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Matthew Jacobsen,Ryan Kastner

Computer Science and Engineering

University of California,San Diego

La Jolla,CA USA



We present RIFFA2.0,a reusable integration framework for FPGA accelerators.RIFFA2.0provides communication and synchronization for FPGA accelerated applications us-ing simple interfaces for hardware and software.Our goal is to expand the use of FPGAs as an acceleration platform by releasing,as open source,a framework that easily integrates software running on commodity CPUs with FPGA cores. RIFFA2.0uses PCIe to connect FPGAs to a CPU’s system bus.RIFFA2.0extends the original RIFFA project by sup-porting more classes of Xilinx FPGAs,multiple FPGAs in a system,more PCIe link con?gurations,higher bandwidth, and Linux and Windows operating systems.This release also supports C/C++,Java,and Python bindings.Tests show that data transfers between hardware and software can satu-rate the PCIe link to achieve the highest bandwidth possible.


FPGAs and GPUs have become popular parallel computing platforms for application acceleration.Both have been suc-cessfully applied to accelerate numerous vision[1],physics [2],and other compute intensive applications[3].They are even used in heterogenous computing environments for high performance computing[4].Both hardware devices are ca-pable of running highly parallel operations faster than their CPU counterparts.However,many differences exist between the hardware platforms.The focus of this paper is on the dif-ference we feel is most critical to FPGAs continued success in application acceleration;the ability for FPGAs to easily integrate with the CPU workstation environment.

Workstation CPUs are still the dominate platform for most compute intensive applications.They are easy to pro-gram,offer considerable memory,many processing cores, and support countless software libraries.GPUs are inher-ently part of this environment as their primary purpose is to accelerate video rendering.The advent of OpenCL and NVIDIA’s CUDA language and tool chains has made GPUs even easier to access for the purposes of general application acceleration.The literature shows a surge of applications accelerated by GPUs since these developments.In contrast, FPGAs have not seen as much developments in accessibility.

FPGAs are?exible enough to emulate custom circuit de-signs and connect to virtually any device.However,this ?exibility also makes it challenging to connect to virtually any device.The protocol standards that make other devices easily interoperable must be included in the FPGA’s user de-sign in order for it to interface with external devices.This can be a large obstacle to overcome for application design-ers.In many cases,implementing the interface logic can match or exceed the effort required for implementing the application logic.As a result,many if not most,FPGA uses involve standalone designs.

This is the motivation that led to the development of RIFFA[5].RIFFA2.0is a reusable interface for FPGA ac-celerators.Like the original release,RIFFA2.0is an open source framework that provides a simple to use interface for software and hardware.It implements the PCIe protocol on both endpoints so that designers can focus on implementing application logic instead of basic connectivity interfaces.

In the sections that follow,we discuss previous work and existing solutions.We also present a detailed description of the RIFFA2.0design,example uses,and an analysis of the architecture and performance.This paper’s chief contribu-tions are:

?An open source,reusable,integration framework for

multi-family FPGAs and workstations.

?An improved hardware and software interface,higher

bandwidth,and multi-FPGA support.

?Detailed design for PCIe based DMA bus mastering.


RIFFA is not the?rst attempt to integrate FPGAs into tra-ditional software environments.Many research applications exist that solve this problem.However,these solutions are typically highly customized and do not port well to other projects without considerable rework.

U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

Industry offers many solutions for this situation.Im-pulse Accelerated Technologies,Pico Computing,Convey, Maxeler,and Xillybus all offer products that connect soft-ware to FPGAs via a proprietary interface.Their solutions come with software,cores,and some include their own lan-guages,development environments,and tool chains.Many of these solutions exist to drive the purchase of the vendor’s goods and services.They are not open source solutions.Nor do they allow users to use their solutions with off-the-shelf components.Moreover,they can be quite expensive.Espe-cially compared to the price of commodity hardware.

There are freely available solutions such as OpenCPI [6]and Microsoft Research’s SIRC[7].OpenCPI is the Open Component Portability Infrastructure project designed to simplify heterogeneous computing.It supports CPUs, DSPs,FPGAs,and other real time embedded devices.As a consequence of this broad support,the setup and con?gu-ration of OpenCPI can be challenging.The interface is also overly complex for what is needed for FPGA connectivity. SIRC,a Simple Interface for Recon?gurable Computing,is a Microsoft Research project designed to connect C++ap-plications to FPGA cores.It is also an open source solution and has been an inspiration for RIFFA.But while SIRC is free,it is only supported on Windows.It also uses a Gigabit Ethernet connection which limits the bandwidth between the host computer and the FPGA.RIFFA uses a PCIe link which offers more scalable performance and is better suited to inte-grate into workstation,supercomputing,and other high per-formance computing environments.

