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1refuse v.拒绝

(回归本P8)hen Franenstein refuses t reate a ife fr hi,the nster urders Franenstein’s brther



①(牛津P1670)He flatl refused t disuss the atter


②all Street uld nt refuse the ffers fr the gvernent华尔街不会拒绝自政府的帮助。

③(朗P163)The U.S authrities refused hi a visa


④n ld rnings,the ar alas refuses t start



1.(浙江杭州学军中学期中)As a student,u shuld tr t ________ being

late fr ur lass

A.prevent B.refuse

.avid D.punish

解析:选。句意:作为学生,你应该尽量避免上迟到。avid后跟v-ing 形式作宾语。prevent表示“阻止”;refuse后跟不定式作宾语。

2I an’t stand ________ ith ane in the sae ffieShe ust refuses ________ taling hile she rs


B.t r;stpping

.ring;t stp

D.t r;t stp

解析:选。句意:我无法忍受和珍妮在同一个办公室工作,她在工作的时候总是不停地说话。an’t stand(ding)sth意为“不能忍受(做)某事”;refuse t d sth意为“拒绝做某事”。

2resist v.抗拒;对抗;反抗;抵抗;忍住(一般用否定式)

(回归本P6).fr exaple,a prize hih an resist bateria r disease,r t s a lned rp hih an resist rt r pests




①At the G20 suit in Lndn,an states agreed t resist trade prtetinis


②(牛津P1697)The are deterined t resist pressure t hange the la他们下决心顶住要求改革法律的压力。

③(牛津P1697)He uldn’t resist shing ff his ne ar


④She resisted the teptatin t tell hi hat she reall thught她克制住自己,没有把真实想法告诉他。


3.(重庆南开中学模拟)I didn’t ean ________ anthing,but thse apples led s gd that I uldn’t resist ________ ne

A.t eat;tring B.t eat;t tr

.eating;tring D.eating;t tr

解析:选A。ean t d sth打算做某事;an’t resist(ding)sth忍不住(做)某事。

4The b uldn’t ________ reahing ut fr the seets

A.refuse B.resist

.reet D.deline

解析:选B。an’t resist ding sth“禁不住做……”。

3suspet n.嫌疑犯,有嫌疑的人



(回归本P6)Finall,the latest researh int DNA has helped slve ries b

analsing the suspet’s saliva hih the spit at a rie sene r the dirt under their fingernails




①e suspeted that it as a tri t get ur ne


②I suspeted the sae,but I ept telling self it as iaginatin我也曾这样怀疑过,但我不断地对自己说,这只是我的想象罢了。

③The suspet hi f a theft他们觉得他有偷窃嫌疑。

④(牛津P2037)The drug is suspeted f ausing ver 200 deaths人们怀疑这种药物造成200多人死亡。

⑤The suspet has been taen t the plie statin






①He sees pr,but I suspet that he has quite a lt f ne

②I dubt if e’ll arrive n tie


.Nbd ants t ae friends ith the b ________ ne

A.suspeted f having stlen

B.suspeted t steal

.suspeted having stlen

D.suspeting t have stlen

解析:选A。考查固定搭配的用法。suspetf怀疑……,因为f是介词,后面跟v-ing形式。在本句中,suspeted f having stlen是过去分词短语作定语。

4ntrast vt使成对比;使成对照n.对比,对照

(回归本P9)But these things ntrasted hrribl ith his ell ees,his rinled ell sin and bla lips




①Her atins ntrast sharpl ith her prises

=Her atins and her prises ntrast sharpl


②This hite pea ntrasts finel ith the blue s


③In anther passage,he again ntrasts the land ith the sea在另一篇中,他再次把陆地和海洋做了对比。

2018高二英语北师大版选修六:课时卷10 含解析

Unit 18 课下能力提升(十) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Even though I've been acting for years, I still get a t________ out of going on stage. 2.A beggar in s________ clothes came to the door to beg for some money. 3.Alison and I had been at school together, and I felt great a________ for her. 4.The bus came to an a________ stop, which made passengers on board lean forward. 5.Judging from their p________ furniture, this family must have a high income. 6.Prisoners should be treated with regard for human ________ (尊严).7.It's ________ (冰冻的) in this house. Can't I turn on the heating? 8.Can the postman ________ (邮递) the luggage to my house? 9.She is so ________ (模糊的) that I can never understand what she is trying to say. 10.________ (娇嫩的) plants must be protected from cold wind and frost. Ⅱ.句型转换 1.The students can have easy access to the computer laboratory of our school. →The computer laboratory of our school ________ ________ ________ ________ the students.

