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当前位置:文档库 › 1996年05月语法题译文




1. Wind motion can be observed in the mesosphere by _____ the trails of meteors passing through it.

(A) to watch

(B) watching

(C) watched

(D) watch

2. Thomas Edison’s first patented invention was a device_____ in Co ngress.

(A) votes counted for

(B) had been counting votes

(C) for counting vote

(D) be a counted vote

3. Clara Bow, a popular actress in the 1920’s, retired _____ she was unable to make the transition from silent films to sound films.

(A) nevertheless

(B) in spite of

(C) because

(D) and for

4. Built in 1882, the Kinzua Viaduct in Mckean County, Pennsylvania, is open only to those visitors _____ are able to walk its 2,058 - foot length.

(A) who

(B) to whom

(C) which they

(D) that which

5. A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight _____ the weight of the people and vehicles that use it.

(A) as well

(B) so well

(C) as well as

(D) so well as

6. The swallows of Capistrano are famous _____ to the same nests in California each spring.

(A) to return

(B) who returned

(C) they returned

(D) for returning

7. In the fourteenth century, _____ that glass coated with silver nitrate would turn yellow when fired in an oven.

(A) the discovery

(B) it was discovered

(C) with the discovery

(D) if it was discovered

8. _____ recurring fear is out of proportion to any real danger, it is called a phobia.

(A) When

(B) Whereas

(C) Which

(D) Whether

9. Many modern photographers attempt to manipulate elements of photography other _____ in their photographs.

(A) than light is

(B) than light

(C) being light

(D) light

10. For any adhesive to make a really strong bond, _____ to be glued must be absolutely clean and free from moisture or grease.

(A) and surfaces

(B) when surfaces

(C) the surfaces

(D) surfaces that

11. Although still underwater, Loihi Seamount, the newest Hawaiian island, _____ closer to the surface by frequent volcanic eruptions that add layers of lava to the island.

(A) brought

(B) to be brought

(C) being brought

(D) is being brought

12. _____ unstable and explodes as a supernova is not known.

(A) For a star to become

(B) How a star becomes

(C) A star becomes

(D) That a star is becoming

13. Not until linoleum was invented in 1860 _____ hard - wearing, easy - to - clean flooring.

(A) any house did have

(B) did any house have

(C) house had any

(D) any house had

14. Hiram Revels, the first Black member of the United States Senate, served as senator from Mississippi, an office _____ he was elected in 1870.

(A) which

(B) to which

(C) and which

(D) being which

15. Oceans continually lose by evaporation much of the river water _____.

(A) to constantly flow into them

(B) is constantly flowing into them

(C) constantly flows into them

(D) constantly flowing into them

16. Because of it consists only of a relatively short strand of DNA protected by a shell of protein, a virus cannot eat or reproduce by itself.

17. The oxygen in the air we breathe has no tasted, smell, or color.

18. In 1977 Kathleen Battle was hired by the New York Metropolitan Opera, Where her became the star soprano.

19. The aardvark is a mammal that burrows into the ground to catches ants and termites.

20. Because of the availability of trucks and easy access to modern highways, the locate of

farms has become relatively unimportant with respect to their distance from markets. 21. The homes created by the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright are still viewed as uniquely, innovative, and valuable.

22. Geologists find it useful to identification fossils in a rock sample because certain assemblages of species are characteristic of specific geologic time periods.

23. Many poets enhance their work by creating a contrast among realism and symbolism in a given poem.

24. Most countries depend to few extent on cereal imports to augment their own crops.

25. The fragrant leaves of the laurel plant to sell commercially as bay leaves and are used for seasoning foods.

26. When contented, and occasionally when hunger, cats frequently make a purring sound.

27. The evolution of fishes is a history of constant adaptation to new possibilities, and a refined of these adaptations.

28. In 1991 Antonia Novello, the United States Surgeon General launched several programs to address particular problem that young people have.

29. Some psychologists believe that those who are encouraged to be independent, responsible,and competent in childhood are likely more than others to become

motivated to achieve.

