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Uncle Tom’s Cabin can be called the highest achievement of literature and the most outstanding representative work of abolition literature in the United States, which was created by Mrs. Stowe.Uncle Tom is selfless, pure and noble, but he became a victim of slavery. One objective factor is the historical background of slavery, however, the more important reason is that Tom was influenced by Christianity. This paper gives a brief introduction to Mrs. Stowe's life and her major works,the background of Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the main contents of the novel. In addition the research methods and results of the novel from the domestic and foreign scholars are summarized.The main characteristics of character in the novel and their performances on the Christian spirit are described in detail.Mrs. Stowe’s reconsideration of American society and criticism on religion and the analysis of the philanthropy about Christian in the novel are present.Finally, the important influence of the novel on the promotion of the slave system and the spirit of Christ are summarized.

Key words: Uncle Tom’s Cabin; character study;Christian elements analysis;

influence of this novel


Thesis Statement: This paper discusses the Christian Elements in Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the influence of this Novel.

I. Introduction

A. Mrs. Stowe’s Life and her Major Works

B. The Background of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

C. Brief Introduction to the Novel

D. Literature Review

II. Characters’ Christian Elements in the Novel

III. The Analysis of the Philanthropy About Christian in the Novel

A. Devout Heart and Forgiveness—Tom

B. The Gospel of Angels—Eva

C. The Universal Love of Christ—George

Ⅳ. Christian Elements’ Influence in the Novel

A. Influence on the Liberation of the Blacks: from Slaves to the President

B. Influence of Christianity Reflected by the Novel

V. Conclusion

I. Introduction

This part mainly brief introduces the novel and the creation background of U ncle Tom’s Cabin. Meanwhile, Mrs. Stowe’s life and her major works were presented, which can enhance the understanding of the novel.Finally, the literature review from the domestic scholars and foreign scholars are introduced,and the necessity of this paper is analyzed.

A. Mrs. Stowe’s Life and her Major Works

Harriet Beecher Stowe (June 14,1811-July 1,1896), American abolitionist and writer, the author of famous novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. She was born in North America, the seventh of 13 children, a famous priest family with outspoken religious leader. From 1820s, the abolition of slavery has become the central issue of public opinion in the United States. At that time, many famous American writers were standing on the side of the abolition of slavery, and called for the liberation of slaves, Mrs. Stowe is one of the most outstanding writers in this group of abolitionist.1 Uncle Tom's Cabin inspired a generation of "abolition movement", also put the civil war on the stage of history. She was praised by Abraham Lincoln that the little lady who started this great war!, and ranked as forty-first among the impact of 100 characters in America that was named by the United States authoritative journal of the Atlantic.

Harriet Beecher Stowe enrolled in the seminary(girls' school),where she received a traditionally education in the classics. At the age of 21, she moved to Cincinnati, Ohio to join her father, which was first time to participate in the abolition of slavery and joined a literary salon and social club named the Semi-Colon Club. At that time Harriet Beecher Stowe supported the Underground Railroad, temporarily housing several fugitive slaves in their home. Harriet Beecher Stowe was honored with a feast day on the liturgical calendar of the Episcopal Church (USA) on July 1, the United States Postal Service issued a 75¢ Distinguished Americans series postage

stamp in memory of her achievements on June 13,2007 and was proposed by the Ohio Historical Society as a finalist in Statuary Hall at the United States Capitol.2 The main works of her life are as follows: Mark Meriden(1841),Uncle Tom's Cabin(1852),A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin(1853), Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands(1854), the Minister's Wooing(1859), The Pearl of Orr's Island(1862), The Chimney Corner (1866), Old Town Folks(1869), My Wife and I(1871), Palmetto Leaves(1873), Women in Sacred History(1874), Footsteps of the Master(1877), the Poor Life(1890).

B. The Background of Uncle Tom’s Cabin

In 1444,Portugal became the first modern nation to meet its labor needs by importing blacks captured from Africa.In 1800,there were nearly one million black slaves in America and by 1860 the figure had quadrupled.In 1850, the United States approved of the second "Fugitive Slave Law", it was the illegal acts to be punished for assistance to the slaves to escape and it limited rights of the fugitive and the free black. At that time, Harriet Beecher Stowe had moved with her family into a home near the campus of Bowdoin College in Brunswick. In response to this law she planned to write a story about the problem of slavery.3In June 1851, when she was 40, the first installment of Uncle Tom's Cabin was published soon in the National Era.3Uncle Tom's Cabin was first published in book formed by John P. Jewett with an initial print run of 5000 copies on March 1852.One part of the creative inspiration of Uncle Tom's Cabin was from the autobiography of Josiah Henson and the novel was so strong that Harriet Beecher Stowe’s own children sobbed when they read the first chapters.Since then Harriet Beecher Stowe became a celebrity, speaking against slavery both in America and Europe.

C. Brief Introduction to the Novel

This story of Uncle Tom's Cabin takes place throughout the states of Kentucky and Mississippi in the plantations and fields, and its theme is the evil and immorality

of slavery.4Uncle Tom's Cabin tells the stories of three slave that is Tom, Eliza and George, who starts out together in Kentucky, but whose lives take different turns. Uncle Tom's Cabin can be seen in four uneven parts:Part one is consisting of chapters one through nine, which is about the slave Eliza and her escape to freedom; Part two is consisting of chapters ten through twenty-nine, which is about uncle Tom and his relationship with little Eva on the St. Clare plantation; Part three is consisting of chapters thirty through forty-two, which is about Simon and the death of uncle Tom; Part four is consisting of chapters forty-three through forty-five, which is about a resolution of the action and Harriet Beecher Stowe's appeal for the end of slavery.

D. Literature Review

Uncle Tom's Cabin is a classic of world literature. This work, whether its ideological, artistic, historical position or literary value, can be called the highest achievement of literature and the most outstanding representative work of abolition literature in the United States. Although the work’s times background has changed, the literary criticism at home and abroad is still enthusiastic, and new research results continue to emerge.

As early as nineteenth Century, foreign scholars began to study Uncle Tom's Cabin, and wrote a large number of research results. The followings are some of ideas from different analysis points.

Kevin Pelletier(2009) by the method of sentimentalism analyzed the work, considered that the work expresses the idea that each of the slave will be sympathetic and caring for the slaves, the viewpoint that white Americans should care for black slaves was got.

Molly Farrell(2010) starting from the influence of Christianity on the novel, analyzed Mrs. Stowe’s family development and cultural background. It’s concluded that Christianity is deeply rooted in Mrs. Stowe's heart, and Christian philosophy plays a very important role in her works.

Patrick Colm Hogan(2012) through the comparative analysis of different scholars’ views of Mrs. Stowe and the characters described in the work, especially

Mrs. Stowe considered many black slaves as children, it proved that Mrs. Stowe has the white supremacy in her unconscious.

Although the domestic scholars' research on Uncle Tom's Cabin started late, in recent years a large number of research results have emerged, scholars from different angles interpreted deep the work. The followings are a summary of some more unique perspectives on them.

Gu Chenjuan (2008) analyzed the four typical white female images in this novel, revealed the unfair treatment they suffer and weakness and compromise when they face slavery. It concluded that the white women want to overthrow slavery, the main task is to overthrow the mountain of male-dominated society.

Li Sujie(2011) through the comparison of narrative strategy about Uncle Tom's Cabin, the work can be divided into two kinds of narrative strategy, that is straight narrative strategy and varied narrative strategy. It concluded that Uncle Tom's Cabin is a good narrative work of unique conception and imagination, and is also a perfect art paradigm combination content with form.

Yang Kun(2012) sketched the behavior features of main characters in the novel, analyzed the influence of religious culture on the character’s fate, highlighted the limitations of the novel in the shadow of the religious culture, and concluded that the negative effects of religious preaching on the of work’s positive meaning.

In summary, many scholars have analyzed and studied the images of many characters in Uncle Tom's Cabin, but there are still many points of view that have not been excavated. Therefore, there is a lot of space for study and interpretation of the characters in this work.

II.Characters’ Christian Elements in the Novel

This part mainly brief introduces characters’ Christian elements in the novel. Through the analysis of typical characters’ life experience in the novel,we can better understand the Christian elements in the whole novel.

Uncle Tom is an old black Christian slave at the Shelby house in Kentucky, the central figure in the novel, who is obedient, stoic and loyal to the white master. In the whole work, he not only endured the pain of exploitation, but also always adhere to their own beliefs. The Bible didn’t leave his hands all the day and he bear everything, in other words, he followed the master’s arrangement. The Bible is Uncle Tom’s spiritual power sources for enduring all miserable condition, it’s the main reason of his personality formation, not his stupid or complacent.

Mr. Shelby was in debt pile and forced to sell his top aide, Tom and five year old Harry to a slave trader Haley. When he heard the news, Tom's wife, Harry's mother and aunt Chloe Eliza advice Tom escape, but Tom didn’t do like that. He didn't want to escape, which causes that other slaves were sold by the owner, but he would rather bear all the pain. On the slave ship, he saw a black woman and her children were forcibly separated, then they committed suicide. Although Tom was crying for the fact in his heart, he still bowed his head, read the Bible and sang a praise song. Later, Tom was sold to a violent manor called Alegre. Alegre brutally tortured Tom, designed to let him do the dirty work. In this regard, Tom has no resistance, just humiliation. After founding Tom help a sick woman slave, Tom was beat by Alegre's men. But he still had no resistance and didn’t disclose the hideout. Before he died, he forgave Alegre and his men.

