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高考英语大题考前冲刺提分专题:4 阅读理解 说明文

高考英语大题考前冲刺提分专题:4 阅读理解 说明文
高考英语大题考前冲刺提分专题:4 阅读理解 说明文


【2018年全国卷Ⅰ】We may think we're a culture that gets rid of our worn technology at the first sight of something shiny and new, but a new study shows that we keep using our old devices(装置) well after they go out of style. That’s bad news for the environment —and our wallets —as these outdated devices consume much more energy than the newer ones that do the same things.

To figure out how much power these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life —from when its minerals are mined to when we stop using the device. This method provided a readout for how home energy use has evolved since the early 1990s. Devices were grouped by generation. Desktop computers, basic mobile phones, and box-set TVs defined 1992. Digital cameras arrived on the scene in 1997. And MP3 players, smart phones, and LCD TVs entered homes in 2002, before tablets and e-readers showed up in 2007.

As we accumulated more devices, however, we didn't throw out our old ones. “The living-room television is replaced and gets planted in the kids’room, and suddenly one day, you have a TV in every room of the house,”said one researcher. The average number of electronic devices rose from four per household in 1992 to 13 in 2007. We’re not just keeping these old devices —we continue to use them. According to the analysis of Babbitt's team, old desktop monitors and box TVs with cathode ray tubes are the worst devices with their energy consumption and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions(排放)more than doubling during the 1992 to 2007 window.

So what's the solution(解决方案)? The team's data only went up to 2007, but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics that serve more than one function, such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing. They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop computers could cut energy consumption by 44%.

1. What does the author think of new devices?

A. They are environment-friendly.

B. They are no better than the old.

C. They cost more to use at home.

D. They go out of style quickly.

2. Why did Babbitt's team conduct the research?

A. To reduce the cost of minerals.

B. To test the life cycle of a product.

C. To update consumers on new technology.

D. To find out electricity consumption of the devices.

3. Which of the following uses the least energy?

A. The box-set TV.

B. The tablet.

C. The LCD TV.

D. The desktop computer.

4. What does the text suggest people do about old electronic devices?

A. Stop using them.

B. Take them apart.

C. Upgrade them.

D. Recycle them.

【答案】1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A


1.观点态度题。根据文章第一段中的That’s bad news for the environment —and our wallets —as these outdated devices consume much more energy than the newer ones that do the same things.可知,使用旧的电子设备对环境和我们的钱包都是坏消息。这些过时的设备做相同的事情要消耗比新设备更多的能量。由此推知作者认为新电子设备环保、节能。故选A。

2. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的To figure out how much power these devices are using, Callie Babbitt and her colleagues at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York tracked the environmental costs for each product throughout its life 可知,Babbitt’s team研究的目的是弄清楚这些设备用了多少电。故选D。

3. 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的They found that more on-demand entertainment viewing on tablets instead of TVs and desktop computers could cut energy consumption by 44%.可知,平板电脑是耗能最少的电子设备,可以降低44%的耗能。故选B。

4. 推理判断题。根据文章的整体内容可知,因为旧的电子设备耗能高,不环保。所以作者建议停止使用旧的电子设备。故选A。


【2018年天津卷】There’s a new frontier in 3D printing that’s beginning to come into focus: food. Recent development has made possible machines that print, cook, and serve foods on a mass scale. And the industry isn’t stopping there.

Food production

With a 3D printer, a cook can print complicated chocolate sculptures and beautiful pieces for decoration on a wedding cake. Not everybody can do that —it takes years of experience, but a printer makes it easy. A restaurant in Spain uses a Foodini to “re-create forms and pieces”of food that are “exactly the same”, freeing cooks to complete other tasks. In another restaurant, all of

the dishes and desserts it serves are 3D-printed, rather than farm to table.


The global population is expected to grow to 9.6 billion by 2050, and some analysts estimate that food production will need to be raised by 50 percent to maintain current levels. Sustainability is becoming a necessity. 3D food printing could probably contribute to the solution. Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids (水解胶体) from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原料). 3D printing can reduce fuel use and emissions. Grocery stores of the future might stock "food" that lasts years on end, freeing up shelf space and reducing transportation and storage requirements.


Future 3D food printers could make processed food healthier. Hod Lipson, a professor at Columbia University, said, “Food printing could allow consumers to print food with customized nutritional content, like vitamins. So instead of eating a piece of yesterday’s bread from the supermarket, you’d eat something baked just for you on demand.”


Despite recent advancements in 3D food printing, the industry has many challenges to overcome. Currently, most ingredients must be changed to a paste(糊状物) before a printer can use them, and the printing process is quite time-consuming, because ingredients interact with each other in very complex ways. On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad. Some experts are skeptical about 3D food printers, believing they are better suited for fast food restaurants than homes and high-end restaurants.