Lastly,there are a multitude of FPGA designs that in-clude integrated CPUs.There are also approaches to sim-plify and allow applications to make better use of FPGA cores such as:Hthreads[8],HybridOS[9]and BORPH [10].However these solutions utilize custom operating sys-tem kernels and often only support CPUs running on the FPGA fabric.


RIFFA2.0is based on the concept of communication chan-nels between software threads on the CPU and user cores on the FPGA.A channel is similar to a network socket in that it must?rst be opened,can be read and written,and then closed.However,unlike a network socket,reads and writes can happen simultaneously(if using two threads).Addition-ally,all writes must declare a length so the receiving side knows how much to expect.Each channel is independent and thread safe.RIFFA2.0supports up to12channels.Up to12different user cores can be accessed directly by soft-ware threads on the CPU.Designs with more than12cores can share channels.

Before a channel can be accessed,the FPGA must be opened.RIFFA2.0supports multiple FPGAs per system(up to5).Each is assigned an identi?er on system start up.Once opened,all channels on that FPGA can be accessed without any further initialization.Data is read and written directly from and to the channel interface.On the FPGA side,this manifests as a?rst word fall through(FWFT)style FIFO interface for each direction.On the software side,function calls support sending and receiving data with byte arrays.

Memory/IO requests and software interrupts are used to communicate between the workstation and FPGA.The FPGA exports a con?guration space accessible from an op-erating system device driver.The device driver accesses this address space when prompted by user application function calls or when it receives an interrupt from the FPGA.This model supports low latency communication in both direc-tions.However,only status and control data is sent using this model.Data transfer is accomplished with large pay-load PCIe transactions issued by the FPGA.The FPGA acts as a bus master DMA engine for both upstream and down-stream transfers.In this way multiple FPGAs can operate simultaneously in the same workstation with minimal sys-tem load.

The details of the PCIe protocol,device driver,DMA operation,and all hardware addressing are hidden from both the software and hardware.This means some level of?exi-bility is lost.For example,users cannot setup custom PCIe base address register(BAR)address spaces and map them directly to a user core.Nor can they implement quality Function Name&Descramblertion

int fpga_list(fpga_info_list*list)

Populates the fpga_info_list pointer with info on all FPGAs installed in the system.

fpga_t*fpga_open(int id)

Initializes the FPGA speci?ed by id.Returns a pointer to a

fpga_t struct or NULL.

void fpga_close(fpga_t*fpga)

Cleans up memory and resources for the speci?ed FPGA.

int fpga_send(fpga_t*fpga,int chnl,

void*data,int len,int offset,int last

long timeout)

Sends len4-byte words from data to FPGA channel chnl. The FPGA channel will be sent len,offset,and last.

timeout de?nes how long to wait for the transfer.Returns

the number of4-byte words sent.

int fpga_recv(fpga_t*fpga,int chnl,

void*data,int len,long timeout)

Receives up to len4-byte words from the FPGA channel

chnl to the data buffer.The FPGA will specify an offset

for where in data to start storing received values.timeout de?nes how long to wait for the transfer.Returns the number of4-byte words received.

void fpga_reset(fpga_t*fpga)

Resets the FPGA and all transfers across all channels.


of service policies for channels or PCIe transaction types. However,we feel any loss is more than offset by the ease of programming and design.

To facilitate ease of use,RIFFA2.0has software bind-ings for C/C++,Java1.4+,and Python2.7+.Both Windows and Linux platforms are supported.RIFFA2.0’s cores sup-port Xilinx Spartan6,Virtex6,and7Series FPGAs with data bus widths of32,64,and128.All PCIe Gen1and Gen 2con?gurations up to x8lanes are supported.

In the next sections we describe the software interface, followed by the hardware interface.