30. The central purpose of management is for making every action or decision help achieve a carefully chosen goal.

31. As a poetry Nikki Giovanni makes effective use of jazz and blues rhythms.

32. Unlike wood, paper, and fabric, which tendency to disintegrate after being buried for many years, ceramics and glassware although easily broken, survive well in the ground.

33. Margaret Mead achieved world famous through her studies of child - rearing, personality, and culture.

34. The discovery of the antibiotic penicillin in 1928 has not produced antibiotics useful for the treatment of infectious diseases until 1940.

35. In the United State, the Cabinet consist of a group of advisers, each of whom is chosen by the President to head an executive department of the government.

36. Colleges in the newly formed United States, in recovering from the adverse effects of the American Revolution, inaugurated a broad curriculum in response of social demands.

37. Humus is formed during soil microorganisms decompose animal and plant material into elements usable by plants.

38. Ozone is an unstable faintly bluish gas that is the most chemical active form of oxygen.

39. The development of professional sports in the United States dates back to nineteenth century.

40. Long before his death, John Dewey saw his philosophy have a profound influences on education and thought in the United States and elsewhere.

2020中考复习 八种时态练习题 六种基本句型翻译训练

八种时态练习题 + 六种基本句型翻译训练 一、辨形练习 1. Time flies. 2. Class begins! 3. The man doesn’t smoke. 4. We all laughed. 5. Everybody has arrived. 6. I am crying. 7. The sun rises. 8. Does it hurt? 9. The book sells well.(sell等词用主动形式表示被动意义) 以上9个例句均属于句型结构。 1. This is an English-Chinese dictionary. 2. The book is interesting. 3. The dinner smells delicious. 4. Everything looks different. 5. His face turned red. 6. He feel happy. 7. The weather becomes warmer. 8. I’m happy to meet you.9. They are willing to help. 以上9个例句均属于句型结构。 1. Who knows the answer? 2. She laughed at him. 3. He understands English. 4. Tom made cakes. 5. They ate some apples. 6. Danny likes donuts. 7. I want to have a cup of tea. 8. The teacher said “Good morning.” 以上8个例句均属于句型结构。 1. Lily passed her sister a new dress. 2. He cooked her a delicious meal. 3. She bought her husband a new watch. 4. He brought you a dictionary. 5. I told her nothing. 6. I gave him my pictures. 7. I gave him a hand. 8. He showed me how to run the machine.9. John sent Mary some flowers. 以上9个例句均属于句型结构。 1. We saw him go out. 2. I saw them getting on the bus. 3. They call him Bob. 4. They found the house dirty. 5. What makes him sad? 6. We keep the table clean. 7. They painted the door green. 8. He asked me to come back soon. 以上8个例句均属于句型结构。 1. They work hard. 句型 2. The flower is dead. 句型 3. Plants need water. 句型 4. He gives me some seeds. 句型 5. We should keep the plants in the shade. 句型 6. Many animals live in trees. 句型 二、翻译练习 1. 我会试一下的。 2. 昨晚睡得好吗? 3. 引擎坏了。 4. 这窗户关不上。 5 这笔写起来很流畅。 6. 你认识这些人吗? 7. 我不会用英语表达自己。8. 我们支付不起这样的价钱。 9. 介意等几分钟吗? 10. 希望我没说什么


