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一、Proper Nouns

Terracotta Warriors and Horses兵马俑

Longmen Grottos 龙门石窟

Leshan Giant Buddha 乐山大佛

Jiuzhaigou Valley 九寨沟

Mt. Lushan 庐山

Confucius Temple孔庙


Kong Qiu孔丘

Saint Kong孔圣人

Most Holy and Foremost Perfect Teacher大成至圣先师

The Analects of Confucius《论语》

Jesus Christ 耶稣基督

Summer Palace 颐和园

The Chengde Mountain Resort承德避暑山庄

Prussian Kingdom普鲁士王国

Dresden Museum德累斯顿博物馆

Jingdezhen 景德镇

Sliced Pig’s Ear in Chilly Oil凉拌猪耳朵

Chicken Cubes with Chili Peppers;辣子鸡丁

Egg Rolls蛋卷

Long Chao Shou龙抄手

Spiced Peanut Noodles担担面

fancy knot中国结

New Stone Age新石器时代

Warring State Period战国时期

Valentine’s Day情人节


Three Kingdom Period三国时期

Marshal Zhao赵公元帅

God of Wealth财神


Santa Claus圣诞老人

A Legend of White Snake《白蛇传》

Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节

Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节

Yuanxiao Festival元宵节

Lantern Festival上元节,灯节

Yuetan Park月坛公园

the Temple of Moon月亮庙

Water-Sprinkling Festival泼水节

Double Ninth Festival重阳节

Willow Hall柳树厅

Seventh Evening Festival七夕节

Begging for Skills Festival乞巧节

Daughters’ Festival女儿节Qingmiao青苗

the Yangtze River长江

Poyang Lake 鄱阳湖


Arch of Triumph凯旋门

Hall of Maitreya米勒殿

Hall of Vairocana毗卢殿

Banruo Hall班若堂

Beamless Brick Hall无梁砖殿

Rena Temple热那寺

Xingyuan Temple行愿楼

Pattra-Leaf Scipture贝叶经

Baishui Pool白水池

Autumn Wind over the Baishui Pool白水秋风Qingyin Pavilion清音阁

Mt. Siguniang四姑娘山

Double Bridge Gully双桥沟

Changping Gully长坪沟

Haizi Gully海子沟

Yinyang Valley阴阳谷

Abi River阿妣河

Ganhaizi Lake干海子(湖)

Mt. Taishan泰山

Daimiao Temple岱庙

Bixia Temple碧霞祠

Yuhang(Jade Emperor) Peak玉皇顶

Riguan(Sun-Watching) Peak日观峰

Mt. Huangshan黄山

Mt. Qingcheng青城山

Jianfu Temple建福宫

Changsheng Hall(Longevity Hall)长生殿Moon City Lake月城湖

Qinghai Lake青海湖


Guozhuang Dance郭庄舞

Huangguoshu Waterfall黄果树瀑布Doupotang Waterfall陡坡塘瀑布

Luositan Waterfall螺丝潭瀑布

Silver-Chain Waterfall银链坠滩瀑布Dishuitan Waterfall滴水滩瀑布

Water-Curtain Cave水帘洞

Xiniutan(Rhinoceros Pool)犀牛滩Wangshuiting(Water-Viewing Pavilion)望水亭Jinshitan(Golden Stone Beach)金石滩Liaodong Peninsula辽东半岛

Yellow Sea黄海

Nuorilang Wat erfall诺日朗瀑布

Niagara Waterfall尼亚加拉瀑布

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region广西壮族自治区

Reed Flute Cave芦笛岩

Seven-Star Cave七星岩

Chuanshan Hall穿山

Lijiang River漓江


Elephant Trunk Mountain象鼻山

Old Man Mountain老人山

Pagoda Mountain 塔山

King Yu大禹

Guest-Greeting Pons迎宾池

Brilliant Flying Waterfall飞瀑流辉

Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest祈谷坛

Circular Mound Altar圜丘坛

Temple of Haven天坛

Pingwu Bao’en Temple 平武报恩寺

Tian’anmen Gate Tower天安门城楼

Heng and Ha哼哈二将

Huangze Temple皇泽寺

Wulong Hill乌龙山

Jiangling River嘉陵江

Northern Wei Dynasty北魏时期

Slogan Stele Forest of the Red Army红军标语碑林Kaiyuan Period in the Tang Dynasty唐朝开元年间Wunu Temple乌奴寺