In summary, Christian element is an indispensable part of western cultures and an important element in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The author considered Tom’s s pirit of self-sacrifice, less complain nothing due to his Christian qualities, but his beliefs make him submissive, don’t know against, be docile and obedient to the master. This is not only the root cause of the formation of his suffering fate, but also his Christian factors.

III. The Analysis of the Philanthropy about Christian in the Novel

This part analyzed the philanthropy about Christian in the novel from three parts and lists three typical characters.Tom is the representative of devout love and forgiveness,Eva is the representative of the gospel of angels and George is the representative of the universal love of Christ.Through the analysis of typical characters,we can better understand the elements of Christ.

Mrs. Stowe reveals the black slavery and the living conditions of the slaves in the south of the United States, the slaves who has no food, no clothes, no freedom, no social status, no self-esteem and no personality, was traded as cattle by the slave owners and they are subjected to physical and mental torture. Therefore Mrs. Stowe advocated freedom and promoted the development of the American abolition of slavery.Meanwhile, people’s personality and fate have been greatly affected by Christianity, so Mrs. Stowe added a strong religious color in the creation of work.Mrs. Stowe thought Christianity can exercise the quality of patience and forgiveness,feel no longer pain and suffering in pain without lost, contain a pure heart of love with aspiration, and solve numbness of the soul.

The inner elements of religion include the idea and experience of religion. Each religion has a set of instructions on its beliefs, which constitute a kind of religious world view. It is the inner basis of the religious behavior and the skeleton of the religious organization, which plays a decisive role in the constitution of the whole religious system. The Christian theologians praised God who created everything. The emotional experience of religion is produced by the special experience and direct experience of the religious belief in the sacred object. Religious emotional experience has a variety of expression forms. Uncle Tom's cabin reflects the inner elements of Christianity by the words and deeds of the typical characters. Tom and St. Claire's daughter read the Bible, pray and sing praise, he tried to use Christian influence Claire.

A. Devout Love and Forgiveness—Tom

In this novel, the author expresses the belief of devout love and forgiveness through some pure Christians, such as Uncle Tom. Tom was a devout Christian, he very admired God, as a devout Christian, He is loyal to his master, hard-working and capable. In the novel, Tom has experienced three masters, whether the master is kind or cruel, he always works hard for the master without any complaint. Tom is a faithful slave, his first master is Shelby who trusts him and let Tom do all the work. The faith of Tom is due to Tom's belief in Christ. Tom gives up a chance to escape after getting that he would be sold by Shelby ,Because he knew that if he escaped, Shelby would sell the other slaves. On the way, Tom read the "Bible" to comfort their own minds. At the sight of their peers slaves suffered, he used the "Bible" to comfort other slaves. Tom's second master, St. Claire, is still very kind and trust in Tom. After Claire's death, Tom was sold to the brutal slave owners. After Tom was beaten, Tom gained strength from the Christian faith.

Just like Tom said: “Tom looked up to his master, and answered, if you was sick, or in trouble, or dying, and I could save you, I’d give y ou my heart’s blood; and if taking every drop of blood in this poor old body would save you precious soul…”3 Even dealing with the cruel overseer, Tom did not hate them, still thought God will send them to go to heaven in the dying moments. Tom was a man who is willing to sacrifice himself. When he learned that he was sold in the middle of the night. He did not adopt the Elida’s advice to escape. He exchanged a man's sacrifice for the freedom of all the servants of Shelby Manor. Uncle Tom's integrity, love and obedient people pity and sympathy let people sympathize. In Porto Alegre cotton plantation, various manifestations of Tom embody the spirit of Christ, love and forgiveness. From these events, we can see that Tom attached importance to God, conscience and justice. Tom follows the Christian spirit of love and forgiveness.

B. The Gospel of Angels—Eva

Eva and uncle Tom have a common belief, which make their relationship more closely: Uncle Tom speaks the most wonderful story; Eva always read the "Bible" for

uncle Tom in Uncle Tom's heart, because she has a good music keen sensibility, imagination and the sacred things natural sympathy. At this time, When Uncle Tom abused in Legrip manor, Questioning God in pain. He seemed to hear Eva again for him reciting scriptures, saw Eva deep eyes, kindness looked at him, the warm and comforting light in his mind. After her death became his heart of the gospel, so that he can calmly face the life of torture and death.

Eva is the messenger to spread gospel, with strong religious color. In the novel, Eva was the daughter of Tom's second master, St. Claire. In order to read to Tom, Eva contacted with the Bible , and soon, She began to believe in Christianity. Eva, in spite of his mother Marie's opposition, still treated all the slaves in the house with Christian love, Topsy was the most unruly small slave, Eva let her believe that Jesus Christ will help her to learn. Topsy was deeply moved, gave up a lot of bad habits, and wholeheartedly loved the little master. Eva knew that he was going to die, not only didn’t he feel fear, but longing to go to heaven, and tried to persuade his father to teach all slaves to Christianity, to read the "Bible" and pray. Christian can enter the kingdom of heaven, and Jesus will help him.

C. The Universal Love of Christ—George

Stowe emphasizes Christian moral influences in the novel. Many people are influenced by the thought of the universal love of Christ. One of the typical characters is the black slave George and the slave Lord San Claire.

The other main line of this article is the experience of the successful escape from George and his wife. The owner is jealous of George's ability and cleverness, So deliberately tortured him. George will not endure humiliation, and decided to flee. Before the escape, George complained to his wife about his injustice. Eliza tried to persuade George to believe in Christ. But George firmly believed that he could not believe in God. On the way to escape, George still questioned the existence of god. George's attitude towards Christianity changed, which was from beginning to see his wife and children in church village. When George saw the village church of Christ

helped runaway slaves, began to accept Christianity. George and his wife arrived in Canada, on the way to final victory, met the long lost relatives and started a new life. After George's success in higher education, he decided to go back to Africa with his family and make contributions to his country. "I will go to my country as a patriotic Christian, a Christian priest.”3 George's transformation from the slave to the free man depend on his indomitable struggle, Christian will get God's help.

IV. Christian Elements’ Influence in the Novel

This part mainly introduces two aspects; one aspect is the influence on the liberation of the blacks: from slaves to the president,the other aspect is influence of Christianity reflected by the novel.Through the elaboration of the novel’s influence, people can better understand that Uncle Tom's Cabin has high literary value and important historical significance.

A. Influence on the Liberation of the Blacks: from Slaves to the President

As the first widely circulated political novel, "Uncle Tom's cabin" is a whole historical novel, The novel profoundly shows the positive effect of religion on the movement of American abolition, The Christian doctrine of the novel has a profound effect on the white and black abolitionists. It mobilized a large number of Americans into the abolition of slavery, deeply touched the American society, accelerated the outbreak of war. Most of the white people, who have a Christian background, have been inspired by the Christian faith to participate in the abolition movement. Blacks of the Christian faith had never stopped the resistance to slavery, and Christianity also contributed to the black culture. Uncle Tom's cabin played a great role in a country's turbulent times, It pushed Lincoln and his government to abolish slavery. The novel's tolerance and universal love has always been the value orientation of the westerners. "Uncle Tom's cabin" is considered to be the representative of the United States in nineteenth Century. It led the way to the liberation of black slaves.

B. Influence of Christianity Reflected by the Novel

By brief introducing the typical characters in the novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin analyzed profound influence of the Christian culture on the fate of the characters and its outstanding significance. Uncle Tom's Cabin’s shrewd an d success lies in it not

only depicts the oppressed slaves of misery, but also showed that the slave owners in the upper social class’s soul of the distortion and torture to the readers. Today, although the United States has already been abolished slavery, the novel is still widely read and enduring, because the tolerance and love spread by the novel are always westerners’ value orientation. Tom's humility and self sacrifice, Eva’s love and Topsy’s repentance and conversion are all inextricably linked to th e spirit of Christ.

Christian freedom, equality in the minds of several owners who have a direct or indirect manifestation. Tom's mistress, Mrs. Shelby, is a good woman. She has a very high moral and religious sense, so she is loved by the slaves. Mrs. Shelby was shocked and angry, after hearing her husband sold the son of faithful Tom and Electra. Master George has a very deep feelings for Tom. After he heard that Tom had been sold, George young master said to the slave trader: "I will never sell slaves when I grow up. I am ashamed of myself as a Kentucky man!"It is because there are such a group of young master George has a free spirit, integrity, good Christian presence, Great changes have taken place in American society in the coming days. They played a very important role for the liberation of slaves. Elida grew up in Shelby manor in the hostess care, received a good education, become a devout Christian. Heard that her son is going to be sold, Elida immediately produced the idea of escape. The Christian faith encourage Elida fighting for their rights. With the help of many good and righteous strangers, she finally reunited with her husband, fled to Canada, and lived the life of a free man. In the view of Stowe. Freedom belongs to those who fight for their freedom.

