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Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia 1

Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia 1
Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia 1

Stapled Transanal Rectal Resection (Starr)to Reverse the Anatomic Disorders of Pelvic Floor Dyssynergia

George Pechlivanides ?John Tsiaoussis ?

Elias Athanasakis ?Nikolaos Zervakis ?Nikolaos Gouvas ?George Zacharioudakis ?Evaghelos Xynos

Published online:25April 2007


′te ′Internationale de Chirurgie 2007Abstract Anterior rectocele and rectoanal intussuscep-tion are anatomic disorders related to excessive straining during defecation that usually manifest with symptoms of obstructive defecation.Stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR),a newly described surgical method for correct-ing these disorders,is considered a good alternative to the traditional transrectal approaches.The aim of the present study was to assess the early postoperative functional re-sults of STARR.A total of 16patients (13female)were subjected to the STARR procedure during a period of 12months.The presence of anatomic disorders of the ano-rectum was veri?ed by dynamic defecography.Preopera-tive assessment also included colonic transit time,anal sphincter ultrasonography,and anorectal stationary manometry.Postoperative assessment included the same battery of tests.Altogether,12patients had rectoanal intussusception of >2cm and rectocele.In eight of them the anterior component of the rectocele was 2to 4cm,and in four it was >4cm.Four patients had a 1-to 2-cm internal intussusception and a rectocele of <2cm.All of them reported evacuation dif?culties,but none had sig-ni?cant incontinence.Preoperative endoscopy did not re-veal the presence of a solitary ulcer in any of the patients.

All females had had normal vaginal deliveries,and four of them were multiparous.No complications were encoun-tered postoperatively,and the need for analgesics was minimal.At defecography,rectoanal anatomy was seen to be restored in all patients.Obstructive defecation symp-toms remained rather unaffected in seven,disappeared in three,and improved signi?cantly in the remaining six pa-tients.The seven failures showed anismus at manometry and had biofeedback treatment with satisfactory results in ?ve of them.Failure of the operation and biofeedback sessions to treat symptoms in those two cases was attrib-uted to coexisting enterocele,which had been missed preoperatively.Immediately after surgery,most of the patients complained of urgency and frequent small motions that resolved spontaneously within 3to 5weeks in all but two cases.STARR is a safe,well tolerated surgical pro-cedure that effectively restores anatomy and function of the anorectum in patients with anterior mucosal prolapse and rectoanal intussusception.Additional biofeedback treat-ment is usually necessary for further functional improve-ment.Failure may be the result of other coexisting anatomic and functional abnormalities of the pelvic ?oor.Various transperineal,abdominal,or combined surgical procedures have been used to treat the anatomic abnor-malities that coexist with obstructed defecation.Following the successful introduction of stapled hemorrhoidectomy,the same device and its modi?ed version have been applied for the treatment of rectocele and internal intussusception.Successful in the short term,rectocele repair by stapled mucosectomy with a double purse-string technique alone [1]or combined with an anterior levatorplasty [2]have been reported in the recent literature.

Since 2004,though,when Longo announced a novel surgical treatment for obstructed defecation—the stapled


1st Department of General Surgery,Athens Naval Hospital,Athens,Greece


Department of General Surgery,Metropolitan Hospital of Athens,Athens,Greece

E.Athanasakis áN.Zervakis áN.Gouvas áG.Zacharioudakis áE.Xynos (&)

Department of General Surgery,University Hospital of Heraklion,Heraklion,Crete,Greece GR-71110e-mail:exynos@med.uoc.gr

World J Surg (2007)31:1329–1335DOI


transanal rectal resection(STARR)procedure[3]—there have been a number of reports attesting to successful re-sults in the treatment of outlet obstruction,internal pro-lapse,and rectocele[4–11].On June2005,a consensus conference was held in Rome to evaluate the status and make conclusions and recommendations concerning the applicability of this new approach[12].All the experts agreed on its usefulness and the indications and contrain-dications for the technique.They also stated the compli-cations and the training required for a surgeon to perform the STARR procedure safely.

We herein report our short-term results of the STARR procedure applied to patients with obstructed defecation syndrome(ODS)with associated rectal intussusception or rectocele(or both).

Patients and methods

During a period of12months,16patients(13female)with long-standing symptoms suggesting ODS were subjected to the STARR procedure according to the technique initially described by Longo[3]after giving an informed consent. The protocol of the study was approved by the ethics committee of Athens Naval and Veterans Hospital.Inclu-sion and exclusion criteria were in agreement with those proposed by a recent consensus conference[12].Symp-toms were recorded according to a standard questionnaire and included prolonged or repeated straining,a sense of incomplete evacuation,frequent calls to defecate,exces-sive time spent in toilet,assisted evacuation(digital,ene-mas,laxatives),perineal pressure,pain or discomfort,and incontinence[12–14].The severity of the symptoms and signs was scored as follows:0,absence of symptoms;1, symptoms of mild severity;2,symptoms of moderate severity;3,symptoms of distressing severity.Based on these criteria,the symptom score ranged from0to21.Most of the patients had one to three courses of biofeedback treatment.

The presence of anatomic disorders of the anorectum was veri?ed by standard dynamic defecography,with synchronous opaci?cation of the vagina and the ileal loops, as described elsewhere[14].Pelvic?oor mobility,anterior rectal mucosa prolapse,rectal intussusception,sigmoido-cele and enterocele at rest,and squeeze and straining were assessed according to standard de?nitions[13–15].Preop-erative assessment also included segmental colonic transit time studies and anal sphincter ultrasonography as de-scribed elsewhere[16].

Anorectal manometry was performed with a water-per-fused,eight-lumen polyethylene catheter with4mm external diameter,also bearing a central lumen,which ended to an in?atable balloon at the tip of the catheter.When in place,the balloon was situated in the mid-rectum. Each lumen was constantly perfused with distilled water at a rate of0.6ml/min by a low-compliance perfusion system (Andorfer Medical Specialties,Greendale,WI,USA).A pressure transducer,incorporated in each perfusion line was connected to a polygraph device-ampli?er(Synectics Medical,Stockholm,Sweden).The manometric tracings were shown on the screen of an online computer and were saved for retrospective analysis using dedicated software (Polygram version4.2,Upper GI Edition;Gastrosoft,Ir-ving,TX,USA).

The mean highest resting and squeeze pressures of the anus,rectoanal inhibitory re?ex(RAIR),minimum rectal volume to induce transient urge to defecate,minimum rectal volume to induce transient sensation,maximum tolerable rectal volume,and rectal compliance were as-sessed according to de?nitions previously described[13].