最新人教版高中英语选修六各单元阅读全英文教案(全册 共5个单元)

最新人教版高中英语选修六各单元阅读全英文教案(全册) Unit 1 Art Period2 Reading Teaching aims Enable students to learn something about the western arts ,and learn how to describe a painting. Teaching procedures Step1 Brainstorming How much do you know about art? Have you ever been to an art gallery? Do you find your visit interesting? What can you think of when looking at the word “art”? Step2 Pre-reading 1.kinds of painting: 2.Can you name some famous paintings and painters in the world? 3.Differences Western paintings:Realistic detailed, rich in color, line and shapeAbout religion, human Chinese paintings :It is often about nature, such as mountain, water, bird-and-flower, etc. It has the symbol of harmony (和谐)and peace. Step3 Fast reading 1.W hat’s the main idea of the text? has changed a lot with going by. 2.How many styles of Western painting are mentioned in the text? What are they? .3. How is the passage organized?


Unit 16 Warm-u p biography n.传记 fantasy n.想象(幻想)物 *horror n.惊恐,恐惧abandon vt.放弃,遗弃 come into view 出现 knock sb. over 撞倒某人 victim n.受害者 once upon a time 从前princess n.公主,王妃 criteria n.(评判的)标准novelist n.(长篇)小说家Lesson 1 volcanic eruption 火山爆发preserve vt.保护,保存capsule n.胶囊;太空舱witness v.目击 occur vi.发生 tremble vi.颤抖,发抖 block out 堵住 particularly adv.特别地,特定地loss n.遗失,丢失 awesome adj.令人敬畏的 in a way 从某种程度上说rewind vi.vt.倒回architecture n.建筑 authentic adj.原作的,真正的characteristic adj.典型的monument n.纪念碑,纪念堂gather vi.vt.聚集 on one's side 侧身 sorrow n.悲伤,难过sympathy n.同情 burst vi.爆炸;冲,闯 split up 断绝关系,分成小部分on the way to 在去…的路上pay rise 增加工资 Lesson 2 specific adj.详细的,特定的significance n.重要性,意义abnormal adj.反常的,不正常vivid adj.生动的,逼真的hardship n.艰苦,困苦

新版科普版六年级英语上册教案(全册 共35页)

新版科普版选修六年级英语上册教案(全册共35页)Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party? Let’s talk. Goal request:(教学目的) 1.New words : party, invite . 2.Some useful expressions : -When is your birthday? -Next Sunday. -Are you going to have a birthday party? -Yes ,I am. Key difficulty:(教学重难点) Master these words: party , invite And master these useful expressions : -When is your birthday? -Next Sunday. -Are you going to have a birthday party? -Yes ,I am. Teaching times: (教学课时)1 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) First, let the Ss look at these new words : Party , invite ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探(10 minutes) Let the Ss look at “let’s talk”, in this part let the Ss try to read this part an d try to answer these questions : (1) Who are they in the picture ?


Warm-u p biography n.传记 fantasy n.想象(幻想)物 *horror n.惊恐,恐惧abandon vt.放弃,遗弃 come into view 出现 knock sb. over撞倒某人 victim n.受害者 once upon a time 从前princess n.公主,王妃 criteria n.(评判的)标准novelist n.(长篇)小说家Lesson 1 volcanic eruption火山爆发preserve vt.保护,保存capsule n.胶囊;太空舱witness v.目击 occur vi.发生 tremble vi.颤抖,发抖 block out 堵住 particularly adv.特别地,特定地loss n.遗失,丢失 awesome adj.令人敬畏的 in a way从某种程度上说rewind vi.vt.倒回architecture n.建筑 authentic adj.原作的,真正的characteristic adj.典型的monument n.纪念碑,纪念堂gather vi.vt.聚集 on one's side 侧身 sorrow n.悲伤,难过sympathy n.同情 burst vi.爆炸;冲,闯 split up 断绝关系,分成小部分on the way to 在去…的路上pay rise 增加工资

