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Book5 unit3 高三复习导学案高三年级组2016-3-2

Unit 3Life in the future



1.___________v.& n.缺乏;短缺的东西2.___________vt.系牢,扎牢3.___________ v.& n.按;逼迫;印刷4.___________vt.吞下,咽下5.___________ vt.回收利用,再利用6.___________ n.方面,层面7.___________vt.给……以印象8.___________ n.公民,居民9.___________] v.(使)闪光;(使)闪现10. ___________ n.原料;材料

11. ___________指导;导游;vt.指导→guidance n.指引;指导

12. ___________ n.生态(学) 13. _________n.& adj.瞬间;立即的

14. ___________adj.贪吃的;贪婪的20. __________ n. 代表

15. ___________adj.乐观的→___________ n.乐观(主义)

16.___________ adj.筋疲力尽的17.___________vt.容忍

18. _________ adj. 不确定的19. __________ adj. 持续的;不断的21. imitation (n.) __________ 22. enormous (adj.) __________

23. steward (n.) ________ stewardess (n.) __________

24. ________ (adj.&n.) 立即的;瞬间

25. postage (n.) _________ postcode (n.) ___________


1.take _____拿起;接受;开始;继续

2.____all ____________ 向四面八方

____the direction _______ 朝着……方向

3.______ __________ _____...看不见……_____ _______ _____一看见……(就) 4.____________...of/that...使……回想起或意识到……

5._____ no time立刻,立即

6.sweep _______ 打扫;横扫7.slide _______ 移动;溜进……

8. ___ a result 因此,结果____ a result ___ 由于;因为

9. be _________ ____ 和...相似10. a ______ _____ 缺乏

11.suffer _________ 承受……之苦12. make __________ to 对...做出调整

13. ____________ ___________ 环保的

14. be ________ _______ 对...很贪婪;渴望得到....

15. dispose _____ 处理16. be back on one's feet ___________

17. provide the room ______ much-needed oxygen __________________________

18. blame the tools for the faults of the user _____________________________

19. programme robots to perform tasks __________________________________

20. speed up ___________

III. 写出下列单词的变化形式

1.定居,解决(n.)_____________;定居,解决(v.) _____________

2.印象,感想,印记(n.)_____________;给……留下印象(v.)_____________ ;



4.时常发生的,连续不断的(adj.) ___________ ;连续不断地(adv.)_____________


6.乐观的(adj.)_____________;乐观地(adv.) _____________;乐观(n.)_____________

7. __________ adj. 确定的_________ adj. 不确定的

8. _________ (vt. ) 容忍,忍受________ (adj.) 宽容的;容忍的

_________ (n.) 宽容;容忍

9. type (n.) 类型;(vt.) 打字_________ (n.) 打字员________ (n.)打字机

10. motivate (vt.) 使有动力;激发...的积极性___________(n.) 动力;积极性

IV. 重点词词形变换

1. Try to make some ____________to the desks and chairs, all of which can be __________ to the height of any child. (adjust)

2. The foreigner __________ everybody present with his great sense of humor, so he made a good ___________ on all of us. (impress)

3. She is an __________ , for she is quite __________ about everything in the future. (optimistic)

4. The headmaster invited the __________ to a meeting to explain why he took such solid measures because he had greater ___________ than anybody in order to improve the school’s present situation. (press)

5. In order to __________ the problem as soon as possible, two sides formed a peace __________. (settlement)

6. The other day a _________ baby was found lying near the __________.(desert)

7. __________ experience, he worked hard. But at last he was dismissed by his boss for ___________ of responsibility. (lack)

8. After the heavy rain, the path before my house became ___________, and my shoes were covered with _______. (mud)

9. The old man’s hair is much ___________ than my grandpa’s. Its__________ must be more than one meter. (long)

10. Zoos are often ___________by high walls, and the animals are not living in their natural ___________. (surround)

V. 课文中的重点句型

Passage 1

1. ______ (worry) about the journey, I was ________ (settle) for the first few days.

2. _______(know) for their expertise, his parents' company, _____(call) "Future Tours", transported me ______(safe) into the future in a time capsule.