5. What benefit does 3D printing bring to food production?

A. It helps cooks to create new dishes.

B. It saves time and effort in cooking.

C. It improves the cooking conditions.

D. It contributes to restaurant decorations.

6. What can we learn about 3D food printing from Paragraphs 3?

A. It solves food shortages easily.

B. It quickens the transportation of food.

C. It needs no space for the storage of food.

D. It uses renewable materials as sources of food.

7. According to Paragraph 4, 3D-printed food ________.

A. is more available to consumers

B. can meet individual nutritional needs

C. is tastier than food in supermarkets

D. can keep all the nutrition in raw materials

8. What is the main factor that prevents 3D food printing from spreading widely?

A. The printing process is complicated.

B. 3D food printers are too expensive.

C. Food materials have to be dry.

D. Some experts doubt 3D food printing.

9. What could be the best title of the passage?

A. 3D Food Printing: Delicious New Technology

B. A New Way to Improve 3D Food Printing

C. The Challenges for 3D Food Production

D. 3D Food Printing: From Farm to Table

【答案】5. B 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A


5.推理判断题。根据文章Food production中叙述了没有经验的人可以用3D打印机做出复杂的巧克力雕塑和美丽的婚礼蛋糕,以及餐厅能够用3D打印出所有的菜肴和甜点,从而可以推断出3D打印的优势是节省了做饭的时间和精力。故选B。

6.细节理解题。根据文章第三段Some experts believe printers could use hydrocolloids (水解胶体) from plentiful renewables like algae(藻类) and grass to replace the familiar ingredients(烹饪原料).可知,3D打印机可以使用可再生材料作为食物来源。故选D。

7.推理判断题。根据文章第四段Food printing could allow consumers to print food with customized nutritional content, like vitamins.(食品打印可以让消费者打印定制营养的食物),从而可以推断出3D打印出来的食物可以满足个人营养需求。故选B。

8.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad.可知,阻止3D打印食物进一步广泛使用的原因是原料必须是干的,含水多的肉和牛奶不能应用于3D打印因为很容易坏。故选C。

9.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了3D打印技术在食物上的应用取得了进展,但目前仍面临着许多方面的挑战。所以用标题3D Food Printing: Delicious New Technology,故选A。


【2018年秋四川省棠湖中学高三期末】Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River. Over 300 years its population grew gradually from 800 people to 8 million. But not all cities develop slowly over a long period of time. Boom towns grow from nothing almost overnight. In 1896, Dawson, Canada, was unmapped wilderness(荒野). But gold was discovered there in 1897, and two years later, it was one of the largest cities in the West, with a population of 30,000.

Dawson did not have any of the natural conveniences of cities like London or Paris. People went there for gold. They travelled over snow-covered mountains and sailed hundreds of miles up icy rivers. The path to Dawson was covered with thirty feet of wet snow that could fall without warming. An avalanche(雪崩) once closed the path, killing 63 people. For many who made it to Dawson, however, the rewards were worth the difficult trip. Of the first 20,000 people who dug for gold, 4,000 got rich. About 100 of these stayed rich men for the rest of their lives.

But no matter how rich they were, Dawson was never comfortable. Necessities like food and wood were very expensive. But soon, the gold that Dawson depended on had all been found. The city was crowded with disappointed people with no interest in settling down, and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come. Today, people still come and go —to see where the Canadian gold rush happened. Tourism is now the chief industry of Dawson City —its present population is 762.

10. What attracted the early settlers to New York City?

A. Its business culture.

B. Its small population.

C. Its geographical position.

D. Its favorable climate.

11. What do we know about those who first dug for gold in Dawson?

A. Two-thirds of them stayed there.

B. One out of five people got rich.

C. Almost everyone gave up.

D. Half of them died.

12. What was the main reason for many people to leave Dawson?

A. They found the city too crowded.

B. They wanted to try their luck elsewhere.

C. They were unable to stand the winter.

D. They were short of food.

13. What is the text mainly about?

A. The rise and fall of a city.

B. The gold rush in Canada.

C. Journeys into the wilderness.

D. Tourism in Dawson.

【答案】10. C 11. B 12. B 13. A


10.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like

a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for example, is near a large harbour at the mouth of the Hudson River.可知,人们选择在河边或港口设城是因为交通方便,便于做生意。而纽约就是在哈德森河口附近的一个大港口,故纽约吸引早期移民的原因是它的地理位置,故C正确。

11.细节理解题。根据文章第二段最后一句Of the first 20,000 people who dug for gold, 4,000 got rich. About 100 of these stayed rich men for the rest of their lives.可知,在最初挖黄金的两万人中有4000人变富有,所以是五分之一的人变富了,故B正确。

12.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中and when they heard there were new gold discoveries in Alaska, they left Dawson City as quickly as they had come.可知,人们离开Dawson的主要原因是听说在Alaska发现了黄金,也就是他们要去别的地方寻找发财的机会。故B正确。



【2018届豫南九校高三下学期第一次联考】Many of us have reached in our pockets, feeling a vibration (振动), wrongly believing our mobile phones have just rung. The phenomenon even has a name: phantom vibration syndrome—and found it is surprisingly common.

Now scientists believe that we are so alert(警觉)for phone calls and messages we are

misinterpreting slight muscle spasms (痉挛)as proof of a call. Robert Rosenberger, an assistant professor at the Georgia Tech Institute of Technology has studied the delusional calls. He said sufferers describe a vague tingling feeling which they think is their mobile phone indicating it has received a text message or call while on ‘silent’. But when the device is retrieved, there was no one on the other end.