郑州信息工程职业学院 2017—2018学年下学期期末考试 2017级国际学院计网专业 《大学英语语法》试卷A 说明 一、本试卷共有六道大题,总分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。 二、严格按照要求填写好自己的姓名、学号和座位号等信息。 三、请仔细阅读以下注意事项: 1.在试卷的有效位置作答。 2.监考人员宣布考试开始时,考生方可答题。 3.监考老师宣布考试结束时,考生应立即停止作答,将试卷、答题卡反扣在桌面上,待监考老师确认数量无误后,方可离开。 4.若有答题卡时,一定要对准题号将“答案”填写在答题卡上。 PartⅠChoose the best one from the four choices given. (10×2′=20 scores) 1.They are_________. A . woman teachers B. women teachers C. women teacher D. woman teacher 2.Would you like _______, please? A. two glass of water B. two glasses of water C. two glass of waters D. two glasses of waters 3.About_________ of the students in their school are boys. A. one-three B. one third C. one three D. one thirds 4. How_________ the song sounds! A. pleasure B. pleasant C. pleased D. pleasantly 5. _________, he is very good at numbers. A. A little boy as he was B. A little boy he is C. As he was a little boy D. A little boy as he is 6.I _________ from the scientist you mentioned so far. A. don’t hear B. didn’t hear C. haven’t heard D. hadn’t heard 7.By this time next year, we _________ all the land into rice fields. A. had turned B. have turned C. will have turned D. have been turning 8.This novel_________ well. A. will be sold B. is sold C. sells D. has been sold 9. We _________ about two thousand English words by the end of last term. A. learned B. have learned C. had learned D. would learn


英语语法学习 摘要:这篇论文主要描述传统英语语法学习。这篇论文同时也强调学习语法对提高英语水平的重要性。该论文列举一些相关的语法学习的例子来阐述如何学习英语语法。文章结尾处,提出一些如何学习英语语法的建议。 关键词:英语语法从句连词 一、导言 英语是世界第一语言(埃利斯,2011),由于其实用性和高度的认可度,世界各地的人都在学习英语。英语首先重视的是说、读、写。确实,语言学习重视的是实践,但是,句法学是从组织规则和语言实践的规则中总结出来的。理解句法学可以减少语言使用的盲目性,提高正确使用语言的能力。请不要忽视句法学习的i地位,尤其是其对阅读和写作的作用。它不仅可以使我们正确的理解句子结构,抓住句子的要点,还能帮助我们写出复杂、漂亮的长句。 我们学习英语语法的目的就是运用语言。我认为语言学习就像是一个支柱。当我们无法行走或遇到困难时,会想到它。普通人不会也不应该总是想着简单的运用句法学。当我们想将自己的英语能力上升到更高的层次时,我们必须借助这个方式。 二、主体 1. 对传统英语语法学习的分析 许多人提到对于英语学习者来说,面临的一个难题就是英语语法

的学习。(菲利普唐宁街安吉拉L,2006)语法之所以很难不仅仅因为该系统庞大、复杂、记忆量大,也源于学习者不知道该如何开始语法学习。语法书中大多数这样的系统都被有秩序的编纂成名词、冠词、代词以及动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词、动词(词组)、动词时态和非谓语动词。情态动词和语气词、复杂句、省略句、反意疑问句、交流英语等等。 该陈述将对句法学习者产生一定影响,但对基础差的学习者将会造成一定的困难。词汇学是任何一种语言的基本单位,英语也不例外。每个人在日常的谈话、工作、读书、读报、写作中,根据惯例都会用到具体的单词或词组。但当前的语法书侧重点主要在词汇而非句子,其侧重于单词间的互相使用,而不是如何恰当的运用单词以造句。 此外,传统的教授语法的方法是老师仔细地解释,学生安静的听。这是对理论的运用而非实践教学法。教师和学生习惯了多项选择的测试模式以巩固对语言知识的学习,同时,这似乎也是教师和学生之间默认的一种理解方式。 然而,这种方式的语法教学并不是最好的训练方法。首先,能记住语法知识并不能保证正确使用语言。语言教学并不是我教你,也不是我教你听。我们不能像学习游泳、踢足球那样,用听的方式学习语言,学习一门语言必须投入大量的工作。该方法可以引导学生掌握语言知识,而不是养成使用语言的能力。 其次,学生主观上并不能反映这一过程,教师依然是课堂的主导者。学生的活力和兴趣并没有被吸引,他们身心的一些特质都没有被


