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9A unit 5 Art world 重点短语

9A unit 5 Art world 重点短语
9A unit 5 Art world 重点短语

9A unit 5 Art world重点短语

what art form do you like?

prefer pop music

The King of Pop

. His musical talent was amazing.

Music without boundaries

be presented to a winner

a world-famous composer

show an interest in music

He loves the sounds of the rushing water and the blowing wind because to him, the best music comes from nature.

have no musical instruments

make music with common objects like stones and paper

go on to study

get to know great musician

be best known for winning an Oscar for his music in the film

use them a lot

his amazing piece of music

by controlling the speed of water flow

create different pictures in different minds

help build a bridge between the East and the West

successfully bring Chinese and Western music together

use traditional Chinese music and the sounds of an ancient Chinese bell, though it is in a Western style.

My music is to dream without boundaries.

in his works

common objects

mix them together to make a new type

gave us free tickets to an opera.

Help us learn more about different art forms

begin in 20 minutes

after a while

see Amy running towards us

There was too much traffic.

. Out of breath

hurried into the theatre

last for one and a half hours.

get bored

country music

classical music

enjoy a day of music

. have a lasting value

use drums a lot

musicians make up the music while playing

in the traditional style

have strong local colour

have a musc show

attend all the concerts

the folk concert

This kind of music is about country life and cowboys

At the school hall

Make up the music

Jazz musicians

classical music concert

Swan Lake

It is a great day because I have learnt about different kinds of music.

a real riddle

decide to study agriculture

a science of farming

at university

talk about the curriculum

I prefer blues instead

Vehicles such as cars and buses are not allowed on this road.

I have few close friends, but many acquaintances at school that I like to talk to Pedestrians

The fruit was no longer fresh.

. It was starting to go rotten

. smell bad

be important to you

have a real gift for sth

praise my designs for the art festival

play with some paint as usual

mix the paint with water

As I took the brush away, I dropped some paint onto the paper.

decide to blow it

blow harder

the paint ran in all directions

encourage me to keep trying and make more wonderful pictures

be crazy about crayons and paints

enjoy myself in the world of colours


外研版英语七年级下册短语及重点句型汇总 2016-05-24 14:24阅读:2,580 Module 1 Lost and found 【短语归纳】 1. lost and found box 失物招领箱 2. be careful with… 小心… 3. from now on 从现在开始 4. (be) in a hurry 匆忙 5. hundreds of 成百上千 6. look for 寻找(过程) 7. first of all 首先 8. find 找到(结果) 9. try to do sth 努力做某事(会成功) 10. choose from 从…中挑选 11. try doing sth 试图做某事(成功与否未知) 12. at the moment 此时此刻 13. such as 例如(用于列举) 14. for example 例如 【重点句型结构】 1. Whose + 名词+is this ? 这是谁的…? 2. help sb do sth. 帮助某人做某事 3. Please be careful with… 请小心保管… 4. Welcome to + 地点欢迎来到… 5. call sb at + 电话号码拨…给某人打电话 【语法专项】 物主代词:表示所属关系的代词(…属于谁的) 人称单数复数形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词形容性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称my mine our ours 第二人称your yours your yours 第三人称his his their Theirs her hers its its 形容词性物主代词:必须和名词在一起,例如my father, yourteacher... 名词性物主代词:相当于与之相对应的形容词性物主代词+名词,例如This shirt is mine. =This i s my shirt. Module 2 What can you do? 【短语归纳】 1. get on well with sb. 与某人相处融洽 2. play the piano 弹钢琴 3. play table tennis 打乒乓球 4. what about…?=how about…? ...怎么样? 5. worry about… 担心… 6. be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事