Patients were followed for at least9months.Clinical evaluation was performed after an interview on the?rst, third,sixth,and twelfth months postoperatively.Any changes in symptoms indicative of obstructed defecation were recorded,as were any newly presented symptoms, such as urgency to defecate and tenesmus.Satisfaction of the patient with the outcome was classi?ed as follows: grade1,excellent or very good with practically no defe-catory problems;grade2,good with occasional,nonsig-ni?cant defecatory problems;grade3,fair with several defecatory problems somehow affecting quality of life;and grade4,poor with severe defecatory problem,signi?cantly affecting quality of life.

Postoperative assessment also included anorectal manometry and dynamic defecography at6to9months postoperatively.Biofeedback treatment was given to those patients with anismus postoperatively according to a stan-dard protocol[17].

Values are expressed as the median and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e29710949.html,-parisons of numerical defecographic and manometric parameters between pre-and postoperative states were made by applying either Student’s t-test or the Mann-Whitney U-test for paired values,as appropriate.Func-tional outcomes at various postoperative interviews were compared using Fisher’s exact test.Differences were con-sidered signi?cant at p<0.05.


All of the women had had normal vaginal deliveries,and 10of them were multiparous.Symptoms suggesting ob-structed defecation had been constantly present in all cases for2to7years.None of the patients reported signi?cant fecal incontinence,although three patients complained of occasional soiling(Table1).Prior to surgery,11women

T a b l e 1S y m p t o m s a n d s y m p t o m s c o r e p r e o p e r a t i v e l y a n d a t t h e 9-m o n t h p o s t o p e r a t i v e f o l l o w -u p i n a l l p a t i e n t s

P a t i e n t P r o l o n g e d s t r a i n i n g I n c o m p l e t e e v a c u a t i o n

F r e q u e n t c a l l s t o d e f e c a t e

E x c e s s i v e t i m e i n t o i l e t A s s i s t e d e v a c u a t i o n P e r i n e a l d i s c o m f o r t /p a i n I n c o n t i n e n c e S c o r e *

P r e P o s t P r e

P o s t

P r e P o s t P r e P o s t P r e P o s t P r e P o s t P r e P o s t P r e P o s t







































































*S i g n i ?c a n t d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n p r e o p e r a t i v e a n d p o s t o p e r a t i v e s c o r e s (p <0.001)

and1man had biofeedback treatment with poor symp-tomatic response(six patients had one course,four had two courses,and one had three courses).

At dynamic defecography,12patients had rectoanal intussusception of>2cm and rectocele;in four of them the rectocele was>4cm,and in the remaining eight it was2to 4cm.Four patients had internal intussusception of1to2 cm and a rectocele that was<2cm.Perineal descent was present in all patients.In11the perineal descent was>6 cm(Table2).Preoperative endoscopy did not reveal the presence of an ulcer in any of the patients.At anorectal manometry,anal pressures were within the normal range although at the lower limits(Table3).

Postoperative recovery was uneventful in all but one patient,who bled from the anterior anastomotic line on the ?rst postoperative day.The bleeding was treated success-fully by placing two interrupted stitches under general anesthesia.The need for analgesics was minimal.At the ?rst postoperative interview at1month,although most of the symptoms suggesting ODS had diminished or disap-peared satisfaction with the outcome was graded as3and4 in all but two patients.The main complaints were frequent calls and urgency to defecate with the ability to defer stools <5minutes,small stools,and rectal discomfort.At the6-month postoperative follow-up,more than half of the pa-tients were satis?ed with the outcome of the procedure.In seven patients,obstructed defecation symptoms of mild severity,which manifested as moderate straining at stool and a feeling of incomplete evacuation,recurred,although urgency to defecate and frequent,small stools were not frequently reported.Those seven patients had biofeedback treatment,which was of signi?cant bene?t in all but two cases.At the9-month follow-up,all but two patients were satis?ed with the outcome.The symptom score was sig-ni?cantly lower than the preoperative score(Table1).The two dissatis?ed patients complained of a sensation of incomplete evacuation of moderate severity and frequent but not urgent calls for stool.They had the two highest scores postoperatively(Tables1,4).

At postoperative dynamic defecography,almost all of the anatomic deformities of the anorectum had either disappeared completely or were signi?cantly alleviated. In detail,rectoanal intussusception was absent in10and was<2cm in length in the remaining six patients (p<0.001).A small anterior rectocele was evident in only six patients(p=0.007),and perineal descent at straining was reduced signi?cantly(p=0.02)(Table2, Fig.1).Postoperative manometry revealed a signi?cant increase in the maximum resting anal pressure and a signi?cant decrease in rectal compliance(Table3).A satisfactory outcome was associated with the disappear-ance or improvement of the defecographic parameters. The two patients who experienced obstructed defecation symptoms even after the biofeedback treatment and continued to express dissatisfaction with the outcome of the operation had a large enterocele at rest,seen at the postoperative dynamic defecographic study but missed at the preoperative one.

Table2Dynamic defecography data

Anterior rectocele Intussusception(cm)Perineal descent at

straining(cm) Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post

(++)(–)3175 (+)(–)2066 (–)(–)1022 (++)(+)3155 (+++)(+)42118 (+)(–)3086 (++)(–)2175 (–)(–)1022 (+++)(+)4194 (++)(–)3063 (++)(+)3143 (+++)(+)5187 (++)(–)4166 (+++)(+)5188 (++)(–)4075 (++)(–)4132 3(1–5)1(0–2) 6.5(2–11)5(2–8)

p=0.007p<0.001p=0.02 (+),0–2cm;(++),2–4cm;(+++),>4cm

Table3Manometric variables before and after surgery Values are expressed as the

median and range

NS,not signi?cant;RAIR, rectoanal inhibitory re?ex Variable Preop Postop p

Maximum anal resting pressure(mmHg)60(40–90)70(40–110)0.002 Maximum anal squeeze pressure(mmHg)110(80–175)110(75–160)NS Minimum air volume for rectal sensation(ml)3(3–8)3(3–5)NS Maximum tolerable rectal air volume(ml)235(180–320)185(120–290)<0.001 Minimum rectal air volume to elicit RAIR(ml)30(20–60)30(20–50)NS Minimum rectal air volume for anal inhibition(ml)100(80–120)100(80–120)NS Rectal compliance(ml/mmHg)14(7–19)9.5(5–16)<0.001


Patients with symptoms of ODS may demonstrate certain anatomic abnormalities on defecography,such as rectal intussusception,rectal prolapse,and rectocele.There also exists a functional aberration of the syndrome in which the anatomy is normal but evacuation is impaired;this is termed pelvic?oor dyssynergia[13,14].ODS symptoms range from pain,a sensation of prolapse,and toilet revis-iting mainly caused by rectal intussusception,bulging due to rectocele,and straining caused by both abnormalities.A symptom-based diagnosis is limited because of consider-able overlapping.In general,ODS symptoms are complex and dif?cult to describe,and the degree of severity cannot be precisely de?ned[12].The symptom scoring system used in the present study is tentative and not validated at present.