二. 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. He__________swimming in the river every day in summer. (go) 2. It________you are right. ( seem ) 3. Look, the children______________ basketball on the playground. ( play ) 4. He________________to the radio when I came in, ( listen ) 5. It is very cold .I think it_____________ . ( rain ) 6. ---I need some paper. ---I_____________ some for you. ( bring ) 7. I can’t find my pen. Who_____________it? (take ) 8. He said that he________________back in five minutes . ( come ) 9. I didn’t meet him. He_____________ when I got there. ( leave ) 10. I______________my bike, so I have to walk to school. ( lose ) 11. He____________down and began to read his newspaper. ( sit ) 12.He is very hungry. He_______________ anything for three days. ( not eat ) 13.I____________with you if I have time . ( go ) 14.We will go to the cinema if it____________fine . (be ) 15.I will tell her the news when she_____________to see me next week. (come) 16. ---When__________you_________the car? ---In 1998. (buy ) 17. We_____________ good friends since we met at school . (be) 18. What______you______ at five yesterday afternoon ? (do) 19. The bike is nice . How much______it______? (cost) 20. The boy is happy because he ___________(sell) out all the newspapers. 21.The plan ________________(give) up because of rain. 22.If it __________(not rain) tomorrow, we ____________(go )fishing. 23.Where ____________you____________(be) these days? 24.Where is Tom? He _________(go) to the post office. He said he _________(come) back soon. 25.Mike says he _________(want )to be a worker after he _________ (finish )school. 26.The last bus _______just ________(leave) when they ________(get) to the bus stop. 27.She _________(not go) to bed until she _______(finish) her work. 28.Light ___________(travel )much faster than sound. 29.I __________(feel) much better after I _______(take) the medicine. 30.“ Where ________we________(meet)?”“Let’s meet outside


英语四级段落翻译常用词汇:中国历史与文化 京剧Peking opera 秦腔Qin opera 功夫Kungfo 太极Tai Chi 口技ventriloquism 木偶戏puppet show 皮影戏shadowplay 折子戏opera highlights 杂技acrobatics 相声witty dialogue comedy 刺绣embroidery 苏绣Suzhou embroidery 泥人clay figure 书法calligraphy 中国画traditional Chinese painting 水墨画Chinese brush painting 中国结Chinese knot 中国古代四大发明the four great inventions of ancient China 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 青铜器bronze ware 瓷器porcelain; china 唐三彩tri-color glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 景泰蓝cloisonne 秋千swing 武术martial arts 儒家思想Confucianism 儒家文化Confucian culture 道教Taoism 墨家Mohism 法家Legalism 佛教Buddhism 孔子Confucius 孟子Mencius 老子Lao Tzu 庄子Chuang Tzu 墨子Mo Tzu 孙子Sun Tzu 象形文字pictographic characters 文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone) 《大学》The Great Learning


英语语法期末试卷 注意事项:1、课程编码:2、出卷人:3、考试形式:闭卷(开、闭) 4、本试卷共8 页,满分100 分,考试时间为100 分钟. 5、答题时请使用蓝、黑钢笔或圆珠笔. 注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上 一、语法知识部分:(45 分) I、填空题(26分) 1、语言一般由____________, _____________, 和____________ 三部分组成. 2、学习词性的目的是弄清词汇在句中的起到的语法作用不同..英语的十大词性可 以划分三个范畴,第一范畴包括:___________, __________, _________, _________, 第二范畴包括_________, __________, ____________,第三范畴包括________, _________, ____________. 、限定词之所以重要是因为:它是构成 ______________ 的一个不可缺少的部分. 限定词的功能是对名词起:__________, _____________, ___________, 和___________等限定作用. 4. 副词在句中担当状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或修饰整个句子.逻辑连接副词 在文章中起到_______________的作用. 5、英语谓语动词的三种语气是:1)__________;2)____________;3)___________. 6、就在句中充当的语法功能而言,非谓语动词有着不同的属性.动名词具有名词 的属性;分词具有形容词和_____________的属性, 动词不定式有着____________, __________, 和_________的属性.因此, 举例说,分词可以在句中充当:__________, __________, 宾语补足语和____________等句子成分. 动名词在句子中充当__________,___________,__________,和介词宾语等句子成分. 7、非谓语动词中,动词不定式和分词都可充当状语,二者的区别是:不定式通 常用作_________、_________和______状语, 而分词出现在句首时通常是__________、_________、__________和______状语, 出现在句尾时通常是