Dr. Rosenberger said “I find so many people say, ‘This happens to me, but I thought I was the only one. I thought I was odd. ”It seems that the syndrome particularly affects people at the beck and call of mobile phones or pagers. A 2010 study by Michael Rothberg and colleagues found that nearly 70 per cent of doctors at a hospital in Massachusetts suffered phantom vibrations. A more recent study of US college students found the figure was as high as 90 per cent.

While the odd feeling is widespread, it does not seem to be considered a grave problem. Dr. Rosenberger said: “it's not actually a syndrome in a technical sense. That's just the name that's got stuck to it.”He added: “Only 2 per cent of people consider it a problem.”

While widespread, the scientific community has not yet invested much effort in getting to the bottom of why we suffer phantom calls.

Dr. Rosenberger said: “People are guessing it has something to do with nervous energy. The cognitive(认知的)scientists are talking about brain chemistry, cognitive pathways changing. But it's not like they have brain scans to go on.”He said: “We have a phone call in our pocket all the time and it becomes sort of an extension of ourselves. We have this sort of readiness to experience

a call. We feel something and we think, OK, that could be a call.”

14. Why do some people mistake slight muscle spasms for a call?

A. They all have a vivid imagination.

B. They are sensitive to calls and messages.

C. There are few calls and messages in their life.

D. Slight muscle spasms affect them more than other people

15. Which of the following are more likely to have phantom vibration syndrome than others?

A. Doctors.

B. University professors.

C. College students.

D. The cognitive scientists.

16. In Dr. Rosenberger's opinion, phantom vibration syndrome ___.

A. isn't a kind of disease actually

B. is considered a problem by most people

C. is a serious problem ignored by people

D. has something to do with brain chemistry

17. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. Most people have phantom vibration syndrome.

B. How to keep away from phantom vibration syndrome.

C. How to reduce phantom phone vibrations.

D. People care too much about phantom phone vibrations

【答案】14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A


14. 细节理解题。由第二段中的“Now scientists believe that we are so alert(警觉)for phone calls and messages we are misinterpreting slight muscle spasms (痉挛)as proof of a call”可知,科学家们认为我们对手机电话和短信如此警觉以至于我们会把轻微的肌肉痉挛误认为是电话。故结合选项,B选项正确。

15. 细节理解题。由第三段中的“A 2010 study by Michael Rothberg and colleagues found that nearly 70 per cent of doctors at a hospital in Massachusetts suffered phantom vibrations. A more recent study of US college students found the figure was as high as 90 per cent”可知,90%的大学生患有振动幻听综合症。故C选项正确。

16. 细节理解题。由第四段中的“it's not actually a syndrome in a technical sense”可知,Dr. Rosenberger认为,从专业角度来说,这并不是一种综合症。也就是说,他认为这并不是一种病。故A选项正确。

17. 主旨大意题。第一段是文章中心段。该段主要介绍了振动幻听综合症是一种非常普遍的现象。大部分人都患有振动幻听综合症。下文简单分析了这种现象的原因以及科学家们对此的看法。故结合选项,A选项正确。


【2018届湖北省孝感高级中学高三9月摸底考试】It was reported last week that developers could take photos from Apple mobile and Google Android devices without the phone owners knowing that the images were being taken. In Apple’s case, developers can also obtain the location information for each photo.

Senator(参议员) Charles Schumer said in a telephone interview that his office had spoken with officials at both Apple and Google on Monday.

“We asked them if they could find a way on their own to prevent Apple from having access to

private information,”Mr. Schumer said. “They were friendly and open to the idea that this ought to be changed.”

On Sunday, Mr. Schumer said that he planned to send a letter to the Federal Trade Commission asking the agency to investigate Apple and Google after the privacy concerns came to light. Claudia Bourne Farrell, an F.T.C. spokeswoman, said the agency had received the letter but she could not comment further.

“It worries people to think that one’s personal photos, address book, and who knows what else can be obtained and even posted online without permission,”Mr. Schumer wrote in his letter to the F.T.C. “If the technology exists to open the door to this kind of privacy invasion, then surely technology exists to close it, and that’s exactly what must happen.”

Mr. Schumer said if Apple and Google could not come to an agreement to fix the problem, then he would be forced to take the issue further.

He said other companies had been willing to work with his office to fix issues. “I’m optimistic that we can get this changed without any regulation,”he said. “If it’s not changed, then we’ll turn to the F.T.C., and if that doesn’t work then we’ll consider legislative approach.”

The F.T.C. has warned companies to try to be more vigilant (警醒的) in their efforts to protect consumers when it comes to privacy.