3. The capsule began swinging _____ (gentle) sideways as we _____ (lie) relaxed and ______ (dream)

4. At first my new surroundings ____ (be) difficult ____________ (tolerate)

5. ______ (hit) by ___ lack of fresh air, my head ached.

6. However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached _____ looked like a large market because of too many carriages _________ (fly) by ___ all directions.

7. _______ (arrive) at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.

8. _____________ (say) this, he spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from the floor.

9. ________ (exhaust), I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

Passage 2

1. ________ (describe) as an enormous round plate, it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth's gravity.

2. You place the metal band over your head, clear your mind, press the sending button, think your message and _____ ____ ______it is sent.

_____ _____ / __________he saw me, he waved his hands excitedly.


3. Well, now there's a system ______ the waste ____ _______ ____ (dispose) ______ (use) the principles of ecology.

4. I stared at the ______ (move) model of the

waste machine, ________ (absorb) by its efficiency.


学案导学,教学因你而精彩 牢把握“以学定教”、“先学后教”的原则,实现以重教法向重学法转变,重研教向重研学转变,真正让学生“动”起来,让课堂“活”起来。结合学校实际,构建了“四步”(即:自学—展示—点评—检测)“五环”(即:目标导学—学案促学—讨论展示—评点归纳—检测生成)的有效课堂教学模式。在探索这个教学模式的实践中,让我感受到学案导学的魅力所在,现与同仁们分享一下。 一、明确了教学目标 有了学案,学生依案而学,教师依案引导,教、学目标明确,针对性强。一方面,教师在导学案中,为学生指明了学习目标、重难点和关键点,而且,学习目标是知识与技能、过程与方法的有机结合,操作性强,易达成。学生胸怀教学目标,依据“学案”实行自学、讨论,目标步骤清晰,避免了学习的盲目性。另一方面,教师通过查阅学生的学案、听学生的汇报,了解学生的学习情况和疑难问题,课堂上不需要面面俱到,而是有重点地协助学生解决疑点,使得教师的点拨有的放矢,教师的引导更加到位。 二、彰显了学习主体 学案导学,首先是为学生提供了充足的独立思考时间和空间,让学生在导学案的引导下,阅读文本,查阅资料,动脑思考,记录疑问。80%的学生能解决80%的基础知识,并重新发现和确认学习过程中的重点、难点和疑点。通过自学,让每个学生形成自己独特的体验和感受,做好心理准备和知识准备。在合作探究过程中,他们就能积极主动地参与群体中,融入到学习的每一个环节中。课堂上,唱主角的不再是教师,学生真成了学习的主人。 三、扶正了教师角色 强调学生的主体地位并不能忽视教师的主导作用,否则学生的学习将是盲目的、无序的。从设计导学案开始,教师就已进入了指导角色,从学习目标、学习方法的确立,到学习内容、学习过程的设计,都饱含了教师个体和群体的智慧。课堂上教师随时注重着学生的学习动态,并适时给予引导和点拨,促动新知识的生成和学习水平的提升。教师不是学生学习的主宰者,也不是袖手旁观者,而是学生学习的合作者、启发者、引导者。 四、注重了个体差异


高三英语专项训练----语法填空 (1)(Topic: ) Once there lived a rich man who wanted to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out 16 _______ they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town,he placed 17 ___ very large stone. Then he 18____ (hide) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow.“Who put this stone in the centre of the road?” said the old man, 19____ he did not try to remove the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way.20 ______ man came along and did the same thing; then another came,and another. All of them complained about the stone but did not tried to remove 21______. Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 22 _______ (say) to himself: “The night will be very dark. Some neighbors will come along later 23 _____ the dark and will fall against the stone.” Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 24 ________ (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 25 ________ the stone,he found a bag of money. (2)(Topic: ) The best gift I ever received is the parents that were given to me. I could not have picked out 16 _______ (good) parents myself. My mom is smart,funny,and very artistic. She loves painting and encouraging other people to paint as well. She owns 17______ own book and art store. And at night she teaches adult 18 ________ (educate). She helps kids 19 _________ have dropped out of high school 20 _________ (get) their diploma. She always has time for me and my brothers. She hardly ever gets mad 21 ______ us and loves doing new things with us,22 _____ going to a new museum or going out onto the beach in the middle of the winter and taking pictures at the beach in the snow. My dad knows 23 _____ to fix anything and loves to play musical instruments. He helps me with my science projects and other school projects. He works hard to make money for our family and hardly ever complains. He loves skating with me and 24______ (build) us a half pipe and other cool things. So I have to say that 25 _______ gift I’m most grateful for is the one the God gave me—my parents. (3)(Topic: ) Sometimes Chinese English teachers are puzzled by such questions,“Have you got any skills in reading comprehension?” Actually,many of the teachers can’t give students 16 ___ efficient way to deal with reading. Anyway,17 _____ often simply say,“Read more and practise more,and you 18 ______ (get) more experience in reading comprehension.” Frankly, these teachers’ good 19_________ (suggest) are only helpful to arouse students’ interest in reading 20 ____ not helpful to deal wit h the questions in the examinations of reading comprehension. Personally,I think the skill for reading comprehension should be based 21 ______ the knowledge of English writing. Since the English passages are written under some rules or principles,the science of reading 22 ______understanding may have a close relationship with writing.