感恩的经典说说心情短语 人要懂的感恩,社会才会更加的美好。下面是小编整理的感恩的经典说说心情短语,欢迎阅读。 感恩的经典说说心情短语1、我们要感恩对手,感谢强大的对手给予我们的竞争压力和挑战,感谢对手给予我们学习的鞭策和成长进步的动力,用感恩的心做人做事。 2、感恩的心中有对你的牵挂,感恩的心中有对你的关怀,感恩的心中有对天下所有人的问候,在这个特殊的日子里愿天下所有人开心快乐! 3、感恩,是春天花儿绽放时散发的清香;感恩,是夏天大树撑起的阴凉;感恩,是秋天落叶翩翩起舞时的美轮美奂;感恩,是冬天雪花为世界披上的银装。学会感恩,就会感到温暖。 4、一个人无论是成功还是怎样,能有遇到懂你的人很不容易,我们都要学会感谢生活,感谢遇到的人和事,让我们成长,成熟。生活给我最大的启示就是学会珍惜。 5、你是我见过最美丽的树叶,让我的森林为你凋谢;你像一首旋律让我的生命多和谐,我只能用小小声音说感谢,小到只有你能了解!感恩节快乐! 6、感恩无私的父母,感恩朝夕相处的朋友,感恩诲人不倦的老师,感恩给予自己温暖的亲人,感恩发人深思的生

活,感恩激励一生的青春岁月…… 7、做人要学会感恩,感谢天地,感谢命运,感谢一切一切的所有,天地虽宽,道路坎坷,但是只要心中有爱,心存感恩,就会努力做好自己,花开花落也一样会珍惜。 8、曾经的陌生不代表永恒,不经意间,某种感觉延续你我的友情,寂寞旅途中,能收到你殷切的关怀和诚心的祝福,我欣喜:红尘中有你同行,感恩节快乐。 9、人生的路上感谢你为我遮风挡雨,情感的路上感谢你对我宽容包含,生活的路上感谢你对我的温暖呵护,感恩节的日子里献上我最真的谢意! 10、忘不了那慈祥的目光,忘不了那温暖的鼓励,忘不了那教诲的话语,忘不了那亲切的叮咛。感谢恩师,丰富我们的知识,雕刻我们的灵魂。 11、人只有在经历了无数次岁月的洗礼后才会逐渐的走向成熟睿智。那时的你再蓦然回首,曾经的阴霾只不过是人生长河中的一朵浪花,如梭岁月里的一缕馨香。 12、感恩需要学习,从小开始,不再使幼小的心灵蒙上世俗的灰尘。学会感恩,就是要学会不忘恩负义;学会感恩,就是要学会谦虚本份;学会感恩,就是要学会多一份爱,少一份恨…… 13、感恩,不仅是一种情感,更是一种行为表现,是以“寸草心”报“三春晖”的赤子之举。感恩有时只需要一


立党为公,执政为民。 The party was founded for public good and it exercises state power/governance for the people. 总揽全局 exercise leadership with a holistic view 人们日益增长的物质文化需要同落后的社会生产力之间矛盾是我国社会的主要矛盾。 The principal problem in our society is that the backward production cannot meet the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people. 我们在任何情况下都要牢牢把握社会主义初级阶段这个最大国情。 We must bear in mind under any circumstances the paramount reality that China remains in the primary stage of socialism. 我们必须把坚持以经济建设为中心同四项基本原则、改革开放这两个基本点统一于中国特色社会主义的伟大实践。 We must adhere to both the central task—economic development—and the two basic points—the Four Cardinal Principles and the policy of reform and opening up—in our great endeavor to build socialism with Chinese characteristics. 我们要胸怀理想、坚定信念、不动摇、不懈怠,不折腾、顽强奋斗、艰苦奋斗、不懈奋斗。 We should remain true to our ideal, be firm in our conviction, never vacillate in or relax our efforts or act recklessly, and we should forge ahead/press forward with tenacity and resolve. 全面把握机遇、沉着应对挑战,赢得主动、赢得优势 seize all opportunities, respond with cool-headedness to challenges and gain initiative and advantages 司法公信力应不断提高。 Public trust in the judiciary should be steadily enhanced. 社会主义核心价值体系深入人心。 Core socialist values take roots among the people.