3.1.Software Interface

The interface for the original RIFFA release attempted to impose a call-and-return style execution paradigm for user cores.RIFFA2.0does not impose such a model.As a result, the interface on the software side supports just a few func-tions.The complete RIFFA2.0software interface is listed in Table1(for the C/C++languages).We omit the Java and Python intefaces for brevity.

There are four primary functions in the API:open,close, send,and receive.The API supports accessing individual FPGAs and individual channels on each FPGA.There is also a function to list the RIFFA2.0capable FPGAs installed on the system.A reset function is provided that programmat-ically triggers the FPGA channel reset signal.This func-tion can be useful when developing and debugging the soft-ware application.If installed with debug?ags turned on, the RIFFA2.0library and device driver provide useful mes-sages about transfer events.The messages will print to the operating system’s kernel log.

There is only one function to send data and one to re-ceive data.This is the basic functionality and is intention-ally kept as simple as possible.These function calls are syn-chronous and block until the transfer has completed.Both take byte arrays as parameters.The byte arrays contain the data to send or serve as the receptacle for receiving data. In these functions,the offset parameter is used to specify where in the byte array to start storing data.The last pa-rameter is used to group multiple transfers.Multiple trans-fers may be useful when the FPGA does not have suf?cient memory to store all of a computation result.Multiple partial transfers can be issued(with increasing offsets for example) with the last parameter set to0.The software thread won’t unblock until last is set to1,which would be set on the ?nal transfer.FPGA cores must be written to honor these uses of the offset and last parameters to achieve the same behavior in the downstream https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed14237140.html,stly,the timeout parameter speci?es how many milliseconds to wait between communications during a transfer.Setting this value will de-pend on the timing with which the user core presents data to the channel.Setting a zero timeout value causes the software thread to wait for completion inde?nitely.

char buf[BUF_SIZE];

int chnl=0;

long t=0;//Timeout


int r=read_data("filename",buf,BUF_SIZE); printf("Read%d bytes from file",r);

int s=fpga_send(fpga,chnl,buf,BUF_SIZE/4, 0,1,t);

printf("Sent%d words to FPGA",s);

r=fpga_recv(fpga,chnl,buf,BUF_SIZE/4,t); printf("Received%d words from FPGA",r);

//Process results...


Fig.1.RIFFA2.0software example in C.

Figure1shows an example C application.In this exam-

ple,the software reads data into a buffer,sends the data as

payload to the FPGA,and then waits for a response.The

response is stored back into the same buffer and then pro-

cessed.This example may be trivial,but it represents the

canonical use case.

3.2.Hardware Interface

The interface on the hardware side is composed of two sets

of signals;one for receiving data and one for sending data.

These signals are listed in Table2.The ports highlighted in

red are used for handshaking.Those not highlighted are the

FIFO ports which provide?rst word fall through semantics.

The value of DWIDTH is:32,64,or128,depending on the

PCIe link con?guration.

For upstream transactions,CHNL_TX must be set high.

It must be held high until the channel pulses CHNL_TX_ACK

high and all the transaction data is consumed.CHNL_TX_LEN, CHNL_TX_OFF,and CHNL_TX_LAST must have valid values un-til the CHNL_TX_ACK is pulsed.The CHNL_TX_DATA_OFF value

determines where data will start being written in the thread’s

receiving byte array.This is measured in4-byte words.As

described in the Section3.1,CHNL_TX_LAST must be1for

the receiver thread to unblock at the end of the transfer.Data

values asserted on CHNL_TX_DATA are consumed when both CHNL_TX_DATA_VALID and CHNL_TX_DATA_REN are high.

The handshaking ports are symmetric for both sets of

signals.Thus,with downstream transactions,the user core

must acknowledge the transaction and consume data from

the interface.Timing diagrams for these signals are avail-

able on the RIFFA2.0website:


Figure2shows a Verilog example matching the C ex-

ample code from Figure1.In this example,the user core

receives data from the software thread,counts the number

4-byte words received,and then returns the count.

Signal Name I/O Description

CHNL_RX_CLK O Clock to read data from the incoming FIFO.

CHNL_RX I High signals incoming data transaction.Stays high until all data is in the FIFO.

CHNL_RX_ACK O Pulse high to acknowledge the incoming data transaction.

CHNL_RX_LAST I High signals this is the last receive transaction in a sequence.

CHNL_RX_LEN[31:0]I Length of receive transaction in4-byte words.