18. The senator’s office spoke with officials at both Apple and Google___________.

A. to urge them not to invade consumers’privacy

B. to discuss whether it is illegal to have access to private information

C. to stop them from developing the technology of taking photos

D. to keep them from obtaining the location information for each photo

19. Which of the following statements is true?

A. Privacy invasion from Apple has existed for a long time.

B. Mr. Schumer takes the privacy concerns caused by Apple and Google seriously.

C. Privacy invasion from Google has existed for a long time.

D. Apple and Google have decided to make a change.

20. Mr. Schumer’s letter to the F.T C. mainly shows that the technology to open the door to privacy invasion_____.

A. causes privacy invasion to happen frequently

B. can be used if permitted

C. causes people to worry about the safety of their personal information

D. causes personal information to be posted online without permission

21. If the privacy concerns can’t be solved with the help of the F.T C., ___________.

A. The senators will force the companies not to invade privacy

B. The companies will be closed

C. The companies will be fined

D. The senators will turn to legislation

【答案】18. A 19. B 20. C 21. D

【解析】本文是一篇新闻报道类说明文。文章介绍了Apple and Google开发了一种软件, 不经过对方的允许就能拍照,还可以传到网上。并且能知道照片的具体信息。这是对个人隐私的侵害。

18. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的We asked them if they could find a way on their own to prevent Apple from having access to private information(此处的privacy和private information同义。)句意:我们(参议员们)问他们,他们是否能独立找到阻止苹果公司进入个人信息空间的方法。及第六段“If it’s not changed, then we’ll turn to the F.T.C., and if that doesn’t work then we’ll consider legislative approach.”句意:如果苹果和谷歌不能达成协议来解决这个问题,然后他将被迫采取进一步的问题。综合以上内容可知是敦促他们不要侵犯个人的隐私权,故选A。

19. 细节理解题。根据文章中的he said. “If it’s not changed, then we’ll turn to the F.T.C., and if that doesn’t work then we’ll consider legislative approach.”可知,Mr. Schume说,如果不改变,我们就向联邦贸易协会求助,如果那不起作用,我们将考虑法律手段。这说明他对Apple and Google侵犯个人隐私这个问题是认真的。故选B。根据文章第一段中的It was reported last week that developers could take photos from Apple mobile and Google Android devices without the phone owners knowing that the images were being taken.可知,这事是上周报道的,时间不长。所以A和C项错误。文章没有提到它们已经决定改变。故D项错误。

20. 推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“It worries people to think that one’s personal photos, address book, and who knows what else can be obtained and even posted online without permission,”Mr. Schumer wrote in his letter to the F.T.C.可知,个人的相片、地址等(这些属于个人隐私)可能被获得,甚至没有经过许可就被传到网上,这令人们很担心。由此可推断出人们担心个人信息的安全问题,此处采用的是同义句表达的方法。选C。

21. 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段中的he said. “If it’s not changed, then we’ll turn to the

F.T.C., and if that doesn’t work then we’ll consider legislative approach.”可知,Mr. Schume说,如果不改变,我们就向联邦贸易协会求助,如果那不起作用,我们将考虑法律手段。从中可推断出如果不解决,就考虑求助于法律。由此可推断出D符合题意。


【黑龙江省哈尔滨师范大学附属中学2018届高三第四次模拟】Chinese scientists recently have produced two monkeys with the same gene, Zhong Zhong and Hua Hua, using the same technique that gave us Dolly the sheep. These monkeys are not actually the first primates(灵长类)to be cloned. Another one named Tetra was produced in the late 1990s by embryo(胚胎)splitting, the division of an early-stage embryo into two or four separate cells to make clones. By contrast, they were each made by replacing an egg cell nucleus(原子核)with DNA from a differentiated body cell. This Dolly method, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer(SCNT), can create more clones and allows researchers greater control over the edits they make to the DNA.

Success came from adopting several new techniques. These included a new type of microscopy to better view the cells during handling or using several materials that encourage cell reprogramming, which hadn’t been tried before on primates. Still, the research process proved difficult, and many attempts by the team failed. Just two healthy baby monkeys born from more than 60 tested mothers. This leads to many researchers’pouring water on the idea that the team’s results bring scientists closer to cloning humans. They thought this work is not a stepping stone to establishing methods for obtaining live born human clones. Instead, this clearly remains a very foolish thing to attempt, it would be far too inefficient, far too unsafe, and it is also pointless.

But the scientists involved emphasize that this is not their goal. There is now no barrier for cloning primate species, thus cloning humans is closer to reality. However, their research purpose is entirely for producing non-human primate models for human diseases; they absolutely have no intention, and society will not permit this work to be extended to humans. Despite limitations, they treat this breakthrough a novel model system for scientists studying human biology and disease.

22. What do we know about the technology called SCNT?

A. It created the first two primates.

B. It may contribute to editing the DNA.

C. It can divide an early-stage embryo into several cells.

D. It produced two cloned monkeys with different genes.

23. What does the author mean by “pouring water on the idea”in paragraph 2?

A. Keeping a hot topic of it.

B. Having a low opinion of it.

C. Attaching no importance to it.

D. Adding supportive evidence to it.

24. What is the scientists’purpose to clone these monkeys?

A. To help with the study of human diseases.

B. To serve as a stepping stone to their reputation.

C. To prepare for their research on human cloning.

D. To raise money for holding an exhibition of novels.

25. What can we infer from the passage?

A. New techniques seem to be pointless.

B. Cloning humans is already on its way.

C. Society won’t agree to clone another monkey.

D. The success rate of cloning a monkey was not high.

【答案】22. B 23. B 24. A 25. D


22. 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句This Dolly method, known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), can create more clones and allows researchers greater control over the edits they make to the DNA.可知,SCNT可能有助于编辑DNA。故B项正确。