感谢的短语 2、我亲爱的的老师,你素白的手,教给了我们受用的知识,你宽广的心,容纳了我们的顽劣,你自身的榜样,树立了我们做人信念,谢谢你,愿你教师节快乐! 3、谢谢你曾经给过我的幸福,哪怕这幸福的代价是那么大,大到头破血流……我会永远真惜这一段感情,珍惜这一段记忆,谢谢你为我做过的一切! 4、意料外接到你的电话,平凡话语滋润我心田,善意提醒让我受益匪浅,真心真意地谢谢你衷心地关心,我也祝你一切如意,因为大家好才是真的好。 5、人在困难的时候,一点点帮助都弥足珍贵;人在顺利的时候,一点点喜悦都让人陶醉;人在寂寞的时候,一小条短信都可以读到整夜不睡!谢谢你! 6、难忘您慈爱的微笑,常想您鼓励的眼神,牢记您谆谆的教诲,铭刻您无微不至的关心。亲爱的老师,发条短信祝您天天开心! 7、最近难得有些空闲,在家休息,偶然想起来看看网上的世界,来看看网络中各异的你们,并带上我的祝福,不管是认识的,不认识的,都忘你们幸福平安,这几天刚把博客做好,希望你们互相转告下,叫上朋友多来走走。。。 8、生命就是一场忧伤的夜曲,伤感是一种病毒,每一次阵痛,都是生命本身的能量释放,或许只有在这些悲伤与

忧愁里,我们才感受到生命的真实。 9、在忙碌交织的岁月里我会永远珍惜这份友情,轻轻地道一声祝福,却道不尽心中的万语千言,只愿温馨的帖子,捎去我衷心地祝福,我的空间因你而美丽,感谢一路上有你! 10、幸福的生活中少不了你的陪伴,高兴的快乐都是关于你的出现。感谢有你,生活不在孤单;感谢有你,距离不在遥远;感谢有你,短信! 11、感谢行货,感谢水货,感谢天下所有手机!手机,让我能够随时随地找到你,陪你聊天,给你发信,还能把照片传给你!手机,让我们没有距离!如果某天,找不到你了,问题也不在手机!或是你事情太多,忘记开机,或是你外出考察,没在服务区,或是你正在谈事,不便接听! 不管是贫穷还是富有、疾病或是健康,永远与你不离不弃,就算死神也无法将我们分开!感谢你对我多年的照顾。 每个阳光灿烂的日子,都会让我心存感谢!在这个感恩节,真心的感谢你,让我可以以坚强的意志和无谓的精神,抗击酷暑严寒,风雨雷电,而不觉疲惫和孤单. 雁过无痕,叶落无声,美丽是些具体而实在的东西,无处不在的守侯着你。感激这个世界的魅力,感激你的存在,感激我们的相识。感恩节快乐! 一朵花摘了许久枯萎了也舍不得丢,一把伞撑了许久雨停了也记不起收,一条路走了许久天黑了也走不到尽头,一


英语时政短语 1.再生资源的回收利用recyclable use of renewable resources 2.第六届亚欧财长会议The Sixth Asia-Europe Finance Ministers’ Meeting 3.亚欧新型全面伙伴关系a new type of comprehensive Asia-Europe partnership 4.采取负责任的宏观经济政策to adopt a macro-economic policy in a responsible anner 5.保持主要储备货币间的币值稳定to maintain stability among major reserve currencies 6.深化财政和金融实质性合作to enhance substantive cooperation in the fiscal and financial sector 7.经济运行中突出问题the glaring problems in the economic operation 8.相知无远近,万里尚为邻Long distances cannot separate true friends sharing one heart; they can be like close neighbors even thousands of miles apart. 9.建立应对经济和金融突发事件的紧急对话机制to establish a dialogue mechanism in response to economic and financial eventualities - 1 -