The16patients of the present series to whom an oper-ation was offered were selected from a large cohort of patients with symptoms of obstructed defecation.They had been evaluated by all diagnostic means and followed for a signi?cant period of time—of adequate duration to esti-mate their emotional and behavioral status.It is of great importance to ascertain that a disturbed psychological sit-uation,which may intensify ODS symptoms,is the result and not the cause of obstructive defecation symptoms. Most of the patients were offered one or more course of biofeedback treatment with no signi?cance response,pos-sibly because the method cannot address the anorectal

anatomic abnormalities.It is imperative to include a small bowel contrast outline in the preoperative defecographic testing to identify and exclude patients with enterocele because they are candidates for failure,as was the case with one of our patients.Those patients are better served by an abdominal resection rectopexy procedure[18,19].

The anatomic and physiologic derangements underlying ODS are complex and poorly understood.As a conse-quence,a plethora of surgical techniques have been de-scribed,with no one method achieving overall superiority. None of these techniques has addressed the underlying structural abnormalities of the syndrome in quite the same way as STARR.Indeed,the?ndings of the present series con?rmed the results reported by others[4–11];the anat-omy of the anorectum was restored in all patients,and symptoms had settled in most.Furthermore,there was a signi?cant increase in the anal resting pressure as a con-sequence of interrupting the inhibitory rectoanal re?ux, which is continuously triggered by the prolapsing bowel [20].Maximum tolerable volume and rectal compliance were also decreased as a result of the reduced capacity of the rectum owing to its wall


Fig.1A Defecographic study showing rectoanal intussusception with a large anterior rectocele.B Rectoanal intussusception and the large rectocele disappear after the stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR)procedure

Table4Grading patient satisfaction with the outcome of the pro-cedure at postoperative interviews

Grade Postop1

month Postop3






11345 21359 36651 48421

Results are the number of patients

*p<0.05vs.grade1–2cases at1month postoperatively **p=0.02vs.grade1–2cases at1month postoperatively

Dodi et al.[21]and Pescatori et al.[22]tried to dis-courage the rapidly increasing use of this technique for patients with obstructive defecation symptoms prior to any attempt at conservative treatment and even without the appropriate diagnostic tests.They reported14patients with either severe postoperative complications,such as rectal bleeding,anal pain,fecal incontinence,and rectovaginal ?stula or recurrence of rectocele,rectal intussusception, and obstructed defecation symptoms.Fortunately,none of the patients in the present study suffered a severe postop-erative complication.Urgency and frequent stools were the most frequent complaints and were attributed to rectal wall edema and reduced rectal compliance.Those symptoms resolved within a few weeks.

Recurrence of symptoms or the anatomic abnormalities are not discussed in the present study because of the short follow-up.Shovron et al.[16]and Mellgren et al.[23]stated that not all abnormalities found on defecography are of signi?cance.The patients in the present series who continued to complain of ODS symptoms had evidence of anismus on manometry or defecography but showed otherwise restored rectoanal anatomy on defecography.They were offered biofeedback treatment,after which they experienced con-siderable alleviation of their symptoms.A preoperative diagnosis of anismus is dif?cult,as it is usually masked by other,more striking symptoms and?ndings.The authors strongly believe that patients with the best chance for improvement with biofeedback treatment are those with re-stored rectoanal anatomy and that biofeedback treatment prior to restoration of the gross anatomy is doomed to fail. Conclusions

STARR is a safe,well tolerated surgical procedure that effectively restores the anatomy and function of the ano-rectum in well selected patients with rectoanal intussus-ception and anterior rectocele.As a result,obstructed defecation symptoms resolve or are diminished.Initial urgency and frequent stools in some cases resolve promptly as the rectal wall in?ammation disappears.Additional biofeedback treatment is usually necessary for further functional improvement,particularly in patients with an-ismus.Failure may be the result of other coexisting ana-tomic and functional abnormalities of the pelvic?oor that are not therapeutically addressed by the procedure. References

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A、生鲜系列 B、禽肉加工系列 其它公司 C、外购系列产品 2.产品要求及贴标明细(以后期顾客实际需求调整产结构) 3.产品包装 (1)包装设计标准 门店产品包装分为两个方面: A、方便顾客携带的手提袋(要求设计大方,实用,突出公司产品形像及品牌形像。 B,设计精美,档次高,卖得起价,包装吸引客户购买,增加销量,过年过节送的礼盒。(要求能突出产品档次,产品品牌形像、公司品牌形像) (2)公司产品包装单位(指门店运营过程中的计量单位) 4 .产品外购 (1)明确产品外购标准 A、市场有需求,但我司暂时未能生产的品种. B、我司产品有生产,但因未达到规模化效应或机器设备自动化程度不高,成本没有优势的产品, C、我司产能紧张,一些品种通过与生产沟通,在预算的时间内未能进行生产,为了确保货源不断货,需要对外进行采购的。 四(渠道策略 1.渠道标准 1,拥有良好位置农贸市场周边店面,以便于提升我司产品的品牌形象。 2,具备较好的周边环境,方便公司物流配送. 3,具备较高的流动人口,保持门店的视觉印象和客户资源。

