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April 1

April 1
April 1

To Helen

? 1. For whom did Poe write this poem?

? 2. Who is Helen?

? 3. What are the images that Helen’s beauty is compared to?

? 4. What effect does this supernal beauty produce in the poet’s mind?

? 5. What is the theme of the poem?

? 6. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

?7. What are the major rhetorical devices used in the poem?

1.For whom did Poe write this poem?

?Jane Stith Stanard, the mother of his childhood friend Rob, who died in 1831.

?Through his writing, Poe sought to thank her for acting as a second mother to him.

2. Who is Helen?

-- Queen of Sparta

-- The most beautiful woman in the world

-- The direct cause of Trojan War

3. What are the images that Helen’s beauty is compared to?

?Nicean barks of yore

?Statue with an agate lamp in her hand

4. What effect does this supernal(神圣的、超自然的)beauty produce in the poet’s mind?

?peace, restfulness (from sorrows and worries)


?Admiration of the sacred beauty

5. What is the theme of the poem?

–Beauty of women, both in body and in soul

–the nurturing power of woman

6. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?




The meters: irregular but musical

7. What are the major rhetorical devices used in the poem?

–Allusion (典故)

–Imagery (意象)

?Allusion 典故

An indirect or explicit reference to some event, people, place, or artistic work, the nature and relevance of which is not explained by the writer but relies on the reader’s familiarity with what is thus mentioned

















Poe’s Short Stories

Story-telling (5 m in C/E):

“The Fall of the House of Usher”

“William Wilson”


“The Tell-Tale Heart ”

“The Black Cat”

“The Cask of Amontillado”

Moments in these poems and stories – what and how

Poe as a Short Story Master

1. Major theme:

disintegration (崩溃)and annihilation (歼灭、毁灭)of a human mind

→to investigate people’s subconscious and unconscious mental activity

→ Every mind is half mad or capable of slipping into insanity

2. Major characters:

Isolated heroes

→ with no sense of their identity, no name, no place nor parentage, dislocated, alienated from society

3. Brevity to ensure the totality of impression:

?The very first sentence→ bring out the single effect of the story;

?The very end→reveal some logical truth with the fullest satisfaction and leave a sense of finality with the reader.

Opening and Ending of “The Black Cat”

“For the most wild yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief. Mad indeed would I be to expect it, in a case where my very senses reject their own evidence. Yet, mad am I not –and very surely do I not dream.”

“I had walled the monster up within the tomb.”

4. Detective stories/Ratiocination stories:

the most important element: logic

Poe’s Detective Stories

?1840s: Poe introduced the detective story to the US—featuring the Parisian crime solver C. Auguste Dupin

→Result from Poe’s interest in puzzles, word games, and secret codes, which he loved to present and decode

Major works:

“The Gold Bug” (1843) –破译密码模式

“The Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1841) –密室杀人案模式

“The Mystery of Marie Rogêt” (1842-1843)

“The Purloined Letter” (1844) –心理盲区模式


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes

Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple

Poe’s Gothic Stories

1. Theme:

to dramatize a culture plagued by poverty and slavery through characters afflicted with various forms of insanity and melancholy.

2. Characteristics:

unique grotesque inventiveness and superb plot construction.

Poe’s Gothic Tales: “Poe’s Gothic is a potent brew, best served in small doses.”

? 1. Poe’s Gothic tales→ brief flashes of chaos that flare up within lonely narrators living at the fringes of society.

? 2. Poe’s short stories are considered masterpieces worldwide.

* Poe’s longest work, novel Arthur Gordon Pym(1838): loosely-connected episodes of horrors and mysteries, not as well written.

