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当前位置:文档库 › 四川省成都市树德中学2016届高三英语10月阶段性考试试题






第一部分:听力(共三节, 满分30分)



1. How long has the man run in his old running shoes?

A. 300 miles.

B. 400 miles.

C. 500 miles.

2. Why does the man think the woman should join him?

A. He thinks she will have more fun.

B. He wants to meet her roommate.

C. He thinks it's safer to go in a large group.

3. Who are the speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Boss and employee.

C. Salesperson and client.

4. What does the man say about his neighbor?

A. He is humorous.

B. He is not handsome.

C. He is very successful.

5. What makes the man appreciate his dog?

A. The dog protects his house.

B. The dog is easy to take care of.

C. The dog helps him get exercise.




6. What are the speakers mainly discussing?

A. Smoking.

B. Building styles.

C. The use of balconies.

7. What will the speakers do tonight?

A. Cook together.

B. Go out.

C. Dance on the balcony.


8. Why do colleges require the SAT? A. To compare students easily.

B. To see if their schools are good.

C. To see if students are fluent in English.

9. What does the woman recommend?

A. Taking several classes.

B. Taking each test once for practice.

C. Buying some books to prepare for the tests.


10. How did the man lose weight?

A. By avoiding meat.

B. By eating big salads for dinner.

C. By eating enough vegetables at each meal.

11. For which meal does the man have mushrooms?

A. Breakfast.

B. Lunch.

C. Dinner.

12. What does the woman think about the man's diet?

A. It sounds difficult to stick to.

B. He should give up junk food.

C. He eats an unhealthy amount of vegetables.


13. How many children do the speakers have?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

14. What does the woman like about the kitchen?

A. It's bright.

B. It's big.

C. It looks modem.

15. What is the woman concerned about?

A. The size of the house.

B. The price of the house.

C. The location of the house.

16. What did the man suggest at last?

A. Buying this house.

B. Living in another community.

C. Keeping the old job.


17. Which is among "The Big Three" sports in America?

A. Volleyball.

B. Soccer.

C. Baseball.

18. How many people play soccer in the United States, according to the speaker?

A. Over 100 million people.

B. About 25 million people.

C. About 20% of the total population.

19. Why do most parents want their children to play soccer?

A. It is very safe.

B. It starts at an older age.

C. It is easier to learn than football.

20. What can we learn about the culture of youth soccer?

A. It is getting very competitive.

B. It is being changed by money.

C. It puts more importance on teamwork.





The children were always good during August, especially when it got near the twenty-third. It was on this day that the great silver spaceship carrying Prof essor Hugo’s Interplanetary Zoo settled down for its annual six-hour visit to the Chicago area.

Before daybreak the crowds would form, long lines of children and adults, each one grasping their dollar, and waiting with excitement to see what strange creatures the Professor would bring this year. In the past they had sometimes been treated to three-legged creatures from Venus, or tall, thin men from Mars, or even snakelike horrors from somewhere more distant. This year, as the great ship settled slowly in the huge parking area, they watched with awe as the sides slowly slid up to reveal the familiar barred cages.

In them were some wild race of nightmare – small, horse-like animals that moved with quick motions and constantly made high-pitched sounds. The citizens of Earth pushed around as Professor Hugo’s crew quickly collected the waiting dollars. The good Professor called into his microphone, “People of Earth, this year you see a real treat for your single dollar – the little-known horse-spider people of Kaan – across a million miles of space brought at great expense.”

The crowds slowly filed by, at once horrified and fascinated by these strange creatures that looked like horse but ran up the walls of their cages like spiders. “This is certainly worth a dolla r!” one man remarked, hurrying away.

As the ship rose from the ground the Earth people agreed that this had been the very best zoo yet…

Some two months and three planets later, the silver ship of Professor Hugo settled at last onto the familiar planet of Kaan, and the horse-spider creatures filed quickly out of their cages. In one home, the she-creature was happy to see the return of her mate and offspring. “It was a long time you were gone. Was it good?”

The he-creature nodded. “The little one enjoyed it e specially. We visited eight worlds and saw many things.”

“On the place called Earth it was the best. The creatures there wear garments over their skins, and they walk on two legs.” the little one smiled.

“But isn’t it dangerous?” asked the she-creature.

“No,” her mate answered. “There are bars to protect us from them. We remain right in the ship. Next time you must come with us. It is well worth the nineteen commocs it costs.”

And the little one nodded. “It was the very best Zoo ever…”

21. Which of the fol lowing about Professor Hugo’s zoo is true?

A. The animals in the zoo were dangerous.

B. The horse-spider people thought the Earth people were the animals in the zoo.

C. Professor Hugo forced the horse-spider people to travel to Earth.

D. The zoo is open to protect animals with special features. 22. What can be inferred about the people on Earth from the passage?

A. They were able to talk to the horse-spider people.

B. They knew the horse-spider people were dangerous and cruel.

C. They were afraid of the horse-spider people.

D. They were cheated by those horse-spider people.

23. What does “file by” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Walk by.

B. Run away.

C. Hurry in.

D. Stand by.

24. Where does this text probably come from?

A. Science fiction.

B. Children’s literature.

C. A science report.

D. An advertisement.


A Look Inside a Thief’s Mind

1. Of course I look familiar. I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters, or delivering your new refrigerator.

2. Hey, thanks for letting me use the bathroom when I was working in your yard last week. While I was in your home, I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier.

3. To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. To me, it’s an invitation which I am more than happy to accept.

4. If it snows while you’re out of town, get a neighbor to create car and foot tracks into the house, or it will be a dead giveaway. By the way, loud dogs and nosy neighbors are the two things I hate most.

5. It’s raining, you’re fumbling with your umbrella, and you forget to lock your door --- understandable. But understand this: I don’t take a day off because of bad weather.

6. Do you really think I won’t look in your sock drawer? I always check dresser drawers, the bedside table, and the medicine cabinet. Here’s a helpful hint: I almost never go into kids’ rooms.

7. You’re right: I won’t have enough time to break into that safe where you keep your valuables. But if it’s not fastened, I’ll take it with me.

8. Avoid announcing your vacation on your Facebook page. It’s easier than you think to look up your address.

25. Money and valuables might be the safest if kept in your______.

A. kids’ room

B. sock drawer

C. medicine cabinet

D. safe

26. We can draw a conclusion from the text that______.

A. Thieves seldom steal in bad weather

B. if you do housework yourself, you’ll stay away from thieves

C. you yourself are sometimes to blame for a theft

D. you can always count on your neighbors when you are out

27. The main purpose of the article is to _____.

A. summarize when thieves steal most frequently

B. encourage people to spend money on home security systems

C. explain why thieves take up stealing

D. teach people how to protect their homes


We might not be alone in the universe. Actually, it may be confirmed as a very crowded place by new computer models developed to help identify habitable planets.

Estimates of places where life can exist have been based on the possibility of them having surface water. But software recently developed by the Aberdeen University allows researchers to identify planets with underground water kept liquid by heat from planets.

Water is fundamental for life and planets too close to the sun lose water to the atmosphere through evaporation. On the other hand, planets located in distant reaches from their star have their surface water locked away as ice.

Sean McMahon, who is carrying out the work, explained: "Traditionally people have said that if a planet is in this Goldilocks zone—not too hot and not too cold—then it can have liquid water on its surface and be habitable."

But this concept might change when considering that planets can receive two sources of heat—heat direct from the star and heat generated deep inside the planet.

It is easy to observe it in our own planet. As you go down through the crust of the Earth, the temperature gets higher and higher. Even when the surface is frozen, water can exist below ground.

There could be immense quantities of water in fact—full of primitive life.

Professor John Parnell, also from Aberdeen University said: "There is a significant habitat for microorganisms below the surface of the Earth, extending down several kilometers".

"And some believe that the majority of life on Earth could even reside in this deep biosphere."

So the Aberdeen team are developing models to predict which distant planets might harbor underground reservoirs of liquid water with the possibility of alien life.

28.What is considered as the symbol of life existence traditionally?

A. Solid water on its surface.

B. Solid water below ground.

C. Liquid water below ground.

D. Liquid water on its surface.

29.Why did John Parnell mention the fact about Earth?

