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Unit 1 science vs. the humanities

1.Are the humanities useless frill—a vestigial appendage of our antiquated educational system? Has the importance of technology been stressed over that of the humanities at a time when perhaps the converse should be true? Should we bother at all to teach the humanities in our schools? These are questions which have often beset educators and serious-minded thinkers. Let us investigate these questions in their broad context, for our heritage depends to an extent on the answers.


2. The humanities are not a mere device; they are not agencies for general improvement. The humanities in the broad cultural sense,and in the narrow academic one,have uses that are much more intimate and permanent. In any generation, persons are born who find books, music, works of art, and theaters in the world and are instinctively drawn to them. These people grow up with an ingrained desire for the objects of their interest and a preference for people of like taste. a larger group, though less intent, takes similar pleasure in artistic activities from time to time. The two groups together are strong enough to impose on the remainder the daily presence of what delights them.


3. thus the art of architecture and its decoration —the post-office mural or the restored Williamsburg—are forced on millions who, left to themselves, might live in a cave or a tent. Thus newspapers and magazines reproduce pictures, retell history, comment on art old and new, criticize music and books ,write about the lives and opinions of artists —in short, cater for the minority who sway us all by their peculiar tastes.


Unit 3 the age of advertising

1.Most people must by now have seen the original advertisement featuring a Clifton Webb sort of gentleman wearing a white shirt and having a black patch over one eye. This advertisement sold a million Hathaway shirts in a few weeks, but few people ever found out why. The ad was a piece of abstract art of unabashed symbolism such as is reputed to outrage the ordinary man when he meets it in an art gallery, but which worked perfectly in the market place.

迄今为止, 大多数人一定看过这样一幅广告: 一位克利夫顿·韦布模样的男士穿着一件白色衬衣, 一只眼睛上蒙着黑眼罩。在仅仅几星期的时间里, 这幅广告就推销了一百万件" 哈瑟维" 牌衬衣。然而很少有人试问过为什么会这样。广告是一件抽象艺术, 是不折不扣的象征主义。据说普通人在艺术画廊里看到广告时会怒不可遏, 但是它在市场上的确管用。

2. There is no accident about this; symbolist poetry and painting were magical in theory and in practice, linking objects which had no logical connection. Modern advertising is a form of magic (“Kissing-sweet in five seconds”), and it employs all the techniques of symbolism art. It is a kind of Arabian Nights world of Aladdin lamps and genii who spring from bottles to do our bidding. In this world, as in the world of Omar Khayyam, the sorry scheme of things as they are is forever being remolded nearer to the heart’s desire. So powerful is this feature of the huge artificial, pictorialized, neon-lighted environment crated by advertising that people have gotten into the habit of living in that future environment which the ads promise. Not satisfied with the present, they live in those months ahead when the icebox will be paid for or when a course of beauty treatments and a psychiatric analysis will have brought romance and success into their lives. Advertising creates a Promised Land.

这一点绝非偶然。无论在理论上还是在实践上, 象征主义诗歌和绘画都神秘莫测, 能够把相互没有逻辑关系的东西联系起来。现代广告就是一种魔法(5 秒钟之内甜蜜接吻), 它采用了象征主义艺术的各种手法。它是天方夜谭般的世界, 有阿拉丁的神灯和魔仆, 从瓶子里钻出来为我们效劳。在这个世界上, 就像在欧玛尔·海亚姆的世界里一样, 事物的令人悲伤的格局事实上永远是按照心灵的愿望铸造的。广告创造的图文并茂五颜六色的人造环境的阵势如此强大, 以至于人们都已习惯于生活在广告所宣传的未来世界里。不满足于现实生活, 他们就生活在未来

3. National brands of commodities like Coca-Cola or Lucky Strike have away of becoming a kind of totemistic institution. Totem societies were held together collectively by the totem plant or animal. a man was not a member of the kangaroo clan or tribe; he was a kangaroo. He participated in the life of the kangaroo with his brothers; it was a kind of mystic communion or participation. Advertising, with its appeal to collective emotion, has set up national brands and totems for communal participation.