Major Works of Gothic Story

?MS. Found in a Bottle(1832 it won a contest sponsored by the Baltimore Saturday Visitor. )

?Ligeia(1838) ,

?The Fall of the House of Usher (1839),

?William Wilson (1839),

?The Tell-Tale Heart (1843) ,

?The Black Cat (1843) ,

?The Masque of the Red Death (1845) , The Cask of Amontillado (1846)


?Love and hate

?Self vs. Alter Ego

?The Power of the Dead over the Living

?Motifs :death, love, animals

?Symbol: Eye→I(identity)

?The fantastic: the real and the supernatural, the rational and irrational

Other Features

?Insane Narrator / unnamed narrator

?Tone: confession

?Tense: present→(flashback)past tense


?Preview poems by Walt Whitman


国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。 愚人节最典型的活动是大家互相开玩笑,用假话捉弄对方。 人把细线拴着的钱包丢在大街上,自己在暗处拉着线的另一端。 有人捡起钱包,他们就出其不意地猛然把钱包拽走。还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它。小孩们会告诉父母说自己的书包破了个洞,或者脸上有个黑点.等大人俯身来看时,他们就一边喊着“四月傻瓜”。一边笑着跑开去。如今的愚人节在美国已主要是淘气的男孩子们的节日。二(1)班

2月12日亚伯拉罕·林肯纪念日(Lincoln's Birthday) 亚伯拉罕·亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国南北战争的领导者,为废除奴隶制立下了不朽功勋。其诞辰日2月12日现为美国除南部外的26个州的法定纪念日。 1809年2月12日,亚伯拉罕·林肯诞生于肯塔基州一农民家庭。1834年,亚伯拉罕·林肯被选入伊利诺斯州议会,1847年当选 为国会众议员。他公开抨击蓄奴制。1860年,亚伯拉罕·林 肯当选美国第16任总统。这时南部7州组成南方邦联政府, 企图分裂美国。亚伯拉罕·林肯内阁遂决定用武力维护联 邦统一。1861年南北战争爆发。1863年1月,亚伯拉罕·林 肯宣布了《解放宣言》,使美国所有的奴隶从法律上获得 了自由。1865年,历经4年苦战的美国内战终于结束,北 方获得最后胜利,为美国资本主义的发展彻底扫清了道路。 1865年4月14日,亚伯拉罕·林肯在华盛顿福特剧院看戏时,被一个名叫约翰·布思的南方暴徒连击数枪,子弹射中头部,伤及大脑,翌日凌晨与世长辞。 供稿人:二(2)班张珷越

和中国一样,美国的节日也是多种多样,耶稣受难日,林肯纪念日,劳动节……而真正有节日气氛的,与不外乎少少几个重大的日子。 复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。它庆祝的是基督的复活,世界各地的基督徒每年都要举行庆祝。复活节还象征重生 和希望。时间是春分月圆后的第一个星期日。 复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日。传说耶稣被钉死在十字架上,死后第三天复活升天。每年在教堂庆祝的复活节指的是春分月圆后的第一个星期日,如果月圆那天刚好是星期天,复活节则推迟一星期。因而复活节可能在3月22日至4月25日之间的任何一天。 典型的复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系:鸡蛋、小鸡、小兔子、鲜花,特 别是百合花是这一季节的象征。复活节前夕, 孩子们为朋友和家人给鸡蛋着色打扮一番。 这些蛋有的煮得很老,有的只是空空的蛋壳。 复活节那天早上,孩子们会发现床前的复活 节篮子里装满了巧克力彩蛋、复活节小兔子、 有绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。据说复活节兔 子会将彩蛋藏在室内或是草地里让孩子们去 寻找。 供稿人:二(3)班卫唯