互联网+快消品 经销商运营8大模式最全解析

互联网+快消品经销商运营8大模式最全解析发布日期:2015-10-15 来源:快速消费品网 核心提示:“互联网+”方兴未艾,冲击并改造着一切行业,而对传统商贸公司的影响,则体现于经营的“蛋糕”在被看不见的对手侵蚀,甚至吞食着。 快速消费品网讯:“互联网+”方兴未艾,冲击并改造着一切行业,而对传统商贸公司的影响,则体现于经营的“蛋糕”在被看不见的对手侵蚀,甚至吞食着:随处可见fmcg 行业休闲食品、饮品的特快专递;网上窜货成为新动向;众多O2O商城的上线,挤占传统经销商货源……越来越多的经销商被这看不见的竞争对手兼并挤压,生意十分难做。 除此之外,在经营层面,“互联网+”对于商贸公司的影响则较为积极,通过运用互联网思维对相关APP进行升级,则能够给业务员清晰的发展模板,提升经营效率。 说到这里,究竟何为“互联网+”呢?我这里给出一个定义:“互联网+”背后的逻辑实质,是通过信息技术改造和重塑现实社会的供需关系,为客户提供便利,同时自身获取综合收益。 “经销商互联网+”的基本模式是O2O,第一要将线下的业务搬到线上,实现线上互联互通;第二要将线下进行业务重构;第三线上与线下互动运营,最终进入云服务平台实现“智慧自发展”。因此,我为经销商“互联网+”的运营提供了八大模式。

模式一:电商 谈及电商,我们所了解的淘宝店、微信、微博等的销售都是电商模式,在南方较为盛行,北方地区较为薄弱。绝大部分经销商并不适合微博营销,因此,淘宝店、微店是电商模式的重要体现。经销商在传统渠道并不针对消费者,而是联系终端店和二批商,但是“互联网+”的应用则是压缩二批、直面终端,实则是经销商生意上的补充。 经销商开发淘宝店的优势在于:一是对产品有深度理解;二是可以培养出自己的品牌;三是可以跟厂家尾货甩卖联动;四是借助全国化运营打开市场。一般情况下,名牌的产品不适合做微信销售,因为这些产品本身就有成熟的分销系统,在线下渠道就可以做得很好,而杂牌、销售利润高的产品较为适合。 【案例】沂蒙公社。销售炒货、地瓜干等产品,今年刚刚开始上线销售,预计可突破1500万元。最高纪录通过一场线上活动,从晚上6点到早上7点,卖了18000件货,57万元,产品毛利均保持在50%以上。 模式二:自营O2O 经销商自营O2O风起云涌,有B2B、B2C两个应用方向。目前,网上商城、微信公共号、微博甚至APP都有做,但成功的人很少。 【案例】华南商贸配送中心。该公司选择市区人口密度高的地方,服务区域为6公里之内,便于人员采用摩托车配送,涵盖南安市区,并实现半小时送货上门服务承诺。公司采取终端消费者会员制,以会员为结点来推荐会员,结成网状的体系,现在会员有1万多人,按每个家庭4个人计算,其覆盖的客户人数为4万多人,发展前景良好,存在众筹与合作的无限商业潜力。 这种发展模式的优势在于走差异化的经营之道,塑造“直接服务消费者的经营模式”,即“互联网+”的B2C模式。随着会员规模化,可延展性增强,可借助微信群、APP互联

100 floors全攻略

不管我喜欢玩100 floors,我老婆也是有空就喜欢在玩100 floors上两层楼,不过因为怀孕的缘故,脑子相比前,确实不灵光了~呵呵,在这里说老婆坏话,不会被发现吧?前面《玩iphone|android解密游戏100 Floors及攻略》一文介绍了这款游戏的下载地址,包含iphone|android两个版本。但是由于软件本身不断升级的原因,1-100关的攻略也只能陆陆续续发出,今天有幸搜集到了81-100关的攻略,所以就全部发表在下面了。 1. 直接点击绿色向上按钮开启电梯门。 2. 搬开垃圾桶,取得绿色三角物品,点击物品在点击向上按钮开启电梯门。 3. 左右摇晃手机就可以开启电梯门。 4. 两手放在门上,向左右同时拉开。 5. 把手机面朝下,梯子就会倒下了。 6. 搬开右边的植物,看见太阳装饰,将4个太阳装饰点亮,电梯门开启。 7. 把手机向左慢慢倾斜,直到右边的石头压住红色按钮。 8. 找到猩猩最爱的水果... 9. 根据电梯门四个角落的图案,相应调整门上图案。 10. 把睡著的蛇摇醒离开,依照门上键头的指示画线即可。 11. 将两个铁球保持在中间位置三秒就可以了。 12. 不停的敲击地下的红色按钮,直到铁球撞亮柱子顶端的灯。 13. 晃动手机,左上方的铁鎚自然掉落,用铁锤将砖墙击碎即可。 14. 将手指放在指纹辨识器上五秒。 15. 这层我是蒙对的!依据门框上图形在九宫格上画下来,每次离得最远的数字1643 16. 捡起地上的改锥,将中间的板子取下,轻晃手机就OK啦。 17. 仔细观察门上的条纹,移动铁球触碰蓝色按钮,次数与条纹相对应左1右2左3右2 18. 同时点亮点击门上的五个蓝点,每个蓝点发光的时间长短都不同。 19. 这关简单,只要捡起地上的抹布,把电梯门擦的干干净净就哦了 20. 首先一开黄色的维修标志,捡起螺丝后放在空缺处,再用改锥锁紧即可。 21. 门上的眼睛图案是会上下看的,手机保持垂直状让眼睛向上看五秒就可以了。 22. 用铁锤将右边石狮子敲碎,N-E-W-S按指示划过电梯门,从下往上,从左往右,从右往左,从上往下。 23. 黑漆漆的一片,所以要先开灯,嘿嘿...将工具栏中的板子方在门上,从右往左点依序按下就可图案以了。 24. 这层需要双手配合,首先用两根手指把门往上推不要放开,然后点击箭头。 25. 说实在的实在是不明白这层跟声音有什么关系!其实就直接依照地上的圆点位置,调整门上白点的位置就可以了。 26. 首先拆下所有的电压块,然后计算好总和为100V后在安装回去即可 2*5V,2*1V,3*20V,3*1V,1*5V,1*20V 27. 将右边的冰箱再向右移,拿起铁鎚击破墙上裂纹后,会发现简易的螺丝把手,将其装在墙上后,顺时针转圈转到门上灯全亮为止。 28. 、看著门上的指示,有节奏的点击2、3、1、2 29. 将手机平放,定时炸弹自动开启! 30. 将门上的时钟调整成当下手机上的时间后,点击右边的把手... 31. 用工具栏中的工具将门牌的螺丝拧掉后,将门牌转正就可以了。 32. 看到这关门上的图案我就开心...