Maitreya Buddha弥勒佛

Twelve Pictures of Silkworm and Mulberry《蚕桑十二事图》

Lingyin Temple灵隐寺

Feilaifeng(Peak flown from Afar)飞来峰

Eastern Jin Dynasty东晋

Temple of the Soul’s Retreat仙灵所隐

Dabei Hall大悲殿

Huayan Hall华严殿

Guanyin with One Thousand Hands千手观音Zhuanlun Jingzang(Dharma-wheel)转轮经藏Shaolin Temple少林寺

Northern Wei Dynasty北魏

Da Mo达摩

Mahayana sect(Zen)禅宗

Kung Fu功夫

Devajara Hall(Hall of Heavenly Kings)天王殿




Yaoshifo, God of Medicine药师佛Guanyin观音

Pagoda Forest塔林

Baoguang Temple宝光寺


sarira pagoda舍利塔

rose finch朱雀


Pisa Tower比萨塔

Oriental Inclined Pagoda东方斜塔Tengwang Tower滕王阁

Emperor Taizong太宗皇帝

Preface to Tengwang Tower《滕王阁序》Wangjiang Tower望江楼

Xue Tao Well薛涛井

Wuhou Temple武侯祠

Du Fu’s Thatched Cottage杜甫草堂Penglai Pavilion 蓬莱阁

Mt. Red Cliff丹崖山

Emperor Jiayou嘉佑皇帝

Yellow Crane Tower黄鹤楼

Yueyang Tower岳阳楼

Luzu Temple吕祖殿

Sanqing Temple三清殿

Palace of the Celestial Queen天后宫Amitabha Temple弥陀寺

Wind-sheltering Pavilion避风亭

Mapang Drum Tower马胖鼓楼

Sanjiang County三江县

Dong nationality侗族

Chongli Tower崇丽阁

Snake Hill蛇山

Wanjuan Tower of Chen Shou陈寿万卷楼Yuping Mountain玉屏山

Western Jin Dynasty西晋

Annals of the Three Kingdoms《三国志》Romance of Three Kingdoms《三国演义》Flaming Mountains火焰山

Silk Road丝绸路

Jinsha Ruins金沙遗址

Maya Civilization玛雅文明

Xiao Tun Village小屯村

Huan River洹河

West Xia Imperial Tombs西夏王陵

West Xia Kingdom西夏王朝

Mt. Helan贺兰山

Oriental Pyramids东方金字塔

bronze yuan铜瑗

bronze bi铜璧

Yin Ruins殷墟

Simuwu Ding司母戊鼎

Bo People僰人

Gongxian County珙县



holy tree神树


Lion Mountain狮子山

Elephant Mountain象山

Golden Rainbow Mountain金虹山


Rishengchang Exchange Shop日升昌票号

The Lin’s Shop《林家铺子》

Taihu Lake太湖

Tongxinggong Armed Escort Company Museum同兴公镖局博物馆

Qiao’s Compound乔家大院

Tunxi Ancient Street屯溪老街、

Xin’an River新安江

Zhenahai Bridge镇海桥

Memorial Archway牌坊

Shexian County歙县

Zhongtian Tower中天塔

Bayu Dance巴渝舞




四川省质量技术监督学校2010 ~2011 学年度第2期旅游服务与饭店管理班《英语》试卷A卷Class:Name:Number:Score:一.口试( 40%) 二.笔试(60%) I: Vocabularies :(15%) 1. 单人间 2.您先请 3. 叫早电话 4. 信用卡 5.护照 6. 房间号码 7. 晚礼服8.服务费9. 值班经理 10. 签名11.大床间12. 美式早餐 13. 干洗14.打扰15. 到达时间 II: Choose the best answer: (15%) 1. A: Good morning! Will you do me a favor? B: A. I hope so. What is it? B. Good morning. Nice to see you here. C. Yes, of course. I’ll be glad to. D. Sorry, I’m busy doing my work now. 2. After greeting a new guest, the receptionist’s first action should be to . A. check the guest’s reservation B. ask the guest the length of his stay C. ask the guest to register D. call the bellman 3. You have to book the tickets five days advance. A in B. for C. before D. with 4. I two hotels but they are both fully booked up. A. have tried B. tried C. try D. will try