By brief introducing the typical characters in the novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin analyzed profound influence of the Christian culture on the fate of the characters and its outstanding significance. Uncle Tom's Cabin’s shrewd and success lies in it no t only depicts the oppressed slaves of misery, but also showed that the slave owners in the upper social class’s soul of the distortion and torture to the readers. Today, although the United States has already been abolished slavery, the novel is still widely read and enduring, because the tolerance and love spread by the novel are always westerners’ value orientation. Tom's humility and self sacrifice, Eva’s love and

Topsy’s repentance and conversion are all inextricably linked to the spirit of Christ. Although the novel has now lost its political significance in its original creation time, Its strong religious color and artistic achievements made by the powerful Christian culture still make it an irreplaceable position in the history of the world's novels.

V. Conclusion

The author shows the reader with a combination of facts: The slave owners were not likely to be kind to the slaves. If the slave owners choose kindness, they will lose their profit. The humble of Tom made him lose his life. So the author guides the reader to realize that the root of all evil is slavery. People have found an outlet for anger—Fight for the abolition of slavery. Uncle Tom's Cabin also became a spiritual home of Christian, uncle Tom is the real hero of the era. 150 years have passed, but people would never forget the man who is never afraid of defeat. Uncle Tom proved to the world that the black man in this world is truly an independent individual, and is not born to be a slave to the white man.

In the novel Uncle Tom's cabin, Mrs. Stowe believed that Christian element played an important role in the liberation of black slaves and the abolition of slavery. Western novels often cite the statement and allusions from Bible, which is the source of novel creation.From the analysis of internal and external elements of Christianity, the plot arrangement of the novel and the shaping of characters are closely related to Christianity, which contains a strong Christian culture.Christianity promoted the development of the plot,expressed the typical character's feelings,accused his tragedy and formed a distinctive character.Eventually the purpose of critical slavery is reached and the slavery is abolished.


1 Elizabeth Emmons, “Heroines in Uncle Tom’s Cabin,”American Literature, (1

2 July 1977),179.

2 顾晨娟,“《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中的白人女性形象,”《文化研究》,2008(3),第182页.


4 杨春,“《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的新历史主义解读,”《湘南学院学报》,2006(1),第59页.


Kevin Pelletier. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Apocalyptic Sentimentalism.”Literature Interpretation Theory (20 October 2009) ,278.

Mandy Reid. “Racial Profiling: Visualizing Racial Science on the Covers of Uncle Tom’s Cabin,1852-1928.” Rutledge (12 July 2008), 369.

Molly Farrell. “Dying Instruction: Puritan Pedagogy in Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

American Literature (23 January 2010),244.

Patrick Colm Hogan. “The many Implicated Authors of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.”

Narrative (8 January 2012) ,26.





中文书名:汤姆叔叔的小屋 原文书名:The Literaturre Of The World 书籍作者:比彻•斯托夫人 内容摘录: 一个人的灵魂比世界上任何值钱的东西都宝贵。给饥饿的人食物,给受冻的人衣服,对于不幸的人更要安慰他。 我的观点 故事从一个奴隶主与一个奴隶贩子的讨价还价中开始。美国肯塔基州的奴隶主赛尔比在股票市场上投机失败,为了还债,决定把两个奴隶卖掉。一个是汤姆,他是在谢尔比的种植场出生的,童年时就当伺候主人的小家权,颇得主人欢心,成年后当上了家奴总管,忠心耿耿,全身心维护主人利益。另一个要卖掉的奴隶是黑白混血种女奴莉莎的儿子霍雷,当莉莎偶然听到主人要卖掉汤姆和自己的儿子后,就连夜带着儿子往加拿大逃奔。她的丈夫乔治伺机逃跑,与妻子汇合,带着孩子,历经艰险,终于成功地抵达加拿大。汤姆却是另一种遭遇。他知道并支持莉莎逃走,但是他自己没有逃跑。由于他从小就被奴隶主灌输敬畏上帝、逆来顺受、忠顺于主人这类的基督教说教,对主人要卖他抵债,也没有怨言。他被转卖到新奥尔良,成了奴隶贩子哈力的奴隶。在一次溺水事故中,汤姆救了一个奴隶主的小女儿吉林克利亚的命,孩子的父亲尚德克利亚从哈力手中将汤姆买过来。当了家仆,而汤姆和小女孩建立了感情。不久小女孩突然病死,尚德克利亚根据小女儿生前愿望,决定将汤姆和其它黑奴解放。可是当还没有来得及办妥解放的法律手续时,尚德克利亚在一次意外事故中被人杀死。尚德克利亚的妻子没有解放汤姆和其它黑奴,而是将他们送到黑奴拍卖市场。从此,汤姆落到了一个极端凶残的红河种植场奴隶主西蒙手中。西蒙把黑奴当作会说话的牲口,任意鞭打,横加私刑。汤姆忍受着这非人的折磨,仍然没有想到要为自己找一条生路,而是默默地奉行着做一个正直人的原则。在这种植场有两个女奴为了求生,决定逃跑,她们躲藏起来。西蒙怀疑汤姆帮助她们逃走,把汤姆捆绑起来,鞭打得皮开肉绽,死去活来。但是汤姆最后表现出了他对奴隶主的反抗,什么都没有说。在汤姆奄奄一息的时候,他过去的主人赛尔比的儿子裘奇赶来赎买汤姆,但是汤姆已经无法领受他过去的小主人迟来的援手,遍体鳞伤地离开了人世。裘奇就地埋葬汤姆,回到家乡肯塔基后,裘奇就以汤姆大叔的名义解放了他名下的所有黑奴,并对他们说:你们每次看见汤姆大叔的小屋,就应该联想起你们的自由。 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》这本书,清楚的让我了解美国两百年前的黑奴制度。其中描写人性的部分特别深入,不管是白人黑人都一样有感情、有思想,也有善良或邪恶。作者用心刻画出忠诚的黑奴汤姆,表现出他不屈服威胁,坚持自己良知和信仰的精神。故事中对于黑奴在拍卖站所受的凌辱,以及遭受种种不人道的对待,都描述得极为生动。黑人和黑人之间的相互扶持,也显现出人性的光辉。


《汤姆叔叔的小屋》是美国作家哈里特?比彻?斯托(斯托夫人)发表的一部反奴隶制小说。下面是给大家介绍的汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感,欢迎阅读。 【篇一汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感】 哲人说,名著只有反复读才能体会到书的精髓。我读《汤姆叔的小屋》已经有四五遍了,如今才能领略到几分滋味。 汤姆给我的印象,起初便只是一个“忠”字,忠于主人、终于上帝耶和华,忠于自己的信仰。他那份过于执着的教条的忠诚,让我有一种头皮发麻近乎窒息的感觉,在列格雷的铁鞭和狂怒的咒骂下,他依然平静地忠于主人,甚至当卡西夫人希望带他一起逃走时,他竟然拒绝砍死睡梦中的列格雷、拒绝逃走,他竟还劝卡西去相信上帝,去原谅、去爱糟蹋他们的魔鬼一列格雷。就因为列格雷是他的主人,他要一丝不苟地按照上帝的指示去爱每一个人,至死不渝的忠于自己的主人,绝不背叛主人。 主人再无情,汤姆也不会无义的。我不禁想尖叫,他的这份忠诚很恐怖,像寒冬里硬把炭火往人的身上泼,对待阴森冷酷的社会,没有反抗,只有顺从、只有忠诚,但这份感情并不会感化像恶狗一样的奴隶主,只会令他恐惧,进而令他疯狂地绞杀。所以那些像比干、伍子胥、寇准、汤姆这种忠诚,不仅不会有益于苍生,反而会使恶人更猖獗,使社会更黑暗。其实有时候像中国儒学和黑奴们所信仰的所谓忠诚未必是什么好事 汤姆对万能的上帝的信奉和忠诚到了一种任凭电击雷劈都不会动摇的地步, 他从未怀疑过上帝的真实性和所谓的上帝的力量,就在他遍体鳞伤、奄奄一息地躺在狭小的稻草上,被蚊子叮咬的浑身是血的时候,他也依然相信他的上帝一定会解救他脱离苦海的,到死他都没有停止吟诵圣经,到死他还睁大眼睛渴望看到天堂的光明。

