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unit1备课 (1)

高一英语组知识点集体备课资料Unit 1 (2015/9/8)


1. add 短语

add to 增加, 加强This lesson adds to the value of the book.

add up to 总计达, 总共是The money adds up to 100 dollars.

add up 加起来, 总计;At the exits assistants will take the goods and add up the cost.

add…to…Will you please add more sugar to my coffee?

2. upset adj.心烦的, 苦恼的v.

be upset about / at / over He was horribly upset over her illness.

The bad news upset him.

He upset a bottle of ink over the lamp.

3. concern n. v. concerned adj. be concerned about 担心, 关心, 挂念

be concerned with

What he does or what he says does not concern me.

The price of houses continue to be a major subject of public concern.

There’s nothing for you to be concerned about.

4. ignore vt.忽视, 不理, 不顾ignore sb./ sth. ignore one’s adv ice 忽视某人的建议

5. calm down 平静下来;镇定下来Will you please just calm down?

The sky calms down after rain.

Keep calm. Be quiet. Keep silent. Stand still.

6. have got to= have to

7. go through 经历,经受;检查look through get through

They have gone through too many wars.

The customs men went through his suitcases.

8. set down 写下,记下write down take down

Every day John sets down the amount of the money he cost.

9. a series of 一连串的,一系列的

A series of lectures is scheduled.

Two series of new stamps have come out.

10. outdoors adv. 在户外,在野外outdoor adj.

Though it is cold, the children are playing outdoors.

I like to take part in outdoor activities.

11. on purpose 故意的by chance/ accident

I know you didn’t break the vase on purpose. Don’t cry!

12. in order to do sth. 为了做某事

In order to lose weight he runs everyday.

He went abroad for further study in order to get a better job.

He went abroad for further study so as to get a better job.

13. settle vt. 安放;安顿;安排;料理,使(自己)安心;使宁静

He settled his child in a corner of the compartment.

After the excitement, I tried to settle myself.

vi. 安顿下来;平静下来;定居下来settle down

She can’t settle to wor k. 她不能静下心来工作。

The family has settled in Canada. 这家人已定居加拿大。

14. suffer from 加具体的不幸或痛苦的名词(战争、灾害、疾病),苦于; 患有; 为……所苦;受……折磨;遭受……痛苦

She suffered from loneliness,but she had to learn to like it there.

15recover vi.& vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得recover from his illness

16. get/be tired of对……厌烦be tired from/with 由于……使某人感到厌倦

The mother is never tired of talking about her clever son.

17. get along (well) with…

I’m getting along well with a boy in my class.

—How are you getting on/along with your English lesson?


1.While walking the dog,you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.


While using natural resources, we should keep the earth healthy

2.She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered. 例句仿写:我们必须得耐心点,因为要得到完整的结果还需要一段时间。

We had to be patient because it would be some time before we got the full results.

3.It was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face...


Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize in Literature. It was the first time that Chinese writer had won such an important award.

4. It is no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.


It is no pleasure watching TV all day long because getting close to nature is good for health. 三汉译英练习:


The muddy road added to our difficulty.

2.据说他患有高血压。It is said that he suffers from high blood pressure.


In order to have friends,you’d better join some clubs and join in some activities to meet new people.

4. 一旦你有了朋友,要学会去关心他们。

Once you have friends,try to be concerned about them.

5. 要和他们好好相处,并经常和他们交流。

You’d better get along well with them and often communicate with them.

6. 他正挨饿受冻。He is suffering from cold and hunger.

7.她童年时期经历过很多的艰难困苦。She went through a lot of hardships in her childhood.

8. There’s been a serial of accidents on the road recently.


9. 这是我第一次来青岛旅游。

This is the first time that I have visited Qingdao.

10. 大家希望他迅速从事故中恢复过来。

Everyone hoped that he recovered from the accident quickly.