像可口可乐或红吉士这些全国性品牌的商品各有办法建立一种图腾制度。图腾社会是靠图腾植物或图腾动物维系在一起的。单独一个人就不是袋鼠家族或部落的一个成员, 他只是一只袋鼠, 他和他的弟兄们一起参与袋鼠的集体生活, 这是一种神秘的群体或参与。广告能够调动起集体情感, 为群体参与制定了全国性品牌。

Unit4 A Jazz Tradition

1.From the time of the beginning of his slavery to the time of Abolition, the American Negro was frustrated into a near silence, broken only by his wails of misery. When he was set free in 1865, his music was to span a musical lag of some three hundred years. a vigorous sound, prototypic of jazz , burst forth with the Negro’s freedom from slavery. It was to grow into a lusty, virile , and dynamic force—jazz!


8. The blues were a rich ,social ,and personal musical language—social in that it was the creative language of a people, and personal in that it was an expression of individual thinking and feeling. For images to guide his song, the Negro drew upon what was deep down inside him .blues imagery was taken from more realistic experiences than was the biblical imagery of the spiritual. It played on the simple elements of life —love-making, eating, sleeping, working, dying; and it expressed man’s natural emotions—hope and despair, love and hate ,envy, lust, fear, jealousy, and loneliness.


18. Whereas other types of folk music have developed slowly, often spanning centuries, jazz has developed in a little less than a hundred years. But, though its essential character has remained the same, today’s jazz is far different from the classic New Orleans version. Modern jazz features a style of economy and simplicity. It does not employ a dozen notes where fewer will do. it does not use an ensemble of instruments where one will express a melodic message. it does not use chord structure where a single melodic line is better, and in this sense it is akin to abstract art which reduces lines to a minimum. But it is also like expressionistic art in that its content is emotional and its texture is distorted in order to emphasize emotional qualities. As in the blues, emotional qualities and human images constitute the language of jazz.


23. Further, the traditional school of music relies heavily upon a visual sense. To reproduce the literature, the student of music has been required to devote years of intensive study to reading and interpreting the printed page. Jazz has not been and is not now dependent upon visual perception. It is primarily an aural music. Its creative nature is dependent upon the ear. The transition of emphasis from the eye to the ear will be a difficulty confronting the traditional school if jazz is included in the curriculum.


24. The dedicated jazz man claims that his music cannot become a larger form of composition because its spontaneous nature —

improvisation —demands brevity. He holds that jazz is not jazz when the music is written down, when the expression of it becomes a reproduction of ideas conceived by another rather than the spontaneous and creative expression of the performer.



25. The creative jazz man of today is in tune with what happened last night and anticipates what may occur tomorrow. With the devotion of a crusader, he maintains the resilient form of composition which jazz allows. He continues to experiment with ways to capture emotional texture through the imaginative use of syncopation, dissonances, unusual tonal effects, rhythmic and melodic variations, and other sounds characteristic of jazz. He feels an obligation to protect the tradition of his art. His is a creative and

spontaneous music—a manifestation of the creative urge of the common man —for the people and by the people.

2.Listen! A young man is blowing a born!


Unit 5 The science of custom

1.Anthropology is the study of human beings as creatures of society. It fastens its attention upon those physical characteristics and industrial techniques, those conventions and values, which distinguish one community from all others that belong to a different tradition.


2.The distinguishing mark of anthropology among the social sciences is that it includes for serious study societies other than our own. For its purposes, any social regulation of mating and reproduction is as significant as our own, though it may be that of the Sea Dyaks , and have no possible historical relation to that of our civilization. To the anthropologist, our customs and those of a New Guinea tribe are two possible social schemes for dealing with a common problem, and insofar as he remains an anthropologist, he is bound to avoid ay weighting of one in favour of the other. He is interested in human behavior, not as it is shaped by one tradition, our own, but as it has been shaped by any tradition whatsoever. he is interested in the great gamut of custom that is found in various cultures, and his object is to understand the way in which these cultures change and differentiate, the different forms through which they express themselves, and the manner in which the customs of any people function in the lives of the individuals who live within a specific culture.


3 Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great moment. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behavior at its most commonplace. As a matter of fact, it is the other way around. Traditional custom, taken the world over, is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions, no matter how aberrant. Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of first-rate importance is the role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.


3.So modern man, differentiating into Chosen People and dangerous aliens groups within his own civilization genetically and culturally related to one anther as any tribes in the Australian bush are among themselves —has the justification of a vast historical continuity behind his attitude. The Pygmies have made the same claims. We are not likely to clear ourselves easily of so fundamental a human trait, but we can at least learn to recognize its history and its hydra manifestations.