七年级上册重点短语及句型归纳 Starter Unitl -Unit 3 词组 I. in English 用英语 2. what color什么颜色 3. first n ame 名字=give n n ame 4. last n ame 姓氏=family n ame 5. phone nu mber 电话号码=teleph one nu mber 6. an ID card 一张身份证 7. pencil case 铅笔盒,文具盒.,, 8. pencil sharpener铅笔刀,卷笔刀 9. excuse me请原谅,打扰了 10. tha nk you 谢谢你、 II. computer game 电子游戏 12. play computer games玩电脑游戏 13. call sb. at… 拨(某电话号码)找某人 14. lost and found 失物招领 15. a set of 一串,一歹U, —套,一副 16. thanks for 为 .... 感谢=thank you for 17. family photo全家福照片宀 18. a photo of your family 你家人的照片=your family photo Starter Us1-3 句型 1. Good morning/afternoon /evening. Bob早上/下午/晚上好,Bob! 2. Good morning to you祝你早上好。 3. --How are you?你好吗? —I ' m fine, thanks. Howeayou?我很好,谢谢。你好吗? ---I ' m 0我还好。 4. ---What' s this in English用英语表达这是什么? —It ' s an ora它是一只桔子。 —Spell it, please.请拼写它。 —O-R-A-N-G. ---Tha nk you.谢谢。 Thank you very much/a lot.——You are welcome. =That' s all right.=That 不用谢OK. 5. --What color is it?它是什么颜色?一It ' s 红色。 6. The key is yellow.钥匙是黄色的。=lt ' s a yellow key是黄色的钥匙。 7. N ce to meet you很高兴见到你。----Nice to meet you, too. /Me,too.也很高兴见到 你。 8. How do you do?你好!----How do you do?你好! Unit 1 1. ---What' s your name?的名字是什么? 2. —My name is Gina我的名字是吉娜。=I ' m Gin我是吉娜。 3. What' s his name?His name ' s Tommy. 4. What' s her name?H—name is Jenny. 5. —Nice to meet you很高兴认识你。一Nice to meet you,too也很高兴认识你。 6. —What' s her pho ne numbe她的电话号码是多少? 7. —Her telephone number is 535-2375她的电话号码是535-2375. 8. —What' s his family/last name他的姓是什么? —His family/last name is Brow n.他的姓是布朗。 9. —What' s her first nam^她的名字是什么一Her first name is Lin da.她的名字是琳达。 Unit 2 1. Is this/that your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗—Yes, it is.是,它是---No, it isn 不用它不 是。 2. How do you spell eraser?尔怎样拼写eraser?


表达感谢的短句 导读:本文是关于句子大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、感谢岁月让一只船,在这里找到了落帆的愿望。你的温情不是花朵,是青青的枝,冬天过后总有新叶。 2、很感激你,正式因为你一直以来的容忍和提拔,才有我今天在公司的成绩,谢谢你! 3、你牵着我的手,走进无边的风雨,不管前路崎岖你从来坚定,谢谢你,让我可以在平凡世界,发现我自己,不管是否有阳光照耀,我依然美丽,你让我明白,爱你就是爱我自己,你让我学会,珍惜生活里的点点滴滴。 4、无论将来如何,我都要感谢你,感谢你来到我的生命中,带来了美丽和快乐! 5、谢谢你曾经给过我的,哪怕这幸福的代价是那么大,大到头破血流,我会永远真惜这一段感情,珍惜这一段记忆,谢谢你为我做过的一切! 6、谢谢你的关心,谢谢你的帮助,谢谢你对我的爱。衷心谢谢! 7、感谢您坚强的笑容,为我照亮一角别愁的雨空,此后的多少天里,我将因为这笑容而盼望着相遇的美丽。 8、那么,让我们合上双手,闭上双眼,向上天诚心地祷告,愿天下人,铭记感恩,铭记恩情!

9、人世间最珍贵的,莫过于真诚的友情,深切的怀念,像幽香的小花,开在深谷。 10、你给我的最珍贵的礼品,真诚的友情,在我生活的银河中,犹如一颗明亮的星星。 11、感谢快乐让你如此快乐,感谢健康让你如此健康,感谢幸福让你如此幸福,感谢如意让你如此如意,感谢人民币让你如此有钱,祝你天天开心,一切顺利! 12、您推崇真诚和廉洁,以此视作为人处世的准则。您是我们莘莘学子心目中的楷模。 13、轻轻的风,吹开你紧锁的眉头,让所有的愁向后飞去。请不要回头去追你因该向前奔跑,因为快乐在前方。 14、老大,多谢你给我这样的机会,这个小组因为有你所以空前的团结,你的坚定和鼓舞给了我们莫大的支持。老大,谢谢你! 15、感谢你对好心情的大力支持,感谢你对好心情的无私厚爱,感谢你对好心情的辛勤点击,感谢你对好心情的倾心关注。 16、昨天,因为有缘相识,我们选择感谢;今天,因为你的亲切关注,我们选择感谢;明天,因为你的积极参与,我们继续选择感谢。感谢你,各位亲爱的朋友!感谢你对好心情的大力支持,感谢你对好心情的无私厚爱,感谢你对好心情的辛勤点击,感谢你对好心情的倾心关注。 17、感谢领导这段期间的细心栽培,对我帮助很大,全面提升了自己的业务水平。