牛津小学六年级英语上册Unit1备教案 一、教学要求 、四会单词和词组:ean,danger,ust,shuld,shuldn’t,ae,litter,par,le 2、四会句型:hatdesit/this/thatean?Iteansu/eust/shuld/shuldn’t… 3、三会单词和词组:publi,asign,ausin,alas,aquestins,grassAage,tuh,e epff,aenise 4、三会日常交际用语:TherearealtfsignshereTheeandifferentthingseepfft hegrasseepquietNsing 、了解字母组合ea在单词中的读音 6、会唱歌曲Thesignsinthepar 二、单元教材分析 本单元主要围绕“公共标志”这个话题展开各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍、询问、忠告和建议等,其中,以“询问公共标志含义”及其应答为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对“公共标志”并不陌生,但作为一个话题谈

论是会有一定困难的。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的学习内容,教师在教学过程中要多考虑学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体、图片、幻灯、简笔画等手段,运用形象化的语言和动作,使教学内容功能贴近学生的生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。 Unit1(第一时) 一、 教学内容 BLreadandlearn≈Landsa 二、 教学目标 、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组ean,danger,shuld,shuldn’t,litter,par,se,eepf,bequiet 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型hatdesit/this/thatean?Iteansu/eust/shuld/shuldn’t… 3、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。 4、对公共标志的含义有初步的了解。 三、 教学重点 、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组ean,danger,shuld,shuldn’


Module1 Unit1教学设计 课题AWE M1 U1 主备人仇晓荣

注:目标要求可参阅南京外国语学校仙林分校《英语教学实施纲要》第四部分“目标内容”中的相关描述。 课时主备教案 课型Welcome & Word power Learning objectives: By the end of this period, students will be able to

1. enlarge their own vocabulary by knowing the exact names of all kinds of school facilities and activities; 2. improve their spoken skills by describing their favorite activities at school and showing others ways; 3. be aware of cultural differences by comparing school life in China and in Britain. Focus of the lesson: 1. the names of school facilities 2. different expressions to ask and show ways Predicted area of difficulties: using locative prepositions and prepositional phrases properly Learning aids: 1. PPT 2. blackboard Learning procedures:


第一课时 Welcome to the unit 主备:庄晓雪 Objectives 1. To identify the symbols that represent the star signs 2. To learn the names of the symbols that represent the star signs Teaching procedures 1. Ask students what animals they are in the Chinese horoscope. Ask them to describe the characteristics of that animal. For weaker classes, you can write the English names of the Chinese star signs on the board. 2. Explain that western countries use a different system of star signs. Explain that the western star sign system is based on the month you were born in, rather than the year you were born in. 3. Explain to students that each picture in Part A represents a star sign. Ask them to complete Part A, then discuss the answers as a class. Students who have made mistakes in this section will benefit form correcting their answers before proceeding to the Reading section. 4. Ask students to complete Part B. explain that there are 12 star signs in total---- those in Part A and those in Part B. Each star sign represents a period of time in a year. 5. Ask students whether they know what their star sign is. Encourage them to day the name of their star sign aloud. 6. Homework: 《课时练》P1-2

2016新版译林英语一年级下册1A备课教案Unit1第一单元Let's count

小学英语备课用笺 ●课题Unit1 let’s count ●使用1 课时●总第 1 课时 ●教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读句型How many marbles,并明白要用One, two, three,four,five marbles 来回答 2、能听懂、会说、认读单词One, two, three,four,five, marbles 3、能听懂他人使用的let’s count. ●教学重点难点 教学重点:能听懂句型How many marbles,并明白要用One, two, three,four,five marbles 来回答 教学难点:数字的熟练运用 ●教学具准备及辅助活动 图片,多媒体 ●主要板书计划 Unit 1 let’s count How many marbles? one, two three, four, five ●作业设计、安排 课内 练习How many marbles? one two three four five 课外 熟练课中所学内容 ●教学过程教学随笔Step1 Warm Up Step1 Greeting T:Class beings. Ss:stand up. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,Miss G. T: Good morning, boys. Boys: Good morning, Miss G. T: Good morning, girls. Girls: Good morning, Miss G. T: sit down, please. T: Nice to see you again. This is the first lesson this tern.