A.To prove that there is majority of life on Earth.

B.To prove that life may also exist in other planets.

C.To prove that there is primitive life down through Earth.

D.To prove that there is a habitat for microorganisms below Earth.

30.What theory is the Aberdeen team’s study based on?

A.Planets can lose water through evaporation.

B.Planets can receive heat direct from the star.

C.Planets can have their surface water locked away as ice.

D.Planets can receive heat generated deep inside the planet.

31.What can we know about the computer models?

A.They will help identify planets where there is life.

B.They will help researchers find Goldilocks zones.

C.They have helped find some significant discoveries.

D.They have already located some habitats for life.


A report brought back by most visitors to the US is how friendly, polite, and helpful most Americans were to them. To be fair, this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American. There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rude waiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it is an observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.

For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, a traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence. Dullness and loneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distant from one another. Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of distraction, and brought news of the outside world.

The tough realities of the border also shaped this tradition of hospitality. Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often had nowhere to turn except to the nearest settler agent. It was not a matter of choice for the traveler or merely a charitable impulse on the part of the settlers. It reflected the hardship of daily life: if you didn't take in the stranger and take care of him, there was no one else who would. And someday, remember, you might be in the same situation.

Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize in helping the exhausted traveler. Yet, the old tradition of hospitality to strangers is still very strong in the US, especially in the smaller cities and towns away from the busy tourist routes. "I was just traveling through, got talking with this American, and pretty soon he invited me home for dinner-amazing." Such observations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon, but are not always understood properly. The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial)nor as artificial, but as the result of a historically developed cultural tradition.

As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals and customs is the basis of all social interrelationships. And, of course, speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone understands social and cultural patterns. Visitors who fail to "translate" cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions. For example when an American uses the word "friend", the cultural meanings of the word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor's language and culture. It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to tell polite customs from individual interest. Yet, being friendly is a virtue that many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers. 32.In the eyes of visitors from the outside world, ________.

A.rude taxi drivers are rarely seen in the US

B.small-minded officials deserve a serious comment

C.Canadians are not so friendly as their neighbors

D.most Americans are ready to offer help

33.It could be inferred from the last paragraph that _______.

A.culture has an influence over social inter-relationship

B.polite customs and individual interest are inter-related

C.various virtues shows themselves only among friends

D.social inter-relationships equal the complex set of cultural customs

34.Families in border settlements used to entertain strangers _______.A.to improve their hard life B.in view of their long-distance travel C.to add some flavor to their own daily life D.out of a charitable impulse 35.The tradition of hospitality to strangers _______.

A.tends to be superficial and artificial

B.is generally well kept up in the United States

C.is always understood properly

D.has something to do with the busy tourist route



Critical Reading

Critical reading applies to non-fiction writing in which the author puts forth a position or seeks to make a statement. Critical reading is active reading. 36 . Here are the things you should do to be a critical reader.

Consider the context of what is written.

You may be reading something that was written by an author from a different cultural context than yours. Or, you may be reading something written some time ago in a different time context than yours. 37 .

?Question opinions made by the author.

Don't accept what is written at face value. 38 . Look for facts, examples, and statistics that provide support. Also, look to see if the author has involved the work of authorities.

? 39 .

Assumptions are whatever the author must believe is true in order to propose opinions.

However, in many cases, you must read carefully in order to identify any indirect assumption. Once you identify an assumption, you must decide whether or not the assumption is valid.

?Evaluate the sources the author uses.

In doing this, be certain that the sources are credible as well as relevant. 40 . For example, studies done by Einstein in the early 20th century may not be appropriate if the writer is discussing the current state of knowledge in physics.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


第一节完形填空(共20小题;每题1. 5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳


After graduation from college, I started to sell. Soon I discovered that the 41 expression I had been wearing since childhood meant sure 42 . I knew it wasn’t going to be easy to 43 that expression off my face left by so many years of hardship. It 44 a complete change in my view on life. Here is the 45 I tried.

Each morning during a fifteen-minute bath, I 46 to cultivate a big, happy smile. I found out, 47 , that it couldn’t be a forced smile 48 just for the purpose of putting dollars in my 49 . It had to be an honest-to-goodness smile from 50 , an outward expression of happiness from deep down inside!

Let’s see 51 starting with a good fifteen-minute workout of the smile muscles 52 me during the day. Before entering an office I 53 think of the many things I had to be 54 for, work up a big smile and then enter. Seldom did it fail to get the same smile 55 from the person I met. I also found that it put people in a good 56 when I passed them on the street to give them a 57 smile.

Give every living soul you meet the best smile you have 58 smiled in your life, and see how much better you 59 and look. It’s one of the best ways I know to 60 worrying, and start living. When I began doing this, I found I became more welcome everywhere.

41. A. curious B. worried C. innocent D. astonished

42. A. failure B. bankruptcy C. popularity D. wealth

43. A. wear B. see C. wipe D. change

44. A. turned over B. brought in C. called for D. made up

45. A. idea B. course C. approach D. technology

46. A. deserved B. pretended C. sought D. failed

47. A. otherwise B. therefore C. instead D. however

48. A. developed B. introduced C. caught D. discovered

49. A. product B. pocket C. honor D. bill

50. A. forward B. outside C. in D. within

51. A. why B. when C. whether D. how

52. A. upset B. helped C. disappointed D. satisfied

53. A. could B. might C. would D. should

54. A. famous B. eager C. ready D. grateful

55. A. in return B. in advance C. in general D. in public

56. A. motivation B. happiness C. mood D. condition

57. A. bitter B. cute C. pleasant D. forced

58. A. ever B. never C. already D. just

59. A. remain B. prove C. feel D. appear

60. A. avoid B. miss C. keep D. hate

第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


The story goes 61 some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting 62 roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became extremely angry when the child tried to decorate a box 63 (put) it under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning, 64 (say),“This is for you, Daddy.” The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled 65 her, stating, "Don't you know there is supposed to be something inside a gift box?” The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and 66 (cry), "Oh, Daddy, it's not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you." Deeply 67 (touch), the man put his arms around his little girl, and begged for her 68 (forgive).

At one point, each one of us must have been given a gold container filled with 69 (condition) love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends. There is 70 (simple) no other possession more precious than this.

61. 62. 63. 64. 65.

66. 67. 68. 69. 70.




Text 1

M: I've already run 300 miles in my old running shoes, (1) so I should replace them. W: I don't think you need to do that yet. I read in Runner’s Wor m magazine that you can run up to 500 miles in a good pair of shoes.

Text 2

M: Hey, you should come to the movie theater with us tonight. There's a new comedy playing. W: Oh, yeah. I was planning to see it with my roommate.

M: Well, you should both join us. Sitting with a big group is always more enjoyable.


Text 3

M: Michelle, can I see you in my office for a minute?

W: Of course, sir. Am I in trouble?

M: No, don't worry. I just want to talk to you about our new client's project. (3) Text 4

W: Is that your neighbor? He's very good-looking.

M: Well, he's also got a great sense of humor. (4) His jokes always make me laugh. I should introduce you to him.

Text 5

W: Wow! You are walking your dog again. Having a dog is a lot of work.

M: Yes. But this little guy has a loud bark. He keeps anyone from coming into my backyard, (5)

Text 6 (第6题为总结题)

M: You know what I've noticed since I've been in the United States?

W: What?

M: A lot of people have balconies that they don't use.

W: I've never thought about that, but I guess it's because I've lived here my whole life.

Do people use their balconies where you grew up?

M: Yeah, in Puerto Rico, if someone has a balcony, they use it. My sisters and I were always on ours.

W: You used to see smokers on balconies a lot. But now, it's illegal to. Smoke outside of most offices and apartment buildings.

M: Well, we should take advantage of the fresh air, then!

W: You know what? You're right, instead of going out tonight, let's cook here and have dinner on the balcony. (7)

Text 7

M" Which tests are required by American universities?

W: Most universities require the SAT. It's an exam designed

to see if you're prepared for college. The idea is that

if all students take the same test, then schools can

compare them to each other. (8)

M: If I get a low score, does that mean I can't go to college?

W: No. It means that you won't get into a place like Harvard

or Stanford. They're very competitive and want students

with high scores. But there are other colleges that value

different factors.