谈严复翻译 翻译,作为一种实践活动,在人类文化的交流中一直在广泛进行着。丰富的翻译活动,有利于我们科学系统地对翻译进行研究,也有利于我们形成独特的中西文化观。严复就是中国近代第一个学贯中西的人,他的翻译对中国近代思想有着深远的影响。 严复曾在福州马尾船厂船政学堂学习了五年,他学习了英文,几何,代数,电磁学,光学等新科学知识,到过新加坡,日本等地考察,后又到英国学习考察政治,经济,法律和社会制度,“了解中西政教,风俗之差异,关心世界大事。”回国后,他翻译了向国人敲起危亡警钟的《天演论》。揭示了自然界和人类社会“物竞天择,适者生存”的客观规律,宣传了进化思想。 下面研究一下严复的翻译思想和特点。在词法和句法结构中,他模仿先秦文体的词法句法结构,桐城派古文的优点,其他文体的积极因素,在此基础上进行创造性转化,创造了独具个人特色的新型文体。在《天演论》的手稿初稿中,他直接引用先秦散文中的句子并标明出处,虽然后来他觉得译作中放入中国古书的名字,中国古人的名字明显不妥,使读者感到彷徨,于是在改稿过程中将正文中出现的中国特色的专有名词尽皆删去,但导言仍保留部分如《导言十三》中的“以其所爱,及其所弗爱”一句系取自《孟子》;《导言十二》中的“诱然

皆生,而不知其所以生;同然皆生,而不知其所以得”系庄子所云,“自营为私”是韩非所言,“人之性恶”出自《荀子》。译文中多用单音节词,双音节词很少。而且他的翻译话语中有很多词类活用的范例。 1. 辨物穷微,明揭天道必不可知说。(《天演论·论六》) 2.不见夫业真者乎?(《原富》) 微是形容词,在句1中活用为动词。句2的业本来为名词,但在句中担任动词职务。同时,严复话语中疑问代词宾语前置,否定句中代词宾语前置的例子也不少。如: 何以明之?(《天演论·人群》) 人弗之觉也,觉亦弗之异也。(《天演论·能实》) 其少见的被动句主要采用先秦的“见”字句结构,如: 特在人者,每为气禀所拘。(《天演论·论八》) 而为是幻且虚者之所主。(《天演论·论九》) 若是物特为天下只所厚而择焉以存也者,夫是之谓天择。(《天演论·导言一》) 为了追求群内达旨,他用了很多排偶句: 小之极于跂行倒生,大之放乎日星天地;隐之则神思智识之所以圣狂,显之则政俗文章之所以沿革。(《天演论·导言二·广义》) 人,动物之灵者也,与不灵之禽兽鱼鳖昆虫对;动物者,生类之有知觉运动者也,与无知觉之指植物对;生类者,有质之物而具支体官理者也,与无支体官理之金石对。(《天演论·导言三·趋异》) 严复的翻译使用最多的策略当推意译,为了启发民智,在翻译过程中