连锁店经营模式及运作管理分析 《营销界?化妆品观察》2012年8月22日作者谭丽娴 文章关键词:连锁店经营模式运作管理 现在国内化妆品连锁店面对的挑战越来越大,比如价格竞争、产品同质 化现象、员工培养难题、租金飞涨以及库存流转等,所以更需要学习国外优秀 连锁企业运营管理经验,让我们自身发生改变 现在都说化妆品网络销售很红火,销售增长很快,但是大家更要知道,目前国内化妆品专营店高达16万家,化妆品年销售总量中有一千多亿是来自线下门店所创造的。所以面对网购,不用担心,也不要太悲观,化妆品零售店自有其存在的价值,而问题在于在面对同行或不同渠道的竞争,化妆品连锁店该如何发挥我们的优势。 当然,大家也都知道,现在化妆品连锁店面对的挑战越来越大,比如价格竞争、产品同质化现象、员工培养难题、租金飞涨以及库存流转等,所有这些问题的凸显都在考验着我们怎样才能将化妆品连锁店做大做强,这需要我们一起探讨。 连锁化经营及店铺管理核心 从店内品牌的选择到店铺管理体系的建设和人才的培养,从店铺发展战略的规划到店铺经营战术的制定,以及店铺品牌力的打造,化妆品店的店铺管理和连锁化经营需要做到以下几个核心点: 商品特色化。大品牌首先是让消费者记住它的品牌,然后慢慢记得它的特色;而一些不知名的小品牌,则需要先让消费者记住其特色,然后才记得它的品牌。所以,独特的商品特色是连锁店实现差异化经营的核心,也是连锁企业能够存在的原因。

品牌人文化。对于一个连锁企业而言,所需要的不仅是其产品的质量要好,更要求它把品牌建设作为一种文化事业来经营。连锁店需要考虑的是我们的经营和服务能够带给顾客什么样的文化内涵。而商品永远都只是基础,品牌文化才是连锁店品牌形象最主要的体现。 比如大家喜欢麦当劳,并不是因为麦当劳的汉堡特别好吃,而是因为到了麦当劳你会感到是受欢迎的,是很快乐的。而人们去星巴克,也不是因为它的咖啡好喝,实际上是去体验一种青涩的咖啡文化,这些都是连锁店实施品牌人文化的理念。 服务品牌化。一个人要有自己的核心特长,一个品牌也需要有自己的核心价值。连锁店的品牌打造是一个系统性的工程,不是一朝一日可以做得到的。但是在连锁品牌的众多要素之中,服务品牌化是可以相对快速见效的。 比如同仁堂,它里面贩卖的中药比其他同类产品价格要高,虽然其中成药能够卖高价可能与它的配方、品质以及品牌因素有关,但他们所聘请的资深专家、中医大夫所提供的药方同样也是功不可没的。 运营标准化。作为一个连锁店,我们的运营一定要有标准。如果同一个连锁品牌在不同的店面里,顾客接受的服务基本一致并认可这种服务,那么只要有这个品牌在,他首先都会想到去这个品牌连锁店购物。 比如小肥羊。小肥羊的成功要素之一就是用涮火锅的方法,摆脱了厨师的问题。小肥羊的所有门店都是是标准化运营的,它的火锅底料、包装和食材都一直是标准化执行。 连锁规模化。加盟店的数量不是万能的,但是没有数量和规模就万万不能了。在连锁企业发展初期,连锁店的数量比质量更重要,因为它要快速扩大连锁店的数量,然后争取扩张的资金,销售产品。


连锁店经营模式及运作管理分析 《营销界?化妆品观察》2012年8月22日作者谭丽娴 文章关键词:连锁店经营模式运作管理 现在国内化妆品连锁店面对的挑战越来越大,比如价格竞争、产品同质 化现象、员工培养难题、租金飞涨以及库存流转等,所以更需要学习国外优秀 连锁企业运营管理经验,让我们自身发生改变 现在都说化妆品网络销售很红火,销售增长很快,但是大家更要知道,目前国内化妆品专营店高达16万家,化妆品年销售总量中有一千多亿是来自线下门店所创造的。所以面对网购,不用担心,也不要太悲观,化妆品零售店自有其存在的价值,而问题在于在面对同行或不同渠道的竞争,化妆品连锁店该如何发挥我们的优势。 当然,大家也都知道,现在化妆品连锁店面对的挑战越来越大,比如价格竞争、产品同质化现象、员工培养难题、租金飞涨以及库存流转等,所有这些问题的凸显都在考验着我们怎样才能将化妆品连锁店做大做强,这需要我们一起探讨。 连锁化经营及店铺管理核心 从店内品牌的选择到店铺管理体系的建设和人才的培养,从店铺发展战略的规划到店铺经营战术的制定,以及店铺品牌力的打造,化妆品店的店铺管理和连锁化经营需要做到以下几个核心点: 商品特色化。大品牌首先是让消费者记住它的品牌,然后慢慢记得它的特色;而一些不知名的小品牌,则需要先让消费者记住其特色,然后才记得它的品牌。所以,独特的商品特色是连锁店实现差异化经营的核心,也是连锁企业能够存在的原因。

品牌人文化。对于一个连锁企业而言,所需要的不仅是其产品的质量要好,更要求它把品牌建设作为一种文化事业来经营。连锁店需要考虑的是我们的经营和服务能够带给顾客什么样的文化内涵。而商品永远都只是基础,品牌文化才是连锁店品牌形象最主要的体现。 比如大家喜欢麦当劳,并不是因为麦当劳的汉堡特别好吃,而是因为到了麦当劳你会感到是受欢迎的,是很快乐的。而人们去星巴克,也不是因为它的咖啡好喝,实际上是去体验一种青涩的咖啡文化,这些都是连锁店实施品牌人文化的理念。 服务品牌化。一个人要有自己的核心特长,一个品牌也需要有自己的核心价值。连锁店的品牌打造是一个系统性的工程,不是一朝一日可以做得到的。但是在连锁品牌的众多要素之中,服务品牌化是可以相对快速见效的。 比如同仁堂,它里面贩卖的中药比其他同类产品价格要高,虽然其中成药能够卖高价可能与它的配方、品质以及品牌因素有关,但他们所聘请的资深专家、中医大夫所提供的药方同样也是功不可没的。 运营标准化。作为一个连锁店,我们的运营一定要有标准。如果同一个连锁品牌在不同的店面里,顾客接受的服务基本一致并认可这种服务,那么只要有这个品牌在,他首先都会想到去这个品牌连锁店购物。 比如小肥羊。小肥羊的成功要素之一就是用涮火锅的方法,摆脱了厨师的问题。小肥羊的所有门店都是是标准化运营的,它的火锅底料、包装和食材都一直是标准化执行。 连锁规模化。加盟店的数量不是万能的,但是没有数量和规模就万万不能了。在连锁企业发展初期,连锁店的数量比质量更重要,因为它要快速扩大连锁店的数量,然后争取扩张的资金,销售产品。


