________. By 1790, there were 2.5 million people. 2. The first settlements were along the Atlantic coast and on rivers that flowed into the ocean. In the Northeast, trees covered the hills and stones filled the soil, but water power was available. The Northeast was called New England, and it included Massachusetts, ________Connecticut_______, and _______Rhode Island______________. The economy was based on timber, fishing, shipbuilding, and trade. 3. The ideas of __liberalism____________ and ________democracy_____ are the basis of the U.S. political system. As the colonists built their new society, they believed more strongly in these ideas. Britain’s 13 colonies grew in population and economic strength during the 1700s. Although ruled by a distant government, the colonists governed many local affairs. 4. The American Revolution and the war for independence from Britain began with a small fight between British troops and colonists on April 19, _1775______. The British troops left __Boston________, Massachusetts, planning to take weapons and ammunition from revolutionary colonists. At ______Lexington_______, they met armed colonists who were called ______Minutemen_________ because they could be ready to fight in a minute. (holiday) 5. Va lentine’s Day originated in the ____Roman_____ Era. 6. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. made the famous ___I have a dream, the Nobel Peace Prize_______ speech in 1963. 7. Easter is an important ___religious and social_________ festival in Christian countries. 8. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming ____Mother’s Day____ as a national holiday that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May. 9. __Independence Day________ is the National Day of US which is observed on July 4. 10. Columbus Day celebrates ___the discovery in America_______ by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1492.

同济大学 计算机网络实验报告

同济大学电子与信息工程学院实验报告 实验课程名称:计算机通信网络 任课教师: 实验项目名称:跨交换机实现VLAN 实验项目名称:静态路由 实验项目名称: OSPF单区域 姓名: 学号: 姓名: 学号: 姓名: 学号: 实验地点:

实验名称:跨交换机实现VLAN 【实验名称】 跨交换机实现VLAN。 【实验目的】 理解跨交换机之间VLAN的特点。 【背景描述】 假设某企业有两个主要部门:销售部和技术部,其中销售部门的个人计算机系统分散连接,他们之间需要相互进行通信,但为了数据安全起见,销售部和技术部需要进行相互隔离,现要在交换机上做适当配置来实现这一目标。 【技术原理】 Tag Vlan是基于交换机端口的另外一种类型,主要用于实现跨交换机的相同VLAN内主机之间可以直接访问,同时对于不同VLAN的主机进行隔离。Tag Vlan遵循了IEEE802.1q 协议的标准。在利用配置了Tag Vlan的接口进行数据传输时,需要在数据帧内添加4个字节的802.1q标签信息,用于标识该数据帧属于哪个VLAN,以便于对端交换机接收到数据帧后进行准确的过滤。 【实现功能】 使在同一VLAN里的计算机系统能跨交换机进行相互通信,而在不同VLAN里的计算机系统不能进行相互通信。 【实验设备】 S2126G(两台)、主机(3台)、直连线(4条) 【实验拓扑】 【实验步骤】 步骤1:在交换机SwitchA上创建Vlan 10,并将0/5端口划分到Vlan 10中。 SwitchA # configure terminal !进入全局配置模式。 SwitchA(config)# vlan 10 !创建Vlan 10。 SwitchA(config-vlan)# name sales !将Vlan 10命名为sales。 SwitchA(config-vlan)#exit SwitchA(config)#interface fastethernet 0/5 !进入接口配置模式。 SwitchA(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10 !将0/5端口划分到Vlan 10。 验证测试:验证已创建了Vlan 10,并将0/5端口已划分到Vlan 10中。

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