2017七年级英语下册Unit 1集体备课教案

2017七年级英语下册Unit 1集体备课教 案 2017七年级英语下册Unit 1集体备课教案 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? 单元备课 Language goals: l In this unit students learn to talk about couationalities and languagl Ask and tell wle live. New languages: l Where’s he /? l He /Australia / England / China / France / Singapore / Australia. l Where does he / she live? He / She livdl What language do you speak? I speak Engll What’s your / his / her favorite subject? l My / His / Her favorite subgll Does he / she have any band?/ she does. / No, he / she doesn’t. Difficul:Listeningation about couationalities and languagWrite an e-mail about oneself. Describw studla2. Where quwWhere quwith live What quTeaching aids:

l A tader Teaching periods: l Period 1:A中1a, 1bl Period 2:A中2a, 2b, 2c,2d l Period 3:A中3a, 3bl Period 4:B中 1,2a, 2b, 2c l Period 5:B中3a, 3bl Period 6:Sel第单元第课时总第课时 Period 1 教学内容:A中1a, 1b教学目标:Teaching aims:Teach vocabulary words. 2. Target languages: 教学重点: Enabludlearn to talk about national 教学难点: Heludents learn how to talk about national教学步骤:Teaching procedures:Free talk 2 Say: Do you have ads? W? Heludents maaand givaa2. Talking abouure (1a) Hold uure on page 1 and point at the map. Ask studaduAu to read them aloudlass. Maudents talk about wle aay: Du Chuan, wur pen pal from? AudadversauListening (1b) Pumbered list of words and plading for a




个人教学计划 一、学生基本情况分析: 本学期我教授班级为五年级五班、五年级六班及五年级七班。三个班的学生都已经接触英语两年的时间,学习上有了一定的语言基础,在教学的过程中我注重复习旧知,所以大部分学生的知识储备较多,有利于今后的学习。 五班的学生学习积极性不是很高,纪律意识薄弱,所以在教学中我会设计提高学生积极性的教学活动,学习上严格要求每一位学生。 三班学生学习基础扎实,上课积极认真,学习能力强,所以我会抓住学生的优势,继续强化学生的学习。 四班的学生活泼好动,学习积极性较高,并且作为本班的班主任,学生的学习的时间较多,学习的知识较扎实,所以我会继续利用这个优势,抓好每一位学生的学习。 本学期教材要求学生记忆单词的拼写,这对于学生来说有些难度,是本学期的重点。 对话的学习难度不大,学生可以掌握,句型的灵活运用上需加强。 二、教学措施: 1.词汇教学:注重词汇的呈现方式,在真实交流中教学单词,充分发挥单词卡片的作业。运用字母的发音及字母组合帮助学生进行单词拼写的记忆。 2.对话教学:在听力活动中感知新的语言,在理解语言的基础上学说语言。注重句型在实际生活中的灵活运用。 3. 注重学生知识的检查,加大力度 4. 充分发挥小组长的作用 5. 重视练习的讲解及巩固 6. 加强书写

全册备课 一、教学内容及教材分析: 本册教材的教学内容紧密联系小学生的生活和学习实际,选择的话题充分考虑到学生的需求,语言材料真实地到、活泼有趣,让学生易学乐学。教学形式强调多样化,其中包括对话、歌谣、小诗、歌曲、游戏、任务、绘画、剪贴等,使学生能够在丰富多彩、生动有趣的课堂活动中感知语言、习得语言。 教材在整体构思、内容安排、活动设计和教学方法选用等方面贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则,把知识和技能目标融合在完成任务的过程中,体现了把“话题—功能—结构—任务”结合起来的总思路。让学生在做中学,在唱中学,在玩中学,从而培养他们用英语进行交流打下坚实的基础。 二、教材的三维目标: 1.知识与技能 (1)学生能够听说读写与日常生活、四季、日期、节日、某人正在做的事情有关的单词与句型。 (2)能够正确运用与以上话题相关的句型,能在日常生活中灵活运用。 2.过程与方法 加强对学生学习方法的指导,尤其是单词的识记方法,单词拼读规律,阅读方法等,让学生学会学习。 3.情感态度与价值观 (1).能体会英语学习的乐趣。 (2).敢于开口,表达中不怕出错误。 (3).乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。 (4).积极参与各种课堂学习活动。 三、教材的重难点: 1. 教学重点:四会单词的掌握和Let’s talk中的句子是教材的重点。 2. 教学难点:如何在具体语境中正确运用所学的语言知识是难点。