23. 词义猜测题。根据第二段中Still, the research process proved difficult, and many attempts by the team failed. Just two healthy baby monkeys born from more than 60 tested mothers. This leads to many researchers’pouring water on the idea that the team’s results bring scientists closer to cloning humans.可知在第二段中“pouring water on the idea”的意思是“对它的评价很低。”故B项正确。

24. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中However, their research purpose is entirely for producing non-human primate models for human diseases; they absolutely have no intention, and society will not permit this work to be extended to humans.可知,科学家们克隆这些猴子的目的是帮助研究人类疾病。故A项正确。

25. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后两句They thought this work is not a stepping stone to establishing methods for obtaining live born human clones. Instead, this clearly remains a very foolish thing to attempt, it would be


【英语】高考英语阅读理解练习题及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 There might be as many as 10 million species of complex life on this planet today —— a huge number. But add up all of the complex species that ever lived and some biologists think the grand total would be about five billion. The estimate leads to an astonishing conclusion: a staggering 99% of species are not around any more. They have been driven to extinction. More species are joining the ranks of the extinct every year. Many scientists believe we are living through an episode of remarkably rapid extinction, on a scale that has been seen only five times in the last half a billion years. They call this current episode the sixth mass extinction —— a large, global decline in a wide variety of species over a relatively short period of time. And they tend to agree that humans are the main cause. Over-hunting, overfishing, and human-driven habitat loss are pushing many species to the brink. In fact, we have changed the planet so much that some geologists are now suggesting that we have entered a new phase in Earth's history; an epoch they call the "Anthropocene". By 2100, it is expected that humans will have caused the extinction of up to half of the world's current species. Because we are living through this extinction, it is relatively easy for us to study the driving forces behind it. But how do we determine what caused other mass die-offs that happened long ago? To do so we have to look at what archaeologists, palaeontologists, geologists and other scientists have concluded from the evidence they have gathered. The trouble is, those scientists do not always agree with one another —— even about the most recent extinction event. As well as the five-or six- mass extinctions, there have also been many smaller extinctions. One of these mini extinction events happened towards the end of the Pleistocene, a few tens of thousands of years ago. It is sometimes called the "megafaunal" extinction because many of the species it claimed were particularly large animals, weighing more than 97lb (44kg). However, its cause remains a debate amongst scientists. (1)What can we learn about the sixth mass extinction? A. Humans are the main cause of it. B. It means a global decline over a long time. C. It occurred towards the end of the Pleistocene. D. Scientists still disagree about the cause of it. (2)What can be inferred from the text about species? A. 99% of species will not be around any more by 2100. B. By the 22nd century, there will probably be about five million on this planet. C. About eight years later we will enter what is called the "Anthropocene". D. It is not easy for us to figure out causes behind the"Anthropocene". (3)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the last paragraph ? A. Land animals. B. Marine life. C. Huge animals. D. Flesh-eating creatures.


高考英语阅读理解专项训练100篇 (名师传授解题技巧+实战练习,值得下载) 一、阅读理解解题技巧 阅读理解题是考查学生对活的语言材料的理解能力,即通过阅读材料获得信息的能力。具体说来,阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是:(1)掌握所读材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节;(2)既理解具体事实,也理解抽象的概念;(3)既理解字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等;(4)既理解某句、某段的意义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并能根据文章进行推理和判断;(5)既能根据材料所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应有的常识去理解。根据这几项能力测试的要求,试题中常采用如下几种题型:事实询问题、推理判断题、数据推算题、识图解意题和主旨大意题。根据这一测试要求和题型设计,答题时可以采取如下解题技巧和对策。 1.首先解题时要充满自信。由于平时有些同学对做阅读理解时存在一种畏惧心理,因此考试做题时心理就难免会产生紧张感,特别是阅读时再遇到几个生词就头脑发胀,从而使自己的思路更加模糊不清。其实这是完全没有必要的,因为阅读中遇到几个生词或几个难以理解的句子是常有的事,也是正常现象。因为按大纲要求,试卷中允许有不超过3%的生词,只要认真分析,仔细阅读,这些生词和句子很可能并不影响你的解题。所以答题之前首先要有必胜的信心。 2.扫读全文,理解全文主旨大意。拿到一篇文章,首先要快速扫读全文,虽为扫读,但不可漫不经心,阅读时也应聚精会神,力求可能多地获取材料信息,只是这次遇到生词和难句先不必去处理,不要因纠缠文中的个别生词和难句而影响了对全文的主旨大意的了解。