其实一直是他自己将自己的灵魂禁锢在躯体里,他并没有过希望,他只相信上帝会改变这所有的不幸,此时我也不知道是该怨恨榨人骨髓的奴隶制度,还是应该批判教堂教会麻痺人的每一条神经的无耻,还是该将所有的哀怒倾洒给那些原本善良却又无知的像汤姆一样的“奴隶”们呢? 不过,汤姆的信仰和忠诚却又并不是像日本大兵那样,无论是非善恶美丑对错都无条件地服从于大日本帝国和皇陛下以及武士道精神。汤姆的忠诚和服从,是以爱和信任为基础的,他从不违背正义的标准去按主人的指示为非作歹,就像他不想去大可怜的露西,所以宁愿替她挨打。他说“我不会打她,您可以让我不停地在地里为您干活,这我毫无怨言,但只要我有一口气在,我就不会做我认为不对的事情,不管您怎么打骂我,我也不会干的。”因为上帝向他讲述了多么美丽、和谐的天堂,只有好人才能上天堂。上帝告诉了他要爱、要忠诚、要善良,这就是汤姆单纯的判断标准。其实对与错也就是如此简单,很多事情也并不是那么复杂的,只需要一个简单的道德判断标准,然后去坚持、信奉、守卫住它 汤姆临终前的最后一句话是“谁又能把我和上帝和爱分开呢?”我才知道, 在他的心里,上帝与爱是一体的,上帝就是爱的化身,是上帝给了他爱。所以他 相信上帝也是爱他的。他爱并信任所有的人,他也在感化着那些本性善良的人们。其实他的信仰和忠诚是无瑕的,是出于爱的,因为爱从未错过。 现在一定会有人嘲笑汤姆叔叔教条式的那份忠诚是多么的愚蠢和无知,而今天缺少的恰恰是这份忠诚,追根到底缺少的是爱。缺少了对朋友的爱,就对友谊不忠诚;缺少了对父母的爱,就是对亲情不忠诚;缺少了对国家的爱,就是对国家的不忠诚,是卖国贼。


汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感作文800字 终于读完了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,不知道应该怎样来表达我此时此刻的心情,是沉重、是悲伤……心中像是有一片奔腾的大海,久久未能平静。为什么善良、好心的人们都落得如此下场?忠厚热情的汤姆叔叔,单纯可爱,犹如一个天使的伊娃,年轻英俊且总那么善良的圣克莱尔先生,还有好心的谢尔比先生,为什么都无法逃脱厄运的折磨? 整本书贯穿了汤姆叔叔的悲惨命运。最初肯塔基州的谢尔比先生是他的`主人,后因欠债,不得不把他卖给脾气暴躁的奴隶贩子黑利。不过,这时出现了像金丝雀般的伊娃,在货轮上命运安排他们相识并成为好朋友。纯洁的伊娃便让父亲圣克莱尔先生买了他,理由新鲜而又天真:“我只是想让他快活。”然而,不幸再次降临到了好人的头上,伊娃病死了,圣克莱尔先生也因劝两个打架的人而被刺中了致命的一刀,前两天,他还准备送汤姆叔叔回家呢,可一切竟发生得如此出人预料。一个新的坏主人出现了——雷格里。他不仅粗暴狠毒,而且憎恨善良,一个人到了这种地步,多么可悲呀。对于忠实能干的汤姆叔叔,他出于邪恶对善良的本能因而讨厌他。后来汤姆叔叔由于为两个逃跑的奴隶保守秘密而被打得奄奄一息!这个魔鬼对于汤姆叔叔的诚心劝导竟只有片刻的宁静!当我读到这段情节时,被深深地刺痛了,等到乔治(谢尔比先生的儿子)小主人赶到时,一切都太晚了。直到死,汤姆叔叔都那么替人着

想,他不仅没责怪雷格里,反而把将要升入天堂当成一种幸福,可怜!我还记得艾莉莎背着他的孩子拼命逃亡时,她的勇气与胆魄多么令人敬畏。她体内仿佛注入千百股力量,使她能鼓起勇气跳到离河岸很远的一块浮冰上——那是铤而走险的一跳,不是疯狂或绝望到不顾性命的人是绝办不到的。于是被对孩子无私的爱鼓舞,她又跳向下一块浮冰。跌倒——跳跃——滑倒——再跳;那是多么惊心动魄,仿佛在梦中一般。从中我看到了母亲对孩子那执着的爱。母爱真的是最伟大的。 这是一个悲剧,它以好人的含恨而终和坏人的逍遥法外作为结果,然而整个故事深刻反映了当时的社会状态,真实感人,深入读者内心,给人无尽的感慨。而污点是掩饰不了璀璨的,汤姆叔叔、伊娃、圣克莱尔先生、谢尔比夫妇、乔治等人就给我树立了优秀的榜样。使我豁然开朗,深刻明白了自己应该作个怎样的学生,怎样的人。 读完这个故事,我对可怜的汤姆叔叔感到同情,同情他可怜的身份,同情他悲惨的命运;我又对残忍的奴隶主和卑鄙的奴隶商人感到憎恨,憎恨他们的粗暴凶狠,憎恨他们的冷酷无情;我还对这种奴隶制度感到不平,不平的是制度的黑暗,不平的是制度的不平等!


汤姆叔叔的小屋主要内容 以下是关于汤姆叔叔的小屋主要内容,希望内容对您有帮助,感谢您得阅读。 汤姆叔叔的小屋主要内容(一) 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》讲述的是一个忠心耿耿、正直并且有爱心的黑奴,他的名字就是汤姆。汤姆是在谢尔比的种植场出生的,童年时就当伺候主人的小家奴,颇得主人欢心,成年后当上了家奴总管,忠心耿耿,全身心维护主人利益,哪怕主人要把他卖了,他还是选择服从他的主人。在故事里有这么一个情节,汤姆和哈利一起要被主人卖掉,但是,哈利和其母亲不服从主人的安排,偷偷逃出了主人家,而汤姆选择了帮助他们。而他们也顺利地逃脱了,成了自由之身。那个时候,其实汤姆本来有机会可以离开这里,可是,他却没有那么做,他为了他的主人,放弃了所谓的自由,最后还是被主人卖给了奴隶贩子海利,成为了他的奴隶。后来,他在一次溺水的事故里,救了一个小女娃的性命。因此,女孩的父亲就将汤姆买回家里。 由于汤姆与女孩的关系很好,所以,圣·克莱的女儿死了后,他决定要还给汤姆自由之身。可惜,他的合法手续还没完成,他就已经逝世了。他的妻子违背了他的意愿,将汤姆和其他黑奴一起送到了黑奴贸易市场。到了这里,汤姆的悲剧生活 ·

已经彻底开始了。他落入了一个凶残的奴隶主莱格利手里,整日受到虐待。可是,尽管如此,他并没有想过要逃脱这种奴隶生活,甚至还为他的主人祈祷,希望洗去他主人的罪孽。这里是他的正直的一面,但是,同时也体现他的不懂变通。在收到不公平待遇时,他不懂得反抗。但是,也正是他的这种无私的精神,才使得这部巨作拥有这么强的生命力吧。 汤姆叔叔的小屋主要内容(二) 这本书的主要内容是:汤姆叔叔原是好心的希比尔先生买回来的黑人,但因希比尔先生没有足够的钱还债,无可奈何地要将汤姆叔叔,还有伊莱扎唯一的儿子哈里当钱一样,把他们贩卖给赫利。汤姆是一个忠心耿耿的黑奴,无论主人怎样处置他,他也毫无怨言,但伊莱扎并不是,她是一个勇敢去追逐自由的女子,所以母爱让她有意识地带着孩子逃走,最后成功抵达加拿大。汤姆一次一次地被人贩卖,在一路贩卖的“旅途”上,汤姆认识了纯洁得就如荷花的伊娃,伊娃很喜欢这个曾逗她玩的汤姆叔叔,就连她父亲对汤姆也非常满意,汤姆以为这下他可以抱回回家的希望了,可好景不长,伊娃因病重而永远地合上眼睛,男主人给人杀害了,黑奴的自由的权利就交给了自私的女主人了。汤姆最后一次被贩卖了,这也是他最后一次的黑奴生活了。后来,他在这里认识了种植厂里的两个女仆,她们都有着向往自由的强烈追求,在一次机会里趁机行事,成 ·


《汤姆叔叔的小屋》读书后感 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》是美国作家哈里特·比彻·斯托(斯托夫人)于1852年发表的一部反奴隶制小说。 前些日子,我拜读了斯托夫人的成名之作《汤姆叔叔的小屋》。这本小说出版至今已有150多年的历史了。该书1852年首次发行单行本,就取得巨大成功。该书在海外也大受欢迎;同样,该书受到了世界各地的读者的热烈欢迎,著名作家如列夫?托尔斯泰、屠格涅夫、乔治?桑、海涅、狄更斯等也对此书高度赞扬。其魅力经久不衰,时间,是最好的证明——这是一本经典名著。 该书深刻影响了美国的历史。如果说马丁?路德金是20世纪美国黑人民族种族运动的伟大领袖,那么斯托夫人的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》可以说是19世纪美国南北战争的导火线。所以许多人认为它是导致美国南北战争爆发的因素之一。所以当年作者斯托夫人访问白宫,试图劝说林肯总统采取积极有效有效的措施,帮助数以千计逃到首都的奴隶时,林肯总统则称斯托夫人是“写了一本引起一场伟大战争的书的小妇人”。(《小妇人》同样是以南北战争为背景的小说)“这是上帝对奴隶制的诅咒,它是万恶的、最该被诅咒的怪物。这也是对主人、对奴隶的诅咒!我还傻乎乎地认为我可以从这邪恶的制度中发现一些美好的东西呢。 法律维护蓄奴制真是一种罪过,——我一直有这种感觉——我孩童时代就这样认为——入教后,我对此更加坚信不疑,但我却天真地认为,我可以凭借仁爱、关怀和教导,使我的奴隶的境况好于获得自由之身,真是太傻了。”——第五章