4. One of these manifestations, and one which is often spoken of as primary and motivated rather by religious emotions than by this more generalized provincialism, is the attitude that has universally held in Western civilizations so long as religion remained a living issue among them. The distinction between any closed group and outside peoples becomes, in terms of religion, that between the true believers and the heathen. between these two categories for thousands of years there were no common meeting points. All institutions were seen in opposing terms. On the one side, it was a question of Divine Truth and of revelation; on the other, it was a matter of mortal error and of fables. There could be no question of understanding from objectively studied data the nature of this important human trait, religion.


4. The anthropologist, whose business is to observe the course of the natural history of man, does not deal with the desirability of religious diversity. He simply notes that it exists and attempts to discover its sources. Seeking to view the development of human life as a whole, the anthropologist has somehow to bring man’s love of food and his attitude toward supernatural powers into one scheme. Everything man has done or experienced is relevant. However, the anthropologist, who does not seek to pass judgment, studies the how, not the why, of a cultural manifestation whose significance seems to be granted in fullest measure to those whose lives are most intimately bound to it.


Unit 7 Labor, Leisure, and the New Class

1.In a society of high and increasing affluence, there are three plausible tendencies as regards toil. As the production of goods comes to seem less urgent, and as individuals are less urgently in need of income for the purchase of goods, they will work fewer hours or days in the week. Or they will work less hard. Or, as a final possibility, it may be that fewer people will work all the time.


2 A reduction in the workweek is an exceedingly plausible reaction to the declining marginal urgency of product. In the conventional wisdom, unfortunately, the reduction in hours has emerged as the only legitimate response to increasing affluence. This is at least partly so because the issue has never been faced in terms of the increasing unimportance of goods. Accordingly, though we have attributed value to leisure, a ban still lies on other courses which seem to be more directly in conflict with established attitudes on productive efficiency. In a society rationally concerned with its own happiness, these alternatives have a strong claim to consideration. 减少一周的工作时间,这是对于产品边际需求日益减少所做出的看似极其合理的反应。不幸的是,按照一般人的看法,好像减少工作时敷成了对财富日益增加的惟一合法反应。至少部分情况是这样的,因为投有人从商品越来越不重要这个角度去正视过这个问题。因此,尽管我们已经认识到休闲的价值,但是仍然有一些事情还是行不通,这些事情似乎同人们对于生产效率的普遍态度发生了更直接的冲突。在一个理性的、关心其成员幸福的社会里,这些可供选择的方法很值得考虑。

2.The present-day industrial establishment is a great distance removed from that of the last century or even25 years ago. This improvement has been the result of a variety of forces—government standards and factory inspection, general technological and architectural advances, the fact that productivity could often be increased by substituting machine power for heavy or repetitive manual labor, the need to compete for a labor force, and union intervention to improve working conditions in addition to wages and hours.


3. However, except where the improvement contributed to increased productivity, the effort to make work more pleasant has had to support a large burden of proof. It was permissible to seek the elimination of the hazardous, unsanitary, unhealthful, or otherwise objectionable conditions of work. The speed-up might be resisted —to a point. But the test was not what was agreeable but what was unhealthful or, at a minimum, excessively fatiguing. The trend toward increase leisure is not reprehensible, but we resist vigorously the notion that a man should work less hard while on a job. Here, older attitudes are involved. We are gravely suspicious of any tendency to expend less than the maximum effort, for top effort has long been a prime economic virtue.


3. None the less, the basic point remains: The case for more leisure is not stronger on purely prima-facie grounds than the case for making labor time itself more agreeable. The test, it is worth repeating, is not the effect on productivity. It is not seriously argued that the shorter workweek increases productivity —that men produce more in fewer hours than they would in more. Rather, it is whether fewer hours are always to be preferred to more —but more pleasant ones.


3. I venture to suggest that the unprofessional reader will find the ideas offered here rather reasonable and rational. Why should man struggle to maximize income when the price is many dull and dark hours of labor? Why should they do so especially to make goods more plentiful and less urgent? Why should they not seek instead to maximize the rewards of all the hours of their days? And since this is the plain and obvious aspiration of a great and growing number of the most perceptive people, why should it not be the central goal of the society? And now to complete the case, we have a design for progress. It is education or , more broadly, investment in human —as distinct from material —capital.