五下英语Unit 1 单元备课

PEP小学英语五年级下册 Unit 1 单元备课 一、单元内容分析 (一)内容:PEP小学五年级英语下册Unit 1 My day (二)课程标准: 能听、说、读、写本单元的四会词组;会运用本单元主要句型;初步认识陈述句和问句(特殊疑问句);有兴趣听英语,说英语,背单词句型,唱歌曲,讲故事,做游戏等。 (三)内容分析: 本单元重点学习校内外的活动和时间安排等语言知识,重点学习的句型是When do you …? We /I … at … o’clock a.m./ p.m. What do you do on the weekend? We / I often / always / usually / sometimes …on …. 这单元主要围绕校内外的活动和时间安排,所以我们可以让学生们根据本校的作息时间对自己的活动与时间合理安排。 (四)学情分析: 五年级学生多,大部分学生英语基础较好,他们对英语感到好奇,而且都有着十分浓厚的兴趣。但还有部分学生在学习上要加强监督和检查。在课堂上进一步加强小组合作学习模式(高效课堂)的培养,让优秀生多督促中等生,并且多带领后进生,以求共同进步、共同提高。 二、学习目标 (一)能力目标: 1. 能够在语境中正确运用10个四会词组来询问并回答关于校内外的活动和时 间安排等的问题。 2. 能够在情景中运用句型When do you …? We / I … at … o’clock a.m./ p.m. What do you do on the weekend? We / I often / always / usually / sometimes … on ….就校内外的活动和时间安排等提出问题并回答 3. 能够用正确的语音、语调朗读Let’s talk对话,并能进行角色表演和替换 练习。 4. 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“Weekend”和chant,能够灵活替换歌词中的活动。 5. 能够根据相关信息完成Let’s try与Let’s check中的听音练习。 6. 能够根据cl/pl的发音规则读出生词;能够通过听录音给单词标号的活动强 化cl/pl的音形对应关系。 7. 能够按照cl/pl的发音规则拼写出单词,学习在单线上正确书写单词。能够 在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范正确。 8. 能够在图片的帮助下读懂Robin的信,完成判断正误活动。能够模仿阅读部 分的书信范本补全回信。

unit1 hello备课笔记

Unit 1 Hello Teaching aims 1、学生可以掌握常用的打招呼的句子和简单介绍自己——hello, hi, I am…My name is…goodbye, bye 2、学生知道正确的中文名字在英语句子中的书写和拼读 3、学生可以掌握文具类单词的英文表达:pencil, ruler, eraser, crayon 4、学生能够用have来表达“拥有”的句子 Teaching key pionts I am=I’m 我是……What is your name? What is = what’s hello, hi 你好 Your 你的name 名字goodbye 再见,常用于永别,少用bye 再见Pencil 铅笔ruler 尺子eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔 Have 拥有,有an, a 一个(把、条、块……) Teaching difficult points I have an eraser. I have a pencil. Teaching procedures Step1 Greeting. 1、自我介绍。向所有在座的学生、老师和家长介绍自己。 2、介绍今天上课的内容和背景。三年级起点英语(入门级),培养兴趣为主,让孩子们喜欢上英语。背景:孩子们已经在学校课堂上学过课本内容,周六的课堂主要是把课堂内容进行复习、深化,给大家创造更多说英语的机会。 Step2 Warming up 1、在我们正式上课之前,我想请问在场的所有人一个问题——我们为什么要学习英语?

老师让我们学我就学,老师也有错的时候呀? 2、英语无处不在,看看我们生活中的英语,你发现了吗? ——为自己而学,学习是自己的事情,让英语成为一种工具,一种本事,长在自己身上的本事,更好地装备自己。 Step3 Leading in 1、在我们日常说的汉语中,最常用的词语或句子是什么?——你好!(打电话、问路、买东西等等) 2、所以本学期英语课程的第一单元的主题就是HELLO Step4 Listening 1、T: Open your book turn to page 2. First, let’s watch a small video and listen carefully. 2、Analyze and translate the dialogue. Hello 你好,招呼用语I am=I‘m(缩写形式) 我是I 我am 专门跟在I后面表示“是”的意思Mike 男孩名hi 相对hello更随便一些,比如双方已经很熟悉了,打电话、接电话更多用hello Wu Yifan——中国人名字的英文写法姓氏的第一个字拼音的首字母大写,名字的第一个字拼音的首字母大写,姓氏与名字之间空一格 练习中文名字的英文写法:黄蓉王语嫣欧阳锋司徒无情 中场休息十分钟——喝水、上厕所,还没有英文名字的可以过来选取英文名字,寻找教室里的英文字母或者词语 What’s your name? 你的名字是什么?Your 你的name 名字what 什么 Is 是what’s= what is(缩写形式) my 我的