高中英语语法“虚拟语气”的教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课是结合外研社版高中英语教材选修6中有关虚拟语气的语法内容,进行高三虚拟语气的复习,教学中将语法知识的传授和语言基本技能的学习结合到一起,注重复习语法与语言的运用。采用任务型教学法和小组合作探究学习法,从而扩大课堂的语言输入量及学生的语言输出量。 二、学情分析: 在高一和高二英语学习基础上,高三学生已经掌握基本的语言结构和一定程度的听说读写能力。在高三语法复习的过程中,结合学生原有的知识掌握水平,巩固基础强化正确使用语法知识,提高学生运用语言的深度和难度.但大部分学生的基础知识仍然较为薄弱,运用英语进行交际活动的能力较差,主动学习的动力不够,然而他们学习比较认真,渴求知欲旺盛,思维比较活跃。部分学生的基础较好,能主动配合老师。只有设置使他们感兴趣的活动,因材施教,才能让他们投入到课堂活动中来。 三、教学重点: 1.复习的重点---语法虚拟语气的句型结构. 2.语法虚拟语气的运用 四、教学难点: 1.结合复习的语法知识,以课堂教学为依托,全面训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,加强和提高运用英语的综合能力。 2.虚拟语气在真实的生活语境中的使用。 五、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 引导学生掌握情态动词在虚拟语气之中的使用。培养学生通读,分析,理解,综合的能力,教会学生体察语境,结合上下文,附和逻辑推理和合理的想象,结合语法和题干中的语境解决高考题。在运用语言过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力。 2.能力目标: 利用多媒体手段营造积极和谐教学氛围,使学生进入情景之中,充分调动学生的思维活动和情感体验,规范学生运用英语知识准确表达的能力,同时,发展学生综合语言运用的能力,分析问题和解决问题的能力,培养学生自主学习。 3.德育目标: 用情态动词和虚拟语气的句子结构表达思想感情和正确的世界观、人生观。 六、教学策略:


浅谈学案导学中的心得体会 雷寨中心校——雷润霖 在大力推进实施素质教育、进一步深化教育教学改革的背景下,县教育局审时度势、高瞻远瞩,在全县推行了“学案教学”教学模式,构建自主互动高效课堂。全县的每一位教师都在思索着、讨论着、实践着。下面我就学案导学的具体做法和粗浅的体会谈一谈,与大家共同探讨,不足之处请大家批评指正。 一.对导学案和教案的一些认识 我认为“导学案”是教师指导学生学习的方案,是教师依据学生的认知水平、知识经验,为指导学生进行主动学习而编制的学习方案——它是站在学生立场上编制的;因此它不同于教案,教案是教师站在如何教的立场上编制的——它没有或很少考虑学生的主动学习。二.对导学案编制上的一些看法 1.学习目标的制定。学习目标要明确,一目了然 2.导学案是教师指导学生自主学习的方案,因此在导学案的编制时应该从学生已有的知识出发突出一个“导”字. 问题的设计和问题的形式要灵活多样。例如我在编制《18.1.勾股定理导学案》时就是先从直角三角形的知识开始预设问题层层引导学生来自主探究勾股定理,从而达到教师引导,学生自主探究学习的目的。 3.对于导学案中的练习题的编制我认为题量不能过大,要精选精练,设计要有阶梯性,层次性,要由浅入深。单纯数学题目的罗列,导学案就变成了课堂练习题,就失去导学的目的;题目难度值偏大,