3.对症下药,各个击破。了解全文的大概意思之后,再把短文的问题简单看一遍,弄懂题意,然后带着问题再去寻读全文。这次阅读过程中要善于抓文章中的关键词句。寻读也就是迅速的查找需要了解的信息,是为某些特定的问题而阅读,因此阅读时要有较强的针对性,对与问题有关的数据,词句等仔细阅读,认真理解,同时结合不同考查内容的题型,采取如下解题对策: (1)事实询问题:这类试题通常是以疑问词what,who,when,where,why,how 等引起的特殊问句,就文章中某一词语、某一句子、某一段落或某一具体细节和事实进行提问。解答此类试题首先要弄清题目和每一个选项的含义,然后按题目要求寻找与之相关的细节,正确估计答案来源,同时注意题目和文章中的暗示作用。特别注意辨别各种信息,确认各种信息。 (2)推理判断题:此题要求我们通过表面文字信息去推测文章隐含的意思,对文章的发展情节及作者的态度、意图等做出合乎逻辑的的推理判断。这种题要求我们在阅读时要抓住文章的主题和细节、从分析文章的结构入手,根据上下文的内在联系,充分挖掘文章的深层含义。对暗含在文章中事件的因果关系,人物的动机,以及作者未言明的倾向、态度、意图、观点进行合乎逻辑的推理、分析和判断。同时善于抓住文中实质性的东西,不要被带假象的表面信息或似是而非的东西所迷惑。并且注意推断作者态度时要力求从作者的态度、观点去思考,切勿想当然,凭个人的观点习惯看法来回答的问题。 (3)数据推算题:此题要求我们就文章提供的数据,以及数据与文章中其他信息的关系做出计算和推断,然后做出选择。这就要求我们解题时,要在理解好题意的前提下去对与数据有关的信息认真分析,若数据信息较多,还要注意弄清数据之间的关系,同时分清有用与无用信息,最终作出正确判断。 (4)主旨大意题:此题用以考查我们对文章主题或中心思想的领会和理解能力。在解答此类试题时要注意每段的中心句,抓住每一段的主题句。一般主题句都用来表达一段主旨大意,因此,只要找准每段的主题句,文章的中心思想和文章的最佳标题也就不难确定了。


高考英语阅读理解真题汇编(含答案) 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Mexico sites on an island plateau (高原) surrounded by volcanic peaks, which makes air quality a constant concern for people who live there. In April, the country took a decisive step toward improving air quality by enacting a temporary ban on private and Federal vehicles in the city. The rule forbids people from driving in the city one day each week and one Saturday each month. Electric vehicles, government service vehicles, public transport options and school buses are not included in the ban. Mexico City isn't the first urban center to be involved in car-free living. But the ban is more than an awareness-raiser. It was enacted with the direct aim of solving air pollution. In March, the city sank into a deep brown haze of smog when the pollution levels passed the 200 mark. The city ordered some 1.1m of the area's 4.7m cars off the streets and also offered free bus and subway rides. Mexico City's temporary vehicle ban raises questions about the best ways to improve urban air quality. India, whose citizens breathe some of the world's dirtiest air, has tried a variety of solutions. Earlier this year, the Indian government started a 4% sales tax on new-car purchases. Beijing also has experience with cleaning the air. The city introduced alternate-day rules in advance of the 2008 Olympic Games, which produced good results. And then there is the London congestion (拥挤) charge, introduced in 2003. The charge has had a measurable effect on air quality. For now, Mexico City — named by the United Nations as the most polluted city on the planet in 1992 — can look forward to the start of the region's rainy season, when daily showers will help lo clean the air. (1)How did Mexico ban vehicles in the city? A. By banning private and Federal vehicles one day a week. B. By forbidding private and public vehicles every Saturday. C. By limiting the number of new cars. D. By prohibiting the vehicles except public ones.(2)What did the government of Mexico do when carrying out the ban on vehicles? A. Raised the number of public vehicles. B. Offered free bus and subway rides. C. Introduced more travel options. D. Encouraged citizens to leave the city. (3)What may contribute to improving the air quality in Mexico? A. Alternate-day rules. B. Tax rises. C. Congestion charge. D. The rainy season.(4)What's the best title for the passage? A. Mexico —an Island Plateau B. A Variety of Bans on Vehicles in Mexico C. Should Cities Be Car-free Zones D. How to Improve Air Quality 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)D (4)C


(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A


说明文 一、阅读下面的文字.完成7—1 O题。(1 1分) ①传统的石化能源正在一天天的减少,同时全球还有20亿人得不到正常的能源供应。这个时候,全世界都把目光投向了可再生能源,希望可再生能源能够改变人类的能源结构,维持长远的可持续发展。太阳能是当前既可获得能量,又能减少二氧化碳等有害气体和有害物质排放的可再生能源之一。越来越多的国家开始实行“阳光计划”,开发太阳能能源。如美国的“光伏建筑计划”、欧洲的“百万屋顶光伏计划”、日本的“朝日计划”以及我国已开展的“光明工程”等。②太阳能每秒钟到达地球的能量达1.7×l O14千瓦,如果我们把地球表面O.1%的太阳能转为电能,转变率5%,每年发电量即可望达到7.4×1 O13千瓦时,相当于目前全世界能耗的40倍。因此,太阳能资源是非常丰富的能源,取之不尽,用之不竭,是人类能够自由利用的重要能源。 ③资料显示,我国大部分地区太阳能资源丰富,太阳能资源开发潜力巨大。全国总面积2/3以上地区年日照时数大于2000小时,理论储量达每年17000亿吨标准煤。大多数地区年平均日辐射量在每平方米4千瓦时以上,陆地面积每年接受的太阳能辐射相当于上万个三峡工程发电量的总和。 ④太阳能开发成本低廉,前景广阔。近十年来,我国的太阳能利用产业得到快速发展。特别是太阳能热水器,已初步形成较为完善的产业体系。据预测,今后l 5年内,太阳能热水器将以20%左右的速度增长,全国城乡家庭使用太阳能热水器的户数将达总户数的25%。随着太阳能利用方式研究的发展,太阳能空调也已经有了较为成熟的产品,有望今年走进百姓生活。太阳能路灯、太阳能手机、太阳能无冲洗卫生间等一系列太阳能产品正处于开发应用阶段。现在我国成了石油净进口国,对太阳能发电有了很大的需求。目前,我们国家已制定了相关政策,鼓励把太阳能作为替代能源。相信在不久的将来,“到处阳光到处电”将成为我们的生活现实。 1.与传统的石化能源相比,太阳能资源有哪些明显的优势? (3分) 2.作者在②③两段中列举了大量数据,目的是什么? (2分) 3.语言的准确性是说明文最重要的特征之一。请从文章两处加点的词语中任选一处,写出它的表达效果。(3分)