unit1 备课笔记A

Section ATextA The First McDonald’s Restaurant Step I Introduction 1.期末考试成绩分析,表扬每个班级考试最优秀的学生。 2.告知本学期学习内容,计划,以及所包含的特别课程等。 Step II Text learning Text A The First McDonald’s Restaurant Questions: W hat’s the difference between McDonald and Kentucky? PPT 展示※ 2. Read the new words. Read these English words, and pay attention to their spellings. Students are required to learn the strange words by themselves. ( 借用PPT 引入一些常用快餐食物名称。) 3. Intensive Study (Para 1-- Para 14) Red the whole passage and summarize the general idea. 3.1 Word study. 4. Text structure analysis: translation and words analysis. New word and phrases 1.danger n.危险 in danger of 处于……危险之中 e.g. The trees in the forest have been cut down in such great numbers that the forest is in danger of disappearing. 森林的树木被大量砍伐,因此面临消失的威胁。 美国和印度的科学家说,喜马拉雅山数百万人面临着大地震的威胁。 Millions of people in the Himalayas are in danger of big earthquakes, according to scientists in the US and India. 2.destroy n.破坏;毁坏 3.damage v. cause damage to 毁坏;损害e.g. We just managed to put the fire out before it damaged the house. 我们抢在房子被烧毁之前将火扑灭了。 n. the process of spoiling the condition or quality of something and the harm or loss that results 毁坏;损害 e.g. The storm caused great damage to the small village.那场暴风雨给小村子带来了巨大破坏。 4. public n. (the ~) people in general 公众;大众;民众 e.g. At last, the president admitted his fault to the public. 总统最后终于向公众认错了。 adj. 【1】for the use of everyone; not private 公共的;公用的 e.g. There is no public bathroom in this area. 这一带没有公共浴室。 【2】of, for or concerning people in general 公众(事务)的 e.g. The public image is very important to a politician. 公众形象对于政客来讲非常重要。 5.claim v.【1】declare to be true; state 声称;断言;宣称 e.g. He claimed to have lived a life full of love and happiness, although his wife left him many

人教版七年级英语下册unit 1教案

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? Section A (1a-2d) 一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词: guitar, sing, swim, dance, chess, play chess, draw, speak, speak English, join, club 能掌握以下句型: ①—Can you play the guitar? —Yes, I can./ No, I can't. ②—What can you do? —I can dance. ③—What club do you want to join? —I want to join the chess club. 2) 能了解以下语法:情态动词can的用法 want to do sth.的用法 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 该部分内容贴近学生的生活,谈论的话题是能力。通过互相询问或谈论自己或对方在某一方面的能力,可以培养学生的一种群体意识。 二、教学重难点 1. 教学重点: 1) 学习询问和谈论彼此的能力和特长; 2) 掌握一些弹奏乐器的表达方式。 2. 教学难点: 情态动词can的构成和使用。 三、教学过程 Ⅰ. Lead in 1. 教师可携带一些易于演奏的乐器,也可带一些演奏乐器的图片,一边演示乐器, 一边说: I can play the guitar.…等;再指着图片说:He/She can play the violin.But I can’t play it.等;然后询问学生:Can you play the guitar?….并引导学生进行简单的回答。 2. S s look at the picture in 1a. Then read the words and phrases. Let Ss match the activities with the people.


第1 周第 2 课时执笔人:熊艳琴备课组长:陈金香 求实课堂英语备课组教案 - 1 - Unit 1 How do you study for a test? Point 1 I.Teaching goals: 1.Knowledge Object: 1.Key words: vocabulary, flashcard 2.Target Language; A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by……. 2.Ability Object : According to designing some tasks, train students skill. 3.Moral Object: give it up. As we know, where there is a will,there is a way II. Teaching key point: 1. Key words : vocabulary, flashcard 2. Target Language A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by……. 3. structure verb + by with gerund. III .Teaching difficult point:verb + by with gerund IV. Teaching steps: Step 1 : Warm-up 1. Greetings. 2. Ask some students about their summer holiday student.) Teacher shows the others and teaches the word “flashcard”to students. Step 2: Revision Read and translate some words they have learned. Step2.Presentation I. Language Study Teacher writes the pattern on the blackboard: -- How do you study for an English test? -- I study for a test by + V.-ing the “vocabulary” and “pronunciation” at the right time. II. 1a 1.Check the answers, after checking, read the ways to the students ask students to put up their hands to show which Count the numbers. 2. Ask students to write down other ways they study for an English