CHNL_RX_OFF[30:0]I Offset in4-byte words of where to start storing received data.


CHNL_RX_DATA_VALID I High if the data on CHNL_RX_DATA is valid.

CHNL_RX_DATA_REN O Pulse high to consume value from on CHNL_RX_DATA.

CHNL_TX_CLK O Clock to write data to the outgoing FIFO.

CHNL_TX O High signals outgoing data transaction.Keep high until all data is consumed.

CHNL_TX_ACK I Pulsed high to acknowledge the outgoing data transaction.

CHNL_TX_LAST O High signals this is the last send transaction in a sequence.

CHNL_TX_LEN[31:0]O Length of send transaction in4-byte words.

CHNL_TX_OFF[30:0]O Offset in4-byte words of where to start storing sent data in the CPU thread’s receive buffer. CHNL_TX_DATA[DWIDTH-1:0]O FIFO data port.

CHNL_TX_DATA_VALID O High if the data on CHNL_TX_DATA is valid.

CHNL_TX_DATA_REN I High when the value on CHNL_TX_DATA is consumed.

Table2.RIFFA2.0hardware interface.

3.3.Changes from RIFFA1.0

RIFFA2.0is a complete rewrite of the original release.It supports Xilinx Spartan6,Virtex6,and7Series FPGAs

parameter INC=DWIDTH/32;

assign CHNL_RX_ACK=(state==1);

assign CHNL_RX_DATA_REN=(state==2||state==3);

assign CHNL_TX=(state==4||state==5);

assign CHNL_TX_LAST=1;

assign CHNL_TX_LEN=1;

assign CHNL_TX_OFF=0;

assign CHNL_TX_DATA=count;

assign CHNL_TX_DATA_VALID=(state==5);

wire data_read=


always@(posedge CLK)









always@(posedge CLK)





Fig.2.RIFFA2.0hardware example in Verilog.with all PCIe Gen1and Gen2link con?gurations up to x8lanes.The original release is supported on only the Xil-inx Virtex5.RIFFA1.0also requires the use of a Xilinx PCIe PLB Bridge core,which has been deprecated.This dependency limits RIFFA1.0to x1lane PCIe Gen1con?g-urations.Additionally,due to bus protocol interactions with the PCIe PLB Bridge core,the maximum throughput for up-stream and downstream transfers is181MB/s and25MB/s respectively.

RIFFA1.0requires users to setup and use Processor Lo-cal Bus(PLB)addressing to transfer data.The hardware interface exposes a set of DMA request signals that must be managed by the user core.RIFFA2.0exposes no bus addressing or DMA transfer request in the interface.Data is read and written directly from and to FWFT FIFO interfaces on the hardware end.On the software end,data is read and written from and to byte arrays.The software interface has also been signi?cantly simpli?ed.

RIFFA1.0supports only a single FPGA per system with C/C++bindings for Linux.Version2.0supports up to5FP-GAs that can all be addressed simultaneously from differ-ent threads.Moreover,version2.0has bindings for C/C++, Java1.4+,and Python2.7+on Linux and https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed14237140.html,stly, RIFFA2.0is capable of saturating the PCIe link for up-stream and downstream transfers.RIFFA1.0is not able to achieve more than73%utilization in the upstream direction or more than10%in the downstream direction.


On the FPGA,the RIFFA2.0architecture is a bus master DMA design connected to a Xilinx Integrated Block for PCI














Fig.3.RIFFA 2.0architecture.

Express (Xilinx PCIe Endpoint)core.The Xilinx PCIe End-point core drives the gigabit transceivers and exposes the PCIe protocol on an AXI bus interface.The AXI bus must be driven using PCIe formatted data packets.The RIFFA 2.0Endpoint core drives this interface and exposes channels with the RIFFA 2.0hardware interface for user cores (de-scribed in Section 3.2).The RIFFA 2.0Endpoint is driven by the interface clock;a clock derived from the PCIe ref-erence clock.This clock runs fast enough to saturate the PCIe https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed14237140.html,er cores do not need to use this clock for their CHNL _TX _CLK or CHNL _RX _CLK .Any clock can be used by the user core.