M: Do foreign students take special tests?

W: Yes. Foreign students also have to take the TOEFL. It's a language test designed to

see if you know enough English to succeed in an American school.

M: Are there classes to help prepare for these tests?

W: Of course. But they're expensive. They're not necessary if you're very motivated.

You can buy test preparation books and study them

yourself. (9)

Text 8

W: You look great, Josh! Did you lose weight?

M: Yeah. Thanks!

W: Are you on some kind of diet?

M: Well, I've been eating between six and nine servings of vegetables each day. (10) W: That's a lot!

M: It is. But those recommendations are just suggested minimums.

W: How do you fit that many vegetables into your diet?

M: It's not that hard. I try to eat two or three servings at every meal. For breakfast,

I have an egg with tomatoes and mushrooms. (11) Or, I mix a couple of vegetables with

some mangoes or pineapples.

W: That sounds strange.

M: No, it's actually quite good. For lunch, I have a big salad with lettuce, carrots, and cucumbers. And then for dinner, I usually have some kind of meat, a small salad, and some cooked green vegetables.

W: It sounds difficult to follow. (12) Have you given up junk food or anything else? M: I haven't had to. When I eat that many vegetables every day, I don't really have time

to eat much else.

Text 9

M: Do you like this house?

W: It's almost perfect. It has three bedrooms and two bathrooms just like we wanted.

Amy and Alison can have the room next to ours, and Joey can have his own room. (13) M: Yes. And the backyard is huge. Our dog will have lots of room to run around. Also, there is a very large dining room where we can host dinners for our families.

W: Yes. I love the dining .room. The light in there is amazing. And the kitchen is to die for. It has so much space! (14)

M: Well, it sounds like we love the house. So, why do you say it's almost perfect?

W: I'm just a little worried, about the neighborhood. (15)

M: What do you mean? This is a wonderful neighborhood.

W: No, I know that. I mean the distance from our jobs. It would add at least an hour

on the road. (15)

M: I hear what you're saying. But this is the nicest house we’ve looked at in our price range. Maybe we can eventually find new jobs that are closer. Honestly, I think it would be very foolish to pass up this deal (16)

Text 10

What is the most popular sport in America?

Most people would probably say baseball, football,

or basketball. These sports are often referred to

as “The big Three”. (17) However, the sport that

has the most overall participants and fans in the

U.S. is actually soccer.

About 25 million people play soccer in the

U.S., which is almost 10% of the total


(18) Many of these players are young people, and soccer's popularity has grown over the years in part because children as young as five years old can play on organized teams. In contrast, most baseball and basketball leagues don't start until ages seven or eight. Also, most parents want to sign their kids up for soccer teams because the sport is considered very safe, unlike football. (19) Most importantly, the culture of youth soccer in America places greater importance on teamwork than being competitive. (20) Because of this, players of all skill levels are able to be part of a team.

"The Big Three" sports make the most money in America. This can be seen in the radio and TV contracts, the value of teams, and the salaries of players. Major League Soccer, the professional soccer league in the U.S., used to lose a lot of money. Now, soccer, stadiums around the country are sold out. The most valuable MLS team, the Los Angeles Galaxy, is valued at over 100 million dollars.

Li Hua 第一部分听力(共三节, 满分30分)

1-5 AABAA 6-10 CAACC 11-15 AABBC 16-20ACBAC



21-24 BCAA 25-27ACD 28-31DBDA 32-35DACB


36-40 EGCAF


第一节完形填空(共20小题;每题1. 5分,满分30分)

41-45 BACCC 46-50 CDABD 51-55DBCDA 56-60CCACA

第二节(共10分;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

61. that 62. a 63. to put 64. saying 65. at

66. cried 67. touched 68. forgiveness 69. unconditional 70. simply



71.as改为with 72.mix改为mixed 73. if改为whether 74.help改为helping

75. more改为less 76. Chinese 前加the/删去language 77. is改为are

78.them改为themselves 79.a前面加not 80. 删去be


One possible version:

Dear fellows:

I am really glad to share my thoughts with you.

Since I know time is limited in senior three, I become so prepared with the heavier

pressure that I made great progress after a full devotion to my study. Meanwhile, in

order to ensure enough energy and efficiency during the day, I made a thorough plan

and follow it strictly every day, which led to a much regulated life.

A good command of English plays a vital role in the coming exam as well as the future

study. Making more use of the knowledge makes you a better informed person. As for

suggestions, I think you should form a habit of taking notes and take advantage of all

sources available to study. Besides, focus on mistakes, and consult your teachers in


Best wishes for all of you.



七年级上册成都市树德实验中学数学期末试卷测试卷附答案 一、初一数学上学期期末试卷解答题压轴题精选(难) 1.如图,O为直线AB上一点,∠BOC=α. (1)若α=40°,OD平分∠AOC,∠DOE=90°,如图(a)所示,求∠AOE的度数; (2)若∠AOD= ∠AOC,∠DOE=60°,如图(b)所示,请用α表示∠AOE的度数; (3)若∠AOD= ∠AOC,∠DOE= (n≥2,且n为正整数),如图(c)所示,请用α和n表示∠AOE的度数(直接写出结果). 【答案】(1)解:∵∠BOC=40°,OD平分∠AOC, ∴∠AOD=∠DOC=70°, ∵∠DOE=90°,则∠AOE=90°﹣70°=20° (2)解:设∠AOD=x,则∠DOC=2x,∠BOC=180﹣3x=α, 解得:x= , ∴∠AOE=60﹣x=60﹣ = (3)解:设∠AOD=x,则∠DOC=(n﹣1)x,∠BOC=180﹣nx=α, 解得:x= , ∴∠AOE= ﹣ = 【解析】【分析】(1)首先根据平角的定义,由∠AOC=∠AOB-∠BOC算出∠AOC的度 数,再根据角平分线的定义由∠AOD=∠DOC =∠AOC算出∠AOD的度数,最后根据∠AOE=∠DOE-∠AOD即可算出答案; (2)可以用设未知数的方法表示角的度数之间的关系,更加清晰明了,设∠AOD=x,则∠DOC=2x,∠BOC=180﹣3x=α,解方程表示出x的值,再根据∠AOE=∠DOE-∠AOD即可用a的式子表示出∠AOE; (3)用设未知数的方法表示角的度数之间的关系,更加清晰明了,设∠AOD=x,则∠DOC=(n﹣1)x,∠BOC=180﹣nx=α,解方程表示出x的值,再根据∠AOE=∠DOE-∠AOD即可用a的式子表示出∠AOE。


成都市树德实验中学数学轴对称填空选择单元测试卷附答案 一、八年级数学全等三角形填空题(难) 1.如图,∠BAC 的平分线与BC 的垂直平分线相交于点D ,DE ⊥AB ,DF ⊥AC ,垂足分别为E ,F ,AB =11,AC =5,则BE =______________. 【答案】3 【解析】如图,连接CD ,BD ,已知AD 是∠BAC 的平分线,DE ⊥AB ,DF ⊥AC ,根据角平分线的性质可得DF=DE ,∠F=∠DEB=90°,∠ADF=∠ADE ,即可得AE=AF ,又因DG 是BC 的垂直平分线,所以CD=BD ,在Rt △CDF 和Rt △BDE 中,CD =BD ,DF =DE ,利用HL 定理可判定Rt △CDF ≌Rt △BDE ,由全等三角形的性质可得BE=CF ,所以 AB=AE+BE=AF+BE=AC+CF+BE=AC+2BE ,又因AB=11,AC=5,所以BE=3. 点睛:此题考查了线段垂直平分线的性质、角平分线的性质以及全等三角形的判定与性质.此题难度适中,正确作出辅助线,利用数形结合思想是解决问题的关键. 2.如图,10AB =,45A B ∠=∠=?,32AC BD ==.点E ,F 为线段AB 上两点.现存在以下条件:①4CE DF ==;②AF BE =;③CEB DFA ∠=∠; ④5CE DF ==.请在以上条件中选择一个条件,使得ACE △一定.. 和BDF 全等,则这个条件可以为________.(请写出所有正确的答案) 【答案】②③④ 【解析】 【分析】 根据三角形全等的判定定理逐个判断即可. 【详解】 ①如图1,过点C 作CM AB ⊥,过点D 作DN AB ⊥ 32,45A B AC BD ∠=∠===? 3CM AM DN BN ∴====