2012—2013高一级英语资料 英语六种基本句型 By Zhong Haijian 翻译下列句子并归纳总结这六种基本句型: Ⅰ.句型1________________________________________ 1. 你应当努力学习。 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 她昨天回家很晚。 _____________________________________________________________________ 3. 那天早上我们谈了很多。 _____________________________________________________________________ 4. 会议将持续两个小时。 _____________________________________________________________________ 5. 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 _____________________________________________________________________ 6. 这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生。 _____________________________________________________________________ 7. 1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 _____________________________________________________________________ 8. 每天八时开始上课。 _____________________________________________________________________ 9. 这个盒子重五公斤。 _____________________________________________________________________ 10. 五年前我住在北京。 _____________________________________________________________________Ⅱ. 句型2_________________________________________ 11. 我的兄弟都是大学生。 _____________________________________________________________________ 12. 冬季白天短,夜晚长。 _____________________________________________________________________ 13. 布朗夫人看起来很健康。 _____________________________________________________________________ 14. 十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。 _____________________________________________________________________ 15. 孩子们,请保持安静。 _____________________________________________________________________


高中英语基本句型天天练 (一)主谓结构 1.她昨天回家很晚。 2.会议将持续两个小时。 3.在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 4.这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生 5.1919年,在北京爆发了“五.四”运动。 6.这个盒子重五公斤。 7.秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。 8.我的爷爷早晨起得很早。 9.每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书。 (二)系表结构 1.冬季白天短,夜晚长。 2.布朗夫人看起来很健康。 3.十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。 4.她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。 5.他失业了。 6.树叶已经变黄了。 7.这个报告听起来很有意思。 (三)主谓宾结构 1.昨晚我写了一封信。

3.你们必须在两周内看完这些书。 4.Jim还不会自己穿衣服。 5.我们大家都相信Jack是一个诚实男孩。 6.他不知道说什么好。 7.我开窗户你在意吗? 短语动词 1.他指出了我的作文中的错误。 2.圣诞节我们将去看望外籍教师。 3.五分钟内我们是不可能解出这道题来的。 4.他们高度赞扬了英雄的业迹。 5.这位护士会好好照顾你父亲的。 6.你在工作中可依靠他。 7.写完作文后,我们必须把它从头到尾看一遍。 8.脱掉你的外套,走前再穿。 9.我们必须派人去请医生。 (四)复合宾语结构 1.他的父母给他取名为John. 2.我们大家都认为他是诚实的。 3.他们把门推开了。 4.我们要使学校变得更美丽。

6.明天我要找人来修理机器。 7.每天早晨我们都听到他大声朗读英语。 8.痛苦使得他叫喊起来。 9.我们不会让她在晚上外出的。 10.他每个月理一次发。 11.我要请人把我的录音机修理一下。 12.那可怕的声音把孩子们吓坏了。 13.她正在听人家讲故事。 14.我从来没看见这个字这样用过。 15.他感到很难跟你交谈。 16.我认为有可能用另一种方法解题。 17.学校定了一条规则,开始上课时学生要起立。 18.我认为与那个人谈话是无益的。 (五)Therebe句型 1.今晚没有会。 2.这个村子过去只有一口井。 3.这个学校有一名音乐老师和两名美术老师。 4.客人当中有两名美国人和两名法国人。 5.天气预报说下午有大风。 6.灯亮着,办公室里肯定有人。