3.But in the more sophisticated levels of the conventional wisdom, including those of some professional economists, any such goal will seem exceedingly undesirable. The production of material goods, urgent or otherwise, is the accepted measure of our progress. Investment in material capital is our basic engine of progress. Both this product and the means for increasing it are measurable and tangible. What is measurable is better. To talk of transferring increasing numbers of people from lives spent mostly in classical toil to lives which, for the most part, are spent pleasantly has less quantitative precision. Since investment in individuals, unlike investment in a blast furnace, provides a product that can be neither seen nor valued, it is inferior. And here the conventional wisdom unleashes its epithet of last resort. Since these achievements are not easily measured, as a goal they are “funny.” This is widely deemed to be a fatal condemnation. The precise to be sure, is usually the old and familiar. Because it is old and familiar it has been defined and measured. Thus does insistence on precision become anther of the tautological devices by which the conventional wisdom protects itself. Nor should one doubt its power.


4. Yet anyone who finds this analysis and these proposals sensible should not be entirely discouraged. We are in one of the contexts where circumstance has marched far beyond the conventional wisdom. We have seen how general are people’s efforts to join the New Class and how rapid is its expansion. We are not establishing a new economic and social goal but identifying one that is already widely, if but tacitly, accepted. In this situation, the conventional wisdom cannot resist indefinitely. The economist with impeccable credentials in the conventional wisdom, who believes that there is no goal in life of comparable urgency as the maximization of total and individual real income, would never think of applying such a standard to himself. In his own life he is an exponent of all the aspirations of the New Class. He educates and indoctrinates his children with but one thing in mind. It is not that they should maximize their income. This is abhorrent. He wants above all that they will have an occupation that is interesting and rewarding. On this he hopes indeed that they will take their learned parent as their model.


Unit 11 The language of Colors, Myths, and Symbols

1.However, neither nature nor emotions can do more than suggest things to the mind; they do not offer a basis for a coherent system of symbols. Psychoanalysis may attribute a certain variation in the significance attached to colors to the fact that human feelings are ambivalent; thus, red can express both love and hate; yellow, the mystic impulse and deceit; and green, hope and perversity. While these extremes may explain certain traditional systems of symbols, where yellow, for instance, can stand equally for God the Omnipotent, for strikebreakers, and for a cuckold, they cannot account for a whole series of faces emerging both from the paintings of great artists and from those of mental patients. Here, the symbolism is an individual one and not that of a group, and this becomes clear when either painters or patients are questioned —when they are asked ,for example, why they have painted their fathers blue, or cypresses red. And when individual and group symbolism tally, it is not that psychological factors explain sociological features, but that, on the contrary, outward civilization imposes its standards and traditions on the individual, even though he may he mentally ill.


2. Color as the expression of certain emotional reactions must therefore be dissociated from the problem of color as a symbol. The physiological impressions of our sense organs, which cause us to talk of stimulating or depressing, cheerful or gloomy colors, may well, like the underlying impulses of the libido, converge with the cultural symbolism of color; they may also oppose it or even ignore it completely. The cultural symbolism of color must, therefore, be considered independently of physiology or psychoanalysis.


3. Every civilization has its system of symbols. Historians of medieval art come across many examples. In the Middle Ages, the Church specified the colors that artists were to use for the figures in religious paintings; the Virgin Mary had to have a blue robe, and Christ, who is also attired in blue during his period of preparation, is clad in black during the temptation in the wilderness, and in white or red after his resurrection. The reason for the blue garments is that the Virgin Mary and the Messiah come from heaven: black represents the encounter with the Prince of Darkness; and white and red stand for the two aspects of God’s nature, his wisdom and his love.


4.The problem of symbolism is not only of theoretical interest; it also has practical implications. Although we may not believe that the system of accepted symbols depends wholly or mainly on feelings, we do believe, on the other hand, that the opposite is true and that symbols may influence feelings in certain ways. There is not only color symbolism; there is also color prejudice, which is affected by the symbolism. Examples might be taken from ancient Egypt, where the classification of beings was reflected in the order of colors, or from India, where each caste has its own color. We need only consider the forms of color prejudice at present existing among white men.


2.We have inherited from the Greeks and Christianity the two extremes of white and black, representing purity and evil. There is the example of Theseus using the black sail to symbolize failure, and the white sail success, when he returned from Crete to Greece. In Christianity the chosen ones wear white tunics, and devils are black. And this dualism can be seen even in our playing cards!


3. Although we do not realize it, this association of black with hell, death, the shades of night, and sin, inevitably influences the European view of Africans, as if the color of their skin had laid a curse upon them. This is so true that when someone white is speaking of a Negro whom he admires or of one who has become integrated into the white civilization, he may say that though the person in question is Negro, he has the “soul of a white man “as if, in order to make him acceptable, he must at all costs discover something white in the Negro.