specific adj.详细的,特定的significance n.重要性,意义abnormal adj.反常的,不正常 vivid adj.生动的,逼真的 hardship n.艰苦,困苦 *pillar n.支柱 violinist n.小提琴家 name ... after 以…命名 come across 偶然遇见 hold up 支撑起 count on 依靠 origin n.起源,开端;出身 figure out 理解 *heather n.石南属植物 discourage vt.使泄气 end up 以…结束,以…告终 put up with 容忍,忍受 suffering n.痛苦,困难 musical adj.音乐的n.音乐剧,音乐片musical instrument 乐器 admirable adj.令人钦佩的,极佳的tease vt.嘲笑,取笑 suspension bridge 吊桥 videophone n.可视电话 in particular 特别,尤其 Lesson 3 superb adj.出色的,卓越的 severe adj.严重的,严厉的restriction n.限制,约束unbearable adj.不能忍受的 stubborn adj.倔强的,固执的 former adj.以前的 troublesome adj.引起麻烦的straightforward adj.直接的;坦率的precise adj.准确的,精确的 *imitation n.模仿 precious adj.宝贵的,珍贵的

最新高中英语全册教学大纲 (全)


创业培训课程一、四大培训特色: 3

1、全实战专家授课:授课老师全部都是具有资深企业管理、运营经验的企业家、企业高管、投资人等,通过传授自身的企业运营经验,给创业培训班学员带来务实的指导和帮助!课堂之外,我们根据创业业者不同层次、不同阶段的不同需求,邀请资深专家给学员提供个性化服务,伴随创业者一路成长。 2、案例教学。我们以案例教学、头脑风暴、企业参访、角色互动等方式,让学员分组讨论学习商业计划书的写作,以帮助学员更系统地分析创业计划,在实践中更容易获得投资人的赏识。学员通过系统的学习创业知识,不仅能够提升创业能力,降低创业风险,还能结交到良师益友。 3、模拟商战。引入全球模拟公司联合体中国中心的“金马兰创业实训平台”,组织学员模拟现实市场环境,进行实战演练。通过创业实训平台的学习,学员对企业经营管理有更深入的理解。 4、增值服务。我们以创业培训为基础,整合各类创业资源,为学员提供融资、法律、财务、营销、媒体、孵化器等各类资源,充分满足学员的个性化需求,以最大程度地帮助学员创业成功。学员结业后均可加入第一创业俱乐部,参加我们举办的各类主题的创业讲座、沙龙、论坛、项目路演、聚会等,我们将为学员提供持续、有效、完善的增值服务。二、培训目标: ·掌握创业的基本要素、实施步骤、开业流程及经营技能,提升创业能力,降低创业风险; . 掌握商业模式、品牌管理、项目评估、市场营销、财务管理、商务沟通、股权架构、团队领导力等系统的创业知识; ·了解现阶段的创业环境及政府的相关创业补贴和扶持政策; ·规划创业生涯,掌握撰写切实可行的创业计划书的方法; 三、内容: 品牌命名与商标注册 市场开发与营销推广 股权分配与公司治理 公司财务规划与管理 团队领导力培养与提升 商业计划书写作 投资收益风险评估 环境分析 项目确定公司注册 创业计划开业准备 公司经营与管理 公司交易 创业能力测评 风险管理 项目路演 商务沟通 4

北师大版高中英语选修六第7讲:Unit18 Beauty-词汇篇1(教师版)-教育文档

Unit 18 Beauty词汇篇1 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 2、灵活运用第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。 1.beauty n. 美,美丽;美人;美好的东西;极好的榜样;典型的例子;好处,优点 ①[U]美,美丽(指抽象概念) Her beauty had faded over the years. 这么多年过去了,她渐渐失去了美貌。 ②美人,美好的东西;极好的榜样,典型的例子 She was considered a great beauty in her youth. 她年轻时是个公认的大美人。 词汇链接: ①beautiful adj. 美丽的 ②beautify vt. 美化,使美丽 短语拓展: ①beauty contest 选美比赛 ②beauty queen 选美比赛冠军,选美皇后 ③beauty salon/ parlour/ shop 美容院 ④beauty spot = beauty mark 美人痣;风景点 ⑤beauty products 美容产品 ⑥the beauty of... ......的优点,......的好处,......的妙处 ⑦the beauty of the sunset/ poetry/ his singing 落日/诗作/他的歌声之美 2.attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有迷惑力的;动人的,妩媚的


SectionⅣCommunication Workshop,Language Awareness3,Culture Corner&Bulletin Board 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,填写单词 1.It was e that the plan is a failure.Even a child could see it. 答案:evident 2.Can you r a good dictionary to me? 答案:recommend 3.My mother always t us like children. 答案:treats 4.He is one of the dishonest (商人)in that city. 答案:merchants 5.What is the main (主题)of the play? 答案:theme 6.The film has a rather thrilling (情节). 答案:plot 7.It is (幼稚的)to run into danger for nothing. 答案:childish 8.The great (缺点)of living near a main road is the noise. 答案:drawback