全国2012年1月高等教育自学考试 旅游英语选读试题 课程代码:00837 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 I. Multiple choice: (1×15=15) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. The World Tourism Organization is ______ that represents all national and official tourist interests. A. a regional organization B. one of the organizations C. a national organization D. the only international organization 2. The inclusion of western words and phrases in language is due to ______ A. tourism development B. language development C. economic development D. environmental development 3. Which group of executives can be expected to enjoy luxurious accommodations, staying only at five-star hotels or equivalents? A. Technical and sales personnel. B. Company chairman and chief executives. C. Executive directors and training managers. D. General managers and human resource managers. 4. Some steps ______ to control the overuse of tourism resources, but more needs ______ and the sooner the better. A. take, do B. taken, done C. has taken, has done D. have been taken, to be done 5. The Grand Tour is a tour of certain cities in ______. A. Southern Europe B. Northern Europe C. Western Europe D. Eastern Europe 6. Some national tourism organizations have found it useful to make a further distinction between international travel and travel between ______. A. neighboring countries B. adjacent countries C. nearby countries D. bordering countries 7. Travel and tourism, as a ______ behavior, is very closely related to advances in the economy and culture of a society. A. social B. economic C. cultural D. socioeconomic 8. Tourism is a ______ of activities, services, and industries that derivers a travel experience. A. composition B. composite C. combination D. compound 9. Investment in tourism remains ______ it does in any other industry. A. the same risk as B. the same risks as C. as risky as D. as risk as 10. This motivation is frequently referred to as the “VFR”market. It’s the short form for “______”. A. visit friends and relatives B. visit friends and relations


2018年春旅游英语报刊选读第二次作业 你的得分: 完成日期:2018年07月12日 15点42分 说明:每道小题选项旁的标识是标准答案。 一、单项选择题。本大题共15个小题,每小题分,共分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.According to WTO''s definition of tourism, outbound tourism refers to __B__. A.visits to country by nonresidents B.visits by residents of a country to another country C.visits by residents of a country to their own country D.internal tourism plus outbound tourism 2.As the domestic tourism industry ____,competition will become increasingly __C__. A.grows, intent B.develops, intent C.matures, intense D.strengthens, intense 3.Tourism contributes to both ___D___ of the world''s cultural heritage. A.knowledge B.preservation C.development D. B and C 4.In 1981 the WTO has urged national tourism organizations ____A__ foreign nationals in their country as domestic travelers. A.to include B.included C.not to include D.including


陕西旅游版英语四年级 下册期末试卷 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-19882)

小学英语四年级下册期末试卷 一、补全单词,并写出汉语意思。(10分) ⒈ h_use ⒉ w _nd ⒊ cli _b ⒋ str_ t ⒌ b_irthday_____⒍ t_rn_____ ⒎ k _ tchen ⒏ w _ ite ___ ⒐ cin_ ma _____⒑ r_inc_at 二、按要求写单词。(15分) ⒈they (宾格)⒉photo (复数) ⒊left (反义词)⒋wash (现在分词) ⒌child(复数)⒍can(否定形式) ⒎let us (缩写)⒏know(同音词) ⒐good (副词)⒑have (单三形式) 三、选词填空。(10分) paly cinema wait speak party 1. I can English very well 2. My sister wants to see a film in the 3. We are going to have a birthday for Alice 4.The traffic light is red ,Please a minute 5.Can you the music for us at the Party 四、单项选择(20分) 1.() What do you do Saturday? 2. A. at B . in C . On 2.() He is going to exercise. A . do B . does C . doing 3.() They in the lining room