1.科学发展观 scientific outlook (thinking) on development 2.倡导xx、合理的新秩序观 to call for the establishment of a just and equitable new order 3.以同等互利为核心的新发展观 new thinking (outlook) on development focusing on equality and mutual benefit 4.推动树立以互信、互利、同等和协作为主要内容的新安全观 fosternewthinkingonsecurityfeaturingmutualtrust,mutualbenefit,equalityand coordination 5.主张形成以尊崇多样性为特点的新文明观 foster new thinking featuring the respect for different civilizations 6.新能源观 new thinking on energy development 7.疏导公众情绪 defuse (allay, ease) (public) anger (discontent, resentment and complaints);properly channel public sentiments 8.诚信缺失lack of credibility 9.发展为了人民、发展依靠人民、发展成果由人民共享 development for the people, by the people and to the benefit of all the people 10.调和共赢 harmony for all winners; harmonious and win-win scenario; all-win harmony 11.真正意义上的调和社会在逐步发展


七年级上册重点短语及句型归纳Starter Unit1– Unit 3词组 1. in English 用英语 2. what color 什么颜色 3. first name 名字= given name 4. last name 姓氏= family name 5. phone number 电话号码= telephone number 6. an ID card 一张身份证 7. pencil case 铅笔盒,文具盒 8. pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,卷笔刀 9. excuse me 请原谅,打扰了 10.thank you 谢谢你 11. computer game 电子游戏 12. play computer games玩电脑游戏 13. call sb.at … 拨(某电话号码)找某人 14. lost and found 失物招领 15. a set of 一串,一列,一套,一副 16. thanks for 为……感谢= thank you for 17.family photo 全家福照片 18.a photo of your famil你家人的照片= your family photo Starter Us1-3 句型 1.Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob!早上/下午 /晚上好,Bob! 2.Good morning to you.祝你早上好。 3.--How are you?你好吗? I’m fine, thanks. How are you?我很好谢谢你好吗---I’m OK.我还好。 4.---What’s this in English?用英语表达这是什么?—It’s an orange.它是一只桔子。 —Spell it, please. 请拼写它。--O-R-A-N-G. ---Thank you.谢谢。 Thank you very much/a lot.-----You are welcome. =That’s all right.=That’s OK.不用谢。 5.--What color is it?它是什么颜色?It’s red.红色。 6.The key is yellow.钥匙是黄色的。 =It’s a yellow key.它是黄色的钥匙。 7.Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。----Nice to meet you, too. /Me,too. 也很高兴见到你。 8.How do you do? 你好!----How do you do?你好!Unit 1 1.---What’s your name?你的名字是什么? 2.—My name is Gina.我的名字是吉娜。=I’m Gina. 我是吉娜。 3.What’s his name?---His name’s Tommy. 4.What’s her name?—Her name is Jenny. 5.―Nice to me et you.很高兴认识你。—Nice to meet you,too.也很高兴认识你。 6.-What’s her phone number?她的电话号码是多 少? 7.—Her telephone number is 535-2375.她的电话号 码是535-2375. 8.-What’s his family/last name?他的姓是什么?—His family/last name is Brown.他的姓是布朗。 9.-What’s her first name?她的名字是什么—Her first name is Linda.她的名字是琳达。 Unit 2 1.Is this/that your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗—Yes, it is.是,它是---No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 2.How do you spell eraser?你怎样拼写eraser? 3.in the lost and found case在失物招领箱里 4.call Alan at 495-3539给艾伦打电话495-3539 5.school ID card校牌 6..a set of keys一串钥匙Unit 3 1.Is this your daughter?这是你的女儿吗—Yes, it is. 是,它是。/No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 2.Those are my two brothers那些是我的两个兄弟。 3.Is she your aunt?她是你的姨母吗? —Yes she is.是,她是。/No,she isn’t.不,她不是。 4.family tree家谱 5.Thanks for the photo of your family.谢谢你的全 家照 6.Here is my family photo.这儿是我的全家福。 7. 7.This is my mother.这是我母亲。 6.a photo of your family=your family photo你的全 家福 Unit 4 1. under the table 在桌子下 2. on the sofa 在沙发上 3. in the backpack 在背包里 4. math book 数学书 5. alarm clock 闹钟 6. video tape 录象带 7. take … to … 把……拿(去)给…… 8. bring … to … 把……带(来)给…… 9. on the floor 在地板上 1.Where is the backpack?背包在哪里?—It’s under the table.它在桌子下面。 2.Where are my books?我的书在哪里?—They’re on the sofa.他们阿子沙发上。 3.Is it on the floor?它在地板上吗?—No, it isn’t. 不,它不在。 4.Are they in the drawer?他们在抽屉里吗?—Yes, they are.是,他们在。 5.The CDs are in the drawer.激光唱片在抽屉里。 6.take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去 给你姐姐 7.bring it to school把它带到学校来 Unit 5 1. soccer ball 足球 2. tennis racket 网球拍 3. ping-pong ball 乒乓球= table tennis 4. ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍 5. play basketball 打篮球 6. play ping-pong 打乒乓球= play table tennis 7. play volleyball 打排球 8. play soccer 踢足球= play football 9. play baseball 打棒球 10. play tennis 打网球 11. sports club 体育俱乐部 12. play sports做运动,参加体育比赛= do sports 13. watch TV 看电视 14. sports collection 体育收藏 15. watch … on TV 在电视上观看…… 16. every day 每天 1.Do you have a ping-pong ball?你有乒乓球吗?