二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The birds got (trap) when eating corn. 2.I bought this book on the (recommend) of a friend. 3.Black and white show a (strike) contrast. 4.There wasn’t enough (evident)to prove he was guilty. 5.It is bad (manner) to interrupt. 三、根据汉语提示完成句子 1.它是以布芒夫人的童话故事版本为基础改编的。 It the version of the fairy tale by Madame Le Prince de Beaumont. 2.她的姐妹们,费利西娅和阿德莱德,行为不佳,把美丽当作仆人。 Her sisters,Felicie and Adelaide,are nasty and Beauty a servant. 3.要么他的一个女儿替他囚禁在城堡中,要么他就得死。 one of his daughters him a prisoner in the castle, he will die.


人教版高中英语选修6优质教案全套 Unit 1 Art Vocabulary and Useful Expressions Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions 2. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: the subjective mood Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Free talk If you have a special chance to become a poet, what kind of poems will you write to people? And why? Step 2. Word study Purpose: To consolidate the words and phrases in the text. 1. Find a word in the poems that rhymes with each of the words below. Then add other words that rhyme. The first one has been done for you. (1) dead lead red thread fed said bed (2) high (3) sing (4) today (5) lace (6) true Suggested Answers: (2) high sky pie my fly shy lie (3) sing ring wing thing king fling string (4) today away say play lay tray may (5) lace race face case chase place space (6) true too new flew few shoe canoe 2. Complete the passage using the words below in the correct form.


第十六单元第一课教学设计 Lesson 1 Stories from History 教材分析 本课是第16单元第一课。教材讲述了意大利的庞培城,一个变成了“时间胶囊”城市,公元79年被火山爆发所吞没和1600多年后科学家们再发现它的历史故事。本课以这个历史故事为话题,展开对故事体裁(Genre)写作结构的了解。本单元在Warm-up部分 已为第一课做了很好的故事话题、结构和词汇方面的铺垫,因此本课可以从Warm-up导入开始,了解故事的种类。进一步培养学生在进行阅读过程中,了解文章故事的结构和写作特点以便更好地为故事体裁写作输出做准备。最终达到读得懂、说得出、写得好的目标。 本课篇章不长,也不算难。词汇短语最好通过学生的课上活动,以及对过去完成时的练习和掌握,不断使词汇及短语复现,从而达到掌握和理解课文的目的。另外,过去完成时的学习可以通过发现实验的方法加深学生的理解和应用。即:在语言应用中发现并掌握语法知识。 本课计划两课时完成。第一课时的重点是通过故事结构(标题,故事事件发生的场景(时间、定点、人物),主体和结论)话题相关信息的了解,运用自己的语言通过讲故事复述课文学习本课及相关的词汇;第二课时的重点是词汇的巩固和语法的发现、归纳、总结和练习,让学生明白过去完成时和过去时的区别以及Have/Get something done词的用法,并能在语境中恰当的应用语言。 教学容 1.话题: Stories from History 2.阅读: Pompeii: The city that became a time capsule 3.词汇: 重点词汇:volcanic eruption, buried, event, disappear, disaster, preserve, destroy, discover, scientist 相关词汇:capsule, tremble, particularly, loss, awesome, rewind, burst, authentic, architecture 短语和搭配:block out, in a way, on one’s side, split up, pay rise 4.语法:The Past Perfect; Have/Get something done 第一课时 First Period 教学目标 本课结束时,学生能够: 1.通过Warm-up的听力,学生能够听懂并知道故事的不同种类。 2.谈论和讲述故事。 教学过程

河北省高二英语选修6 Unit4《Global warming》全套教案

河北省高二英语选修6 Unit4《Global warming》全套教案教学目标 Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 energy, light (v.), heat (v.), renewable, non-renewable, fuel, blame, run out b. 交际用语 Expressing agreement and disagreement Yes, I agree with you. Yes, I think so. I believe that you’ve got it right. I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s right. I’m afraid you are wrong. 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to talk about different sources of energy and express their own ideas. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to give their ideas about the use of energy.