五年级英语下册Unit1_This_is_my_day 单元备课 一、单元教学目标 1、能力目标 【1】能够使用频度副词问答作息时间.如:When do you do morning exercises? I usually do morning exercises at 8:30. (2)能够使用频度副词问答周末活动.如:What do you do on weekend? I often go shopping. (3)能够听说读写与日常作息有关的动词短语及介词短语.如:eat breakfast ,do morning exercises, play sports ,eat dinner ,in the evening ,noon等. 【4】能够用所学语言知识描述一天中的生活起居以及周末活动等. 2、知识目标 【1】能够掌握A、B部分Let’s learn和Read and write中的四会单词. 【2】能够听说认读A、B部分Let’s talk中的单词和句型. 【3】能够掌握A、B部分Read and write中的四会句型.并能灵活运用. 【4】能够理解并在课堂上正确操练Let’s play ,Let’s chant, Let’s find out 等部分的内容. 【5】能够了解字母组合ai,ay ,gr ,gl的发音规律并能读出例词. 【6】了解Story time,Good to know等部分的内容.

3、情感、态度、价值观 【1】引导学生养成良好的作息习惯.能够理解、尊重从事不同职业的人. 【2】训练学生的角色扮演能力.引导他们在调查、询问和学习的过程中学会思考如何更好地安排作息时间. 【3】了解白天、黑夜、工作日、周末等相关概念以及中西方中小学生作息时间安排上的异同. 二、单元内容分析 重点:学习一天中不同时间段内学习和生活起居情况的表达.尤其是学会使用频度副词谈论日常生活. 难点:频度副词的usually, sometimes的准确使用.掌握询问他人作息时间的句型以及询问他人周末活动安排的句型.


牛津小学英语上册Unit1备课资料教案 一、教学要求 1、四会单词和词组:mean, danger, must, should, shouldn’t, make, litter, park, cycle 2、四会句型:What does it / this / that mean? It means you / we must / should / shouldn’t … 3、三会单词和词组: public, a sign, a cousin, always, a questions, grass. A cage, touch, keep off, make noise 4、三会日常交际用语: There are a lot of signs here. They mean different things.Keep off the grass. Keep quiet. No smoking. 5、了解字母组合ea在单词中的读音 6、会唱歌曲The signs in the park 二、单元教材分析 本单元主要围绕“公共标志”这个话题展开各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍、询问、忠告和建议等,其中,以“询问公共标志含义”及其应答为重点内容。学生们在日常生活中对“公共标志”并不陌生,但作为一个话题谈论是会有一定困难的。为了使学生更好地掌握本单元的学习内容,教师在教学过程中要多考虑学生的年龄特点,充分利用多媒体课件、图片、幻灯、简笔画等手段,运用形象化的语言和动作,使教学内容功能贴近学生的生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。

Unit 1 (第一课时) 一、教学内容 B Look read and learn & C Look and say 二、教学目标 1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, smoke, keep of, be quiet 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What does it / this / that mean? It means you / we must / should / shouldn’t …. 3、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。 4、对公共标志的含义有初步的了解。 三、教学重点 1、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组mean, danger, should, shoul dn’t, litter, park, smoke, keep of, be quiet 2、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What does it / this / that mean? It means you / we must / should / shouldn’t …. 四、教学难点 1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组keep of, be quiet 2、引导学生正确地理解所给公共标志的含义 五、教学准备 1、教具准备 1)小卡片(公共标志),录音机,磁带 2)关于本课时的多媒体课件。 2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。