高考阅读理解技巧 一、阅读理解题选材 高考阅读理解题选材,一般遵循三个原则: 1. 文章一般为3篇(含信息匹配题),阅读量在1100单词左右; 2. 题材广泛,包括科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等多方面内容; 3. 体裁多样,包括记叙文、描写文、说明文、议论文、应用文等。 二、英语阅读文体类型 学会分析体裁的能力对我们做好阅读理解来说是非常重要的。由于不同的文体有不同的段落组织方式和脉络层次,所以我们可以根据这种特点来快速分析文章的体裁: ●记叙文往往按时间顺序展开段落,文章有明显表示时间先后的词语。阅读时抓住时间这条主线,弄清who、 what、where、why与how。文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼。描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开。阅读记叙文体应采取略读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线。高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主。 ●描写文通过细节的描写以画面的方式来反应事物的特征、性质。对这种文章要迅速弄清其主题,主题词往往出 现在各个句子里,贯穿文章的始末;紧围绕这个主题进行阅读,找到文章与之有关的信息,并确定信息与主题的关系。 ●说明文用以解释或揭示事物的状态、特征、演变、结果及其相互之间的关系,这类文体的文章,首句往往是主 题句,开门见山,说明文章的关注对象:弄清作者的思路和段落组织的方式;把握次要信息及其与主题的关系。 英语说明文的总体结构通常为三部份,说明对象、说明过程和归纳总结。常见的说明方法: 1,定义与诠释说明; 2,举例与引用说明; 3,分类与图表说明; 4,比较与比喻说明; 5,分析与综合说明; 就高考英语说明文的阅读而言,首先要抓住文章说明的要点,也就是要抓住被说明对象的实质性特征;弄清作者从哪个角度、哪个层面开始说明;并明白文章最后的说明结论。高考说明文阅读材料通常介绍最新科技、重大成就、生活时尚、流行现象等。了解说明文的写作手法、说明方法,理清短文结构及段落中心思想是答题关键。 ●议论文通常为三段式,即“论点、论据、结论”三部份组成。首先借助某一现象引出论点,然后通过一定论据 从各个层面上加以推理论证,最后得出结论。议论文体主要考查学生对论点及论据的把握。因此,遇到议论文体时,应采取抓主题句的方法来把握文章主旨,弄清作者的观点。一般来说,作者的论点通常在文章首段被引出,接着是对这一论点的逻辑推理和论证,最后为结论。还应注意的是:在对论点论证的过程中,每一段的首句都是该段的主题句。把握全文论点、弄清论证各段的主题句、理解文章层次、找出中心论点的位置是理解议论文的关键。 就议论文而言,其论证的常见结构方式有: 1,总分式总---分;分----总;总----分---总; 2,并列式几个论据之间属于平等关系; 3,递进式几个论据之间属于递进关系; 4,对照式把两种事物加以对比,以彰显其中一种。 ●应用文属于实用型文体,如书信、通知、日记、广告等。应用文阅读要注意文中具体细节的把握与理解,弄清 作者所传达的实际信息及表达的具体内容。阅读时采取速读与精读相结合的方法,力求快速精确地查出试题所设置的关键内容。


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.


【说明文阅读】四年级 说明文阅读特点和技巧: 阅读说明文,首先应在整体感知的基础上把握说明对象及其特征;然后在理解说明内容的同时,把握说明顺序,了解说明方法;再在比较、分析中体会说明语言的准确性。在具体答题时,要通过分析文章的段落层次,来把握文章的说明内容及说明顺序;分析说明方法及词语的作用,要体现出说明方法及词语所说明的知识。 一、整体感知。就是通过快速的浏览把握文章的说明对象。说明文中的说明对象一般是在说明文的这几个地方表现的: ⑴文章的题目 ⑵文章的开头一句话。 ⑶文章中的一句话 ⑷具体指出文章是从哪几个方面来说明文章要说明的对象。 二、研读品味。在粗读的基础上,这次阅读是要带着题目进行阅读的过程。这个过程有很多题目是基础题目,要我们解决的是说明方法,说明文的语言和说明文中的文段在特定语境中的作用等几个方面的问题。 (一)说明方法。常见的说明方法有列数字,举例子、作比较、打比方、下定义、分类别、列图表、摹状貌、作诠释等,前五种却是我们最常见的。我们要把他们把握住,不仅能区别他们是哪一种说明方法,而且还要把握这种说明方法的作用。 1.常用的说明文方法及其作用 举例子,具体说明 列数字,准确说明 打比方,生动说明 作比较,突出说明 下定义, 准确说明 2.如何区分作比较和打比方: 作比较 说明某些抽象的或者是人们比较陌生的事物,可以用具体的或者大家已经熟悉的事物和它比较,使读者通过比较得到具体而鲜明的印象。事物