实用英文写作与翻译2-1作业及参考答案 第一次作业: Americans Eat Out More often and Less Healthfully Although food cooked at home is far more healthful than meals eaten at restaurants, Americans are dining out more than ever, the U.S. Agriculture Department said Tuesday. Restaurant food accounted for([在数量,比例方面] 占) 39 percent of U.S. meals bought in 1996, up from 26 percent in 1970, the department said in a report, ``Away-From-Home Foods Increasingly Important to Quality of American Diet.'' ``While(尽管)the nutritional quality(营养质量)of foods consumed by Americans has improved overall, foods prepared at home are generally much more healthful than away-from-home foods,'' the department said. ``Despite nutritional gains at home, Americans will find it difficult to improve their diets because they purchase so many meals outside the home,'' the study said. While (尽管)the nutritional content of food prepared both at home and in restaurants has improved in recent years, food eaten out contains more of the nutrients Americans typically(一般地;通常)eat too much of, including fat and saturated fat(饱和脂肪), and less of what is lacking from most diets, such as calcium, fiber and iron. The department recommended nutrition education programs should place more emphasis on teaching U.S. consumers about how to order healthful meals when dining out. Improved diets have been found to prevent risk of heart disease, stroke(中风), cancer, diabetes(糖尿病), osteoporosis-related hip fractures(与骨质疏松症有关的髋关节骨折) and neural tube birth defects(神经管先天缺损). Osteoporosis-related hip fractures cost up to $10.6 billion each year in the United States in medical care expenses, missed work and premature deaths(早亡), the department said. 参考译文:美国人外出用餐频繁而饮食健康水准美况愈下 据美国农业部星期二称尽管在家煮烧的食物远比餐馆里所用之餐有益于健康,美国人外出用餐更频繁。餐馆里的食物占1996年美国人购餐的39%,比1970年增长了26%。该部门在报告中称:“外出所用之餐对于美国人饮食质量日益重要”。该部门还称:“虽然美国人消费的食物的营养质量总体改善了。但是,一般来说,家里所备的食物远比外出用餐的食物有益于健康。”研究表明:“尽管在家里用餐能获取养份,美国人发觉他们难以改善自己的饮食,因为他们多次在外购餐。”近年来在家里和餐馆里所备的食物的营养结构都得到了改善,然而,外出用餐的食物包含了较多典型的美国人汲取过多的养份,包括脂肪和饱和脂肪,也包含了较少多数饮食中所缺少的,如钙,纤维和铁。该农业部提议营养教育计划应更着重于教导美国消费者外出用餐时如何预定有益于健康的一餐。人们发现改善后的饮食结构能预防心脏病,中风,癌症,糖尿病,与骨盆炎相关的髋部骨折以及试管婴儿的神经缺陷所带来的危险。该部门称,在美国与骨盆炎相关的髋部骨折每年在医疗照料费用,医疗失误和早产死亡之上的耗费高达106亿美元。 第二次作业 1、Kill one’s appetite ?Kill time ?Kill the peace ?Kill the mood ?Kill the proposal ?Kill the engine ?Kill the child with kindness 2、If the doctor had been available, the child would not have died. 3、This ticket is available in all parks. 4、I’ll have Mr. Perkin call you back as soon as he is available.


2012大学英语第二次作业 第一部分:交际用语(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从A、B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1. — Could I borrow your car for a few days? — 所选答案: C. Sure, here your are. Enjoy your journey. 问题 2 得 3 分,满分 3 分 2. — Thank you for inviting me. — ______________ 所选答案: C. Thank you for coming. 问题 3 得 3 分,满分 3 分 3. —May I see your tickets, please? — ______________ 所选答案: C. Sure. 问题 4 得 3 分,满分 3 分 4. — Please help yourself to the seafood. —__________ 所选答案: D. Thanks, but I don't like the seafood. 问题 5 得 3 分,满分 3 分 5. — Can you go to the concert with us this evening? —__________ 所选答案: B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. 问题 6 得 3 分,满分 3 分 6. — Congratulations! Y ou won the first prize in today's speech contest. —__________ 所选答案: C. Thank you. 问题7 得0 分,满分 3 分 7.—I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. — _______. 所选答案: C. It’s a pleasure 问题8 得 3 分,满分 3 分 8.— Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? — _______? 所选答案: A. What for 问题9 得 3 分,满分 3 分 9— What do you want to do next? We have half an hour until the basketball game. — _________.Whatever you want to do is fine with me. 所选答案: B. It’s up to you 问题10 得 3 分,满分 3 分 10.— How about putting some pictures into the report? — ________ A picture is worth a thousand words.


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 You must have your own view on such an important subject, ____________ other people may say about it. A、whatever B、whichever C、 what D、how 标准答案:a 说明: 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The president's decision to invest in that small town was a _____________ mistake. A、costly B、much C、expensive D、high 标准答案:a 说明: 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 Her low voice and shy smile soon made her a _____________ among her room-mates. A、favorite B、favorable C、favourable D、favor

标准答案:a 说明: 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 His ______________ had dropped to by the time he graduated from university. A、sign B、vision C、view D、light 标准答案:b 说明: 题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 "At my age," Milly said, "one has to _____ from other people's experience." A、teach B、borrow C、learn D、copy 标准答案:c 说明: 题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The nationality of the murderer still remains _____________ to the police. A、unnecessary B、unexpected