100层逃脱攻略:61至65关详细图文解说接下来百度攻略&口袋巴士小编继续为大家带来100层逃脱攻略:61至65关详细图文解说。喜欢的朋友不要错过哟,希望可以帮到你们。 100层逃脱攻略之61关详细图文解说: 进入61关,我们会发现门上面有好多可以改变颜色的东西,地面上也有两个一样的标志,这个和前面有一关那个会变色的手掌是一个意思,斜手机让中间的那个东西滚动,最下面的那个会变色,点击调好按相应位置的颜色。 如图,上层依次是:亮黄色、土黄色、深红色、淡绿色、紫红色;下层依次是:紫红色、深 蓝色、亮黄色、土黄色、亮蓝色。调整成这个样子就好了。 100层逃脱攻略之62关详细图文解说: 来到第62关后,我们看到门上出现了好多需要我们填内容的地方,让计算表达式成立,保证顶角的数字等于底角数字之和就可以了,8=5+3,6=5+1,7=4+3,5=1+4,游戏画面中的顶角以白色的部分表示。可以参考下图:

100层逃脱攻略之63关详细图文解说: 来到第63关后,我们发现电梯的左下角有一块毛毯,首先挪开地上的毛毯,会有个红色按钮。把红色按钮从这一个开始按,沿着黑线的路径按一遍,右上角会出现一个开关,按下开关。 此时顶部的灯会出现一个倒黄色桃心,那就是提示你把手机倒过来,然后从这个吊灯开始把黄色的灯沿黑线按一遍就过关了,注意门上有一条黑线,不然无法按另一侧的黄色按钮。如下图:

100层逃脱攻略之64关详细图文解说: 这一关和前面的一关原理相似,都是运用了颜色混合原理:红色+黄色=橙色;红色+蓝色=紫色;黄色+蓝色=绿色。这样一来,就不怎么难了。 从左上的橙色开始,逆时针转动。中间的两个箭头是可以上下挪动的,选择好颜色以后,然后按下左上角的磁碟记录。所以你可以按我以下的步骤做,就可以通关了: 1、红 + 黄然后按下磁碟记录 2、红 + 蓝然后按下磁碟记录 3、黄 + 蓝然后按下磁碟记录 4、红 + 黄然后按下磁碟记录 5、红 + 蓝然后按下磁碟记录 6、黄 + 蓝然后按下磁碟记录 如图所示:


高中英语词汇与语法练习100题 1、____ your help we ____ not have finished in time . A. But for,should B. Except for,can C. But,might D. Without,shall 2、I’ll start to think about it ____ I have to write my report. A. before B.as C. while D. when 3、It ______ long before we ______ the result of the experiment. A. will not be, will know B. is, will know C. will not be, know D. is, know 4、Nothing ________ disaster _____ come from such a plan. A. otherwise,could B. or,might C. but , would D.without, should 5、She _____ things around. A. always moving B.was always moving C. has always been moved D. did move always 6、It did nothing but ____ us ridiculous . A.to make B.make C.made D. had made 7、The ship ____ ready for a month . A. isn’t B. has not been C. will not be D. had not been 8、They want all groups ___ an equal basis. A to be treated on B to treat C to be treated D to treat on 9、He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _____ from the university next year. A. will graduate B. will have graduated C. graduates D. is to graduate 10、--- But how long can you stay in the house? --- I don't know. It _______ A. depended B. depends c. is depended D. will be depended 11、People ______ less tolerant of smoking these days. A.are becoming B.has become C. will have become D. will become 12、We ___ next winter in Australia A. are spending B. have spent C. spend D. will have spent 13、He ____ tomorrow morning on the 13:27 train. A. will have arrived B. arrive C. has arrived D. is arriving 14、The origin of the universe ______ probably never ______. A.is, explain B. will, be explained C.is, explained D. will, explain 15.You were lucky to escape ______ . A. having been punished B. to be punished C. to have been punished D. being punished 16. Anne never dreams of ____ for her to be sent abroad very soon. A. there being a chance B. there to be a chance C. there be a chance D. being a chance 17. Her hair curls _____ . A. naturally B. natural C. nature D. native 18\Your hair wants ___ . A. to cut B. being cut C.cutting D. to be cutting 19. It’s no good _____ to come now. He is busy. A. if you ask him B. to ask him C. asking him D. that you ask him 20. --- How did you get to the airport? --- I got Charlie ______ me there. A. drove B. drive C. driving D. to drive


小学英语时态综合练习100题① 一、选择题 ()1. _________Alice often play the piano. No, she __________. A. Do; do B. Does; does C. Does; doesn’t ()2. Every one _________ to their teacher in the classroom. A. are listening B. is listening C. listen ()3. Danny _______ breakfast five times last week. A. ate B. eat C. eated ()4. I’m going to ________ some chopsticks ________ Sunday afternoon. A. bought; on B. buy; on C. buy; in ()5. Are you going to take a piano class ________ A. No, we not B. No, I am C. Yes, I am ()6. Is he _________ TVYes, he is. A. watch B. watching C. not ()7. The kite _______ a bird. A. look like B. is looking C. looks like ()8. What did you do on your holiday I ________ A. bought a present B. go skiing C. learn English ()9. Sandy often ________ his homework on Sundays . A. do B. does C. did ()10. He _______ a race with Ming Ming. A. to have C. going to have


【天猫全攻略】打造史上最强客服团队 好客服就是一个好老板。客服是一个店铺的核心,以客服为中心的管理体系能带动整个店铺的管理运作!!!生 意好不好,顾客说了算,而客服,是我顾客最亲密接触的人,始终与市场的核心——顾客保持沟通互动。客服,能 将店铺的所有问题挖掘出来,从商品本身,页面设计、运营管理到仓储物流,而发现问题,问题就解决了一半。他 们影响着店铺业绩,决定了店铺的服务体验水平,是顾客对店铺认知影响最深的人。 比如,客服的态度直接影响我们的DSR,直接影响着我们免费流量搜索来源部分的店铺权重,同时,从买家 端来看,也影响着我们的店铺引流和转化(在搜索结果中,飘绿的店铺更容易被跳过),客服的态度直接影响我 们的售后综合指标,继而影响我们的活动报名,现在三项售后综合服务指标已经被展现在评价页面,如图1-1所示, 直接会影响买家的购买决策。 图1-1店铺评价页售后指标 由此可见,客服的工作有多重要。依据个人的实践经验,从下面五个方面简要地谈谈客服管理。 一、客服工作岗位职责与KPI考核