??????????????????????精品自学考料推荐?????????????????? 浙江省 2018 年 4 月高等教育自学考试 旅游英语试题 课程代码: 06010 Ⅰ.Make the best choice to complete the following sentences.(20%) 1.I had been sitting in my seat for at least two hours, waiting () . A. the train to start B. for the train starting C. for the train to start D. for the train start 2.This is the Chinese () , translated from English. A. publication B. editor C. printing D. version 3.Get up early and run every day in the travel, and you will () a lot from doing so. A. receive B. make C. benefit D. win 4.This morning our water supply was () because of the cold weather. A. let down B. cut off C. taken up D. brought away 5.How much are you going to () me for repairing this equipment in the attractions? A. charge B. money C. require D. need 6.Culturally, this park is divided into two () . A. parties B. sections C. days D. yards 7.A tiny village school is soon to () its 110th birthday. A. celebrate B. make C. liberate D. confirm 8.It is impossible to finish the task () . A. in so a short time B. in such short a time C. in such a short time D. in a so short time 9.Try to () what had happened just before the accident. A. talk B. speak C. describe D. say for 10.He is () more hard-working than any of the other boys in the class. A. by far B. by way of C. by now D. by and by 1


Directions: Read the three following passages and then choose the best answer to each question. (1) On November 17,1997,He Guangwei, director e of the National Tourism Administration(NTA), signed an agreement in Washington with Jonathan Linen, vice-chairman of the American Express, designating the American Express Card as China''s tourist credit card for 1998 to 2000. This is the second time the card has won this honor. "Since the American Express Card was designated for the first time in 1994, it has played an important role in China''s tourism," said Director He at the signing ceremony. Over recent years, the number of tourists using the American Express Card to handle business, tourism and activities related to work in China has increased. According to Bank of China statistics, the amount of business using American Express Cards occupies 45 percent of the accounts signed with foreign credit cards. In addition,the number of accounts signed with the card by overseas tourists stands at 15 percent of China''s tourist income in foreign exchange. In order to develop China''s tourism, the American Express and the NTA carried out a series of market promotion activities in North America, including distributing a million copies of the 24-page World of Wonders -- Hong Kong and China in North America. The American Express has enthusiastically supported China''s tourism education and training. In 1992, in cooperation with the Beijing Tourism College, it established the tourism training center which has successfully trained more than 600 tourism administrative personnel. The new agreement marked the further strengthening of cooperation between the


Lession 1 What is tourism? 1.Four different perspectives of tourism(要考虑的四个不同方面):The tourist / The business providing tourist goods and services / The goverment of the host community or area / The host community 2.The importance of giving a definition of tourism(旅游定义的重要性):Each of the many definitions that have arisen is amied at fitting a special situation and solving an immediate problem,and the lack of uniform definitions has hampered study of tourism as discipline. 3.One has only to consider the multidimensional aspects of tourism and its interactions with other activities to understand why it is difficult to come up with a meaningful definition that will be universally accepted. 4.WTO definitions(WTO 下的定义) 1)The definitions of tourism(旅游):Tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure,business and other purposes. 2)The definitions of international tourism(国际旅游) a)Inbound tourism(入境旅游):visits to a country by nonresidents b)Outbound tourism(出境旅游):visits by residents of a country to another country 3)The definitions of internal tourism(境内旅游):visits by residents of a country to their own country 4)The definitions of domestic tourism(国内旅游): internal tourism plus inbound tourism(the tourism market of accommodation facilities and attractions within a country) 5)The definitions of national tourism(国家级旅游): internal tourism plus outbound tourism(the resident market tourism market for travel agents and airlines) 5.Tourism as defined by...(其他国家或地区定义) 1)The United States(美国):A tourist is one who travels away from home for a distance of at least 50 miles(one way) for business, pleasure, personal affairs,or any other purpose except to commute to work,whether he stays overnight or returns the same day. 2)Canada(加拿大):nonresident travelers, resident travelers, and other travelers.Both nonresident travelers and resident travelers include both same-day and business https://www.wendangku.net/doc/eb11585730.html,muters are included and are not distinguished from other same-day business travelers. Other travelers consist of immigrants, former residents, military personnel, and crews. 3)The United Kingdom(英国):It measures all trips away from home lasting one or night or more,taken by residents for holidays,visits to friends and relatives(nonholiday), or for business, conferences, and most other purposes. 4)Australia(澳大利亚):A person visiting a location at least 40 km from his usual place of residence, for a period of at least 24 hours and not exceeding twelve months. 5)Chuna(中国):The sum of all the phenomena and relations arising from the travel and temporary stay by people who have left home to go to other places to visit. Notes; Leisure time余暇 a study tour考察旅游 a wilderness park天然公园 vital to对...至关重要the rail of a cruise sgip游船栏杆make a profit获得利润 tax receipts税收收入the foreign exchange receipts外汇收入the sum total收入乘数 august bodies权威机构...arriving at a consensus达到统一round trip往返旅行 narrow operational definitions只限于实际操作的定义come up with a meaningful definition that will be universally accepted做出一个能被普遍接受的定义 Lession 2 Mass tourism and New tourism 1.Modern tourism 1)The Grand Tour(大旅游):A tour of certain cities in Western Europe undertaken primarily, but not