愚人节活动策划书 愚人节的历史起源于法国,最初是法国的一些主张变革的人为嘲笑那些因循守旧的人而在4月1日使出一些骗人的招数。后逐渐成为西方及美国的民间传统节日,现在也成为东方很多国家人们喜爱的节日之一。 “愚人节”——一年中少有的一个心惊胆战的节日,在这一天,您可以充分发挥想象力打破一切有序的时间和空间,胡作非为在愚人节有充分的理由和充足的市场。正值愚人节到来之际,为迎合这种浓浓的文化气氛,活跃校园氛围,我们需要一个以“愚人节”为主题的校园活动,希望能给同学们带来轻松幽默,放松身心。 二.活动目的: 1,这次“愚人节”活动实际上是以比赛的形式开展的,其内容丰富多彩,轻松幽默,且愚人节整人不是整哪个的难看,整出的是快乐,最好是善意的骗局。 2,营造文化氛围,活跃校园气氛,使校园师生在忙碌的学习生活中放松身心。 3,通过这次活动使同学了解“愚人节”的丰富内涵和意义,使人们在得到快乐的同时也能积极地思考生活。 4,让同学了解愚人节的文化内涵以及丰富意义,并使同学能更加积极乐观轻松地看待生活与工作。 三.活动主题:愚人节你愚了吗?

四.活动时间:初赛:3月28号(星期三下午2点) 地点:待定 复赛:4月1号(星期天晚上7点)地点:大学生活动中心五。组织机构: 五.主办单位:电气与自动化工程学院学生会宣传部六。活动安排:筹备阶段: 1,活动宣传 (1)通知的拟定与下发。 (2)宣传部做好“愚人节”活动的宣传海报,在各个班级进行活动的宣传。 (3)做好活动场地的借用申请。 2,人员安排 (1)主持:一男一女,负责比赛的介绍主持。 (2)联系:负责参赛者的短信通知,新闻部的联系,比赛期间道具(包括灯光,音响,话筒,材料等)的借用联系。 (3)布置场地:气球,彩带,“愚人节”寄语,宣传海报等。 (4)比赛现场:负责参赛者签到及现场情况,赛后场地的整理。(5)评委:由组织者选择合适人员担当评委,保证公平公正。(6)物品购买:初赛拼图及复赛奖品的购买。 六.初赛阶段: (1)比赛项目——“愚人拼图” (2)比赛规则——完成时间长短决定胜负


湖南文理学院学院2017-2018学年度第一次作业 考核课程: 《计算机专业英语》 学生所在院系: 国际学院 年 级: 2017 姓名: 刘飞 班级: 网工17102班 学号: 201719040213 一、Give out the full names for the following abbreviations(写出下列缩写词的全称)(20%) EEPROM_Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory_ CPU ___Central Processing Unit____________________________ ALU ___A rithmetic/Logic Unit _______________________________ IT ___Information Technology___________________________ WWW___World Wide Web_________________________________ RAM ____Random Access Memory_________________________ PNP _____Plug-And-Play__________________________________ OS _____Operating System_______________________________ HTML____Hyper Text Markup Language______________________ TCP ____Transfer Control Protocol_________________________ SSI _____Small-Scale Integrated circuit_____________________ DRAM____Dynamic Random Access Memory________________ CA(M)D___Computer Aided Design__________________________ CAI_______Computer Aided Instruction______________________ 256000000__two hundreds and fifty six million________________ 25600000___twenty five million and six thousands_____________ SRAM_____Static Random Access Memory___________________ CAT_______Computer Aided Text____________________________ CA M______Computer Aided Made(Manufacture)_______________ I/O_____Input/Output__________________________________ 二、Match the following words and expressions in the left column with those similar in meaning in the right column( 将)(10%) 1. memory unit a. 半导体存储器 2. high density b. 主存