大家都知道,客服是电商团队里直接接触买家的人,让我们看看他们从哪些方面影响着我们店铺的绩效。从 商品交易的角度来看,除开静默下单的,剩下的订单成交都与客服工作息息相关——下单转化率、下单-支付转化 率、仅退款率、退货退款率,这些指标都直接影响着商家的生意。已支付成交金额-退款金额=净销售金额客服 的工作绩效,既影响被减数,又影响着减数。比如,我们常常说到的客服工作之一“催单”,这个是促成交易最有效 的方式,已下单未支付的订单是最易转化的,在支付环节流失订单,就像煮熟的鸭子都飞走了,特别遗憾的事情。 而催单的效果和我们客服的催单能力成正比,从流量的质量分析,愿意去咨询客服的买家意向最高的了,客服的 咨询转化率又直接影响我们的订单量,有的店铺客服成交额占比超过50%,对我们的店铺经营有着至关重要的影响。 从用户体验来看,用户体验好,我们的回购率会增加,间接地降低了我们的流量成本,大家都知道一个新客户的 引入成本是老客的N倍,老客的客单价和转化率都是最高的。 客服的岗位都是一个个活生生的人,这意味着客服可以站在消费者的角度去思考问题,能换位思考,我们也 称之为“同理心”,是客服人员共情的能力。好的客服能把服务做到顾客心里去。这是我们的客服机器人或者快捷回 复或某种软件无法做到的。所以,无论科技技术如何进步,客服的工作都是无可取代的。大家都知道,著名的火锅 连锁店海底捞,就是靠着无敌的服务屹立在餐饮界。我们客服的最高境界,就是消费者因为我们优秀的客户服务而 愿意再次购买。 1、客服工作职责是哪些? 我们会想,这么优秀的人上哪找去!招聘一个人,不可能让他什么都做,而且什么都要做好,这是不可能的, 所以,我们要明确这个岗位的工作职责,需要做什么不做什么。每个店铺依据人员架构的安排会有所不同,图1-1 的客服工作职责给大家做一个参

100 Floors 1-100关攻略

1.直接点击绿色向上按钮开启电梯门。 2.搬开垃圾桶,取得绿色三角形,放入电梯向上按钮槽内,即可开启电梯门。 3.左右摇晃手机就可以开启电梯门。 4.两手放在门上,向左右同时拉开。 5.把手机面朝下,使梯子倒下。 6.搬开右边的植物,看见太阳图形,将4个太阳图形点亮,电梯门开启。 7.把手机向左慢慢倾斜,直到右边的石头压住红色按钮。 8.找到猩猩最爱的香蕉在点一下猩猩。 9.根据电梯门四个角落的图案,相应调整门上图案。 10.把睡著的蛇摇醒离开,依照门上键头的指示画线即可。 11.将两个铁球保持在中间位置三秒就可以了。 12.不停的敲击地下的红色按钮,直到铁球撞亮柱子顶端的灯。 13.晃动手机,左上方的铁锤自然掉落,用铁锤将砖墙击碎即可。 14.将手指放在指纹辨识器上五秒。 15.依据门框上图形,对应的每个图形内的数字按一下,分别是1643。 16.捡起地上的螺丝刀,将螺丝旋掉,中间的板子取下,将手机倒过来晃一下。 17.观察门上的条纹,移动铁球触碰蓝色按钮,次数与条纹相对应,左1右2左3右2。 18.同时点亮点击门上的五个蓝点,每个蓝点发光的时间长短都不同。 19.捡起地上的抹布,把电梯门擦干净就可以。 20.把黄色的维修标志移开,捡起螺丝后放在空缺处,再用螺丝刀旋紧即可。 21.门上的眼睛图案会上下看,手机保持垂直状让眼睛向上看五秒就可以了。 22.用铁锤将右边石狮子敲碎,N-E-W-S按指示划过电梯门,按照上北下南左西右东的原理,依次是从下往上,从左往右,从右往左,从上往下。 23.先开灯,然后将工具栏中的板子放在门上,从右往左点依序按下图案就可以了。 24.用一个手的两根手指把门往上推不要放开,然后另一只手点击箭头。 25.按照地面上的圆点位置,调整门上白点的位置就可以了。 26.拆下所有的电压块,计算好总和为100V后在安装回去,即:2*5V,2*1V,3*20V,3*1V,1*5V,1*20V。 27.将右边的冰箱再向右移,拿起铁锤击破墙上裂纹后,出现一把摇杆,将它装在门上,顺时针转圈转到门上灯全亮为止。 28.看门上方的指示灯,点门,门上有四种颜色,分别点击2次,3次,1次,2次。 29.将手机平放,定时炸弹自动开启。 30.将门上的时钟调整成你手机上的时间,再拉下右边的把手。 31.用工具栏中的螺丝刀将门牌的螺丝拧掉后,再将门牌转正就可以了。 32.变动麻将牌的位置,使一条线上的三个数字加起来为12,中间的是四筒。 33.根据门上图案的颜色点击地上对应的颜色按钮,不能间断。 34.按下100floors。 35.插上电源后,把门上的数字变成35,因为这层是35F。 36.按照箭头的方向观察图片,从下往上分别是鱼,狗,水果,飞机,月亮。 37.使得门上3灯全亮,首先移走木桶,然后将左上角的方块向下滑后点击钢球,最后是手机向上。 38.按顺序点击时针,使得三针都恰好指向绿线。大圆的走到最低时点小圆,小圆走到3/4处时,点中圆。 39.用四条线将门上的白点全画到:(有多种方法)