的特征也往往在比较中显现出来。在作比较的时候,可以是同类相比,也可以是异类相比,可以对事物进行“横比”,也可以对事物进行“纵比”。打比方 利用两种不同事物之间的相似之处作比较,以突出事物的性状特点,增强说明的形象性和生动性的说明方法叫做打比方。说明文中的打比方的说明方法,同修辞格上的比喻是一致的。 (二)说明的语言。准确性是说明文语言的重要特点。 (三)文段在语境中的作用主要表现为承上启下的过度作用、总起等。 说明文阅读训练 水獭(tǎ) [英国]杰弗(fú)里斯 水獭身上主要有三处地方值得注意一一首先,是鼻孔的不寻常的宽度;其次是牙齿的锋利修长,咬东西咬得牢固;第三是胸脯(pú)或躯干的滚圆结实,表现出罕见的力量。 如果水獭张嘴,鼻孔是那么宽,下颚(è)显得不过是它的宽度的三分之一——仅仅是一条窄窄的带子,然而布满牙齿。上颚的扩张和下颚的窄小给人一种残忍凶狠的印象。 它的牙齿有点像猫的,咬东西的姿态也是如此。它的牙齿的力量可以嚼碎任何它咬住的东西,但是接着马上又重复去咬别的地方,它不保留它现有的猎物,而是像猫一样反复不断地迅速出击,所以它的咬可以认为比獾(hu ān)的咬更坏。偶尔,在捕猎的兴奋状态下,人拿手伸进水獭的洞穴里去想拽它出来。如果猎人看见这样做时会严厉制止,因为倘若水獭抓住这只手,它会乱咬以至把骨头咬碎使之终生残废。没有什么比这类事故更使猎人恼恨的了。 水獭的短腿带有欺骗性;看上去这么矮矬(cuó)的动物竟然是那么难以对付或不容易杀死。腿短其实增加它的力气,使水獭的力量大约比别的大小相当的动物的力量都大。 它的体重跟狐狸的重量差不多,要用常规手段捕杀它们同样地难。除非用长矛刺或当头一击,专门捕獭的猎狗罕有在水中弄死它的。如果最后赶上陆地或浅滩,它常常宁可抗拒至死,皮肤上有时连一个猎狗的齿印也没


高考英语阅读理解练习题及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 I was born on the 17th of November 1828, in the village of Nam Ping, which is about four miles southwest of the Portuguese Colony (殖民地) of Macao, and is located on Pedro Island lying west of Macao, from which it is separated by a channel of half a mile wide. As early as 1834, an English lady, Mrs. Gutzlaff, wife of a missionary to China, came to Macao. Supported by the Ladies' Association in London for the promotion of female education in India and the East, she immediately took up the work of starting a girls' school for Chinese girls, which was soon followed by the opening of a boys' school. Mrs. Gutzlaff's comprador(买办) happened to come from my village and was actually my father's friend and neighbor. It was through him that my parents heard about Mrs. Gutzlaff's school and it was doubtlessly through his influence and means that my father got me admitted into the school. It has always been a mystery to me why my parents should put me into a foreign school, instead of a traditional Confucian school, where my big brother was placed. Most certainly such a step would have been more suitable for Chinese public opinion, taste, and the wants of the country, than to allow me to attend an English school. Moreover, a Chinese belief is the only avenue in China that leads to political promotion, influence, power and wealth. I can only guess that as foreign communication with China was just beginning to grow, my parents hoped that it might be worthwhile to put one of their sons to learning English. In this way he might become an interpreter and have a more advantageous position to enter the business and diplomatic world. I am wondering if that influenced my parents to put me into Mrs. Gutzlaff's School. As to what other sequences it has eventually brought about in my later life, they were entirely left in the hands of God. (1)How was the author admitted to Mrs. Gutzlaff's school? A. Through his father's friend's help. B. Through his own efforts to exams. C. Through his father's request. D. Through Mrs. Gutzlaff's influence. (2)Why did the author's parents put him into an English school? A. An English school was more influential. B. Foreign trade with China was developing fast. C. It met with Chinese public opinion. D. He could become a successful interpreter. (3)What did the author think of his parents' decision to put him into an English school? A. It was skeptical. B. It was mysterious. C. It was thoughtful. D. It was wonderful.【答案】(1)A (2)D (3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,小时候父亲送作者去英语学校而不是中文学校,并分析了具体原因。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Mrs. Gutzlaff's comprador(买办) happened to come from my village and was actually my father's friend and neighbor. It was through him that my parents heard about Mrs. Gutzlaff's school”可知,作者是通过父亲朋友的帮助进入到Mrs.

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