成都树德中学(成都九中)2016年外地生自主招生考试数学试题 考试时间:120分钟,满分:150分 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共60分) 一、选择题(共12小题,每小题5分,共60分) 1、已知a,b 满足a 2?2a ?5=0,b 2?2b ?5=0,且a ≠b,则b a +a b +3的值是( ) (A )15 (B)?15 (C )25 (D)?25 2、若关于x 的不等式组 x ?m <07?2x ≤1 的整数解共有4个,则关于x 的一元二次方程x 2?8x +m =0的根的情况是( ) (A )有两个不相等的实数根 (B )有两个相等的实数根 (C )没有实数根 (D )有一正一负根 3、在边长为2的正方形ABCD 中,对角线AC 与BD 相交于点O,P 是BD 上一动点,过P 作EF ∥AC,分别交正方形的两条边于点E,F.设BP=x,△BEF 的面积为y,则能反映y 与x 之间关系的图象为() A. B. C. D. 4、如图在边长为2的正方形ABCD 中,对角线AC 与BD 相交于点O,P 是BD 上一动点,过P 作EF ∥AC,分别交正方形的两条边于点E,F.设BP=x,△BEF 的面积为y,则能反映y 与x 之间关系的图象为()所示,O 1的半径为3,圆O 2的半径为1,两圆外切于点P ,从O 1上的点A 作圆O 2的切线AB,B 为切点,连AP 并延长,与圆O 2交于点C ,则AB AC ( ) A.12 B. 32 C.45 D.35 5、如果实数a,b,c 满足:a +b ?2 a ?1?4 b ?2=3 c ?3?12c ?5,则a+b+c 的值是( ) A.2 B.20 C.6 D.2 5 6、如图,一根木棒AB 长为8斜靠在与地面OM 垂直的墙壁ON 上,与地面的倾斜角∠ABO=60°,若木棒沿直线NO 下滑,且B 端沿直线OM 向右滑行,则木棒中点P 也随之运动,已知A 端下滑到A ′时,AA ′=4 3?4 2,则木棒中点P 随之运动到P ′所经过的路线长为() (A)π3 (B) 16 3?2413 (C)2 3?1 5 (D)2 7、


四川省成都市树德中学2020级高三物理期中考试卷 考试时间120分钟,分值150分 第I卷(选择题共60分) 一、不定项选择题:(60分)本题共12小题,在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确。全部选对的得5分,选不全的得2分,有选错或不答的得0分。 1、下列说法中正确的是() A、跳高时,在沙坑填沙,是为了减小冲量 B、推小车时推不动,是因为合外力冲量为零 C、小船过河,船头垂直河岸正对对岸航行时,如果河水流速加快,则横渡时间将变长 D汽车拉拖车沿平直路面加速行驶,汽车拉拖车的力大于拖车拉汽车的力 2、下列关于机械能的说法中正确的是() A、在物体速度减小的过程中,其机械能可能反而增大 B物体所受的合力做功为零,它的机械能一定守恒 C物体所受的合力不等于零,它的机械能可能守恒 D改变物体速度的若是摩擦力,则物体的机械能一定改变 3、如图所示,甲、乙、丙三个轮子依靠摩擦传动,相互之间不打滑,其半径 分别为「1、「2、「3。若甲轮的角速度 为速度为() " 「1 1 f 「3 1 —「31 A、 B 、 C 、 r 3 「1 r2 4、如图,位于水平桌面的物块P, 由跨过定滑轮的轻绳与物块Q相连, 从定滑轮到P和Q的两段绳都是水平


间的动摩擦因数都是卩,两物块的质量都是m,滑轮的质量、滑轮轴上的摩擦都不计, 若用一水平向右的力F 拉P 使它做匀速运动,则力F 的大小为 ( ) A 、4 ii mg B 、3 fl mg C 、2 卩 mg D 、卩 mg 5、如图,一物体从半圆形光滑轨道上边缘处由静止开 滑,当它滑到最低点时,关于动能大小和对轨道最低点压 说法中正确的是( ) A 、轨道半径越大,动能越大,压力也越大; B 轨道半径越大,动能越小,压力越大; C 轨道半径越小,动能越小,压力与半径大小无关; D 轨道半径越大,动能越大,压力越小; 7、如图所示,小球从a 处由静止自由下落,到b 点时与弹簧接触,到c 点时弹 簧被压缩到最短,若不计弹簧的质量和空气阻力,在小球由 ( ) A 、小球的机械能守恒 B 小球在b 点时的动能最大 C 、从b 到c 运动过程中小球的机械能逐渐减小 D 小球在C 点的加速度最大,大小一定大于 g 8假设一小型宇宙飞船沿人造地球卫星的轨道在高空中做匀速圆周运动, 若从 飞船上将一质量不可忽略的物体向飞船运动相反的方向抛出,以下说法错误的有 ( ) A 、 物体和飞船都可能按原轨道运动 B 、 物体和飞船可能在同一轨道上运动 6、 一根长为L 的细绳一端固定在0点, 为m 的小球A ,为使细绳与竖直方向夹角为 处于静止状态,对小球施加的最小力等于: A 、 3 mg B 、-3mg 2 a — b — c 运动过程中 mg 2 A


公办名校: 第一等级:七中育才,石室联中,树德实验学校。其中以七中育才最为出名。 第二等级:成都七中初中学校,石室中学北湖校区初中部,成都七中高新校区初中部、树德外国语学校等,可能还有一两所新建的学校。它们的特点是新,但是招牌硬,假以时日可能会有不俗的表现。 第三等级:成都的一些老牌公立学校,南面有棕北联中、棕北中学、十二中等,西面有金牛实验、成都铁中等,北面有列五中学、华西中学等,东面有川师大附中、十九中等,城中心有盐道街中学、西北中学等。这些学校虽然整体生源较差,但也有一些优秀的初中学生。 第四等级:主要是那些初中名校的新分校或新校区,这些学校有一个共同的特点,就是过去基本上属于薄弱学校,如七中育才(东区)是原来的三圣中学,树德实验光华校区就是以前的光华中学,最近的石室八校联盟中的一些学校等等。这些学校原来都是十分薄弱的学校,现在换了招牌,可能会有一点改善,但短期内不会有质的变化。 私立名校: 第一等级:七中嘉祥外国语学校,成都外国语学校,成都实验外国语学校,西川中学。其中以七中嘉祥外国语学校为最。 第二等级:成都实验外国语学校(西区),川师大实验外国语学校,北师大成都实验学校,嘉祥外国语学校成华校区,成都七中实验学校。 第三等级:三原外国语学校,石室外语学校,美视国际学校,树德联合学校、盐道街外语学校等。 从以上公立学校的排名可以看出,新成立的四中北湖,七中高新,九中外国语在今年已经在家长们心目中有很高的排名了。明年就可以看到出口成绩,家长们都在期待这三所学校给大家带来的不俗成绩。 国家级示范性普通高级中学石室中学 成都七中 树德中学 四川师大附中 成都二十中 双流中学 温江中学 棠湖中学 彭州中学 新都一中 大弯中学


2020届四川省成都市树德中学高三期中考试高中物 理 物理试卷 总分值150分考试时刻120分钟 一、选择题〔此题包括12小题,共48分。每题给出的四个选项中,有的只有一个选项正确,有的有多个选项正确,全部选对的得4分,选对但选不全的得2分,有选错的得0分。〕1.如下图,物体由高度相同、路径不同的光滑斜面静止滑下,物体通过AB的路径l与通过ACD的路径2的长度相等,物体通过C点前后速度大小不变,那么( ) A.物体沿路径1滑下所用时刻较短 B.物体沿路径2滑下所用时刻较短 C.物体沿两条路径滑下的时刻相同 D.路径2的情形不够明确,无法判定哪条路径滑下用的时刻的长或短 2.质点所受的合外力F随时刻变化的规律如图,力的方向始终在一直线上,t=0时质点的速度为零,在图示的t1、t2、t3和t4各时刻中,哪一时刻质点的动能最大〔〕 A.t1B.t2 C.t3 D.t4 3.如下图,细绳的一端固定在O点,另一端拴一个小球,平稳时小球位于A点,在B点有一钉子位于OA两点连线上,M点在B点正上方,且AB=BM,与B点等高有一点N,且BN=AB,现将小球拉到与M点等高的点P,且细线绷直,从静止开释小球后,小球的运动情形是( )