感谢的英语短语 想要对别人帮助自己学习英语的感谢之情时,如何用英文短语表达呢?下面就由为大家带来感谢的英语短语表达,希望大家能有所收获。 感谢的英语(短语篇)1. 感谢信letter of thanks 2. 感谢款待Thanks for Lius Hospitality 3. 表示衷心的感谢express heartfelt thanks; 感谢的英语(句子篇)1、她对我送的礼物表示感谢。 She thanked me for the present. 2、她应该为此得到他的感谢。 She deserved his thanks for it. 3、感谢你们对我们照顾得如此周到。 Thank you for looking after us so well. 4、由我负责感谢我们的主席给我们作了这次报告。 It falls to me to thank our chairman for his speech. 5、我从心坎里感谢你。 I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 6、我真不知道该怎么感谢你。 I don't know how I can possibly thank you enough. 7、我应该感谢的是他。

I should have thanked him. 8、告诉他们你感谢他们的工作。 Tell them you appreciate what they do. 9、感谢你做的一切。 Thank you for everything. 10、我们特别感谢他的及时帮助。 We are particularly grateful to him for his timely help. 11、我真不知道该怎样感谢你才好。 I don't know how I can possibly thank you enough. 感谢的英语(例句篇)1. Well, at any rate, let me thank you for all you did. 好吧,不管怎样,还是要感谢你所做的一切。 2. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges. 判决书宣读完,加德纳夫人向法官们表示感谢。 3. Any assistance you could give the police will be greatly appreciated. 您提供的任何帮助警方都将万分感谢。 4. I thanked them for their long and loyal service. 对于他们长期以来忠诚的效力我非常感谢。 5. For all this I have only you to thank. 这一切我都得感谢你才是。