旅游英语 一、单项选择题(在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。多选无分。每小题1分,共20分) 1. This book is worth _____. C A. to read it B. reading it C. reading D. to read 2. Beijing is well __________ its beautiful scenery and the Great Wall. D A. known as B. known to C. known about D. known for 3. This question is too hard, it is __________ my comprehension. B A. below B. beyond C. over D. without 4. The workers are busy __________ models for the exhibition. D A. to make B. with making C. being making D. making 5. Do you think Tommy is________the truth? C A. saying B. speaking C. telling D. talking 6. No sooner had she entered the house ________the telephone rang. B A. when B. than C. as D. while 7. .--____________? C -- We are looking for a pair of sports shoes. A. What do you do B. What do you like C. Can I help you D. Do you need help 8. It was not__ midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds. D A. before B. at C. after D. until 9. We look forward to _____ to the opening ceremony. D A. invite B. be invited C. having been invited D. being invited 10. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature______. B A. taking B. taken C. took D. take 11. “__________ does Mr. Johnson go to London on business?” At least once a month.” B A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How 12. _____ is known to all, too much smoking will cause lung cancer. C A. That B. It C. As D. What 13. The new system contained a large _____ of information about an daily life. B A. deal B. amount C. number D. account 14. I don’t like to disturb you, because you’re quite tired ________ working hard today. A A. of B. on C. out D. with 15. The teacher asked his students to leave enough _____ on the page forcorrection. A


三年级下册期末英语试卷 Name___________ Class____________ Score______________ 一、选出不同类的单词。(5分) ( )1、A. ten B. too C. three ( )2、A. in B. on C. At ( )3、A. grape B. grandpa C. good ( )4、A. feet B. cakes C. face ( )5、A. two B. go C. cone ( )6、A. ship B. home C. school ( )7、A. his B. they C. her ( )8、A. who B. what C. how ( )9、A. boy B. girl C.student ( )10、A. family B. father C. mother 二、根据汉语提示写单词。(10分) 嘴()鼻子()妈妈()手()毛衣()眼睛()爷爷()脚()帽子()在…下面() 三、按要求改写下列单词。(12分) 1、bus(复数)__________ 2、do(三单否定形式)____________ 3、father(反义词)____________ 4、he(宾格)______________ 5、eleven(下一个数字)__________ 6、feet(单数形式)___________ 7、you are(缩写)_______________ 8、are(第一人称单数)___________ 9、has(原形)___________ 10、do(三单形式)_____________ 11、isnˋt(扩写)____________ 12、big(反义词)_______________ 四、四、将下列单词分类,把序号写在横线上。(7分) A、thirteen B、cat C、coat D、grape E、skirt F、tiger G、car H、pear I、fifteen J、eleven K、eighteen L、mom


全国2007年10月高等教育自学考试 旅游英语选读试题 课程代码:00837 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 Write all your answers on the Answer Sheet! I. Multiple Choice (l×20=20) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A. B. C. and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. The International Conference on Travel and Tourism Statistics convened by WTO in ______, ______, in 1991 reviewed, updated and expanded on the work of earlier international groups. A. Hanover, Germany B. Ottawa, Canada C. Madrid, Spain D. Osaka, Japan 2. China has numerous temples, pagodas, statues, and cave carvings, ______ are associated with Buddhism, Daoism and Confucius. A. whose B. which C. many of which D. many of whom 3. What kind of organization is International Civil Aviation Organization? A. It is a global organization of some 80 governments B. It is an organization for economic cooperation and development C. It is a regional organization for international air carriers D. It is the prime government agency in USA 4. The definition described an international tourist as anyone visiting a country, other than that which is his usual place of residence, for ______. A. less than 12 hours B. less than 24 hours C. more than 12 hours D. more than 24 hours 5. Tourism ______ the sum of all the phenomena and relations arising from the travel and temporary stay by people who have left home to go to other places to visit. A. defines about B. is defining about C. is defining as D. is defined as 6. With the coming of the ______ and the development of the ______ business after the Second World War, travel retailers took on a new role. A. shipping companies, retail agency B. air transport, package tour