Unit 13 Society and the Individual

1.The object of this Essay is to assert one very simple principle as entitled to govern absolutely the dealings of society with the individual in the way of compulsion and control, whether the means used be physical force in the form of legal penalties, or the moral coercion of public opinion. That principle is, that the sole end for which mankind is warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to du so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or eve right. These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with him, or persuading him but not for compelling him, or visiting him with any evil in case he do otherwise. To justify that, the conduct from which it is desired to deter him must be calculated to produce evil to some one else. The only part of the conduct for any one, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns himself, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind , the individual is sovereign.


2.It is, perhaps, hardly necessary to say that this doctrine is meant to apply only to human beings in the maturity of their faculties. We are not speaking of children, or of young persons below the age which the law may fix as that of manhood or womanhood. Those who are still in a state to require being taken care of by others must be protected against their own actions as well as against external injury. For the same reason, we may leave out of consideration those backward states of society in which the race itself may be considered as in its nonage. The early difficulties in the way of spontaneous progress are so great, that there is seldom any choice of means for overcoming them; and a ruler full of the spirit of improvement is warranted in the use of any expedients that will attain an end, perhaps otherwise unattainable. Despotism is a legitimate mode of government in dealing with barbarians, provided the end be their improvement, and the means justified by actually effecting that end. Liberty, as a principle, has no application to any state of things anterior to the time when mankind have become capable of being improved by free and equal discussion. Until then, there is nothing for them but implicit obedience to an Akbar or a Charlemagne, if they are so fortunate as to find one. But as soon as mankind have attained the capacity of being guided to their own improvement by conviction or persuasion (a period long since reached in all nations with whom we need here concern ourselves), compulsion, either in the direct for or in that of pains and penalties for noncompliance, is no longer admissible as a means to their own good, and justifiable only for the security of others.


3.Editor’s Note: The individual’s right to think and act for himself needs constant defense and reassertion. All human action should aim at creating, maintaining, and increasing the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people. Actions are right when they do that; wrong when they do not. A good society is one in which the greatest possible number of persons enjoy the greatest possible amount of happiness. One of the most important ways for society to ensure that its members will be able to contribute their maximum to creating, preserving and increasing the greatest happiness of the greatest number is to extend to them the right to think and act for themselves.


4. This is not a defense of irresponsibility. The phrase “think and act for yourself” does not mean “think and act as you please.” It is a protest against external “authority.” It is a protest against groups, governments, or institutions which would tell people what to think and what to do, refusing to leave them to work these things out for themselves.


5.When Mill’s point is stated thus simply and baldly, there is no need to argue its present relevance. It would seem to be even more timely than it was in 1895. There is on the part of a large and increasing number of groups, institutions, and governments a tendency to discourage individuals from thinking and acting for themselves. This is true in morals, in religion, in education, in economics, and in politics. There is also, today, on the part of individuals a tendency to accept this discouragement and surrender their right to think and act for themselves.


Unit 14 The Fabric of Meaning

1.There are relatively few people today who are born to an environment which gives them spiritual support. Only persons of some imagination and effective intelligence can picture such an environment and deliberately seek it. They are the few who feel drawn to some realm of reality that contains their ultimate life-symbols and dictates activities which may acquire ritual value. Men who follow the sea have often a deep love for that hard life, which no catalogue of its practical virtues can account for. But in their dangerous calling they feel secure; in their comfortless quarters they are at ease. Waters and ships, heaven and storm and harbor, somehow contain the symbols through which they see meaning and sense in the world, a “justification,”as we call it, of trouble, a unified conception of life where by it can be rationally lived. Any man who loves his calling loves it for more than its use; he loves it because it seems to have “meaning.” A scholar who will defy the world in order to write or speak what he knows as “scientific truth,” the Greek philosopher who chose to die rather than protest against Athens, the feminists to whom woman suffrage was a “cause “ for which they accepted ridicule as well as punishment, show how entirely realistic performances may point beyond themselves, and acquire the value of super-personal acts, like rites. They are the forms of devotion that have replaced genuflexions, sacrifices, and solemn dances.