八年级英语上册复习资料 Module 1 How to learn English 重点短语: 1.practise doing sth、练习做某事study plan学习 计划 2. a number of +可数名词复数+V(复数):许多、很多 the number of+可数名词复数+V(单数):……得数量 3.advice建议paper纸(都就是不可数名词) a piece of advice一条建议 a piece of paper 一张纸 three pieces of paper 三张纸 give sb、some advice给某人一些建议 advise sb、to do sth、建议某人去做某事 4.write it / them down把它(它们)写下来 5.What else? 还有什么其它得? 6.It is adj、(形容词)+for sb、)to do sth、 (对某人来说)做某事怎么样 It is difficult for old people to learn English well、 对于老年人来说学习英语很难。 It is adj、(形容词)+ (of sb、) to do sth、 某人做某事某人怎么样 It is very kind of you to help me、您能帮我您真好。 (以上动词不定式短语在句中作真正,It 就是形式主 语) 7.It is a good idea\way to do sth、 做某事时个好主意(好方法)。 8.this term这学期last term上学期next term 下学期 9.help sb、(to)do sth、help sb、with sth、帮 助某人做某事 10.ask for advice征求意见basic questions基本问 题 11.人(作主语)+spend on sth、 人(作主语)+spend (in) doing sth、某人花费时间做某事 物(作主语)+cost (花某人多少钱) It takes sb、some time to do sth、花某人多少时间去做某事 人(作主语)+pay for(付钱、花钱) 12.the meaning of……得意思try to do sth、尝试做 某事13.talk\speak to sb、与某人谈话write to sb、写信 给某人 14.start a conversation开始一段谈话 15.talk about sth、with sb、跟某人谈论某事 16.as much\many as possible尽可能多地 Let’s speak English as much as possible、 Let’s find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible、=Let’s find out what else we can do to save animals as many as possible、 much 修饰不可数名词many 修饰可数名词 17.make mistakes \make a mistake 犯错误 18.listen to the radio听收音机 19. a way to do sth\ (good )ways to do sth、 做某事得(好)方法 20.several times 几次What’s happening? 发生什 么事? 21.something new\old\interesting 新\旧\有趣得东西\ 事情 形容词修饰不定代词时,放在不定代词后面。 22.one or two days 一两天 four or five words 四五个单词 25、表示建议得句子: ①What about doing=How about doing…? 做……怎么样? ②Why not do=Why don’t you do、、? 为什么不做……? ③Try (not) to do sth、试着做(不做)某事 ④should do 应该做…、、 ⑤It’s a good idea to do sth、做…、、就是个好主意 ⑥Would you like to do sth、?您想要做……? ⑦Let sb、do sth、让某人做某事 ⑧Remember to do sth、=Don’t forget to do sth、 记得(别忘了)去做某事 ⑨You’d better do sth、您最好做某事 重点句子: 1、Welcome back, everyone! 欢迎大家回来! 2、We should always speak English in class、 我们应该在课堂上一直讲英语。 3、Let’s try to speak English as much as possible、 让我们尽可能多地说英语。 4、We are going to talk about good ways to learn English、 我们将谈论一些学英语得好方法。


英语时政短语(1) 按照客观规律和科学规律办事 act in compliance with objective and scientific laws 八个坚持、八个反对 eight dos and eight donts 八项主张 eight-point proposal 保持昂扬向上的精神状态 be filled with an enterprising spirit 保证中央的政令畅通 ensure the Central Committees decisions are carried out without fail 标本兼治 address both the symptoms and root causes 不确定因素 uncertainties 参政议政 participation in and deliberation of state affairs 长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共 long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal an d woe 长治久安 maintain prolonged stability 英语时政短语(2) 长治久安 maintain prolonged stability 崇尚科学 respect and promote science 传播先进文化 spread advanced culture 传统安全威胁 traditional threats to security 从严治军 the army must be strict with itself 党的领导方式 the Partys style of leadership 党的民族政策 the Party’s policy toward ethnic minorities


八年级下册 所有重点单词、短语和句型 全汇总 Unit1 What’s the matter? 【重点单词】 matter [?m?t?] v. 重要,要紧,有关系 What’s the matter? 怎么了?出什么事了? sore [s?:(r)] adj. 疼痛的,酸痛的