A.小球将摆到N点,然后再摆回 B.小球将摆到M、N之间的圆弧的某点,然后自由下落 C.小球将摆到M点,然后自由下落 D.以上讲法均不正确 4.滑轮A可沿与水平面成θ角的绳索无摩擦地下滑,绳索处于绷紧状态可认为是一直线,滑轮下端通过轻绳悬挂一重为G的物体B,假设物体和滑轮下滑时相对静止,那么( ) A.物体的加速度一定小于gsinθB.轻绳所受拉力为Gsinθ C.轻绳所受拉力为GcosθD.轻绳一定与水平面垂直 5.如下图,A、B两物体的重力分不是G A=3N,G B=4N。A用细线悬挂在顶板上,B放在水平面上,A、B间轻弹簧的弹力为F=2N,那么细线中的拉力T及B对地面的压力N的可能值分不是〔〕 A.7N和0N B.5N和2N C.1N和6N D.2N和5N 6.假如一作圆周运动的人造地球卫星的轨道半径增大到原先的2倍,仍作圆周运动,那么( ) A.依照公式V=ωr,可知卫星的线速度将增大到原先的2倍 1 B.依照公式F=mV2/r ,可知卫星所需的向心力将减小到原先的 2 1 C.依照公式F=GMm/r2,可知地球提供的向心力将减小到原先的 4


一、选择题 1.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,点A 的坐标为()4,3-,点P 在x 轴上,且使AOP 为等腰三角形,符合题意的点P 的个数为( ). A .2 B .3 C .4 D .5 2.如图所示,等腰直角三角形ADM 中,AM DM =,90AMD ∠=?,E 是AD 上一点,连接ME ,过点D 作DC ME ⊥交ME 于点C ,过点A 作AB ME ⊥交ME 于点B ,4AB =,10CD =,则BC 的长度为( ) A .3 B .6 C .8 D .10 3.如图,已知30MON ∠=?,点1A ,2A ,3A ,…,在射线ON 上,点B ,1B ,2B ,3B ,…,在射线OM 上,112A B B ,223A B B △,334A B B △,…,均为等边三角形.若11OB =,则202020202021A B B △的边长为( ) A .20192 B .20202 C .20212 D .20222 4.若a ,b 为等腰ABC 的两边,且满足350a b --=,则ABC 的周长为

( ) A .11 B .13 C .11或13 D .9或15 5.如图,在Rt ABC ?中, 90,30,ACB A CD ??∠=∠=是斜边AB 上的高,2BD =,那么AD 的长为( ) A .2 B .4 C .6 D .8 6.等腰三角形两边长为2和4,则其周长为( ) A .8 B .10 C .8或10 D .12 7.北京有许多高校,下面四所高校校徽主体图案是轴对称图形的有( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 8.如图,AEC BED △△≌,点D 在AC 边上,AE 和BD 相交于点O ,若 30AED ∠=?,120∠=?BEC ,则ADB ∠的度数为( ) A .45° B .40° C .35° D .30° 9.如图,是一个 3×4 的网格(由 12 个小正方形组成,虚线交点称之格点)图中有一个三角形,三个顶点都在格点上,在网格中可以画出( )个与此三角形关于某直线对称的格点三角形. A .6 B .7 C .8 D .9 10.若a b c 、、是ABC 的边,且222()()()0,a b a c b c -+-+-=则ABC 是( ). A .锐角三角形 B .直角三角形 C .钝角三角形 D .等边三角形 11.如图,在锐角ABC 中,AB AC =,D ,E 是ABC 内的两点,AD 平分BAC ∠,60EBC E ∠=∠=,若6BE cm =,2DE cm =,则BC 的长度是( )


成都市树德实验中学人教版七年级数学上册期末试卷及答案 一、选择题 1.下列判断正确的是( ) A .3a 2bc 与bca 2不是同类项 B .225 m n 的系数是2 C .单项式﹣x 3yz 的次数是5 D .3x 2﹣y +5xy 5是二次三项式 2.已知a +b =7,ab =10,则代数式(5ab +4a +7b )+(3a –4ab )的值为( ) A .49 B .59 C .77 D .139 3.某地冬季某天的天气预报显示气温为﹣1℃至8℃,则该日的最高与最低气温的温差为 ( ) A .﹣9℃ B .7℃ C .﹣7℃ D .9℃ 4.下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查的是() A .对现代大学生零用钱使用情况的调查 B .对某班学生制作校服前身高的调查 C .对温州市市民去年阅读量的调查 D .对某品牌灯管寿命的调查 5.已知线段 AB =10cm ,直线 AB 上有一点 C ,且 BC =4cm ,M 是线段 AC 的中点,则 AM 的长( ) A .7cm B .3cm C .3cm 或 7cm D .7cm 或 9cm 6.已知线段AB=8cm ,点C 是直线AB 上一点,BC =2cm ,若M 是AC 的中点,N 是BC 的中点,则线段MN 的长度是( ) A .6cm B .3cm C .3cm 或6cm D .4cm 7.下列各数中,绝对值最大的是( ) A .2 B .﹣1 C .0 D .﹣3 8.不等式x ﹣2>0在数轴上表示正确的是( ) A . B . C . D . 9.2019年3月15日,中山市统计局发布2018年统计数据,我市常住人口达3 310 000人.数据3 310 000用科学记数法表示为( ) A .3.31×105 B .33.1×105 C .3.31×106 D .3.31×107 10.下列变形中,不正确的是( ) A .若x=y ,则x+3=y+3 B .若-2x=-2y ,则x=y C .若 x y m m =,则x y = D .若x y =,则 x y m m = 11.已知105A ∠=?,则A ∠的补角等于( ) A .105? B .75? C .115? D .95? 12.下列图形中,哪一个是正方体的展开图( )


成都市树德实验中学数学三角形填空选择单元测试卷附答案一、八年级数学三角形填空题(难) ∠=,边AB的垂直平分线交边BC于点D,边AC的垂直平分线1.在ABC中,BACα ∠的度数为______.(用含α的代数式表示) 交边BC于点E,连结AD,AE,则DAE 【答案】2α﹣180°或180°﹣2α 【解析】 分两种情况进行讨论,先根据线段垂直平分线的性质,得到∠B=∠BAD,∠C=∠CAE,进而得到∠BAD+∠CAE=∠B+∠C=180°-a,再根据角的和差关系进行计算即可. 解:有两种情况: ①如图所示,当∠BAC?90°时, ∵DM垂直平分AB, ∴DA=DB, ∴∠B=∠BAD, 同理可得,∠C=∠CAE, ∴∠BAD+∠CAE=∠B+∠C=180°?α, ∴∠DAE=∠BAC?(∠BAD+∠CAE)=α?(180°?α)=2α?180°; ②如图所示,当∠BAC<90°时, ∵DM垂直平分AB, ∴DA=DB, ∴∠B=∠BAD, 同理可得,∠C=∠CAE, ∴∠BAD+∠CAE=∠B+∠C=180°?α, ∴∠DAE=∠BAD+∠CAE?∠BAC=180°?α?α=180°?2α. 故答案为2α?180°或180°?2α. 点睛:本题主要考查垂直平分线的性质.根据题意准确画出符合题意的两种图形是解题的关键. 2.如图,BE平分∠ABC,CE平分外角∠ACD,若∠A=42°,则∠E=_____°.