一、每个人的信仰 文中最多的可能就是这种关于宗教信仰的矛盾了。黑人奴隶与庄园主之间的信仰矛盾,人性与欲望(金钱、名利)的矛盾,以及黑人本身之间的各种矛盾。 在《汤姆叔叔的小屋》这个作品中谈到了很多涉及宗教和信仰的问题,例如汤姆叔叔这个人物,就是一个极其虔诚的基督徒,恐怕我们用再苛刻的标准来衡量他,我们这位汤姆叔叔也无愧于基督徒这三个字。汤姆叔叔是个怎样的人呢?善良、纯朴、正直等等类似的词可能对他都适用,而这些美德都来自于他的信仰,对美好未来的渴望,对这个悲惨世界的怜悯,这对于一个黑奴来说真的太不容易了,简直难以置信,要知道,身为黑奴就意味着愚昧和无知,当然这不是他们的错,还有每天繁重的劳动,所有这些都会让一个正常人憎恨这个世界,做为一无所有的人,随时都有可能自己被卖掉或者孩子、老婆被卖掉的人,做为像狗一样完全属于主人的人,做为一个在社会上毫无希望的人,很多黑奴实际上已将自己放弃,放弃了做人的权利,当然也就放弃了信仰的权利。而汤姆叔叔却很幸运,他的第一位主人是个仁慈的奴隶主,这使得汤姆叔叔有机会接触到基督教。对于汤姆叔叔个人而言,基督教就是这个苦难世界上最好的东西,哪怕是读一读圣经,都成了他最快乐的事。福音书中很多句子都被汤姆叔叔用笔画下来,而汤姆叔叔原本是不识字的。 汤姆叔叔可以说是当时黑奴阶层的一个特例,肉体上绝对的服从(例如:他的第一位主人由于债务原因要把汤姆卖掉,对于汤姆来说真是妻离子散啊,而汤姆并没有逃跑,甚至没有一句怨言。汤姆叔叔的第三位主人千方百计虐待他,而他还是忠实的劳动。)和精神上绝对的独立(例如:汤姆叔叔地三位主人要汤


汤姆叔叔的小屋主要内容 汤姆叔叔的小屋主要内容(一) 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》讲述的是一个忠心耿耿、正直并且有爱心的黑奴,他的名字就是汤姆。汤姆是在谢尔比的种植场出生的,童年时就当伺候主人的小家奴,颇得主人欢心,成年后当上了家奴总管,忠心耿耿,全身心维护主人利益,哪怕主人要把他卖了,他还是选择服从他的主人。在故事里有这么一个情节,汤姆和哈利一起要被主人卖掉,但是,哈利和其母亲不服从主人的安排,偷偷逃出了主人家,而汤姆选择了帮助他们。而他们也顺利地逃脱了,成了自由之身。那个时候,其实汤姆本来有机会可以离开这里,可是,他却没有那么做,他为了他的主人,放弃了所谓的自由,最后还是被主人卖给了奴隶贩子海利,成为了他的奴隶。后来,他在一次溺水的事故里,救了一个小女娃的性命。因此,女孩的父亲就将汤姆买回家里。 由于汤姆与女孩的关系很好,所以,圣·克莱的女儿死了后,他决定要还给汤姆自由之身。可惜,他的合法手续还没完成,他就已经逝世了。他的妻子违背了他的意愿,将汤姆和其他黑奴一起送到了黑奴贸易市场。到了这里,汤姆的悲剧生活已经彻底开始了。他落入了一个凶残的奴隶主莱格利手里,整日受到虐待。可是,尽管如此,他并没有想过要逃脱这种奴隶生活,甚至还为他的主人祈祷,希望洗去他主人的罪孽。这里是他的正直的一面,但是,同时也体现他的不懂变通。在收到不公平待遇时,他不懂

得反抗。但是,也正是他的这种无私的精神,才使得这部巨作拥有这么强的生命力吧。 汤姆叔叔的小屋主要内容(二) 这本书的主要内容是:汤姆叔叔原是好心的希比尔先生买回来的黑人,但因希比尔先生没有足够的钱还债,无可奈何地要将汤姆叔叔,还有伊莱扎唯一的儿子哈里当钱一样,把他们贩卖给赫利。汤姆是一个忠心耿耿的黑奴,无论主人怎样处置他,他也毫无怨言,但伊莱扎并不是,她是一个勇敢去追逐自由的女子,所以母爱让她有意识地带着孩子逃走,最后成功抵达加拿大。汤姆一次一次地被人贩卖,在一路贩卖的“旅途”上,汤姆认识了纯洁得就如荷花的伊娃,伊娃很喜欢这个曾逗她玩的汤姆叔叔,就连她父亲对汤姆也非常满意,汤姆以为这下他可以抱回回家的希望了,可好景不长,伊娃因病重而永远地合上眼睛,男主人给人杀害了,黑奴的自由的权利就交给了自私的女主人了。汤姆最后一次被贩卖了,这也是他最后一次的黑奴生活了。后来,他在这里认识了种植厂里的两个女仆,她们都有着向往自由的强烈追求,在一次机会里趁机行事,成功逃跑了,但汤姆却坚持原则留下来,最后忠实换取的代价是死亡,当乔治少爷赶到的时候,汤姆叔叔已给格烈雷鞭打得奄奄一息,然后随着乔治少爷的祷告悄悄地走向那没有奴隶,没有痛苦,只有平等相处的天堂,那幸福的天堂…… 读完这本书后,我很气愤,看一看,这是什么样的社会,全都是为了金钱利益,根本不把人当人看。想一想,人们心里除了


《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的读书心得作文5篇 尽管后来有关《汤姆叔叔的小屋》风格的观点已有所改变,但由于这部小说的写法与绝大多数现代小说大相径庭,今日的读者往往会觉得这部作品的内容晦涩、做作、“甚至老掉牙了”。下面给大家分享一些关于《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的读书心得作文5篇,供大家参考。 #《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的读书心得作文(1)# 忙中偷闲,我看完了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》。整个故事情节曲折,耐人寻味。小说以黑奴汤姆为中心,描述了一些奴隶的命运。同样是奴隶,黑奴伊丽莎不甘心让奴隶主决定自我生死,为了避免儿子哈利被卖掉,领着儿子连夜逃走,找到丈夫后,带着孩子,历经艰险,最终在废除奴隶制度组织的帮忙下,成功地抵达加拿大,获得了自由;而受奴隶主灌输___精神、逆来顺受型的黑奴汤姆,甘愿听从命运摆布,被多次买卖,始终摆脱不了悲惨的命运,最终遍体鳞伤地离开了人世。 书中所有的奴隶都是奴隶主的私有财产,他们的家庭能够任意被拆散,夫妻分手、母子别离是司空见惯的事。书中还有许多在拍卖场被拆散的母女、母子,如苏姗和爱默琳等等。这些妻离子散、骨肉分离的场面的描述具有撕心裂肺、催人泪下的效果和震撼人心的力量。在我们看到奴隶制的罪恶时,也看到了闪烁在汤姆叔叔身上的人性的光芒。 当主人希尔决定卖掉汤姆和女仆艾丽莎的儿子吉姆来偿还债务时,他并没有听从艾丽莎的提议逃走,是因为他明白此刻主人面临破产的困境,这是自我能帮忙主人的唯一方法了,于是他义无反顾的留下来等待着即将到来的厄运。这是忠心耿耿、为别人着想的汤姆叔叔。 当小伊娃落水时他奋不顾身地跳下冰冷刺骨的海水救起了落水的小伊娃:当船在海上航行时,每当底舱的水手遇到紧急情景时他都会主动去帮忙,他赢得了所有水手的一致称赞。当汤姆看到女奴病病歪歪、全身发抖,似乎就要累倒时,就把自我袋里的棉花倒了一些在她的袋子里。这是乐于助人的汤姆叔叔。 当烈格雷要求汤姆叔叔鞭打女奴时,汤姆叔叔宁肯自我遭受鞭打也没有半点抱怨;当汤姆叔叔协助女奴逃走时,他平静地应对暴力,毫不畏惧,说出了“我


亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感600字作文5篇,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。相信您通过阅读这篇文档,一定会有所收获。假若亲能将此文档收藏或者转发,将是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动力。 汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感600字作文5篇 汤姆叔叔是一个黑人奴隶,他是美国奴隶制的一个受害者。不过他有一个善良的主人——谢尔比先生。下面是的我们为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感 远在1850左右,当时美国有许多黑奴,这些黑奴没有人生自由,在评价的鞭打下过着牛马一般的生活,汤姆叔叔就是其中的一个。 他原是赛尔比家里的奴隶,可是因为他的评价欠债了,就被卖到了克里亚先生那儿。有一天,他主人善良的女儿死了,为了满足她的遗愿,克里亚先生就为汤姆叔叔和其他黑奴办自由手续。但天有不测之风云,就在他看到希望时,克里亚先生不幸身亡。于是他又被卖到凶恶的雷克那里。只要汤姆叔叔做不好,雷克就把他打得皮开肉绽。最后,可怜的汤姆叔叔被雷克活活地打死了。