大学英语语法模拟试题 1. Mr. and Mrs. Burns feel more comfortable on a ship than they would be if they ______________any other way. A. would travel B. travelled C. are travelling D. have travelled 2. We______________ that Jim be there. A. hope B. wish C. expect D .ask 3. Lucy is glad she didn’t stay on the farm. She______________ bored. A. may be B. will be C. could be D. might have been 4. The dean of studies would have come to see you had it been possible, but he ______________so busy then. A. had been B. was C. were D. would be 5. They would certainly have come and helped us ______________time. A. did they have B. had they had C. had they have D would they have 6. If you were in better health, we______________ you to join in the work last week. A. would have allowed B. would allow C. should allow D. had allowed 7. She cried for her______________ lover. A. departed B. being departed C. departing D. having departed 8. ______________ in an important examination, one of the students in his class lost interest in his work A. Failing B. Failed C. Having been failed D. Having Failed 9. If it______________ tomorrow, I’ll stay at home. A. rained B. will rain C. had rained D. rains 10. “It’s getting very late.”“Yes, it’s time______________.” A. that we left B. we leave C. we’ll leave D. we have left a bus to go there, but he preferred to walk.


P4 grammar focus 1、怎么了?我胃痛。下次你不应该吃这么多。 2、Ben怎么了?他伤到了自己。他背痛。他应该躺下休息。 3、你发烧吗?是的,我发烧。/不,我不发烧。/我不知道。 4、他牙痛吗?是的,他牙痛。他应该去看牙医,拍一张X光照片。 5、她应该怎么办?她应该量体温。 6、我应该在上面敷些药吗?是的,你应该。/ 不,你不应该。 P12 语法聚焦 1、我想帮助无家可归的人。 2、你可以请求医院让你去看望孩子们,让他们振作起来。 3、她自愿一去周去那里一次帮助孩子们学习阅读。 4、她决定尝试参加一个志愿者课外阅读项目。 5、马里奥认为,这可以帮助他得到未来梦想的工作。 6、我在制作-些标牌张贴在学校周围。 P20 语法聚焦 1、我可以和朋友们出去吃饭吗?当然可以,那应该是可以的。 3、我们可以看完电影后去买些喝的吗?不,你不能。你明天有一场篮球赛。 3、请你带着狗去散步好吗?好的,但我想先看个节目。 4、请你倒一下垃圾好吗?好的,当然可以。 P28 语法聚焦 1、你看起来很累。怎么了?昨晚我一直学习到半夜,因此睡眠不足。 2、我该怎么办?你为什么不忘掉它呢?虽然她错了,但这没什么大不了的。 3、他应该做些什么?他应该跟他的朋友谈一谈,以便他可以说他很抱歉。 4、也许你可以去他家。我想我可以,但我不想让他吃惊。 P36语法聚焦 1、昨天晚上八点你在干什么?我在洗操。 2、暴风雨来临时她在干什么?她在做作业。 3、暴风雨来临时他在干什么?暴风雨来临时,他在图书馆读书。 4、当雨开始下大时, Ben在干什么?开始卜雨时, Ben在帮妈妈做晚餐。 5、当琳达在睡觉时,Jenny在干什么?当Linda在睡觉时, Jenny在帮玛丽做作业。 P44语法聚焦 1、故事是怎样开始的?从前,有位老人…… 2、接下来发生了什么?这个人一说完,愚公就说他死后他的家人可以继续移山。