旅游类专业课试题卷 1 遂平县职业教育中心2012-2013学年上期期中考试 二年级《旅游英语》试卷 一、选择题(每小题2分,共50分) ( )1.快餐,小吃 A .dim sum B .dessert C .snack D .snap ( )2.行李生 A .bellman B .barman C .receptionist D .waiter ( )3.住客房 A .Vacant Dirty B .Double Lock C .Occupied D .Vacant Clean ( )4.导游 A .tourist B .traveler C .tour guide D .customer ( )5.客房女服务员 A .housekeeper B .cashier C .receptionist D .chambermaid ( )6.总统套房 A .Superior Business Room B .Junior Suite C .Presidential Suite D .Executive Suite ( )7.特色 A .speciality B .special C .specialize D .banquet ( )8.请勿打扰房 A .DND B .VD C .OOO D .ETA ( )9.家庭房 A .Triple Room B. Duplex C .Single Room D. Family Room ( )10.客房预订 A .room reservation B .registration room C .departure date D .exchange rate 补全对话11-18 (Dialogue-1)


全国1月高等教诲自学考试 旅游英语选读试题 课程代码:00837 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 I. Multiple choice:(1×15=15) Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. The World Tourism Organization is ______ that represents all national and official tourist interests. A. a regional organization B. one of the organizations C. a national organization D. the only international organization 2. The inclusion of western words and phrases in language is due to ______ A. tourism development B. language development C. economic development D. environmental development 3. Which group of executives can be expected to enjoy luxurious accommodations,staying only at five-star hotels or equivalents? A. Technical and sales personnel. B. Company chairman and chief executives. C. Executive directors and training managers. D. General managers and human resource managers. 4. Some steps ______ to control the overuse of tourism resources,but more needs ______ and the sooner the better. A. take,do B. taken,done C. has taken,has done D. have been taken,to be done 5. The Grand Tour is a tour of certain cities in ______.


河南省2012 年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试 旅游类专业课试题卷 考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(饭店服务与管理英语1-10;补全对话11-18;阅读理解19-25;餐饮服务与管理26-45。每小题 2 分,共90分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上) 饭店服务与管理英语1-10 1.快餐 A .dim sum C .snack 2.织锦缎 A .brocade C.silk 3.预订客未到 A .walk-in guest C .no-show 4.清洁工 A .washer C .seamstress 5.针织品柜台 A .knitwear counter C.pharmacy counter 6.灵活的 A .ideal C .fixed B.dessert D.snap B.velvet D.brogue B.reserved guest D.guaranteed guest B.presser D.P.A. man B.garment counter D.foodstuff counter B.critical D.flexible B.perspiration D.performance

7.表现,业绩 A .personality C .policy 2

3 (Dialogue-1) (R-Receptio nist G-Guest) 11. R: Good afternoo n. Sir. Welcome to the Palace Hotel. G: Good after noon. My n ame is Sims. _________ 12 . R: I see that you have your reservati on con firmed, but I can ' find any record of it. It has bee n misplaced. G: Well, ________ 13 . R: I am sorry, Mr. Sims. But I am afraid that we are booked solid. There are no rooms available. G: What? _________ Give me a room right now! 14 . R: ________ It ' o s r fault. May I send you to another hotel? G: Well, it seems to me that I have to accept your offer. A . I ' just take whatever is available. B . I am awfully sorry, Mr. Sims. C . I have a reservati on. D . I do have a con firmed reservati on. (Dialogue-2) (RA-Room Atte ndant G-Guest) 15. RA: Good morning, Mr. Sims. May I come through, please? G: Good morning. It is almost 11 o ' clock ____________ & (女)上衣 A. frock C . shirt 9. 保证性预订 A . con firmed reservati on C . advaneed reservation 10. 人事部 A . Personal Department C . Security Departme nt B . garme nt D . dress B . guara nteed reservati on D . non-guara nteed reservatio n B . Personnel Departme nt

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