大学英语4 第二次作业

作业二 一、单选题 1、- Would you please show me your bankbook? - _________ A:Sorry, I have no idea. B:Here you are. C:Come with me. D:Yes, I'd like to. 2、-- Did you win the 100 metre race? -- Yes, I did. -- Really? -- _________. A:Congratulations B:Best wishes C:Good luck D:Right-I'm sorry. Bob is not in his office. -_________? A:Can you take a message for me B:Are you sure for that C:Would you like to leave a message D:Can you phone me-I haven't seen Belly for 10 years. 3、 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________ A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 5、- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. - ______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious. B:Don't mention it. C:Thanks for your compliments. D:It's fine. 6、______is the temperature today? A:What B:How C:How many D:How much 7、I ______ my home work this time yesterday evening. A:were doing B:was to do C:am doing


大学英语4 第一次作业 一、单选题 (共90.00分) 1.How did the writer feel when his father advised him to try Westminster College of Law? A.He felt shameful and refused to take the advice. B.The advice was useful and realistic, but going to a much less famous school than the previous one hurt his self-esteem. C.He thought it easy to attend Westminster College of Law. D.He didn’t take it seriously and ignore the advice. 正确答案:B 2.What do you think resulted in the writer’s success? A.He had a strong dignity. B.The writer had the talent of a lawyer, which the dean of the University of Colorado School of Law had mistaken him. C.Westminster College of Law is better than the University of Colorado School of Law. D.His ambition, diligence and taking advantage of chances. 正确答案:B 3.The writer had tried very hard and got enrolled by the University of Colorado School of Law. A.True B.False正确答案:B 4.The writer’s father understood very well why his son had been ki cked out of the University of Colorado. A.True B.False正确答案:A 5.The writer didn’t feel proud when he went back to the University of Colorado after graduation. A.True B.False正确答案:B 6.We should try to _______ all educational opportunities. A.take advantages of B.take the advantage of C.take advantage of D.take advantage with正确答案:C 7.In given conditions, bad things can _______ good results. A.lead to B.results in C.issued in D.lead in正确答案:A 8.I’ll tell our manager about it and ask him to _______ you. A.connect to B.connect C.contact with D.contact正确答案:D 9.She has long been hoping to become the _______ manager. A.assistant B.assistants C.assistance D.assisted正确答案:A 10.The earthquake _______ several stores in the business area. A.damage B.blasted C.hurt D.destroyed正确答案:D 11.I’ll let you borrow it _______ you lend me your bicycle in return. A.on a condition B.on conditions C.on one condition D.in one condition正确答案:C 12.The doctor will see you again next week. _______ you must rest as much as possible. A.Meanwhile B.Otherwise C.Also D.Moreover正确答案:A 13.After the accident it took a long time before she had the _______ to get on a plane again. A.encourage B.courageous C.confident D.confidence正确答案:D 14.Is it worthwhile putting so many resources toward something that is _______ a reliable thing? A.nothing but B.anything but C.something but D.everything but正确答案:B 15.What food did Amy like most? A.The roasted turkey. B.The sweet potatoes. C.The cooked fish. D.The soft fish cheek. 正确答案:D 16.When she knew that Robert would come for the Christmas dinner, Amy was so excited that she cried. A.True B.False正确答案:B


愚人节的话题作文:4月1日整人节4月1日的愚人节,也是一个整人节,是西方一个非常重要的传统节日。下面是橙子整理的愚人节的话题作文,分享给大家! 4月1日整人节 今天是整人节,也就是传说中的整人节.同学们纷纷加入整人队列,大家都买好了愚人道具,我和几个关系比较好的同学组成一队,准备在体锻课上“厮杀’. 终于到啦体锻课,我们做好热身运动,就开战了。 游戏规则是这样的:每人有一条命,谁被整,谁就得下场,谁活到最后,谁就是“整蛊专家”。 比赛开始啦!我假装很悲哀,手上涂点荧光粉,拍拍一个很厉害的人的背,假装说“来我们队吧!”看他犹豫的样子,真可笑。我指着他的背说:“你下场啦!”他看啦看自己的衣服,才发现自己已经被整的时候,满脸愤怒:“我一世英名,竟然那被你打败啦!我会复仇的!”说着离开了“战场”。随后,一把水枪瞄准了我,我还没发现,水已经挤出来啦,不过没打到我,我一看:“袁瑞!你为什么要帮我挡这一枪?”袁瑞说:“别管我,帮我报仇!”说着,他下场啦。 我越想越愤怒,拿起水枪,见敌人就扫,干掉了好多人,可是,一把水枪再一次瞄准了我,我的水枪没水了。刚反应过来,就被击下场了,“唉……” 快乐的时光过的总是特别快,转眼就下课了,我们依依不舍的离开了操场。这次,我虽然没有获得“整蛊专家”的称号,但我深深地