部分就会出现厌学,马虎应付的现象。 4. 全体老师的参与度。在学案的设计和使用前的老师的集体备课也是非常重要的,要集全体老师的智慧为一体,创造一张高质量的学案,提高教学质量。比如我们学校八年级数学组编制导学案时都是分配好课题后一人主编其他几位教师审核后在印刷 三.使用导学案的一些感受 1.调动了学生学习的积极性。以前在用教案上课时都是我在上面讲,一部分学生听,还有一部分学生两眼无神,典型的“人在屋,心在外”,很少有学生主动参与;使用导学案后我讲的少了,学生参与的多了,特别是从我每节课都安排5—10分钟的课堂展示后更是调动了学生的积极性,使学生真正的参与到了学习中来。也使以前那些“两眼无神”“人在屋,心在外”的学生从一个旁观者,成了学习的参与者,并且还能代表小组发言,给了他们一个展示的机会。其实,每个学生都有展示的欲望,当这部分学生也参与进了学习中来,课堂气氛就更活跃了,学生动起来了,学习就好办了。 2.提高了课堂教学效果。以前上课一节课下来讲得口干舌燥感觉很累,弄了一身粉笔末,结果效果还不好;使用导学案后绝大部分学生都在努力的学习,虽然他们的成绩没有提高多少,但是上课时我感觉心情很轻松,讲课也感觉很有激情 3.业务水平得到提高。使用导学案上课虽然很轻松,但是在课前却需要精心准备学案,分析学情,搜集资料,设计问题。课前准备不足就会出现问题:前不久我在讲《反比例函数的图像和性质》导学


江苏高考英语语法专题复习知识点汇总 一、冠词The Article 知识要点: 冠词是一种虚词,放在名词的前面,帮助说明名词的含义。冠词分不定冠词(The Indefinite Article)和定冠词(The definite Article)两种。a (an) 是不定冠词,a用在辅音之前:如a book, a man; an用在元音之前,如:an old man, an hour, an interesting book等。the是定冠词。 一、不定冠词的用法 1、指人或事物的某一种类(泛指)。这是不定冠词a (an)的基本用法。如:She is a girl. I am a teacher. Please pass me an apple. 2、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。如:He borrowed a story-book from the library. A Li is looking for you. 一位姓李的同志正在找你。 3、表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one强烈。如: I have a mouth, a nose and two eyes. 4、用于某些固定词组中。如: a bit, a few, a little, a lot of, a piece of, a cup of, a glass of, a pile of, a pair of, have a good time, for a while, for a long time等。 5、用在抽象名词前,表具体的介绍——a + 抽象名词,起具体化的作用。如: This little girl is a joy to her parents. 这女孩对她父母来说是一个乐趣。 It is a pleasure to talk with you. 跟您交谈真是一件愉快的事情。 It is an honour to me to attend the meeting. 参加这个会,对我来说是一种荣誉。 二、定冠词的用法: 1、特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。这是定冠词the的基本用法。如: Beijing is the capital of China. The pen on the desk is mine. 2、指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。如: Where is the teacher? Open the window, please. 3、指上文提过的人或事物(第二次出现)。如: There was a chair by the window. On the chair sat a young woman with a baby in her arms. The baby was thin. 4、用在世界上独一无二的事物前。如: the earth, the moon, the sun. 5、用在序数词和形容词最高级前。(副词最高级前的定冠词可省略)如: He is always the first to come to school. Bob is the tallest in his class. 6、用在某些专有名词前(由普通名词构成的专用名词)。如: the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Science Museum, the Children’s Palace, the Party等。 7、用在一些习惯用语中。如: on the day, in the morning (afternoon, evening), the day after tomorrow, the day before yesterday, the next year, by the way等。 8、用在江河湖海、山脉前。如: the Yellow River, the Pacific Ocean, the Alps, the Himalayas 9、用在报刊、杂志前。如: the People’s Daily, the Evening Paper, the Times 泰晤士报。 10、表示某一家人要加定冠词。如: The Browns are at home to receive visitors today. 布朗一家今天要接待客人。 11、用在形容词前,表某一类人。如: the poor, the wounded, the living, the dead, the rich, the sick等。 12、定冠词可以表示一事物内部的某处。如: The driver always sits in the front of the bus(car). 三、零冠词(即不用冠词): 1、专用名词和不可数名词前。如: China, America, Grade One, Class Two, milk, oil, water, paper, science等。 2、名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, some, any等代词。如: Go down this street. 3、复数名词表示一类人或事物时。如: We are students.