这本书中,让我最感动的情景就是汤姆叔叔救人的那一刻。在他被运往南方的船上,因为船身不断地摇晃,站在船边的吉琳小姐无法站稳,身体失去了平衡,不小心跌落到河里。她的爸爸克里亚先生刚想跳到河里时,发现有人早已抢先一步,奋不顾身地救出了吉琳。而这个人,就是善良、笃实、乐于助人的汤姆叔叔。 在生活中,我也看到了许多像汤姆叔叔这样的人。 在我家门前的马路上,因为绿灯比较短,按平常的速度是不可能过去。绿灯又亮了,我眼前是一个坐在轮椅上的老太太。她正吃力在用双手让轮子滚动起来。黄灯闪了三下,她只“走”到中间。对面的车闪着雪亮的灯,按着刺耳的喇叭,飞快地驶来。老太太也很慌张,她努力地滚着轮子,可还是被“拦”在大路中间。这时来了一位交警,只见他拦住对面的车辆,及时把老奶奶推到前方。 我觉得这位交警跟书中的汤姆叔叔一样乐于助人。他们的做法都让我感动。汤姆叔叔虽然死了,但他帮助别人,为别人献出爱心,他死的光荣!这位交警叔叔帮老奶奶推向前面,他不仅推的是一段距离,更是推走了老奶奶心中的恐惧,还推走了死神降临在她身上的机会。赠人玫瑰,手有余香。我也要向他们学习,乐于助人!只要人人献出一点爱,世界就会变成美好的人们。


汤姆叔叔的小屋》 既描写了不同表现和性格的黑奴,也描写了不同类型的奴隶主嘴脸. 它着力刻画了接受奴隶主灌输的基督教精神,逆来顺受型的黑奴汤姆; 也塑造了不甘 心让奴隶主决定自己生死的具有反抗精神的黑奴,如伊丽莎和她的丈夫乔治?哈里斯. 同时, 也揭示了各种类型的奴隶主的内心世界和奴隶主不完全相同的表现. 这本书通过对汤姆和乔治?哈里斯夫妇这两种不同性格黑奴的描述,告诉读者: 逆来顺受, 听从奴隶主摆布的汤姆难逃死亡的命运, 而敢于反抗敢于斗争的乔治夫妇得到了新生.因此, 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》对社会发展起到了积极作用, 特别是对美国废奴运动和美国内战中以林肯为代表的正义一方获得胜利, 产生了巨大的作用?作为一本文学作品,美国著名诗人亨利?朗费罗说它是"文学史上最伟大的胜利.'' 既描写了不同表现和性格的黑奴, 也描写了不同类型的奴隶主嘴脸. 它着力刻画了接受奴隶主灌输的基督教精神, 逆来顺受型的黑奴汤姆;也塑造了不甘 心让奴隶主决定自己生死的具有反抗精神的黑奴,如伊丽莎和她的丈夫乔治?哈里斯. 同时, 也揭示了各种类型的奴隶主的内心世界和奴隶主不完全相同的表现. 这本书通过对汤姆和乔治?哈里斯夫妇这两种不同性格黑奴的描述,告诉读者: 逆来顺受, 听从奴隶主摆布的汤姆难逃死亡的命运, 而敢于反抗敢于斗争的乔治夫妇得到了新生. 因此, 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》对社会发展起到了积极作用, 特别是对美国废奴运动和美国内战中以林肯为代表的正义一方获得胜利, 产生了巨大的作用?作为一本文学作品,美国著名诗人亨利?朗费罗说它是"文学史上最伟大的胜利.'' 既描写了不同表现和性格的黑奴, 也描写了不同类型的奴隶主嘴脸. 它着



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 “本我,自我,超我”—《飘》中玫兰妮性格分析 2 英汉颜色词“红”的对比研究 3 哥特式特征在《黑猫》中的运用 4 中文被动句的英译 5 小说《老人与海》中曼诺林的象征意义 6 论《奥兰多》中双性同体观 7 对中式菜名英译的试探性研究 8 中美家庭教育的比较研究 9 威廉·福克纳作品中的不称职母亲 10 文化视野下的中美家庭教育方法的比较 11 浅析马克思主义女性主义视角下的凯瑟琳 12 人性的堕落——解析《蝇王》人性恶的主题 13 探析英语新闻报道中的委婉语 14文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 15 动物习语翻译中的归化和异化 16 英汉拒绝言语行为表达方式比较 17 中英文数字文化对比及其翻译 18 论《达芬奇密码》中的基督教元素 19 《雾都孤儿》中的童话模式解读 20 A Comparison between Scarlett O’Hara and Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminism 21 功能对等视角下英汉颜色词的对比与翻译

22 《呼啸山庄》中的哥特元素分析 23 《白鲸》主人公亚哈的悲剧性格分析 24 谈如何理解海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》 25 从目的论角度剖析电影片名翻译 26 科技英语中模糊数词的翻译策略 27 语境视角下的“吃”字翻译研究 28 中美鬼节文化的对比研究 29 Improving the College Students’Writing Skill through Cohesive Devices 30 论高中英语文化教学 31 谈《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的女性主体意识 32 中美婚礼文化的对比分析 33 从《肖申克的救赎》看体制化对个人的影响 34 《哈姆雷特》中奥菲利亚的悲剧——悲剧分析及造成悲剧命运的原因 35 学术论文标题的英译研究 36 论英美文学作品中的人名寓意及翻译 37 从英剧《唐顿庄园》看英国贵族精神 38 《小妇人》的结局中所包含的清教主义与个人主义的冲突与融合 39 译前准备对交替传译效果的影响 40 英文电影片名翻译的归化与异化 41 《喜福会》中隐喻的使用 42 语码转换———从正式场合到非正式场合 43 英汉称谓语对比分析 44 A Preliminary Study on Christianity


汤姆叔叔的小屋 本文是关于小学作文的汤姆叔叔的小屋,感谢您的阅读! 十九世纪,美国盛行着一种毁灭人性尊严的奴隶制度,十九世纪中叶,斯托夫人也向我们展示了一部感人泪下的悲情故事,那就是《汤姆叔叔的小屋》。 暑假,我读了斯托夫人的《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,故事从一个奴隶与奴隶贩子之间的谈话开始。奴隶主谢尔比为了还债,决定卖掉汤姆好伊莱扎的儿子小哈利。汤姆和伊莱扎做出了不同的选择,便有了不同的结果。伊莱扎为了心爱的儿子,带着他连夜逃跑,一路上遭到无数追杀,但母爱可以战胜一切,她们最终到达加拿大。而汤姆,则是另一种遭遇,他被奴隶贩子卖给了一个善良的奴隶主圣·克莱尔,他有一个女儿,有着天使般的面容,纯洁的心灵,可上帝还是带走了她。后来,汤姆因特殊原因,被卖到了地狱,受着地狱之火的折磨,但他仍然坚信上帝会来救他,他依然奉行做一个正直人的原则。 想想吧!可怜的孩子,一生下来就是奴隶,一切只属于主人,本来应属于他的欢乐变成了折磨,一双原来应闪亮的双眼变得浑浊,青年人,他们被南方吸血般的奴隶主,吸干了他们的血。奴隶主们,习惯了有奴隶,习惯了对奴隶呼来喝去,习惯了对奴隶非打即骂。他们一旦失去奴隶,就像鱼儿离开了水一样,失去了活力。当一个又一个受尽折磨的奴隶倒下去,当一次又一次看到骨肉分离时,我不经呐喊,公平在哪儿? 还好,这世上有一个小天使和一个正直善良的他们叔叔。伊娃,她真的是每个人心中的天使,她用爱化解奴隶心中的伤痛。可她还是走了,还是离开了这个需要她来拯救的世界,世界少了一个小天使,黑夜里,天空中又多了一颗闪亮的小星星,想用自己发出的光照亮人们的心。汤姆叔叔,一个正直善良,笃信宗教

的奴隶,再悲惨的命运,也无法动摇上帝在他心中的地位。他宁愿受到躯体上的折磨,也决不愿把灵魂交出。他用自己的行动,感动了那些早已麻木的奴隶主们,甚至像雷格里这样暴戾成性的奴隶主。终于,他自由了,上帝赎下,他将在天国中永生。 读完这个故事,我很同情可怜的汤姆叔叔,同情他的身份,同情他的悲惨命运;我也很憎恨残忍卑鄙的奴隶主们,憎恨他们的冷酷无情,憎恨他们的心狠手辣;我也对奴隶制度感到气愤,气愤它的黑暗,气愤它的不公平。 正义终将战胜邪恶,奴隶制度终于倒下了。 我希望,生活中人人都要有爱,爱可以剥去嫩芽外枯黄的东西,爱可以化解一切伤痛。“只要人人都献出一点爱,世界将变成美好的人间。”我不禁唱起这首动人的歌。