User cores interface with RIFFA 2.0via a Channel core.The Channel core is written to handle asynchronous clock domains.It has FIFOs for receiving and sending data re-spectively.To avoid stalling the PCIe link,downstream re-quests are only made when suf?cient space is available in the receive FIFO (RX).Similarly,PCIe upstream transmis-sion is not initiated until suf?cient data exists in the sending FIFO (TX).

The RX Engine core is responsible for extracting and demultiplexing received PCIe payload data.The TX Engine core is responsible for formatting payload data into PCIe packets and multiplexing access to the PCIe link.Channel requests are processed in the order they are made.Ties are broken by channel number.This policy prevents any one channel from monopolizing the PCIe link.

The PCIe link con?guration determines the width of the data bus.This width can be 32,64,or 128bits wide.RIFFA 2.0supports all three con?gurations by instantiating differ-ent cores for each width.In simpler designs this might just be a parameter to the HDL module.But different bus widths require different logic when extracting and formatting PCIe

data.For example,on the 32bit interface,header packets can be generated one 4-byte word per cycle.Only one 4-byte word can be sent per cycle.However on the 128bit in-terface,a single cycle might require formatting three header packets and the ?rst 32bits of payload.This represents a difference in logic,not just bus width.

On the workstation,the RIFFA 2.0architecture is a com-bination of a kernel device driver and a set of language bind-ings.The device driver is installed into the operating system and is loaded at system startup.It handles registering all de-tected FPGAs con?gured with RIFFA 2.0cores.Once reg-istered,a set of memory buffers are pre-allocated from ker-nel memory.These buffers will temporarily store data when transferring between the workstation and FPGA.They are allocated so as to be accessible via PCIe.This is sometimes referred to as bounce buffers or a DMA ring.Each buffer is 4MB in size and the number of buffers allocated depends on how many channels are con?gured on the FPGAs.

A user library provides language bindings for user appli-cations to be able to call into the driver.The user library ex-poses the software interface described in Section 3.1.When an application makes a call into the user library,the thread enters the kernel driver and moves data between the pre-allocated buffers.This is accomplished through the ioctl function on Linux and with DeviceIoControl on Windows.

At runtime,a custom protocol is used between the ker-nel driver and the Endpoint core.It communicates transfer events such as:when a new transfer is initiated,when a new buffer is needed,or when a buffer is no longer needed.To reduce latency,the protocol uses as few memory/IO PCIe transactions as possible.For example,only three memo-ry/IO writes are needed to to start a downstream transaction.

Fig.4.Downstream transfer sequence diagram.

Fig.5.Upstream transfer sequence diagram.

The Endpoint core sends status information to the work-station using an interrupt.Interrupts spur the driver to read an interrupt vector from the mapped BAR con?guration space in the Endpoint.The vector contains events for all chan-nels on the FPGA.Event speci?cs such as lengths or offsets are read from the Endpoint con?guration space in separate memory/IO requests.

The workstation sends status information by writing di-rectly to the Endpoint’s con?guration space.This can trig-ger the Endpoint to start transferring data.Data transfer is accomplished using large payload PCIe transactions to max-imize throughput.Once a transfer starts,the only commu-nication between the driver and Endpoint is to request new buffers or release used buffers.Both the driver and the End-point keep track of how much data is to be transferred so that both are immediately aware of when the transfer ends.

4.1.Data Transfers

A sequence diagram for a downstream transfer is shown in Figure4.The user application calls the user library func-tion fpga_send.The thread enters the kernel driver and ac-quires a pre-allocated buffer to use as a temporary store for the user data.On the diagram,the user library and device driver are represented by the single node labeled"RIFFA Library".Once a buffer is acquired,data is copied into the buffer so it can be accessed by the Endpoint core.A write to the Endpoint con?guration space triggers a new down-stream transfer.The write contains the len,offset,and last parameters as well as the address of the kernel buffer containing the data.

Data is read from the buffer into the channel over nu-

merous PCIe transaction layer packets(TLPs).If the data

size exceeds a single buffer,the Endpoint core will signal to

the driver that it is ready for the next buffer.The driver will

acquire another buffer,copy data into the new buffer,and

respond with the new buffer address.To improve transfer

performance,the Endpoint core will request the next buffer

as soon as it recognizes it will need it.This allows the trans-

fer of data in the current buffer to overlap with the?lling of

the next buffer.This process continues until all the data has

been transferred.The release of the last buffer by the End-

point core signals the end of the transfer to the driver.The

driver then frees the last buffer and unblocks the user thread.