教学重难点 Teaching important points 教学重点 Enable the students to express agreement and disagreement. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 Enable the students to learn how to express agreement and disagreement. 教学过程 Step ⅠRevision T: Good morning, everyone. Ss: Good morning, teacher. T: Sit down, please. Before class, I’ll check your homework first. Mary, would you read your homework to us? Check the students’homework and have a discussion with the students about the mistakes Mary made. Let the students have a clear understanding about the mistakes and then correct them. Step ⅡWarming up T: As we all know, we depend on energy to do many things in our daily life. Some people even say we could do nothing without energy. Can you tell me what we use energy for?

北师大版高中英语选修六第9讲:Unit18 Beauty-语法篇(教师版)

Unit 18 Beauty 语法篇 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1、掌握并区分used to与would的区别和用法。 2、掌握限定词的区别和用法。 一. used to和would 1. used to的用法 used to意为“过去常常”,其中to是动词不定式符号,后面接动词原形,表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作但现在已经结束,只能用于一般过去时,含有较强的“今昔对比”的意味。 I used to enjoy gardening, but I don’t have time for it now.我过去喜爱园艺,但现在没时间弄了。 误区警示: ①在疑问句中或否定句中,可以有两种形式。 Used you to go to the same school? = Did you use to go to the same school? 你们曾经就读同一所学校吗? He usedn't to smoke. = He didn't use to smoke. 他过去不经常抽烟。 ②在反意疑问句和简略答语中也有两种形式。 John used to be a policeman, didn't he? = John used to be a policeman, usedn't he? 约翰过去是名警察,是吗? ---Used you to go to school in Australia? 你曾经在澳大利亚上过学吗? ---Yes, I did./ Yes, I used to. 是的,我上过。 2. would的用法 ①would是will的过去式,表示过去的“意志、意愿”,可用于多种人称。 They said that they would help us. 他们说他们愿意帮助我们。


word 北师大版高中英语选修六单词表(Englishtec) Unit16Unit17Unit18 Warm-up suffering Warm-up caution Warm-up stuff biographymusicalbreathlesssteady amusescratch fantasymusicalinstrumentmasterpiece Lesson3 burstoutlaughingscoldforbid horroradmirablescenicChristian giggleruninto abandonteasesuperiorendless anecdote Lesson3 comeintoviewsuspensionbridgesidewaysfreezing ridiculouscomedy knocksb.over victim onceuponatime princess videophone inparticular Lesson3 superb politician response unbelievable comedian imitate puton vertical adore rainbow Lesson1 romant ic tranqu il hoarfr ost bend agencyturnsboff criteriasevereflockhomesickness visaregardlessof novelistrestrictionbeholderdrown mygoodnesspurely Lesson1unbearableconsistentvague Lesson1universal volcaniceruptionstubborncorsethoof harmonyseal preserveformerwoolenstout capsuletroublesomecashachequeastonishshawlbound witnessstraightforwardwithdrawsaucertattoooval occurpreciseslimbow forgetfulsteaktartar trembleimitationoverweightjerk matureraw blockoutpreciouscommitmentchimney overlookdisgusting particularlynowthatdieoutsleigh clarifydesperate losseageraccompanythistle delayboardingschool awesomegradualrangetone inawayexpandconscienceunlike rewindcomplexinnerconvey architecturevioletsubjectiveaffection counter obtain agent partly queue compensate yelldeliberately authenticapparentdimension Communication waitinlineconvince characteristicsweetnesscommand Workshop identificationplayaround monumentwarmthtastelessmerchant sunburntpullfaces gatherbreakthroughmustardtreat onone'sside sorrow sympathy burst u ncertain communication workshop tiresome messy scared thriller swiftly rarely presence genius Communication s pear teapot botany skateboard t rap theme manner drawbac k


小学英语六年级上册全册课程纲要 ◆课程类型:必修课程◆教学材料:人民教育出版社 ◆课时安排:42课时 ◆授课对象:小学六年级 一、课程标准相关的陈述 能借助录音、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料;能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问;能在口头表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意;能认读所学词语;能根据拼读的规律,读出简单的单词;能读懂教材中简短的要求或指令;能正确地使用大写小字母和常用的标点符号;能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句. 学习目标: 1、我能够借助拼读规则、图片听、说、读、写64个短语和单词以及12组句子和9个单句(包括社区生活,交通法规,课余活动,业余爱好,职业,心情等几个话题)。要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短语篇。 2、我能够借助拼读规则、图片听、说、认读83个单词(带“△”)。 3、我能借助录音能听懂、会唱6首歌曲。 4、我能根据练习,作业及小组合作完成6个自我评价活动。 5、我能借助动画理解6个幽默小故事。 6、我能借助课本,课件了解6项简单的中西方文化生活知识。 能力目标: 1、我能借助录音,图片使用日常交际用语,活用四会句型,进行简单的交流,做到大胆开口,发音正确。 2、我能在图片、手势、情境等非语言提示的帮助下,听懂清晰的话语和录音。 3、养成良好的书写习惯。 4、进一步养成听英语、读英语和说英语的良好习惯。 二、课时安排