【答案】21° 【解析】 根据三角形的外角性质以及角平分线的定义可得. 解:由题意得:∠E =∠ECD ?∠EBC = 12∠ACD ?12∠ABC =12 ∠A =21°. 故答案为21°. 3.一个等腰三角形的两边长分别为4cm 和9cm ,则它的周长为__cm . 【答案】22 【解析】 【分析】 底边可能是4,也可能是9,分类讨论,去掉不合条件的,然后可求周长. 【详解】 试题解析:①当腰是4cm ,底边是9cm 时:不满足三角形的三边关系,因此舍去. ②当底边是4cm ,腰长是9cm 时,能构成三角形,则其周长=4+9+9=22cm . 故填22. 【点睛】 本题考查了等腰三角形的性质和三角形的三边关系;已知没有明确腰和底边的题目一定要想到两种情况,分类进行讨论,还应验证各种情况是否能构成三角形进行解答. 4.如图,七边形ABCDEFG 中,AB ,ED 的延长线交于点O ,若l ∠,2∠,3∠,4∠的外角和等于210,则BOD ∠的度数为______. 【答案】30 【解析】 【分析】 由外角和内角的关系可求得∠1、∠2、∠3、∠4的和,由五边形内角和可求得五边形OAGFE 的内角和,则可求得∠BOD . 【详解】 1∠、2∠、3∠、4∠的外角的角度和为210,


2019-2020成都市树德实验中学(西区)数学中考模拟试卷(附答案) 一、选择题 1.已知反比例函数 y=的图象如图所示,则二次函数 y =a x 2-2x和一次函数 y=bx+a 在同一平面直角坐标系中的图象可能是() A.B.C.D. 2.在下面的四个几何体中,左视图与主视图不相同的几何体是() A.B.C.D. 3.在如图4×4的正方形网格中,△MNP绕某点旋转一定的角度,得到△M1N1P1,则其旋转中心可能是() A.点A B.点B C.点C D.点D 4.如图,将?ABCD沿对角线AC折叠,使点B落在B′处,若∠1=∠2=44°,则∠B为 () A.66°B.104°C.114°D.124° 5.三张外观相同的卡片分别标有数字1,2,3,从中随机一次性抽出两张,则这两张卡片上的数字恰好都小于3的概率是() A.1 9 B. 1 6 C. 1 3 D. 2 3

6.下列命题中,真命题的是( ) A .对角线互相垂直的四边形是菱形 B .对角线互相垂直平分的四边形是正方形 C .对角线相等的四边形是矩形 D .对角线互相平分的四边形是平行四边形 7.在某篮球邀请赛中,参赛的每两个队之间都要比赛一场,共比赛36场,设有x 个队参赛,根据题意,可列方程为() A .()11362x x -= B .()11362 x x += C .()136x x -= D .()136x x += 8.若关于x 的方程333x m m x x ++--=3的解为正数,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .m <92 B .m < 92且m≠32 C .m >﹣94 D .m >﹣94且m≠﹣34 9.现定义一种变换:对于一个由有限个数组成的序列S 0,将其中的每个数换成该数在S 0中出现的次数,可得到一个新序列S 1,例如序列S 0:(4,2,3,4,2),通过变换可生成新序列S 1:(2,2,1,2,2),若S 0可以为任意序列,则下面的序列可作为S 1的是( ) A .(1,2,1,2,2) B .(2,2,2,3,3) C .(1,1,2,2,3) D .(1,2,1,1,2) 10.下列长度的三根小木棒能构成三角形的是( ) A .2cm ,3cm ,5cm B .7cm ,4cm ,2cm C .3cm ,4cm ,8cm D .3cm ,3cm ,4cm 11.下列计算正确的是( ) A .()3473=a b a b B .()23 2482--=--b a b ab b C .32242?+?=a a a a a D .22(5)25-=-a a 12.若正比例函数y=mx (m≠0),y 随x 的增大而减小,则它和二次函数y=mx 2+m 的图象 大致是( ) A . B .


2020-2021成都市树德实验中学小学二年级数学上期中一模试题(附答案) 一、选择题 1.下面的算式,与8×9的积相等的是()。 A. 8×8+9 B. 7×9+9 C. 9×9-8 2.要计算4个5相加的和是多少,列式错误的是()。 A. 5×4 B. 5+5+5+5 C. 4+5 3.两个乘数都是5,积是()。 A. 10 B. 25 C. 15 4.下面的角中,()比直角小。 A. B. C. 5.如果4□-7的差是三十多,□里的数最大是几? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 6.笑笑一本书35元,售货员找给她15元,她付了()元。 A. 40 B. 20 C. 50 7.选择。 (1)35-5= A.30 B.20 C.10 (2)75-5= A.60 B.70 C.40 (3)75-60= A.5 B.15 C.25 (4)98-80= A.90 B.88 C.18 (5)50+40= A.10 B.90 C.70

8.下面()比1米长。 A. B. C. 9.用放大镜看角,这个角()。 A. 变大 B. 变小 C. 大小不变 10.上午9时整,钟面上时针与分针所形成的角是()。 A. 锐角 B. 钝角 C. 直角 D. 平角11.一节火车车厢长25米,下面()描述比较合适。 A. 20个小朋友肩并肩 B. 走20步 C. 20个小朋友手拉手 12.用一根皮尺量一条线段的长度,这条线段长()。 A. 62厘米 B. 60厘米 C. 72厘米 D. 52厘米 二、填空题 13.________ 加法算式:________ 乘法算式:________ 14.1时整,时针和分针的夹角是________度,9时整时针与分针的夹角是________度。15.如图,这个三角尺上有________个直角,________个锐角。 16.65-(2+8),要先算________+________,再算________-________,得数是________。 17.一件衣服原价99元,降价后卖70元,降了________元钱。 18.在横线上填上“>”“<”或“=”. 56米 ________65米 100厘米________ 1米 51厘米________ 49厘米 19.黑板长约3________,手掌宽约5________。 20.从一个数中连续减去4个8 ,还剩3,这个数是________。 三、解答题 21.小明(6岁)和爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈去公园玩,成人票价:8元一张,儿童票价:5元一张,他们一共要付多少钱? 22.停车场停放5辆小汽车和1辆大客车,停一天一共要收多少元?


四川省成都市树德中学2019-2020学年高一下学期 其中考试数学试题 学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单选题 1. 已知,则的值为 ( ) A.B.C.D. 2. 下列结论不正确的是( ) A.若a>b,c>0,则ac>bc B.若a>b,则a﹣c>b﹣c C.若ac2>bc2,则a>b D.若a>b,c<0,则 3. 已知等差数列{a n}前n项和为S n,且a3+a4=12,S7=49,则a1=( ) A.9 B.10 C.1 D.12 4. 已知,且,则() A.2 B.C.3 D. 5. 已知实数x,y满足,z=4x﹣y的最小值的是( ) A.﹣2 B.8 C.﹣1 D.2 6. 在中,若,那么是() A.直角三角形B.钝角三角形C.锐角三角形D.不能确定 7. 已知△ABC的三个内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,其面积为S,若满足关系式a2+b2﹣c2=4S,则角C=( )

A.B.C.D. 8. 已知等比数列{a n}的前n项和为S n,若,且,则m =( ) A.﹣4 B.4 C.D. 9. 《九章算术》是我国古代内容极为丰富的数学名著,书中有一个“引葭赴岸”问题:“今有池方一丈,葭生其中央.出水一尺,引葭赴岸,适与岸齐.问水深、葭长各几何?”其意思为“今有水池1丈见方(即尺),芦苇生长在水的中央,长出水面的部分为1尺.将芦苇向池岸牵引,恰巧与水岸齐接(如图所示).试问水深、芦苇的长度各是多少?假设,现有下述四个结论: ①水深为12尺;②芦苇长为15尺;③;④. 其中所有正确结论的编号是() A.①③B.①③④C.①④D.②③④ 10. 已知数列的通项公式,则 () A.150 B.162 C.180 D.210 11. ( ) A.B.1 C.﹣1 D.


