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周 烈

(北京第二外国语学院 北京 100024)

摘 要:外语教学不仅要关注语言的语音、语义、词汇和语法规则,而且还要关注言语行为的得体性,因为得体性是言语交际的最高境界,是衡量外语教学效果的最高标准。本文从交际目的、交际对象、交际场合、交际方式诸方面探讨了言语交际的得体性问题,试图说明外语教学与言语交际的得体性密切相关,外语教学必须高度重视言语行为的得体性。


H 021




On t he Appropriateness of Comm unication Speech and For eign Language Teaching

Zhou Li e

(B ei j i ng I nt er nat i onal St udi es U ni ver si t y ,B ei j i ng 100024,C hi na )

A b st ract :In teaching f o r eign l ang u ag es,w e sho u l d n o t on ly pay att ention to the pro nu nciati o n ,the sem an t ics ,t h e g l o ssary an d the

syn tax r u l es ,b u t also to t h e ap pro pri aten ess o f sp eech act ,b ecause ap prop ri aten ess is the hig hest am b i tion fo r com m u n i cat ion sp eech ,and th e h ig hest stan dard f o r ev alu atin g fo reig n lan g uag e teachin g effect.I n th i s art icle,w e w ill d isuss t h e app ro priaten ess o f co m m u nicat io n sp eech fr o mthe in t ent ,t h e ob ject ,the o ccasion ,t h e w ay o f com m u n i cati o n ,and so o n ,at tem p t ing t o ex plain that foreign l ang u ag e teach i n g and app r op r iaten ess of co m m un i cati o n speech are cl o sel y related ,an d high at tenti o n sh ou l d be p aid t o the ap prop r iaten ess o f sp eech act.

K ey w ords :f or ei gn l anguage t eachi ng ;speech act ;appr opr i at eness




[作者简介]周烈(1954~ ),男,北京第二外国语学院校长、教授、博士生导师,全国高校外语专业教学指导委