单元课题课时 Unit 1How can I get there? 6 Unit 2Ways to go to school 6 Unit 3My weekend plan 6 Recycle 1 3 Unit 4I have a pen pal 6 Unit 5What does he do ? 6 Unit 6How do you feel? 6 Recycle 2 3 三、课程实施 1、六年级上册的教材与五年级上、下册的结构、板块设计基本相同,不同之处主要有以下两个方面: (1)五年级上、下册教材中的主句型在Let's talk 部分只要求达到听、说、认读,在Read and write 部分要求达到能够书写。六年级上册的主句型在Let's talk 部分即要求达到听、说、读、写四会掌握. (2)语音部分由原来的字母组合朗读过渡到句子的语调和单词间的连读与重音。 2、本教材的设计体现了“以人为本”的教育思想,形式多样活泼,很符合该年龄阶段的儿童。教材以话题为纲,以交际功能和语言结构为主线,逐步引导学生运用英语完成有实际意义的语言任务。体现了交际教学思想,注重学生语言应用能力的培养。在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用上都紧密联系学生的生活实际、贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则。 3、复现率高。本册教材大量复现学生已经学过的词汇和句型,注重单元与单元之间内容的衔接,使语言在重复和滚动式的递进中不断巩固。如第一单元的话题是谈论地点与方位,告诉别人怎么去某个地方,第二单元紧接着谈论交通方式,第三单元结合谈论周末活动展开以各种疑问词开头的问句:What are you going to do? Where are you going ? When are you going ?第四单元与第五单元联系紧密,第四单元谈论


北师大版高二英语选修六单元测试题及答案全套 单元质量检测(一) (时间:100分钟满分:120分) Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A It was the first snow of winter — an exciting day for every child but not for most teachers.Up until now,I had been old enough to dress myself,but today would need some help.Miss Finlayson,my kindergarten teacher, had been through first snow days many times, but I think she may still remember this one. I managed to get into my wool snow trousers.But I struggled with my jacket because it didn't fit well.It was a hand-me-down from my brother, and it made me wonder why I had to wear his ugly clothes. At least my hat and scarf were mine, and they were quite pretty.Finally it was time to have Miss Finlayson help me with my boots (靴子). In her calm, motherly voice she said, “By the end of winter, you will all be able to put on your own boots.” I didn't realize at the time that this was more a statement of hope than of confidence (信心). I handed her my boots and stuck out my foot.Like most children, I expected grown-ups to do all the work.After much pushing, she managed to get first one into place and then, with a sigh, worked the second one on too. I announced, “They're on the wrong feet.” She struggled to get the boots off and went through the joyless task of putting them on again.“They're my brother's boots, you know,”I said,“I hate them.” Somehow, from long years of practice, she managed to act as though I wasn't an annoying (烦人的) little girl.She pushed and pushed, less gently this time.With a greater sigh, seeing the end of her.She struggled with me, she asked, “Now, where are your mittens (连指手套)?” I looked into her eyes and said, “I didn't want to lose them, so I hid them in the toes of my boots.” 1.The little girl was more satisfied with her________. A.trousers B.jacket C.boots D.hat 2.Miss Finlayson had difficulty with the girl's boots mainly because ________. A.the girl got them from her brother B.the girl put something in them C.they were on the wrong feet D.they did not fit the girl well 3.Why does the author think Miss Finlayson would remember that first snow day? A.Because the little girl was in her brother's clothes. B.Because it was the most exciting day of the winter. C.Because the little girl played a trick on her. D.Because the little girl wore a pretty scarf. 4.We can learn from the text that Miss Finlayson ________. A.was losing confidence in the little girl B.gradually lost patience with the little girl C.became disappointed with the little girl D.was getting bored with the little girl B


Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. Target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote ... to b. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2 Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. P2 But the evening makes it all worthwhile. P2 ... we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. P2 2. Ability goals a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on. 3. Learning ability goals Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching important points a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: b. Ask students to answer these questions: 1) What made her a great success? 2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. Teaching methods Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion. Teaching aids A computer, a projector and a recorder.

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