成都市树德实验中学(西区)运动和力单元练习 一、选择题 1.一只木箱,静止放在水平地面上,下列说法中正确的是() A.木箱所受的重力和木箱对地面的压力为一对平衡力 B.木箱所受的重力和地面对木箱的支持力为一对平衡力 C.木箱对地面的压力和地面对木箱的支持力为一对平衡力 D.木箱所受的重力和木箱对地球的吸引力为一对平衡力 2.一名空降兵的质量为60kg.他随身所带的装备(包括降落伞和武器)总重为200N.在匀速下落过程中,若在竖直向上只受空气阻力和重力的作用,则他与所带装备所受的空气阻力为() A.ON B.260N C.788N D.388N 3.一个盛有盐水的容器中悬浮着一个鸡蛋,容器放在斜面上,如图所示,鸡蛋会受到来自水的各个方向的压力,如果画出这些力的合力,则这个合力的方向是图中的 A.F1 B.F2 C.F3 D.F4 4.利比亚当地时间2011年3月19日18时45分起,法国、美国、英国等国家开始对利比亚实施代号为“奥德赛黎明”的军事打击.从一架沿水平方向匀速飞行的飞机上先后落下三颗炸弹,在不计空气阻力的条件下,在炸弹未落地之前,站在地面上的人看到飞机和三颗炸弹的运动情况是 A.B.C.D. 5.下列关于力的说法中正确的是()。 A.只有直接接触的物体间才有力的作用 B.大小相同的两个力作用效果不一定相同 C.弹力是物体受到地球吸引而产生的力 D.摩擦力的大小与物体重力的大小有关 6.如图,将弹簧测力计下端吊着的铝块逐渐浸入台秤上盛有水的烧杯中,直到刚没入水中(不接触容器,无水溢出),在该过程中,下列有关弹簧测力计和台秤示数的说法正确的是

A.弹簧测力计的示数减小,台秤示数不变 B.弹簧测力计的示数不变,台秤示数也不变 C.弹簧测力计的示数不变,台秤示数增大 D.弹簧测力计的示数减小,台秤示数增大 7.下列实例中,属于防止惯性带来危害的是() A.跳远运动员跳远时助跑 B.把锤柄在地上撞击几下,使松的锤头紧套在锤柄上 C.拍打衣服时,灰尘脱离衣服 D.汽车驾驶员驾车时必须系安全带 8.随着经济的快速发展和物质生活水平的提高,人们的精神文化需求日益增长,轮滑运动慢慢成为广大青年群众积极参与的社会活动,在轮滑运动中,下列说法正确的是()A.轮滑受到的重力和水平地面对轮滑的支持力是一对平衡力 B.轮滑下面的轮子是通过变滑动为滚动的方式减小摩擦的 C.轮滑匀速转弯时,受到平衡力的作用 D.轮滑运动时不用力仍能保持向前滑行是由于受到惯性的作用 9.回想你上体育课时的情景,可以联想到相关的物理知识,下列说法错误的是()A.跳远时,加速助跑是为了获得更大的惯性 B.运动鞋底的花纹可以增大摩擦 C.踢足球时,利用了力可以使物体的运动状态发生改变 D.起跑时用力蹬地,利用了力的作用是相互的原理 10.电动平衡车是一种时尚代步工具,如图所示,当人驾驶平衡车在水平路面上匀速前行时,下列说法中正确的是() A.平衡车受到的重力与地面对它的支持力是一对平衡力 B.平衡车前行时,轮子受到路面的摩擦力方向是向前的。 C.关闭电机,平衡车仍继续前行是由于受到惯性作用


国家级示范性普通高中 成都七中;成都七中高新校区树德中学(宁夏校区)石室中学(文庙校区)石室中学北湖校区;树德中学(光华校区);树德外国语学校;师大附中;成都二十中 四川省级示范性普通高中 成都铁中;成都十二中(川大附中)列五中学成都八中玉林中学(芳草校区)交大附中成都十八中成飞中学;成都市西北中学华西中学盐道街中学田家炳中学;通锦中学(原铁二局一中)武侯高中 成都市普通高级中学(含市级示范性中学) 成都三中树德协进中学成都五十中成都三十七中成都三十八中成都大学附属中学高新实验中学成都市实验中学成都十七中成都四十九中金牛中学成都十一中成都十四中成都十六中成都十九中成都二十四中高新区一中 第一层次: 绵阳中学和成都七中并列第一,东辰国际,成都九中,成都四中,南山中学,成都外国语,川师附中(除了绵中和7中以外其它那几所排名都不分先后) 第二层次: 成都第12中学,绵阳芦溪中学,绵阳三台中学,南充高级中学,绵阳科学城一中,泸州高中,广元中学,绵阳外国语,德阳中学,成都双流中学(排名不分先后)第三层次: 棠湖中学,新都一中,温江中学,郫县一中,新津中学,龙泉中学,江油中学,什邡中学,绵竹中学,罗江中学,蜀光中学,富顺二中,自贡一中,荣县中学,大竹中学,渠县中学,达县中学,宣汉中学,宜宾一中,宜宾三中,南溪一中,内江六中,隆昌一中,威远中学,乐山一中,五通桥中学,峨眉二中,资阳中学,简阳中学,安岳中学,眉山中学,仁寿一中,广元中学,苍溪中学,攀钢一中,攀枝花三中,阆中中学,遂宁中学,射洪中学,广安中学,邻水中学,巴中中学,西昌一中,绵阳江油一中,绵阳实验高中,德阳外国语,大湾中学,成都铁路中学(排名不分先后) 根据2012本科上线人数具体排名如下(全省重本上线人数33230人): 【成都外国语学校】:周小琪同学以636分勇夺全省高考文科状元。高蕊馨同学以682分勇夺全省高考理科状元。共计夺得全省文理科前十名中的六个席位。其中,文科:全省前10有4人,全省最多,且1,2,3名都在该校。理科:全省前10有2人(和七中并列第一),包括第1名。 【成都石室中学】:一本上线人数106人,理科最高分667。 【成都七中】:保送生46名,650分以上9人,全省前100名21人,全省前200名34人,600分以上151人。 【成都七中实验学校】:实验班上线,一本超过50%,直升生上线,一本超过60%。 【成都七中嘉祥外国语学】:文科600分以上7人,最高分为616分。理科600分以上41人,最高分为656分。


四川省成都市树德中学2018届高三下学期适应性考试 化学试题 1. 化学在生产和生活中有着重要的作用。下列有关说法不正确 ...的是() A. 水煤气是可再生的能源 B. 嫦娥系列卫星中使用的碳纤维,是一种新型无机非金属材料 C. 只要符合限量,“食用色素”、“亚硝酸盐”可以作为某些食品的添加剂 D. 在有机化工中,氯气是合成塑料、橡胶、人造纤维、农药、染料和药品的重要原料 【答案】A 【解析】分析:A.碳和水蒸气反应生成氢气和CO; B.无机非金属材是除有机高分子材料和金属材料以外的材料的统称; C.正确使用食品添加剂对人体健康有益; D.根据氯气的用途解答。 详解:A.水煤气的主要成分是氢气和一氧化碳,碳和水蒸气反应生成氢气和CO,因此水煤气是不可再生的能源,A错误; B.碳纤维是一种新型无机非金属材料,B正确; C.任何食品添加剂必须控制用量,特别是有害于身体健康的添加剂,在限量范围之内使用不会引起中毒,C正确; D.氯气用途广泛,在有机化工中,氯气是合成塑料、橡胶、人造纤维、农药、染料和药品的重要原料,D 正确;答案选A。 2. N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值。下列叙述错误的是() A. 18g果糖分子中官能团数目为0.6N A B. 已知:3BrF3+5H2O=HBrO3+Br2+9HF+O2↑,如果有15molH2O参加反应,则由水还原的BrF3分子数目为4N A C. 常温下,5.6gFe与含0.2molHNO3的溶液充分作用,最少会失去电子数为0.15N A D. 标准状况下,11.2LCH3Cl所含的极性键数目等于2N A 【答案】C 【解析】分析:A.根据果糖的结构简式判断; B.根据元素的化合价变化,结合电子得失守恒判断; C.根据硝酸与铁的物质的量结合方程式计算; D.根据三氯甲烷的物质的量结合结构简式判断。


一类(B+、B) 成都实验外国语学校西区 西南交大附中 七中万达学校 成都市金牛实验中学(本部) 成都市铁路中学 二类(B-) 成都市第八中学 成都市第二十中学(初中部) 成都市第十八中学 树德博瑞实验学校 成都石室外语学校 三类学校(C+、C、C-) 成都市通锦中学 金牛实验中学北区(原锦西中学) 金牛实验中学西区 成都市金牛中学 铁二院中学 成都市人民北路中学 成都市第三十三中(现在的八中北区)成都市第三十六中学 2 成都青羊区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(A+、A) 成都市石室联合中学 成都市树德实验中学 树德中学光华校区 二类(B、B-) 成都市青羊实验中学 成都市石室联合中学(金沙分校) 成都市石室联合中学(西区) 成都市青羊实验联合中学 成都市成飞中学 四川师范大学实验外国语学校 三类(C+、C) 成都市第十一中学女子学校 成都石室联合中学蜀华分校