1 我的电脑已经坏了一个月了。 2 你觉得冷吗? 3 这件衣服摸着又柔软又平滑。 4 赵氏一家都是本地人。 5 那个孩子似乎对故事书一点兴趣都没有。 6 他妈妈上个月突然生病了。 7 他比他的哥哥矮很多。 8 你将来想当发明家吗? 9 你们的梦想最后实现了吗? 10 你长得比以前壮实多了。 11 比赛将持续一个半小时。 12 我的工作是照顾三个小孩。 13 现在你最好保持安静。 14 他在战争中证明了他的英勇。 15 他总是表现得很完美。 16 我对这本小说一点都不感兴趣的,它很无聊。 17 这是李华的书,你的书在哪里啊? 18 交通灯什么时候会变绿灯啊?哦,现在已经是绿灯了啊。 19 这就是你昨天缺席的原因吗? 20 电影院里真安静啊,现在在演什么电影啊? 21 现在已经五月二十五号了,你们都准备好即将到来的高考了吗? 22 什么时候该我啊?我已经准备好表演了。23 你们什么时候能准备好开始工作啊? 24 我最近一直忙着参加考试呢。 25 我很久没有见你哥哥了,他在忙什么啊? 26 孩子们,现在该是你们上床睡觉的时间了。 27 昨天晚上广场上有很多人。 28 你到实验室的时候,谁在里面啊? 29 你根本没必要给他道歉的。 30 我们今天晚上会有一个访客来。 31 爸爸昨晚来看我的时候我刚好和好友出去买东西了。 32 最近我的电脑运作不怎么良好。 33 你们去年旅游了几个月啊? 34 我们必须好好学习,天天向上。 35 铃声响了,孩子们冲出了教室。 36 昨晚这里发生了一起车祸。 37 树叶通常在秋天的时候掉落。 38 他们等了几天就是为了买一张火车票。 39 这个钢笔书写流利吗? 40 他们已经谈了几个小时了? 41 六年前我在西安外国语大学读书。 42 很抱歉,但是我们的会议将不得不再持续一个半小时。 43 我说话的时候你们最好看着屏幕。 44 1776年,英国伦敦爆发了一种严重的疾病。


英语基本句型翻译练习 句式1主谓结构(主语+不及物动词) ★此句型常用不及物动词或相当于不及物动词的动词短语做谓语。如:He laughed.他笑了。Spring is coming.春天快来了。 ★注意:该句型的谓语由于是不及物动词,所以是没有被动语态的。如, 事故发生在那个街角。 应该是:The accide nt happe ned at that street corner. 不可以:The accide nt was happe ned at that street corner. 过去30年中国发生了巨大的变化。 可以说:Great cha nges have take n place in the past 30 years in China. 不可以: Great cha nges have bee n take n place in the past 30 years in China. ★翻译下列句子: 1. 经理还没来。______________________________________________________________________________ . 2. 汽车突然停下了。_________________________________________________________________________ 3. 2003年战争爆发了。______________________________________________________________________ 4. 你应该努力学习。__________________________________________________________________________ 5. 她昨天回家很晚。__________________________________________________________________________ . 6. 那天早上我们谈了很多。____________________________________________________________________ 7. 会议将持续两个小时。______________________________________________________________________ 8. 在过去的十年里,我的家乡已经发生了巨大的变化。 9. 这种事情全世界各地每天都在发生。_________________________________________________________ 10. 1919年,北京爆发了“五四”运动。________________________________________________________ 11. 每天八时开始上课。_______________________________________________________________________ . 12. 这个盒子重五公斤。_______________________________________________________________________ . 13. 五年前我住在北京。_______________________________________________________________________ . 14. 爱丽丝很会游泳。__________________________________________________________________________ . 15. John的父亲昨晚去世了。__________________________________________________________________ . 16. 秋天有些鸟飞到南方去。___________________________________________________________________ . 仃.我的爷爷早晨起得很早。 ____________________________________________________________________ . 18. __________________________________________________________________________________ 学生们听得很认真。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 19. 我们早饭后8点出发,下午回来。 20. 时间很快就过去了。


得分 成都理工大学外国语学院2011-2012学年第二学期 《英语语法》期末试卷(B) 请将此誓言译成汉语,然后再慎重签上你的姓名: On my honor as a student I have neither given nor received any help for this assignment/test. Signature : Sectiong I. Multiple choice (50×1=50points) Directions: There are 50 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. At , the baby, when a biscuit was held in front of him, immediately grabbed it with both hands. A. six-and-a-half-month B. six-and-a-half months C. six and a-half months D. six-and a-half months 2. There’re twenty in our university. A. woman professors B. women professor C. woman’s professors D. women professors 3. For lunch, I had a sandwich and an apple. sandwich wasn’t very nice. A. The B. A C. An D. /


1. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。(share…with) 2. 如果你们两停止争斗并努力好好相处,我将不胜感激。(be grateful, get along with) 3. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first time, communicate with) 4. 爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的——你投入的时间越长,乐趣越多。(the more… the more; devote to; get tired of) 5.网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流。(face to face; even if;entirely) 6.根据新闻报道,是天气决定神舟七号发射的准确时间。(according to, it is ….that强调句) Module 1 Unit 2 1.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游. (at present, more than) 2. 他们的友谊是建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上的. (base on, communication) 3. 世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用。(make use of, resources) 4. 我将十分乐意参加任何能丰富我对世界认识的讨论。(take part in, enrich) 5. 不管你相不相信, 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己了. (believe it or not, gradually, express, fluently) 6. 实际上学好英语有很多简单的方法, 例如看英文电视或和外国朋友在线聊天。(actually, a number of, such as) 7. 即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作。(even if, determined )


英语语法期末试卷… 装……………………………………………… 订………………………………………… 线……………………………班级 学号姓名 密封线内不要答题 英语语法期末试卷 注意事项:1、课程编码:2、出卷人:3、考试形式:闭卷(开、闭) 4、本试卷共8 页,满分100 分,考试时间为100 分钟。 5、答题时请使用蓝、黑钢笔或圆珠笔。 注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上 一、语法知识部分:(45 分) I、填空题(26分) 1、语言一般由____________, _____________, 和____________ 三部分组成。 2、学习词性的目的是弄清词汇在句中的起到的语法作用不同。。英语的十大词性 可以划分三个范畴,第一范畴包括:___________, __________, _________, _________, 第二范畴包括_________, __________, ____________,第三范畴 包括________, _________, ____________。 3、限定词之所以重要是因为:它是构成 ______________ 的一个不可缺少的部分。 限定词的功能是对名词起:__________, _____________, ___________, 和 ___________等限定作用。 4. 副词在句中担当状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或修饰整个句子。逻辑连接副 词在文章中起到_______________的作用。 5、英语谓语动词的三种语气是:1)__________;2)____________;3)___________。 6、就在句中充当的语法功能而言,非谓语动词有着不同的属性。动名词具有名词 的属性;分词具有形容词和_____________的属性, 动词不定式有着 ____________, __________, 和_________的属性。因此, 举例说,分词可以在 句中充当:__________, __________, 宾语补足语和____________等句子成


Ex 6E 1. 今天上午你干了多少活儿(work )How much work have you done this morning? 2. 开凿隧道需要大量劳力。(labour ) To dig a tunnel will need a great amount of labour. 3. 他做了最少的工作。(work ) He' s done the least work. 4. 处理这一问题有几种方法。(methods ) There are several methods of approaching this problem. 5. 我不懂多少法语。 I know little French. 6. 少说空话(empty talk )多干实事。(practical work )There must be less empty talk but more practical work. 7. 有许多人出席招待会吗 Were there many people at the reception? 8. 我可以跟你谈几句话吗(words ) May I have a few words with you? 9. 今天参观展览会的人数比昨天少。

There were fewer people today at the exhibition than yesterday. 10. 哈利犯的错误最少 Harry made the fewest mistakes. 11. 你读的诗( poetry )和做的练习( exercises )都比我多。You' ve learnt more poetry and done more exercises than I have. 12. 杰克做的工作最多,犯的错误也最多。 Jack ' s dnoe the most work and made the most mistakes. 13. 他做了很多工作,也犯了汗多错误。 He' s done a lot of work and made a lot of mistakes. 14. 百万富翁有许多钱财(money) ,也有许多烦恼。 A millionaire has lots of money —and lots of worries. 15. 安娜因为没有足够的钱财而烦恼丛生。 Anna has enough worries because sh e hasn ' t got enough money. 16. 每隔几分钟电话铃就响一次。 The telephone rang every few minutes. 17. 在过去这几天的寒冷日子里,我们一直在坚持实验。 We have been persisting in making the experiment all these last few cold days.

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