have a cold 感冒 stomach ['st?m?k] n. 胃,腹部 stomachache ['st?m?ke?k] n. 胃痛,腹痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 foot(复数feet) [fu:t] n. 脚 neck [nek] n. 颈,脖子 throat [θr??t] n. 喉咙 fever ['fi:v?] n. 发烧,发热 lie [la?] v. 躺,平躺 lie down 躺下 rest [rest] n. 剩余部分,其余;放松,休息 cough [k?f] n. & v. 咳嗽 X-ray ['eksre?] n. X光,X射线 toothache [?tu:θe?k] n. 牙痛 take one's temperature 量体温 headache [?hede?k] n. 头痛 have a fever 发烧 break [bre?k] n. & v. 休息,暂停;打破 take breaks (take a break)休息 hurt [h?:t] v. 伤害,损害,使受伤 passenger ['p?s?nd??] n. 乘客,旅客 off [?f] adv. prep. 离开(某处);从…去掉 get off 下车 to one's surprise 使…惊讶,出乎…意料 onto [??nt?] prep. 向,朝 trouble [?tr?bl] n. 麻烦,烦扰,问题 hit [hit] n. & v. 碰撞,打,打击 right away 立即,马上 get into 陷入,参与 herself [h?:?self] pron. 她自己,她本身(she的反身代词)bandage ['b?nd?d?] n. & v. 绷带;用绷带包扎 sick [s?k] adj. 患病的,不适的 knee [ni:] n. 膝盖 nosebleed [?n??zbli:d] n. 鼻出血 breathe [bri:e] v. 呼吸 sunburned [?s?nb?:nd] adj. 晒伤的 ourselves [ɑ:?selvz] pron. 我们自己(we的反身代词)climber [?kla?m?(r)] n. 登山者 be used to 习惯于…适应于… risk [r?sk] n. & v. 风险,危险;冒险 take risks (take a risk) 冒险 accident [??ksid?nt] n. 意外事件;事故 situation [?sitju?ei??n] n. 状况,形式,情况 kg=kilogram [?k?l?gr?m] n. 公斤,千克


形容风景优美的成语|形容感谢的成 语 【--感恩节】 满意答案 感激涕零不胜感激感激不尽感恩图报万分感镂骨铭肌拼音:lòu gǔmíng jī简拼:lgmj 解释:比喻牢记不忘。多用为感激之词。知恩报德拼音:zhīēn bào dé简拼:zebd 解释:受别人的恩惠,心存感激意图报答例子:我三番五次帮助他,倒不希望他~,只要他发愤做个有志气的人,我就心满意足了。.感恩戴德拼音:gǎn ēn dài dé简拼:gedd 近义词:感激涕零、感恩图报反义词:恩将仇报、忘恩负义用法:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义解释:戴:尊奉,推崇。感激别人的恩惠和好处。出处:晋·陈寿《三国志·骆统传》:“今皆感恩戴义,怀欲报之心。”例子:偶有一个狡滑的民贼出来,略用些小恩小惠来抚弄他,他便欢天喜地~。(清·岭南羽衣女士《东欧女豪杰》第三回) 感激涕零拼音:gǎn jītìlíng 简拼:gjtl 近义词:感恩图报、感激不尽反义词:忘恩负义、恩将仇报用法:偏

正式;作谓语;形容极度感激解释:涕:眼泪;零:落。因感激而流泪。形容极度感激。出处:宋·黄庭坚《谢黔州安置表》:“罪深责薄,感激涕零。”例子:贾政听了,~,叩首不已。(清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第一0七回)感激不尽拼音:gǎn jībùjìn 简拼:gjbj 解释:感激的心情没有穷荆形容非常感激。出处:明·冯梦龙《喻世明言》卷八:“驿官传扬都督之命,将十千钱赠为路费,又备下一辆车儿,差人夫送至姚州普淜驿中居住,张氏心中感激不荆”. 感恩图报拼音:gǎn ēn túbào 简拼:getb 近义词:感恩戴德、感激涕零反义词:忘恩负义、恩将仇报用法:连动式;作谓语;用于人解释:感激别人的恩情而想办法回报。出处:宋·曾巩《上欧阳舍人书》:“其感与报,宜若何而图之。”例子:如果能培植他出镇方面,则~,声气相应,岂不是平添了一条臂膀。(高阳《清宫外史》上册)感遇忘身拼音:gǎn yùwàng shēn 简拼:gyws 解释:感遇:感激恩遇;忘身:愿舍身相报。旧时士大夫向皇帝谢恩,表示忠心的套话。. 感同身受拼音:gǎn tóng shēn shòu 简拼:gt解释:感:感激;身:亲身。心里很感激,就象自己亲身领受到一样。 鹤发鸡皮短小精悍面黄肌瘦面如土色面红耳赤面有菜色蓬头垢面蓬头历齿鸠形鹄面铜筋铁骨肠肥脑满瘦

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