成都市树德实验中学(西区) 成都市树德实验协进中学 成都市三十七中学 成都树德实验中学东区(原成都二十四中学) 锦城学校 体育中学 成都市文翁实验学校 3 成都武侯区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(A、B+) 成都西川中学 成都市棕北中学 二类(B、B-) 成都市第十二中学(四川大学附属中学) 成都七中实验学校 成都市棕北联合中学 成都市石室双楠实验学校(原成都双楠实验学校)四川成都西北中学 成都石室锦城外国语学校(原成都市第十六中学)成都武侯外国语学校 三类(C+、C、C-) 成都市通江实验学校 成都市机投中学 成都市金花中学 成都市第四十三中学校 成都武侯金鹏科技实验学校 成都市明成学校 成都市金花光明学校 成都市金花金兴南路学校 成都市春晖学校 成都市金花实验学校 4 成都锦江区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(A+、A、A-) 七中育才 七中嘉祥 九外


成都市部分中学简称全名对照表 学校简称 学校全称 地址 11中 成都市第十一中学 成都市育婴堂街33号 17中 四川省成都市第十七中学 成都市锦江区牛王庙巷37号 18中 成都市第十八中学 成都市金牛区白果林小区金罗路4号 20中 成都市第二十中学(初中部) 成都市金牛区同育街38号 33中 成都市第三十三中(现在的八中北区) 成都市外北高笋塘红旗巷9号 36中 成都市第三十六中学 金牛区天回镇金华寺南路288号 37中 成都市三十七中学 成都市青羊区光华大道一段469号 38中 成都市第三十八中学(北大附中特色教学实验学校)成都市龙潭寺隆兴路8号 3中 成都市第三中学 红星路二段83号 40中 成都市第四十中学(省属) 成都市成华区新街150号 49中 四川省成都市第四十九中学校 成都市建设北路三段56号附3号 52中 成都市第五十二中学

成都市郫县团结镇靖源上街139号 8中 成都市第八中学 成都市一环路北三段72号 成实 成都市实验中学 成都市二仙桥北二路三号 成外 成都外国语学校 成都市羊西线高新西区 川大附中科华校区 四川大学附属中学科华校区(原12中,初中部) 成都市航空路16号 川大附中望江校区 四川大学附属中学望江校区(原12中,高中部) 成都都市太平南新街68号 川师实验 四川师范大学附属第一实验学校 成都市锦江区静安路5号(四川师范大学南大门斜对面)川师附中 四川师范大学附属中学 锦江区劼人路318号 川师实外 四川师范大学实验外国语学校 四川成都锦西小区锦西路66号 电科大附中 成都华西中学(电子科技大学附属中学) 成都市八里小区双建路双建南巷1号 高实 高新实验中学 成都高新区紫荆西路27号 嘉祥成华 成都嘉祥外国语学校成华校区 成都市二仙桥北二路3号 交大附中 西南交大附中 成都市交大路174号 金牛中学 成都市金牛中学 成都市土桥金周路52号 金实 成都市金牛实验中学(本部) 金牛区白果林小区中新路2号 金实北区


四川省成都市树德实验中学2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中化学试 卷 一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共45.0分) 1.下列典故中,主要体现化学变化的是() A. 司马光砸缸 B. 匡衡凿壁借光 C. 周幽王烽火戏诸侯 D. 景皓宁可玉碎不能瓦全 2.对下列实验现象描述正确的是() A. 硫在空气中产生有刺激性气味的二氧化硫 B. 干燥的紫色石蕊花放入装满二氧化碳的集气瓶中变红 C. 氢氧化钠固体露置在空气中逐渐溶解 D. 红磷在空气中燃烧,产生大量的白色烟雾 3.下列操作及数据合理的是() A. 用托盘天平称取20.62g食盐 B. 用100mL量筒量取9.5mL蒸馏水 C. 用10mL量筒量取8.58mL氯化钠溶液 D. 如果没有说明用量,液体药品取1~2mL 4.下列有关空气及其成分的说法正确的是() A. 空气中二氧化碳质量分数为0.03% B. 鱼能在水中生存,说明氧气易溶于水 C. 空气中可吸入颗粒物的多少不会影响人体健康 D. 稀有气体在通电时能发出不同颜色的光,可用作电光源 5.氮气的用途很广泛,下列不属于氮气用途的是() A. 食品包装中充氮气以防腐 B. 灯泡充氮气以延长使用寿命 C. 焊接金属时常用氮气作保护气 D. 医疗上氮气可作为危重病人的急救气 6.在“5H2O”和“5H2O2”中含有相同的是() A. 氢元素个数 B. 氢原子个数 C. 氢分子个数 D. 氧原子个数

7.关于水的电解实验说法正确的是() A. 该实验的主要目的是检验水的组成 B. 水电解产生的氢气和氧气的质量比是2:1 C. 试管甲中的气体能使带火星的木条复燃 D. 实验证明水是由氢气和氧气组成的 8.下列对于宏观事实的微观解释正确的是() A. 氧气经压缩储存在钢瓶中--压强增大,分子变小 B. 金刚石与石墨的物理性质有很大差异--构成它们的原子不同 C. 氦、氖等稀有气体化学性质比较稳定--原子最外层都有8个电子 D. 墙内开花墙外香--分子是不断运动的 9.如图是某粒子的结构示意图,下列叙述正确的是() A. 该粒子第一电子层有8个电子 B. 该粒子是阴离子 C. 该元素属稀有气体元素 D. 该粒子的核电荷数是18 10.硅的原子结构示意图及在元素周期表的信息如图,下列说法错误的是() A. 硅属于非金属元素 B. 硅原子核内有14个质子 C. 硅原子核外有3个电子层 D. 硅的相对原子质量是28.09g 11.微粒观是重要的化学思想,下列关于微粒观的叙述中错误的是() A. 氧离子的结构示意图为 B. 分子可以分为原子 C. 0℃时微粒就停止运动 D. 分子和原子是构成物质的微观粒子



成都金牛区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(B+、B) 成都实验外国语学校西区 西南交大附中 七中万达学校 成都市金牛实验中学(本部) 成都市铁路中学 二类(B-) 成都市第八中学 成都市第二十中学(初中部) 成都市第十八中学 树德博瑞实验学校 成都石室外语学校 三类学校(C+、C、C-) 成都市通锦中学 金牛实验中学北区(原锦西中学) 金牛实验中学西区 成都市金牛中学 铁二院中学 成都市人民北路中学 成都市第三十三中(现在的八中北区)成都市第三十六中学

成都青羊区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(A+、A) 成都市石室联合中学 成都市树德实验中学 树德中学光华校区 二类(B、B-) 成都市青羊实验中学 成都市石室联合中学(金沙分校) 成都市石室联合中学(西区) 成都市青羊实验联合中学 成都市成飞中学 四川师范大学实验外国语学校 三类(C+、C) 成都市第十一中学女子学校 成都石室联合中学蜀华分校 成都市树德实验中学(西区) 成都市树德实验协进中学 成都市三十七中学 成都树德实验中学东区(原成都二十四中学)锦城学校 体育中学

成都武侯区初中学校ABC类排名 一类(A、B+) 成都西川中学 成都市棕北中学 二类(B、B-) 成都市第十二中学(四川大学附属中学) 成都七中实验学校 成都市棕北联合中学 成都市石室双楠实验学校(原成都双楠实验学校) 四川成都西北中学 成都石室锦城外国语学校(原成都市第十六中学)成都武侯外国语学校 三类(C+、C、C-) 成都市通江实验学校 成都市机投中学 成都市金花中学 成都市第四十三中学校 成都武侯金鹏科技实验学校 成都市明成学校 成都市金花光明学校 成都市金花金兴南路学校

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