体会到啦一份朋友情,我情不自禁的哼起了歌:“朋友一生一起走,那些日子不再有……” 愚人节到了 愚人节到了,吃完饭,我学着主持人的音调快乐地说:“今天是愚人节,为了庆祝节日,今晚我们举办愚人节大赛,谁能骗到人,骗的人数最多,谁就胜利,成为愚人达人。” 过了一会儿,妈妈叫我帮她扔垃圾。我一边走一边盘算着:怎么愚弄别人呢?对了,下面的人老是叫我帮爸爸传话,要他去打老K,借这次机会让爸爸白跑一趟,老爸肯定会下去。回到家,我一本正经地说:“下面的人又叫你去打老K了!不信你去看看!”爸爸想了一会儿,不出我所料,还是去了。哈!我加了一分。舅舅也不甘示弱,连声叫道:“电视剧开始了,弟弟、妹妹来看吧!”爸爸看时间差不多了,于是走了过去,一看,不好!又被愚弄了,还是长篇广告呢。舅舅加0。5分,因为妈妈没去。我还想加分,于是拿出一盒纸做的糖给妈妈吃,妈妈可没粗心大意,正要打开糖纸吃下去时,突然识破了我的诡计,没有被我愚弄到,加0。2分。时间过得飞快,马上要到睡觉时间,可是爸爸妈妈还在看书,我先去看了会儿电视,爸爸妈妈叫道:“你先来睡,我们还要在家加班,加到12点呢!先睡!”我一听要加到12点于是睡了。可是没过几分钟,爸妈就收工了。我叫道:“你们不是要加到12点吗?”我脑袋一愣,他们在不知不觉中愚弄我呢!哈哈,爸爸妈妈也加了一分。 今天还是我是愚人达人。我们好开心。


【育才毕业作品(翻译实践与评析)范文简要】 (中文封面页) 西南大学育才学院 本科毕业作品 《欧洲的前景:临近眼前的深渊》翻译与评析 学院外国语学院 专业英语 年级2008级 学号 姓名 指导教师 成绩 二○一二年四月

(英文标题页,单独用一页) Translation and Comments on The Future of Europe: Starring into the Abyss (论文作者名,斜体) Supervisor (指导教师名,斜体) A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B. A. in English SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES YUCAI COLLEGE SOUTHWEST UNIVERSITY April, 2012

(致谢,单独用一页,向指导教师及相关人员致谢) Acknowledgements Firstly, I would like to show my deep gratitude and respect to my supervisor …for her / his careful guidance and hard work. Her /His experienced suggestions and continual encouragement have guided me through all my writing process of this paper. Without her /his guidance and assistance, the completion of this thesis would have been impossible. Secondly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the professors and teachers of The School of Foreign Languages …who instructed and helped me a lot in the past half and three years. Finally, I wish to thank my parents and friends, whose spiritual and practical support ensures my courage in face of difficulties.