unit1 备课笔记B

Section BText BDisney Mirrors American Culture Step I Greeting and revision. 观看迪斯尼相关视频导入课程 Discussion: what is the mirror of Chineseculture? 学生作业展示Array ORAL ENGLISH HOMEWORK: Please tell us what is the mirror of American culture? Step II Text learning Text BDisney Mirrors American Culture Step III New Lesson:ppt 1. Read the new words. Read these English words, and pay attention to their spellings. Students are required to learn the strange words by themselves. 2. Intensive Study (Para 1-- Para 14) 2.1 Word study. 3. Text structure analysis translation and words analysis 3.1 Word study. 4. Text structure analysis: translation and words analysis. New word and phrases 1.mirror: 1). n.镜,反映 2. v. 反映Fashion is a mirror of the times. Does art mirror society, or shape it? 2. admit: v.1). 承认,供认 2). 准许…进入. John openly admitted that it was his own mistake. Last year, he was admitted into the university he had long dreamed of. 3. purchase: 1). n. 购买;购买的物品 2). v. (正式)购买 He gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books. They have just purchased a new house in the countryside. 4.deepen: v. 1). 使(感情)加深,(使)变深;2). 使(理解)加深 Jennie’s sorrow deepened as she thought of the long years ahead without him. Social practice offers an opportunity for young people to deepen their understanding of the world. 5. make a trip/ trips to : 旅行;旅游 Being a reporter means making frequent business trips to different places. Making a trip to Louvre Museum is the dream of many young artists. 6. rush :v. 急速行进;突然猛冲 When the bell rang, the children rushed into the classroom, out of breath. The whole city rushed out to celebrate the festival. 7. anything but: 根本不;一点也不 The performance is anything but successful. Many people got confused, for what he said was anything but clear. 8. more than a little: 非常;极其 Everyone became more than a little excited when hearing the good news In completing the task, we got more than a little help from the friends. 9. provide: v 供给;提供


译林版英语三年级上册第一单元教学要求 教学容及课时安排: 1.话题和功能:Greetings 2.日常用语与句型:Hi./ Hello./Good morning./Good afternoon. 3.词汇:Miss, class, I’m=I am. 4.歌曲Good morning 5.字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd. 八课时 单元教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, I’m …/Good morning,Good a fternoon. 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇Miss, class, I’m=I am. 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd. 4.会唱歌曲Good morning 单元教学重点、难点: 重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, I’m …/Good morning./Good afternoon. 2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇Miss, class, I’m=I am. 3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写字母Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd. 难点: 1.词汇good, morning, afternoon的读音。 2.字母Aa, Cc的读音和Aa, Bb, Dd的正确书写。

译林版英语三年级上册3A第一单元教学设计方案NO:1教学容Unit1 Hello课型新授课时间 教学目的1.学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, I’m … 2.学生能认识主要的人物:Miss Li, Su Hai, Liu Tao, Mike, Yang Ling, Wang B ing. 3.学生能够在不同的情境下和周围的人打招呼。 重点、难点1.学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, I’m … 2.学生能认识主要的人物:Miss Li,Su Hai, Liu Tao, Mike, Yang Ling, Wang B ing. 3.初步会用英语表达自己的名字。 课前准备pictures, cards, tape record,配套软件 课时第一课时 教学过程: 在上课前,老师先放本单元的Song Time里面的歌来吸引学生的注意力。 让学生下课也沉浸在英语的氛围中。 Step 1 Organization 1.教师自我介绍:Hello, I’m Miss…I’m your English Teacher. Let’s learn English. Ok?(可以用中文解释一遍) 学习Miss…Mr… 2.学习上课时学生喊起立:Stand up! 3.能听懂坐下:Sit down. 4.游戏:老师说口令,学生做动作。 Stand up! Sit down. Step 2 Presentation 1.跟学生打招呼,出示单词卡片:Hi/Hello,并学习这两个单词。 注意Hi中双元音/ai/发音由大到小的滑动,Hello中字母e发/e/,重音在后 面。 同桌打招呼Hi!――Hi! Hello!――Hello! 2.与同学打招呼,并介绍自己I’m Miss … 学习I’m我是,发音时注意双元音/ai/发音由大到小的滑动,提醒学生开始 时嘴巴一定要大。 3.把自己的名字替换进句型I’m … 4.学会将所学串联起来: Hi, I’m … Hello, I’m … 5.认识6个人物:Miss Li,Su Hai, Liu Tao, Mike, Yang Ling,Wang Bing. (即本单元出现的6个人物,为下节课Story Time 做铺垫。) 可以让学生说说每个人物有哪些特征,怎样记住他们。 (由于二年级口语课学的是老教材,学生受以前人物的影响,所以认识人物 这一环节要多花些时间,可以组织一些游戏、比赛让学生快速认识这些人。) 二度修改

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