一 第二节语法填空(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分) Once there lived a rich man 31 wanted to do something for the people of his town. 32 first he wanted to find out whether they deserved his help. In the centre of the main road into the town, he placed 33 very large stone. Then he 34 (hide ) behind a tree and waited. Soon an old man came along with his cow. “Who put this stone in the centre of the road? ”said the d o i l d d n m o a t n t r,y b t u o t r h e e m o v e the stone. Instead, with some difficulty he passed around the stone and continued on his way. 35 man came along and did the same thing; then another came ,and another. All of them complained about the stone but not tried to remove 36 . Late in the afternoon a young man came along. He saw the stone, 37 (say) to himself: “Thenight 38 (be) very dark. Some neighbors will come along later in the dark and will fall against the stone. ”Then he began to move the stone. He pushed and pulled with all his 39 (strong) to move it. How great was his surprise at last! 40 the stone, he found a bag of money. 第二节语法填空 31. who 32. But 33. a 34. hid 35. Another 36. it 37. saying 38. will be 39. strength 40. Under 二 第二节:语法填空(共10小题,每小题 1.5分,满分15分) The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as __31_ investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the 32_ (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from _33 countries and cultures. However, __34____there are many positive developments __35__ (associate) with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. __36___ concern relates to a lack of control over__37__ appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are 38 (restrict) on what kinds of programs can __39__ (broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents cannot check a published guide to determine what is suitable __40____ their children to see. 第二节语法填空(共10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分) 31. an 32. latest 33.other/different 34. while 35.associated 36. One 37. what 38. restrictions 39. be broadcast(ed) 40.for 三 第二节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分) Crying marriage? 31 (surprise), isn ’t it? Factually, the custom of crying marriage existed a long time ago in many areas of Southwest China ’Ssichuan Province, and 32 (remain) in fashion 33 the end of the Qing Dynasty. Though not so popular as before, the custom is still observed by people in many places, especially Tujia people, who view it as a 34 (necessary) to marriage procedure. It is very much 35 same in different places of the province. According to elderly people, every bride had to cry at the wedding. 36 , the bride ’nesighbors would look down upon 37 as a


学案导学的心得体会 篇一:学习“学案导学”的心得体会 [学习“学案导学”的心得体会] 学习“学案导学”的心得体会 通过“学案”把教学工作做在前头,对自己的教的过程和学生学的过程进行预知,从而使教学有备而来,不打无备之战,学生不出无备之争,学习“学案导学”的心得体会。现在谈谈我学习“学案导学”的几点心得体会。 “学案导学”在内容设计上可分为三个阶段: 1、课前预习阶段 经过多位教师共同研究,将学案精心编写好后,于课前发给学生,让学生在课前明确学习目标,并要求学生在自学过程中用笔标注出书中的重点、难点内容。在“学案”的指导下对课堂学习内容进行自主的预习,学生的自学不再盲目,变得有的放矢。带着学案上的问题看书,自己能解决的问题自己完成,没必要等老师上课讲解。标出自己尚存的疑问,带着问题走进课堂,在课堂中和同学老师交流,找到解决问题的方法;逐步掌握正确的自学方法,有意识地培养自主学习的能力等等。教师要有意识地通过多种途径获得学生预习的反馈信息,以使上课的讲解更具针对性,合理分配授