2. A mind that is oriented in material and social realities, no matter by what conscious or unconscious symbols, can function freely and confidently even under great pressure of circumstance and in the face of hard problems. Its life is a smooth and skillful shuttling to and fro between sign-functions and symbolic functions and a steady interweaving of sensory interpretations, linguistic responses, inferences, memories, imaginative prevision, factual knowledge, and tacit appreciations. Dreams can possess it at night and work off the heaviest load of self-expressive needs, and evaporate before the light of day; its further self-expressions being woven intelligently into the nexus of practical behavior. Ritual comes to it as a natural response to the “holiness” or importance of real occasions. In such a mind, doubts of the “meaning of life “are not apt to arise, for reality itself is intrinsically “meaningful”: it incorporates the symbols of Life and Death, Sin and Salvation. For a balanced active intelligence, reality is historical fact and significant form, the all-inclusive realm of science, myth, art, and comfortable common sense.


3.But a theory of mind whose keynote is the symbolic function, whose problem is the morphology of significance, is not obliged to draw that bifurcating line between science and folly. It can see these ructions and upheavals of the modern mind not as lapses of rational interest cause by animal impulse, but as the exact contrary—as a new phase of savagedom, indeed, but inspired by the rational need of envisagement and understanding. The springs of European thought have run dry —those deep springs of imagination that furnish the basic concepts for a whole intellectual order, the first discernment, the generative ideas of our Weltanschauung. New conceptual forms are crowding them out, but are themselves in the mythical phase, the “implicit” stage of symbolic formulation. We cannot analyze the contents of those vast symbols —Race, Unity, Manifest Destiny, Humanity —over which we fight so ruthlessly; if we could, it would mean that they were already furnishing discursive terms, clear issues, and we would all be busy philosophizing instead of waging holy wars. We would have the new world that humanity is dreaming of, and would be eagerly building the edifice of knowledge out of new insights. It is the sane, efficient, workaday business of free minds—discursive reasoning about well-conceived problems —that is disturbed or actually suspended in this apparent age of unreason; but the force which governs that age is still the force of mind , the impulse toward symbolic formulation, expression, and understanding of experience.

然而,一种以象征功能为其主导原则,以意义形态学为其主要研究对象的思想理论,则无需把科学同愚昧截然分开来。它认为当代思潮中的喧闹和纷乱并不是动物冲动所引起的理智的丧失,恰恰相反,它是野蛮时代的新阶段,的确如此,只不过是受到想象和理解等理性需要的启发而已。欧洲思想的源泉已经干涸,那些为整个知识界提供了基本观念的深邃的想象力的源泉,为我们提供了最初级的洞察力,为我们的世界观提供了有生成能力的思想的源泉已经干涸。因为各种各样的新观念正在排挤它们,不过这些新观念本身尚处于神话阶段,处于象征主义的“含蓄”的构想阶段。我们无法分析这些丰富的象征符号的内容——种族、合一运动、命运扩张说、入学等,我们为之血战到底。假如我们能分析它们的内容的话,那就意味着它们已经为我们提供论证术语和清晰明了的议题,我们就会忙于解惑授遭而不是发动圣战,我们就能找到人类所梦想的新世界,我们就会积极地用新的洞察力来建造知识大厦。在这个显然是非理性的时代里,被扰乱或实际上被闲置起来的正是自由精神所能从事的健全、高效的日常事务,即论证推理深思熟虑的问题。然而,制约那个时代的力量依然是精神的力量,即通过象征主义构想、表达和理解经验的力量。4. The continual pursuit of meanings —wider, clearer, more negotiable, more articulate meanings —is philosophy. It permeates all mental life: sometimes in the conscious form of metaphysical thought, sometimes in the free confident manipulation of established ideas to derive their more precise, detailed implications, and sometimes —in the greatest creative periods —in the form of passionate mythical, ritual, and devotional expression. In primitive society such expression meets with little or no obstacle, for the first dawn of mentality has nothing to regret. Only as one culture supersedes another, every new insight is bought with the life of an older certainty. The confusion of form and content which characterizes our worship of life symbols works to the frustration of well-ordered discursive reason; men act inappropriately, blindly, and viciously; but what they are thus wildly and mistakenly trying to do is human , intellectual, and necessary. Standards of science and ethics must condemn it, for its overt form is rife with error; traditional philosophy must despair of it because it cannot meet any epistemological criterion; but in a wider philosophy of symbolism it finds a measure of understanding. If there is any virtue in the theory of what I have called “symbolic transformation”, then this theory should elucidate not only the achievements of that function, but also its miscarriages, its limitations, and its by-products of illusion and error. Freedom of thought cannot be reborn without throes; language, art, morality, and science have all given us pain as well as power. For, as Professor Whitehead has frankly and humbly declared:” error is the price we pay for progress.”


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