关于汤姆叔叔的小屋读后心得5篇 心得体会是指一种读书、实践后所写的感受性文字。一般分为学习体会,工作体会,教学体会,读后感,观后感。以下是关于汤姆叔叔的小屋读后心得5篇,欢迎阅读参考! 关于汤姆叔叔的小屋读后心得(1) 我很喜欢名著,可是最让我有感受的要属《汤姆的叔叔的小屋》,这部书主要讲了:谢尔比先生家有一个忠诚善良的黑奴叫“汤姆”,由于,谢尔比先生欠黑力的债,所以,不得不把汤姆和一个小孩子亨利交给人贩黑力。可这件事情被亨利的妈妈知道后,急忙对汤姆说了谢尔比先生要卖掉亨利与他的事,并想让他与自己一起逃跑。可是被汤姆拒绝了,因为他知道如果他逃了,谢尔比先生一家会付出沉重的代价。许多黑奴会因他而受苦,所以,不久黑力把汤姆带走了,卖给一个性格暴躁的黑奴主人,最终,因为一场误会,黑奴主人最终把汤姆活活地打死了。 在本书中最让我感动的情节是:黑奴主人手下有一个女仆人叫“凯茜”。有一天夜里凯茜把黑奴主人迷倒后要杀掉他,可是被汤姆拦住了,虽然汤姆天天被黑奴主人折磨,可他着次还拦住凯茜不杀黑奴主任。于是,凯茜打消了念头想让他与她一起逃走,可是又被汤姆拒绝了,汤姆并对凯茜说,如果她真想逃走的话,他不阻止,如果能带上与他一起被买来的小女还的话就好了。 第二天,黑奴主人见凯茜与小女还不见了,便猜是汤姆出注意让她们逃走的,于是,把汤姆叫来,狠狠的抽他,鞭子像雨点般地密。可汤姆没有反抗,直带他昏了过去。 一些黑人把汤姆抬进房间,这时,谢尔比先生的儿子来了,他一见汤姆也忍不住泪水往下流,汤姆见到乔治,眼里也噙着泪水,他们谈了一会,汤姆的声音断断续续,最终进入了天国。 这本书告诉我们,我不要以不平等地看待别人,其实每个人与个人是平等的,黑人并不是天生就是白人的奴隶,白人也并不是天生就是黑人的主人,所以我们要以平等的目光去看待他人,另外,汤姆那种舍己为人的精神非常值得我们学习。


汤姆叔叔的小屋好句好段摘抄 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,是美国作家哈里特·比彻·斯托(斯托夫人)于1852年发表的一部反奴隶制小说。汤姆叔叔的小屋是一部非常著名的好书,一部好书里面一定有很多非常好的好词好句和好段值得我们进行摘抄和积累。摘抄这些对于我们的语文学习非常有帮助。下面为大家提供汤姆叔叔的小屋好词好句好段摘抄,供大家参考。 句子: 1、蓝底黄点的围巾配花哨的领带,手指上的几枚戒指,与身上的金标互相发光。他自以为神气,实际上他给的印象很俗气。 2、这个小男孩叫哈利,能歌善舞,模仿力有强,主人叫他表演驼背走路、学长老拉长脸用鼻音哼诗篇,学啥想啥,抖得两个大人哈哈大笑。 3、只要法律把这些有血、有肉、有感情的黑人当做庄主的私人财产看待,即使心肠最好的奴主,也不能保证他家到衰败时,不讲奴隶卖出去。 4、虽然他不完全相信圣人的多余功德,以及超度罪人的宗教效果,但仍在幻想中指望也许可靠妻子的有余功德升入天堂。 5、奴隶制是黑人的灾难,也是白人的灾难,我以为自

己能帮助改变这个制度,我希望不同人种平等。基督教后,这种希望更强烈,我以为用博爱,就可以让我家的黑人活的比白人好。现在想一想,我太爱幻想了。 6、她悄悄的离开客厅后,起的全身发抖,一改平时的温柔,满脸愤怒。在女主人卧室门口,她无声祈祷,回到她的房间,看见睡在床上的小宝贝,可爱的小脸蛋、微微张着的嘴唇、胖胖的的小手,她的新都碎了。 7、人生如一次长长的旅行,旅行中有坦途也有弯路,你得以平静的心态面队每一天,挑战自我,执着向前,一如既往地朝着目的地走下去。当你到达终点站顾却来径时,才发现人生的旅途有喜有忧,有笑有泪,甚至得少失多,而这一切已构成了你生命旅程的全部。 8、当悲伤的水流入稳重的山,水这可怜儿的悲伤也勾起了山的悲伤,于是他们的心一起碎了;水把头埋入地下,山却把心的碎片一块块收好。于是就有了迷乱复杂的溶洞,就有了千姿百态的石笋,就有了洞口突突的泉水。 词语: 绅士讲究神气俗气欠债麻烦抵债 诚实稳重信赖性情良心宠爱贪婪 同意摆平拳打脚踢善有善报愁眉苦脸 经营奥妙训练恐怕阴影法律自言自语 脆弱本性忠心耿耿衰败和蔼可亲减缩


《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 ruyi 一、填空题 1、谢尔比先生要把汤姆叔叔和哈里卖给(海利)。 2、吉姆·克罗是对黑人的(贬称)。 3 、白色香橙花象征(纯洁)。 4、乔治打算逃往(加拿大)。 5、本书的主人公是(汤姆叔叔)。 二、选择题 1、伊丽莎最后逃跑( A )。 A、成功 B、被抓住 C、死亡 2、伊娃最后( A )。 A、去了天堂 B、活了下来 C、生病了 3、汤姆最后给(B )做了奴隶。 A、谢尔比太太 B、雷格里 C、圣·克莱尔 4、马斯科一伙人最后( B )追上伊丽莎他们。 A、有 B、没有 5、乔治想逃到(B )。 A、美国 B、加拿大 C、英国 6、乔治是在(A )认识伊丽莎的。 A、麻袋厂 B、谢尔比先生家 C、主人家 7、乔治少爷最后(A )了汤姆叔叔。

A、赎回 B、没有赎回 8、汤姆·洛克最后( B )。 A、摔下了山崖 B、被老护士精心照顾 C、失踪了 9、伯德夫人是一个(A )的人。 A、善良 B、凶狠 C、大胆 10、圣·克莱尔是( B )死的。 A、病死 B、被人无意间刺死 C、老死 11、乔治少爷最后(A )了所有黑奴。 A、解散 B、打死了 C、没解散 12、比彻·斯托夫人写的是( A )。 A、《汤姆叔叔的小屋》 B、《森林报》 C、《彼得·潘》 13、比彻·斯托夫人是(B )人。 A、英国 B、美国 C、加拿大 14、下列人物中,( C )是贩卖奴隶的。 A、爱默林 B、凯茜 C、海利 15、《汤姆叔叔的小屋》别名(C )。 A、《森林报》 B、《彼得·潘》 C、《黑奴吁天录》 三、判断题 1、伊丽莎最后被抓住了。·················(×) 2、乔治想逃到美国。·····················(×)


汤姆叔叔的小屋读书笔记摘抄好词好句及 感悟赏析 导读:读书笔记汤姆叔叔的小屋读书笔记摘抄好词好句及感悟赏析,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 汤姆叔叔的小屋是一本讲述黑人奴隶生活的书籍,而这本书给我们带来的启示是震撼的,我们估计很难想象在民主社会的今天,美国曾经也是奴隶制社会,为此还爆发了规模巨大的战争。 汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感200字: 一提到斯托夫人,我们就会想到她的代表作《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,这是一部鸿篇巨著,讲述了一个黑人奴隶汤姆的生活,让我们看到了当时美国的社会面貌和黑人奴隶的生活状况,他们是那样的悲惨,也没有应有的人权,种族歧视充满了整个个国家。 读了这本书,让我更加珍惜来之不易的今天,我们享受着和平,坐在宽敞明亮的教室里读书学习,这是多么珍贵啊。而汤姆生活的那个时代,美国的黑人奴隶是被压榨和剥削的对象,根本不会存在任何幸福,珍惜今天吧。 汤姆叔叔的小屋读书笔记摘抄好词: 正值炎夏、正值盛暑、盛夏时节、盛夏之季、盛夏之日、盛夏季节、酷暑季节、酷暑盛夏、盛暑炎夏、溽暑酷夏、溽暑盛夏、炎炎盛夏、五黄六月、时值六月、正值三伏、热在三伏、盛夏三伏、三伏暑

天、三伏盛暑、大暑酷去、伏梢末尽、已是夏末、多雨季节、阴雨季节、夏收季节、春种夏收、夏收夏种、夏收大忙、夏阳酷暑、六月炎暑、夏日炎炎、夏日可畏、太阳毒辣、太阳毒热、烈日中天、赤日炎炎、夏日炎热、盛暑炎炎、夏意正浓、夏树苍翠、夏水汤汤、暑月蝉鸣 汤姆叔叔的小屋读书笔记摘抄好句及感悟: 1、他们不会受到诱惑,使自己变得心肠毒辣,而这些诱惑往往在看到转瞬之间能够突然牟利时,战胜了人类脆弱的天性。 赏析:我们经常听到一句话“人不为己天诛地灭”,当人们脆弱的心灵受到诱惑时,往往经不住这种引诱,因此常常步入邪路,把自己变得心狠手辣,成为了一个邪恶之人,因此我们要时刻保持警醒。 2、把痛苦化成幸福,挥泪埋葬自己在尘世间的希望,他却变成种子,长出鲜花。 赏析:这句话说出了汤姆叔叔的内心世界,是痛苦不堪的,但他一直保持忍受的心态,心底也埋葬着希望,只要心底有希望,总是有所希冀的,有了种子,就会有鲜花。 3、只要法律把这些有血、有肉、有感情的黑人当做庄主的私人财产看待,即使心肠最好的奴主,也不能保证他家到衰败时,不将奴隶卖出去。 赏析:这是美国奴隶制社会下的黑暗行径,将黑人当做财产定义,这是美国当时的法律规定的,这种制度的不公从根本上剥夺了黑人的权利,在社会上生存生活根本无法获得公平,当奴隶主遇到困境时,