课时间,提高课堂效率。在授课过程中我深感课前预习阶段是“学案导学”教学法极其重要的一个环节,它既能充分体现“学案”的导学功能,又是实现“主体先行”的关键环节。 2、课堂学生讨论和教师精讲阶段 在学生课前自主学习的基础上,教师组织学生讨论学案中的相关问题,心得体会《学习“学案导学”的心得体会》。对于一些基础知识,可以教师提问学生,也可以学生问教师。对于一些重点难点知识,一般可在教师的指导下展开小组讨论。教师根据学生讨论的结果充分利用图、表及其它声像材料及时进行诱导、点拨、归纳。教师在讨论中提出的点拨、诱导性问题,要利于学生进行正确的思维,设疑要科学、严密、有趣,要结合学生生活实际和智力发展的实际,经过努力可以得到解决,让学生“跳一跳能摘到果子”从而享受到高层次成功的喜悦。 学案中的课堂练习题应尽量在课上让学生独立完成,并及时给出解答,这一方面让学生有及时而适当的训练,既巩固所学,又使学生学有所用;另一方面,可让教师获得直接的反馈信息,为课后的教学、指导提供信息;同时,练习中少数较难题又会激发学生进一步学习的欲望,使学生始终保持一种积极主动学习的心态。 3、课后巩固深化阶段


2013届高三英语语法要点精讲(配最新高考+模拟) 专题10 省略句 【考纲解读】 高考中对于省略的考查常体现在复合句的省略、动词不定式的省略以及交际用语中一些习惯性的省略中。 【知识要点】 省略和替代一样,也是一种避免重复、突出关键词语并使上下文紧密连接的语法手段。只要不损害语法结构或产生歧义,能省略就应省略。尤其在对话中,它是一种普遍的现象,因为它有助于语言上的简洁。 1.可省略主语和谓语。 A word about your composition.我现在谈一下你的作文。(省略了I ll say...) Though tired,he was not disheartened.他虽然累了,但没有泄气。(省略了he was...) Got a light有火吗(句首省略了Have you...) 2.可省去从句。 You have done better this time.这一次你做得好些了。(省去从句than you did before) Oh,that reminds me.噢,这使我想起了一件事。(me之后省去了that 从句,其内容由具体情况而定) 3.可用不定式to,省去前面提到的谓语动词。 Jack didn’t pass the driving test,but he still hope to.(to

后省去了pass)杰克没有通过驾驶证考试,但他仍希望能通过。 4.可用so,not省略前面提到的事,表肯定与否定。 —Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend你认为周末会下雨吗 —I believe not/I believe so.我想不会/我想会的。 (即I don’t believe it’s g oing to rain) 5.根据不同语境可省略不同成分。如: only if,If only,what so ever, in case 6.特殊疑问句的省略。 Where to去哪里 (=Where are you going to) What for为什么 (例如:What do you come here for你来这里干什么) Why not do it为什么不做那件事呢 (=Why don’t you do it) How/What about(sb)doing sth.做某事怎么样 What’s on tonight今晚上映什么 What’s up发生什么事了 【考点诠释】 省略是为了使句子更简洁,同时又不影响句子意义的表达。因此,省略的部分常常可以从句子结构本身或句子所处的语境中可以明确领会其成分。如: You are as tall as he (is).


高三语法专题总结 序号课题课时教学要求 冠词 3 1.熟知冠词的基本用法、习语和固定搭配 2.掌握冠词的一些灵活用法和特殊用法 1.冠词的基本用法 1 冠词的泛指、特指、类指、专指 2.冠词的习惯用法 1 1.定冠词的习惯用法 2.不定冠词的习惯用法 3.零冠词的习惯用法 3.冠词的活用 1 1.被具体化的抽象名词前的冠词用法 2.被普通化的专有名词前的冠词用法 3.形容词比较级、最高级和序数词前的冠词活用 高考重点冠词的基本用法及冠词的习惯用法 高考难点冠词的活用 专题二代词 3 熟练掌握不定代词、反身代词、指示代词、人称代词 以及it的灵活运用 1、不定代词 1 1、both,all,either,any,neither,none的用法 2、one,ones, the one,that,those的用法 3、one,another, the other, some ,others, the others的用法 4、复合不定代词及其他不定代词 2、反身代词 1 1、反身代词的基本用法 2、与反身代词构成的介词短语 3、与反身代词构成的动词短语 3、指示代词、人称代词和it的用法1 1、指示代词、人称代词的基本用法 2、It的用法 高考难点语境的真实性和复杂性、语义较丰语法复杂的不定代词的考查 专题三形容词和副词 2 了解形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法及常用句 型 1、形容词、副词的基 1 1、形容词、副词比较等级的基本用法