A similar sequence takes place for upstream transfers.

See Figure5.The key differences are that the Endpoint core

writes data to the kernel buffers and the driver copies the

data into the user provided byte array.Additionally,the

user core,not the software thread,is the initiator of up-

stream transfers.This means that data transfer can begin

before the user application calls fpga_recv.When this hap-

pens,the driver will use buffers to store received data un-

til it runs out of buffers or until the user application calls fpga_recv.Once the thread enters the driver,data from the kernel buffers can be copied into the user provided byte ar-


Lastly,although the sequence diagrams in Figures4and

5use the term"allocate buffer",no runtime allocation takes

place.Kernel buffers are pre-allocated at system start up to

avoid delays from dynamic memory allocation.The term is

meant to describe the allocation of buffers from the pool.


We have tested RIFFA2.0on three different FPGA develop-

ment boards with the following con?gurations.

?A VNet Spartan6LX150T

PCIe x1Gen1link,32bit wide data path,62.5MHz ?Xilinx ML605with a Virtex6LX240T

PCIe x8Gen1link,64bit wide data path,250MHz ?Xilinx VC707with a Virtex7VX485T

PCIe x8Gen2link,128bit wide data path,250MHz RIFFA2.0has been installed on Linux kernels2.6and 3.1,as well as on Microsoft Windows7.Our experiments were run on a Linux workstation with quad3.6GHz Intel i7 cores using a12channel RIFFA2.0FPGA design.The user core on each channel was functionally similar to the module in Figure2.The software was operationally similar to the example listed in Figure1.

Latency times of key operations are listed in Table3.

Latencies were measured using cycles counted on the FPGA

and are the same across all tested boards and con?gurations.

The interrupt latency is the time from the FPGA signaling

of an interrupt until the device driver receives it.The read latency measures the round trip time of a request from the driver to the Endpoint core,and back.The time to resume a user thread after it has been woken by an interrupt is the only value that stands out.At10.4μs it is the longest delay and is wholly dependent on the operating system.

Bandwidths for downstream data transfers are shown in Figure6.The?gure shows the bandwidth achieved as the transfer size varies for the three PCIe link con?gurations. The solid horizontal bars mark the difference between the theoretical maximum for the PCIe link and the maximum achievable bandwidth.PCIe Gen1and2employ8bit/10 bit encoding.This limits the maximum bandwidth achiev-able to80%of the theoretical maximum.Our experiments show that we are able to achieve this80%maximum with suf?ciently large transfers on the32bit and64bit interfaces. The128bit interface peaks at76%utilization.

In Figure6you may notice the dip in bandwidths at the 4,32,and64KB transfer sizes for the32bit,64bit,and128 bit interfaces respectively.This corresponds to the receive buffer sizes in the Xilinx PCIe Endpoint cores.Looking at the64bit interface,we see that bandwidth actually decreases when going from16KB transfers to32KB transfers.The Xilinx PCIe Endpoint core for the Virtex664bit interface has a16KB receive buffer.Transfers smaller than or equal to16KB can actually perform better than transfers with pay-loads just over16KB because there is always buffer space available at the smaller transfer sizes.This artifact becomes negliable when moving larger amounts of data.

The bandwidth?gure also shows a slight jump at the4 MB transfer size for both the64bit and128bit interfaces (the32bit interface is already saturated).This is due to the size of the RIFFA2.0kernel buffer being4MB.Transfers larger than4MB require more than one kernel buffer to hold the data.The time to copy the?rst4MB is seen in the bandwidth curves.However,requests for subsequent4MB chunks overlap with the transfer of data from the previous chunk.Thus the copy latency is hidden after the?rst kernel buffer and bandwidth improves.

While not shown on Figure6,RIFFA1.0was only able to achieve24MB/s(10%of max)downstream bandwidth and181MB/s(73%of max)upstream bandwidth.This was one of the strongest motivators for RIFFA2.0.