亲爱的朋友,很高兴能在此相遇!欢迎您阅读文档读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》有感400字作文5篇,这篇文档是由我们精心收集整理的新文档。相信您通过阅读这篇文档,一定会有所收获。假若亲能将此文档收藏或者转发,将是我们莫大的荣幸,更是我们继续前行的动力。 读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》有感400字作文5篇《汤姆叔叔的小屋》这本书提醒了那些奴隶主们,让他们善待奴隶,引起了广大人民的讨论,是一本坚持正义的好书。下面是的我们为你们整理的文章,希望你们能够喜欢 读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》有感 《汤姆叔叔的小屋》这本书是暑假里读过的书中我最喜欢的一本书。 这本书讲的是一个叫汤姆的黑人奴隶,他很能干,在雇主家有一所圆木盖的小房子,一家人勤劳又幸福地生活着。可有一天汤姆的雇主为了偿还债务,决定要把汤姆给卖了,在卖汤姆的过程中,汤姆认识了一个漂亮的小女孩,名字叫伊娃,伊娃很喜欢汤姆,于是伊娃的爸爸便把汤姆给买了下来。伊娃的爸爸本来准备给汤姆自由的,可是伊娃和她爸爸都不幸去世了。于是可怜的汤姆又被卖到了另一个人的手里,他叫烈格雷,是一个非常凶狠毒辣的人,有一天,列格雷手下的卡西太太和埃米琳逃跑了,汤

姆知道他们逃到了哪里,但汤姆不想出卖他们,被列格雷活活打死了…… 看后我深深地被汤姆的精神感动了,汤姆为了不出卖别人,宁可被打死,也不把别人的秘密泄露出去,多么高尚的人格呀!我喜欢可敬的汤姆叔叔,也喜欢美丽的伊娃,他们都有一颗仁慈的心。 我痛恨买卖奴隶的奴隶贩子,尤其是狠毒的列格雷,他们经常毒打奴隶,从来不把奴隶当人对待,致使奴隶的生活异常悲惨。 读了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,我意识到:我们的生活中有阳光的一面,也有阴暗的一面,我们应该去关心那些需要我们关心帮助的人,平等对待他们,让我们的生活中处处充满阳光! 看了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,我很同情汤姆叔叔,又对他们悲惨的生活很愤怒。你以为呢? 读《汤姆叔叔的小屋》有感 今年寒假我看的第一本课外读物是美国著名作家斯托夫人的小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》,刚刚看到它的前言,我就被深深地吸引住了,真想一口气把它看完。 这部小说的大概内容是:主人公汤姆生下来就是奴隶,然后被奴隶贩子从一个奴隶主手里贩卖到另一个奴隶主手里,汤姆也在被贩卖的过程中渐渐长大。


我看完了《汤姆叔叔的小屋》这本书,这本书是美国女作家斯托夫人写的。 这本书主要讲了美国的黑人奴隶悲惨的命运,他们没有人身自由,听奴隶主使唤,为奴隶主干活,而且可以让奴隶主卖来卖去,过着最低等的生活。 主人公汤姆叔叔也是一个奴隶,他是一个正直善良的人,当他知道老爷要把他和另一个女奴伊丽莎卖掉的时候,他却不逃走,还说:“让伊丽莎先逃吧,我不说半个不字,要她留在这里不尽人情。可是我不能走,不能让老爷破产,老爷一直很信任我,我决不能让老爷失望,这事不怪老爷。”多么忠厚老实啊!后来汤姆又被卖给了奴隶贩子海利,在船上救了一个落水的女孩,成了女孩家的奴隶。可惜他的主人不幸死了,汤姆又落到了残暴的庄园主雷格里的手中。雷格里要汤姆鞭打女人,被他拒绝,后来凯茜和爱弥琳要逃走,他宁死也没有说出他们二人的下落,最终被活活打死。他是多么的善良啊!他的忠厚和老实让我喜欢,他的善良让我敬佩,我们的世界是多么需要像汤姆这种善良的人啊。 想想汤姆叔叔的遭遇真是太可怜了,想想那个奴隶社会真是太可怕了,看我们现在的社会人人平等,没有压迫。住着宽敞舒适的房子,过着幸福快乐的生活。所以我们要好好珍惜现在的美好时光,好好珍惜现在拥有的一切。 汤姆叔叔的小屋读后感

《汤姆叔叔的小屋》是美国斯托夫人写的一本书。书中通过描写黑奴的悲惨命运,揭露了奴隶制的罪恶。一个忠诚于主人、有爱心的基督教徒——汤姆,因为主人欠债而被卖给奴隶贩子黑利,后又被黑利转卖给圣克莱尔。当他即将获得自由时,不料好心的圣克莱尔却死了,他又被圣克莱尔得夫人送到了拍卖所,被暴躁的雷格里买下……最终惨死在皮鞭下。 读完这本书,我在同情汤姆叔叔的悲惨遭遇、痛恨罪恶的奴隶制社会的同时,很庆幸自己生活在一个没有等级制度、人人平等的社会主义国家里。在这里,无论谁都不能买卖人口。但也有一些“人贩子”,置法律于不顾,私自拐卖妇女儿童。 有一次,我在电视上看到一些孩子被卖到“黑”煤矿,每天只能吃白开水煮烂菜叶,睡四面透风的大通铺,却要干和他们年龄不符的很重的活。少有反抗,就会被“狗腿子”鞭打,过着非人的生活。这些孩子的家长在丢失孩子后,不是精神失常,就是变卖自己所有的家产到处寻找孩子。这正是“拐卖一个人,毁掉一个家”。 看到这一幕,我嫉恶如仇,恨不得冲进电视里揪住人贩子和“黑心”煤老板,让获救的人狠狠地鞭打他们,让他们也尝尝生不如死的滋味。同时,希望国家能够严厉打击贩卖人口的交易,严惩人贩子,以彻底杜绝此类事情的发生。


The seventh chapter of the Uncle Tom’s cabin tells about how Eliza, after learning her child’s fate of being sold to Haley, fled with her child at that night as soon as she got the news. The next day, after Haley had discovered his loss, he set out to capture Eliza. However, his plan was disturbed by many people purposely. Mrs. Shelby purposely delayed the pursuit by serving a late breakfast. During the process of chasing, the two blacks—Sam and Andy, tempered Haley went the wrong way. And when Haley caught the sight of Eliza, he contrived to have his hat blown off, and uttered a loud and characteristic ejaculation, which startled Eliza at once, making her have the opportunity to leap across the river. From, we can see that all the people are good-hearted, except Haley. Even The slave master—Mrs. Shelby tries her best to help Eliza’s escape. Here, I want to talk about Uncle Tom and Eliza. In this chapter, the main character is Eliza. She was the slave of the Shelbys’. She had often been with her mistress, to visit some connections in the little village, from which we can see that she was well-educated and favored by Mrs. Shelby. She loved her masters, the plantation, her husband and her little son. However, when she got the news that her son would be sold, the maternal love forced her to run away with her little son. It was a long way for her to go. When her son asked her whether she could protect him from being taken away, she answered” yes, sure! “, which even startled herself. During the long way, inexhaustible and impregnable strength encouraged her to escape without stop. One night passed, although she was weary and footsore, still she was strong in heart. After finding a place, she let her son sleep, while she dared not. When the chasers were behind her, she became so brave that she vaulted sheer ever the turbid current by the shore with one wild crying and flying leap. With wild cry and desperate energy, she leaped to another and still another cake, stumbling, slipping, spring upward again. Even her shoes were gone, her stocking were cut from her feet, and blood marked every step. But she saw nothing, felt nothing, just jumped and jumped without any stop. When I was reading this, I burst into tears immediately. It reminds me of my mother. Every mother loves her child. Whatever happens, they all try their best to protect their children without considering themselves. All mothers are loving. She betrayed her master, but she gained freedom, a complete family, a healthy and happy son, a promising future. She is courageous and persistent. With such characteristic, she is bound to be happy in the future. Compared with Eliza, Uncle Tom is not as fortunate as her. We all know that Tom was dying whe n George, his first master’s son, found him and bought him back. There is a sentence said by Uncle tom when his wife cried for his ill fortune, that is “pray for them that “spitefully use you, the good books says”. And he even felt that his master sold him was right. From this we can see that, Uncle Tom is a faithful Christian and he is tolerant. He even sympathizes with the slave traders for their poor soul. He believed in his fate, and he thought that he should be a slave because he doomed to be in nature. When he was summoned to the parlor, he stood very straight and asked Mr. Shelby if he did something wrong. Standing straight indicates that he is upright. Even though he had taken care of Mr. Shelby when Mr. Shelby was young and felt confused with the fa ct, still he was faithful to his master and didn’t beg his master not to sell him, even without any complaint. He has opportunity to run away,

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