本用法2、对形容词、副词顺序的考查 2、形容词、副词的辨 析 1 在语境中学会形容词副词的用法 高考难点对于形容词副词比较等级的考查倾向于“淡化语法,注重深层语义的特点” 专题四语义辨析(名词、介词 及介词短语)3 1、在真实语境中能恰当的使用意义相近的介词,掌 握表示时间及空间的介词的用法 2、在语境中能恰当的使用介词的一些习惯用法和 介词与名词的固定搭配 1、名词辨析 1 1、名词的数和名词所有格的用法 2、名词的句法功能,尤其是名词作定语的用法 2、介词辨析 1 1、表示方位的介词 2、表示时间的介词 3、表示工具、手段、方式的介词 4、表原因、目的的介词 5、易混介词辨析 3.介词短语解析 1 1、与名词构成的介词短语 2、与某些形容词固定搭配的介词 高考难点介词短语的辨析,题干结构复杂 专题五动词和动词词组 2 1、掌握动词的及物和不及物性 2、掌握被动形式中英汉表达的不同 3、掌握感官动词作系动词:feel/look/sound 1、动词辨析 1 考纲中出现的动词及动词辨析 2、动词词组辨析 1 考纲中动词词组及辨析 高考难点同义词及词组辨析 专题六动词的时态及语态 2 1.建立“时”和“体”的概念 2.掌握一般将来时的各种形式及区别 3.掌握易混时态的用法:一般过去时和现在完成时 的区别 4.掌握各种时态的被动语态形式

五年高考真题 专题语法填空

'. 2011年各省市高考题2015~)Ⅰ(2015·新课标全国Passage 1或括号内单词的正确形)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词 式。ChinaYangshuo,(arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I 1 It was raining lightly when I (it) 3 Kong,with 2 ,I'd been at home in Hong didn't care.A few hours even with the rain. ,,the air was clean and freshchoking smog.Herelimestone seeking the for a dream place tourists I'd skipped nearby Guilin,so artists in are pictured by 4 the Li River dark mountain tops and waters of I'd headed straight for Yangshuo.For those ,5 (painting).Insteadmany Chinese car and offers all the scenery of the 6 who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away known city. -better(conduct) by 8 (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers Yangshuo 7 the destinations in the top 10 of the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one in people weekend destination for town is fast becoming a popular the world.And (regular) says it ,9 Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 10 arranges quick getaways here for people 桂林山水甲天下,阳朔风光甲桂林。作者讲述了从香港去阳【语篇导读】 朔旅游时的所见。考查动词的时态。主句谓语动词使用了过去进行时,根据语境此处要用1.解析一般过去时态。arrived 答案 ;. '.


高三英语语法教案:时态和语态 分类说明 高考中对动词的时态和语态的命题不可少,每年都有两、三分。然而,命题一般都是以基础知识为主,把时态与语境结合起来,在复习动词时态和语态时,应特别注意下面一些问题:1.动词的八种基本时态的形式和意义:一般现在时;一般过去时;一般将来时;现任进行时;过去进行时;现在完成时;过去完成时;现在完成进行时。并且,由此扩充了解将来完成时;将来进行时,将来完成进行时;过去将来完成时等。 2.掌握各种时态的时间状语要求,特别是上下文中所暗含的时间。 3.注意并掌握句子中时态一致性的要求,如:宾语从句中的时态要求:主句若为过去时,从句必须用相应的过去时,但当从句表示客观真理时,又可只用一般现在时;时间、条件状语中的时态要求:当主句为将来时时,从句片j一般现在时;虚拟语气中的时态要求:(见虚拟语气)。 4,掌握各种时态及含情态动词中的被动语态的形式和应用。 (1)分清动词的词性,熟悉并掌握常见的不及物动词happen,take place,occur,exist等,它们不能用被动语态; (2)分清主语与谓语之间的关系; (3)变被动语态的动词一般为及物动词,但有些不及物动词与介词所形成的短语动词也可有被动形式,此时,变被动语态后介词不能丢; (4)熟悉并掌握主动形式表被动意义的情况,如: A.及物动词read,write,sell,wash等,用作不及物动词,如:. The pen _________well. A.writes B.wrote C.is written D.has written B.做定语不定式的逻辑主语是句子的主语或宾语时。如: I have much work ________. A.to do B.to be done C.to be doing D.to have done 但当不定的式的逻辑主语不是句子的主语或宾语时,则须用被动语态.如: Do you have any work ________now? I’m free. A.to do B.to be done C.to be doing D.to have done C.形容词hard,difficult,interesting,exciting,surprising等后的不定式作语及worth后面的doing。 回放真题 真题1(2004甘肃、青海卷29) --Thank goodness,you’re here! What _________you?