初中英语语法综合练习 一、用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Please make ______for my bike.(room) 2.The beautiful scenery of Qingdao ______a large number of people to visit every year.(attract) 3.Our room is on the eleventh floor. What about ______?? (you) 4.Summer is the ______ season of the year.? (hot) 5.We must ______our classroom clean and tidy every day.(keep) 6. ______of Chinese are looking for ways to learn English well before Beijing 2008 Olympic.(thousand) 7.The book is rather interesting. It's ______reading again.(worth) 8.Thank you for ______me your dictionary. I'll return it to you soon.(lend) 9.Hard work brings ______.(successful) 10.We should do something to stop waste water from ______rivers and seas.(pollute) 11.The old man put on his sweater and ______out alone.(go) 12.One of the ______comes from South Africa.(science) 13.I think I can do ______in French this year than last year. (well) 14.After three ______study, we worked out the physics problem.(month) 15. I went upstairs and ______at the door. (knock) 16.The children are playing ______in the park. (happy) 17.Her brother enjoys ______very much. (surf) 18.I have ______a seat on the plane, but the flight was canceled.(book) 19.She lay______for hours thinking over her business.(wake) 20.Please turn to another ______. I don't like this show. (channel) 21."Help! Help! I ______!"the little boy cried in the river.(dead) 22.There is a big difference between you and ______.(I) 23.He often ______speaking English with foreigners.(practice) 24.We have some problems______there.(get) 25.Katy thinks ______in town is more exciting than in the country.(live) 26.I heard her ______when I walked past her room.(sing) 27.Telll me the ______number, don't use "about"or "or so".(exactly) 28.We lived in a place ______Gum Tree. (call) 29.My daughter says he's feeling even______today.(ill) 30.The weather gets warmer, and the days get ______. (long) 31.In which country is the weather most like ______?(China) 32.----Jim, have you written a letter to your aunt? ?? ----Yes, Mum. I ______ one last week.(write) 33.Look at the sign:"No ______!". I am afraid you can't smoke here.(smoke) 34.Don't keep me ______for a long time.(wait) 35.The police have caught the thief who matches the man's ______.(describe) 36.Help ______to some fish, children.(you) 37.You'd better go to see the doctor and have your bad teeth______out. (pull) 38.Bad luck!I had my purse______.(steal) 39.The cars made in America are much cheaper than ______in Germany.(that) 40.John became a doctor after he ______up.(grow) 41.The match ______in the league last month was wonderful.(hold) 42.I am sure that our team will ______theirs.(beat) 43.Both of the two rulers are______. I want to buy a third one.(break) 44.----This digital camera is really cheap! ?? ----The cheaper, the ______. I am short of money , you see.(good) 45.How long has your mother ______here?(be) 46.All the students are busy______ ready for the coming exam.(get) 47.The children looked ______.(happy)



目录 第一章连锁店的权利和义务 1、连锁店有权获得“XX集团XX”总部提供的教学方案、教学产品、师资培训、经营技术等支持。但必须在遵守国家有关知识产权保护等有关法律法规的前提下正确使用经营技术并保守商业秘密。 2、连锁店有权获得“XX集团XX”总部所提供的各项培训和指导。连锁店应安排好接受培训的人员,充分利用培训的机会提高自己的经营管理、教学管理水平。 3、连锁店须在授权合同约定的范围内使用“XX集团XX”总部的标记、课程体系、管理经验等从事经营活动,同时有权获得“XX集团XX”总部的培训和指导。 4、《运营管理手册》 (1)连锁店有义务严格按照本套《运营管理手册》规定的标准开展培训工作。 (2)在发生任何与《运营管理手册》中样本或标准不符的变动时,连锁店有义务事先取得“XX集团XX”总部的书面批准。 (3)连锁店有义务将“XX集团XX”项目独立运作。 5、学费 (1)“XX集团XX”总部实行指导定价。各连锁店可根据当地的经济发展水平在一定范围内自主调整。但必须提前30天以书面形式向“XX集团XX”总部提出申请,经“XX集团XX”总部书面同意方可实施。 (2)连锁店有义务保证在未经“XX集团XX”总部许可的情况下,不得变相提供各种折扣。 6、连锁店有义务保证所有授课班级全部由已获得“XX集团XX教师资格证”的教师进行授课。

7、连锁店有义务制定每年、季、月市场宣传计划后递交“XX集团XX”总部备案,总部将加以指导,并制定在全国媒体上的市场宣传计划以配合连锁店。 8、连锁店有义务保证使用的所有资料均由“XX集团XX”总部提供。连锁店同时应确保提供给学员的教材为原版教材,不复制教材的任何一部分并且不向学员和其他人群提供复制教材。同时,连锁店应确保不向任何非本连锁店及“XX集团XX”课程学员以外的人群销售教材。 9、连锁店有义务保证不在合同规定的授权区域之外地域运作“XX集团XX”项目。连锁店应对违反此义务而给“XX集团XX”总部及“XX集团XX”其它连锁店造成的一切损失承担赔偿责任。 10、连锁店有义务按照国家有关规定建立完善的会计制度,并在连锁店所在地银行设立帐户。 11、由于连锁店直接或间接的商业行为所引起的损害、赔偿以及其他责任,由此产生的相关各项费用(包括但不限于听证费、仲裁费、律师费、交通费、直接和间接损失等)“XX集团XX”总部均无义务承担。连锁店应当承担由于本连锁店的不当行为对“XX集团XX”总部造成的所有损失。 12、作为被授权方,连锁店不能在未获得“XX集团XX”总部批准的情况下,擅自再授权或参与其他培训机构经营“XX集团XX”产品,连锁店应对违反此义务而给“XX集团XX”总部造成的一切损失承担赔偿责任。


高考英语词汇(同义、近义、相似词)精选练习 1.When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above__________ . A. average B. ordinary C. regular D. normal 2. When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had__________to visit London on business. 3. The most important__________of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly for the people. 4. It has always been the__________of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social activities. 5.I remember her face but I cannot__________ where I met her. A. recall B. remind C. remember D. remark 6.The open university was started in order to help those who__________having a university education when they were young. A. stopped B. failed C. missed D. ceased 7. We won ’ t know whether it will be successful. We won’ t know whether there will be good__________ . A. ends B. results C. effects D. causes 8. At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia’ s waving, but then it__________his mind that she was trying to tell him something. A. crossed B. passed C. occurred D. opened 9. Before the final examination, many students have shown__________of tension. Some have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite. A. anxiety B. marks C. signs D. remarks 10.The old man got into the__________of storing money under the bed. A. tradition B. habit C. use D. custom 11.I caught a__________of the car before it disappeared around the bend. A. glance B. glimpse C. glare D. stare 12. I ’ ll__________him off this time but next time he’ ll be punished. A. leave B. let C. put D. set 13. —Who on earth could it be?

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