He stopped traffic on Fifth Avenue like the Beatles or Marilyn Monroe. He could've been president of Israel or played violin at Carnegie Hall, but he was too busy thinking. His musings on God, love and the meaning of life grace our greeting cards and day-timers. Fifty years after his death, his shock of white hair and droopy mustache still symbolize genius. Einstein remains the foremost scientist of the modern era. Looking back 2,400 years, only Newton, Galileo and Aristotle were his equals. Around the world, universities and academies are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Einstein's "miracle year" when he published five scientific papers in 1905 that fundamentally changed our grasp of space, time, light and matter. Only he could top himself about a decade later with his theory of general relativity. Born in the era of horse-drawn carriages, his ideas launched a dazzling technological revolution that has generated more change in a century than in the previous two millennia. Computers, satellites, telecommunication, lasers, television and nuclear power all owe their invention to ways in which Einstein peeled back the veneer of the observable world to expose a stranger and more complicated reality underneath. Yet there is more, and it is why Einstein transcends mere genius and has become our culture's grandfatherly icon. He escaped Hitler's Germany and devoted the rest of his life to humanitarian and pacifist causes with an authority unmatched by any scientist today, or even most politicians and religious leaders. He used his celebrity to speak out against fascism, racial prejudice and the McCarthy hearings. His FBI file ran 1,400 pages. His letters reveal a tumultuous personal life -- married twice and indifferent toward his children while obsessed with physics. Yet he charmed lovers and admirers with poetry and sailboat outings. Friends and neighbors fiercely protected his privacy 他曾像披头士和玛莉莲-梦露一样让第五大道交通阻塞, 他本可以成为以色列总统,或在卡内基音乐厅演奏小提琴,但他却把时间都用来思考。他对上帝、爱和对人生意义的思考经常出现在贺卡和台历上。 在他去世五十年后,他一头浓密的白发和下垂的胡须仍是天才的象征。 爱因斯坦仍然是现代最伟大的科学家。看过去的2400年里也只有牛顿、伽利略和亚里士多德才能与之相较。 世界各地的大学和学院都在庆祝爱因斯坦的“奇迹年”100周年纪念。就是他1905年发表五篇科学论文。从根本上改变了我们对空间、时间、光和物质的认识。只有他自己能在数十年之后超越他的广义相对论。 爱因斯坦出生在马车盛行的年代,但他的理论和思想却引发了一场令人眼花缭乱的科学技术革命。在短短的数百年中,这场科技革命带来的的变化远比以往2000年来变化的总和还要多。 计算机、人造卫星、电子通讯、激光、电视和核能的创造发明都归功于爱因斯坦提出的研究方法:......揭露一个陌生人和更复杂的现实。 当然爱因斯坦意味的并不仅仅是这些,他已经超越了科学天才的范畴,成为人类文明中德高望重的偶像。 他逃离了希特勒统治下的德国并把他的余生都献给了人道主义与和平主义事业。他的威望是当今任何科学家和大多数的政治或宗教领袖不能相比的。 作为公众人物,爱因斯坦常常站出来抨击法西斯主义、种族歧视以及当时美国当权者提出的“麦卡锡主义”。他提供给联邦调查局的文件达1400页。 爱因斯坦的书信揭示了他不寻常的个人生活:他结过两次婚;每当专注思考物理问题时,他就会忽略身边的子女。但是,他也会用诗歌和帆船出游来吸引他的爱人和仰慕者。他的朋友和邻居们都极力保护他的隐私。


首页- 我的作业列表- 《大学英语(四)》第二次网上作业答案 你的得分:97.5 完成日期:2014年02月27日16点38分 说明:每道小题括号里的答案是您最高分那次所选的答案,标准答案将在本次作业结束(即2014年03月13日)后显示在题目旁边。 一、单项选择题。本大题共30个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共75.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 1.— I wish you success in your career. — _______ ( D ) A.You are welcome. B.You think so. C.Yes, please. D.The same to you. 2.— Let's go to the library this afternoon. — _______ ( D ) A.Yes, that's right. B.No. I can't. C.What about you? D.That's a good idea. 3.— Madam, do all the buses go downtown? — _________ ( D ) A.Wow, you got the idea. B.No, never mind. C.Pretty well, I guess. D.Sorry, I'm new here. 4.— Are you feeling better today, Jack? — _______ ( C ) A.There must be something wrong. B.Just have a good rest. C.Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good. D.Don't worry about me.

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