“导学案”在课堂应用中的一点反思 本学期随着“学案导学”这一教学模式的应用,老师们一道投入了“导学案与学生学习能力有效整合”的教学改革中。在此浅谈数学教学中的运用“学案导学”提高课堂有效性的体会。 一、精心设计学案 教师对学案的设计,是“学案导学”的关键。教师应合理处理教材,尽量做到学案的设计重点突出,难点分散,达到启发和开拓学生思维,增强学生学习能力的目的。学案的设计应达到以下要求:(1)要从整体上体现教材的知识结构和知识间的内在联系,使知识能条理化、系统化和整体化,尽量每课时一个学案,以便控制学习总量,使学生明确学习目标,最大限度地提高课堂教学效益。(2)要有启发性。对教材中学生难以理解的内容,教师应作适当的提示,配以一定数量练习题,引导学生围绕教师设计的问题自主学习,在一个个问题的解决的过程中培养学生的能力,激发学生的求知欲。(3)问题设计应有层次性、梯度性。教师应根据学生对问题的认识逐渐加深,做到循序渐进,使学生意识到,要解决教师设计的问题必须学会看书,学会自学,进而养成独立学习的习惯。(4)要因材施教,满足不同学习水平学生的需要。学案应满足不同层次学生的需求,要使优秀生从学案的设计中感到挑战,一般学生受到激励,学习困难的学生也能尝到成功的喜悦,让每个学生都学有所得,最大限度地调动学生学习积极性,提高学生学习的自信心。从某种意义上说,一份好的学案就是教学成功的一半。 二、合理使用学案 我们的学案包含“出示明标--自学质疑--小组交流--展示点拨--训练拓展--小结反思”环节,由于学案的编制还不是很完善,因此在使用中要因材施教,合理运用。在使用中使学案逐步完善。 1.根据学案,让学生明确学习目标,带着问题对学习内容进行自主探究,有效学习。教师在学生自学过程中应进行适当辅导,使学生较好地把握教学内容。启发引导学生自主、独立地发现问题,让学生经历多角度认识问题、多种形式表现问题、多种策略思考问题,帮助学生在自主探索和合作交流的过程中真正理解和掌握基本的数学知识与技能、数学思想和方法。暴露学生在思维活动中的困难、障碍、错误和疑问,发现学生思维的闪光点和创造性思维的火花。总之,学生的自主探究是“学案导学”教学模式的重要环节,其实施的好坏,直接关系到教学目标能否实现。因此,教师必须高度重视。


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 高考英语语法总复习(共15个专题附练习及答案) 语法复习专题一——名词.①抽象名词表示具有某种特性、状态、感情情绪的人或事。 如:一、考点聚焦抽象名词(不可数)具体化(个体名词,可数名词)1.可数名词单、复数变化形式in surprise 惊讶地a surprise 一件令人惊讶的事(1)规则变化。 win success 获得成功a success 一个(件)成功的人(事)①单数名词词尾直接加-s。 如:boy — boys, pen — pens。 win honor 赢得荣誉an honor 一个(件)引以为荣的(事)①以 s、x 、ch 、sh 结尾的单词一般加-es。 如:glass —glasses,box—boxes,Failure(失败)is the mother of successa failure 失败者watch —watches, brush —brushes。 失败是成功之母。 特例:stomach — stomaches。 by experience 靠经验an experience 一次经历①以”辅音字母+ y”结尾的变“y”为“i”再加“-es”。 如:youth 青春a youth 一个青年人baby — babies, lady —ladies, fly — flies。 have pity on sb.怜悯某人a pity 可惜的事情①以“o”结尾的多数加-es。 1/ 146

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