Resource utilizations for a RIFFA2.0Endpoint with a single channel are listed in Table4.The cost for each ad-ditional channel is also listed.Resource values are from

Table3.RIFFA2.0latencies. Description Value

FPGA to host interrupt time3μs±0.06 Host read from FPGA round trip time 1.8μs±0.09 Host thread wake after interrupt time10.4μs±1.16

Transfer size












RIFFA 2.0 Downstream Transfer Bandwidth































































Fig.6.Downstream transfer bandwidths as a function of transfer size.Upstream bandwidths are nearly identical.

the corresponding FPGA devices and con?gurations listed above.Wider data bus widths require additional resources for storage and PCIe processing.Single channel designs use less than1%of the FPGA on all our devices.Even on our most resource limited FPGA,a12channel design uses only 18%of the device.The utilizations listed do not include re-sources used by the Xilinx PCIe Endpoint core.The Xilinx core utilization can vary depending on the con?guration val-ues speci?ed during generation.However,the con?guration with the highest resource utilization only uses2237Slice Registers,1283Slice LUTs and4BRAMs.

5.1.Factors Affecting Performance

Many factors go into attaining maximum throughput.There is enough confusion on the topic that Xilinx has published

a whitepaper[11].The key components affecting RIFFA

2.0performance are:transfer size,maximum payload lim-its,completion credits and receive buffers,user core clock frequency,and data copying.

Table4.RIFFA2.0resource utilization.

RIFFA2.0Endpoint Slice Slice Block DSP with1channel Reg LUT RAM48e 32bit Endpoint1657181440

addl.32bit channel1092145840

64bit Endpoint2465238840

addl.64bit channel1557179540 128bit Endpoint3410347480

addl.128bit channel1870245880

As Figure6clearly illustrates,sending data in smaller transfer sizes reduces effective throughput.There is over-head in setting up the transfer.Round trip communication between the Endpoint core and the device driver can take thousands of cycles.During which time,the FPGA can be idle.It is therefore best to send data in as large a transfer size as resources will allow to achieve maximum bandwidth.

When generating the Xilinx PCIe Endpoint core,it is bene?cial to con?gure the Xilinx Coregen Wizard to with the maximum values for payload size,read request size, completion credits,and receive buffers.

The payload size de?nes the maximum payload for sin-gle upstream PCIe transaction.The read request size de?nes the same for the downstream direction.At system startup, the PCIe link will negotiate a rate that does not exceed these values.The larger the payloads,the higher the bandwidth.

Completion credits and receive buffers are used in the PCIe Endpoint to hold PCIe transaction headers and data. During downstream transfers,completion credits limit the number of in-?ight requests that can be made.Receive buffer size limits the amount of data that can be temporarily held. RIFFA2.0respects these limits when issuing downstream requests to avoid data corruption and loss.Higher limits provide greater margins for moving data from the worksta-tion to the user core at maximum bandwidth.

Speed of?lling and draining the channel FIFOs is also a factor.The user core can be clocked by any source.It need not be the same clock that drives the Endpoint.However,to keep up with the data transfer rate of the Endpoint,it is best for the user core to use the same clock frequency as is used by the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed14237140.html,ing the same clock is ideal.

Lastly,end-to-end throughput performance can be di-minished by excessive data copying.Making a copy of a large buffer of data in software before sending it to the FPGA takes time and can severely impact throughput.The RIFFA 2.0software APIs accept byte arrays as data transfer recep-tacles.Depending on the language bindings,this may mani-fest as a pointer,reference,or object.However,the bindings have been designed carefully to use data types that can be easily cast as memory address pointers and be written or read contiguously.


We have presented RIFFA2.0,a reusable integration frame-work for FPGA accelerators.RIFFA2.0provides commu-nication and synchronization for FPGA accelerated applica-tions using simple interfaces for hardware and software.It is an open source framework that easily integrates software running on commodity CPUs with FPGA cores.RIFFA 2.0extends the original RIFFA project by supporting Xil-inx FPGA families:Spartan6,Virtex6,and7Series.It supports multiple FPGAs in a system,all PCIe link con?g-urations up to x8for PCIe Gen1and2,and considerably higher bandwidths.It also supports Linux and Windows op-erating systems with software bindings for C/C++,Java,and Python.We have also provided a detailed analysis of RIFFA 2.0as a FPGA bus master design and an analysis of its per-formance.Tests show that data transfers between hardware and software can saturate the PCIe link to achieve the high-est bandwidth possible.We hope that users will use RIFFA 2.0to further the growth of FPGA accelerated applications. RIFFA2.0can be downloaded from the RIFFA website at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed14237140.html,/~mdjacobs.


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